Chemistry II_Focus Questions

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List of Focus Questions in Chemistry Second Year Intermediate for IPE

Chapter 2M 4M 8M Total Marks

1. Solid state - 1 - 4

2. Solutions 1 1 - 6

3. Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics 1 - 1 10

4. Surface chemistry - 1 - 4

5. General Principles of Metallurgy 1 1 - 6

6. p-Block elements 2 1 1 12

7. d& f Block elements and Coordination compounds 1 1 - 6

8. Polymers 2 - - 4

9. Biomolecules - 1 - 4

10. Chemistry in everyday life 2 1 - 4

11. Haloalkanes and haloarenes 2 1 4

12. Organic compounds containing C, H, O - - 1 8

13. Organic compounds containing N 2 1 - 4


Ls. Ls. Name VSAQ (2M) SAQ (4M) LAQ (8M)


1 Solid state 1. Explain the similarities and

differences between metallic and
ionic crystals.
2. Calculate the efficiency of packing
in case of a metal of body centred
cubic crystal.
3. Calculate the efficiency of packing
in case of a metal of face centred
cubic crystal.
4. Describe the two main types of
semiconductors and contrast their
conduction mechanism
5. In terms of band theory, what is the
difference between a conductor and
an insulator?
6. In terms of band theory, what is the
difference between a conductor and
a semiconductor?
7. Derive Braggs’s equation.

2. Solutions 1. Define molarity 1. A solution of glucose in water is

2. Define molality labelled as 10% w/w. What would
3. Define mole fraction be the molarity of the solution?
4. State Roult’s law 2. An antifreeze solution is prepared
5. State Henry’s law from 222.6g of ethylene glycol
6. What is ebullioscopic (C2H6O2) and 200g of water
constant? (solvent). Calculate the molality of
7. What is cryoscopic constant? the solution.
8. Define osmotic pressure 3. What is meant by positive
9. What are isotonic solutions? deviations from Raoult’s law and
10. What is Van't Hoff's factor ‘i’ how is the sign of ∆mixH related to
and how is it related to ‘∝’ in positive deviation from Raoult’s
the case of a binary electrolyte law?
(1:1)? 4. What is meant by negative
11. What is relative lowering of deviations from Raoult’s law and
vapour pressure? how is the sign of ∆mixH related to
12. Define elevation of boiling negative deviation from Raoult’s
point. law?
13. Calculate the mole fraction of 5. Calculate the mass of a non-volatile
H2SO4 in a solution containing solute(molar mass 40 g mol-1) which
98% H2SO4 by mass. should be dissolved in 114g Octane
14. What are colligative to reduce its vapour pressure to
properties? Give any one. 80%.
15. What is an ideal solution?

6. Vapour pressure of water at 293 K

is 17.535mm Hg. Calculate the
vapour pressure of the solution at
293 K when 25 g of glucose is
dissolved in 450g of water.
7. What is an ideal solution?
8. What is relative lowering of vapour
pressure? How is it useful to
determine the molar mass of a

3 Electrochemist 1. What is a Galvanic cell or a *May be asked as parts of LAQs 1. What are electrochemical cells? How
ry and Voltaic cell? Give an example. 1. What are galvanic cells? Explain are they constructed? Explain the
Chemical 2. Name the two half-cell reactions the working of a galvanic cell with working of different types of
Kinetics that are taking place in the Daniel a neat sketch taking Daniel cell as galvanic cells.
cell. example. 2. Give the applications of
3. What is the cell reaction taking 2. Give the construction and Kohlrausch’s law of independent
place in the cell working of a standard hydrogen migration of ions.
2+ +
Cu(s)/Cu (aq)//Ag (aq)/Ag(s) electrode with a neat diagram. 3. Give the different types of batteries
4. What is standard hydrogen 3. State and explain Nernst equation and explain the construction and
electrode? with the help of a metallic working of each type of battery.
5. What is Nernst equation? Write electrode and a non-metallic 4. Explain the terms
the equation for an electrode electrode. a. Average rate of a reaction
with electrode reaction Mn+(aq) + 4. State and explain Kohlrausch’s law b. Slow and fast reactions
ne- ⇌ M(s) of independent migration of ions. c. Order of a reaction

