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CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 01 Solutions Page 1 Sample Paper 01 Solutions


CLASS-X EXAM 2024-25
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 80 General Instructions :
Read the instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
1. This question paper comprises 11 questions. All questions are compulsory.
2 The Question Paper contains THREE sections -
Section A : Reading Skills
Section B : Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
Section C : Literature Textbook
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
5. Another concerning aspect is recreational noise,
which is becoming more widespread in cities
and towns. Loudspeakers are frequently used at
SECTION A - READING SKILLS 20 full volume during events like weddings,
festivals, and musical programs, particularly at
1. Read the following text. 10 night, with little consideration for others. Even a
sound level of 50 decibels can wake someone
1. While pollution of land, sea, and air has been
from deep sleep. Experiments have shown that
thoroughly documented, a newer and less
loudspeakers producing sound between 60 and
recognized form of pollution is the rising tide of
80 decibels can cause a person’s pupils to dilate
noise, which is affecting both urban and rural
and increase oxygen intake, leading to
areas. This growing issue has long-term effects
palpitations. These effects are more intense in
on the environment, public health, and
narrow streets. Additionally, TV sets are often
productivity, particularly in a fast-developing
played at high volumes during prime viewing
nation like India.
hours, disturbing neighbors. Making noise has
2. Unlike other forms of pollution, noise is invisible become a status symbol, whether in election
and often goes unnoticed, dismissed as a minor campaigns, slogan
annoyance. However, data shows that noise shouting, or even to show off owning a TV.
pollution poses serious threats, causing various
complications. In some industries, reduced Answer the following questions, based on the
worker productivity has been directly linked to passage above.
constant exposure to high noise levels. i. In paragraph 1, what does the phrase “the swelling
3. A pioneering survey by the All India Institute of tide of noise which is engulfing urban as well as
Medical Sciences on noise’s impact on health rural areas” imply about the spread of noise
has shown that noise disrupts both physical and pollution? 1
psychological functions. It has been associated
with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, pain, ii. Complete the following with the correct option
hypertension, and cardiovascular problems. from the two given. 1 Noise is less likely to be
perceived as a threat because :
4. A study from the Post Graduate School of Basic (a) it does not have a visible form and is easily
Medical Sciences in Chennai supports these dismissed
findings. It found that in half of the industries (b) it is only harmful in very high concentrations
studied, workers exposed to higher noise levels (paragraph
became more irritable, short-tempered, and 2)
impatient, often leading to unrest and disruption
of production. This was observed in major iii. Support the writer’s claim that noise pollution has
industrial areas surrounding the four significant health impacts. 2 (paragraph 3)
metropolitan cities.
Page 2 Sample Paper 01 Solutions CBSE 10th English
Sciences, which found that noise disrupts both
iv. Select the option that best reflects the physical and psychological functions, causing
psychological impact of noise pollution on workers: 1 symptoms like nausea, vomiting, hypertension,
(a) Noise causes irritation and decreases patience, and cardiovascular problems.
making workers more likely to be frustrated iv. (a) Noise causes irritation and decreases patience,
and disrupt production. making workers more likely to be frustrated and
(b) Noise in industries results in increased disrupt production.
motivation and productivity due to v. The statement “Recreational noise, such as
heightened alertness. loudspeakers at festivals, can affect people’s
(paragraph 4) sleep and cause health complications” is True.
vi. (B) Loudspeakers used at a night festival without
v. State whether the following statement is True or considering the disturbance caused to others. vii.
False. 1 Recreational noise, such as Two effects of noise pollution on human health
loudspeakers at festivals, can affect people’s mentioned in the passage are :
sleep and cause health complications. (a) It can lead to serious physical issues such as
(paragraph 5) hypertension, cardiovascular problems, and
even pain.
vi. The writer mentions recreational noise in
(b) Psychological effects include nausea,
paragraph 5.
vomiting, increased stress, and irritability,
Which of the following is an example of which disrupt overall well-being.
recreational noise? 1 (A) Noise caused by
viii. (A) An object or action that indicates a person’s
construction work in residential areas.
wealth or importance.
(B) Loudspeakers used at a night festival without
considering the disturbance caused to others.
(C) Noise from machinery in a manufacturing
(D) Traffic noise during peak hours in the city.
2. Read the following text. 10
vii. List any two effects of noise pollution on human 1. In a recent study examining the relationship
health, as mentioned in the passage. 2 (paragraph 3) between biodiversity and agriculture, scientists
observed that regions practicing traditional
viii. Fill in the blank with the correct option from
farming methods exhibited a richer diversity of
those given. 1 In the phrase “noise-making
