Volcanoes Disaster Management project report

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·rhe ·-ropic ·For my project is Volcanoes

·Doing ·the project on -th,s 1-opic was a

g ree,,t learn·,nq e x.perience ~

At +he outset, 1 would Ii Ke +o thank the
A\ mighh./ God for g\v,ng +he strength ond
· understanding required . ·
I wish to thonK ou r principal, Mrs. Madhumoti
Suresh for encou,agen,ent ond support•

I woulg I iKe ·to e)(press my grai-i-tude -to my te och€r,

Mrs,. Sunitha J , f'or her v~luob\e ;nputs & direction,

t hat has helped me -to complete -rh,s project·
:r would liKe to thanK h""lY parenis for +heh--
unceasing patience and ~upporb oilong w;th
anyone, who directly. or indirec-t\y hav'e lent ..
+heh•'" helping hand ~n c..ornpletlon of the project
Number- Content P9.-t:r·

What ore volcan0es1 · ij

Types of volcanoes 2- 4
Types of E ru p+i on5 5- 7
'fl'~ ;c,:,/t,,.i!>·. 1¥1 case of en1ergency 8-
teom1n9 OutcorYle-
Volcano Er-uptions ar-e naturol ciisosters.

I A volcano is Cl mounToln +hot Glc-ts os on ov+I er

-for gases +o .f fee. An eruption <5irises w h e n +he

p,essure f"roM -the gas and rYlOl-ten rock gets

-too tough. Volcanic erwpt ,ons- con be gent l e o r

violent, resu Hing ,n 0angerou s I C\vq f I ows, +o x i c

fuY"teS, and fly ing boulders .

' . . . . . .
. .. .
. . -
.\ .
. . . . . .

~hp 1 - What Are '-/o\canoes 1

Volcanoes are the 9eo109ic designers of our
..p\anetl The'/ hove bu·, It up °' 1 i-t-tle o\Jer
80·/• of_ our- planet's surface, setting +he
_ plat-f'orrY'l ·f or ony Vi-Fe +o proseer• Moun-rains
and c~crter-s ore c.,reote9 by +heir explosive
Char9e- Lava rivers scatter -throu~hovt
deso\qted vistas . Yet, as t-ime goes b'L, +he
vQJcano~ e.lerrien·ts dis,ntegrate -the
_volcanfc Y-OCKs, un\eash,hg Mirier-oJs fYorr-i
+ne\r- bri+-t)e confines, ·t -hus producing
o s-t-onishin9ly rich so i Is ·-tho-t hove enabled
oJ Ithi t29 s_to -F lourish on _ _}; ar-tl-1.
\ iving
Volcanoes ore -Fqund thro_uQhou t the world,
including .A ntarc-tico- Ar-ound ·t-he world. on\y
l,50O volcanoes or--e --t-hought _to b-e. oc.1-ive;
ac..±_ual t~ LY)_I of tb_e ~ _(ty1Qre _than 10·1-) ore
5 ,tua+ed ,n ·th~ Uni•ted Sta·tes...::_AlasK.;.a; ,.:. .,:._ __
- i=lo~aii, Philiepines, rce\and, and Japoh have
some 9+ +he ~ost ac·tive vo\canoes in
+he world • Lova and other debris fv-om a
-volcanic eruption h'IOY trove/ ot speeds YP to
loo miles /hour, damaging anything in their pet+h.
I •
~ hp - \'ipes Ot Volcanoes
_Volcanoes ore usually sJ._assifled into
_four dif't'eren+ -h,,Rf'S b" geologists; Lo.va
DQme.,5...__~i0der cones, S\nield volc.onoes, and
_co~pos,te volcanoes.
l.avo, domes, Cllso Known as volcanic
, doYYles, ore erevalent in volc.oriic loc.a+ions
OCY-OSs +he Eort-h-Lovo domes occ.ur in o
_varieTy: of f'o..::._r'rl§. and sizes. ond ev~r-i.._ ___
thou h f-he 're riot as striKin as +-heir
urst,n or- ushin the s+i \ I ore
guite )?reathlCtKing +o experience. ~scou____s__
~a~rna ~ rri~~es _ rqpt_urou_s\y on+Q +he
.ground, and ·then oc~um_~a+es around +he
ven+, coris+ructlng Lava dornes. Like lo1VC1 flows,
t-yeica/ly, +he y cJo not c s:,nta i_n od~~qte 9as
.2r _ er~_ssure ~ i-te r-qpi~ , ~Q_~v~._
r _____
cohlbus+ible oc+iv,·t'Y c.a~ so ~ e·ti't'"Yl_es_ __
C\CCOMpony or fol low t-hehJ. Son.e Lava
Domes ar-e 1\/ovon.jpt-a, Mount Saint Augustin
LC\ssen -Peq_K,_Pu ':i.... de_J) Ome, Chaos Cra~ ___
A-twel I PeaKJ Trocon, Mount- Ryoun, G'}al i,
Heart Pe~~s, and E\ Chichon~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Con+inued- l'f pes or Volcanoes
Cinder Cones ..9re the ~i~/est B< m os-t modest
volcanoes. ·me:;1 ore ·the rY'IOS-t ubiquitous
_y:_olcanic \ondfor-m on the ~\one·t~ The,-1 are
C9necshaeed hills mode ~p of'hur\e_g
volcanic v-oc Ks +er med as '' c. i nder-s". \ i \,<(e
naY"Yle irY"lpl 'i es. the sides o.P ·these n---iihor
volcanoes con-1~on\y slope a+ an e1n9le
30 ! 40 d egre-e'i.. ond _ hove Ct spheri ca I _
ou"tline . ·1he surnr-ni+ of most- Cinder Cone
have °'
dome bosin. The rY\O Jor,·+y of
c ·, ndec cons=-s rise be·t ween a f'ew dozen
ond o ·f'ew hundre.o +'~~t -t-oll• A ·Pew or
the hl<;jhest ·tower Ct I ittl,f= over .1000 feet-
i n height-- Since ·t-he er-up+ions ·+ hat ·f'or--r-n
c,nder cones ore 9ener-a IJ ~'l shor+ and
er-Y), ·t a l 1n--i·, +ed arnoun·t- of e)ec+o. +he"-/
QY-e sma I le._e c_oY""Ylpored +o other +ypes of'
volcanoes. T~ese Cinder Cones are t'YlOS-t\y
+ound t n Austral~ ·P eru ~f ro_nceJ ·the Un,+ed
Sta+es, J"'apan, ond New Zeolond- Some