6. Write the Nernst equation for 5. What is electrolysis? Give d. Molecularity of a reaction
EMF of the cell Faraday’s first law of electrolysis. e. Activation energy of a reaction
Ni(s)/Ni2+(aq)//Ag+(aq)/Ag 6. What are primary and secondary 5. Give a detailed account of the
7. How is Gibbs energy (G) related batteries? Give an example for collision theory of reaction rates of
to the cell emf (E) each. bimolecular gaseous reactions.
mathematically? 7. What are fuel cells? How are they
8. Define molar conductivity 𝚲m. different from galvanic cells? Give
How is it related to the construction of H2, O2 fuel
conductivity(𝛋)? cell.
9. Give the mathematical equation 8. What is metallic corrosion?
which gives the variation of Explain it with respect to iron
molar conductivity 𝚲m with the corrosion.
molarity (c) of the solution. 9. What is the ‘molecularity’ of a
10. How is Eocell related reaction? How is it different from
mathematically to the ‘order’ of a reaction?
equilibrium constant(Kc) of the 10. Derive the integrated rate
cell reaction? equation equation for a zero order
11. State Faraday’s first law of reaction.
electrolysis. 11. Derive the integrated rate
12. State Faraday’s second law of equation equation for a first order
electrolysis. reaction.
13. What is primary battery? 12. What is half life (t1/2) of a
Give an example. reaction? Derive the equations for

14. What is a fuel cell? How is it the half life value of zero and first
different from a conventional order reactions
galvanic cell? 13. Discuss the effect of catalyst
15. What is metallic corrosion? on the kinetics of a chemical
Give one example. reaction with a suitable diagram.
14. Describe the salient features of
the collision theory of reaction
rates of bimolecular reactions.
15. Explain the terms
a) Activation energy (Ea)
b) Collision frequency (Z)
c) Probability factor (P) with
respect to Arrhenius equation.

4 Surface 1. What is adsorption? Discuss the

chemistry mechanism of adsorption of gases
on solids.
2. What are different types of
adsorption? Give any four
differences between the
characteristics of these different
3. What do you understand by the
a) Absorption b) Adsorption

c) Adsorbent d) Adsorbate
4. Adsorption of a gas on the surface
of solid is generally accompanied
by decrease in entropy. Still it is a
spontaneous process. Explain.
5. How does the extent of
adsorption depend upon
a) Increasing the surface area per unit
mass of adsorbent
b) Increasing temperature of the
c) Increasing pressure of the gas
6. What is catalysis? How is catalysis
classified? Give two examples for
each type of catalysis.
7. Discuss the mechanism involved
in adsorption theory of
heterogeneous catalysis.
8. Give a brief account of the
mechanism of enzyme catalysis
with suitable diagrams.
9. Discuss the factors that influence
the catalytic activity of enzymes.

10. What are lyophilic and

lyophobic sols? Compare the two
terms in terms of stability and
11. Describe the purification of
colloidal solutions by the
phenomenon of dialysis with a
neat diagram.
12. Action of soap is due to
emulsification and micelle
formation. Comment.
13. Explain with a neat sketch the
phenomenon of electrophoresis.
14. Explain the terms
i) electrophoresis ii) coagulation
iii) Tyndall effect iv) Brownian

5 General 1. Explain ‘poling’. 1. Explain zone refining.

Principles of 2. How is cast iron different from 2. Write down the chemical reactions
Metallurgy pig iron? taking place in different zones in
3. What is the difference between a the blast furnace during the
mineral and an ore? extraction of iron.
4. What is the role of cryolite in 3. Differentiate between Roasting
the metallurgy of aluminium? and Calcination

5. Why is zinc not extracted from 4. Outline the principles of refining

zinc oxide through reduction of metals by the following
using CO? methods
6. Give the composition of the a) Zone refining b) Electrolytic
following alloys refining c) Poling d) Vapour
a.Brass b. Bronze c. German silver phase refining
7. What is flux? Give an example. 5. Explain the purification of
8. Write any two ores with sulphide ore by froth floatation
formulae of the following method.
metals 6. Explain the extraction of zinc
a. Al b. Zn c. Fe d. Cu from zinc blende.
9. Explain the terms gangue and 7. Explain smelting process in the
slag. extraction of copper.
10. What is blister copper? Why is it 8. Explain electrometallurgy with an
so called? example.

