English: Objectives
English: Objectives
English: Objectives
Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other
countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner,
maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and
languages from the secure standpoint of their own languages from the secure standpoint of their own languages from the secure standpoint of their own
national and cultural identity. national and cultural identity. national and cultural identity.
EFL- 4.3.3 EFL- 4.3.3 EFL- 4.3.
Find specific predictable information in Find specific predictable information in Find specific predictable information in
short, simple texts in a range of age- and short, simple texts in a range of age- short, simple texts in a range of age-
level-appropriate topics. (Example: and level-appropriate topics. (Example: and level-appropriate topics. (Example:
biographies, news articles, narratives, biographies, news articles, narratives, biographies, news articles, narratives,
memoirs and personal accounts, formal memoirs and personal accounts, formal memoirs and personal accounts, formal
letters and emails, etc.) letters and emails, etc.) letters and emails, etc.)
EFL 4,11 Make use of clues such as titles, .EFL 4.11 Make use of clues such as titles, .EFL.4.11 Make use of clues such as titles,
illustrations, organization, text outline and layout, etc. illustrations, organization, text outline and layout, illustrations, organization, text outline and layout,
to identify and understand relevant information in etc. etc.
written level-appropriate text types. to identify and understand relevant information in to identify and understand relevant information in
Writing CE.EFL.2.1. Differentiate between written level-appropriate text types. written level-appropriate text types
different living situations in a
variety of surroundings and
express curiosity about the EFLExchange basic introductions and limited EFLExchange basic introductions and EFLExchange basic introductions and
world through simple questions. personal information limited personal information limited personal information
in class using simple present tense in order to in class using simple present tense in order in class using simple present tense in order
get to know their to get to know their to get to know their
peers. (Example: where one lives or goes to peers. (Example: where one lives or goes to peers. (Example: where one lives or goes to
school, etc.). school, etc.). school, etc.).
EFL 4.3.4 EFL 4.3.4 EFL 4.3.4
Write to describe feelings/opinions in Write to describe feelings/opinions in Write to describe feelings/opinions in
order to effectively influence an order to effectively influence an order to effectively influence an
audience. (Example: persuade, negotiate, audience. (Example: persuade, audience. (Example: persuade,
argue, etc.) negotiate, argue, etc.) negotiate, argue, etc.)
EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world
and other cultures world and other cultures and other cultures
CE.EFL.2.8. Production - by asking simple WH- questions in class after by asking simple WH- questions in class by asking simple WH- questions in class
Listening Pronunciation: Produce reading after reading after reading
individual words and short and/or participating in presentations or other and/or participating in presentations or other and/or participating in presentations or other
phrases clearly enough that group work. group work. group work.
other people 4.5.2 . 4.5.2
can usually understand them Make predictions, inferences and Make predictions, inferences and
easily. deductions to demonstrate different deductions to demonstrate different
CE EFL. 2.9.Express emotions and
levels of meaning of literary works levels of meaning of literary works
presented orally or in digital form, presented orally or in digital form,
including literal and implied meanings. including literal and implied meanings.
(Example: summarizing, explaining (Example: summarizing, explaining
4.5.2 and identifying, word choice, symbols, and identifying, word choice, symbols,
Make predictions, inferences and points of view, etc.) points of view, etc.)
deductions to demonstrate different
levels of meaning of literary works
presented orally or in digital form,
including literal and implied meanings.
(Example: summarizing, explaining and
identifying, word choice, symbols,
points of view, etc.)
EFL Use audio, video, and pictures to respond EFL Use audio, video, and pictures to EFL Use audio, video, and pictures to
to a variety of literary respond to a variety of literary respond to a variety of literary
texts through online or in-class ICT activities. texts through online or in-class ICT activities. texts through online or in-class ICT activities.
CE EFL 2.12 feelings using basic EFL 4.5.6 EFL 4.5.6 EFL 4.5.6
adjectives and related Make predictions, inferences and deductions to Make predictions, inferences and deductions to Make predictions, inferences and deductions to
images through written work on the demonstrate different levels of meaning of literary demonstrate different levels of meaning of demonstrate different levels of meaning of
Speaking school or class bulletin,oudings board. works presented orally or in digital form, including literary works presented orally or in digital form, literary works presented orally or in digital form,
literal and implied meanings. (Example: including literal and implied meanings. including literal and implied meanings.
summarizing, explaining and identifying, word (Example: summarizing, explaining and (Example: summarizing, explaining and
choice, symbols, points of view, etc.) identifying, word choice, symbols, points of identifying, word choice, symbols, points of
view, etc.) view, etc.)
• Street Life . The Food Pyramid • Amazing Facts around the
• Clothes . Healthy Recipes World
• Some Countries and their
• Famous Neighborhoods
• The Guinness World Records
• Success
• Routines . Experiences and Anecdotes • Career Choices of the Future
• Lifestyles . Vacations • Career Choices in the Job
• Famous People . Memories
• Creative Thinking
• Inspiring Young People
• A Life of Achievements
• Inspirational Lifelong Learners
• Stories of Success