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Golden Knights rout Panthers, win Stanley Cup for ûrst time.


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T-storm 79/61 " Tomorrow: Partly sunny 84/64 B8 Democracy Dies in Darkness wednesday, june 14 , 2023
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Trump enters plea of not guilty
continues First heAring on
secret docuMents
to slow Former president scowls
but stays quiet in court
But key metric shows BYS HAYNA J ACOBS,
8core9 price increases D AVID O VALLE,
remain hard to tame AND P ERRY S TEIN

MiaMi 4 Donald Trump pleaded

not guilty Tuesday to federal
BY R ACHEL S IEGEL charges that he broke the law
dozens of times by keeping and
Inflation eased further in May, hiding top-secret documents in
but some of the most persistent his Florida home 4 the first hear-
price increases slamming the ing in a historic court case that
budgets of families and business- could alter the country9s political
es look like they could stick and legal landscape.
around for a while still. <We most certainly enter a plea
The fight to tame prices has of not guilty,= Trump9s lawyer Todd
come a long way since last year, Blanche said at the arraignment
when inflation peaked at 40-year in a small but packed courtroom,
highs, reaching 9.1 percent on a where Trump sat at the defense
year-over-year basis in June 2022. table scowling and with his arms
As the Federal Reserve struggled folded for much of the hearing.
to rein in prices, experts feared Flanked by two of his lawyers,
that the central bank would have Blanche and Christopher Kise, the
to move so aggressively to slow the former president listened impas-
economy that it would cause a sively as U.s. Magistrate Judge
recession. Jonathan Goodman said he
But the latest snapshot shows a JABIN BOTSfORd/ThE wAShINGTON POST planned to order the former presi-
different picture 4 even if it is not Donald Trump boards his plane Tuesday after his arraignment in miami on federal charges related to keeping classified documents. dent not to have any contact with
one of pure success. A report Tues- witnesses in the case 4 or his
day from the Bureau of Labor co-defendant, Waltine <Walt=
statistics showed that inflation
eased for the 11th straight month Arraignment met with showmanship Nauta 4 as the case proceeds.
Trump did not speak except to
in May. Prices rose 4 percent in
comparison with a year earlier, in an attempt to upstage the charges whisper to Blanche, seated to his
right, and Kise on his left.
the smallest 12-month increase Blanche objected to the judge9s
since March 2021 and an improve- BY I SAAC A RNSDORF federal charges with the same proposal, saying that Nauta and a
ment from the 4.9 percent annual AND J OSH D AWSEY bluster he marshaled against pre- number of witnesses are members
rate in April. Prices also rose vious threats to his business and of Trump9s staff or security detail
0.1 percent in May over the previ- BeDMinSTer, n.J. 4 Former candidacy, and to project who rely on him for their liveli-
ous month. president Donald Trump faced strength for his supporters, con- hood. The facts of the case,
But look a little more closely, down the most serious threat to structing an alternate reality Blanche said, revolve around <ev-
and the report offers less comfort. his personal liberty and political where he is not in deepening erything in President Trump9s
<Core inflation,= a narrower meas- future like just another day on legal jeopardy. life.=
ure that strips out more-volatile the campaign trail 4 waving to <He9s scared s---less,= said John The judge relented somewhat,
categories, such as food and en- fans, giving a thumbs up, swing- Kelly, his former chief of staff. saying that Trump should not
ergy, is not letting up. That raises ing by a storied eatery, soliciting <This is the way he compensates speak to Nauta or witnesses about
the risk that some underlying donations and planning a spirit- for that. He gives people the ap- the facts of the case. As to which
sources of inflation are becoming a ed speech to supporters at one of pearance he doesn9t care by doing see CoUrT oN A10
permanent feature of the economy his properties. this. For the first time in his life, it
and could require the Fed to push The almost celebratory display looks like he9s being held account- espionage act: Is Trump9s motive
harder to vanquish high prices. on Tuesday, clashing with the able. Up until this point in his life, a factor under the statute? a11
<The bigger question for infla- JANE ROSENBERG/REuTERS
more typical sobriety of court it9s like, I9m not going to pay you,
tion is: Where is it going? Where proceedings, highlighted take me to court. He9s never been Trump with attorney Todd Blanche at the hearing. <We most a personal threat: MAGA fans
see InflATIon oN A20 Trump9s instinct to face down see TrUmp oN A11 certainly enter a plea of not guilty,= Blanche said in court. worry how this will affect them. c1

A>rmative action case could Soldiers pay heavy price

change face of U.S. military in Ukraine counterobensive
Service academy diversity efforts hang on high court ruling BY S AMANTHA S CHMIDT pierced his shoulder.
AND S ERHII K OROLCHUK <We were left there in the field,
BY N ICK A NDERSON Air Force and Coast Guard academies. without tanks or heavy armor,= said
But the supreme Court could soon anDriiVka, Ukraine 4 The men of Lumberjack, who spoke to The Wash-
The nation9s military service acade- prohibit what the Biden administration Ukraine9s 37th Brigade were freshly ington Post on the condition that he be
mies now enroll far more people of calls a vital element of this transforma- trained and armed with Western- identified only by his call sign because
color than they did at the turn of the tion: a policy allowing colleges to con- supplied weapons, tasked with an ini- he was not authorized to discuss the
century, as administrators seek future sider race in the selection of an entering tial push through Russian-occupied ter- battle. <We were shelled with mortars
officers who will reflect the diversity of class. The court is weighing whether to ritory in the early days of a long-awaited from three sides. We couldn9t do any-
the forces they will lead and the country ban race-conscious admissions in cases counteroffensive. thing.=
they defend. involving Harvard University and the They would pay a heavy price. There were fewer than 50 men in the
The share of cadets at the U.s. University of North Carolina at Chapel BEOwulf ShEEhAN Within 20 minutes of their June 5 unit, he said, and 30 did not return 4
Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., Hill. A ruling is expected within a few advance south of Velyka Novosilka, in they were killed, wounded or captured
who identify with a racial or ethnic days or weeks. Cormac McCarthy, the southeast Donetsk region, mortar by the enemy. Five of the unit9s armored
minority group ramped up from 20 per- More than 30 prominent retired shells exploded all around them, sol- vehicles were destroyed within the first
cent in 2000, according to federal generals and admirals argue in an 1933-2023 diers said. A 30-year-old soldier known hour.
education data, to 36 percent in 2021. amicus brief the court should uphold The Pulitzer-winning author of as Lumberjack saw two of the men in his The 37th9s reconnaissance push
That minority share of midshipmen at the race-conscious policies. Just as di- lyrical, often violent novels including vehicle bleeding heavily; one lost an see UkrAInE oN A17
the U.s. Naval Academy in Annapolis, versity matters on college campuses, arm as he cried out for his family.
<Blood Meridian= and <The Road=
Md., rose in that time from 19 percent to they say, it matters within military Lumberjack crawled into a crater, but Prigozhin: The Russian mercenary boss is
37 percent. similar trends held at the see ACADEmIES oN A6 died in Santa Fe, N.M. Obituary, B5 the shrapnel went through the soil and flaunting his criticism of the military. a18

In the News tHe economY

Demolition crews con-
tHe region
A D.C. chiropractor
the next emeril
Business news.........................a19
oPinion Pages..........................a21
tinued to clear a section was sentenced to two Chef Emeril lagasse9s oBituaries..................................B5

Killing of Makiyah Wilson A jury convicted tHe nation critics warn of entrench- of Interstate 95 in Phila- months for a misde- son, E.J., is just 20, but
world news.............................a14
The Catholic Church ing harsh sentencing delphia that was left im- meanor in the Jan. 6 he already has the keys
five men of murder and a sixth of conspiracy is investigating a Con- laws. A5 passable after Sunday9s riot but still faces a to the kitchen. e1
in the 2018 shooting of the 10-year-old girl necticut parish9s report overpass collapse. A19 wrongful-death suit. B1 CONTENT © 2023
of a miracle during tHe world st Yle
near an ice cream truck in D.C. B1 A Senate committee In Virginia, groups are The Washington Post / Year 146, No. 53516

Communion. A3 A U.S. transport air-
craft9s <hard landing= in hopes to boost consum- making big donations, country9s bad boy
Building consensus President Biden As the overdose crisis
northeast Syria injured er spending protections hoping to shift the Dem- Morgan wallen remains
continues, disputes have and aviation safety with ocratic Party9s direction red-hot despite questions
conferred with NATO9s secretary general grown over how to clas- 22 troops, the Pentagon
a new FAA measure. A20 after redistricting. B1 around his tour pause. c1
ahead of a critical summit for the alliance. A7 sify fentanyl9s cousins as said. A15

A2 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023


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Flag slithers its way back, with Confederate links
send us an email at
homedelivery@washpost.com or call BY L AURA B RODIE
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679
TO SUBScRIBE On April 18, 1861, six days after
800-753-POST (7678) the opening shots of the Civil War,
the Philadelphia Inquirer de-
TO ADVERTISE scribed a <great sensation= in Bos-
classified: 202-334-6200
Display: 202-334-7642 A <strange craft= had appeared
in the harbor: a merchant vessel
MAIN PHONE NUMBER from Georgia that flew <a white
flag, having on it the emblem of a
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM rattlesnake, with the motto un-
Metro: 202-334-7300; derneath 8Don9t tread on Me!9 and
metro@washpost.com also below this fifteen stars, rep-
national: 202-334-7410; resenting the fifteen slave States.=
national@washpost.com The ship came from Savannah,
Business: 202-334-7320; where secessionists had em-
business@washpost.com braced multiple variations on
Sports: 202-334-7350; Christopher Gadsden9s Colonial
sports@washpost.com flag after the election of Abraham
Investigative: 202-334-6179; Lincoln, eager to promote their
investigations@washpost.com cause as a second American Revo-
Style: 202-334-7535; lution. Stories about Savannah9s
style@washpost.com political rallies and <Don9t Tread=
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582; flag had been reported in newspa-
readers@washpost.com pers nationwide, so when a ship
with a version of it appeared in
TO REAcH THE OPINION PAgES Boston, a large and angry crowd
letters to the editor:
letters@washpost.com or call
202-334-6215 According to the Inquirer, as
Opinion: soon as the ship9s captain saw the
oped@washpost.com mob, he lowered his flag and
Published daily (ISSn 0190-8286). hoisted the Stars and Stripes, at
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to which point < 8The Rattlesnake9
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. nW, Washington,
D.c. 20071. was eagerly seized and trampled
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.c., and upon by the multitude, and then
additional mailing office.
torn completely to tatters.=
The episode comes from a
PAul SAncyA/AP
chapter that9s usually overlooked
in the history of the Gadsden flag, A supporter of President Donald Trump demonstrates at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing on Nov. 14, 2020. A couple of months later, the
c O RR E cT IO NS which has reemerged as a provoc- <Don9t Tread on Me= banner and the Confederate battle flag flew side by side during the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
ative anti-government symbol.
Republican lawmakers from the with the rattlesnake/ <don9t tread spread, so did the flag9s usage. sibilantly couchant, and hissing invoked the eagle-snake confron-
l A June 13 A-section article tea party movement claimed the on me= combination when he In December 1860, the Macon out the warning 8Don9t Tread on tation in her 1861 poem <Our
about the background of Patty flag in their fight against federal gave his new flag to Esek Hopkins, Daily Telegraph reported that a Me.9 = Massachusetts Dead,= in which
Stonesifer, the interim CEO of overreach. Far-right extremists the first commander in chief of rattlesnake flag with <Don9t Tread By the end of the year, Confed- she mourned Northern losses:
The Washington Post, incorrectly carried it in Charlottesville and at the American Navy. He presented on Me= had been raised by the erates were printing envelopes <Our eagle in the serpent9s coil!/
stated that Indiana University the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. a copy to South Carolina9s state Rev. J.R. Willis at a pro-secession featuring a rattler and the phrase But (bruising, soon, the serpent9s
did not have a journalism major Today, <Don9t Tread on Me= li- legislature, too, and the Continen- rally in Indian Springs, Ga. That <Don9t Tread on Us.= head).=
when she was a student there. cense plates are available from tal Marines flew Gadsden9s flag same month, Raleigh9s Weekly The Gadsden flag was not the Webb was predicting the Con-
Stonesifer attended a university Virginia to Florida to Arizona, during the Revolutionary War. State Journal reported that a official <Flag of the Confederacy,= federacy9s defeat by alluding to
extension program in Fort with Iowa this year proposing one The eagle largely had replaced Southern Rights Club in Fayette- as the Alabama Beacon called it, Old Testament prophecy 4 a ges-
Wayne, Ind., that did not offer a of its own. the rattlesnake as the United ville, N.C., had held a meeting but several newspapers described ture echoed in Julia Ward Howe9s
journalism major at that time. Little is said, though, about the States9 national symbol by the beneath <a beautiful representa- it in those terms. In September <Battle Hymn of the Republic,=
Gadsden flag9s ties to the Confed- 1780s. But Gadsden9s flag took on tion of a pine tree and a rattle- 1861, when the Cincinnati Daily published in the Atlantic in Feb-
l In the June 13 Carolyn Hax erates, who embraced it in their new life on Nov. 8, 1860, when the snake in coil, with the motto, Press predicted that <Jeff Davis & ruary 1862. When Howe pro-
column, a response to a question own fight against federal authori- Young Men9s Southern Rights 8don9t tread on me.9 = Residents of Co.= might soon invade Maryland nounced <Let the Hero, born of
4 implying that a friendship ty. From 1860 to 1862, the battle Club in Savannah spread a ban- Wytheville, Va., reportedly raised and Delaware, it stated that <the woman, bruise the serpent with
ended because of an affair 4 was over Gadsden symbols resembled ner across the Nathanael Greene their version of the flag on a pole coiled snake, and 8don9t tread on his heel,= she joined a righteous
incorrectly attributed to the modern meme wars. Ultimately, Monument in Johnson Square. 80 feet high; Taylor9s Bridge, N.C., me9 will be sent at the head of the battle of symbols that the South
original writer of the question. It the Union sacrificed Gadsden9s The top of it read: <Our Motto: raised its own 851/2 feet, the Wilm- invaders.= lost long before Appomattox.
was a reader9s conjecture, not an rattler 4 because Confederates Southern Rights and the Equality ington Journal said, on <the tall- When Confederates reverted to As images of stomped, stabbed
update from the question writer. had irreparably tainted it. of the States.= Beneath, a rattle- est sort of a secession pole.= the rattler, Unionists countered and eaten snakes proliferated in
Gadsden, a Continental con- snake twisted above the words The use of Gadsden emblems with scenes of eagles devouring Union illustrations, Confederates
gressman and brigadier general <Don9t Tread On Me.= stretched beyond flags, as their snakes, evoking mythological and gradually relinquished their ser-
The Washington Post is committed to from South Carolina, designed his Thousands gathered around association with the Confederacy religious battles between good pents. Instead, they embraced the
correcting errors that appear in the defiant yellow flag in 1775 as a nod the banner to cheer pro-secession deepened. In March 1861, the New and evil. <The Eagle shall bear the <Southern Cross= battle flag, a
newspaper. Those interested in to Ben Franklin9s <Join, or Die= speeches, and in subsequent York Times reported that, in Balti- Rattlesnake in his beak and rend symbol that has persisted to this
contacting the paper for that purpose political cartoon, which present- weeks they marched through Sa- more, <Cards were in extensive him with his talons,= declared one day.
Email: corrections@washpost.com.
ed the American colonies as a vannah with homemade varia- circulation, bearing the flag of the especially gory illustration for At the Capitol riot, that Confed-
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be segmented rattlesnake. Gadsden tions. Confederate states, with a rattle- Union envelopes. erate flag and the Gadsden flag
connected to the desk involved 4 became permanently associated As the news from Savannah snake wreathed among its folds, The Boston poet Mary Webb flew side by side.
national, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports,
Business or any of the weekly sections.
comments can be directed to The
Post9s reader advocate, who can be
reached at 202-334-7582 or
WHITE HOUSE partisan politics while in their Unit, wrote in the letter. subject to the Hatch Act, even racial comments by their peers,
official capacity, for how she The office, however, did not though their political appointees the Justice Department said in a
Press secretary cited spoke about Republicans during recommend any reprimand, are. news release Monday. It found
for violating Hatch Act official White House press saying that Jean-Pierre may not 4 Mariana Alfaro, Amy B Wang that the district failed to
briefings, a government have been told such phrasing was and Matt Viser <consistently or reasonably=
White House press secretary watchdog agency found. a violation. address the problems, including
Karine Jean-Pierre violated the The Office of Special Counsel, Jean-Pierre has frequently KENTUcKY racial taunts and intimidation, at
Hatch Act, a law that bars federal an independent agency that cited the Hatch Act during press times reinforced by displays of
employees from promoting enforces the act, cited Jean- briefings, often using it as a School district settles the Confederate flag, the
Pierre9s use of the phrase <mega reason she cannot answer with Justice Dept. department said.
MAGA Republicans= during news reporters9 questions. White When the district did respond,

briefings leading up to the 2022 House spokesman Andrew Bates A Kentucky school district has it often failed to follow its own
midterms as being in violation of said Monday that the agreed to make <institutional anti-racial-harassment policies
the 1939 law, according to the administration is reviewing the changes= to settle a federal and ineffectively addressed the
letter dated June 7. OSC9s opinion. investigation into complaints of <broader hostile environment,=
<Because Ms. Jean-Pierre In the lead-up to the midterm widespread harassment of Black the department said.
made the statements while elections, President Biden began and multiracial students, the U.S. The school district, based in
Oil Heat Natural Gas acting in her official capacity, she
violated the Hatch Act
using the term <MAGA
Republicans= last summer to
Justice Department announced.
The investigation of the
Richmond, Ky., southeast of
Lexington, said it fully
Summer is HERE! prohibition against using her
official authority or influence for
refer to Republicans who are tied
to former president Donald
Madison County school district,
launched in October 2021,
cooperated with the
Installing Multilayer the purpose of interfering with or Trump, who announced in the uncovered numerous cases of 4 Associated Press
affecting the result of an fall his campaign to again seek race-based harassment in which
Foil Attic Insulation, election,= Ana Galindo-Marrone, the GOP nomination for the Black and multiracial students cOLORADO
Blown Insulation and who leads the agency9s Hatch Act presidency. Presidents are not were subjected to derogatory
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Politics & the Nation

