A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of one’s PECs in computer systems servicing
B. Performance The learners shall be able to prepare an activity plan hat aligns with the PECS of a practitioner/entrepreneur in computer
Standards systems servicing
C. Learning LO 1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs) needed in computer systems servicing
Competencies/ 1.1 Compare one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/ entrepreneur
Objectives 1.2 Align one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/ entrepreneur
1.3 Assess one’s PECs
1.4 Assess practitioner’s PECs
TLE_PECS7-12- 00-1
Projector, Laptop, paper and Pen
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages N/A
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
form DepEd General Santos SLM TLE-CSS Grade 9 Qtr1 Module1 week1, Gapate,M. et,al.
Learning Resource (LR) DepEd General Santos SSLM TLE-CSS Grade 9 Qtr1 Wk1 SSLM 1, Gapate,M. et,al.
portal DepEd General Santos SSLM SPTVE Grade 9 Qtr1 Wk1 SSLM 1, Francisco,JM. et,al.
B. Other Learning
Resources TESDA Computer System Servicing NC II Training Regulation (TR)
DepEd Computer System Servicing NC II Curriculum Guide (CG)
A. Review previews The teacher will ask the
lesson or presenting a students to give an example Review on the previous
new lesson of businessman they known Self-Assessment Activity No. 1. Lesson about Personal
to be successful and how Self-Awareness Entrepreneurial
they became successful? Competencies (PECs)
F. Developing mastery Analysis on Application on Analysis on Application on Analysis and interpretation Analysis on Application of
(Leads to formative Personal Entrepreneurial Important Characteristics, on Important skills of a Plan and prepare for tasks to
assessment Competencies (PECs) Traits, Attributes of a Good successful entrepreneur be undertaken Sub task
G. Finding practical Reflection on Application of Reflection on Application on Reflection based on Reflection on Application of
applications of concepts Personal Entrepreneurial Important Characteristics, Important skills of a Plan and prepare for tasks to
and skills in daily living Competencies (PECs) Traits, Attributes of a Good successful entrepreneur be undertaken Sub task
H. Making Two learners will be asked to Two learners will be asked to Two learners will be asked Two learners will be asked to
generalizations and summarize the topic summarize the topic to summarize the topic summarize the topic
abstractions about the discussed discussed discussed discussed
B. No of learners who
additional activities for
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:
Sir Lau
Teacher II