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drouin secondary college news



Leos News...

Pink Day

8HOL Bike Camp

We value: Achievement, Respect, Commitment, Community
Team Report Deb Gentl
e Rob Monk Diane Croft Michael Wilson

2020 has presented us with challenges not dreamed of at this time The end of Term 4 is also a time for goodbyes to staff who are
last year. Students, staff and parents all deserve congratulations for leaving DSC for other opportunities. We extend our thanks to them
continuing to ensure learning continued and learning growth has all for their outstanding service in supporting the learning of our
been achieved this year. students and wish them well for the future:

It is a great relief to see the success of the COVID–19 roadmap • Kerry Wales
and the resulting relaxation of the restrictions. Knowing we can be
with family and friends at Christmas is a wonderful reward for the • Sinead McCullough
hard work and sacrifice of so many in our community.
• Rachel Darby
I hope that as we move toward 2021 we can become accustomed
• Jack Robson
to a “COVID Normal” way of living and working to ensure our
school community remains COVID free and safe. • Anne Thomas

• Gin (Dahe) Liu

• Leanne Burns

• James Orange

• Tracey Taylor

Also thanks and best wishes to trainees Molly Winters, Meg

Miller, Shanara Notman and Scott Hicks who have supported the
Intervention, PE, Sport and ICT programs.

Thanks to the 2020 College Captains Piper Hastings, Matt Kouris,

Jack McConville and Thalia Mitchell and Student College Council
Representatives Ally McDonald and Freya Peck. Your roles this year
changed dramatically and were far from what you had envisioned.
Term 4 provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the teaching We appreciate your contribution to DSC and wish you well in
and learning journey for the past year. Semester 2 Reports are leadership roles you take on in the future.
now available on Sentral. We hope that all students will be able to
Leadership in the community is important and creates life-long
reflect positively on their learning growth this year.
opportunities. This has been admirably modelled by our College
We would normally be celebrating our students’ success with a Council President Annemarie McCabe, who has recently been
Presentation Evening, but this year that will be available for parents elected to the Baw Baw Shire Council. Congratulations Councillor
and students to view online. McCabe!

Now as we look to the future, the wellbeing of our students and Our College Captains for 2021 have now been elected.
staff is a major focus. Building student confidence is essential and Congratulations and best wishes to Emily Little, Ashlea Murdica,
meeting 2021 teachers and knowing what is expected in classes Ashley Snell and Amity Stephens.
next year is an important step. Students from Year 9, 10 and
DSC will grow to 1,230 students commencing in 2021. In
11 have had an experience of their 2021 Year 10, 11 and 12
preparing for the continued growth of our college it has been
classes. I hope students will return to school next year feeling well
exciting to see three additional classrooms arrive on semi-trailers
prepared for the year ahead.
and installed by giant cranes.
Year 7 2021 Orientation has been delivered differently this year.
The first day was virtual. Grade 6 students participated in activities
online at their home Primary Schools. The second day on Friday
11 December was onsite at DSC. A couple of weeks ago we had
not imagined we would be able to meet in person, this is exciting
for our 250 new Year 7 students and for all at DSC.

The 2021 school year will begin for Year 7, 11 & 12 students on priorities and our people.
Friday 29th January and then all students on Monday 1st February.
Thank you to all families for your support in what has been a
Staff Professional Learning/student free days for 2021 are: challenging year; it is greatly appreciated.

• Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th January On behalf of all at DSC I wish you a very happy, peaceful and
safe holiday season and summer.
• Monday 10th May

• Monday 16th August Deb Gentle

I will be taking leave for
Semester 1 of 2021. I am “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no
pleased to welcome Matt education at all.” Aristotle.
Jobling as our Acting Principal
for this time. Matt is currently
an Assistant Principal
at Kurnai College. Matt
comes to us with extensive
experience as an educator;
his current portfolio focus
at Kurnai is Teaching &

I am confident that we
will all welcome Matt and
give him every support to understand our context, our

On Monday 16th November an email was sent to families NETBOOKS
with important information for 2021. If you have not seen
A copy of the information emailed to families in August about
this email, please check your junk mail before contacting the
the 2021 Netbook Program can be found here. This link includes
general office.
payment due dates and the distribution schedule. Please note
If you have not been receiving regular emails from the students will not be issued with Netbooks until payment has been
College please download a Student Details Update Form made or a payment plan is in place. Questions about the Netbook
and return it to the general office. program should be made to Teresa Fanning, ICT Leader.