Was it a Communion miracle? Conn. parish investigates.
BY M ARISA I ATI corresponding with the crucifix-
ion of Jesus 4 and corpses that are
The priest paused after finish- said to be incorruptible, meaning
ing a prayer, looked at someone off they don9t decay as expected. In
to his side and scratched his fore- Missouri, pilgrims are converging
head. <We had something hap- on a monastery for religious sis-
pen,= he told the congregation. ters as word has spread that the
The Rev. Joseph Crowley exhumed remains of the order9s
paused again, video shows. founder appear to have been mi-
<It9s hard to say, actually,= he raculously preserved.
added. The church has recognized
What happened, some at the roughly 100 miracles involving
Connecticut parish say, was a mir- Communion throughout its his-
acle: During Communion, a bowl tory, said O9Neill, who maintains a
holding the hosts 4 the wafers database of miracles acknowl-
that Catholicism teaches are edged by the church. None have
transformed into Jesus Christ9s involved multiplying hosts, nor
body during the Mass 4 began to have any happened in the United
run out. And yet, Crowley said, the States.
bowl never emptied. In some instances that the
The possibility that the recepta- church has found credible, Com-
cle may have refilled itself during a munion hosts appear to bleed or
March 5 service has kindled fasci- develop an image resembling Je-
nation among the faithful. It has sus crowned with thorns. The
also inspired the Archdiocese of church has deemed miracle
Hartford to launch an investiga- claims unfounded in other cases,
tion, which has since been sent to including when a red substance
the highest echelons of the church that appeared on a host in Utah
hierarchy for review. If the Vatican was determined to be mold.
finds that the reported increase in Some have speculated that the
Communion hosts defies rational potential miracle in Connecticut
or scientific explanation, the con- could bolster the sainthood cause
clusion could bolster Catholics9 of Michael McGivney, a 19th-cen-
belief in the teaching that the sac- tury pastor at St. Thomas and
ramental wafers literally become founder of the Catholic fraternal
Jesus. service organization Knights of
The probe could take months or Columbus. Another miracle at-
years, so the parishioners of St. tributed to him would precipitate
Thomas Church are relying for his canonization.
now on the proclamation of their Communion miracles, howev-
pastor. Standing before his con- er, are infrequently relied upon in
gregation in the 7,400-person canonization efforts because the
town of Thomaston, Conn., Crow- illusTraTion by caleb WorcesTer for The WashingTon PosT ease of comparing medical rec-
ley said the reported miracle was ords from before and after makes
evidence that God provides. Jesus was God in human form, said some occurrences deemed with specific expertise to help decision. healing miracles simpler to inves-
<Very powerful, very awesome, worked miracles during his life miracles years ago might not be with an investigation, O9Neill said. Even if the church decides that tigate. Attributing the possible
very real, very shocking 4 but and then died for humanity9s sins understood that way if they were The Vatican9s department for the event has a rational explana- Connecticut miracle to McGivney
also, it happens. It happens,= he before rising from the dead. As the investigated today. doctrine and matters of belief, the tion, Catholics are free to believe also would require someone to
said moments after the incident. church defines it, a miracle is a In Connecticut, the case of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the personally that it was a miracle. have prayed to him for something
<And today, it happened.= sign or wonder that can only be multiplying hosts has parallels to Faith, is reviewing the Hartford Conversely, Catholics are not obli- of its kind to happen.
The multiplication of hosts, if attributed to God 4 <a glimpse the biblical story of loaves and archdiocese9s investigation. The gated to believe it was a miracle if Crowley told his congregation
verified, would bolster efforts by into heaven,= said the Rev. Dorian fishes, in which Jesus is said to review will involve theologians the bishop declares it. that neither he nor the person who
U.S. bishops to renew Catholics9 Llywelyn, incoming director of the have used five loaves of bread and and canon lawyers 4 people with <Even in the most famous cases distributed Communion had been
belief in the <daily miracle= of the Center for Ignatian Spirituality at two fish to feed 5,000 men. The expertise in internal church law 4 of modern miracles, you can walk praying for a multiplication of
wafers becoming Jesus9 body dur- Loyola Marymount University. probe probably centers on the tes- in discussing the archdiocese9s re- away and ignore them if you find hosts. He asked his parishioners to
ing the Mass, the archdiocese said. When the church acknowledg- timony and credibility of witness- ports and mulling whether ra- them annoying or distracting,= tell him if they had been asking
<Through the centuries this dai- es a miracle, believers flock to the es 4 the person distributing Com- tional explanations have been O9Neill said. McGivney for help.
ly miracle has sometimes been site to see evidence and reinvigo- munion from that bowl and any- thoroughly considered, Llywelyn The Vatican questioned Duffin, <Maybe Blessed McGivney in-
confirmed by extraordinary signs rate their faith. Millions of Catho- one else who may have seen what said. the hematologist, about a poten- terceded for us and God allowed
from Heaven, but the Church is lics each year travel to Fátima, happened. Experts who testify about possi- tial miracle when the church was this big thing to take place and to
always careful to investigate re- Portugal, and Lourdes, France 4 Church officials will be interest- ble miracles before the Vatican are considering canonizing Margue- be made visible, to be made
ports of such signs with caution, both places where the Virgin Mary ed in whether someone could have paid for their time, said hematolo- rite d9Youville, who later became known,= Crowley said.
lest credence is given to some- has reportedly appeared to people refilled the receptacle without the gist and historian Jacalyn Duffin, the first Canadian-born saint. Duf- The Knights of Columbus,
thing that proves to be unfound- 4 among other locations. distributor noticing or whether who was questioned by church fin recalled church officials asking which pushes for sainthood for
ed,= the archdiocese said in a state- St. Thomas would probably also that person may have not seen representatives about a potential her how a patient with aggressive McGivney, did not respond to re-
ment. attract visitors if it were declared how many hosts were there in the miracle in the 1980s. Additional acute leukemia had gone into re- quests for comment on whether
Ken Santopietro, a religious the site of a miracle, said Michael first place, Llywelyn said. They scholars are also brought in to mission after relapsing 4 then a they might cite the occurrence at
education teacher at St. Thomas, O9Neill, author of <Science and the will try to ensure that any witness- offer feedback on experts9 testimo- virtually unheard of outcome. St. Thomas in their advocacy.
attended the Mass where the po- Miraculous: How the Church In- es are of sound mind and not ny. Firsthand witnesses are not The church representatives To some, whether the alleged
tential miracle occurred and was vestigates the Supernatural.= If the seeking publicity. paid, because money could bias seemed wary of seeing a miracle multiplication is deemed a mira-
interviewed by representatives of Vatican finds the multiplication Church officials may also re- their testimony. where one might not exist, Duffin cle is only important insofar as it
the archdiocese. He recalled tell- claim to be credible, he said, they view any available video and test <At one level, there9s a hope that said. Still, she told them she could strengthens people9s faith. Llywe-
ing them that the people distribut- would encourage the church to the remaining wafers for differ- this will be an attested miracle, so not think of a scientific reason for lyn said whether there9s a rational
ing Communion huddled with the display the leftover hosts in a ences in composition between there9s a degree of emotional in- the patient9s survival. explanation for the apparent in-
priest afterward as if something small shrine. them and other Communion volvement in that,= Llywelyn said. <They wanted me to explain it,= crease in Communion hosts is less
unusual were happening. The parish distributed some of hosts, O9Neill said. <The canonical process wants to said Duffin, author of <Medical important to him than whether
Moments later, Crowley an- the remaining wafers after the oc- The Archdiocese of Hartford take a step back from that fervor Miracles: Doctors, Saints and people are more loving, tolerant
nounced that the hosts had multi- currence but saved others, Crow- was the first to investigate the and not to get swayed by emotion, Healing in the Modern World.= and interested in justice because
plied. <I immediately believed in ley told his congregation. He did potential miracle; whether it drew even good emotion.= <And that really impressed me be- they believe the occurrence was a
what he said he saw because of the not respond to an interview re- a conclusion is unclear. Elliott told The Vatican ultimately will ad- cause I was naive about what the miracle.
reaction of not only him, but be- quest from The Washington Post. the Catholic publication OSV vise the Archdiocese of Hartford church did when it looks at these <I9m not dissing the materiality,
cause of the group of people who For the Catholic Church, inves- News that the probe was led by the about whether it considers the kinds of things. They are quite because the increase in faith has to
were there 4 his ministers,= said tigating a supposed miracle is a archdiocesan judicial vicar, who is possible multiplication of hosts open to scientific explanation.= be based in something,= Llywelyn
Santopietro, who directs the Con- rigorous process that often solicits tasked with judging spiritual mat- definitely, maybe or absolutely not Other types of miracles involve said. <But I9m as interested, if not
necticut Catholic Men9s Confer- input from scientists, doctors and ters. Dioceses will draw from their a miracle. The local bishop will apparitions, stigmata 4 wounds more interested, in the afteref-
ence. other experts in their fields. The communities if they need people then make and announce a final that appear on parts of the body fects.=
Miracles are foundational to church relies on the technology
Catholicism, which teaches that available at the time, and experts

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A4 Ez RE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023


At Medgar Evers9s home, a testament to price he paid

BY D E N EEN L . B ROWN gationists. He had demanded fair later, galvanizing civil rights pro-
airtime to respond to then-Jack- tests across the country.
JACKsON, Miss. 4 The violent son Mayor Allen Thompson, who Byron De La Beckwith VI, a
threats against civil rights leader had recently given a speech op- fertilizer salesman and member
Medgar Evers from white su- posing desegregation. of the Ku Klux Klan and the
premacists in Mississippi were <The Negro has been here in White Citizens9 Council, an or-
escalating in 1963. The phone at America since 1619, a total of 344 ganization developed to support
the family9s home in Jackson rang years. He is not going anywhere mass resistance to integration of
off the hook with hate. Racists else; this country is his home,= public schools, was arrested 10
had thrown a firebomb through Evers said. <He wants to do his days after the murder, connected
the living room window. part to help make his city, state, to fingerprints on the rifle9s
Evers, a fast-rising civil rights and nation a better place for scope. According to an FBI re-
leader in Mississippi, had led a everyone, regardless of color and port, he <had been asking around
successful economic boycott race. Let me appeal to the con- to find out the location of Evers9s
against White businesses in Jack- sciences of many silent, responsi- home for some time before the
son that refused equal service to ble citizens of the White commu- shooting.
Black people. He had gone under- nity who know that a victory for Twice in 1964, all-White juries
cover in overalls to investigate democracy in Jackson will be a deadlocked on the charges
the lynching of Emmett Till. victory for democracy every- against De La Beckwith. In 1989,
Evers had just given a televised where.= prosecutors reopened the case,
speech on civil rights. But this Viewers called in, demanding based on evidence published in
was Mississippi, and he knew the station take him off the air. the Clarion-Ledger newspaper
that his work could get him Eight days later, the family9s that a secretive, pro-segregation
killed. house was firebombed after Evers state agency had helped De La
So did his wife, Myrlie. organized a sit-in at the F.W. Beckwith9s attorneys screen ju-
<I knew each and every day Woolworth lunch counter in rors at trial.
when he walked out of these Jackson. On Feb. 5, 1994, more than 30
doors, we might not see him The next week, five days before years after Evers9s murder, De La
again,= Myrlie Evers-Williams, 90, Evers9s death, a driver tried to run Beckwith was found guilty of it.
told The Washington Post this him over as he left the NAACP He was sentenced to life in pris-
myRliE EvERs-Williams collEcTion aT Pomona collEgE
month, during an interview at office. on, where he died in 2001.
that family home in Jackson. Myrlie and Medgar Evers in the early 1950s. In Jackson, Miss., Medgar led civil rights actions seeking The rifle he used to kill Medgar
On June 12, 1963, a white su- desegregation and drives to register Black voters. Myrlie continued his work after his assassination. An assassination, Evers went on display at the
premacist assassinated Evers in and a long search for justice Mississippi Civil Rights Museum.
the driveway. He was 37. It was just after midnight on
Monday9s 60th anniversary of June 12, 1963, when Evers pulled A family civil rights legacy
Evers9s assassination comes as his Oldsmobile into the house9s The Evers family home is now a
hate crimes have increased in the driveway, just outside the side museum, too: the Medgar and
United States, school districts door where Evers-Williams was Myrlie Evers Home National
ban books on racism and state sitting 60 years later. He had with Monument, run by the National
legislatures outlaw the teaching him a stack of sweatshirts declar- Park Service. So many years later,
of <critical race theory.= Evers- ing <Jim Crow Must Go.= Evers-Williams can still feel Med-
Williams, who herself became a But Evers broke his routine gar9s presence inside it.
force for civil rights, wants to that night: He parked behind his Evers9s name is ever-present in
preserve her late husband9s lega- wife9s vehicle, not under the car- Jackson: at the airport, a library, a
cy 4 and impress upon the coun- port, perhaps tired after attend- boulevard and murals that loom
try that his work for justice is not ing late meetings. He got out of larger than life 4 accomplish-
done. the car on the driver9s side. A ments attributed to Myrlie, who
<I truly believe there are still White man, who had hid several continued his work.
problems in terms of race rela- yards away in a honeysuckle Only hours after Evers9s mur-
tions,= she said. <As I move around RoRy DoylE FoR ThE WashingTon PosT bush, raised a high-caliber rifle der, Evers-Williams had gathered
the country, and I do quite a bit, I A bullet hole from Evers9s and fired. the fortitude to lead a mass meet-
see the ugliness of it undercover.= assassination on June 12, 1963, The shot blasted a hole in ing at Pearl Street AME Church in
More than ugliness: remains at the family home. Evers9s back, passed through his Jackson, rallying the crowd to
<It is an evil. Evil has a way of chest and pierced the outside wall continue the fight. She traveled
staying around. Evil has a way of man named Willie Tingle, a RoRy DoylE FoR ThE WashingTon PosT of the house. The bullet shot the country thereafter giving
disguising itself, which means friend of his father, being dragged Myrlie Evers-Williams in her family9s former home in Jackson, through a kitchen wall, bounced speeches on civil rights. A year
those of us have to be watchful, in behind a wagon for allegedly in- now the Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home National Monument. off a refrigerator and landed in a after the murder, she moved with
the best way possible, to work sulting a White woman, accord- cabinet. her children to California, where
with each other to see that evil ing to an NAACP report. Tingle a boycott against segregated gas tention to injustices Black people Evers fell near the steps of the she eventually ran for Congress
does not rise again.= was then shot and hanged. A stations. <Don9t buy gas where suffered in Mississippi. house. Inside, Evers-Williams and became a commissioner of
She presses the lace tablecloth young Evers passed the tree you can9t use the restroom,= read <He would often bring his ideas and their three children had public works for Los Angeles.
on the dining room table in the where the lynching happened the bumper stickers he passed and plans, most always home, to stayed awake to watch President In 1976, she married another
three-bedroom, one-story ram- each day. out. me to listen to, knowing full well I John F. Kennedy deliver a major civil rights activist, the late Wal-
bler. The walls here are painted When Evers was 17, he enlisted Determined to gain equal was shaking in my shoes for his televised speech on civil rights. ter Williams. The next year, she
pale green, the living room win- in the Army, fighting in France rights for Black people, Evers life,= Evers-Williams recalled. <I She <ran for the door,= she re- was elected chair of the NAACP.
dow framed by family photos, a and Germany in World War II, launched a campaign to desegre- was born in Mississippi. I knew counted to a newspaper later that In 2013, Evers-Williams be-
black piano and white sheer cur- then returned to Mississippi. gate public institutions in Missis- the state.= month, praying <that he was just came the first woman and first
tains. Behind her, there are velvet When he and his brother Charles sippi. In 1954, he applied for The Everses had bought their wounded, that it would not be person who was not a member of
blue sofas and props from the attempted to vote in Decatur, a admission to the University of home in Jackson from Black de- fatal.= the clergy to give the invocation
film <Ghosts of Mississippi,= White mob blocked them at gun- Mississippi law school, which re- velopers who were planning a She opened the door and found at a presidential inauguration,
based on the events leading to the point. jected him because of his race. bold experiment in the Deep the man she calls <the love of my speaking at President Barack
final trial of her husband9s assas- In 1948, Evers enrolled in Al- The NAACP national office no- South: a neighborhood for mid- life= lying facedown. Their two Obama9s second.
sin. corn Agricultural and Mechani- ticed Evers9s work. That year, the dle-class Black people, built in the older children pulled their baby This summer may be the last
Over her left shoulder is a cal College, where he majored in organization named him its first middle of a White suburb. brother off the bed and crawled to time she visits the house, she said.
black-and-white photograph business administration, was on field secretary in Mississippi. He Evers had designed the house the bathroom, following the safe- She pressed the lace tablecloth on
taped to the wall. It9s one the the debate team, played football, and his family moved to Jackson, with safety in mind. The front ty rules their father had taught the dining room table. She ex-
police took that night in 1963. It ran track and became editor of where Evers led protests, sit-ins, door did not face the street, them. When they heard their plained how, after what had hap-
shows the hole from the bullet the campus newspaper and year- read-ins and <direct action= to tucked instead under the carport mother scream, they came run- pened here, she willed herself to
that pierced the outside wall of book. He met fellow student Myr- desegregate libraries, buses, 4 providing cover, as he saw it, ning back and screamed, too: go on.
the house and the kitchen wall lie Louise Beasley on her first day. beaches, movie theaters, train from potential snipers. When re- <Daddy, get up! Please get up!= <I certainly didn9t want Med-
and left a dent in the refrigerator. They married in 1951 and after stations, the state fair and White- turning home, he would exit the Across the street, the force of gar to be forgotten overnight,=
The house, once filled with graduating moved to Mound Bay- owned business on Jackson9s Cap- passenger door directly into the the shot also had injured the Evers-Williams said. <I wanted
love, still bears witness to what ou, a historically Black town in itol Street. He led rallies, eco- side door of the house. shooter when his rifle recoiled. the movement to continue. I
happened. Mississippi, where Evers worked nomic boycotts and drives to reg- <It took bravery to purchase One of the Everses9 neighbors didn9t want people to back down,
as an agent for a Black-owned ister Black voters. He launched a here,= Evers-Williams said. <It fired a warning shot in the air in because that would have been a
The fight of Medgar Evers insurance company, selling pol- system of <citizenship schools= took bravery to move in.= response. The shooter dropped slap in his face. And I felt that is
Medgar Evers was born in 1925 icies to sharecroppers. He saw across the state to help prepare On May 20, 1963, Evers gave a the weapon and fled, according to what he would have wanted me to
in Decatur, Miss., the third of five firsthand the poverty and despair Black voters for literacy tests, to 17-minute speech on WLBT, a FBI records. do. For the rest of my life, every-
children. When he was about 12 of Black people who lived in the increase those registered to vote. Mississippi news station known Medgar Evers was pronounced thing I did was based on what I
years old, Evers witnessed a Black Mississippi Delta, and organized He worked to bring national at- for supporting the views of segre- dead at the hospital 50 minutes thought he would have wanted.=

U.S. extends temporary protected status of more than 330,000 immigrants

Civil liberties groups sued in grants from those countries could
Reverses Trump-era 2018, alleging that the Trump apply for TPS. But the adminis-
administration9s moves to re- tration, which has struggled with
move to revoke permits scind the status were arbitrary record numbers of apprehen-
for people from 4 nations and motivated by racism in viola- sions at the southern border and
tion of the Constitution. A federal low approval ratings for Biden9s
judge in California sided with the immigration policies, did not ex-
advocates and temporarily pand the program for those coun-
BY M ARIA S ACCHETTI blocked the terminations. tries.
A 9th Circuit appeals court Immigrants with the tempo-
The Biden administration said overturned that decision 2-1 in rary status are eligible for work
Tuesday that it will allow thou- September 2020, weeks before permits, Social Security cards
sands of immigrants from El Sal- the presidential election, but the and state driver9s licenses, but the
vador, Honduras, Nicaragua and terminations did not take effect status does not lead to citizen-
Nepal living in the United States immediately. ship. Many have established
on temporary status to renew After President Biden took of- themselves in careers such as
their work permits for 18 months, fice, lawyers for the Justice De- health care and construction,
reversing a Trump-era directive partment and the immigrants own homes and are raising U.S.
that sought to revoke the human- attempted to settle the case, but citizen children.
itarian protections. talks broke down late last year. José Palma, a TPS holder from
Homeland Security Secretary The plaintiffs asked the appeals El Salvador and spokesman for
Alejandro Mayorkas said his deci- court to have a panel of 11 judges the National TPS Alliance, an
sion preserves protections for rehear the case, and the court advocacy organization, said
more than 330,000 people from agreed and scheduled a hearing Biden should have acted earlier
the four countries, granting them for June 22. to grant the protections.
permission to live and work in Some legal analysts said the <He should have done the right
the United States into 2025. DHS decision to revoke the thing and restored Temporary
The announcement came as a Trump administration9s termina- Protected Status (TPS) for our
relief for immigrants in the Unit- tions could render the lawsuit community on his first day in
ed States under a federal designa- moot, though lawyers for the office, but instead we endured
tion called <temporary protected plaintiffs said that was unclear two years of uncertainty while we
michaEl Robinson chavEz/ThE WashingTon PosT
status.= Others were disappoint- Tuesday. battled in courts, demonstrated
ed that the protections remain Sara Ramirez, center, and other protesters gather in Washington on Jan. 8, 2017, to denounce an As a candidate, Biden bashed in streets, and made our case
limited to immigrants who ar- expected move by the Trump administration to end temporary protected status for Salvadorans. the Trump administration9s <po- within a dysfunctional congress,=
rived in the country years ago. litically motivated decisions to Palma said in a statement. <We
They had hoped the Biden ad- cy organization. work permits, Salvadorans, the after Hurricane Mitch, and Ne- rescind protected status for hun- have made this country our
ministration would issue a fresh While the Department of largest group, with nearly palis since June 24, 2015, also dreds of thousands of people= and home, and yet we still don9t have
designation to include more-re- Homeland Security said Tuesday 240,000 people under the provi- after an earthquake. promised to preserve their pro- equal protection.=
cent arrivals. that each group9s protection will sional status, must have been in Former president Donald tections and push for a path to The Biden administration had
<At least they9re covering peo- be extended for 18 months, they the United States since Feb. 13, Trump had tried to end the pro- U.S. citizenship for them. extended temporary protected
ple who have been living and will expire on different dates in 2001, when earthquakes devas- tections, saying the emergencies Some advocates had hoped status to approximately 670,000
working here for decades,= said 2025 because their original desig- tated their country. Hondurans that spurred the U.S. government that the Biden administration people from 16 countries as of
Kerri Talbot, deputy director of nation dates vary. and Nicaraguans must have lived to offer the groups temporary would create a new eligibility April, according to the Pew Re-
the Immigration Hub, an advoca- To be eligible to renew their in the country since Dec. 30, 1998, refuge had long passed. date so that more-recent immi- search Center.
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A5

salWan georges/the Washington Post

Hundreds of pounds of seized fentanyl and methamphetamine in Tijuana, Mexico, last year.