6 p-Block 1. Nitrogen molecules are highly 1. How does P4 react with the 1. How is ammonia manufactured by
elements stable. Why? following a) SOCl2 b) SO2Cl2 Haber’s process? Explain the
(Group 15, 16, 2. NH3 forms hydrogen bonds but 2. Describe the manufacture of reactions of ammonia with
17 and 18) PH3 does not. Why? H2SO4 by contact process. a) ZnSO4(aq) (b) CuSO4(aq)(c) AgCl(s)
3. PH3 is a weaker base than NH3. 3. What are interhalogen 2. How is nitric acid manufactured by
Explain. compounds? Give some examples Ostwald’s process? How does it
4. What is allotropy? Explain the to illustrate the definition. How react with the following
different allotropic forms of are they classified? a) Cu (b) Zn (c) S8 (d) P4

5. Why is H2O a liquid while H2S 4. How are XeF2, XeF4, XeF6 3. How is ozone prepared from
is a gas? prepared? Give their structures. oxygen? How does it react with the
6. H2O is neutral while H2S is 5. How are XeO3, XeOF4 prepared? following?
acidic. Explain. a) PbS (b) KI (c) NO (d) Ag
7. What is tailing of mercury? (e) C2H4 (f) Hg
How is it removed? 4. How is chlorine prepared in the
8. How is ozone detected? laboratory? Explain its reactions
9. SO2 can be used as an anti-chlor. with a) Iron (b) Hot conc.NaOH
Explain. (c) Fe2SO4 (d) Iodine (e) H2S
10. What is the use of ClF3 (f) Na2S2O3
11. Draw the structure of ClF3 5. How is chlorine prepared by
12. What happens when Cl2 reacts electrolytic method? Explain its
with dry slaked lime? reaction with a) NaOH and b) NH3
13. HF is liquid while HCl is a gas. under different conditions
14. What is aqua regia? Write its
reaction with gold and
15. Chlorine acts as a bleaching
agent only in presence of
moisture. Explain.
16. What are interhalogen
compounds? Give two

17. List out the uses of neon.

18. Write any two uses of argon.
19. How is XeOF4 prepared?
Describe its molecular shape.
20. Noble gases are inert. Explain.
21. Why do noble gases form
compounds with fluorine and
oxygen only?
22. Explain the structure of XeO3.

7 d & f block 1. Write the electronic 1. Why do transition metal ions

elements configuration of chromium (Cr) exhibit characteristic colours in
and copper (Cu). aqueous solution? Explain giving
2. Scandium is a transition element examples.
but Zinc is not. Why? 2. Write the characteristic properties
3. Scandium is a transition element, of transition elements
but zinc is not. Why? 3. What is lanthanide contraction?
4. Why do transition elements What are the consequences of
exhibit variable oxidation states? lanthanide contraction?
5. Why is Zn2+ diamagnetic whereas 4. Explain Werner’s theory of
Mn2+ is paramagnetic? coordination compounds with
6. What is an alloy? Give an suitable examples.
example. 5. Explain the terms i) Ligand ii)
7. What is lanthanide contraction? Coordination number iii)

8. Calculate the spin only magnetic Coordination entity iv) Central

moment of Fe2+(aq) ion. metal atom/ion
9. Calculate the magnetic moment 6. Explain the terms i) Unidentate
of a divalent ion in aqueous ligand ii) Bidentate ligand
solution if its atomic number is iii) Polydentate ligand iv)
25. Ambidentate ligand giving one
10. CuSO4.5H2O is blue in example for each.
colour whereas anhydrous 7. What is meant by chelate effect?
CuSO4 is colourless. Why? Give an example.
11. Aqueous Cu+2 ions are blue 8. Using IUPAC norms, write the
in colour, whereas aqueous Zn+2 systematic names of the following
ions are colourless. Why? i) [Co(NH3)6]Cl3
12. What are complex ii) [Pt(NH3)2Cl(NH2CH3)]Cl
compounds? Give examples. iii) [Ti(H2O)6]3+
13. What are coordination iv) [NiCl4]2−
compounds? Give two examples. 9. Using IUPAC norms, write the
14. What is ligand? formulas of the following:
15. What is an ambidentate i) Tetrahydroxozincate(II) ion
ligand? Give an example. ii) Hexamminecobalt(III) sulphate
16. What is chelate ligand? Give iii) Potassium tetrachloropalladate(II)
an example. iv)Potassium tri(oxalato)chromate(III)
17. What is lanthanide 10. Explain geometrical isomerism in
contraction? coordination compounds giving
suitable examples.

18. What is mischmetal? Give its

composition and uses.

8 Polymers 1. What are cross linked or

network polymers? Give
2. What are addition polymers?
Give an example.
3. What are condensation
polymers? Give an example.
4. What are thermoplastic
polymers? Give example.
5. What are thermosetting
polymers? Give example.
6. How can you differentiate
between addition and
condensation polymerisation?
7. What is PHBV? How is it useful
to man?
8. What are copolymers? Give an
9. What is the Zeigler-Natta
10. What are the repeating units of
Nylon-6 and Nylon-6,6?

