MIL Notes
MIL Notes
MIL Notes
A broad term that covers processed data,
knowledge derived from study, experience,
Module 2
instruction, signals or symbols. Evolution of Media
The essential skills and competencies that allow - Cave Painting 35, 000 BC
individuals to engage with media and other - Clay Tablets in Mesopotamia 2400 BC
information providers effectively, as well as - Papyrus in Egypt 2500 BC
develop critical thinking and life-long learning - Acta Diurna in Rome 130 BC
skills to socialize and become active citizens. - Dibao in China (2nd Century)
- Codex in Mayan Region (5th Century)
New Media
A term used to integrate the different
technologies emerging on one digital platform to
organize and distribute content. Some examples
are podcasts, augmented reality, video games,
blogs, and wikis. There are two common
characteristics of new media: disseminating the
information to several receivers which is
theoretically infinite, in customized ways,
depending on the specification for endorsed
Media Convergence
Media convergence refers to the merging of
different equipment and tools for producing and
distributing news through digitization and
computer networking. It allows media texts to
be produced and distributed on multiple media
devices. This is also known as technological
convergence. Media convergence is the synergy
of communication, computing, and content in
the digital world. A smartphone that has a
camera, radio, web browser, video, etc. is an
example of converged media.
time in a publication or publishing companies
but some work as freelance
writers or contributors. A freelance writer is self-
Text Information
Text information can be writer in script using Columnist
the Roman alphabet or a different script that is someone who writes and shares his opinion,
appropriate to the language of the reader. Text insights, and commentaries about social or
information or textual information can be political issues. In a newspaper or a magazine,
written in the language most appropriate to the articles written by columnists appear on a
reader. For example, Japanese, Chinese, and regular basis. Even though columnists are free to
Korean textbooks are using their own express their opinion, they must abide by the
language. professional code of ethics for journalists. This
means that columnists should avoid using and
Creators of Text Information making biased and derogatory remarks.
Readers are influenced and persuaded by the
power of written words. A reputable and well- Blogger
organized material or written work is a a blogger is someone who writes personal
collective effort between writers and members opinions on topics or issues that interest them.
of the editorial team. Below are the several Their work can be seen and read in online
kinds of writers. journals or websites. Rather than writing a
column for a magazine or a newspaper, a
Author blogger shares their insights, ideas, reflections,
someone who writes books, stories, or articles experiences, and activities through a blog entry.
on different kinds of topics. However, there is a
difference in the focus of their writing. Usually,
an author writes stories or articles that are Editor
lengthy, like a novel. They are also connected to someone who coordinates with the author or
scholarly works, such as general reference writer in planning, reviewing, and revising
materials or a textbooks. An author is someone content for publication. In addition, an editor’s
whose work has already been published. task is to coordinate with the layout artists to
ensure that all corrections are carried out from
Writer start to end. The editor also gives the final say to
a writer is more associated with writing literary the final content of the written text.
works like poems
and short stories. A writer is usually a person Publisher
who writes stories or articles someone who is responsible for preparing,
as an occupation, like a journalist, blogger or acquiring, and managing a publication. The
screenwriter. publisher works with a team of writers,
authors, and layout artists and decides on the
Contributor type and theme of the material to be published.
Like a writer, the contributor spends time
writing articles about topics that are of particular Classifications of Text
interest. Contributors can only submit Information
One common form of a typeface is called serif. Design Principles and Elements
It pertains to a short line at the top or bottom of
some styles of printed letters. This kind of Emphasis
typeface entails familiarity pertains to the force or intensity of expression
publications such as books, newspapers, which contributes to
magazines, and researches normally use serif the importance or vivid impression to
typeface for the body of the text. Serif fonts are something. To do this, a text can be enlarged,
also used to achieve a classic and elegant look in be bold or italicized, darkened or lightened, or
publications. underlined.
Examples: Times New Roman, Garamond,
Baskerville Appropriateness
refers to how suitable or appropriate the text is
Sans Serif
for the target audience, intention or purpose, or
A typeface which does not contain serif in the
event. The selection criteria (tone, style,
letters is called sans serif. This typeface conveys
purpose, clarity) should be followed in the
a clean and minimalist look to the text. To
creation of text-based content. The discussion of
express clear and straightforward meaning of the
font characteristics must be considered when
text, road signages, building directories, and
choosing the typefaces to be used in
nutrition facts in food packaging use this
typeface. Moreover, sans serif fonts are mainly
refers to the distance of text elements from each
other. Things that are closely related should be
brought together. Otherwise, text elements
should be placed far from each other. For
example, the placements of the main title and
subtitle are usually close to each other.
refers to the proper positioning or state of
adjustment of parts in relation to each other
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The text
positioned in the page can be left, right, center
or justified.
refers to the act or process of organizing various
elements of text in a page. Although elements of
text are sorted away from each other (based on
the principle of proximity), the organization sees
to it that somehow, they are still connected with
the rest of the elements in the page.
the unity of the entire design and consistency of
elements are the concerns of repetition. The
repetition of some typefaces within the page are
encouraged. However, when various typefaces
are used on a page, it might result in
distraction and failure to communicate the
content of the text.
refers to the degree of difference between
things having similar or
comparable natures (Merriam-Webster
Dictionary). Visual interest in text elements
is generated by contrast. Contrast can be
achieved when we combine the following
elements like: large fonts with small fonts, serif
and sans serif, thin and thick
elements, and warm and cool colors.