A classiûcation conundrum
BY D AVID O VALLE (R-N.D.) said that without the law,
Amid overdose crisis, many fentanyl-related substances
could be legal, and that law en-
Federal authorities in 2018 tem- disputes grow over how forcement <could lose the authori-
porarily placed all substances re- to place fentanyl cousins ty they need to seize these ex-
lated to fentanyl in a category tremely lethal drugs.=
reserved for the most dangerous In a statement of administra-
controlled substances, an effort to tion policy, the White House
stymie drug traffickers. Five years moderates or from swing districts didn9t explicitly say whether
later, the number of overdose that could respond negatively to a Biden would sign the Republican-
deaths linked to synthetic opioids vote against a bill aimed at curb- led bill. The Biden administration
is as high as ever, and critics warn ing fentanyl analogues. Biden issued recommendations to Con-
that efforts to make the classifica- gave a nod of support for two of gress earlier that included perma-
tion permanent will entrench the bill9s key provisions, which nently classifying analogues in the
harsh sentencing laws. seemed to give cover to vulnerable highest category while pushing
With frustration mounting House Democrats to vote yes. But other policies, such as excluding
about the toll of fentanyl, the de- the legislation could face an uphill these substances from mandatory
bate has sparked clashing political battle in the Democratic- penalties except in cases of death
approaches. On Tuesday, Sen. controlled Senate. Schumer9s of- or serious bodily harm.
Cory Booker (D-N.J.) introduced fice didn9t say whether the Senate The minimum sentence for a
legislation extending the tempo- would take up the legislation. first-time offense of trafficking 10
rary measure for up to two years This month, Schumer em- grams of a fentanyl analogue is
for existing fentanyl-related sub- braced the possibility of increased five years, which the Drug Policy
stances and for up to four years funding to address the drug crisis. Alliance contends would apply
when new analogues emerge. The During debate on the debt ceiling, even if only a trace amount is
measure would give time to com- he said the deal to stave off a found in the overall mixture.
plete the bill9s required scientific government default doesn9t affect As with the mandatory mini-
evaluation of fentanyl9s chemical the chamber9s ability to appropri- mums meted out in the 1980s and
cousins, allowing for the classifi- ate emergency and supplemental 1990s, critics say prison sentences
cation to be changed or removed if funds for a host of issues, such as will disproportionally affect peo-
the substances are less dangerous combating fentanyl. ple of color. According to U.S. Sen-
or have no potential to be abused. Illicit fentanyl 4 concocted tencing Commission data re-
Booker9s legislation contrasts first in clandestine labs in China leased in May, nearly 56 percent of
with the Republican-backed Halt and now Mexico 4 has flooded fentanyl analogue trafficking of-
Fentanyl Act, which passed the U.S. streets, as have the drug9s fenders were Black, and about 26
House with bipartisan support in chemical cousins, compounds percent Hispanic.
May and would make the classifi- similar in molecular structure and Stories about fentanyl ana-
cation permanent. often just as deadly, if not more so. logues abound. There was the San
<Placing fentanyl analogues on In what law enforcement has long Jose police union executive ac-
the list of scheduled substances described as a perpetual game of cused of importing valeryl fenta-
without corresponding efforts to whack-a-mole, underground nyl from overseas, and there was
address the root causes of the opi- chemists tweak the compounds to the deadly mix of a type of fentanyl
oid epidemic isn9t turning the tide try to stay ahead of the law. and other drugs that killed actor
of the crisis because as long as Over the years, the Drug En- Michael K. Williams.
there9s demand and money to be forcement Administration has Typically, cases involving fenta-
made, cartels will continue to pro- classified as Schedule I 4 the high- nyl analogues are charged along-
duce these drugs,= Booker said in a est level 4 many analogues with side other Schedule I drugs, ac-
statement, pointing to his legisla- names such as acetyl fentanyl, pa- cording to a 2021 Government Ac-
tion as the path forward. ra-fluorofentanyl and valeryl fen- countability Office report. Accord-
On the other side, Republican tanyl. Carfentanil, a Schedule II ing to the sentencing commission,
state attorneys general are urging substance found in the illicit drug the number of fentanyl analogue
the Senate to permanently place supply, is notorious for its poten- cases has increased more than 208
all chemical substances related to cy: up to 100 times stronger than percent since 2018. Still, in fiscal
fentanyl in the most restricted cat- fentanyl and intended to be used year 2022, only 145 analogue of-
egory, aiming to bolster law en- as an elephant tranquilizer. fenders were charged 4 a small
forcement9s ability to crack down The DEA categorizes drugs into fraction of federal drug cases. And
on an array of deadly synthetic five <schedules,= taking into ac- most of the analogues in these
opioids 4 and substances that count the risk of abuse and their cases involved substances that
may emerge. It9s unclear whether value as medical treatment. have already been classified by the
the Senate will take up the Halt Schedule I includes heroin, LSD DEA.
Fentanyl Act. and ecstasy, drugs deemed to have State prosecutors use local laws
If the measure doesn9t pass, le- no acceptable medical use and to target dealers of fentanyl ana-
gal experts say, drug dealers won9t prone to abuse. (Marijuana re- logues, such as the group busted in
exactly be getting a pass 4 author- mains Schedule I, even though Columbus, Ohio, in 2021 for sell-
ities can still use a decades-old law roughly two dozen states have le- ing four kilograms of fentanyl and
that allows for the prosecution of galized it). Fentanyl is classified as para-fluorofentanyl to undercov-
dealers who traffic in analogues Schedule II 4 a category that in- er investigators. Records show the
that are similar to dangerous cludes cocaine and methamphet- ringleader got six to eight years in
drugs. Similarly, many states have amine 4 because doctors can pre- state prison for trafficking in a
laws criminalizing drugs with the scribe legal fentanyl as a painkill- <fentanyl-related compound= un-
same effects as fentanyl. er. der Ohio law.
<The government already has Classifying drugs is cumber- If federal prosecutors charge
plenty of tools in its toolbox to some and time-consuming and in- someone for dealing in a fentanyl
address fentanyl analogues,= said volves various agencies. In 2018, analogue that has yet to be classi-
Liz Komar, an attorney for the as the nation9s overdose crisis es- fied, they can turn to the Con-
Sentencing Project, a D.C. non- calated to unprecedented heights, trolled Substance Analogue En-
profit that advocates for more hu- the Trump administration tempo- forcement Act of 1986, which re-
mane sentences and opposes the rarily placed all fentanyl-related quires they prove the substance
Halt Fentanyl Act. <We know substances in the Schedule I cat- was <intended for human con-
harsher sentences are not the an- egory. The DEA9s acting adminis- sumption= and is <substantially
swer to stopping overdoses.= trator at the time said that action similar= to a scheduled one. That
The friction over the bill re- would ensure federal agents and might require prosecutors to call
flects wider frustrations about prosecutors could take <swift and to the witness stand pharmacolo-
fentanyl and related opioids, necessary= action against drug gists or chemists to explain how
which have largely displaced pain traffickers poisoning communi- an unlisted drug is, effectively, as
pills and heroin as catalysts of the ties. deadly as fentanyl.
country9s overdose death crisis. Still, overdose deaths contin- The Republican attorneys gen-
Fentanyl remains a political flash ued rising 4 along with the flow of eral cast the law as too complex,
point, with Republicans blaming synthetic opioids into the country. given the possibility of disputes
President Biden for failing to se- The Centers for Disease Control between experts. Others disagree,
cure the southern border from and Prevention estimates more saying prosecutors should be re-
drugs smuggled by Mexican car- than 109,000 Americans died of quired to take the steps in court to
tels. overdoses in 2022, edging the rec- prove that an unclassified ana-
In a June 1 letter, 23 Republican ord from the year before. Synthet- logue is dangerous.
attorneys general urged Senate ic opioids are blamed for roughly The House-passed legislation
Majority Leader Charles E. Schu- 69 percent of that total. has raised alarms from scientists
mer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority <If the intention is to mitigate who say it falsely assumes that
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) the harms of illicit fentanyl and thousands of fentanyl-related
to make permanent the tempo- put a dent in the overdose num- substances are dangerous, mak-
rary designation of all fentanyl-re- bers, that hasn9t happened with ing them difficult to test and study
lated substances, which is set to the class-wide scheduling,= said as controlled substances. Some
expire at the end of 2024. Maritza Perez Medina, director of substances could be future fenta-
Making the measure perma- federal affairs for the nonprofit nyl antidotes, said West Virginia
nent would put drug cartels and Drug Policy Alliance, which advo- University chemistry professor
traffickers <on notice,= they wrote, cates for reforming drug laws and Gregory Dudley, who joined more
saying <this national catastrophe joined dozens of organizations in than 40 researchers in opposing
requires a serious federal solu- opposing the legislation. the legislation in a letter to House
tion.= Supporters of the Halt Fentanyl leaders.
The measure passed 289-133 in Act cast it as a race against the <They could lead to better medi-
the House with support from 74 clock. At the time the House bill cines, addiction therapies, and
Democrats, many considered passed, Rep. Kelly Armstrong overdose interventions,= he wrote.
A6 Ez RE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Military academies9 use of a>rmative action could be at risk


<It9s a key aspect in creating a
trust relationship with our client,
the American people,= said re-
tired Army Lt. Gen. robert L.
Caslen Jr., the superintendent at
West Point from 2013 to 2018,
who joined the brief. <It makes
you a lot stronger organization 4
more tools, more talents. . . .
We9re not lowering standards
At the Naval Academy in the
fall of 2021, about 13 percent of
midshipmen were Latino, 10 per-
cent multiracial, 8 percent of
Asian descent and 6 percent
Black or African American.
<Everyone just kind of gets
thrown in a room with people
from diverse cultures and races,
and they9re forced to just kind of
live together, and you9re forced to
work together,= midshipman Ja-
son Hainze, 22, of Seattle said late
last month at the academy9s
spring commencement just be-
fore he was commissioned an
Hainze, who is Chinese Ameri-
can, said he appreciates the acad-
emy9s push for racial and ethnic
diversity. <The fact that we are
moving in the right direction is
very important to me,= he said.
midshipman Lewis Gray, 22, of
Jupiter, fla., was heading soon to
assignment as a second lieuten-
ant in the marine Corps. With
parents of Jamaican and British
background, Gray identifies as
biracial and said he <always felt at
home= at the academy. Asked
whether the academy was diverse
enough, he said: <Do we have to
be exactly representative of the
population in every aspect?= he miChAEl RobiNSoN ChávEz/thE WAShiNgtoN PoSt

asked. <Is that even possible to U.S. Naval Academy graduates during their commissioning ceremony last month at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis. More than 30 prominent retired
get?= generals and admirals argue in an amicus brief filed with the Supreme Court that just as diversity matters on college campuses, it matters within military leadership.
Within the military communi-
ty, there is much debate about the 8selfless servant,9 colorblind ades of legal precedent and send prestigious institutions that train
methods of obtaining racial di- culture necessary for our military shock waves through higher edu- future military officers and pro-
versity. A group called Veterans to prevail on the battlefield.= cation. racial quotas or set-asides vide them with a liberal arts
for fairness and merit, which During oral arguments in the in admissions have long been education.
said it represents hundreds of fall in the two affirmative action outlawed. But the high court has <our armed forces know from
veterans from enlisted and officer cases, the Supreme Court9s con- permitted the limited use of race hard experience that when we do
ranks, argues that there is no servative majority was skeptical 4 alongside grades, test scores, not have a diverse officer corps
rationale for race-conscious ad- of practices at Harvard and UNC- extracurricular activities, family that is broadly reflective of a
missions at the academies. Chapel Hill that allow consider- circumstances and other factors diverse fighting force, our
The <military9s use of racial ation of race as one factor among 4 in the process of deciding who strength and cohesion and mili-
preferences today is unquestion- many in a holistic review of gets into competitive schools. tary readiness suffer,= Solicitor
ably harmful to our national se- applications. The Biden administration con- General Elizabeth B. Prelogar
curity,= the group said in an amic- Any decision to ban consider- tends that a ban on race-con- told the justices on oct. 31. <So it
us brief to the high court. <Such ation of race, which analysts con- scious admissions would under- is a critical national security im-
preferences are antithetical to sider likely, would overturn dec- mine progress in diversifying perative to attain diversity within
the officer corps. And, at present,
it9s not possible to achieve that
diversity without race-conscious
Make the admissions, including at the na-
kElly ESkElSEN/u.S. NAvAl ACAdEmy AlumNi ASSoCiAtioN ANd FouNdAtioN.
tion9s service academies.=
Smartest Choice one of the court9s sharpest
critics of affirmative action ac-
Timika Lindsay and her daughter, Ensign Elise Lindsay, are the
first Black mother-daughter pair of graduates from the academy.
For Your Roof knowledged the significance of
the issue Prelogar raised. <What
Midshipman Eric Lindsay, right, is set to graduate in 2025.

by calling Home Genius today! you say about the military is tion? Absolutely not. The primary an institution and as a service is
something that we have to take factors for every single student one of our greatest strengths,=
very seriously,= Justice Samuel A. who9s earned an appointment are Vice Adm. Sean Buck, the Naval
Alito Jr. told her. academic readiness and leader- Academy9s outgoing superinten-
Chief Justice John G. roberts ship potential.= dent, said in a statement. <our
* Jr. asked whether <it might make In 2010, Congress approved a admissions team works tirelessly
sense for us not to decide the measure allowing the Coast to bring in the best talent from
service academy issue in this Guard Academy to consider race around the nation that reflects
case?= That prompted some ana- in admissions. The academy en- the people that we serve and the
lysts to wonder whether the court rolls about 1,050 undergraduates. Sailors and marines that we lead.=
majority would consider an ex- Those at West Point, Annapolis Buck said that <early engage-
ception for race-conscious admis- and the Air force Academy in ment, outreach and strategic pro-
sions at the academies. Colorado Springs all enroll more cesses= are crucial for building a
Prelogar told the justices that than 4,000. diverse pool of candidates.
diversity is also crucial for re- The academies are all selective. Defense Department data
serve officers9 Training Corps federal education data shows shows some racial gaps between
programs at other colleges and that the four military institutions enlisted forces and military offi-


universities. admitted fewer than 20 percent cers. About 9 percent of active-
Service academies have fig- of applicants in 2021. The U.S. duty officers identify as Black, the

ured in the affirmative action merchant marine Academy in Defense data shows, compared
debate for decades. Kings Point, N.Y., which also has with 19 percent of active-duty
In 2003, retired generals and ties to the military, admitted enlisted service members.
Call today and schedule a admirals submitted an amicus 25 percent. Those figures underscore the
brief to the Supreme Court in To be eligible for Annapolis, stakes of the impending Supreme
FREE ESTIMATE support of race-conscious admis- Colorado Springs or West Point, Court decision. They also high-
866-695-2007 sions for the academies and
roTC programs. The landmark
applicants must secure a nomina-
tion from a member of Congress,
light the significance of the Lind-
say family9s achievement on a
www.homeroofexperts.com ruling in Grutter v. Bollinger the president or another author- spring day when the first Black
cited that brief as the court up- ized source. The nominating secretary of defense, Lloyd Aus-
held race-conscious admissions process ensures a significant de- tin, addressed the latest class at
When We Save, You Save at the University of michigan9s gree of geographical diversity but Annapolis.
As an Owens Corning Top of the House® law school.
Columbia University9s outgo-
not necessarily racial diversity.
Caslen said that when he was
After a roaring Blue Angels
flyover, the conferral of degrees
Certiûed Contractor, we9re passing our ing president, Lee C. Bollinger, superintendent at West Point, he and the ritual toss of midshipman
volume savings on to Washington Post who was president at michigan sought to build close relation- hats into a bright blue sky, retired
when the lawsuit was filed, said ships with the Congressional Navy Capt. Timika Lindsay, 54,
readers as a one-time promotion. arguments from the military car- Black Caucus to bolster the acad- and newly commissioned Ensign
- Hurry, Sale ends June 30! - ry special weight. emy9s recruiting efforts. Elise Lindsay, 22, exulted may 26
<That9s a big deal, because that At West Point, federal educa- on the turf of Navy-marine Corps
links in national security,= Bol- tion data shows 13 percent of memorial Stadium.
linger said. <It brings a dimension cadets were African American in The Lindsays had just become
to this 4 that it9s not a bunch of 2021, roughly echoing the Black the first Black mother-daughter
Home Genius Exteriors liberal do-gooder universities just share of the national population. pair of graduates from Annapolis.
trying to bring about social jus- In 2011, the data shows, the Black Sharing their gleeful hugs was the
The DMV9s Most Highly Certiûed tice. It9s a concrete, hard problem share at West Point was 7 percent. ensign9s little brother, midship-
Rooûng Company that every sector is working on.= Latinos, who constitute about man Eric Lindsay, class of 2025.
Affirmative action is not uni- 19 percent of the national popula- <my biggest role models in life,= he
versal in higher education. Nine tion, according to census esti- said of his mother and sister.
Why Call Home Genius? states, including California and mates, are underrepresented at Said Ensign Lindsay: <I9m just
florida, prohibit consideration of West Point. About 12 percent of happy to have my mom by my
9 Highest certiûcations in the rooûng industry race for admission to public uni- cadets there in 2021 were Latino. side and go through this with her
held by only 0.3% of contractors versities. Some colleges and uni- West Point officials did not and make this milestone. This is a
A Different Experience. versities say they choose to ignore respond to emailed questions great accomplishment for both of
9 Lifetime Material AND Labor Warranties race. about the academy9s demograph- us.=
Those that do take race into ic profile and the role of race in The elder Lindsay said she
9 Competitive, affordable quotes that are good account insist it is just one el- admissions. Nor did Air force could count on one hand the
for a full year ement in the review of an appli- Academy officials. number of Black women in her
cant9s background and creden- The share of cadets in Colora- class when she graduated in 1992.
tials. The academies say the do Springs in 2021 who were The numbers have risen since
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same, with the added element of African American was 6 percent, then. But the retired captain, who
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<Do we have visibility of what and the share who were Latino cer at Annapolis, said the acad-
ethnicity or race an individual was 11 percent. emy has much more work to do.
*With approved credit on new orders only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Materials discount will have?= said Capt. michael S. At Annapolis, the White share She is impatient with firsts.
based on retail pricing of installed materials. Please see associate for full details and disclosures. fredie, director of admissions for of midshipmen fell slowly but <We need to get the momen-
Home Genius Exteriors is fully licensed and insured. the Coast Guard Academy in New steadily during the past two dec- tum going,= she said. <I don9t
D.C. LIC#420219000039, Maryland LIC#128753, Virginia LIC#2705 064026 London, Conn. <Yes, we will. Is ades. want to be the last. We need more
that the primary factor for selec- <I believe that our diversity as to follow us.=
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post ez re A7