popular-ly Known nder Cones a Y--e

Sunset CY-a-ter, WiZ:ord Jslond, and 1br-icut-in.
Shield volcano


Continued-Npes or Volcanoes
Shield vo \c9noe s ore made up of'
thir. lava .flows w1-th a -f'ew pyroclas-tic
Cash) layers +hrown _ in For- ~ood measure.
Their subaedal (above sea-level) S\opes
range -fr-om L+- B degrees, with s+ee:p-wa,ted
suY"Y"\n---i,t- calderas and pi-+ cro+er-s +ho-t-
ore s, rn i l a r i y, Sh a Re -to c a ' de ro s b u-t
.L.Qnsiderab\Y- '2>MOll -e r- Low
lavo viscoc,+'i
allows 1QVOS -to -flow guiCK\y and for,
resu1+,ng \n so.f-t slopes. Lava .flows. (C\o
and pQhbehoe) ore yY)or-e liv<ely to s-tart
-fro,'"Y) +lanK vents- 8..t +issures -than +roll\
-+-he SurY'ln.it. The e)(..ponsion or- subs,dence
o-( -+he volcano hos resulted in -t-hese
-f lonK e,uf?-t-\OnS . Erup+ions and \ovo flows
-f ound in col I ,nea r r-if-t -Z()nes,
rno.,:1 also be

