Corporation: An artificial being created by operation of law having the right of succession, and
the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law and incident to its existence.
1. Artificial Beings
1. Liability for acts or contracts – the acts of the stockholders do not bind the
corporation unless they are properly authorized. The obligations incurred by
a corporation, acting through its authorized agents are its sole liabilities. The
obligations of the corporation are not the obligations of its shareholders and
members and vice-versa.
2. Rights to bring actions – may bring civil and criminal actions in its own name
in the same manner as natural persons.
It is the doctrine that allows the State to disregard the notion of separate
personality of a corporation for justifiable reason/s.
Note: When the veil of corporate fiction is pierced in proper cases, the
corporate character is not necessarily abrogated. It continues for legitimate
objectives. The decision applies only for that particular case.
i. Concession theory
Note: Philippine jurisprudence adopted this theory as the underlying basis for
the existence and powers of corporate entities.
3. Right of succession
4. Corporate powers
3. Continuity in existence;
5. Transferability of shares;
1. Complicated formation
6. The business transactions of a corporation are limited to the State of its incorporation
and may not act as such corporation in other jurisdiction unless it has obtained a license
or authority from the foreign state.
7. The shareholders‟ limited liability tends to limit the credit available to the corporation
as a separate legal entity.
8. By the very nature of shares of stock which are personal properties, transferable at will
by the owners thereof, transfers of share may result to uniting incompatible and
conflicting interests.
9. The minority shareholders have practically no say in the conduct of corporate affairs
10. In large scale enterprises, stockholders‟ voting rights may become merely fictitious and
theoretical because of disinterest in management, wide-scale ownership and
inaccessible place of meeting.
12. Corporations are subject to governmental regulations supervision and control including
submission of reportorial requirements not otherwise imposed in other business form.
C. Classes of corporation
i. Promotional stage
2. The promoter may make a contract at the time binding himself, with the
understanding that if the corporation, once formed, accepts or adopts the
contract, he will be relieved of responsibility.
3. The promoter may bind himself personally and assume the responsibility of
looking to the proposed corporation, when formed, for reimbursement.
1. Name
2. Purpose
3. Principal office
4. Term
5. Incorporators
10. Such other matters not inconsistent with law and which the incorporator may deem
necessary and convenient
1. Name of corporation
4. Term of existence
6.Number of directors or trustees, which shall not be less than 5 nor more than
15, except for corporation sole
7.Names, nationalities, and residences of the persons who shall Act as directors
or trustees until the first regular ones are elected and qualified
8.If a Stock corporation, the amount of its authorized capital stock, number of
shares and in case the shares are par value shares, the par value of each share;
9.Names, nationalities, number of shares, and the amounts subscribed and paid
by each of the Original subscribers which shall not be less than 25% of
authorized capital stock;
10.If Nonstock, the amount of capital, the names, residences, and amount paid by
each contributor, which shall not be less than 25% of total subscription; name of
treasurer elected by subscribers; and
11.Other matters as are not inconsistent with law and which the incorporators
may deem necessary and convenient. (Sec. 14)