Biden, NATO chief meet at turbulent time for the alliance

Georgia, <will become members NATO to see that happen. They
U.S. emphasizes pledge of NATO.= have a candidate who9s a very
Meanwhile, Secretary of State qualified individual. But we9re go-
to coalition as pivotal Antony Blinken said Tuesday he ing to have a lot of discussion, not
summit approaches expects NATO will commit to a between us, but in NATO, to de-
<robust package= of political and termine what the outcome of that
practical support for Ukraine at will be.=
next month9s summit. Meanwhile, momentum has
BY M ATT V ISER Blinken made the remarks gathered behind the candidacy of
AND M ISSY R YAN ahead of his meeting at the State Frederiksen, who also visited the
Department with Stoltenberg, White House recently and whom
President Biden met with who praised the United States for Stoltenberg has described as <one
NATO Secretary General Jens its support for Ukraine while in- of the most competent prime
Stoltenberg on Tuesday afternoon sisting that <European allies are ministers in Europe.=
as a host of challenges confront also doing their part= by provid- Frederiksen checks several
the allied group, reiterating ing tens of billions of dollars. boxes, including the possibility of
America9s commitment to protect The race to replace Stoltenberg becoming NATO9s first female
NATO countries that neighbor has heated up in recent weeks as leader. But Scandinavian coun-
Russia at a time when Moscow9s the end of his term approaches in tries have held the office for more
aggression is on stark display in October. While the process for than a decade, and newer mem-
Ukraine. selecting the NATO chief job is bers along NATO9s eastern flank
The meeting, held in the Oval based on informal consultations are demanding consideration.
Office, paved the way for a NATO among all member states, the Frederiksen9s candidacy could
summit in Lithuania next month views of the United States, which be complicated by the fact that
where the alliance9s 31 member possesses by far the alliance9s big- Denmark falls short of a NATO
states will face a range of thorny gest military, hold particular agreement that each member
issues. Consensus remains elusive weight. should spend at least 2 percent of
on questions including what se- Diplomats from NATO nations its gross domestic product on de-
curity guarantees to offer have said that officials including fense.
elizAbeTh frANTz fOr The WAShiNgTON POST
Ukraine, whether Sweden should Danish Prime Minister Mette The Danish government com-
be granted membership and who President Biden meets with Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of NATO, in the Oval Office at the Frederiksen, British Defense Sec- mitted last year to hitting that
will lead NATO when Stoltenberg White House on Tuesday. Among discussions were the fights for membership by Ukraine and Sweden. retary Ben Wallace, Dutch Prime benchmark by the end of 2030,
steps down later this year. Minister Mark Rutte and Spanish and earlier this year, it allocated
At the start of Tuesday9s meet- capital of Vilnius. ambassador to NATO who is cur- Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez are an additional $5.65 billion to up-
ing, Biden stressed the United <This is going to be the most rently president of the Chicago among the contenders. grade its armed forces.
States9 commitment to defending challenging [summit] in recent Council on Global Affairs. <This is going to be the For Britain, holding the NATO Sunak made a point of noting
any NATO country if any part of it history,= said Douglas Lute, a re- Some countries, largely those secretary general position would during his White House visit that
comes under attack, a sentiment tired U.S. Army lieutenant gener- in Eastern Europe, would like most challenging be a way to keep a high profile in Britain already meets the 2 per-
increasingly important to the al who served as U.S. ambassador NATO to issue the formal invita- the transatlantic alliance follow- cent threshold.
eastern allies from Poland to the to NATO from 2013 through 2017. tion as a sign of welcoming [summit] in recent ing its withdrawal from the Euro- Another option would be for
Baltics. <You9ve got everything from war Ukraine even if the country is pean Union, a move that signifi- Stoltenberg to stay on for another
<We9ve strengthened NATO9s to leadership succession here. unable to join for some time. Oth- history. You9ve got cantly diminished its influence. year. The former Norwegian
eastern flank, made it clear we9ll This will be a summit worth ers, though, worry about drawing <I know some people have won- prime minister, who took the job
defend every inch of NATO terri- watching.= Europe more directly into mili- everything from war dered what kind of partner Brit- in 2014, has already seen his ten-
tory,= Biden said. <At our summit Ukraine9s potential NATO tary confrontation with Moscow ain would be after we left the E.U. ure extended three times due to
in Lithuania next month, we9re membership is one of the major and favor a more modest commit to leadership I9d say, judge us by our actions,= the war on Ukraine, and he has
going to be building on that mo- flash points, since Kyiv urgently to recurring economic and mili- British Prime Minister Rishi Su- signaled he is not interested in
mentum.= wants to become part of the alli- tary assistance to Ukraine. succession here.= nak said when he visited the another extension.
Stoltenberg thanked the Unit- ance but most diplomats believe it <They aren9t willing to consider White House last week. <We9re Kirby, when asked whether
ed States for a new package of currently lacks the necessary po- membership until after the war is Douglas Lute, a former U.S. committed to our values as ever, Biden plans to ask Stoltenberg to
military aid to Ukraine an- litical, social and military stabili- over,= said Daalder, who served ambassador to NATO as reliable an ally as ever.= stay on, said, <I9m not going to get
nounced earlier in the day and ty. from 2009 to 2013. <As long as He also noted pointedly that ahead of the president9s decision-
said Ukraine9s current counterof- Most of NATO9s members sup- Ukraine is in a state of war, mem- <the U.K. is proud to be, behind making.=
fensive, aimed at expelling Rus- port 15-year-old language saying bership becomes almost automat- spokesman for the National Secu- the U.S., the biggest contributor <We9re grateful for Secretary
sian forces from its territory, is that Ukraine will eventually be- ically joining that state of war. rity Council, said ahead of the to the military effort in Ukraine.= General Stoltenberg9s leader-
<making progress.= come a member. But Ukrainian And some members are not will- Biden-Stoltenberg meeting. <I But many NATO watchers be- ship,= Kirby said. <Now, he9s got-
He added: <The more land the President Volodymyr Zelensky ing to do that.= think you know that at Bucharest lieve that Wallace is an unlikely ten extended three times, and he9s
Ukrainians are able to liberate, has been asking for a formal invi- To date, Biden has been firm there was a declaration that made choice, as smaller nations and led the Alliance at a very, very
the stronger hand they will have tation to initiate the process, a about maintaining the status quo, very clear that NATO should be in those on Europe9s eastern flank critical time, not least of which,
at the negotiating table.= move certain to be seen as highly reiterating that Ukraine will be- Ukraine9s future at some point in press for the role. Asked during even without the war in Ukraine,
The meeting took place as a provocative by Russia. come part of the alliance even- the future. Nothing has changed Sunak9s visit whether it was time it would be a critical time. Cer-
number of issues threaten the <That [issue] is the one that is tually but declining to make any about that.= to have a British secretary gener- tainly in that context, he9s just
cohesion of the alliance, making likely to be most debated between formal moves in that direction for At a 2008 NATO summit in al, Biden demurred. done a superb job.=
the next month critical for build- now and Vilnius, because there the time being. Bucharest, Romania, the member <Maybe 4 that remains to be
ing consensus ahead of the July are differences in the alliance,= <We9re not taking a position states declared that Ukraine, as seen,= he said. <We9re going to John hudson contributed to this
11-12 summit in the Lithuanian said Ivo Daalder, a former U.S. one way or another,= John Kirby, a well as the nearby country of have to get a consensus within report.
A8 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

McCarthy strikes deal with rebelling GOP group for now

BY M ARIANNA S OTOMAYOR his far-right colleagues. <The
AND L EIGH A NN C ALDWELL power of the conference resides
in the fact that we have a majori-
House Republicans have tem- ty. The majority was delivered by
porarily overcome an impasse people in swing districts, people
after roughly a dozen far-right who represent areas Joe Biden
lawmakers defied their leader- won. [The hard right] didn9t
ship and blocked a key procedur- deliver the majority.=
al hurdle that effectively froze The far-right members used
the House floor from considering their first opportunity to sink a
any business for almost a week. rule vote last week 4 that pre-
The 11 far-right Republicans vented debate on conservative
who bucked their party last week priorities, including preserving
joined their colleagues Tuesday gas stove use 4 as a signal that
in reopening the floor and de- they should not be ignored in the
bate on five pieces of legislation, future or that leaders should not
including a key demand by the rely solely on Democrats to enact
group on a resolution denounc- their agenda. Any five GOP law-
ing a Biden administration gun makers could prevent a vote
regulation. from passing through their ra-
But the agreement does not zor-thin majority.
free House Speaker Kevin Mc- <We reiterated to Speaker Mc-
Carthy (R-Calif.) from the Carthy that he is our preferred
group9s ongoing demands, and coalition partner. But we want to
members vowed to continue to be his preferred coalition part-
hold him accountable in the ner, and it cannot abide that we
upcoming appropriations proc- are the coalition partner on the
ess. They also wanted assurance frivolous and [House Minority
that they will be part of the Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.)]
negotiating process for bills as is the coalition partner on the
often as their more moderate substantive,= said Rep. Matt
colleagues are and that leader- Gaetz (R-Fla.), who never sup-
ship will not rely on Democrats ported McCarthy for speaker.
to pass any legislation. The temporary agreement al-
The standoff stemmed from lowed far-right lawmakers to
the hard right9s commitment to support a rule vote Tuesday that
dramatically reducing the debt, includes parameters for debate
which is sitting at about $31 tril- on four votes scheduled last
lion. Those lawmakers want week and one on a resolution by
JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT
deeper spending cuts and are Rep. Andrew S. Clyde (R-Ga.)
angry that the agreement House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) walks to open the House floor in May. McCarthy reached a temporary agreement Monday against limitations to use pistol
reached late last month with evening with the 11 far-right Republicans who last week blocked a key procedural vote, though they said negotiations would continue. braces. Clyde accused Scalise of
President Biden to lift the debt threatening to withhold a floor
limit to prevent default would do has historically been passed with tions would continue to ensure ant announced that both defense two days. vote on his resolution unless he
little to narrow the spending gap only the majority party9s votes, the hard right does not try to and domestic spending bills Frustration among the rest of voted in support of the debt limit
and would suspend the limit including by those who would block rule votes again. Neither would be written with deeper the conference at the small bill, which infuriated fellow
until 2025, removing an effective vote against a bill during final group said whether a final set of spending cuts at levels they de- group of disrupters erupted Freedom Caucus members.
pressure point to force Demo- passage. Republicans balked that promises would be publicly re- manded. Tuesday morning behind closed Scalise has repeatedly denied
crats to reduce spending. Democrats had to bail them out leased. An announcement by Rep. Kay doors at the weekly Republican that he threatened Clyde, instead
There is also a deep-seated to pass the rule vote on the debt <I think there9s a willingness. Granger (R-Tex.), chair of the conference meeting. In addition saying that he told him that his
irritation with Republican lead- ceiling and that almost 20 more That doesn9t mean it9s all locked House Appropriations Commit- to being angry at the House measure did not have enough
ers, who relied on Democratic Democrats voted to pass the final together,= McCarthy said after tee, said she would write funding being brought to a standstill, support from within the GOP
votes to pass the debt limit deal. bill than Republicans. announcing that the House will bills at fiscal 2022 levels for new members were upset about not conference to be scheduled on
The 11 members of the far-right McCarthy supposedly made a postpone scheduled votes one spending for both defense and knowing what concessions and the floor. Both worked together
group, many of whom belong to number of bargains with far- more day. <I think everybody9s nondefense discretionary spend- promises were made between through last week, alongside co-
the staunchly conservative right members to win the speak- attitude was, how do we find it ing, levels much lower than the the group and McCarthy since sponsor Rep. Richard Hudson
House Freedom Caucus, blocked er9s gavel, but none of those when we all work together? And slight increase to fiscal 2023 January. (R-N.C.), to whip colleagues to
a procedural hurdle that would alleged deals were written down we know [when] we work togeth- levels agreed to with the White Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R- ensure the bill could immedi-
have set up parameters to debate and released publicly, leading to er, we work on conservative House in the debt limit negotia- Wis.) stood and gave a passion- ately pass. The resolution ulti-
and pass messaging bills last a game of he-said, he-said when issues, we9re winning, and we get tions. ate, expletive-laced plea for his mately passed Tuesday, 219-210,
week, in a move to force GOP it came to broken promises. more victories that way. And I That is a significant conces- colleagues to put their heads with two Republicans voting
leaders to the negotiating table. McCarthy and several of the think everybody wants to get sion that is sure to get fierce down and get to work instead of against and others, including
The group said McCarthy had protesting members emerged af- back to that place.= pushback from House Demo- holding hostage the House floor vulnerable incumbent Rep. Mi-
violated an agreement made ter an hour-long meeting Mon- Later Monday night, in a clear crats. It also will make it much if their demands aren9t met. The chael Lawler (R-N.Y.), waiting
with them in January to elect day evening to announce that a indication that McCarthy is at- more difficult to come to an freshman congressman said he until the final moment before
him House speaker. temporary agreement that had tempting to appease the far-right agreement to fund the govern- comes to work every day even casting their vote in support of
The hurdle, known as a rule, been reached, though negotia- rebels, a top McCarthy lieuten- ment with the Senate, where though his daughter is suffering the measure. Two Democrats vot-
Republicans will probably reject from cancer. ed in support.
cuts to defense spending and <Van Orden spoke for 95 per- Its inclusion in the rule vote
Get your Democrats have bristled at even
minor domestic spending reduc-
cent of us, minus the cuss words,=
said one lawmaker in the room
Tuesday was a major reason the
House resumed voting this week.
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Another possible concession
who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss a private
Yet all sides of the negotiation
emerged noting that a long-

emerged Tuesday after Rep. meeting. standing agreement has yet to be
Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) for- Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.), one of reached. Members of the far-
mally introduced a privileged the 11 protesters, responded dur- right group stressed that they are
or visit LednorHome.com resolution that would trigger a ing the meeting that they won9t unafraid to block rule votes if
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vote to censure Rep. Adam B. be deterred by those critiques. they deem any bill leaders hope
Schiff (D-Calif.) for what she Rep. Michael Lawler (R), who to consider as antithetical to


claimed were deceitful actions represents a district Biden won their desire for bills to be parti-
on his part to mislead the public in New York, refused to comment san in nature and reduce spend-
and Congress about Russia col- about what was said in confer- ing.
luding in the 2016 presidential ence even though he criticized <It9s going to depend on how
election. Two GOP lawmakers, the lack of action in the House. much progress we make towards
who are not part of the ongoing But he did acknowledge the these other things: policy, pro-
negotiations and who spoke on irritation and divisions that have cedures and personnel. And if we
the condition of anonymity to flared between vulnerable Re- can make the progress towards
discuss private matters, ac- publicans like himself and the achieving those three areas, then
knowledged last week hearing hard right since that group be- you9ll see that the floor functions
that the far-right group was gan making demands of leader- very smoothly,= Rep. Matthew M.
pushing McCarthy to allow a ship, which pragmatic incum- Rosendale (R-Mont.) said after
vote on the resolution. bents believe could jeopardize meeting with McCarthy. <But if it
House Majority Leader Steve their chances of holding the doesn9t, then you9ll certainly
Scalise (R-La.) predicted that the majority next year. know, you9ll be aware because
censure probably would fail <You have a conference of 222 the floor will stop. Functions will
since some Republicans will op- people, and they would be well stop.=
pose it. The House is forced to advised to remember that they
take up the measure in the next are 8one of,9= he said referencing Paul Kane contributed to this report.

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wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A9

Ruling could make it easier for gig workers to unionize

ers across the United States. gig economy. High-profile com-
About 16 percent of Americans panies such as Uber, Lyft and
Labor board broadens have earned income in the gig Instacart have poured tens of
factors for determining economy, according to a 2021 Pew millions of dollars into ensuring
research study. that their workers remain classi-
employment status In a 3-1 vote, Democratic board fied as independent contractors.
members sided against the Atlan- The decision could also be ap-
ta Opera, which has said that its pealed in a federal court, where
BY L AUREN K AORI G URLEY hair and makeup stylists who are its survival would be uncertain.
seeking to unionize are not em- The GOP-dominated labor
The National Labor Relations ployees but independent contrac- board ruled in 2019 that Uber
Board issued a new ruling Tues- tors. The NLRB ruled that the hair drivers are independent contrac-
day that makes it easier for Uber stylists are employees with union tors and are not granted union
and Lyft drivers, construction rights under the National Labor protections under the National
workers, home health aides and Relations Act, an about-face from Labor Relations Act. That deci-
strippers to organize and join the standard set in 2019. sion could now be overturned if
unions. The board will now return to a Uber drivers try to unionize
Existing labor law extends the 2014 framework for determining again.
right to unionize only to workers worker classification, rejecting a Uber and Lyft did not immedi-
with employee status, excluding Trump-era test that elevated a ately respond to a request for
independent contractors. Tues- worker9s <entrepreneurial oppor- comment.
day9s board ruling broadens the tunity= as the key factor in deter- The Labor Department is also
factors considered in the federal mining a worker9s employment separately considering a new rule
government9s test for determin- status. The board9s new frame- that would make it more likely for
ing a worker9s status as an inde- work takes into account a variety millions of workers, including
pendent contractor or an em- of factors, including the extent of those in the gig economy, to be
ployee. employer control over working classified as employees rather
<Applying this clear standard conditions and whether a worker than independent contractors.
will ensure that workers who seek is being supervised. That move would be separate
Ben MArgot/AP
to organize or exercise their The new rule could affect work- from the NLRB decision.
rights under the National Labor ers in a variety of sectors, from An Instacart worker in San Leandro, Calif., in 2020. The National Labor Relations Board has rejected That proposed rule could re-
Relations Act are not improperly long-haul truck drivers to con- a Trump-era test for determining whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee. quire companies that employ gig
excluded from its protections,= struction workers, who are often workers to provide basic benefits
NLRB Chair Lauren McFerran classified as independent con- dent-contractor standard bears nology research organization. know improves job quality, and protections, such as the mini-
said in a statement. tractors and denied the right to on the job quality of many work- <When workers are misclassified wages, and racial income and mum wage, overtime pay, and
The reversal of a 2019 indepen- form unions and organize to im- ers in the United States,= said under the National Labor Rela- wealth gaps.= contributions to Social Security
dent-contractor decision could prove working conditions. Brian Chen, policy director at tions Act, it deprives them of the The stakes are particularly and unemployment insurance,
affect millions of low-wage work- <This case and the indepen- Data & Society, a nonprofit tech- collective bargaining that we high for workers in the app-based that they currently do not receive.

Delivery workers in NYC to get almost $20 hourly minimum wage by 2025
BY E LI T AN <We owe them a debt of grati- Grubhub said in a statement: New York9s new rule does allow city-mandated minimum wages <Workers like using these apps
tude,= Adams said. <They deliv- <Unfortunately, New York City flexibility in how companies to by designating them as independ- because it gives them flexibility to
New York will become the first ered for us, now we9re delivering chose not to partner with the pay their workers 4 they can ent contractors instead of em- log on when they want and work
U.S. city to implement a mini- for them. It is the right thing to industry on a solution that would compensate per trip, per hour ployees. In 2019, DoorDash when they want,= said Aadhya
mum wage for food delivery do.= have benefited all aspects of the worked or a combination of both changed its tipping model after it Shivakumar, a spokesperson for
workers, as much as tripling the Food delivery companies im- gig economy.= 4 but no matter the choice, the was revealed that tips given to the coalition. <And the way that
current earnings of the city9s mediately pushed back against The food delivery apps could earnings must amount to $17.96 drivers were being used to subsi- the city designed this raise, deliv-
roughly 60,000 drivers. the policy, which has been in the pass on the costs in the form of per hour. dize their wages. ery apps could take away that
Starting July 12, companies works for the past two years. higher delivery fees, which com- Food delivery companies will The new minimum wage policy flexibility with lockouts, taking
like Uber Eats and DoorDash will DoorDash, which has the largest panies warn could drive down also be required to pay their still leaves much to be desired in away the appeal and the way a lot
be required to pay delivery work- share of the U.S. food delivery demand 4 and with it the workers 30 cents per minute the arena of app-worker protec- of our workers make money.=
ers at least $17.96 an hour, a sharp market by multiple estimates, amount of money for workers. when they are <on call= 4 mean- tions, said Justice For App Work- Shivakurmar added that Jus-
increase from their current aver- says it9s considering suing the city <Given the extreme rate, it9s ing they9re connected to the app ers, a coalition that represents tice For App Workers met last
age hourly rate of $7.09, neither to stop the new minimum wage likely there will have to be some but waiting to receive an order 4 120,000 delivery and ride-hailing month with ride-hailing drivers
including tips. The new rule, an- from being implemented. unpopular changes to the plat- and 50 cents per minute when workers across New York and and delivery workers in Chicago
nounced Monday by New York <Litigation is definitely on the form,= Scheinholtz said. <When they are on a trip, actively deliver- Illinois. Most notably, the coali- to discuss better protections and
Mayor Eric Adams (D) and the table and something that9s being we when we really get down to it, ing food. The latter rate will in- tion is seeking protections worker safety, but that talks with
New York City Department of thoroughly considered,= Door- this is really going to undermine crease to 53 cents in 2024 and 55 against companies like Uber Eats Illinois politicians about imple-
Consumer and Worker Protec- Dash spokesperson Eli Schein- the very delivery workers that cents in 2025. and DoorDash <locking out= de- menting changes like the new
tion, also calls for an increase to holtz told The Washington Post. this was sort of intended to help For years, delivery apps have livery workers from using their minimum wage in New York are
$19.96 an hour in 2025. Another popular delivery app in some respects.= gotten around paying drivers app to save on costs. further out.

