Bachillerato_performance Criteria Per Thread
Bachillerato_performance Criteria Per Thread
Bachillerato_performance Criteria Per Thread
EFL Deduce the meanings of Deduce the meanings of Differentiate and deduce
5.2.1 familiar phrases and unfamiliar phrases and the meanings of
words from a context words from a context unfamiliar phrases and
containing familiar containing familiar words from a context
elements. (Example: elements. (Example: containing familiar
colloquial greetings, colloquial greetings, elements. (Example:
exclamations, exclamations, colloquial greetings,
interjections, etc.) interjections, etc.) exclamations,
interjections, etc.)
EFL define the main idea and Identify the main idea Identify and discuss the
5.2.2 some details of and some details of main idea and details of
interviews reporting on recorded news reports, recorded news reports,
seasonal festivities, food interviews reporting on documentaries and
and international seasonal festivities, interviews reporting on
customs, climate, environmental issues, seasonal festivities,
weather, etc., where the food and international environmental issues,
visuals support the customs, climate, food and international
commentary. weather, etc., where the customs, climate,
visuals support the weather, etc., where the
commentary. visuals support the
EFL Distinguish the main Determine the main Infer the main conclusion
5.2.3 conclusion in texts which conclusion in texts which in texts which clearly
clearly argue a point of clearly argue a point of argue a point of view in
view. view in order to make order to make informed
decisions about one’s decisions about one’s
own opinion and reaction own opinion and reaction
to the text. to the text.
EFL Find important Find the most important Categorize the most
5.2.4 information in print or information in print or important information in
online sources in order to online sources in order to print or online sources in
support an idea (Example: support an idea or order to support an idea
Internet search engines, argument. (Example: or argument. (Example:
online advertising, online Internet search engines, Internet search engines,
or print timetables, web online advertising, online online advertising, online
pages, posters, adverts, or print timetables, web or print timetables, web
catalogues, etc.) pages, posters, adverts, pages, posters, adverts,
catalogues, etc.) catalogues, etc.)
EFL Assess, the quality of Assess, compare the Assess, compare and
5.2.5 written texts and visual quality of written texts evaluate the quality of
presentations using and visual presentations written texts and visual
different criteria and ICT using different criteria presentations using
tools related to the and ICT tools related to different criteria and ICT
organization, subject area the organization, subject tools related to the
and purpose of a text. area and purpose of a organization, subject area
(Examples of text types: text. (Examples of text and purpose of a text.
illustrations, charts, types: letters to the (Examples of text types:
advertisements, etc.) editor, illustrations, editorials, letters to the
charts, advertisements, editor, political speeches,
etc.) illustrations, charts,
advertisements, etc.)
EFL Display an appreciation of Display an appreciation of Display an appreciation of
5.2.6 the language by the language by the language by
interacting with a variety interacting and engaging interacting and engaging
of digital and print texts with a variety of digital with a variety of digital
and resources to and print texts and and print texts and
promote and strengthen resources and by resources and by
literacy skills and selecting these materials selecting and evaluating
language acquisition. as a means to promote these materials as a
and strengthen literacy means to promote and
skills and language strengthen literacy skills
acquisition. and language acquisition.
EFL Distinguish complexities Detect complexities in Detect complexities and
5.2.7 in information presented information presented in discrepancies in
in both print and online both print and online information presented in
references and resources. references and resources. both print and online
references and resources.
EFL Identify the main points Identify and describe the Identify and understand
5.2.8 in straightforward texts main points in the main points in
on subjects of personal straightforward texts on straightforward texts on
interest. subjects of personal subjects of personal
interest or familiar interest or familiar
academic topics. academic topics.
EFL Skim and scan reference Skim and scan reference Skim and scan reference
5.2.9 materials, in print or materials, in print or materials, in print or
online, in order to online, in order to online, in order to
identify information that identify information that identify information that
might be of practical use might be of practical use might be of practical use
for one’s own research for one’s own research for one’s own research
and academic needs. and academic needs. and academic needs.
EFL 5.5.3. Figure out EFL 5.5.3. Distinguish EFL 5.5.3. Identify and
features of literary genres, and explain the distinctive explain the distinguishing
periods and traditions, and features of literary genres, features of diverse literary
use those features to aid periods and traditions, and genres, periods and
comprehension and use those features to aid traditions, and use those
discussion of literary texts. comprehension and features to aid
discussion of literary texts. comprehension,
interpretation and
discussion of literary texts.
EFL 5.5.4. Read aloud EFL 5.5.4. Read aloud EFL 5.5.4. Read aloud
with confidence, fluency with confidence, accuracy, with confidence, accuracy,
and expression to fluency and expression to fluency and expression to
understand and convey demonstrate understanding demonstrate understanding
meaning. and to convey an and to convey an
interpretation of meaning interpretation of meaning
EFL 5.5.6. Analyze one’s EFL 5.5.6. Analyze and EFL 5.5.6. Evaluate one’s
own and others’ work, estimate one’s own and own and others’ work,
individually on the basis others’ work, individually individually and
of a criteria, and recognize and collaboratively, on the collaboratively, on the
how chosen criteria affect basis of a variety of basis of a variety of
evaluation. (Examples of criteria, and recognize how criteria, and recognize how
criteria: use of English chosen criteria affect chosen criteria affect
grammar and vocabulary, evaluation. (Examples of evaluation. (Examples of
register, creative, etc.) criteria: use of English criteria: clarity of ideas,
grammar and vocabulary, use of English grammar
register, originality, visual and vocabulary, register,
presentation, etc.) originality, visual
presentation, etc.)
EFL 5.5.7. Individual EFL 5.5.7. EFL 5.5.7. Collaboratively
produce criteria for Collaboratively produce produce criteria for
recognizing texts and the criteria for differencing evaluating literary texts
literary texts and the group and the effectiveness of
work participation. group work.