PR2 Q3 WK4 1
PR2 Q3 WK4 1
PR2 Q3 WK4 1
B. Performance The learners should be able The learners should be The learners should be able The learners should be able
Standards to formulate clearly the able to formulate clearly to formulate clearly the to formulate clearly the
statement of research the statement of research statement of research statement of research
problem problem problem problem
C. Learning ‘’ Designs a research used ‘’ Writes a research title’’ ‘’ Describes background of ‘’ States research
Competencies/ in daily life’’ research’’ questions’’
( Write the code for
I. CONTENT Provide an overview of the Provide an overview of the Provide an overview of the Provide an overview of the
( Subject Matter) content to be covered, content to be covered, content to be covered, content to be covered,
including key terms and focusing on the key emphasizing the key focusing on the significance
concepts related to elements of an effective components of a research of research questions in the
quantitative research. research title. background. research process.
A. References
2. Learner’s Material Distribute relevant materials Distribute relevant Distribute relevant materials, Distribute relevant
pages to students for their materials, including including guidelines for materials, including
reference. guidelines for writing describing the background of guidelines for stating
research titles. research. research questions.
3. Textbook pages Refer to the textbooks that Refer to the textbooks that Refer to the textbooks that : Refer to the textbooks that
cover the concepts of cover the principles of cover the principles of writing cover the principles of
research design. research title writing. a research background. formulating research
4. Additional Materials Include any supplementary Include examples of well- Include examples of well- Include examples of well-
from Learning materials, charts, or visuals. crafted research titles. described research stated research questions.
Resource LR portal backgrounds.
B. Other Learning Mention any online Mention any online Mention any online Mention any online
Resources resources, articles, or resources, articles, or resources, articles, or videos resources, articles, or
videos that could enhance videos that could enhance that could enhance the videos that could enhance
the learning experience. the learning experience. learning experience. the learning experience.
A. Reviewing previous Briefly revisit key concepts Briefly revisit key concepts Briefly revisit key concepts Briefly revisit key concepts
Lesson or presenting from the previous lesson from the previous lesson from the previous lesson from the previous lesson
new lesson related to research design, related to the components related to research title related to describing the
connecting them to the of research design. writing. background of research.
upcoming topic.
B. Establishing a purpose Clearly state the objectives Clearly state the objectives Clearly state the objectives Clearly state the objectives
for the lesson for today's lesson, for today's lesson, for today's lesson, for today's lesson,
emphasizing the practical emphasizing the emphasizing the role of the emphasizing the critical role
application of research significance of a well- research background in of research questions in
design in daily life. written research title in setting the stage for a study. shaping the focus of a
capturing the essence of a study.
D. Discussing new Introduce the key Introduce the key elements Introduce the key Introduce the key principles
concepts and practicing components of research of a research title, components of a research of formulating research
new skills. #1 design: research question, including the use of background, including the questions. Discuss how
objectives, methodology, keywords, clarity, and rationale, context, scope, and research questions differ
data collection, and relevance. Discuss the gaps in the existing literature. from objectives and
analysis. Discuss each purpose of a title in Discuss the purpose of each hypotheses. Emphasize the
element and its attracting readers. element. need for a clear and
significance. focused question.
E. Discussing new Engage students in a Engage students in an Engage students in an Engage students in a
concepts and practicing collaborative activity where interactive activity where interactive discussion where discussion where they
new skills #2. they develop a research they analyze and discuss they analyze and discuss analyze and evaluate
question based on a daily various research titles. various research various research questions.
life scenario. Discuss Encourage them to identify backgrounds. Encourage Encourage them to identify
potential research methods strengths and areas for them to identify the strengths strengths and weaknesses
and tools. improvement. and weaknesses of each in each example.
F. Developing Mastery Provide a template or guide Provide a set of research Provide a sample research Provide a research topic or
(Lead to Formative for students to create a topics or scenarios and topic or scenario and ask scenario and ask students
Assessment 3) basic research plan. Offer ask students to create their students to draft the to develop research
guidance and support as own research titles. Guide background section. Guide questions based on the
they work on developing them in applying the them in applying the given context. Guide them
their research plans. principles discussed. principles discussed. in applying the principles
G. Finding practical Discuss practical Discuss how a well-crafted Discuss the practical Discuss how well-
application of concepts applications of research in research title can enhance implications of a well-crafted formulated research
and skills in daily living daily life. Explore how the visibility and impact of research background in questions guide the
research design can be a study. Explore practical garnering interest and research process and
H. Making Generalizations Guide students in Guide students in Guide students in Guide students in
and Abstraction about summarizing the key summarizing the key summarizing the key summarizing the key
the Lesson. components of a research principles of writing principles of writing an principles of stating
plan. Discuss effective research titles. effective research effective research
commonalities and Discuss common background. Discuss questions. Discuss common
differences in the plans challenges and strategies common challenges and challenges and strategies
developed by students. for overcoming them. strategies for overcoming for overcoming them.
J. Additional Activities for Provide additional Provide additional Provide additional resources Provide additional
Application or resources or activities for resources or activities for or activities for students who resources or activities for
Remediation students who may need students who may need may need further practice. students who may need
further clarification. further practice. Encourage students to refine further practice. Encourage
Encourage peer review and Encourage students to their research backgrounds peer review and
feedback on each other's refine their research titles based on feedback. collaboration to refine
research plans. based on feedback. research questions.
A. No. of learners
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Checked by:
Teacher III
School Principal I