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A10 eZ SU the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023


JoSh RiTChie foR The WAShingTon PoST

Trump calls special counsel 8thug,9 8lunatic9 before hearing

cOUrT from A1 ABOVE: Former president in each case. He suffered another house, one of his lawyers spoke to dent9s home and private club in 10 that were turned over to the
Donald Trump9s motorcade legal setback Tuesday when a fed- reporters gathered outside. Palm Beach. He is charged with fBI in a sealed envelope two
Trump employees might be affect- leaves the federal courthouse in eral judge in manhattan ruled <What we are witnessing today is conspiring with Trump to hide months earlier.
ed by the restriction, the judge Miami after his arraignment. that writer E. Jean Carroll could the blatant and unapologetic some of the classified documents The secret papers the fBI re-
instructed the prosecution team BELOW: A man dressed as add new defamation claims to a weaponization of the criminal from the government agents try- covered from mar-a-Lago includ-
to provide a list. Uncle Sam shouts outside the lawsuit she has filed against him. justice system,= Alina Habba said. ing to recover them. ed one about the <nuclear weap-
Trump finished signing the courthouse, where a few Carroll recently won a $5 million Neither defendant was forced on the campaign trail, Nauta onry of the United States= and
bond paperwork about 3:30 p.m., hundred people had gathered judgment against Trump in a dif- to surrender his passport, as is and Trump travel together fre- another describing the <nuclear
after it appeared it had to be Tuesday. Most were Trump ferent lawsuit in New York, after a sometimes required after an in- quently. on Tuesday they went to capabilities of a foreign country,=
returned to the defense table supporters; many waved flags jury found Trump sexually abused dictment, and no limits were court together. As Trump9s motor- according to the indictment.
twice because he and his lawyers and chanted. During the her decades ago and 4 last year 4 placed on their travel, because cade pulled away from the court- The charging document accus-
didn9t sign or initial every line hearing, there was no defamed her. prosecutor David Harbach said house, he flashed two thumbs up es Trump of talking about and
needed. <Third time9s a charm,= discussion on when Trump Even during his arraignment, the government <does not believe to flag-waving supporters on the showing others some of the classi-
Goodman said. must next appear in court. Trump9s legal strategy continued either defendant is a flight risk.= sidewalk. fied papers. It offers only broad
Both Trump and Nauta were to be primarily political: A fund- During the hearing, Goodman After the arraignment, the descriptions of the documents he
named in a 38-count indictment raising email from his campaign repeatedly referred to Trump as president turned defendant allegedly withheld: a White
that was unsealed friday, setting landed while he was inside the the <former president,= while his dropped by Versailles restaurant, House intelligence briefing from
the stage for a high-stakes public courthouse, vowing he would nev- attorneys referred to him as <Pres- a focal point for miami9s right- 2018, communications with a for-
trial in which prosecutors will er drop out of the 2024 race. <They ident Trump.= Harbach often leaning Cuban community, where eign leader, documents concern-
allege that the 45th president can indict me, they can arrest me, called Trump <the defendant.= smiling customers greeted him ing operations against U.S. forces
risked national security by stash- but I know & that I am an inno- Nauta did not enter a plea, and posed for pictures. Nauta re- and others from January and
ing secret papers in a bathroom, a cent man,= Trump wrote in the because he did not have a local mained steadfastly by his side. march 2020, and military activi-
ballroom and his bedroom, appeal for money. And he tried as florida lawyer to represent him. <Thank you miami,= Trump ties and attacks by foreign coun-
among other places, months after much as possible to turn the po- An arraignment for him was posted on social media. <Such a tries.
leaving the White House. tential humiliation of a criminal scheduled for June 27. warm welcome on such a SAD Trump was not charged with
on Tuesday, wearing a dark suit court date into a publicity tour, There was no discussion during DAY for our Country!= mishandling any of the 197 classi-
and red tie, Trump arrived at the staging a surprise campaign stop the 45-minute court hearing of Trump faces 31 counts of willful fied documents that he returned
federal courthouse from his Doral in miami at a popular Cuban res- when, or where, Trump must next retention of national defense in- to the National Archives and rec-
resort shortly before 2 p.m. A few taurant and scheduling an eve- appear in court. formation. Each count represents ords Administration in early
hundred people, most of them ning speech in New Jersey, where Nauta served in the White a different classified document he 2022, an indication that if the
Trump supporters, had gathered he again claimed that the docu- House before and during Trump9s allegedly withheld 4 21 that were former president had simply
and were waving flags and chant- ments were his. presidency and then followed him discovered when the fBI searched handed over all classified materi-
ing. Within 15 minutes, he was After Trump entered the court- to mar-a-Lago, the former presi- the property in August 2022, and al when he was subpoenaed, he
processed by the U.S. marshals might not have been indicted at
Service, which included taking his all.
fingerprints with a digital scan- The case will now move into a
ner. pretrial phase overseen by U.S.
The first former U.S. president District Judge Aileen m. Cannon,
to stand accused of federal crimes, who had ruled in Trump9s favor
Trump could be sentenced to during legal skirmishes last year
years in prison if found guilty. He over the fBI search of Trump9s
publicly attacked special counsel home 4 decisions that were ulti-
Jack Smith, who is leading the mately reversed by an appeals
investigation, in the hours before court.
his court appearance, calling the In announcing the charges,
veteran prosecutor a <thug= and a Smith said national security laws
<lunatic= in social media posts. <are critical for the safety and
Smith, who was tapped by Attor- security of the United States, and
ney General merrick Garland in they must be enforced.=
November, sat in the courtroom <We have one set of laws in this
on Tuesday but did not speak at country, and they apply to every-
the hearing. one,= Smith declared.
Trump, who is again seeking Trump and his supporters, in-
the republican presidential nom- cluding many republican office-
ination, faces the remarkable holders, claim that his prosecu-
prospect of sitting at a defendant9s tion marks a political double stan-
table for federal and state trials dard, and that he is being treated
that may overlap with the presi- more harshly than Democrats
dential primaries or nominating who have come under investiga-
conventions. He was arraigned in tion in other cases.
April in state court in New York Sen. J.D. Vance (r-ohio) an-
City on fraud charges stemming nounced Tuesday that he will
from a 2016 hush money payment. block most nominees to the Jus-
He is also under investigation in tice Department in response to
Georgia9s fulton County, where what he called <the unprecedent-
the district attorney is weighing ed political persecution= of
whether to charge Trump and his Trump. <I think that we have to
supporters with crimes related to grind this department to a halt
their efforts to undo Joe Biden9s until merrick Garland promises
2020 presidential victory. to do his job and stop going after
Separately, Smith, the special his political opponents,= the sena-
counsel, is also conducting a fed- tor said.
eral investigation into the events
surrounding the 2020 election re- Barrett and Stein reported from
sults and the riot at the U.S. Capi- Washington. Rachel Apodaca, Patrick
tol on Jan. 6, 2021. McCaslin and Solomon Strader in
Trump has denied wrongdoing ThoMAS SiMoneTTi foR The WAShingTon PoST Miami contributed to this report.
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ M2 a11


Day in court is treated like another stop on campaign trail

TruMp from A1

held accountable before.=

Trump, who pleaded not guilty
in miami on Tuesday to charges
that he broke the law by keeping
and hiding top secret documents
in his florida home, is just begin-
ning the fight of his life, after
decades of close brushes with the
justice system. Yet in contrast to
his self-evident gloom on the day
of his last arraignment 4 in New
York, on state charges arising
from a hush-money scheme be-
fore the 2016 election 4 on Tues-
day, Trump and his campaign
were determined to project a
more upbeat shade of defiance.
Trump has wanted to show,
according to his advisers, that he
is ready to fight 4 instead of
looking downtrodden and glum
4 as he appeared in court Tues-
day. The advisers, who like others
spoke on the condition of ano-
nymity to describe private inter-
actions, have said in the past that
few things bother him as much as
news accounts of his surly mercu-
rial moods and occasional vol-
canic temper.
<It9s fine,= Trump said when
asked about his mood in a right-
wing radio interview on the eve of
his arraignment.
<You sound like you9re in great
spirits,= the host, Howie Carr,
<I am,= Trump said. <I9m just
fighting for the country.=
Trump returned to his golf club
here Tuesday night for a prime-
time speech in front of republi-
can donors, party officials, past
and present advisers and politi-
cians. Staff spent the sunny after-
noon setting up a stage festooned
PhoTos By JaBiN BoTsford/The WashiNgToN PosT
with flags in front of a portico
with a faint resemblance to the Former president Donald Trump arrives for an event at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., on Tuesday, following his court appearance in Miami.
White House as soundspeakers
blasted Trump9s signature rally him and giving him the ego a plan to overhaul the fBI and cused on the political battle
playlist. stroke that he9ll need so they Justice Department in response ahead 4 not the legal one. Advis-
Trump walked through the don9t have to deal with him being to Trump9s prosecution. ers have put their attention on
doors miming wonder at the adu- completely pissed.= And congressional republi- endorsements, polls and crowd
lation that poured over him and Trump is the clear polling lead- cans such as House oversight sizes more than indictment and
mouthing <thank you= as the er in the GoP presidential pri- Committee Chairman James charges, according to people with
crowd chanted his name. The mary, and his effort to project Comer (Ky.) and Sen. Charles E. knowledge of the situation.
speech took a dark turn, however, strength and his continued influ- Grassley (Iowa) are raring to many in his circle believe more
as Trump attacked Biden and ence in the party appeared to be intensify probes into President indictments are likely to come 4
special counsel Jack Smith in succeeding in rallying republi- Biden and his son Hunter9s busi- Smith is also investigating the
vicious terms and portrayed his cans to his defense. Even some of ness dealings. freshman Sen. J.D. Trump campaign9s efforts to over-
arrest as a political persecution his rivals in the primary have Vance (ohio), who has endorsed turn the 2020 election, as is an
like in repressive regimes. expressed support. Trump, went further Tuesday by Atlanta-area district attorney 4
<If the communists get away former U.N. ambassador Nikki saying he would block Justice and their only political recourse
with this, it won9t stop with me. Haley, who running against Department nominations in re- is to paint them as political and
They will not hesitate to ramp up Trump, said in a Tuesday radio sponse to Trump9s indictment. convince other republicans to
their persecution of Christians, interview she would <be inclined Vance said he spoke to Trump support him. Instead of advanc-
pro-life activists, parents attend- in favor of a pardon,= for the good on Tuesday morning but did not ing arguments about his actions
ing school board meetings, and of the country, but would not give the former president a being virtuous or legal, his team
even future republican candi- presume his guilt. She reiterated heads-up about his plan. He said has often focused on polling
dates,= Trump said. <I am the only her view that Trump was <incred- Trump did not ask him to make numbers or accusing the pros-
one that can save this nation.= ibly reckless with our national that move as a response to the ecutors of bias. Walt Nauta, an aide to Trump and his co-defendant, disembarks
The audience included Sen. security,= if the indictment is true. indictment. <If you notice, no one on his the former president9s plane in New Jersey after the arraignment.
Tommy Tuberville (r-Ala.), long- Her comments came on the Trump, for his part, pledged if campaign is saying it was smart
time New York GoP chairman Ed same day as a call from long-shot reelected to have a special pros- to keep the boxes, and what a than 15 minutes. him, and he posed for pictures,
Cox, former White House aides hopeful Vivek ramaswamy for ecutor investigate Biden and his brilliant thing he did,= one long- After the arraignment, Trump flashing his thumbs up with oth-
Kash Patel and Sebastian Gorka, the entire field to join his promise family. <The seal is now broken,= time Trump ally said. <They are made an unannounced stop at ers. <food for everyone!= he could
election conspiracy theorist mike to pardon Trump. Trump9s lead- Trump said in his speech, slashing and burning.= Versailles, a famous Cuban res- be heard bellowing at one point,
Lindell, televangelist robert Jef- ing rival, florida Gov. ron De- prompting a chant of <Lock him on Trump9s way to court earli- taurant in miami, that had been as Walt Nauta, his co-defendant,
fress, former Senate candidate Santis, hasn9t addressed a pardon up!= er Tuesday, aides tweeted a clip of swarmed with supporters. mi- milled around in the background.
Bernie moreno of ohio, former specifically but started to outline much of Trump9s team is fo- a Will Smith music video set in ami, like florida at large, has The crowd broke into a chorus of
Senate candidate Leora Levy of miami and a live shot of Trump9s shifted right in recent years, and <Happy Birthday= for the former
Connecticut, former Nevada sec- motorcade, complete with audi- DeSantis was the first GoP gu- president, who turned 77 on
retary of state candidate Jim ble cheers from fans lined up bernatorial nominee in two dec- Wednesday.
marchant and potential Senate <If the communists get away with this, it won9t along the road. They posted ap- ades to win the most populous <I just left miami and I9ve
candidate Jeffrey Gunter of Ne- provingly about profane signs county, miami-Dade. never seen love in the streets like
vada. stop with me. They will not hesitate to ramp up supporting Trump and insulting <President Trump is defiant in that,= Trump said in his speech
<It9s part public relations and Biden. As the motorcade passed, the face of political persecution, Tuesday night. <I love you all,= he
part babysitting,= said Stephanie their persecution of Christians, pro-life activists, people chanted Trump9s name. and if any community under- said, as the crowd shouted back,
Grisham, one of Trump9s former Trump arrived wearing his sig- stands the dangers of tyranny <We love you!= and serenaded
White House press secretaries. parents attending school board meetings, and nature navy suit and red tie at the and a weaponized judicial sys- him for his birthday. <We9re going
<He wants people to see the federal courthouse where a few tem, it9s our friends with family to make it the greatest birthday of
cheering crowds so they don9t even future Republican candidates. I am the hundred people, mostly his sup- ties to Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia all,= Trump said.
think anything is going wrong. porters, were waving flags and and Brazil,= campaign strategist
It9s also because the staff around only one that can save this nation.= chanting. His processing by the Chris LaCivita said. dawsey reported from Washington.
him want to keep him busy and U.S. marshals, which included Some in the crowd appeared to Maeve reston in Washington
Donald Trump, during his prime-time speech in Bedminster, N.J.
wants to have people cheering for digital fingerprinting, took less lay hands on Trump and pray for contributed to this report.


Under the Espionage Act, does Trump9s motive regarding ûles matter?
BY A ARON B LAKE ing that the government might officer or employee of the United have interpreted this only to espionage charges that carry pos- <finally, with respect only to
need to prove not only that States entitled to receive it.= mean that 8the defendant know- sible sentences that include intangible information, the gov-
on monday, we noted how it Trump willfully retained the doc- The question here is what is ingly did an act which the law death. ernment must prove that the
appears that a chief GoP defense uments when the government the required mens rea, i.e., men- forbids,9 = she said, citing United Some legal experts are critical defendant had a reason to be-
of Donald Trump in the face of came calling, but also that he did tal state, for Trump to have States v. Morrison. <There is no of the Espionage Act for includ- lieve that the disclosure of the
Espionage Act charges for alleg- so with intent to injure the broken the law. requirement to show that the ing conduct that comes up well information could harm the
edly withholding sensitive docu- United States. They9ve pointed to As a report from the Congres- defendant intended to harm the shy of traditional espionage. United States or aid a foreign
ments will be that he wasn9t a 2006 case, United States v. sional research Service last United States.= Among them is University of nation, which the Supreme Court
literally engaged in spying. Rosen, in which a judge required month noted, some provisions of She added, <This is why the Houston law professor Emily has interpreted as a requirement
Sens. Lindsey o. Graham the government to show that to the Espionage Act (a through c) Espionage Act covers much, Berman. She wrote a piece for of bad faith,= the court ruled.
(r-S.C.) and mike Lee (r-Utah) prove its Espionage Act case. require <intent or reason to be- much more than traditional espi- Bloomberg Law this week argu- of course, as that case showed,
plus fox News host mark Levin But that case involved some lieve= that the national defensive onage.= ing that Trump shouldn9t be different circumstances can lead
and the Wall Street Journal edi- unusual dynamics. And experts information involved <is to be Kitrosser cited a 2018 district charged under the Espionage Act to varying interpretations of the
torial board all advanced a ver- say the text of the statute and used to the injury of the United court case, United States v. Mar- because it is <overbroad and legal requirements. And much
sion of that argument. Soon, Sen. plenty of other case law indicate States, or to the advantage of any tin, in which the court dealt ambiguous.= She noted it could will initially be at the discretion
marco rubio (r-fla.) joined in, the government only needs to foreign nation.= But the particu- specifically with 793(e). It con- be used to tar people with the of the judge in this case, who
telling CBS News: <There9s no demonstrate Trump9s intent was lar provision at issue in the cluded, <Proof that the defendant e-word. remains Trump-nominated U.S.
allegation that there was harm to withhold documents that he Trump case only requires the knew he was wrongfully retain- But Berman also told The District Judge Aileen m. Cannon.
done to the national security. understood to be sensitive defendant to act <willfully= and ing the mass of stolen documents Washington Post that the govern- She previously sided with Trump
There9s no allegation that he sold enough to injure the United with <reason to believe= the in- is sufficient to satisfy the Govern- ment need not show Trump acted in a controversial way that was
it to a foreign power or that it was States 4 not actual intent to formation <could= be used in ment9s willfulness mens rea obli- with intent to injure. later overturned by a higher
trafficked to somebody else or injure the United States. such a manner. gation under § 793(e).= <The question is willfulness of court, complete with a rather
that anybody got access to it.= The section of the Espionage Northwestern University law <It doesn9t mean that he had to the retention,= Berman said. thorough rebuke that said she
This is surely going to be a Act at issue is 18 U.S.C. § 793(e). professor Heidi Kitrosser, who intend to harm the United States <motive is irrelevant.= <abused= her discretion.
feature of the GoP9s public de- This makes it a crime to have has written on Trump and the or advantage a foreign country,= Berman also referenced Rosen, But for now, it seems that the
fense of Trump, in the service of <unauthorized possession of, ac- Espionage Act, said it9s clear that said Dennis fitzpatrick, a former the case in which the govern- government only needs to prove
downplaying the indictment. But cess to, or control over [informa- reason to believe the information national security prosecutor who ment required a heightened Trump knew this information
what about his actual legal de- tion] . . . the possessor has reason will be used to cause injury need has prosecuted Espionage Act standard of mens rea under could damage the United States,
fense? to believe could be used to the not be proved. cases. 793(d) and (e). But the court was which the government set about
Experts generally agree that it injury of the United States or to <for tangible items like docu- <If you could prove that, you clear that this applied only be- doing by including in the indict-
doesn9t apply. the advantage of any foreign ments, 793(e)9s only reference to wouldn9t be in Section 793; you9d cause the information was intan- ment his past comments about
Some Trump allies have point- nation,= and to <willfully= retain mens rea is that the retention or be in Section 794,= fitzpatrick gible (i.e., passed along via word the sanctity of classified docu-
ed to case law supposedly show- it while failing <to deliver it to the conveyance be 8willful.9 Courts added, referring to more serious of mouth). ments.
A12 EZ RE the washington post .


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wednesday, june 14, 2023 EZ RE A13
A14 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

The World
3 killed in knife attacks in English city of Nottingham
LEFT: Police forensics officers
at the scene of one of the attacks
Police also link suspect in Nottingham9s city center.
to attempt to run down BELOW LEFT: Candles are
placed at the altar during a vigil
3 others in a stolen van held at St. Peter9s Church.


LONDON 4 Three people were public updated as soon as we are

killed in the central English city able to say more,= she continued.
of Nottingham on Tuesday, police <We are keeping an open mind as
said, adding that they have de- we investigate the circumstances
tained an unnamed suspect and surrounding these incidents.=
are treating the deaths as con- Meynell urged the public to be
nected. patient and said a number of
The University of Nottingham roads in the city would remain
confirmed on Twitter that two of closed, although it was <safe= to
the three people killed were stu- go into the city center.
dents. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
The three people, two 19-year- called it a <shocking incident=
olds and a man in his 50s, died of and thanked police for their
knife wounds, Nottinghamshire work. <I am being kept updated
Police Chief Constable Kate on developments,= he tweeted.
Meynell said at a news confer- <My thoughts are with those
ence Tuesday evening. Police said injured, and the family and loved
they believed that a van later ones of those who have lost their
used to injure others was stolen lives.=
from the older victim, Meynell French President Emmanuel
added. Macron expressed his concern on
Police <are keeping an open Twitter: <We share the grief of
mind and are working alongside our British friends and stand by
Counter Terrorism Policing to their side.=
establish the facts,= Meynell said. The leader of Britain9s opposi-
Police were called to a residen- tion Labour Party, Keir Starmer,
tial area near the city center just called it <awful news= and also
after 4 a.m., and <two people said his <thoughts are with the
caRl RecIne/ReuteRs
were found dead in the street,= family and friends of those who
they said in a statement. Police have lost their lives.=
said another person, a man, was Nottingham City Council lead-
found dead on a road about two er David Mellen told BBC Not-
miles away. tingham Radio that the hospital-
Officers also responded to a ized victims9 <only crime was
third incident close by <where a being at a bus stop early in the
van had attempted to run over morning.=
three people.= They were being A public vigil for the victims
treated in a hospital 4 one in was held Tuesday evening at St.
<critical condition,= police said, <This is a tragic series Peter9s Church in the city center.
and the other two with <minor Nottingham, which lies in the
injuries.= of events which has led Midlands, has a population of
Nottinghamshire police said about 300,000. The killings and
they knew of no clear motive for to the lives of three the van attack occurred a short
the attacks and had detained a distance from the city9s univer-
31-year-old man on <suspicion of innocent people sity and central railway station.
murder.= They were not looking Images showed that police had
for <anyone else in connection being taken.= cordoned off streets in the city
with the attacks,= they added. center, although nearby shops
Kate Meynell, nottinghamshire
<This is a tragic series of remained open.
police chief constable
events which has led to the lives <Nottingham is a beautiful
of three innocent people being city, home to brilliant people
taken,= Meynell said in a state- from all backgrounds,= local par-
ment. liamentary representative Nadia
<We are at the early stages of Whittome said on Twitter. <We
the investigation and need to are shaken by today9s events but
determine the motives behind will meet them collectively as a
chRIstopheR FuRlonG/Getty ImaGes
these attacks and will keep the community and heal together.=