Payment Plans are available to all parents/guardians at DSC
Students in Year 8 to 12 for 2021 have been emailed the
for essential charges including curriculum materials, elective and
link to view their allocated classes for 2021. Questions
netbook charges. If full payment cannot be made by the due date
regarding course selection can be discussed with the and you do not have a current plan in place, please contact the
Careers/Pathways Team. Business Manager, Josie O'Connor to arrange a Payment Plan
by emailing Josie.OConnor@education.vic.gov.au or calling the
Booklist orders can be placed online with Campion Education.
The site can also be accessed via the DSC website (http://www. SECOND HAND UNIFORM AND BOOKS
drouinsc.vic.edu.au) under Menu > Parent Information > Booklists. TRADING VIA SUSTAINABLE SCHOOL SHOP
If you access the Campion website directly you will need the
Resource List Code CKAN (not required if you go via the college In a new initiative, Drouin Secondary College families now have
website). the ability to buy and sell their second-hand textbooks, uniforms
and other student resources via the Sustainable School Shop
Campion offers free delivery to your home (or other website www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au. Drouin Secondary
nominated address), when you place your 2021 booklist order College is providing this service so there is no cost for
online. Order by Friday 18th December for delivery in families. For more information see the article in this newsletter.
January. Alternatively, you can go to the Campion Education store
in Berwick and pick your books off the shelf and pay at the shop. The Buxwear Uniform Shop onsite at the College is no longer
taking second hand stock to resell, they are only selling second
If students are early accessing a subject above their year level, you hand stock that they currently have on hand.
will need to investigate the booklist for that subject's level. Please
check your allocated classes carefully to ensure you order the OPT OUT NOTICE - PHOTOGRAPHING,
correct books and materials for your level ie English 100, English
200, English 300 etc.
If you would like a paper copy of the booklist, they are available
During the school year there are many occasions and events where
at the General Office. Booklist orders cannot be handed into the
staff may photograph, film or record students participating in
College, orders must be placed directly with Campion Education.
school activities and events.

FEES With this in mind, please read the Annual Opt Out Notice for
Photographing, Filming and Recording Students and Use of Name
Click here to view the College Charges for Years 8 to 12 in 2021.
and Student Work at Drouin Secondary College.
Fees are due by the end of Term 1, 2021 unless a current payment
plan is in place (see below). If you have read this notice and are comfortable with the school
using photos, video or recordings of your child and their name
Information on fees should be read carefully. Each year level
and student work as described above, you do not need to take any
has a Curriculum Materials charge. Some alternate programs
further action.
and subjects (electives) have an extra charge to cover the cost of
equipment and materials. These vary and are specific to the subject However, if you have decided that you do NOT want images
and program students are enrolled in. Elective Charges are added of your child to be collected or used by our school,
to family accounts early in Term 1 2021. please complete the Opt Out Notice form and return it to the
Communications and Publications Officer at the General Office.
Non-Curriculum based activities such as Year Level Camps, the
Presentation Ball, Formal and Valedictory Dinner must be paid in If you have any questions about the 2021 Information Pack, please
full before the event and cannot be added to payment plans. contact the College on PH 5625 1002.


Emily Little Ashlea Murdica Ashley Snell Amity Stephens


In 2021, there will be a staggered start for students returning to school at the start of Term 1. Instead of all students
returning on the same day, their start date will depend on which Year Level they will be in.
Term 1 Commencement Dates for 2021

Staff Wednesday 27 January

Years 7, 11 and 12 only Friday 29 January
All Year Levels return Monday 1 February


Parents can now give permission for some activities via the If you having trouble logging onto the portal or
Parent Portal. do not have your access code, please contact Paul
Gorton in the IT Department and he will talk you
You will receive an email notifying you that your child has
through the process.
an activity waiting to be approved on the Parent Portal in
Sentral. We hope this saves students, parents and staff time. It will
also save us a few thousand sheets of paper each year.
To view video instructions for how to approve an activity via
the Parent Portal Click Here. Cheryl Taafe
OR follow these steps: Excursion Administration Officer
1. Login to the Parent portal of Sentral
2. Click on the link at the top right of the page for Portal
Version 2.
3. At the top of the page you will see "Activity Permission
Slip. Click "View Details" and approve the activity.