wh,ch can stretch -f'or r-D·i le s -f2rorn the -top-
Sh, e Id VOICOnoes Ore me YYlOSf popular-
ond well-KnQwn 0t volconoes-J
Some ,nclude MaunQ loo, Kl\ouea~ - k- O _ h __a\a -
1-erman ina Tsland, frt-Q Ale, MCluno Ke~
Cerro Azul. ~wberry Volcano,& Sierra Ne_gra .
• f
7'Jpes \Jo\canoes-
Co1'Ylpos1te 1/0ICOnQL:S- +t,C - compos itio n
-- -
composite, atso K n o wn QS Strotovo lconoes
_earns +h e n"' tl, e i r ,-ian--i e - Lo."l ers or _
pyroclas+ic m o t e riol ~ \11C l uC1inG- \9~,_:,t-eph ro.
purr.ice, ond _ Volcan ·, c osh o,re_ us~(j _-to
develop these vol~onoe s ._W tt_rL_~ac. h __ _
o+her. eruption . +h e: l~yfe rs bui ld up on_ __
+op of one another e13ecouse -th~ lovo is
+h·1cK. +he volcanoes gen e ra-re sho r-p
cones y--ot-her +hon c ·,rculOr forn,.?..:.
The fels,c ncrture of' coi:2posi-te _'{olcon 1c
mag n1 CA i rnpl ies- . -tho+ it c.on-+ o·,n s tt)e
Silica-te-rich m·,nercds su ch as docit_e__
rhvoliie, ond ondesi+e. Com po~_i}e~Q.!_cc,no~
cluster In groups, yy'rth eoch volcano _
seperated b;v several ~ i1om~ -ter-s . Thes~ _
volcanoes mo Ke up -the (• _R,,,g. of _Rre l~ -

IQs;Jud ing M Oynt Fiji in JO pQ~, Mou.Qt _ _ _

jg,in\'r" and MQurtt St· Helens in woshing'ro
t;l on Volcan o in t-he -
~~--~~.;..;.::io::..:..n_;__::::.oC_t,t1 ou_n!_ Bn a tub o

.-.........-.~---.:;..._.....;;.;_,h:..::e..--:1.::::.:orge cst erupt-ion_s . _

TYpes Of Erup-l:ions-
Geol ogis-ts diffrentiote volcanic erupt-ions ·,n+o-
Hawai ion Eruption, s-trol'Y'bolion volcano eruption.
Vu lean i an erup-hon. plin·1on eruption, ond las-t\y
Sur-t-se-yan erup-Hons.
Tue ~lqwaiian (r;-ue-tion is o vorion-t -t-hot-
resern bles- -the ICe londic E-rupt-ion - 1=1 ui d lava
eY"Y1er-9es frol'Yl °' volcono's pinnacle and
rodial croCKS to produce sn,-eld volcano-esi.
which ore enor-rnous
- -
ond l'love ty,Odera~
Slopes . The ef'f'usive erY'\·,ssion of' hiqh\;-L fluid
bo so It- lCA vos \,,/,+h vY'l·1nihtcd gos concentro+i on
dis-t-·,nguishes Howoi ion Eruetions. The ornoun-t
pyroclas,-ic rno-te,iol re1eas-ed is
·t -ho+ of' o+her- eruptions, Howai lqn

eruption'=' are ·t"he least vio/eni eruptfons.

=- ----
S_ir~_bol1_Q.!2_ eruptions
.... o
ore kno:-vn _ of-t~~
rn :, nor volcano island be-tween
_:[-t~~d_y on d Sic i I y _· For _bu ndreds bf'_ '::J._e__QY"S, _J:-l:' is
volcano hos been con+,nuos\y/ every 20 rnlnutes,
-1he word 'Strornbolion' hos beet:J. applied t-o
_g. w i di;:_ rn C19 e- 0 r - VO I CO n i C e rt-l_f2i"i On L -!='ro rn
r<'·, nor volcon,c b\O 5ts +-o Ki lo meter- high
co I u ms w i ihb L,rt d ;stin c--t-LQQ.• _____________

- '~ . ,

, .

Types Eruptions
Genuine s-trornbo\ion produc·hon 1 on -t-he
ot-her hand. is defined by explosive , er~ptions
of' FloKy \ava blasted hundreds of me+res
_ int-c -t-he o;r. 5-tror-r'lbO\ion er:_ugtions, unliKe
Hawaiian erup-Hons~ hardly -form a lot19-t-errn
eruption column- Fr-orn -rhe volcano's vent-.
-t-he'L release dense basal-tic JDva . The
enorrv.ous gos piressures needed -to
disintegrate 1his cru~bl_y \ovg result in _ _ __
$eor-odic__ ex._plosions ~i th -t-hunderous boo_ms.