British woman is sentenced to prison for abortion beyond legal time limit
tients from seeking medical care. Foster pleaded guilty under imprison women who procure a cal abortions to the first trimester, gent= legal reforms. She said the
Some antiabortion activists, legislation that dates to 1861 and late abortion outside the 24-week and have called for an end to the current laws deny women <bodily
Mother of 3 used drugs meanwhile, have called for an end carries a potential term of life limit, then it should lobby Parlia- at-home use of abortion pills. autonomy.=
obtained in mail through to the at-home use of abortion imprisonment, which abortion ment to change that law and not In the United States, the Su- <Over the last three years, there
pills. rights advocates have said is <the judges who are charged with the preme Court in April preserved has been an increase in the num-
pandemic program Foster received the abortion harshest penalty in the world.= duty of applying the law,= Pepper- access to the widely used abortion bers of women and girls facing the
medication under a program in- In his sentencing remarks, Jus- all said. pill mifepristone, although the le- trauma of lengthy police investi-
troduced by the British govern- tice Edward Pepperall described <I do not accept that imprison- gal battle is continuing. It is ap- gations and threatened with up to
BY R ACHEL P ANNETT ment during the pandemic that it as a <tragic case,= noting that ment in this case is likely to deter proved by the U.S. Food and Drug life imprisonment under our ar-
allowed women to administer the Foster has been <racked by guilt.= women and girls from lawfully Administration through chaic abortion law,= Clare Mur-
Reproductive rights groups are drugs at home without an in- At the time of the termination, seeking abortion care within the 10 weeks9 gestation. phy, chief executive of the BPAS,
calling for legislative changes person consultation. Foster had been forced to move 24-week limit. Rather, it might be The British Pregnancy Advi- said in a statement Monday. <Vul-
after a British woman was sen- The program was approved for back in with her estranged part- said that it would reinforce the sory Service (BPAS), which pro- nerable women in the most in-
tenced to prison for terminating a pregnancies of up to 10 weeks. But ner during Britain9s coronavirus limit of that law,= the judge added. vides abortion services and cam- credibly difficult of circum-
pregnancy beyond the legal time a British court found that Foster lockdowns, and had tried to con- The defense had argued that paigns for women9s reproductive stances deserve more from our
limit using drugs she obtained in gave the British Pregnancy Advi- ceal she was pregnant with an- Foster was prevented from seek- rights, said the number of women legal system.=
the mail. sory Service9s telemedicine pro- other man9s child, Pepperall said. ing regular health care during facing criminal investigation un- But Catherine Robinson,
Carla Foster, a 44-year-old vider <false= information that she While he recognized her <emo- Britain9s months-long coronavi- der what it described as <cruel spokesperson for Right To Life
mother of three, was given a 28- was about seven weeks pregnant. tional turmoil,= Pepperall said, his rus lockdown. and outdated= abortion laws is UK, said in a statement: <Rather
month sentence, with the judge Her internet search history on duty was to apply the laws as Abortions are legal in Britain increasing. It is organizing a than take responsibility for send-
ordering that she should be incar- the day she administered the first determined by the country9s Par- until 24 weeks 4 and are general- protest march in London on Sat- ing out abortion pills 22 weeks
cerated for 14 months, with the of two abortion drugs suggested liament. He dismissed a letter, ly carried out after that time only urday to demand legislative beyond the legal limit for at-home
rest to be served on probation. she believed she was about signed by a number of health if a mother9s life is endangered or changes. abortions and risking the health
Ahead of the sentencing Mon- 28 weeks along, the judge said at groups including the Royal the child would be born with a <We are seeing a mother of of the mother as well as her un-
day, abortion rights advocates the sentencing hearing Monday. College of Obstetricians and severe disability, and only under three children, one with special born child & BPAS is now cynical-
and some medical experts had Two days later, on May 11, 2020, Gynaecologists and the Royal medical supervision in a hospital needs, being imprisoned because ly using this woman9s tragic ex-
expressed concern about a recent she took a second drug and deliv- College of Midwives, that was sent or clinic. of a law that was written in the perience of using their abortion
increase in criminal investiga- ered a stillborn baby that evening. to the court calling for a lenient Some antiabortion groups ar- 1800s that is simply out of date for service to lobby the Government
tions into alleged late-term abor- A postmortem examination con- sentence. gue that the British abortion rules today9s country,= Stella Creasy, an to introduce extreme abortion
tions, warning that a harsh sen- cluded that Foster was 32 to 34 <If the medical profession con- are too lax, noting that many Eu- opposition Labour lawmaker, legislation throughout the United
tence could deter vulnerable pa- weeks pregnant. siders that judges are wrong to ropean countries limit nonmedi- said on Sky News, calling for <ur- Kingdom.=

D ige s t

KeNYA NigeRiA people of these communities and Saudi Arabia meant to yield a Thousands evacuated ahead of in the Kutch district of India9s
those from other states,= Rafiu permanent cease-fire as they Cyclone Biparjoy: Pakistan9s Gujarat state.
Death toll from cult Some 100 people dead Ajakaye, chief press secretary for originally agreed, a senior U.S. army and civil authorities
surpasses 300 as riverboat capsizes the Kwara state governor, said in State Department official said planned to evacuate 80,000 Minibus slams into parked
a statement. Tuesday. people to safety along the pickup, killing 15 in Egypt: A
The number of people who Passengers were still missing The exact number of dead The United States is consulting country9s southern coast before speeding minibus slammed into
died after a Kenyan pastor Tuesday after a boat carrying passengers is unknown. Ajakaye with Saudi Arabia and others in the arrival of Cyclone Biparjoy, a pickup truck parked on the
allegedly ordered his followers to people returning from a wedding wrote that <dozens= were feared the Arab world and Africa about and thousands living in low-lying side of a desert road in southern
starve to death to meet Jesus has capsized on the Niger river early killed in the accident, with <many a path forward and hoped to regions of western India already Egypt on Tuesday, killing at least
surpassed 300, authorities said Monday, according to local others= still missing. Rescue announce a recommended have sought shelter from the 15 people, authorities said. The
Tuesday, and the death toll is media. <About 100 people died,= a efforts and the search for approach in the next few days, tropical storm system, officials fatal crash happened on the
expected to rise as more police spokesperson told the survivors have been ongoing the official, who spoke on the said Tuesday. The cyclone eastern bank of the Nile River
exhumations are planned. Associated Press. since Monday night, according to condition of anonymity, told forecast to slam ashore Thursday near the town of al-Saff, roughly
The toll increased to 303 after The passengers were Ajakaye9s statement. reporters in Washington. is expected to be the most 34 miles south of the capital,
19 more bodies were recovered reportedly returning from an In 2021, a boat with 160 The war between Sudan9s powerful to hit western India Cairo9s Interior Ministry said.
from mass graves in the vast Egboti village wedding in passengers capsized on the same regular army and the and Pakistan since 2021. On Two women were also injured in
forested land in Kilifi County of Nigeria9s Niger state when the river. paramilitary Rapid Support Tuesday morning, Biparjoy was the accident and later taken to
coastal Kenya, where pastor Paul boat sank in neighboring Kwara, 4 Eve Sampson Forces (RSF) that began in mid- in the Arabian Sea 292 miles hospital, it said. The minibus
Mackenzie and his followers near the town of Patigi. The boat April has forced almost 2 million south of Karachi, the capital of was speeding when the crash
lived. had been <suddenly overpowered sUDAN people to flee and has wrecked Sindh province, Pakistan9s happened and the pickup truck
Coastal regional commissioner by river waves and smashed the economy. National Disaster Management driver, who survived, was
Rhoda Onyancha told journalists against a tree,= according to a U.S.: Factions not The talks in the Saudi Red Sea Authority said. The cyclone was detained for questioning,
that 613 people tied to the area local daily, the Nigerian Tribune. using cease-fire talks city of Jiddah have failed to packing maximum sustained according to the ministry9s
are missing. Regional authorities shared permanently end fighting, and winds of 111 mph, according to statement. An investigation was
Mackenzie is expected back in their condolences on social Sudan9s warring factions are clashes intensified as soon as a the India Meteorological underway to determine the
court this week. media. <The Governor sends his not taking advantage of talks cease-fire ended Sunday. Department. It is projected to cause of the accident, it added.
4 Associated Press heartfelt condolences to the initiated by the United States and 4 Reuters make landfall near Jakhau port 4 From news services
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A15

22 U.S. troops hurt in helicopter 8hard landing9 in Syria

are in stable condition. have implored governments to
MH-47 Chinook had The accident9s cause is under accept their citizens back. Citing
investigation, although the state- security concerns, many coun-
issue with rotor during ment noted that <no enemy fire tries have dragged their feet 4
takeoff, Pentagon says was reported.= or, in some cases, revoked detain-
Violence has devastated Syria ees9 citizenship.
for more than a decade, with a Meanwhile, intelligence offi-
brutal civil war forcing millions cials and leaked classified docu-
BY A DELA S ULIMAN of refugees to flee and causing ments have shown that Iran may
political turmoil in the region. In be arming militants in Syria for a
At least 22 U.S. troops were 2014, a U.S.-led coalition battled new phase of lethal attacks
injured in a helicopter accident the Islamic State militant group, against U.S. troops in the coun-
in northeast Syria over the week- known as ISIS, and largely extin- try, The Washington Post report-
end, in what the Pentagon on guished its self-declared caliph- ed this month.
Tuesday characterized as a <hard ate, which took over swaths of Such attacks could constitute
landing.= Iraq and Syria. an escalation of Tehran9s long-
The MH-47 Chinook, a trans- The counterterrorism mission running campaign of using proxy
port aircraft used by U.S. Special there endures, though. U.S. mili- militias to launch rocket and
Operations forces for nighttime tary officials said in a news drone strikes on U.S. forces in
raids and other sensitive mis- release earlier this month that Syria.
sions, experienced a problem American and partner forces In March, a U.S. contractor
with one of its rotors during conducted 38 operations against was killed and multiple Ameri-
takeoff, said Sabrina Singh, a the Islamic State in Iraq and can troops were wounded when
Defense Department spokes- Syria in May alone. Eight ISIS what was described as a self-
woman. <operatives= were killed as a detonating drone struck a mili-
U.S. Central Command, which result, and 31 were detained, tary outpost in the northeast.
oversees military activity in Syria officials said. The attack by suspected Iranian
and elsewhere in the Middle The past three U.S. adminis- proxies provoked a ferocious re-
John moore/getty Images
East, said in a separate state- trations have maintained a small sponse, with U.S. warplanes
ment released late Monday that contingent of U.S. troops in Syria A CH-47 Chinook helicopter takes off at sunset near the Turkish border in northeast Syria in 2021. An pounding facilities in Syria that
the incident <resulted in injuries 4 about 900 at any given time, accident involving an MH-47 Chinook, a transport aircraft, in northeast Syria is under investigation. officials said were associated
of various degrees,= with 10 per- augmented by hundreds more with Iran9s Islamic Revolution-
sonnel requiring medical evacu- contractors 4 to prevent a resur- erage for other strategic northeastern Syria, said they been languishing in prisons ary Guard Corps.
ation to <higher care facilities= gence by ISIS militants in the objectives. would put hundreds of ISIS there for allegedly having ties to
outside the war-torn country. country, thwart Iranian and Rus- This month, Kurdish-led au- fighters on trial. Tens of thou- the Islamic State. Kurdish au- Joby Warrick, evan hill and Claire
Singh said all of those injured sian ambitions, and provide lev- thorities, who control much of sands of foreign nationals have thorities and detainees9 relatives Parker contributed to this report.

Hours after a hospital declared her dead, woman knocks on her own co>n
BY V ICTORIA B ISSET death after resuscitation efforts ing her mouth. bag at a funeral home but died Hypothermia can be another
failed, according to the govern- Montoya9s condition remains days later with family members cause.
Mourners at the wake of a
The 76-year-old ment statement. serious, however. According to by her side, according to a state <If you fall into cold water, the
woman in central Ecuador were was alive during Her son told El Universo that the ministry, the patient was in report. body can slow right down and
shocked to find she was alive and his mother was admitted to the the intensive care unit and was In another case, a man took a you might be thought of as dead
breathing in her coffin.
her wake in Ecuador hospital around 9 a.m. Friday. intubated. breath just minutes after medics when, in fact, you9ve got a very
Relatives suddenly heard Bella <And at midday, a doctor told me While many people have a pronounced him dead. Weeks slow heart rate. And if you then
Montoya, a former nurse, knock- that my mom had died.= <very primeval fear= of being later, he was able to leave the warm up, you might come alive
ing on her coffin, according to left hand, open her eyes, her Relatives who had gathered buried alive, instances of people hospital, and subsequently told again,= he said, adding that the
the Associated Press. They dis- mouth= and was struggling to for the wake the same afternoon being prematurely pronounced The Washington Post that al- cooling technique actually is
covered that the 76-year-old breathe, local newspaper El Uni- called emergency services when dead appear to be <incredibly though the incident had taken a used to protect the brain during
woman was still alive 4 hours verso quoted him as saying. they realized she was, in fact, rare,= although they do happen, toll on him, he was thankful to be cardiac surgery.
after she had been declared dead. In a statement Sunday, the alive. Emergency responders re- Stephen Hughes, a senior lectur- alive. The final cause of such inci-
<After about five hours of the Ministry of Public Health said turned her to the same hospital er in medicine at England9s An- Hughes says certain drugs dents is human error, where a
wake, the coffin started to make authorities were investigating where she had been declared glia Ruskin University and a may lead to a misdiagnosis of lack of training or diligence may
sounds,= her son, Gilberto Bar- the case. dead just hours earlier, accord- consultant in emergency medi- death 4 as he once found in his mean that medical staffers miss a
bera, told the AP. <My mom was Montoya was taken to the ing to local media. cine, said in an interview. own practice, when a patient patient9s vital signs.
wrapped in sheets and hitting Martín Icaza Hospital in Baba- A video from the scene showed In February, a hospice in Iowa took an overdose of a barbiturate But, he says, many countries
the coffin, and when we ap- hoyo on Friday after suffering a several people attending to the was fined $10,000 for incorrectly on a cold day, only to be found to require a long process before a
proached we could see that she suspected stroke and went into woman as she lay in the open declaring the death of a patient be alive at the mortuary as the person can be certified as dead or
was breathing heavily.= cardiorespiratory arrest. The casket, still wearing her hospital with early-onset dementia. The body warmed up and the effect of be buried 4 <so that9s pretty
<My mom started to move her doctor on duty confirmed her bracelet, and opening and clos- woman later woke up in a body the drug wore off. reassuring.=

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A16 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Dockworkers at Canadian ports vote to authorize strike

trains and trucks to transport
Move coincides with goods, and it only takes a small
disruption to one part of the
labor dispute at shipping supply chain to cause congestion
hubs on U.S. West Coast in the others.
Though contract negotiations
in the United States have made
significant progress on issues
BY E LI T AN tied to automation, pay remains a
sticking point, according to two
Unionized port workers in people briefed on the negotia-
Canada have authorized a strike tions who spoke on the condition
in a near-unanimous vote, add- of anonymity because they were
ing to brewing labor tensions not authorized to discuss the
affecting ports along the West talks publicly.
Coast. President Biden9s acting labor
More than 99 percent of the secretary, Julie Su, met with both
International Longshore and parties in San Francisco on Tues-
Warehouse Union Canada mem- day to help mediate in the U.S.
bers who cast ballots endorsed a negotiations, a representative of
strike, according to results re- the Labor Department confirmed
leased Monday night. The move, to The Washington Post.
which comes after months of Among retailers, there9s a
deliberation between the union growing concern that more labor
and the British Columbia Mari- disruptions and stoppages at Ca-
time Employers Association me- nadian and U.S. West Coast ports
diated by the Canadian govern- could affect back-to-school shop-
ment, means the union9s 7,200 ping, with merchandise includ-
dockworkers could walk out as ing backpacks and shoes not ar-
soon as June 24. riving in time for their peak
<The BCMEA remains commit- season. Shippers are eyeing ports
ted to bargaining in good faith in Mexico and on the East Coast
and seeking a fair and balanced as alternatives, but the longer
deal that recognizes the expertise travel times are costly.
of the waterfront workforce, <The insiders are all saying
while ensuring West Coast ports that they9ll just go to the other
PAul chinn/sAn FrAncisco chronicle/AP
remain competitive, resilient and coast, where the people seem to
affordable for all Canadians,= the Shipping containers are stacked in Vancouver, British Columbia. In a nearly unanimous vote, members of the International Longshore be more reasonable,= Kocha-
port operators said in a state- and Warehouse Union Canada have authorized a strike; 7,200 dockworkers could walk out beginning June 24. nowski said. <But it9s a big ex-
ment responding to the strike pense, and the fear is that the
authorization. dispute with their port operators and protection from automation. container ships that bring im- chief executive of Staxxon, a com- consumer will not want to pay
It9s the latest potential wrinkle since July. Canadian ports repre- Though the U.S. dockworkers ports from Asia 4 have intermit- pany that makes shipping con- the price.=
for the global supply chain, which sented by the ILWU Canada col- union has not authorized a strike, tently shuttered or slowed in tainers. Major companies that use the
relies on shipping hubs to move lectively handle $225 billion port operators represented by the recent weeks amid contract nego- <The shippers from Asia, coun- Canadian ports include the furni-
billions of dollars9 worth of cargo worth of cargo each year, por- Pacific Maritime Association say tiations. try lines don9t mean anything to ture giant Ikea and the retailer
every month. tions of which are transported to union workers have caused de- If Canadian ports were to tem- them, it9s about the final destina- Canada Tire. Midwest manufac-
A strike by Canadian dock- their destinations by American lays and work stoppages at sev- porarily shut down, the inbound tion 4 North America. But there9s turers and automakers, which
workers could have grave impli- trains and trucks. eral major shipping hubs. Por- cargo would probably be redi- a fixed amount of land, of ware- rely on West Coast ports and
cations for the ports9 American Like U.S. dockworkers, the tions of the ports at Los Angeles, rected to the U.S. West Coast houses, of roads to get there,= railways to deliver material in-
counterparts on the West Coast, main priorities for ILWU Canada Long Beach, Calif., Oakland, ports, leading to further conges- Kochanowski said. land, also stand to be affected by
who have been locked in a labor members revolve around wages Calif., and Seattle 4 gateways for tion, said George Kochanowski, The economy relies on ships, port closures.

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wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A17

war in ukraine

Brigade9s losses foreshadow cost Kyiv is prepared to pay

UkrAiNe from A1 dinary cities and people.= <Everyone expected that we
Just hours after the strike, rus- would have some kind of support,
would eventually help other sian President Vladimir Putin de- but unfortunately, for some rea-
Ukrainian brigades liberate four nied that his country hits civilian son, there was none,= Lumberjack
villages in Donetsk, one of the targets. In a wildly cynical claim said. His commander had little
counteroffensive9s key starting to pro-war bloggers and military experience, he said, and had
points, securing an early triumph journalists he accused Ukraine of counted on assistance from artil-
for Kyiv during the most widely being the aggressor in a war that lery units. <But he got confused
anticipated operation of the war. he, in fact, brazenly initiated when he saw that there was
Survivors from the 37th, which more than a year ago. <They none.=
included some American volun- started this war,= he said, <and we finally, after two hours of
teer fighters and soldiers trained are trying to stop it.= shelling, the russians appeared
in Europe, described their ordeal <The enemy has had no success to run out of ammunition, or were
as the tip of the spear in Ukraine9s in any of the areas,= Putin said, exhausted by the fight. Ukrainian
counteroffensive. adding: <During this time, forces seized the moment, Lum-
Their accounts offered one of Ukraine has lost over 160 tanks berjack recounted, taking the po-
the first real glimpses into the and over 360 armored vehicles. & sitions of their enemies and claw-
brutal fighting on a new front this our losses are 10 times less.= His ing back some ground.
month, far removed from the assertions could not be con- The mission, brutal as it was,
antiseptic claims of advances and firmed. distracted russian forces, allow-
retreats by officials on both sides on Tuesday, the Biden admin- ing Ukraine to attack on other
of the conflict. And the battalion9s istration said it would send flanks. After the initial push of
heavy losses foreshadow the terri- Ukraine an additional $325 mil- the 37th, other brigades helped
ble cost that Ukraine9s leaders are lion in military supplies from U.S. liberate the four villages.
prepared to pay 4 and believe stockpiles. The package includes <Yes, we made a sacrifice,= he
they must pay 4 to oust the 25 armored vehicles, possibly to said. <But we got a result in
russian invaders and reclaim replace those destroyed as fight- return.=
their lost territory. ing intensifies, plus additional Unlike most of the men in his
Elsewhere on Tuesday, Ukrai- Javelin missile launchers and unit, Lumberjack9s injury was rel-
nian units pressed the fight in other weapons for targeting rus- atively minor. But the shrapnel
other key areas along the front: in OleksandR RatusHniak/ReuteRs
sian tanks, more artillery and air was still lodged in his shoulder,
the Donetsk region 4 east of defense munitions, and millions A service member near Neskuchne, a village in the Donetsk region that Ukraine said it liberated. At making it difficult for him to fire a
Lyman, on the outskirts of of small-arms rounds and gre- least 17 people were evacuated from four liberated villages, a Donetsk police press officer said. weapon, so he planned to head to
Bakhmut, and in marinka 4 and nades. Kyiv for treatment.
in the Zaporizhzhia region, south In a meeting with President Brigade, said his unit helped clear His brigade cleared the village said. <Even not having all of the But first, for a brief moment
of orikhiv. Biden at the White House on two of the villages without any of of Storozheve on Sunday morning equipment, they can perform the Tuesday afternoon, Lumberjack
<The enemy is doing every- Tuesday, NATo Secretary General the newly supplied weapons and and makarivka on monday, Ko- tasks that are required.= and Grey stopped at a creek in a
thing to keep the positions [they] Jens Stoltenberg thanked the equipment from Ukraine9s West- zachynskyi said. Eighty to 90 per- Sometimes, even the Western- town just north of those they
captured,= Ukrainian Deputy De- United States for the new aid ern allies, which are boosting cent of the homes in both villages supplied gear hasn9t been enough helped liberate. Soldiers jumped
fense minister Hanna maliar package and said the Ukrainian other brigades along the front were destroyed. At least 17 people to shield outmatched Ukrainian into the water and swam beneath
wrote in a Telegram post, adding counteroffensive was <making line. While some of his fellow were evacuated from the four troops from the intensity of rus- the summertime sun. They hard-
that russians were fighting back progress.= soldiers had trained in countries liberated villages, a Donetsk po- sian shelling. ly seemed to notice the sounds of
with <assault and army aviation= <The more land the Ukrainians including Britain, Norway and lice press officer said. for the first hour and a half of cluster munitions and artillery
and <intense artillery fire.= are able to liberate, the stronger Spain, the entire brigade had not <The soldiers are highly moti- the 37th9s assault near Velyka nearby.
russia responded to Kyiv9s hand they will have at the negoti- been sent abroad, as was the case vated to move the enemy out of Novosilka, the russians bom- Grey planned to return to the
counteroffensive with its latest ating table,= he said. with some specialized attack our territory, to finish the war as barded the unit with nonstop fight that night, to replace weary
deadly overnight missile barrage, Ukrainian forces, meanwhile, units. fast as they can,= Kozachynskyi shelling that penetrated their soldiers in the counterattack.
killing 11 people and injuring at continued to push ahead on a AmX-10 rC armored vehicles, ac- Their goal was clear: retaking
least 36 in President Volodymyr critical southeast front line here cording to Grey, another soldier all of Ukraine9s territory from
Zelensky9s hometown of Kryvyi in the vast farmlands and fields of in the battalion who spoke on the russia. Their next big target?
rih. the Donetsk region. condition that he be identified mariupol, they said.
Cruise missiles struck a resi- Kyiv claims to have liberated only by his call sign. The armored <We have to keep pushing for-
dential building and a warehouse
in the working-class city in cen-
four villages 4 Neskuchne, Storo-
zheve, Blahodatne and makariv-
<The more land the Ukrainians vehicles, sometimes called <light
tanks,= were not heavy enough to
ward,= Grey said. <We are afraid of
death, but we understand we
tral Ukraine.
Zelensky posted a video on his
ka 4 just south of Velyka Novosil-
ka, on a roughly 51/2-mile stretch
are able to liberate, the stronger hand protect the soldiers, Grey said,
and had to be positioned behind
don9t have another choice. We
need to go and push the enemy
Telegram channel, showing
flames leaping from the ruins of a
of road close to the border of the
Zaporizhzhia region and about
they will have at the negotiating table.= them instead of in front.
As the mortar shells barreled
away from here.=

building and the smoldering re- 80 miles north of the decimated, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, toward them, Lumberjack david stern in Mukachevo, ukraine;
mains of cars. <more terrorist russian-occupied city of mari- who met with President Biden at the White House crawled out of his vehicle for Francesca ebel in london; and dan
missiles,= Zelensky wrote. <rus- upol. and expressed appreciation for the latest round of u.s. aid to ukraine more than 300 yards, he said, lamothe and Matt Viser in
sian killers continue their war Serhii Kozachynskyi, a spokes- desperately searching for the tree Washington contributed to this
against residential buildings, or- man for the 35th Separate marine line. report.