Our Professional Girls PE classes have been working hard
to organise Pink Day this year and were really excited for
everyone (including our amazing staff) to get involved!
Pink Day was a free dress day with all proceeds going
towards DOVE Cambodia. Students made gold coin donations
to dress up in their finest pink attire!
There were many activities running at lunch time facilitated by
our girls such as:
• Teachers v Students Netball Game

• Giant Jenga and Connect 4

• Water Balloon Throwing @ Teachers

• Footy Kicking and Handball Competition

• Photobooth

• Best Dressed Competition

The VCAL students also whipped up a barbeque at lunch time.

We were able to raise over $1100!
Pink Day was lots of fun and focused on everyone being active
and healthy – specifically females!


The 2020 Val dinner will be held Friday 12th February 2021 at Lardner Park.
Bookings will be on Try Booking and a link will be emailed to parents and
students as soon as it is organised.

Year 8 Mini Olympics
Mini Olympics for Year 8s during LG in week 9.
Congratulations to the winners, 8D!

8HOL Bike Camp
The HOL team was super fortunate to go on bike
camp recently. Bike camp included, riding on the
Gippsland Plains Rail Trail from Traralgon to Heyfield
and a 2 night stay at Blores Hill Caravan Park. It was
awesome to test our skills on the fantastic trails at
Blores Hill Mountain Bike Park. It was also super nice
swimming in the pool after each session on the trails.
We also volunteered a bit of our time to complete
some maintenance on one of the trails. Perfect!

Our Brand New Synthesizer
Congratulations to all staff and students involved in this
EPIC JOURNEY! Rockfest was held virtually this year with
students recording their performances and submitting
them online. DSC had eight entries this year.
DSC won the Yamaha Next Big Thing Prize and the prize
was a brand new Yamaha synthesizer. The Rockfest
organisers wanted to highly commend DSC for going
above and beyond with our entries and bands under the
circumstances and made mention of the fact that this was
very impressive to them especially since many schools
found this year too difficult to participate.
Chantelle Preis received a nomination for best keys
player, and although she did not win, this is still quite an
accolade given that DSC was competing against bands
across Australia, many of whom were not as significantly
impacted by COVID like Victorian students were.
The organisers also made mention of Caitlyn Warriner’s
drumming. She was apparently discussed a lot amongst
the judges as they deemed her playing to be of a very
high standard. She only missed out marginally on being
nominated. He said “Believe me. Caitlyn was a huge
talking point”.
We hope to see family and friends at the Australia Day
celebrations early next year as a number of our bands
will be playing then.

Yolette Stewart
Music Coordinator

Careers News...
For more Careers information
visit the DSC Careers website

VCE RESULTS In order to make this time as stress-free as

possible, it is advised that all Year 12 VCE students
VCE study scores, ATAR and VTAC Scaled Study Scores contact Jay King, Kylie Downey or Kerry Wales
will be available via the Results and ATAR website and the to make an appointment to talk about courses
Results and ATAR app. All current VCE students will receive a PRIOR to school closing for Summer holidays on
statement of VCE study scores from the VCAA. However, only Friday 18th December. We can make sure you
students who have applied for courses through VTAC this have a range of courses on your preference list
year and have paid their VTAC processing fees will be sent and discuss pathways if results are not what are
an ATAR statement in the mail. expected.