Vulcanic er-uptions beg·,n as a set of' discrete. _

~onon- liKe exp\osions -t-hat 1ast on\y a -F'ew
rninu-tes -ro pours OnO ar-e -typico~~
occornponied by high veloci-tv expulsion of'
b__oy-y.bs ond_ blocKs . Never-theless. of'-t-er +he
volcano hos ''c,eored it's -throat'\ -fo\ \owing
_erwetions can be __rel_Qii_y~l_y _g__uiet, bu-t I anger.
Vu\canion eruptions ore more vigorous
j-han 5-trombolion eruptions~ wi-th erL10iVe _
· plun-.es raQ@lQ_g_ in hel-@bt .from 5- 10 Kilometres.

/Ypes Of Erupt iOn5-
Huge clouds of osh rise tJI? -From a massive
cinder- c..one dur-ing -p1·1nion eruptions. These
eruptions ore_ named of-ter --Pl i ny,...!_he younger:
OI 'l<ornc,n Sencx,or vvho sow -the eruption
of Moun-t Vesuvius in r·to\y ·,n 7q AD.
wh 1 ch Obliter-C\ted -the Ci-t-ieS of -Pompeii &
~ercu\oneun7. --Plinion eruption c.an las-t for
h ~rs or do \/2t ..£.o_r rn g o ·g igantic
co\uYYin- The volcanic rno ·t -erio/ Is e jec-ted
o+- \/eloci-ties of several hundred me--t-r-es
pet' secor,d. because o-r +he -rhrust o.P
ex pond , n<3. g as e s . ________________

5urtse y an EYup-Hons- A surtseyon eruption

is a K i nd or volco n·1c eruptl on ·that occurs
·,n Shall ow oc eans _Qr- boOies of' wo·ter- Surtsey,
oo is ~ond in I ceiond inspired the term .
·These er-Lq;?tion s ·, nclud_e powerf'ul explosions
caener-ated by riS 'i nQ basaltic or ondes,-t--ic -----·
magma, mer_gin9 _ wi-th obundon-t Shallow
Qroundwotev- or sur-f'oce water• Surtseyon
eruptions a re -t-he 'wet· equlvalents of' Stron,bo Ii on.
er-u tions can dama e machines,
reduce visibil i+y. contamino+e water, ond rnQKe
it hard to breqthe.
In case oran eruption near you, listen -for l
in-Formation on +he rodio,follow evacuation
orders, don't drive in heavy osh fa IL avoid
areas downs+rearri of' +he eruetion. on d
proteci y ourself' f'rorn ash -Fa 11 with thiCK
Cloihe-s and masxs. ToKe supplies, medicine-,
documents and Clothing wi-th you, if' you
ore OSKed -t-o evocuo-te -to o She 1-ter.
Cover any ventilo+ion and windows. -Phone
and cornmunico-tion s ys-tems .9re o-Pten
busy durin9 these ctisas-ters, so onty rnoke
emercaenc y ca 11s. Avoid going out ;F you
have respiratory ,ssue5 - fngoge virtua11y
with the community, i-f' possible. TaKe care
ourselt ond our f'amil . 1-t's
ui-te to +eel onxious and
worried . Do not ste -outside '/Our
house or Sheltet-" unless authorities
errY)iSsion- Sta core-Pu J !

I I hove I eavnt O lo-+ about volcon oes

. . while doing this pr-ojec-t re por-+. I
was able +o i dentif'y causes and
ef f"ects of' vol conic I learnt
abou-t +ypes of' volcanoes, how some
vol Canoes erupt, ond hov,/ people can
s-toy SCtfe ·1n +ne eve,,t of a vol conic
_ er\...tp-Hon. I wo. s able +o co- relate al I
c,spects o+ my +opiC- overa11. this was 00
· ar-Ytcr2in9 learning experience for me.
During -the development of my project report,
, I hove consu I ted ond used man'{ resources
for- which T am grotef'ul -to a 11 people
Given bel are ii·,e nan-, es of a I I -the
textbooKs, ar,d webs i tes r
ha,ve used
--totr · c or-npl e+i r7 9 rr. ; proj ec+. -· .,,.

1. Gr-ade 9-Geogropr~'-I NCER1= +extbooK-

2 · \NW'vA!• t"·1otional geogtrophfc. c om

3. Read y. gov.
4-. www-usgs.corn •
5 www. geoiOIJ'i. COl'Yi
'l /'
~. wwv..J. s c ience direct~ f .. Ot1Y1
7. wwvv. oregon s+aie. eciy / /

a. WWW· BritaniCCG\· C0 n7

q. Ready. gov
o. Pictures from Goog\e.
( copyrigh-t free)

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