both plant and animal species. These areas also
seems to have become the latest status
demonstrated more resilience to environmental
symbol,” the word “status symbol” refers to :
changes, such as droughts and pest invasions.
(A) An object or action that indicates a person’s 2. It was noted that around 70% of traditional
wealth or importance. farming practices across the globe are found in
(B) A method used to block out other sounds. regions where communities have lived in
(C) A common annoyance in public spaces. harmony with nature for generations. These
(D) A new trend in manufacturing. methods often involve crop rotation, agroforestry,
(paragraph 5) and the use of natural fertilizers.
Ans : 3. On the other hand, only about 20% of modern,
i. The phrase “the swelling tide of noise which is intensive farming regions reported similar levels
engulfing urban as well as rural areas” suggests of biodiversity, highlighting the negative impact
that noise pollution is rapidly spreading and of monocultures and chemical fertilizers on local
affecting not just cities but also the countryside, ecosystems. However, around 10% of modern
indicating its widespread and increasing farms are beginning to adopt sustainable
presence. practices, attempting to restore balance to the
ii. (a) it does not have a visible form and is easily environment.
dismissed. 4. Among the traditional farming communities,
iii. The writer supports the claim that noise pollution approximately 60% of the species diversity
has significant health impacts by referencing comes from multi-cropping systems, where
a survey by the All India Institute of Medical farmers
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 01 Solutions Page 3
vi. What does the higher percentage of biodiversity
grow various crops on the same land. Another stemming from multi-cropping systems suggest
30% stems from the preservation of native flora about traditional farming methods? 1
and fauna. The remaining 10% of biodiversity is
vii. Complete the sentence suitably. 1 The
attributed to organic farming techniques that
widespread use of natural fertilizers in traditional
avoid the use of synthetic chemicals.
farming techniques demonstrates _____.
5. Further research into how traditional knowledge
can be integrated with modern farming viii. Complete the following with a suitable reason. 1
techniques is essential. This will not only The most likely reason the writer believes
enhance biodiversity but also ensure food traditional knowledge should be integrated with
security and sustainable agricultural practices for modern farming techniques is because it can.
future generations. _____.
Answer the following questions, based on the ix. In the context of the last paragraph, describe the
passage above. significance of integrating traditional knowledge
with modern farming techniques in achieving
i. What does the use of the phrase ‘richer diversity’
sustainable agriculture. 2
by the writer, in paragraph 1, indicate about their
observation? 1 (A) The writer is emphasizing a Ans :
problem. (B) The writer is highlighting a beneficial i. (B) The writer is highlighting a beneficial outcome.
outcome. ii. (A) Both the assertion and reason are true, and
(C) The writer is questioning the results. the reason is the correct explanation of the
(D) The writer is presenting a challenge. assertion.
ii. Select the option that is true for the assertion and iii “Monocultures”
reason given below. 1 Assertion : Traditional iv Traditional farming practices contribute to
farming methods help preserve biodiversity. environmental sustainability by preserving
Reason : These methods rely on crop rotation biodiversity through methods like crop rotation,
and agroforestry. agroforestry, and the use of natural fertilizers,
(A) Both the assertion and reason are true, and which reduce environmental degradation and
the reason is the correct explanation of the increase resilience to changes.
assertion. v. 10%
(B) Both the assertion and reason are true, but vi. The higher percentage of biodiversity from
the reason is not the correct explanation of multi-cropping systems suggests that traditional
the assertion. farming methods prioritize growing diverse crops
(C) The assertion is true, but the reason is together, which enhances species diversity and
false. (D) The assertion is false, but the reason contributes significantly to ecological balance.
is true. vii. The widespread use of natural fertilizers in
traditional farming techniques demonstrates a
iii. Identify the word in the passage that suggests the commitment to environmentally friendly and
negative effects of modern farming methods on sustainable agricultural practices.
biodiversity. 1 viii The most likely reason the writer believes
traditional knowledge should be integrated with
iv. How do traditional farming practices contribute to modern farming techniques is because it can
environmental sustainability? 1 enhance biodiversity while ensuring sustainable
and resilient farming systems.
v. Read the given prompt and select the correct
option in the brackets to fill in the blank. 1 Lila’s ix. Integrating traditional knowledge with modern
farming techniques is essential for sustainable
village, a farming method that avoids synthetic
agriculture. It combines biodiversity preservation
chemicals is widely practiced.
with modern efficiency, ensuring food security,
The percentage of traditional farming techniques
environmental balance, and resilience to climate
this would fall under is _____ (60% / 30% /
Page 4 Sample Paper 01 Solutions CBSE 10th English
Option No. Error Correction
change, while promoting long-term agricultural
sustainability. (a) a the