How to access your results online: Any students interested in applying for free TAFE
courses are encouraged to do so as soon as
The VCE results and ATAR Service will be available on 30 possible as demand is high and places for 2021
December, 7am. will fill quickly. Apply directly to TAFE.
To view your results online, log on to resultsandatar.vic.edu.
au using the instructions provided there. Year 11 students
who have completed an early access Unit 3 & 4 subject
also access results in this manner. Students need to make an January offers are released on Thursday 14th January.
account prior to results being released. Offers are emailed to applicants on the day of release and
available in the VTAC account from 2pm the same day. In
Note: The Results and ATAR service log in details are
order to receive an offer, payment for the VTAC application
different from your VTAC ID and PIN.
must be made by Thursday 17th December at 4.00pm. Only
VCE students can access their ATAR in the VTAC account. paid applications will be forwarded to institutions to be
considered for an offer.
Once results are received, students can change
their preferences for courses via their VTAC Once an offer is received, simply follow the instructions and
application until Monday 4th January at 12pm. take the next step!
A Careers advisor will be available at the times below at In a difficult year, it has been a pleasure to work closely with
school (in the Careers Office) to assist students in changing our Year 12 students to assist them in realising their future
preferences in light of their results, ensuring that they have a plans. Past students are always welcome to contact a Careers
range of courses listed that will give them the best chance of advisor for further careers/employment/study advice once
receiving an offer in January. they have left DSC.
• Wednesday 30th December 9.00am - 4.00pm Jay King, Kylie Downey & Kerry Wales
• Thursday 31st December 9.00am - 12.00 midday
• Monday 4th January 9.00am - 12.00 midday
Students are welcome to contact Careers staff by phone or
email as well.


The Baw Baw Shire Council has advised the College that It is also planned to block entry from Service Road Main
they will be conducting works to prevent parking under the South Road/Hatfield Drive to the nature strip/Main South
trees on the nature strip opposite the College. In an email, Road, as this poses additional safety risks for the traffic, as
Council advised the College that: well as limiting parking spaces in this area.”
“Parking under the trees will be prohibited and will be The Shire has advised the College community to use the
enforced by Council’s Compliance Team. There will be a existing car park opposite the College Pool or on-street
grace period until Term 1 2021 (28 January 2021), which parking in near-by residential streets.
will give enough time to the students and staff to change their
We also encourage families to use the car line loop in the
habits and start parking on the Service Road, Hatfield Drive,
staff car park to safely drop off and pick up students. Please
Colin Street, and Wade Street which provide ample room for
do not stop in the bus zone near the crossing as this is safety
parking (as per red lines in the attached map). The existing
hazard for students and road users.
parking and traffic signs and Road Rules need to be taken
into account when drivers park in those areas. The College is acutely aware of the difficulties this will
present for families, staff and nearby residents and are in
Damaged kerbing will be removed, some timber bollards
discussions with the Shire. Any queries in relation to parking
will be installed to prohibit parking, and the signs advising
can be directed to the Baw Baw Shire Council Council Traffic
that “No Parking on the Nature Strip” will be installed to
Engineer at Alex.Metric@bawbawshire.vic.gov.au or phone
advise on the changes. Council’s maintenance team will
5624 2598.
be also reinstating damages on the natures strip and re-
mulching as required (the works are planned to be done
during School Holidays). Parking enforcement will take
place from Term 1 2021.

Staff car park & car line loop No parking or drop off
On-street parking permitted
(drop off/pick up point) allowed on nature strip

Disclaimer Note
Public Car Park
While all due skill and attention has been used in presenting this information, the State of Victoria and the Baw
Baw Shire Council and their employees shall not be liable in any way for loss of any kind including, damages, 2/11/2020
costs, interests, loss of profits or special loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or
other defect in this information. By receiving this information the recipient acknowledges that the State of

information and the recipient ought to carry out its own investigations if appropriate. 12
Victoria and the Baw Baw Shire Council makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of this
On A4
Copyright © Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria Government and the
Baw Baw Shire Council 2020 - E-NEWSBy: Alex Metric
All students that are doing a 1st year VET Course in 2021 If you are attending your VET course on Wednesdays then
are required to attend a VET Orientation Day. you will attend the Wednesday Orientation Day session on
3 February.
Important information has been emailed via the Parent Portal
outlining the location and time of the 1st year VET orientation If you are attending your VET Course on Fridays then you will
session as well as what to wear and bring to the day. attend the Friday Orientation Day session on 5 February.
See Sentral Daily Notices for a list of students attending VET
on Fridays.

Year 9 Step Up...

Year 9 into 10 Step Up program. Students were challenged by Success Integrated speaker Himal Pillay to channel their inner
selves and discover their true interests and how they can be channelled into a career pathway.

