UG Regulations2!23!24
UG Regulations2!23!24
UG Regulations2!23!24
Regulations common to all the students admitted to the Under Graduation Programmes in
the Affiliated Colleges in the academic year 2023-2024 are listed below:
1.14 Learning Objectives also known as Course Objectives are statements that define the
expected goal of a course in terms of demonstrable skills or knowledge that will be
acquired by a student as a result of instruction.
1.15 Course Outcomes (COs) are statements that describe what students should be able to
achieve/demonstrate at the end of a course. They allow follow-up and measurement of
Learning Objectives.
1.16 Grade Point Average (GPA) is the average of the grades acquired in various courses
that a student has taken in a semester. The formula for computing GPA is given in the
later section.
1.17 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is a measure of overall cumulative
performance of a student over all the semesters. The CGPA is the ratio of total credit
points secured by a student in various courses in all semesters to the sum of total credits
of all courses in all the semesters.
1.18 Letter Grade is an index of the performance of a student in a particular course. Grades
are denoted by the letters O, A, B, C, D, E and Reappear denotes Fail.
2. Programmes Offered and Admission Requirements
2.1 The Undergraduate programmes offered and the eligibility criteria are detailed below:
Students who have studied Tamil upto 10th & 12th Standard and have taken any Language
other than Tamil in Part-I, must choose Advanced Tamil-I in First Semester and Advanced
Tamil-II in Second Semester instead of NME.
Foundation Course
The Foundation course is offered in Semester I under Part IV to ease the transition of
students' learning from higher secondary to higher education.
Common Course
The Environmental Studies and Value Education are provided as common courses under
Part IV.
Internship or Industrial Activity (Experiential Learning)
The students have the option to select any organization, whether government or private, such
as industries, research and development organizations, scientific companies, etc., in
consultation with the staff coordinator and the Head of the Department. They are required to
undergo training for a period of two weeks during the vacation before the commencement of
Semester V and obtain a certificate of attendance from the employer of the chosen
organization. Additionally, students must maintain a work diary and prepare a report
detailing the training they underwent, which must be submitted accordingly for evaluation.
This course is categorized as Part IV.
Extension Activity
The basic objective of extension activity is to create social awareness among the students by
providing the opportunities to work with people and also to create an awareness and
knowledge of social realities to have concern for the welfare of the community and engage
in creative and constructive societal development. Participation in extension activities is
mandatory for all students, who are required to enroll in NSS/NCC/YRC/Sports/any club or
service organization within the college. Students should put a minimum attendance of 40
hours in a year duly certified by the Programme Coordinator. Extension activity shall be
conducted outside the class hours. Extension activity is categorized as Part V.
Online Courses
The colleges shall facilitate enrolment of students in Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) platform such as SWAYAM to provide academic flexibility and enhance the
academic career of students. Students who successfully complete a course in the MOOCs
platform shall be exempted from one elective course of the programme.
3.2 Credits Prescribed
The total number of credits for the entire duration of programmes are 140 distributed among
all the six semesters.
4 Examinations
The examination system of the University is designed to systematically test the student's
progress in class, laboratory and field work through Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
Tests and End-Semester Examination (ESE). There will be three CIA Tests and one ESE in
each semester.
The ESE for the odd semesters will be conducted in November/December and for the even
semesters in April/May. The ESE will be of three hours duration and will cover the entire
syllabus of the course.
The medium of instruction for the courses of Part I, II shall be the language concerned. For
part III the medium of instruction shall be either Tamil or English.
4.3 Evaluation
4.3.1 Marks Distribution
Each course, Theory, Practical and Project/Internship/Field work shall be evaluated for a
maximum of 100 marks. For both the theory and practical courses, CIA Tests will carry 25%
and the ESE 75% of the marks.
Assessment Marks
Test-I, II & III 15
Seminar 05
Assignment 05
Total 25
For the Practical Courses (wherever applicable), the break-up of marks shall be as follows:
Assessment Marks
Test-I 10
Test-II 10
Viva-voce and Record 05
Total 25
4.3.3 Assessment of Project
The Project Report/Dissertation shall be submitted as per the guidelines laid down by the
University. The Project Work/Dissertation shall carry a maximum of 100 marks. CIA for
Project will consist of a Review of literature survey, experimentation/field work, attendance
etc. The Project Report evaluation and viva-voce will be conducted by a committee
constituted by the Head of the Department. The Project Evaluation Committee will comprise
the Head of the Department, Project Supervisor, and a senior faculty.