David Von Drehle

Author, <|e Book of Charlie=
& Deputy Opinion Editor, |e Washington Post

Wednesday, June 14 at 3:00 p.m.

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learned about life and happiness from his
neighbor who lived to be 109 years old.

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A18 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

war in ukraine

Mercenary boss ûaunts his criticism of Russian military

Telegram blogs. movements, including that of few years= to achieve something
Wagner head denounces <In Putin9s world, the internet, jailed political opposition leader resembling a victory in Ukraine.
all these sites, blogs and social Alexei Navalny. Such a campaign slogan is unlike-
defense leaders, makes media, are the periphery,= <Figuratively speaking, soon ly to have much popular appeal.
speeches like a politician Stanovaya said. after Prigozhin finds himself in a <For people who live in big
While Putin has not publicly cell next to Navalny, his fans will cities and are accustomed to the
reprimanded Prigozhin, there are find themselves on the same side capitalist type of consumption,
signs that the Russian president of the barricades as the support- Prigozhin9s [call for a] North Ko-
BY M ARY I LYUSHINA stepped in earlier in the year to ers of the latter,= Gallyamov said. rea lifestyle and to general mobi-
draw lines for Prigozhin and Wag- There is little polling on Prigo- lization cannot be attractive, so
RiGa, Latvia 4 Criticizing the ner. zhin9s nationwide appeal, but a can only work with a very small
military is illegal in Vladimir The appointment of Valery recent report from Russian Field, . . . poor, frustrated population
Putin9s Russia, and openly dis- Gerasimov, chief of the general an independent research agency, and with aggressive conformists,=
playing political ambition that staff of the Russian armed forces, stated that 2 percent of Russians said Andrei Kolesnikov, a
could challenge the strongman whom Prigozhin had publicly be- surveyed would vote for Prigo- Moscow-based political analyst
president is highly ill-advised. Yet rated, as overall commander of zhin in a presidential race, the with the Carnegie Endowment
Wagner mercenary boss Yevgeniy the war in Ukraine was viewed as same as Navalny. That is higher for International Peace who, like
Prigozhin somehow flaunts doing a blow to Wagner. Prigozhin also than many politicians, including many Russians, has been desig-
both these days and, for now at lost his main source of manpower Shoigu, but less than Putin9s nated a <foreign agent= by the
least, seems to be getting away when the Defense Ministry 30 percent. authorities.
with it. barred him from recruiting in The poll also suggested that <There is a fundamental prob-
Prigozhin, the caterer turned prisons. Prigozhin9s visibility to average lem. . . . As Prigozhin himself
warlord who deployed his private According to classified U.S. in- Russians was growing rapidly. comes from the depths of Putin9s
army 4 reinforced by thousands telligence documents leaked on <The speed with which Prigozhin elite, from Putin9s 8kitchen,9 he is
of convicts whom he recruited the Discord messaging platform, has gained . . . is a high, because a flesh from the flesh of the oligar-
from prison 4 to Ukraine, has Putin set up a meeting between year ago he had nothing,= chic system, and its product,=
been locked for weeks in a vicious Priogzhin and Shoigu in February Stanovaya said. Kolesnikov added.
feud with Russia9s military lead- to address a conflict over alleged- In a curious twist of Russia9s Prigozhin9s endgame is still un-
ership, in which he has repeatedly ly insufficient ammunition sup- chaotic political life, some Krem- clear. For years, he thrived as the
accused Defense Minister Sergei plies in Bakhmut. lin watchers noted that several of leader of a paramilitary organiza-
Shoigu and other commanders of In the latest round of the fight, Prigozhin9s talking points now tion that operated in the shadows
incompetence. Shoigu decreed last week that all match those of the liberal part of to advance the Kremlin9s goals
That fight took a harrowing <volunteer formations= must sign Russian society, including Naval- around the world using every
turn this month when Wagner a contract with the Defense Min- ny9s supporters 4 namely, that means. That approach may not
fighters and regular Russian sol- istry by July 1. Prigozhin said the war is deadly, will last a long necessarily translate well into any
diers ended up in a shootout near Wagner would not do so. time and will be costly for Russia. official post, which comes with
Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, After withdrawing his merce- In his speeches, Prigozhin re- more responsibility and political
which ended with the mercenar- mIkhaIl svetlov/getty Images naries from Bakhmut, which Rus- lies on trusted populist tropes, risks, as well as nominal obliga-
ies detaining a lieutenant colonel. Yevgeniy Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner mercenary group, has sia effectively seized in late May, presenting himself as <a man of tions to the law.
Prigozhin professes full loyalty criticized the Russian military despite it being illegal to do so. Prigozhin sought to capitalize on the people= who speaks directly to Analysts generally believe
to Putin. But he has also been that battlefield success and get ordinary Russians and opposes Prigozhin stands a minimal
giving speeches and holding news ready not very pleased with the and, seeing no serious resistance, some real-world exposure with the detached elites of Rublyovka, chance of having a successful
conferences across Russia in president: He unleashed the war, continues to push them.= regional outlets. a wealthy neighborhood west of political career because his mes-
what looks a lot like a campaign but still cannot win it,= said Abbas <From the outside, we may con- He spent a couple of weeks Moscow that also serves as a sage, like that of Chechen leader
tour 4 a potential red line in a Gallyamov, a political analyst and sider how Prigozhin poses a dan- giving interviews to pro-war re- collective moniker for the coun- Ramzan Kadyrov, is often too
country where any political chal- former Kremlin speechwriter. ger to the regime, and long-term porters, even using one to warn of try9s rich and powerful. Navalny extreme to resonate with main-
lenge is viewed as betrayal. This <If they put pressure on this it can be a problem for Putin, but a potential revolution in Russia. built much of his political capital stream Russians, let alone the
has prompted many Russia part of the public,= Gallyamov if we look at this through Putin9s He also held lengthy Q&A ses- on exposing corruption and illicit country9s elite.
watchers to wonder: Why is Putin said, <they will [turn] into opposi- eyes, I think he doesn9t consider sions in four major cities to pro- wealth among the elite. One possibility is that Prigo-
tolerating it? tion and say, 8It turns out Putin9s him a threat,= Stanovaya said. mote an ill-defined project called But there are also big differenc- zhin is positioning himself
With the war in Ukraine going critics were right and he really <Prigozhin is loyal, he is absolute- <Wagner: The Second Front Line.= es. Navalny has opposed Putin for against other oligarchs for advan-
badly, some analysts say the Rus- turned into a dictator.9 = ly dependent on the government <Not to be frantic, but [we decades and has called for ending tage in a post-Putin Russia.
sian leader may not have a choice. Other analysts say Putin is su- and can be [stripped] of all re- need] to give people the truthful the war, while Prigozhin repre- <He is acting intuitively and he
Prigozhin, at least, is a fervent premely confident in his role and sources at once, if needed.= information that will force soci- sents an even more extreme ver- needs to gain political capital, but
supporter of the war 4 he merely does not perceive any threat from There is a possibility, Stanova- ety to mobilize,= Prigozhin said sion of Putin9s policies, in full I don9t think he knows yet himself
insists it should be more brutal Prigozhin 4 which may be a ya noted, that Putin <doesn9t fully cryptically, vowing to continue support of authoritarian leader- what he can convert it to,=
and effective. By fully supporting miscalculation. sense the scale= of Prigozhin9s his <political briefings.= He add- ship. Stanovaya said. <Putin 4 he has
the war and a total mobilization <Prigozhin is in a gray zone growing visibility. The state tele- ed: <Until we mobilize, we won9t Navalny has also urged that less and less control of the situa-
of Russian society, Prigozhin may where he has a mandate from vision networks, which Putin re- win the war.= Russia be free, democratic and tion and the elites. So the more
have ensured himself security. Putin to act, but its boundaries veres as controlling public opin- Gallyamov, the former speech- <happy.= Prigozhin has taken a political resources you have, the
<The regime simply cannot af- are not clearly defined,= said po- ion, have essentially banned writer, said any crackdown on somewhat darker tack, at one stronger your positions will be in
ford to repress representatives of litical analyst Tatiana Stanovaya. Prigozhin from their airwaves, Prigozhin would risk aligning his point declaring that Russians the future, and that9s what Prigo-
the 8patriotic9 camp, which is al- <So Prigozhin is testing his limits limiting him to online media and supporters with other anti-Putin should live <like North Korea for a zhin is working toward.=

History Matters
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Founder & Creative Director
absolute equality
|ursday, June 15 at 3:00 p.m.
|e mural artist ofers his perspective
on the signiûcance of Juneteenth and
using art to give voice to history.
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wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE a19

Economy & Business

Four things to keep in mind as student loan payments resume this fall
Get ready now to got more time, and the habit Don9t ask for more delays if at least determine if you can Or they went back to school people who, when asked how
start paying your stuck. And years after they you don9t need them afford to pay the interest that is for an expensive master9s much in student loans they
student loans could have started to pay A deferment or forbearance due. degree that they thought would owe, have only a vague idea of
again. something 4 even just the allows borrowers to stop help boost their income. It the amount. One borrower I
For over three interest 4 they continued to making loan payments if they Don9t ignore interest didn9t, or at least not worked with didn9t owe nearly
years 4 since put their loans on pause meet certain criteria, such as capitalization appreciably. Faced with high as much as she thought. With
Michelle March 2020 4 through a deferment or economic hardship. A lot of borrowers have monthly loan payments, they some budget cutting, we
Singletary millions of forbearance. We see so many stories of encountered financial stress asked for forbearance. mapped out a plan in which she
The Color education loan Or they failed to make any people with six-figure amounts since graduating. Others Years later, in shock at how could get rid of all the debt in
of Money borrowers have attempt to find a payment of debt that we assume that9s dropped out before finishing their loans have ballooned, they about six months.
not had to make plan that worked for their the norm. college but still have loans to ask: Why do I have to pay so Others assume the payments
monthly budget. However, most student loan repay. Some students were much? will be unaffordable without
payments. If you fall into this category borrowers owe less than duped by private for-profit Two words 4 interest having investigated the various
That reprieve is ending soon. of borrowers, here9s what I $25,000, according to the schools that saddled them with capitalization. repayment plans offered by the
<Congress recently passed a recommend once the Federal Reserve9s latest report significant debt for worthless Interest capitalization is Education Department.
law preventing further pandemic-related pause for on the Economic Well-Being of degrees. These are the groups when your monthly loan You may qualify for an
extensions of the payment your federal loans finally ends U.S. Households in 2022. The that would benefit most from payments don9t cover the income-driven repayment plan,
pause,= the Education this fall. Fed said the median amount of the Biden administration9s interest. Then interest is which is based on your earnings
Department said in a education debt in 2022 4 proposed debt forgiveness of up charged on the new, larger and family size. You might not
statement. That opened the Don9t wait to make your first among those with any to $20,000. balance. So, your loans grow have any required payment
door for interest to start payment in October outstanding debt for their own But I9ve come across over time because the interest because your income is too low.
accruing Sept. 1 and for Practice making your education 4 was between numerous others who left loans was recalculated based on that At studentaid.gov, you will
payments to come due starting payments now. $20,000 and $24,999. in deferment or forbearance higher principal balance. This find a loan simulator that can
Oct. 1. Contact the company that <Although it is common to status for years by claiming may also result in a higher 4 compare the plans. You will
I have worked with a lot of services your loan to confirm focus only on those with hardship when their period of now truly unaffordable 4 answer some questions that
folks who have student loans. your monthly payment. Then, outstanding debt, many people struggle was short-lived. I monthly payment. will help you determine the
Some have struggled to make starting in July, put that money who borrowed for their reviewed their budgets, and best option. For instance, you
payments because of low wages, in a savings account. This will education had repaid their they could have been making Don9t ignore your can indicate your goal is a low
illnesses or family obligations, give you a sense of how the loan loans completely,= the Fed said. payments. responsibility monthly payment, and the
such as caring for aging payment will impact your <Excluding these people who Yet, they were eating out a Even if the Supreme Court simulator will suggest a plan.
parents. monthly budget. have paid off their debt could lot, upgrading to larger homes, allows the Biden debt If you choose to avoid the
But others, in my experience, If the pinch to your finances overstate difficulties with taking lavish vacations and forgiveness plan to proceed, consequences of failing to
have just been trifling. is too hard during the practice repayment.= excessively shopping for stuff you may still face decades of address your loans, things can
That initial six-month grace months, contact your loan But if you need to go the they didn9t need 4 essentially debt. get ugly, including possibly a
period on their federally backed servicer to figure out your deferment or forbearance route living life as if they would never The answer to your situation paycheck garnishment.
loans got them used to not payment options. come October 4 because of, say, have to face their student loan isn9t to ignore the liability. If your debt is here to stay,
paying on the debt. Then they a job loss or extended illness 4 responsibility. I can9t count the number of take action. Don9t ignore it.

Pa. ûnalizing plan

to reopen I-95 after
bridge collapse
Rebuilding could take months and impact economy
BY I AN D UNCAN Pennsylvania State Police said
AND H EIDI P ÉREZ- M ORENO Monday they recovered a body
from the wreckage and that au-
Crews were scheduled to work thorities have no indication it was
through the night early Wednes- anyone other than the truck driv-
day on the demolition of an adja- er. Family identified the driver as
cent bridge carrying Interstate 95 Nathan Moody, 53. Penn Tank
that was compromised in a gas Lines did not respond to requests
truck fire as officials prepare to for comment Tuesday.
release plans for restoring service Family members of Moody said
on the key East Coast artery. they are distraught over his
<We9re going to try to do it as death. Alex Moody, an older cous-
quickly as we can,= Pennsylvania in who grew up with him in
Transportation Secretary Mike Philadelphia, said the death is
Carroll said at the scene Tuesday one of several in the family in
as work continued behind him. recent years.
A northbound bridge collapsed He said he broke down into
Sunday after a Penn Tank Lines tears, saddened to lose his <baby
gasoline truck rolled over and cousin.= He said his cousin had a
caught fire beneath it, officials wife and three children, one who
said. The southbound span subse- was 7 years old.
quently was found to be unsafe <One minute, you see a person,
and is being knocked down. then the next minute, you don9t
The crash and fire are under see them,= he said.
investigation, and experts said Alex Moody said his cousin was
the flames would have weakened the family9s Dudley Do-Right, a
mAtt Slocum/AP
the steel holding up the bridges. reference to the character from a
The fire crippled a stretch of segment on <The Rocky and Bull- Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg speaks at the scene of a collapsed section of Interstate 95 in Philadelphia on Tuesday. He noted the
highway that carries 160,000 ve- winkle Show.= He was the voice of potential economic impact of the travel disruptions and said the federal government would help Pennsylvania rebuild quickly and safely.
hicles daily, leaving thousands of reason among family, always
trucks facing months of lengthy there to keep cousins out of trou- available evidence indicates the ous week, agency spokesman An- <There9s no substitute for I-95 in Ohio marked a break in prec-
detours and creating headaches ble, help them find a job or help heat of the fire is to blame for the drew Busch said. being up and running in full edent for transportation secretar-
for commuters in Northeast Phil- pay rent if needed, he said. collapse, rather than any issue The state transportation de- working condition and that9s the ies, but that he saw the value in
adelphia. Two decades ago, Nathan with the bridge. As steel reaches partment is turning its attention goal that everybody9s moving being there in person.
After touring the scene Tues- Moody sat his cousin down to high temperatures, its ability to to the rebuilding effort, which toward here,= he said. <Part of what I found was im-
day, Transportation Secretary encourage him to stay away from hold a load decreases and the could take months. The collapse is the nation9s portant 4 especially when you
Pete Buttigieg described the burn drugs. span probably fell under its own Carroll said a construction con- third major transportation inci- saw all of the politicization and
marks and twisted metal. He not- <That leaves an imprint on weight, experts said. tractor was working on another dent this year, following the fail- misinformation that the people of
ed the potential economic effects your heart,= Alex Moody said. Philadelphia officials have ar- project along the interstate and ure of an Federal Aviation Admin- East Palestine had to deal with 4
of the collapse and said the feder- The National Transportation ranged detours around the col- was pulled in to start the demoli- istration information system in is that we9re just in a new world in
al government would help Penn- Safety Board is investigating the lapsed bridge and are encourag- tion work. Pennsylvania Gov. Josh January and the derailment of a terms of the importance of pres-
sylvania rebuild quickly and safe- crash and bridge collapse. The ing commuters to use public tran- Shapiro (D) signed an emergency freight train carrying hazardous ence to help make sure everybody
ly. board plans to issue preliminary sit while work on the highway declaration Monday allowing of- chemicals in February. understands what is happening,=
<What a lot of people don9t findings within a few weeks, but a continues, running extra train ficials to bypass normal contract- Buttigieg was criticized by Re- Buttigieg said.
always see behind those inflation final report detailing the cause of service and making free parking ing rules to speed the work. publican lawmakers for waiting Tanker fires have caused bridge
numbers is the importance of our the collapse probably won9t be available. Ridership on three re- The declaration made $7 mil- several weeks before visiting the collapses in the past, but such
supply chains,= Buttigieg said. <If available for a year. gional Southeastern Pennsylva- lion in state funds available. Butt- derailment site in East Palestine, incidents are rare and experts
a route is disrupted or if its longer The bridge was constructed in nia Transportation Authority rail igieg said Pennsylvania will be Ohio. Asked Tuesday why he had said it would be expensive to
or if trucks have to wait, that finds 2016 and was rated in good condi- lines was up about 12 percent able to tap emergency federal come to Philadelphia much soon- fireproof the nation9s existing
its way into the cost of goods.= tion. Experts said that publicly Monday compared with the previ- money and other financial aid. er, he said visiting the active scene spans.