DSC and the Head Start Bree Townley has successfully
Team are excited to support secured employment undertaking
Sine Salt on her journey of her traineeship in Certificate III
becoming an early childhood Agriculture. Bree has a passion
educator. for agriculture and also lives on
a farm herself. Congratulations to
In 2021, Sine will be Bree and we wish her all the best
undertaking Year 12 VCE with her employment with L & L
while continuing on in her Hornby.
traineeship pathway. Sine will
be commencing the Diploma
of Early Childhood Education
and Care with her employer
Waterford Rise Early Learning
Centre. Thank you to all the
staff at the child care centre Micaiah has secured a
for supporting Sine and the program and well done to Sine on hairdressing apprenticeship with
her vocational excellence. Haze Hair By Design. Micaiah
will be continuing on in her
Congratulations also to Micaiah Bowey, Kynan Rintoule VCE studies next year as well
and Bree Townley on commencing their school based as commencing her Certificate
apprenticeship/ traineeship. III in Hairdressing. Well done
to Micaiah for securing this
Kynan has been undertaking opportunity.
placement with Quality Site
Welding on a Thursday as part
of the 10VIP program. Kynan
secured an apprenticeship with this
employer and will be undertaking
Certificate III Engineering (Metal
Fabrication). The Head Start team and careers office would
like to wish Sine, Kynan, Micaiah and Bree all
the best in their apprenticeship/traineeship.

There are no formal classes for the last week of term. Students who attend DSC will participate
in Activities Week.

Students will be able to wear appropriate free dress for Activities Week.

In Activities Week, the College collapses all year levels into one homogenous group to engage
in a range of activities.

In addition, Thursday next week is environmental duty day.

Ag Hort News...
Drouin SC Agriculture still performs in remote learning
The two Year 9 Agriculture classes competed in Cows Create Year 10 also competed in a Dairy Expo competition. Again,
Careers again this year. This year they could make a TV Drouin SC won the school prize (so all Year 10 Ag students
commercial or a print advertisement for MaxCare calf milk. contributed). AJ Wilmann and Katrina Gavory won overall
As a school, we won the school prize (so all Year 9 Ag with a fantastic PowerPoint and answers around careers in
students contributed). Portia Di Iorio and Jordyn Edwards the dairy industry.
were selected in the top 3 commercials and also won the
overall senior section. Erin Deppeler and Kyra Manukau were
selected in the top 4 advertisements. This was Australia-wide.

Leos Support Variety
Footy Colours Day was a huge success and no doubt
everyone enjoyed wearing their colours. Each gold
coin was tallied and at the end of the day the HOL Leos
had collected $965 for Variety The Children’s Charity.
David Hobbs (Hobbo), dropped in to speak to the Leos
about Variety and how disadvantaged children will
benefit from this donation. We were very pleased to
help out & make a difference.

Need to leave school early?
With the current COVID restrictions, we need to limit If a student feels unwell, they need to go to their LCC /
visitor’s onsite. Parents should call or email the Sickbay where they can be cared for. If your child
office, rather than come in person. calls you during the day, tell them to go to their
LCC / Sickbay. The College will call you if they need to
If dropping off or picking up children during the school
be collected.
day, please call ahead and office staff will note
the permission. Students can then sign themselves in or
out at their LCC. Parents should wait in their cars.
It will not be necessary for parents to sign students in or
out if you have phoned ahead.
A reminder that if your child needs to leave during class
time or any other time during the school day they are
required to bring a signed note which is to be presented
at their LCC office.
We require parent permission for students to be collected
by someone other than their parents/guardians, as listed
on our records. Persons listed as emergency contacts
also require permission from parents/guardians to collect
Please call ahead if you have an unscheduled
appointment in plenty of time, this enables staff to locate
the child and make sure they are ready when you come to
collect them.


Each year Drouin Secondary College supports our community by
donating to Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief. The BBCC
Food Relief supports families in the local area. Please donate so we
can all have a wonderful Christmas after a challenging 2020.

You can give nearly ANYTHING! It only needs to have 3
1. It must not be perishable food.
2. It must be well within the use before date.
3. It has to be packaged.
Donations can be made up until Monday 14 December.
Place donations under the Christmas tree near the
General Office.
Students making donations will receive a Community ARCC Award.

