Wiki documents created using any of the two methods offer the same in-place editing features. However, the two methods differ in the certain aspects. Table
47-1 describes these differences.
The wiki page style offers a simplified UI that provides a dedicated wiki
Document storage Automatically creates a new folder (with the same name as the new page Does not create a separate folder to store a wiki document,
name) under the root folder in the document hierarchy, and creates a default and the navigation is not constrained.
wiki document underneath, with the same name as the page name. This
method restricts the navigation to start at this folder. The graphic shows Savs Wiki as the wiki document created
in the document hierarchy.
The graphic shows the folder named MyWikiPage. It contains a default wiki
document named MyWikiPage. The folder and the wiki document got
automatically created when the Wiki page style method was used for creating
a page named MyWikiPage.
Permissions inherited by a wiki In a Space, the newly created wiki page inherits Space permissions (where Inherits permissions from the folder in which it is created.
document Moderators and Participants have the create, edit, and delete permissions, and
Viewers have only the view permission).
In the Home Space, a newly created wiki page inherits the same permissions
as a public folder - the owner is granted the Administer, Read, Write, and Delete
permissions, whereas public users are granted only the Read access.