Load and Haul Key Productivities
Load and Haul Key Productivities
Load and Haul Key Productivities
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Printed 12/11/2024 @05:55:43
11-Jan-13 12-Jan-13 13-Jan-13 14-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 16-Jan-13 17-Jan-13
OEX601 (EX1200)
Production achieved (bcm) 8,075 6,100 2,525 7,325 7,975 7,625 3,025
Working hours achieved (hours) 18 13 6 18 17 18 7
Productivity achieved (BCM / Hour 444 462 401 402 480 436 445
OEX602 (EX1200)
Production achieved (bcm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Working hours achieved (hours) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Productivity achieved (BCM / Hour
OEX603 (EX1200)
Production achieved (bcm) 5,400 4,175 2,350 4,083 4,800 2,751 6,727
Working hours achieved (hours) 13 11 5 13 13 9 19
Productivity achieved (BCM / Hour 412 390 443 305 372 296 352
Production achieved (bcm) 19,200 15,650 7,100 17,883 19,400 18,901 15,902 0
Working hours achieved (hours) 48 38 18 43 47 46 41 0
Total Actual 404 410 392 415 411 415 389
PT OMEGA MINING SERVICES 826311609.xls Page 2 of 2
Printed 12/11/2024 @05:55:43
11-Jan-13 12-Jan-13 13-Jan-13 14-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 16-Jan-13 17-Jan-13
Target (BCM per TRUCK-HOUR) Actual (BCM per TRUCK-HOUR)
Number of trucks (for info only) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
OB production achieved (bcm) 19,200 15,650 7,100 17,883 19,400 18,901 15,902
Working hours achieved (hours) 212 157 68 194 174 177 185
BCM / Truck hour: 91 100 104 92 111 107 86
TGL 11 JAN 13
- start loading on day shift 06:49, on night shift at 18:39 problem distribution operator (not enough LV),
- OEX600 standby 3 hrs on day shift (not enough truck),
- OEX 603 standby 5.5 hrs on day shift (not enough truck,4 unit b/d), rain on night shift 1.5 hrs.
TGL 12 JAN 13
- slippery on day shift 2.2 hrs,OEX603 standby 4 hrs(not enough HD,5 unit broken down),
- 3 unit OEX 1200 standby @ 5.5 hrs on night shift cause HD no fuel (pengisian fuel rusak)
TGL 13 JAN 13
- shift change, start loading at 18.36 (problem distribution operator,manhaul 01 broken down), rain on night shift 4.5 hrs.
TGL 14 JAN 13
- slippery on day shift 3 hrs, problem distribution operator( manhaul 01 mega jasa and 5 unit LV broken down),
- OEX600 start loading at 13.29 on day shift ( wait disposal preparation),
- start loading on nigh shift 18:30 ( problem distribution operator,manhaul 01 mega jasa and 5 unit LV broken down),
- OEX603 standby 5 hrs on night shift (not enough HD,5 unit HD broken down)
TGL 15 JAN 13
- OEX601,OEX603start loading at 07:00 on day shift,
- OEX600 start loading at 09:00 on day shift ,problem distribution operator (Manhaul 01 mega jasa and 5 unit LV broken)
TGL 16 JAN 13
- slippery 1.5 hrs,OEX601 standby 1 hrs on day shift (no operator),start after rest time at 13.30 (travelling after blasting),
- start loading at 18:40(problem distribution operator,6 unit LV broken down,
- OEX603 standby on night shift (not enough truck,5 unit broken down)
TGL 17 JAN 13
- start loading at 06:33(problem distribution operator,5 unit LV broken down),
- OEX600 standby 6 hrs on day shift(not enough truck,5 unit broken down),
- OEX601 standby 3.5 hrs,OEX603 standby 1.5 hrs on day shift(no fuel,fuel truck broken down at 12:30-18:00),
- start loading at 18:40 on night shift,problem distribution operator(5 unit LV brokendown),
- OEX601 standby on night shift (not enough truck,5 unit broken down)