From the School Nurse...
16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
Our Watch Our Issue is a community network made up of a This year, Our Watch Our Issue are running a social media
range of organisations and community members committed campaign to promote key events and messages throughout
to ending violence against women, children and families the 16 Days of Activism across Baw Baw. These messages
in Baw Baw Shire. Every year since its inception in 2014, will raise awareness of gender based violence and promote
Our Watch Our Issue have been involved in organising gender equality in our community to end violence against
events during the 16 days of Activism against Gender- women. Examples of past messages that have been shared
Based Violence, a global campaign which takes place during 16 Days of Activism can be seen here.
annually between 25th of November (International Day for
You might also like to view their short video or read their full
the Elimination of Violence against Women) and 10th of
report about how we can all change the story and eradicate
December (Human Rights Day).
gender based violence in Baw Baw.

Sustainable School Shop
Second Hand Uniform and Textbooks Trading
Drouin Secondary College families have the ability to buy and sell their second-
hand textbooks, uniforms and other student resources via the Sustainable Helpful tips
School Shop website www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au
The service is very accessible, it preferences our school first and then • Be patient – items transact all
provides access to buy and sell items with families attending other schools. year round
Many schools use this service. Access to second-hand textbooks, uniforms,
calculators, stationery, musical equipment, etc is available all year. • Peak trading times: Textbooks:
Drouin Secondary College is providing this service so there is no cost for Nov-Mar Uniforms: Change of
families. Each family that registers on the Sustainable School Shop will be season; end of year and year
given a subscription, it’s free for families to use. start
Click here to view the stocktake report for second-hand uniform currently
listed on Sustainable School Shop. • Listing Wanted and For Sale
Ads gets results

• The unique Ad Matching

Service shows you who to
transact with, and will save you
lots of time

• Be realistic when pricing items

• Telephoning sellers provides

a quicker response as many
people do not regularly check
their emails

• Pre-arrange who to transact

with if your items are still being
used and write the availability
date in your Ad

• Respect other browsers and

remember to Delist your Ads
promptly when no longer

• Meet somewhere convenient

to transact, don’t make special
trips and just fit it in to your
normal activities

Exciting opportunity for students
e r ing
finishing year 12 to gain paid, sid r?
Con ap yea
hands-on work on a dairy farm ag
Students finishing year 12 this year are being offered Want
an opportunity to gain hands-on, paid, on-farm work at mone to earn
a local dairy farm next year as part of Dairy Australia’s deve y while
industry based Dairy Gap Year Programme.
new loping
The Programme will match interested students with the skills
opportunity to consider a career in agriculture whilst
undertaking a minimum of 12 months paid work on
o r kin s
Victorian dairy farms. w al
To be eligible students must have a driver’s licence and L i k eh a n i mn g
be prepared to be enrolled in a Certificate in Agriculture wit d bei s?
while undertaking their gap year. The industry has an door
sourced farms with strong HR policies and are committed out
to offering a positive dairy experience. Students will be
linked to a Group Training Organisation to ensure all
award conditions are met.
Having worked on-farm for the past four years, two of
those whilst completing VCE and two further gap years,
19-year-old Kyella McKenna said, “I have been fortunate
enough after finishing school to take the steps in following
an agriculture career, which will lead me to a successful
career in the dairy industry.
“The most enjoyable parts of working on-farm for me are
working with animals day-to-day, the rearing of calves as
well as animal health and nutrition.
“It is great to have learned about and actively take part
in the various aspects to working on a dairy farm such as
miking, working with the machinery and tractor work.
“I believe anyone can do what I have done. I don’t have
a farming background, but took an interest in it and I’m
now doing something I love.
“I’d recommend working in the industry to all young
people. It is hard work but you have fun, work hard and
best of all make money.”
Make money, earn a
In the recent Federal Budget; it was announced that from
November 2020 to December 2021 a person who earns qualification and develop
at least $15,000 through employment in the agriculture
sector may be considered independent for Youth
unique skills during your
Allowance (student) or ABSTUDY purposes, meaning this dairy gap year in 2021!
Programme will provide a great opportunity for those
finishing year 12 this year and looking to further tertiary
study in 2022*. Contact Sarah Cornell at
Do not let this great opportunity to pass you by. Even if GippsDairy for more information.
you haven’t previously considered a career in agriculture
don’t let that put you off. A dairy gap year will provide
Phone: 0437 400 316
you with a great experience and will help you stand Email: sarah@gippsdairy.com.au
out as a potential employee or assist in your university
For further information, contact GippsDairy’s Sarah Cornell
on 0437 400 316 or at sarah@gippsdairy.com.au

