Volcanoes Disaster Management project report
Volcanoes Disaster Management project report
Volcanoes Disaster Management project report
Continued-Npes or Volcanoes
Shield vo \c9noe s ore made up of'
thir. lava .flows w1-th a -f'ew pyroclas-tic
Cash) layers +hrown _ in For- ~ood measure.
Their subaedal (above sea-level) S\opes
range -fr-om L+- B degrees, with s+ee:p-wa,ted
suY"Y"\n---i,t- calderas and pi-+ cro+er-s +ho-t-
ore s, rn i l a r i y, Sh a Re -to c a ' de ro s b u-t
.L.Qnsiderab\Y- '2>MOll -e r- Low
lavo viscoc,+'i
allows 1QVOS -to -flow guiCK\y and for,
resu1+,ng \n so.f-t slopes. Lava .flows. (C\o
and pQhbehoe) ore yY)or-e liv<ely to s-tart
-fro,'"Y) +lanK vents- 8..t +issures -than +roll\
-+-he SurY'ln.it. The e)(..ponsion or- subs,dence
o-( -+he volcano hos resulted in -t-hese
-f lonK e,uf?-t-\OnS . Erup+ions and \ovo flows
-f ound in col I ,nea r r-if-t -Z()nes,
rno.,:1 also be
wh,ch can stretch -f'or r-D·i le s -f2rorn the -top-
Sh, e Id VOICOnoes Ore me YYlOSf popular-
ond well-KnQwn 0t volconoes-J
Some ,nclude MaunQ loo, Kl\ouea~ - k- O _ h __a\a -
1-erman ina Tsland, frt-Q Ale, MCluno Ke~
Cerro Azul. ~wberry Volcano,& Sierra Ne_gra .
• f
7'Jpes \Jo\canoes-
Co1'Ylpos1te 1/0ICOnQL:S- +t,C - compos itio n
-- -
composite, atso K n o wn QS Strotovo lconoes
_earns +h e n"' tl, e i r ,-ian--i e - Lo."l ers or _
pyroclas+ic m o t e riol ~ \11C l uC1inG- \9~,_:,t-eph ro.
purr.ice, ond _ Volcan ·, c osh o,re_ us~(j _-to
develop these vol~onoe s ._W tt_rL_~ac. h __ _
o+her. eruption . +h e: l~yfe rs bui ld up on_ __
+op of one another e13ecouse -th~ lovo is
+h·1cK. +he volcanoes gen e ra-re sho r-p
cones y--ot-her +hon c ·,rculOr forn,.?..:.
The fels,c ncrture of' coi:2posi-te _'{olcon 1c
mag n1 CA i rnpl ies- . -tho+ it c.on-+ o·,n s tt)e
Silica-te-rich m·,nercds su ch as docit_e__
rhvoliie, ond ondesi+e. Com po~_i}e~Q.!_cc,no~
cluster In groups, yy'rth eoch volcano _
seperated b;v several ~ i1om~ -ter-s . Thes~ _
volcanoes mo Ke up -the (• _R,,,g. of _Rre l~ -
- '~ . ,
, .
Types Eruptions
Genuine s-trornbo\ion produc·hon 1 on -t-he
ot-her hand. is defined by explosive , er~ptions
of' FloKy \ava blasted hundreds of me+res
_ int-c -t-he o;r. 5-tror-r'lbO\ion er:_ugtions, unliKe
Hawaiian erup-Hons~ hardly -form a lot19-t-errn
eruption column- Fr-orn -rhe volcano's vent-.
-t-he'L release dense basal-tic JDva . The
enorrv.ous gos piressures needed -to
disintegrate 1his cru~bl_y \ovg result in _ _ __
$eor-odic__ ex._plosions ~i th -t-hunderous boo_ms.
/Ypes Of Erupt iOn5-
Huge clouds of osh rise tJI? -From a massive
cinder- c..one dur-ing -p1·1nion eruptions. These
eruptions ore_ named of-ter --Pl i ny,...!_he younger:
OI 'l<ornc,n Sencx,or vvho sow -the eruption
of Moun-t Vesuvius in r·to\y ·,n 7q AD.
wh 1 ch Obliter-C\ted -the Ci-t-ieS of -Pompeii &
~ercu\oneun7. --Plinion eruption c.an las-t for
h ~rs or do \/2t ..£.o_r rn g o ·g igantic
co\uYYin- The volcanic rno ·t -erio/ Is e jec-ted
o+- \/eloci-ties of several hundred me--t-r-es
pet' secor,d. because o-r +he -rhrust o.P
ex pond , n<3. g as e s . ________________
a. WWW· BritaniCCG\· C0 n7
q. Ready. gov
o. Pictures from Goog\e.
( copyrigh-t free)