(b) to for

(c) so as

SECTION B - WRITING SKILLS & (d) addicted addictive


3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following

tasks, as directed. Ans : (c)

i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to v. Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank
complete. with the correct option :
Social media played a huge part in adding fuel to Priest : Trust and compassion can reform a
the communal fire that _____ in Leicester city person more than punishment.
igniting communal riots between two religious Ira : Don’t you think the reverse of this approach
communities. is more effective?
(a) kept flaring When a priest told Ira that trust and compassion
(b) flared up can reform a person more than punishment, she
asked him if _____.
(c) had flared up
(d) would flare up (a) didn’t he think that the reverse of that
approach was more effective.
Ans : (b) flared up
(b) did he not think that the reverse of that
ii. Read the conversation between a doctor and his approach could be more effective.
patient. Complete the sentence by reporting the (c) he didn’t think that the reverse of that
dialogue. approach is more effective.
Inspector : What are the arrangements made by (d) he didn’t think that the reverse of that
the school for feeding these children? approach was more effective.
Principal : Each one of the students is given a Ans : (d) he didn’t think that the reverse of that
nutritious mid-day meal every day. approach was more effective.
To the query of the inspector about the
arrangements made by the school to feed the vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the
children, the Principal replied that _____. Ans : word in the bracket, for the given portion of a
each one of the students was given a nutritious letter. Subject: Complaint regarding defective TV
mid-day meal every day. I regret to inform you that the TV has started
giving me trouble only after three days and
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the _____(develop) some technical snags.
given line, from an article from a health Ans :
magazine. She _____ put her mind on her work has developed
for she had a very sick feeling in the bottom of
her stomach. vii. A primary student reported the poor behaviour of
(a) could not (b) might not (c) need not (d) some of his classmates to his teacher. Change
dare not Ans : (a) could not the voice in the statement:
They were laughing at the new student.
iv. Select the option that identifies the error and Ans :
supplies the correction for the following line, from
The new student was being laughed at by them.
a news report :
According to a health survey, carbonated drinks viii. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a
are harmful to health and children are so school magazine report and supply the
addicted to fizzy drinks as adults to nicotine. correction. The heavy dose of chemicals that we
ingest with every bite of fast food and
carbonated drinks are a lethal combination for Use the given format for your response
our health.
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 01 Solutions Page 5

