Fundamentals of Chemistry (1 Class Notes)
Fundamentals of Chemistry (1 Class Notes)
Fundamentals of Chemistry (1 Class Notes)
Course Outcomes:
1. CO1: Students will be able to develop the atomic structure using basic
concept of chemical techniques
2. CO2: Students will be able to compare Periodic properties of different
3. CO3: Students will be able to compute the structure of molecules using
different theories of bonding such as VSEPR, MOT.
4. CO4: Students will discuss and explain the differential behaviour of organic
compounds based on fundamental concepts learnt. Correlate and describe the
stereo chemical properties of organic compounds and reactions.
5. CO5: Students will be able to predict rate of reaction using Concept of
Chemical kinetics and will be able to distinguish between acids and bases by
applying various theories.
Topics Duration
Unit Marks
(In Hours)
A) Chemical Techniques in Ancient India
B) Contribution of Ancient Indian Scientists in Chemistry
Atomic Structure: General introduction, Atomic Structure:
Bohr’s theory and its limitations. Dual nature of particle and
I wave, De Broglie’s equation. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle
and significance. Quantum Number and their significance. Rules
12 20
for filling electrons in orbitals. Pauli’s Exclusion principle,
Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity. Aufbau Principle, its
limitations. Variation of Orbital energy with atomic number.
Electronic configuration of the atoms. Stability of half-filled and
completely filled orbitals, concept of exchange energy. Relative
energies of atomic orbitals, Anomalous electronic configuration
Topics Duration
Unit Marks
(In Hours)
Elementary idea of following properties of the elements with
reference to s and p block elements in the periodic table:
Effective atomic number, shielding effect, Slater Rules, Variation
II of effective nuclear charge, Atomic Radii (Vander Waals), Ionic
and crystal radii
Covalent Radii (tetrahedral, Octahedral)
Detailed discussion of following properties of the elements with 12 20
reference to s and p block elements in the periodic table:
Ionization Energy- Successive IE, factors affecting Ionization
energy and its applications
Electronegativity- Pauling’s/Mulliken’s electronegativity scales.
Variation of electronegativity with bond order, partial charge,
Topics Duration
Unit Marks
(In Hours)
Chemical Bonding
Ionic Bonding: General characters. Ionic bond and Energy Lattice
Energy and Solvation Energy, their importance in context of
III stability and solubility of ionic compounds. Born-Haber’s cycle,
its application. Covalent character of ionic compounds, polarizing
power and polarizability. Fajan’s rule.
Hybridization – Concept, Types (sp,sp2,sp3,dsp2) with suitable
examples VSEPR Theory: Assumptions, need of theory,
application of theory to explain the geometry of inorganic
molecules and ions on the basis of VSEPR and Hybridization
with suitable examples of linear, trigonal, tetrahedral, square 12 20
planer, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral arrangements such as
NH3, H2O, SF4, ClF3, PCl5, SF6, ClF5, XeF4
Molecular orbital concept of Bonding-MOT Theory, The
approximation of theory, Linear Combination of atomic orbitals
(LCAO elementary approach)MO diagrams of homonuclear
diatomic molecules H2, Li2 Be2 B2 C2 O2 N2 F2 and their ions, and
MO diagrams of heteronuclear (CO HF and NO) diatomic
molecules,Bond Parameters: Definition and factors affecting-
Bond order, Bond length, Bond Angle
Topics Duration
Unit Marks
(In Hours)
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry:
Structure shape and reactivity of organic molecules: Physical
IV Effects, electronic displacements: Inductive effect, Electrometric
effect, Resonance, Hyperconjugation,
Cleavage of bond: Homolytic and Heterolytic, Reactive
Intermediates (Carbocations, Carbanions, Free radicals,)
Electrophiles and Nucleophiles.
Stereochemistry of Organic compounds
Concept of Isomerism: Geometrical isomerism: – Determination
of configuration of geometric isomers. E & Z system of
nomenclature, Geometric isomerism in oximes and alicyclic 12 20
Optical Isomerism: Elements of symmetry, Molecular chirality,
Enantiomers, Stereogenic center, Optical activity, properties of
enantiomers, Chiral and achiral molecules with two Stereogenic
centers, Diastereomers, Threo and Erythro Diastereomers, Meso
compounds, Resolution of enantiomers, inversion, retention and
racemisation. Relative and absolute configurations, sequence rule,
D &Land R & S systems of nomenclature. Conformation and
Conformational Analysis: Conformations of Ethane, Butane.
Topics Duration
Unit Marks
(In Hours)
Chemical Kinetics
Rate of reaction, Definition and differences of order and
molecularity, Derivation of rate constants for Zero order, First
V order, Second order, Derivation for half-life and mean life
Determination of the order of reaction, Effect of temperature on
rate of reaction, Arrhenius equation, concept of activation energy
Ionic Equilibria: Strong, Moderate and Weak Electrolytes, 12 20
Degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of Ionization,
Ionization constant and Ionic product of water. Common ion
Acids and Bases: Arrhenius concept, Bronsted Lowry concept,
Conjugate acid and bases. Relative strength of acids, Lewis
concept. pH, buffer solutions, Henderson equation
Recommended Reference books:
1. Atkins, P. W. & Paula, J. de Atkin’s Physical Chemistry 8th Ed., Oxford University Press
2. Ball, D. W. Physical Chemistry Thomson Press, India (2007).
3. Inorganic Chemistry, 4ed, James Huheey, Pearson, 2006
4. Douglas, B.E; Mc Daniel, D.H. & Alexander, J.J. Concepts & Models of Inorganic
Chemistry 3rd Ed., John Wiley Sons, N.Y.1994.
5. Cotton, F.A. & Wilkinson, G. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, VCH,1999.
6. Organic Chemistry, 7Ed, Paula Y Bruice, Pearson, 2013
7. Organic Chemistry, 5Ed, I L Finar, Pearson, 2008
Course Outcomes: