2 marks(Tissues)
2 marks(Tissues)
2 marks(Tissues)
Important Questions
Chapter 6
2 Marks Questions
1. What is a tissue?
Ans. It is a group of cells similar in origin and structure and they are specialized to perform a
particular function like muscle cells in our body form the muscle tissue that bring about
body movements(specific function).
Ans. The constituents of phloem are: sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma,
phloem fibres (bast).
Ans. The simple tissues (found in plants) are of following three types:
i) parenchyma
ii) collenchymas
iii) Sclerenchyma
Ans. A neuron comprises of a cell body (cyton) along with one or more short
branches(Dendron) and one hair like long branch (axon).
Ans. It is a group of cells similar in origin and structure and they are specialized to perform a
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particular function like muscle cells in our body form the muscle tissue that bring about
body movements (specific function).
6. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue? Name them.
i) Tracheids
ii) vessels
iii) fibres
iv) parenchyma
ii) Process of transpiration i.e. loss of excess water in the form of water vapour occurs
through stomata.
Ans. Cardiac muscles are the muscles of heart that pumps blood to all parts of body and the
pumping needs rhythmic contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles throughout the life
without any fatigue.
(b) tendons
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(c) phloem
(e) blood
12. Identify the type of tissue in the following: skin, bark of tree, bone, lining of kidney
tubule, vascular bundle.
Ans. Parenchymatous tissue is present in the epidermis, cortex, pith of the stem, root, leaves,
flowers and fruits of plants.
Ans. It is a protective layer to the plant parts. It can also absorb water from soil like in the
roots and even allow exchange of gases through stomata.
Ans. In plants the secondary meristem cuts off many external layers of cells that are dead
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and arranged in a compact manner. Such layers together make cork. They have deposition of
suberin which is very hard and impermeable hence protects plants from unfavorable
conditions and microbial attack etc.
Ans. Meristmatic tissue – It consist of small, thin walked, continuously dividing cells. The
cells contain a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm.
Permanent tissue – It consist of cells, may be thin or thick walled, undergone differentiation
and assumed definite shape, size and function. Cells have very less cytoplasm, nucleus is
present on the periphery with a big central vacuole.
Ans. Ligaments – They connect one bone to another bone. They are strong, elastic, consisting
of yellow fibers.
Tendon – They connect muscle to bone. They are tough, non – elastic, consisting of white
(b) Involuntary
(c) Voluntary
(d) Involuntary
b) Nervous tissue
c) Blood
d) Tendons
Ans. Tissue – Group of similar cells performing similar function are called tissue. In living
organisms cells are grouped together to perform specific functions.
a) They conduct nerve impulse from one part of the body to other.
b) They also receive stimuli from the outside environment and send the message to the brain
and spinal cord
27. Animals of colder regions and fisher of cold water have thick layer of subcutaneous
fat. Explain, why?
Ans. Thick layer of subcutaneous fat act as insulator. It prevents body heat t release in
surrounding. Hence, keep their body warms.
b) Permanent tissue – It consist of differentiated cells which have lost the ability to divide
Ans. Water hyacinth floats on the surface of water due to presence of aerenchyma. It is
modified form of parenchyma, which contain air cavities. It provides buoyancy which helps
water hyacinth in floating.