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction
Error Correction

Ans :
Ans :
Error Correction
Error Correction
are is
fine fined

ix. An author and his friend were talking. The writer

said to his friend, “My first novel would be out in WRITING 10
a day. Report the question of the friend. Note : All details presented in the questions in writing
Ans : section are imaginary and created for assessment
The friend asked the author when he would purpose.
publish his first novel. 4A. You are Suman/Suraj of 496, Mayur Vihar-I,
x. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply Delhi. You purchased a colour TV from M/S
the correction. Rahul Electronics, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar,
I need not talk to her when she is in bad mood. Delhi. Write a letter in about 120 words to the
Sales Manager complaining about TV which is
Use the given format for your response. not functioning properly.
Ans :
Error Correction 496, Mayur Vihar-I
New Delhi
24 July 20xx
The Sales Manager
Rahul Electronics
Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar
Ans :
New Delhi
Error Correction Sir/Madam
Subject : Complaint against defective TV I
need dare purchased a Samsung Colour TV from your
showroom vide cash memo no. 1456, dated 20
July 20xx. It has a guarantee card no. 040204
valid up to 21-7-20xx. I regret to inform you that
xi. Select the correct options to complete the blanks
the TV has started giving me troubles only after
in the dialogue between two people.
three days. It has developed some technical
A : _____ of these arguments is valid. B : Why
snags. The picture black outs frequently. Its
don’t you tell me _____ correct perspective,
audio system is also not working property. Since
the TV is still under guarantee period, you are
(a) either, the (b) neither, the (c) neither, (a) requested to replace it. An early action will be
(d) either, (a) Ans : (b) neither, the highly appreciated.
Thanking you
xii. Identify the error on a shop’s hoarding and supply
the correction, for the following sales offer : Yours faithfully
Illegally parked vehicles will be fine. Suraj
Ans :
4B. You are Anshul/Anshika, a student of class X and 56 , Ring Road ITO
resident of 56 D, Ring Road, ITO, New Delhi, New Delhi 1100xx
and wants to be a choreographer. Write a letter 1 July 20xx
in about 120 words to the Director, National The Director
Institute of Choreography, Noida, seeking National Institute of Choreography
information about their online course, admission Sector 16,
procedure, eligibility criteria and other necessary
Page 6 Sample Paper 01 Solutions CBSE 10th English

Noida 102xxx
Dear Sir,
Subject : Inquiry regarding online course in
Refer to your advertisement regarding the online
courses in choreography offered by your
reputable institute, I want to state that I am
currently in X class and preparing for my final
exam. I am very much interested in dancing and
want to take it as a career. I am given to
understand that your institute is the first institute
in the country that offers the above course online Write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words
through video classes. I would very much like to on ‘Harmful Effects of Soft Drinks’.
be part of it. Ans :
Kindly send me the link where I can register Harmful Effects of Soft Drink
myself. I would be highly grateful if you could
According to a health report, the soft carbonated
provide me with the following information : 1.
drinks are harmful to our health. A recent
Duration of the course
research has revealed the these are not safe for
2. course fee and mode of payment children. These soft drinks are carbonated and
3. Scholarships available are really not healthy if taken very frequently.
4. Admission procedure They contain lots of chemicals which harm the
5. Eligibility criteria child’s stomach and in a way their health. By
An early action will be highly appreciated. drinking these drinks regularly children lose their
Yours faithfully appetite and don’t eat food properly. In the long
Anshika run these drinks completely destroy the liver and
kidneys. Just like cigarette and alcohol these
5A. Read the following lines on the harmful effects of drinks are also addictive. Once you drink them
carbonated drinks. 5 ‘According to a health regularly, your body develops a need for them
report, the soft carbonated drinks are harmful to and you need them again and again. Children
health. A latest research has revealed that it is need to be educated in school and at homes
not safe for children. Unfortunately children are about the ill effects of these drinks and parents
addicted to soft drinks nowadays. should make sure that they do not let their child
get addicted to these drinks.

5B. The government of India has started a drive
“Tourism for All.’ Its objectives are to generate
more and more employment opportunities from
tourism and thus boost its contribution to the
national economy. Enlisting some of the latest
facilities being offered to the tourists coming to
India and using the figures in the bar graph given
below, draft a paragraph. Tourism for All
It is time to reinforce the principle of “Tourism for
All.” GOI is rightly working to achieve 2% share
of the world’s international tourist arrivals by
2025. So, India needs a colossal shift to a more
modern approach to showcase the cultural
diversity of our country. ASI has identified 100
monuments to be developed as Model