11. What is the difference between

Buna-N and Buna-S?
12. What is vulcanisation of
13. What is biodegradable polymer?
Give one example of
biodegradable polyester.

9 Biomolecules 1. How are the carbohydrates

classified on the basis of their
a) Taste b) Hydrolysis
c) Functional groups.
2. Write the importance of
3. Explain denaturation of proteins.
4. Explain the classification of
proteins as primary, secondary,
tertiary and quaternary proteins
with respect to their structure.
5. What are enzymes? Give examples.
6. Give the sources of the following
vitamins and name the diseases
caused by their deficiency
a) A b) D c) E d) K

7. What are hormones? Give one

example for each
a) Steroid hormones
b) Polypeptide hormones
c) Amino acid derivatives

10 Chemistry in 1. When are drugs called 1. Explain the catalytic action of

daily life medicines? enzymes as drug targets.
2. What are enzymes and 2. What are analgesics? How are they
receptors? classified? Give examples.
3. What are enzyme inhibitors? 3. Write the characteristic properties
4. What are antacids? Give an of antibiotics.
example. 4. What is meant by the term ‘broad
5. What are artificial sweetening spectrum antibiotics’? Explain.
agents? Give an example. 5. Write notes on antiseptics and
6. What are food preservatives? disinfectants.
Give an example. 6. Describe the classification of drugs
7. What is the difference between into different classes.
soap and detergent? 7. Write notes on
8. What are antibiotics? Give an (i) Artificial sweetening agents
example. (ii) Food preservatives
9. What are antiseptics? Give an
10. What are antihistamines? Give
an example.

11. What are tranquillisers? Give an

12. What are analgesics? How are
they classified?
13. What is tincture of iodine?
What is its use?
14. What is saponification?

11 Haloalkanes 1. What are enantiomers? 1. Define (i) Racemic mixture

and 2. What is the stereochemical (ii) Retention of configuration
1 2
Haloarenes result of SN and SN reactions? (iii) Enantiomers
3. Write the isomers of the 2. How will you carry out the
compound having molecular following conversions?
formula C4H9Br. a. Ethane to bromoethane
4. How will you carry out the b. Toluene to benzyl alcohol
following conversions? 3. What is the criteria for optical
a) Ethane to bromoethane activity? Give two examples of
b) Toluene to benzyl alcohol chiral molecules.
5. Explain Wurtz-Fittig reaction.

12 Organic 1. Describe the following

Compounds (i) Acetylation
(ii) Cannizaro reaction

containing C, (iii) Cross aldol condensation

H and O (iv) Decarboxylation
2. With a suitable example, write the
equations for the following
(i) Kolbe’s reaction
(ii) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
(iii) Williamsons synthesis

13 Organic 1. Arrange the following in the 1. Give one chemical test to 1. Describe two methods of
Compounds decreasing order of their basic distinguish between the following preparation of ethane. Give any
containing N strength: C6H5NH2, C2H5NH2, pairs of compounds: three reactions of ethane.
(C2H5)NH, NH3 i) Methylamine and dimethylamine 2. Describe two methods of
2. Arrange the following bases in ii) Aniline and n-methylaniline preparation of ethylene. Give
the increasing order of their iii) Ethylamine and aniline equation for the reactions of
basic strength. Aniline, 2. Explain (a) Sandmeyer reaction ethylene with the following
p-nitroaniline and p-toluidine. (b) Gattermann reaction a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid
3. Accomplish the following 3. How do you prepare ethyl cyanide c) Cold and dil.alk.KMnO4 d)
conversion: and ethyl isocyanide from a Heated with O2 at high pressure
a. Benzoic acid to benzamide common alkyl halide? 3. How does ethylene react with
b. Aniline to p-bromoaniline 4. How do you carry out the following reagents? Give the
following conversions? chemical equation and names of
a. Benzoic acid to benzamide the products formed in the
b. Aniline to p-bromoaniline reactions.
5. Explain the following reactions a) Hydrogen halide b) Hydrogen
(i) Diazotization c) Bromine d) Water

(ii) Carbylamine reaction e) Oxygen in presence of Ag at

(iii) Sandmeyer reaction 200oC
4. Give two methods of preparation
of acetylene. How does it react
with water and ozone?
5. How do we get benzene from
acetylene? Give the corresponding
equation. Explain the
halogenations, alkylation,
acylation, nitration and
sulphonation of benzene.

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