Some platforms can be employed to reinforce The various media platforms are a means to
concepts and spark discussions, such as short augment people’s income. It is indeed true that
films, written articles, blog postings, and other the new media affect the economic progress and
digital media. Teachers can use modern stability of the country. Innovation in media has
technology, such as an interactive Smart Board, likewise created new online jobs opportunities
to deliver the lessons and activities. However, a such as tutorials in various subjects, airline
piece of chalk, blackboard, Manila paper and booking, art selling, product reviews on
other non-digital or non-interactive interactive YouTube, blogging, photography and other IT
instruments like CDs and DVDs can still be related jobs.
used to aid teachers in conducting lessons if the
resources are limited. Social media was once an expensive platform
for businesses to advertise their
Various media can be used in the classrooms to products/services. But nowadays, any media-
hone critical thinking and problem-solving literate person and business entity can set up
skills. For instance, a teacher can start and his / her/ its own brand to reach people and sell
facilitate a discussion on an opinion article in a products and services easily.
blog, asking students whether they agree on the Political Influence
position With the wider internet reach in the Philippines
taken by the author and why / why not. Indeed, and the corresponding increase in Filipino social
media’s power should be harnessed to educate media users, political individuals and parties and
people – enlightening people’s minds and government agencies have realized the
training people to form opinions and find effectiveness and power of social media
solutions to societal problems. platforms in terms of public communication
Digital Diplomacy, also called E-diplomacy or
Influence on Society Digi diplomacy is a government’s use of social
Media’s power appears unstoppable. media and information technology to
Almost everyone is exposed to countless media communicate to the public, especially foreign
images, advertisements, magazines, etc. With public. Foreign ministries, embassies and other
the advent of social media like Facebook, government agencies have social media
Instagram, Messenger, Twitter, email and the accounts especially on Twitter and Facebook.
like, we are connected in ways that were not
possible before. The communication line is
Module 8: Massive Open Online
always open. Because
of these, necessary societal interactions, Course
camaraderie, and development of friendships are Online Course. The word “massive” means large
facilitated. The way we now deal with people number or amount, “open” means accessible to
with different personalities, opinions, and all, “online” means connected to or available
through a system, and “course” means the act of
1. xMOOCs
xMOOC stands for eXtended MOOC. xMOOCs
are based on traditional university course
structures and make use of established teaching
approaches and materials. Students will watch
pre-recorded lectures, complete required
readings, and participate in discussions as
produced and managed by a course instructor or
an instructional team from a higher education
institution. These are typically self-contained
and rarely utilize content external to the main
content delivery and learning platform.
2. cMOOCs
cMOOC stands for Connectivist MOOC.
cMOOCs are based on the connectivist learning
model that favors collaboration among learners
as a form of active learning. Students in
cMOOC work together to locate, evaluate, and
contribute to the course content by uploading
materials in the form of tweets, blog posts, wikis
and others, to the course using the learning
Geometric. Organic
a. Consistency of margins,
typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary,
especially in slide presentations or
documents that are more than one page.
e. Contrast – offers some change in
value creating a visual discord in a
composition. Contrast shows the difference
between shapes and can be used as a Module 12: Audio Information
background to bring objects out and forward and Media
in a design. It can also be used to create an
area of emphasis.
f. Directional Movement - a Audio is defined as anything connected to
visual flow through the composition. It can sound, specifically when received,
recorded, transferred, or duplicated
be the suggestion of motion in a design as
(HarperCollins, n.d.). It is anything related to
you move from object to object by way of
the documentation and transmission of sound
placement and position. Directional (Cambridge University, n.d.). Audio is one of
movement can be created with a value the resources of media and information, along
pattern. It is with the placement of dark and with text, visual, and motion.
light areas that you can move your attention
through the format.