Ans :
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 01 Solutions Page 7
i. State any one inference about Hari from the given
Monuments. These monuments would be context.
provided with necessary tourist facilities “I was an experienced and fairly successful hand.”
including Wi&Fi, security, signage,
encroachment-free area, and interpretation ii. What effect does the interaction between Hari and
centres showing short films about their Anil, as described in the lines below, have on
importance. Glass top coaches, special tourism Hari?
zones and audio guide facilities are being “You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I said. A
implemented. Currently, tourism contributed little flattery helps in making friends. “So do you,”
12.95% to total employment in India as opposed he replied, which put me off for a moment
to 11.91 in 2014. It is predicted to grow at an because at that time I was rather thin.
annual rate of 6.9% to $460 bn by 2028 which is Choose the most suitable option.
9.9% of GDP. (a) embarrasses (b) motivates
(c) confuses (d) frustrates
iii. Hari found Anil ‘simple enough for my purpose’.
6. Read the given extracts and answer ANY ONE What does he mean by this? Elaborate in about
of the two questions given below 5 40 words, with reference to the extract.
A. I was still a thief when I met Anil. And though only
iv. Which phrase would correctly substitute ‘easy
15, I was an experienced and fairly successful
going’, in the given sentence from in the extract?
hand. Anil was watching a wrestling match when
He was about 25-a tall, lean fellow-and he looked
I approached him. He was about 25-a tall, lean
easy-going, kind and simple enough for my
fellow-and he looked easy-going, kind and simple
enough for my purpose. I hadn’t had much luck
Ans :
of late and thought I might be able to get into the
young man’s confidence. i. Hari, who was now fifteen, became a thief at a very
“You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I said. A young age.
little flattery helps in making friends. ii (a) embarrasses
“So do you,” he replied, which put me off for a iii. He means that Anil was too gullible and trusting
moment because at that time I was rather thin. for his own good. Hari describes him as ‘kind and
(The Thief’s Story) simple enough’ for his purpose which was to rob
him after winning his confidence with sweet talk.
iv. laid-back ii. At what age did the prince return home to marry a
B. At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the iii. What did the sights Gautama witnessed at the
Hindu sacred scriptures and years later he age of twenty-five years drive him to? Answer in
returned home to marry a princess. They had a about 40 words.
son and lived for ten years as befitted royalty.
iv. Why was Prince Siddhartha sent away at the age
At about the age of twenty-five, the prince here
of twelve?
to fore shielded from the sufferings of the world,
Ans :
while going out on hunting, chanced upon a sick
man, then an aged man, then a funeral i. (a) He felt dejected and sorrowful
procession, and finally a monk begging for alms. ii. The prince returned home to marry a princess
These sights so moved him that he at once after completing his schooling in Hindu sacred
became a beggar and went out into the world to scriptures.
seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he iii. The sights Gautama witnessed at the age of
had witnessed. twenty-five years drove him to become a beggar.
(The Sermon at Benares) He went out into the world to seek enlightenment
concerning the sorrows he had witnessed. He
i. What was the unintended effect of the sights
wandered for seven years and finally sat down
Buddha saw?
under a peepal tree, where he vowed to stay until
(a) He felt dejected and sorrowful
enlightenment came.
(b) He renounced royalty
iv. Prince Siddhartha was sent away at the age of
(c) He decided to become an ascetic twelve for schooling in sacred Hindu scriptures.
(d) He decided to consult a pandit
Page 8 Sample Paper 01 Solutions CBSE 10th English

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions

for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5
A. He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage (c) help the predator pounce on the prey
On pads of velvet quiet comfortably without getting tired
In his quiet rage (d) support the predator’s vision as it eyes its
He should be lurking in shadow prey
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole where plump deer pass. iv. Identify the type of imagery used in the lines of
(A Tiger in the Zoo) the poem.
i. Fill the blank with one word. Ans :
The poetic device used in the first line of the
i. Personification
given extract is _____ because the poet has
ii. The tiger could walk only a few steps because he
used ‘He’ for the tiger.
was locked in a very small cage. He was in a
ii. What is the significance of the use of the phrase quiet rage as his freedom has been curtailed. He
“quiet rage” to describe the mood of the tiger in suppressed his anger and frustration because
the poem and how does this word choice he was powerless in captivity. The poet uses an
contribute to the overall mood and tone of the oxymoron ‘quiet rage’ to captures this mood.
poem? Answer in about 40 words. iii. (a) keep the prey unsuspecting of the predator’s
iii. According to the extract, the poet wishes for the iv. The poet uses visual imagery when he describes
tiger to be ‘sliding’ through the foliage as this the tiger in his vivid stripes, lurking in shadow,
would _____. stalking enraged in captivity, sliding in the long
(a) keep the prey unsuspecting of the predator’s grass, and walking on velvet pads. Auditory
footsteps imagery is used to describe the silence of the
(b) aid in camouflaging the presence of the tiger.
predator before it rushes in B. Belinda giggled till she shook the house, And Blink
said Weeck! which is giggling for a mouse, (c) It emphasises that an unexpected noise was
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age, heard.
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage. (d) It draws our attention to the loud cry that
Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty occurred.
sound, And Mustard growled, and they all
looked around. iv. Identify the contrasting belief about dragons that
(The Tale of Custard, the Dragon) does not apply to Custard in the poem.

