**Legislative**: Makes laws on Union and model. Concurrent Lists; residual powers. **First Parliament**: Came into existence in April **Financial**: Controls public money; approves 1952. budget. **Introduction** **Constitutional Provisions**: Articles 79-122 **Electoral**: Elects President, Vice-President, (Part V) detail structure, powers, and Speaker, Deputy Speaker. procedures. **Powers/Functions of Parliament** **Removal Powers**: Impeaches President, **Frame of Reference**: Inspired by British Judges for constitutional violations. Parliamentary system.
**Constitutional Amendment**: Special majority;
certain provisions with state approval. **About**: Upper House; represents states and **Executive Control**: Oversight through UTs; permanent house. questions, motions, etc. Max Strength: 250 (238 elected, 12 nominated). **Composition**: Current Strength: 245 (229 states, 4 UTs, 12 **Chairman**: Vice-President of India. nominated by President). **Rajya Sabha**: **Deputy Chairman**: Elected by members. Mindmap: Parliament Indirect by state legislatures; Electoral colleges
**Speaker**: Presiding officer; remains in office
**Officials** (Part-I) **Rajya Sabha (Council of States)** **Election**: for UTs.
until a new Speaker is elected. Nomination: Eminent individuals in arts,
**Lok Sabha**: literature, science, social service. **Deputy Speaker**: Elected by members. **Functions**: Reviews, alters, and initiates legislation. **Rajya Sabha**: Six years; one-third members retire every two years. Representation of States. **Tenure** **Powers**: **Lok Sabha**: Five years; extendable during Approval for transferring matters from State emergencies. List.
**About**: Lower House; represents the people
of India. Citizen, 30+ years, voter registration. **Rajya Sabha**: **Qualifications** Max Strength: 550 (530 states, 20 UTs). Citizen, 25+ years, voter registration. **Lok Sabha**: **Composition**: Current Strength: 543 (530 states, 13 UTs). Office of profit, unsound mind, insolvent, not an **Membership of Parliament** **Organs of Parliament** **Constitutional Grounds**: Indian citizen. **Lok Sabha (House of the People)** **Election**: Direct election from constituencies. **Disqualifications** Election offenses, imprisonment for 2+ years, **Functions**: Selects the Executive (Council of Ministers). **Statutory Grounds**: promoting enmity. **Joint Sitting Decisions**: Prevails due to numerical advantage.
**Money Matters**: Exclusive control; Rajya
**Powers**: Sabha can only delay by 14 days.
**No Confidence Motion**: Can remove the
Council of Ministers.
**About**: Not a member but integral to
Parliament; highest formal authority.
**President** **Appointment**: Elected by MPs and MLAs.
Assent for bills.
**Powers**: Summon and prorogue sessions, dissolve Lok Sabha, issue ordinances.
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