Audio Media and Audio Information
g. Rhythm – a movement in which
some elements recur regularly. Like a dance, Audio Media refers to the media
it will have a flow of objects that will seem communication that uses audio equipment to
like the beat of music. report, document, and deliver information
through the means of sound. It may also refer to
h. Perspective – this is created audio formats such as analog tape cassettes,
through the arrangement of objects in two- digital compact discs, and computer files
dimensional space to look like what they containing audio. On the other hand, audio
appear in real life. Perspective is a learned information is the file or sound created and
transferred by using high fidelity waves that are
heard through certain audio tools.
played back
USB Flash Drive - an external
Characteristics of a Sound
hard disk drive, small enough to fit on a
There are numerous widely accepted For us to know the trustworthiness of a motion-
formats of motion media: based media presentation, we must discuss the
basic methods on determining the credibility of
❖ Film – a series of moving graphics or motion media:
images, with accompanying of a
recorded sound ❖ Validity of the information – we need
❖ Television – a telecommunication to know if the information was peer
system for transmitting and receiving reviewed and provable
visual images and sounds that are ❖ Source – we need to identify the types
reproduced on screens (Oxford of source used to generate the
University, n.d.) information; we also need to determine
❖ Interactive Video – a kind of digital if the video was an actual footage of
video that involves the user’s the event or a mere representation of
interaction and participation the information learned about it
❖ Others (such as Internet and Mobile ❖ Relationship of the author to the event
Phone) – we need to learn if the author has
first-hand knowledge about the event
Sources of Motion Media ❖ Technical methods of detecting
tampered/fake video: Video
The following are some sources of motion smoothness o Lighting coverage
media: matches o Scale and size consistent -
scale refers to the size of an object in
❖ Internet - a universal computer relation to another object
network that delivers a variety of
information and communication Advantages of Motion Media
facilities (Oxford University, n.d.)
❖ Film and Television Studios - a place Here are some advantages of motion
where films, television shows, and media:
broadcast productions are produced
(HarperCollins, n.d.) ❖ These provide better mastery of processes
❖ Broadcast Channels - a terrestrial ❖ These display the procedures in detail and
frequency or computer-generated in sequence
number over which a broadcast station ❖ These allow for harmless observation
or broadcast network is disseminated ❖ These capture motion in a manner that can
❖ Video Channels - an account on an be viewed over and over
online media sharing or streaming ❖ These allow recreation of the scenes,
service from which one can create history, events, and phenomena
media content, such as videos,
❖ These contribute in molding personal and
accessible to other people who are also
social attitudes
using the service (Merriam-Webster,
❖ These provide problem-solving skills for
the viewers
❖ Library - a building or room that
contains collections of books,
❖ These promote cultural understanding and
We know that the people’s perception of Recall the times you have watched a
reality can be shaped based on what they read, TV commercial and became persuaded to buy a
hear, or watch through the various media certain product, and/or the times you believed in
platforms and technologies. That is why some fake news found on the internet. Those are
1. Consu 3. Propaganda
Description: It is the information or idea that an
advertising firm can release using different
forms of media which can help the image of
their client and adversely affect the image of its
confusion ❖ Showing the charity work done by the client
Description: Consumer confusion is the state of while exposing the opponent’s slush funds.
mind of the consumers during purchasing
products that leads them to having lack of
confidence towards their purchasing decision. 4. Gatekeeping
This can even lead to incorrect purchasing
decisions. This is a result of having too many of Description: Gatekeeping is the type of
the same products in the market. Some sellers manipulation where information is being filtered
become creative with their packaging so it for dissemination (whether for publication,
stands out. Meanwhile, some try to attract the broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode
consumers with different kinds of promotions of communication). The public is informed with
which confuses the customers. only a portion of the truth for different kinds of
Example: In a grocery store, there are various
promotions for each kind of product between
During a gas leak accident in a condominium,
the two different brands. Usually, consumers
only few casualties are mentioned to protect the
owner of the condominium.
confused as to which one they should
During a terrorist attack, the strategy of the
soldiers to rescue the hostages are not disclosed
❖ Two brands of detergent: to the public for security and protection
‘Buy One, Take One’ or ‘Buy One, Get One purposes.
❖ Two brands of shampoo:
‘Buy 10 plus 1’ or ‘Buy 10 plus free mug’
influence or
Description: It is the extent on how the
manipulation of information can produce effects
on the actions, behavior and/or opinions of the
public. Some advertising and public relations
firms engage in manipulation to increase the
degree of influence or impact to the public.
If the general infomercial released for
disaster preparedness is misinterpreted,
the public might panic which will
produce a negative impact despite the
good motive or purpose.
Type of Multimedia Presentation
Some commercials, like those As of today, there are many different kinds
involving cigarettes and liquor, can of multimedia tools which you can use to
influence people to consume things that organize information into a more appealing and
could be potentially dangerous to their interesting presentation.
health. It can also influence young
people to try it too.
1. Slideshow Presentation
Module 15: Multimedia It is a presentation of photographic slides or
electronic images projected on a surface or
Information and Media
displayed on a screen one after another as a
series. It is usually made using software
Multimedia Information and Media programs such as Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Presentation (PPT) where the user can present
text information with images, audio, and video
How many multimedia icons have you clips.
identified? If you have identified most of them,
Characteristics of Multimedia
The multimedia of today can be a combination
of text, graphics, animation, audio, still images
and/or motion video. Thus, multimedia
information has different characteristics such as:
Electronic or digital.
A multimedia presentation can be
prepared and delivered electronically or
digitally through various computer
Advantages of Multimedia
● It presents the information in a more
organized and in an interesting manner.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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