i. In what way does the dragon’s desperate wish to Ans :

remain in a cage challenge the traditional i For Custard, his cage was his refuge and he
behaviour of dragons? desperately wished to remain in the safety of
his sanctuary because he was a coward.
ii. What is the significance of the use of the words
ii Ogden Nash has used the onomatopoeic
‘giggled’ and ‘weeck’ to describe laughter in the
words ‘giggled’ and ‘weeck’ to describe the
poem and to what effect is this word choice used
giggling of Belinda and the mouse Blink
by the poet? Answer in about 40 words.
respectively. The poet has used hyperbole to
Ans : obviously exaggerate Belinda shaking the
house with her giggling and has imagined
iii. What can you infer from the repetition ‘suddenly, how the mouse would sound in this fun
suddenly’ in the above extract? mood for comic effect.
(a) There was an immediate change in the iii. (c) It emphasises that an unexpected noise
scene. (b) It focuses on the hasty attack and the was heard.
loud noise. iv. All dragons are brave and fearsome animls.
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 01 Solutions Page 9
8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five Ans :
questions, in about 40-50 words. 4 3 12 # = The most fascinating thing for Valli was the bus.
i. What were the destructions caused by the The bus looked very mysterious to her, she
hailstorm? thought that it travelled between her village and
(A Letter to God) the nearest town and brought new passengers
Ans : every time. It was a new world for her, which
gave her unending joy and excitement.
It rained heavily and continuously, which later
converted into a hailstorm. No leaves remained iv. What message does the poet wish to convey
on the trees and the cornfield was completely through “The Ball Poem”?
damaged. Even the leaves of corn did not remain
Ans :
intact. The hailstorm had destroyed everything.
The night was a sorrowful one for Lencho. Through this poem, the poet wishes to convey
the futility of grieving over the past. The
ii. How did Anne Frank’s friends behave just before memories are a treasure. The poet says that
the declaration of the exam results? money and material things and their losses do
(From the Diary of Anne Frank) not matter. One has to learn to accept them as a
Ans : part of life.
Anne Frank’s friends quaked in her boots just v. In the poem “How to Tell Wild Animals”, how does
before the declaration of the exam results. The the poet caution the reader regarding the danger
reason was the forthcoming meeting in which of animals?
the teachers were to decide who would move up
Ans :
to the next class and who would not. Half of the
class made bets. Her friends, C.N. and Jacques, The poet indirectly and in a humorous way
even staked their entire holiday savings on their cautions the readers against the dangers
bets on whether they would pass or fail. involved in going near wild animals. As most wild
iii. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli? like lions, tigers, bears, crocodiles, hyenas, and
(Madam Rides the chameleons are all beasts of prey and are always
on the lookout for victims, it may be dangerous to
go very near them. iii. Why did Bholi agree to the unsuitable match at
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three (Bholi)
questions, in about 40-50 words. 23 6 # = Ans :
i. What happened at the ball? Was Matilda’s dream Bholi’s consent for the marriage was not asked
fulfilled? by anyone. She had to accept the groom. When
(The Necklace) her father asked his mother about Bholi’s
Ans : reaction, she said Bholi was ‘witless’ like a dumb
Mme Loisel was greatly admired by everyone at cow and she will not say anything. However,
the ball. She looked the prettiest amongst all the later on, Bholi rejected the groom because of his
women. All the guests wanted to be near her. dowry demands.
She felt on top of the world at the ball. The loss 10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two
of the necklace spoiled the pleasure and made questions, in about 100-120 words. 6
her depressed.
i. “I’ll take the risk.” The narrator did take the risk.
ii. Is Max menacing or vulnerable? Comment with What difficulties did he face ? Who do you think
reference to “The Midnight Visitor”. must have helped him ? As a pilot what would
Ans : you do in such a situation ? Take risk or take a
Max is presented as menacing since he sneaks wise decision ?
into Ausable’s room and points an automatic (Two Stories About Flying)
pistol at him and Fowler. Still, he is vulnerable Ans :