The DSC Uniform Shop is located in the foyer of DSC’s Lyn Kelly Stadium/Gymnasium
Standard trading hours are Thursdays 1pm to 6pm & the first Saturday of each month 9.30am to 12.30pm.
The Uniform Shop will also be open each Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm until the end of January 2021.
Year 7 Students 2021 ‐ Please book a 30 minute fitting session by emailing Heather at drouinshop@buxwear.com.au.
If you have a Healthcare/Concession Card, please complete an application for the SSR Year 7 Free Uniform Package
whilst at your fitting session.

D E C E M B E R 2020
11 12 13
Uniform Shop Uniform Shop
1pm – 6pm 9.30am – 12.30pm
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Uniform Shop General Office CLOSED
Final Open Day CLOSED
General Office
Closes at 4.30pm
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

J A N U A R Y 2021
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9.30am – 12.30pm
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
CLOSED Uniform Shop CLOSED Uniform Shop CLOSED Uniform Shop
1pm – 6pm 1pm – 6pm 9.30am – 12.30pm
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
General Office Uniform Shop General Office Uniform Shop General Office Uniform Shop
Open 1pm – 6pm 10am ‐ 2pm 1pm – 6pm 8.15am ‐ 4.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm
10am ‐ 2pm
General Office General Office
10am ‐ 2pm 10am ‐ 2pm
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Public PD Day PD Day Year 7, 11 & 12 Uniform Shop
General Office Holiday Teachers Teachers First Day 9.00am to 12.30pm
8.15am – 4.30pm
General Office General Office General Office
8.15am ‐ 4.30pm 8.15am ‐ 4.30pm 8.15am ‐ 4.30pm

Mon 1 Feb Year 7 Camp

Year 8, 9 & 10 Mon 22 Feb to
First Day Wed 24 Feb 2021

Monday 14/12 End of Year Activities

Tuesday 15/12 End of Year Activities

Wednesday 16/12 End of Year Activities

Thursday 17/12 College Environment Day
Please be advised that the Drouin Bus Network has
Friday 18/12 Final Day of Term 4 been cancelled for Friday 18 December 2020.

Whilst we apologise for any inconvenience this may

WEEK 1 - TERM 1 2021
cause, the above decision has been based on policy
Tuesday 26/01 Australia Day Public Holiday and the minimal student requirement on this date.

Please note that buses will operate as per normal

Wednesday 27/01 Student Free Day
scheduling on Thursday 17 December 2020.
Thursday 28/01 Student Free Day If you have any queries or wish to discuss this
matter further please don't hesitate to contact the
Friday 29/01 First Day of Term 1 for Years 7, 11 & 12 Bus Coordinator, Elisa Fitzsimmons.

WEEK 2 - TERM 1 2021

Monday 01/02 All Student Attend
(First Day for Years 8, 9 & 10)

Wednesday 03/02 VET Starts

WEEK 3 - TERM 1 2021

Tuesday 09/02 DSC Swimming Sports

Friday 12/02 Class of 2020 Valedictory Dinner

WEEK 4 - TERM 1 2021

Friday 19/02 Back Up Swimming Sports

WEEK 5 - TERM 1 2021

Monday 22/02 Year 7 Camp Departs

Wednesday 24/02 Year 7 Camp Returns


- Monday 10th May 2021

- Monday 16th August 2021

Contact Hours: 8.15am – 4.30pm

P: (03) 5625 1002
Term 1: 27 January to 1 April 2021
E: drouin.sc@education.vic.gov.au
Term 2: 19 April to 25 June 2021
W: drouinsc.vic.edu.au
Term 3: 12 July to 17 September 2021
@drouinsc SECONDARY
Term 4: 4 October to 17 December 2021
@drouinsecondary COLLEGE

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