respondents, or 56%, are male, while 32 respondents, or 44%, are female. This
The table above shows the level of customer satisfaction during the
for each level of satisfaction. 5 for ‘Strongly Agree’, 4 for ‘Agree’, 3 for ‘Neutral’, 2
for ‘Disagree’ and 1 for “Strongly Disagree”. Most of the description indicates
“Agree” except from the question No.3. The overall weighted mean of 3.73 for
The result shows that the customers agrees that they are satisfied with
the product (4) and customer service (3.96) they have received, the behavior (3.
64) and responses of the staffs (3.53), the accessibility of the customer service
(3.78) and the value for their money (3.72). They also agreed that the product
meets their expectations (3.65) and will likely purchase again in the future (3.69)
and recommend it to others (3.89). On the other hand, customers are neutrally
satisfied that the customer service understand their issues very well (3.42).
Overall, The table shows customer satisfaction levels during EntrepWeek, with
most responses indicating agreement, particularly in areas like product quality,
customer service, and value for money. The overall weighted mean of 3.78
satisfied, though they were neutral about how well customer service understood
their issues.
500 - 1500 1 6%
0 - 500 0 0%
Total: 18 100%
The table above interprets that majority of the entrepreneurs (61%) made
a profit between 3500 and 5500 during the event. A smaller percentage (22%)
earned between 2500 and 3500, while 11% earned between 1500 and 2500.
Only 6% earned between 500 and 1500, and no entrepreneurs made a profit in
the range of 0 – 500. The data suggests that most entrepreneurs performed
Profit Margin
corresponding p-value of 0.00. Since the p-value is less than 0.05, this indicates
relationship between the two variables, is rejected at the 0.05 significance level.
These findings suggest that customer satisfaction has an impact on the profit
Chapter V
some suggestions.
Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data collected in this study,
the following key findings have been identified. These findings highlight the most
significant trends and insights that emerged during the research process.
72 (100%) respondents.
the customers.
3. The data reveals that most entrepreneurs reported a high profit margin,
the entrepreneurs.
Based on the comprehensive analysis and findings of this study, the
following conclusions can be drawn. These conclusions are derived from the data
collected and the insights gained during the research process, offering a clear
1. The respondents of the study were mostly composed of male, but there is
2. The customers agrees that they are satisfied with the customer service
and the product they have received, the attitude of the staff towards them,
the value of their money, the accessibility of the staff and will likely to
neutrally agree that their issues was understand well by the customer
during the study, offering practical approaches that can improve customer
Understanding these strategies can provide insights into other key factors
profit margin.