because he gets waylaid by Ausable and loses The storm clouds were huge. They looked like
his life. If he had been actually menacing, he black mountains standing in front of the narrator
would have shot Ausable as soon as the latter across the sky. In spite of knowing that he could
entered the room.
Page 10 Sample Paper 01 Solutions CBSE 10th English
Long Walk to Freedom) to portray the liberation
not fly up and over them the narrator took the of women and what it signifies (The Trees), what
risk of flying straight into the storm. It was not at would you include in it? Also, evaluate what we
all safe. He could not see anything outside the can take from the notion.
aeroplane. The old aeroplane jumped and Ans :
twisted in the air. The compass and the radio Adrienne Rich’s feminist poem ‘The Trees’ is a
were dead. He was lost in the storm. symbolic representation of women breaking the
The desire to land safely was so strong that shackles of patriarchy and making their own
he imagined that there was another plane and his path in a man’s world. The trees, that signify
pilot was guiding him. His will to reach England women, had been indoors for this long and the
was so strong that he guided himself. According forest of mankind had been barren. There were
to the lady in the Central Room, there was no no branches for the bird s to sit on, no foliage
other plane flying that night. When he wanted to and greenery, just an empty wilderness. But the
thank the pilot, the lady in the Control Room told times changed and the trees rebelled and broke
him that his was the only plane on the radar that the windows of their confinement and rushed out
night. So there had actually been no one to help to heal the world.
him except his own will. If I, had been in a similar This can also be interpreted as an act of
situation, in spite of the will and determination of revolution, something very similar to Nelson
taking risks, I would not have taken such a rash Mandela’s struggle. The success achieved after
decision. I would have gone back to the nearest such sacrifices cannot be taken for granted. The
airport, which would have been the safest freedom and liberation that the people of South
decision. Africa and the Trees have fought for, is
something that shall live on forever. What we
ii. “The sun shall never set on so glorious a human
must understand is that this glorious
achievement, that the future generations will
If you had to use the message of the above
savour, came at a serious cost and must be
quote from Nelson Mandela (Nelson Mandela
valued as such.
11. AnswerANY ONE of the following two
questions, in about 100-120 words. 6
i. Write a character sketch of Horace Danby. (A
Question of Trust)
Ans :
Horace Danby was about fifty years old,
unmarried and lived with his housekeeper. He
was considered a good and respectable citizen.
However, he was not completely honest. He had
a keen fondness for rare and expensive books.
So, he needed a great deal of money to buy his
desired books. He started committing thefts to
meet his expenses. Horace Danby robbed just
one safe every year. Moreover, he stole only
from those who had a lot of money. He was a
very good planner, who planned his robbery in a
very systematic manner. He never thought of
hurting anybody. Therefore, he did not carry any
weapon. He feared prison. Therefore, he was
submissive, rather than aggressive because of
which the lady outwitted him.

ii. What was the impact of the book ‘The Travels of

Monarch X’ on Richard Ebright ?
(The Making of a Scientist)
Ans :
Richard Ebright had started collecting butterflies
when he was in kindergarten. So, to maintain his
interest in this field in his later years, his mother
had got him a children’s book called ‘The Travels
of Monarch X.’ This book had told how monarch
butterflies migrate to Central America. The
impact of this book was so strong on Ebright’s
mind that it opened the world of science for him.
At the end of this book, readers had been invited
to help study butterfly migrations. They had been
asked to tag butterflies for research by Dr.
Frederick A. Urquhart of the university of
Toronto, Canada. Ebright’s mother wrote to Dr.
Urquhart, and soon Ebright was also taking part
in the study by attaching light adhesive tags to
the wings of the monarchs. According to the
research, anyone who found a tagged butterfly
was asked to send the tag to Dr. Urquhart.
Ultimately, it was Richard’s fascination for
butterflies that opened the world of science to
him. It also indirectly led to his theory on how
cells work.

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