Project guides should not mentor more than five students in a group project. A student may
work on projects in collaboration with an industry/ research partner with the approval
of the Guide and the HOD. The student will have a guide from the department and an expert
from the partner organisation. The student will have to meet the guide regularly to assess the
progress. The students may also undertake the Project work in his own department with the
permission of the Guide and HOD if an industry/external organization could not
accommodate a student for project work. The project report / dissertation must contain
minimum of about 25 pages, with certificate page with a provision for Faculty in charge/
internal, HOD signature and External examiner signature.
The marks shall be distributed as follows:
Continuous Internal Assessment (25 Marks) End Semester Examination (75 Marks)
Originality of approach 10
Relevance of the Topic 10
Review-I: 10 Review-II: 15 Involvement 10
Dissertation 25
Viva-voce 20
The marks shall be sent to the Controller of Examinations.
The evaluation of the project shall be done by external examiner in consultation with either
guide or internal examiner according to the scheme given above. Each candidate shall be
evaluated separately. There shall be a maximum of 25 candidates per session with two
sessions per day.
A student is declared to have passed in each course if the student secures not less than 40%
marks in the ESE and not less than 40% marks in aggregate taking CIA and ESE marks
A student who has not secured a minimum of 40% of marks in a course (CIA + ESE) shall
reappear for the Theory course in the following semester/year and for the Practical
course/Field study along with Regular Practical Examination in the respective semester.
4.3.5 Conferment of the Under Graduate Degree
A Student who has secured a minimum of 40% marks in all courses prescribed in the
programme and earned the minimum required credits shall be considered to have passed the
Undergraduate Programme.
4.4 Marks and Grading
The performance of students in each course is evaluated in terms of Grade Point (GP). The
sum total performance in each semester is rated by Grade Point Average (GPA) while
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) indicates the Average Grade Point obtained for
all the courses completed from the first semester to the current semester.
The GPA is calculated by the formula
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 𝐺𝑖
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖
CGPA is the Weighted Average Grade Point of all the Courses passed starting from the first
semester to the current semester.
∑𝑚 𝑛
𝑖=1 ∑𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 𝐺𝑖
𝐶𝐺𝑃𝐴 = ∑𝑚 𝑛
𝑖=1 ∑𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖
Note: The GPA and CGPA shall be calculated separately for the Part III.
Part I, II and III Components will be separately taken into account for CGPA calculation and
classification for the undergraduate programme and Part IV and Part V shall not be taken
into account for classification.
4.4.2 Grading
Evaluation of the performance of the student will be rated as shown in the Table.
Any theory course successfully completed cannot be repeated for the purpose of improving
the Grade Point.
A letter grade RA indicates that the student shall reappear for that course. The RA Grade
once awarded stays in the grade card of the student and is not deleted even when he/she
completes the course successfully later. The grade acquired later by the student will be
indicated in the grade sheet of the Odd/Even semester in which the student has appeared for
clearance of the arrears.
If a student secures RA grade in the Project Work/Field Work/Practical Work/Dissertation,
he/she shall improve it and resubmit if it involves only rewriting/ incorporating the
clarifications suggested by the evaluators or he/she can re-register and carry out the same in
the subsequent semesters for evaluation.
4.4.4 Revaluation
All current batch students who have appeared for their Semester Examinations are
eligible for Revaluation of their answer scripts. Passed out students are not eligible for
4.4.5 Ranking
A student who qualifies for the UG degree course passing all the examinations in the
first attempt, within the minimum period prescribed for the course of study from the
date of admission to the course and secures I or II class shall be eligible for ranking.
5. Attendance
Students must earn minimum of 75% attendance for each course (Theory/Practical) during
the semester.
Students with an attendance of 75% and above will be eligible to write their exams as usual.
Students with an attendance between 60% and less than 75% will be allowed to take exams,
but they must produce a medical certificate and to pay condonation fee.
6. Repeat the Semester
Students who have shortage of attendance in a semester and not appeared for the current
semesters examinations will not be permitted to write subsequent semester examinations and
will be eligible to repeat the semester in the concerned odd/even semester of the following
Academic year.
For students who are having learning disability spastic cerebral Palsy, the following
concessions shall be granted:
a) Part I Tamil or any other Language can be exempted.
b) One-third of the time of paper may be given as extra time in the examination
15. a)
PART - C 3 x 10 = 30 Marks
Answer any THREE Questions
STUDENT REGISTER NO. (Write legibly in the boxes given below)
10 Reliability and
11 Attention to
accuracy and details
12 Willingness to ask
for help and
13 Quality of work
14 Demonstrated
critical thinking and
problem solving
15 Making and meeting
16 Seemed interested
and in and
enthusiastic about
the internship
17 Describe the ways in which the intern’s performance benefited your organization.
18 What development have you observed in the student’s skills, knowledge, personal and/or
professional performance?