D ig E st

REtail Ebay. of cotton from the region in 2021 month, data from OPEC show. bankruptcy on Monday after mobile applications, and certain
But Tel Aviv-based Ultra and expanded the law and its Even before the kingdom high interest rates and the contracts and other related
Analysis: Temu items Information Solutions says it enforcement to all Xinjiang announced its surprise new pandemic9s gnarled supply chain assets, and to assume certain
linked to forced labor found at least 10 items made or products last year under the measures just over a week ago, drained its cash, making its specified liabilities of Bed Bath &
sold by businesses located in Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention the Organization of Petroleum debts unsustainable. The Beyond.= It does not include
Products made in China9s Xinjiang that are also available Act. Statements from former Exporting Countries expected company listed estimated assets bricks-and-mortar stores. The
western province of Xinjiang are in the U.S. on Temu, where their detainees and reports from an that world inventories would and liabilities of as much as company is soliciting bids until
being sold to U.S. consumers company links and origins are array of researchers and deplete rapidly in the second half $1 billion in a bankruptcy the deadline on Friday. If there
through the online shopping obscured. Ultra used its digital advocacy groups have alleged amid a post-pandemic recovery petition filed in Texas. The are more offers, there will be an
platform Temu, in breach of a vetting platform Publican to that the Chinese government put in fuel demand. Chapter 11 filing allows Instant auction on June 21. It is unclear
U.S. ban that forbids goods from compare products sold on Temu, more than 1 million people in With the 1 million barrel-a-day Brands to keep operating while it how Overstock would use Bed
the region due to links to forced such as sandals, sunglasses and detention camps in the region cutback to be implemented by seeks approval of a plan to repay Bath & Beyond9s website, name
labor, according to research by a other items, with those sold by and that laborers in fields and Riyadh in July 4 and possibly creditors. The company is slated and data. Other companies that
global supply chain verification the parent company inside factories were forced or coerced. longer 4 the shortfall will to receive around $133 million in declared bankruptcy, such as
firm. China. The Chinese government has intensify. debtor-in-possession financing Radio Shack, Toys R Us and
Temu, owned by PDD <It9s a systematic violation of said the camps are for re- World consumption will to fund itself through the Pier 1, were resurrected by new
Holdings, which operates U.S. trade policies,= said Ultra co- education purposes. exceed supplies by roughly bankruptcy process. owners of the brands9
Chinese e-commerce site founder Ram Ben Tzion. 4 Bloomberg News 2.7 million barrels a day next intellectual property. Websites
Pinduoduo, launched in the U.S. Representatives for Temu and month, a report from OPEC Overstock offered Bed Bath & for these stores are still online,
in September and quickly PDD didn9t reply to multiple EnERgY indicated on Tuesday. Beyond $21.5 million to acquire albeit with more limited
became the most downloaded requests for comment. 4 Bloomberg News the housewares chain9s inventory. Brand management
app on Apple9s U.S. App Store. Its Citing what the U.S. State OPEC data shows how intellectual property and other company WHP Global, which
marketplace carries clothes and Department has called <horrific cuts will hit markets also in BusinEss assets, court documents show. In acquired a controlling stake of
home decor at rock-bottom abuses= against the Uyghur Instant Brands, maker of the a statement, a Bed Bath & Toys R Us parent company Tru
prices, and the company is people of Xinjiang, who are Saudi Arabia9s latest oil Instant Pot pressure cooker and Beyond spokesperson said Kids in 2019, has started opening
aiming to take on global retail predominantly Muslim, federal production cuts are set to tighten Pyrex glassware, filed for Overstock9s stalking horse bid stores.
behemoths like Amazon and officials banned the importation global markets sharply next includes <business data, rights to 4 From news services
A20 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Positive signs on inûation,

but core prices hard to tame
infLAtion from A1 inflation down, goods prices have home-building industry long-
to fall, just outright fall,= Edelberg term, and that may keep import-
does it settle out?= said Peter said. <I expected that to happen ers from importing as much lum-
Boockvar, the chief investment of- many months ago. We had a cou- ber products in as they have been,=
ficer at the Bleakley financial ple of months of good news on Griffin said. <It9s all connected.=
Group. <Are we just going to go that front, but then real consumer much of the economy, though,
back to this 1 to 2 percent inflation spending remained really strong, has remained resilient through-
trend that we got so used to? or is to my surprise, and perhaps to out the fed9s aggressive fight
there something so structural that retailers9 surprise.= against inflation. Employers add-
after the spike, after the come- Encouraging signs were sprin- ed 339,000 jobs in may, the 29th
down, are we going to settle at kled throughout the report. The straight month of strong job
3 [percent]?= category for household furnish- growth. The country does not ap-
He added, <That plays into: ings fell 0.6 percent over the pear to be barreling toward a re-
How high do rates stay, and for month, marking that index9s first cession. And while there are signs
how long?= decline since June 2021 and its that Americans are spending less
major stock indexes flashed largest one-month decline since on restaurants, hotels and flights,
green throughout the day. The August 2009. Airfares also de- that could help the fed9s attempts
Dow Jones Industrial Average creased 3 percent over the month to curb prices in service indus-
closed up 145.79 points, or after a 2.6 percent decline in April. tries, which have been especially
Brandon Bell/getty Images
0.43 percent. The S&P 500 index To get inflation under control, susceptible to labor shortages.
climbed 0.69 percent and the Nas- the federal reserve has raised its President Biden touted Tues- A used-car lot in Austin on June 7. A new report on inflation from the Bureau of Labor Statistics says
daq 0.83 percent. benchmark interest rate at a day9s report, pointing to steps his costs for used vehicles continued to climb in May, increasing 4.4 percent compared with April.
Housing costs continue to be a breakneck pace since march 2022. administration has taken to tackle
big driver of overall inflation. Those moves have brought the the cost of gas, prescription drugs levels and the gradual fading of top line [rent inflation figure] is bubble wrap nearly double. Trans-
rent rose 0.5 percent in may over central bank rate, the federal and health insurance premiums. the economic aftershocks of rus- still very high . . . but it has turned portation and shipping costs go
the month before, only a minor funds rate, to between 5 and <At the same time, the unem- sia9s invasion of Ukraine. That a corner.= up every few months, even since
improvement from a 0.6 percent 5.25 percent 4 the highest level in ployment rate has remained be- could mean the full toll of higher officials have not definitively gas prices eased from the sum-
increase in April. rental costs 16 years. The goal is for steep low 4 percent for the longest rates has yet to be felt. said they have finished raising mer9s peaks. All of the store9s em-
were still up 8.7 percent from a borrowing costs to curb demand stretch in more than 50 years, Still, significant sources of in- rates, and incoming data on infla- ployees already start at $15 an
year earlier. for all kinds of lending and invest- helping to support wage gains flation have not been tamed by the tion, jobs and consumer spending hour, but the hot labor market
Costs for used cars and trucks ments, including mortgages and over the last year, even after ac- fed9s moves. The housing market will help them decide whether to means they could earn higher pay
also increased 4.4 percent in may auto loans, so that demand for counting for inflation,= Biden said slowed as mortgage rates soared. make further increases in the elsewhere.
in comparison with April, as they new houses or cars can fall into in a statement. <more Americans But rent, which makes up a large coming months. Also significant owner Sharon Greenbeck says
did the month before. Wholesale better balance with supply. are in the workforce than in dec- share of the consumer price index, will be information on bank lend- she has tried to absorb as much of
costs for used cars have been ris- In Charleston, S.C., managers ades.= continues to be a major driver of ing, which has moderated since a the cost as possible. But looking at
ing, and those increases are show- at Neal Brothers are not expecting for much of the past 15 months, overall inflation. recent shock to the financial sys- her small business, Greenbeck
ing up in retail prices. supply chains, prices or the over- the fed has rushed to catch up to Igor Popov, chief economist at tem made lenders more skittish said it9s nearing time for her to
Core inflation was 0.4 percent all economy to return to what they inflation, often hiking the federal Apartment List, sees relief coming about issuing credit. pass higher prices on to her cus-
in may compared with the previ- were. The export, packing and funds rate in big jumps. And it has in the rental pipeline. rent <A decision to hold our policy tomers. She worries about how
ous month, as it was in April and distribution services company is always signaled that more work growth peaked about a year ago, rate constant at a coming meet- they will react. Already, customers
march. Normally, that figure may focused instead on adjusting to remains. But as central bankers Popov said, and he expects rent ing should not be interpreted to raise an eyebrow if they want to
be between 0.1 and 0.2 percent. the <new normal= for products have gathered for their June pol- inflation to slow down much fast- mean that we have reached the send gifts to friends and the ship-
fed officials are especially focused including diesel, liquid propane icy meeting Tuesday and Wednes- er moving forward. peak rate for this cycle,= fed gov- ping ends up costing as much as
on this particular measure be- and timber, said Vice President day, their agenda has been some- About 1 million multifamily ernor Philip Jefferson said in a the gifts. Greenbeck said she has
cause it helps them gauge the Harry Griffin. what different. rental units are slated to come recent speech. <Indeed, skipping even seen inflation encroach on
underlying sources of inflation Griffin also worries that the The widely held expectation is online later this year and next, a rate hike at a coming meeting the <little things.= for instance,
that can be hardest to tame. fed9s fight to contain prices will that policymakers will leave rates Popov said. Some of those new would allow the committee to see the rubber ducks she would have
Wendy Edelberg, the director of hamper his business. Neal Broth- unchanged this week to give units will serve the higher end of more data before making deci- in stock for children have doubled
the Hamilton Project and a former ers stores building materials and themselves some time to see how the market, but the total influx sions about the extent of addi- in price.
chief economist at the Congres- other goods that eventually will be the past year9s increases are filter- will create breathing room for tional policy firming.= (Jeffer- <I sell less because people say,
sional Budget office, said the con- used by contractors building ing through the economy. rate renters in general 4 and the over- son9s remarks carry extra weight 8oh, I9m not spending $2 on a
tinued price increases show that homes. If home building stops increases operate with a lag, and all inflation picture. because he was nominated to the duck,9 = Greenbeck said. <So then
people are still spending, but that because of higher interest rates, many economists argue that the <The fed has not been worried fed9s No. 2 role last month.) my merchandise sits. It9s an ugly
could force the fed to slow the that could hit Griffin9s bottom drop in inflation over the past year about the shelter component for In Baltimore, Postman Plus cycle.=
economy more, even if central line. has been driven largely by im- some time because this has been Perry Hall is being hit from all
bankers skip a rate hike this week. <As long as these interest rates provements in supply chains, the expected,= Popov said. <There9s al- sides. The pack-and-ship store has abha Bhattarai contributed to this
<If we have any hope of getting stay really high, it could affect the return of gas prices to normal ways uncertainty baked in. The seen the cost of 250-foot rolls of report.

Senate centers on consumer protections and aviation safety in FAA measure

BY L ORI A RATANI The release of the Senate9s legislation would put a Senate- aviation subcommittee, added sions and improve fuel efficiency. push by a business coalition led
version of the fAA funding bill confirmed assistant secretary in that the bill <is a first step toward It also would study how best to by Delta Air Lines to increase the
members of a Senate commit- comes after members of the charge of the Transportation De- ensuring that the fAA can carry incorporate emerging aviation number of long-distance flights
tee unveiled their $107 billion House Transportation and Infra- partment9s office of Aviation out its core mission of ensuring technology into the national air- at reagan National Airport.
blueprint Tuesday for funding structure Committee released Consumer Protection. the safety of the flying public.= space, including electric propul- on Tuesday, as House mem-
the federal Aviation Administra- their version on friday. The measure would require The measure revisits the ef- sion and hypersonic aircraft. bers began debating their ver-
tion, a measure they say will The Senate bill proposes that airlines to include <easy-to-find= fects of smaller seats on passen- The House and Senate bills are sion of the fAA funding bill, a
enhance safety and hold airlines most of the money 4 $67.5 bil- links on their websites for cus- gers9 ability to evacuate an air- key steps for both chambers as bipartisan group of lawmakers
accountable while preparing the lion 4 fund key safety programs tomers requesting a refund and craft, which was noted as part of lawmakers work to meet a gathered in the shadow of the
nation9s airspace for a future that at the fAA, building on changes would require airlines to provide a 2018 fAA funding measure. As Sept. 30 deadline, when the fAA9s U.S. Capitol to support legisla-
could include more commercial passed in 2020 in the wake of two free round-the-clock access to directed by Congress, the agency current funding measure ex- tion that would add 28 daily
space launches, drones and air Boeing max jet crashes. The customer service agents by conducted emergency drills in pires. Differences in the legisla- round trips at the airport.
taxis. measure also proposes creating phone, live chat or text message. 2019 and determined seat size tion passed by each chamber The bill also doesn9t address
The 461-page measure focuses an fAA academy to increase the Sen. maria Cantwell (D- did not affect evacuations. How- would need to be hammered out any increase in the mandatory
on building safeguards into a number of air traffic controllers Wash.), chair of the Commerce, ever, several lawmakers criti- before a bill is sent to the presi- retirement age for pilots, which
system that has buckled while the agency can train. Science and Transportation cized the tests as flawed. The dent. some lawmakers have supported
struggling to meet a surge in for consumers, the measure Committee, said in a statement proposed bill would require the Lawmakers have voiced sup- as a way to address a pilot
pandemic-era demand. Lawmak- would require airlines to offer that the fAA reauthorization Act fAA to revisit evacuation stan- port for funding the fAA through shortage. While the House ver-
ers said recent incidents, includ- refunds if a domestic flight is <will help get the air travel sys- dards. 2028, rather than through con- sion contained a provision allow-
ing Southwest Airlines9s Decem- delayed at least three hours or an tem soaring again by improving The legislation also includes tinuing resolutions, as has been ing for an extra 150 hours of
ber meltdown, the failure of a key international flight is delayed at safety and service.= $1.8 billion for fAA research, done in past years. flight simulator time to count
fAA pilot notification system in least six hours. It would double In a joint statement, Sens. Ted engineering and development, Like the House measure, the toward a requirement that new
January and a spate of near the civil penalty for aviation Cruz (Tex.), the committee9s rank- including money that would ex- Senate version sidestepped is- pilots have 1,500 hours of experi-
misses at airports, have under- consumer violations to $50,000 ing republican, and Jerry moran pand research into alternative jet sues that may surface as deliber- ence, the Senate version does
scored the need for investments. per incident. In addition, the (Kan.), ranking republican of the fuels that could cut carbon emis- ations begin. Those include a not.

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Megan Mcardle

There might be
no such thing as
a legal American
crypto exchange
an anyone run a cryptocurrency exchange

C in the United States? I don9t mean run one

well, but just run one at all. Last week, the
Securities and Exchange Commission filed
suit against two major crypto exchanges, Binance
and Coinbase. The latter, especially, is worth paying Tony GUTIerrez/AP

attention to, because if Coinbase can9t operate a A close up of a Boy Scout uniform in 2013.
legal crypto exchange in the United States 4 and
the SEC is pretty much suggesting it can9t 4 then
it9s hard to imagine anyone else can either.
After all, Coinbase, the largest crypto exchange
based in the United States, is the goody-two-shoes
of its industry. Sure, this mathlete has somewhat
The Boy Scouts9 sexual abuse scandal
worryingly chosen to hang out behind the gym with
the weed dealers and the kid who just got released
on bail after stealing the principal9s car. But
Coinbase itself doesn9t make much trouble.
needs to ûnally be investigated
While Sam Bankman-Fried and his pals at FTX
were finding ever-more-flamboyant ways to make BY C ARA K ELLY nor the falsehoods received in return. More than 500 abuse claims filed in the bankrupt-
billions of dollars disappear, Coinbase seems to Lawmakers might have been hesitant to act be- cy court happened in Catholic troops and packs, a
have boringly used customer funds to buy crypto ast month, the attorney general of Illinois cause of the Scouts9 century-old reputation 4 its record second only to that of the Church of Jesus
and hold it for them in the electronic equivalent of a
locked vault. The company9s financial statements
are audited by Deloitte, not some recent graduate of
Uncle Manny9s School of Accounting and HVAC
Repair. It even had the SEC9s permission, since
L released the results of a years-long investiga-
tion into child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy,
revealing 348 more abusers in the state than
the church had previously disclosed 4 and nearly
2,000 child victims.
legacy of good works and its history of mentoring
future leaders. Boy Scouts have gone on to become
presidents, Supreme Court justices, astronauts and
cultural icons. And scouting has given millions of
American children a chance to learn new skills, camp
Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Half of claimants didn9t
report their charter.)
Two priests who were deemed credibly accused by
the Illinois investigators were also Scout leaders. In
Pennsylvania there were four such priests. And in
April 2021, to list its shares on the Nasdaq. This was the latest of more than 20 similar reports and explore the great outdoors. Maryland there were 12. Among these was Father
Only not so fast, says the SEC. Last Tuesday, the that began with a 2018 Pennsylvania grand jury Since at least 1919, the Boy Scouts have kept track of Anthony Joseph Maskell, a priest and Scouts volun-
commission filed a lawsuit against Coinbase, statement on more than 300 abusive priests and abuse allegations through internal records known as teer who had been transferred from parish to parish
alleging that the company was . . . well, actually, 1,000 child victims. In April, Maryland9s investigation the <Ineligible Volunteer Files.= Portions of these were over <troubling behavior with children, including a
doing pretty much what it told the SEC it was going detailed abuse by 150 clergy members against more released in 2012 as evidence in a landmark civil case fascination with the sexual fantasies and behavior of
to do when it asked for permission to list its shares. than 600 victims. on child sexual abuse that resulted in a nearly Boy Scouts,= according to the Maryland report.
But now the SEC says this amounts to operating an Alarming as they are on their own, these reports $20 million verdict against the Scouts. But the public Maskell9s name doesn9t appear in the Scouts9 pub-
illegal securities exchange. Which raises some also point to another child sexual abuse case that is has yet to see most of the Scouts9 records of abuse licly released Ineligible Volunteer Files. None of the
questions. even bigger 4 and ongoing 4 and yet has never been from the past 104 years. priests named in the three state reports do. Were they
For instance, if Coinbase9s business is illegal, why as thoroughly examined. One shield for the organization has been bankrupt- added later? Did Catholic officials never tell the
did the SEC allow the company to list its shares? This one involves the Boy Scouts of America, and it cy, which the Scouts exited this past April. Abuse Scouts? Or were Scouts part of a coverup?
And if Coinbase9s operations are illegal, then is it is the largest instance of child sexual abuse in a single claims are what landed the Scouts in bankruptcy The Boy Scouts declined to comment.
even possible to have a legal crypto exchange in the organization in U.S. history. More than 82,000 abuse court, but most discussion of the cases involved took These are only a few of the questions the public
United States? claims were made in the Scouts9 recent bankruptcy. place behind closed doors. Depositions were taken in lacks answers to, in part because the Scouts, governed
To answer the second question first: No, prob- The Scouts scandal and those of the Catholic private. The files were deemed confidential. by a board of high-profile people (former defense
ably not, at least not in the way that cryptocurrency Church overlap in part because, in the 1980s, the Boy At one point, abuse survivors grew so frustrated by secretary Robert M. Gates was president from 2014 to
exchanges normally work, which is by both storing Scouts shifted the burden of screening its volunteers the Scouts9 failure to acknowledge the damage inflict- 2016), have failed to come clean. And because no
and trading crypto for customers. Securities ex- to the religious and civic groups that sponsor individ- ed on them, they wrote hundreds of letters to the judge, elected officials, save Nessel, have taken the trouble to
changes cannot hold securities; all they can do is, ual troops and packs. And these charter organiza- describing suicide attempts, drug and alcohol abuse, ask.
you know, help customers exchange them. tions include the Catholic Church. difficulty holding jobs, trouble maintaining relation- As part of their bankruptcy settlement, the Boy
If courts side with the SEC, then perhaps Yet child sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts has ships, distrust in authority, and years spent in therapy. Scouts agreed to enhanced child protection pro-
Coinbase could survive by splitting the storage and routinely been ignored by law enforcement and poli- Many said they hoped that by sharing their experi- cedures, including the formation of a youth protec-
trading functions into two separate firms, or maybe ticians. Only one state attorney general, Dana Nessel ences they might prevent future abuse. Yet the clerk of tion committee (whose members include abuse survi-
by trading only bitcoin and ether, which don9t seem of Michigan, is investigating. court redacted the letters. Entire paragraphs describ- vors) and a comprehensive review of its youth protec-
to meet the SEC9s definition of a security. But it9s not Congress has authority over the Boy Scouts; the ing abuse were obscured, along with names and tion training. It also agreed to work with the commit-
clear that9s a viable business model, or whether the organization was congressionally chartered in 1916. locations. The word <rape= was blacked out. tee on a protocol to make public the names of
SEC is actually interested in finding a way for But Congress has never investigated. Even after Mi- Survivors are left to wonder whether their assail- confirmed past and future child abusers. In April, the
crypto exchanges to operate legally. chael Johnson, the Scouts9 former head of youth ants are still working with kids. Scouts appointed a new youth protection executive.
Which brings us to the other question I posed: protection, wrote a letter in 2021 detailing how the In his letter to Congress in 2021, Johnson said Yet in May, a Boy Scout camp employee was
Why now? institution remains unsafe for children and begging insufficient reference checks and decades-long inad- indicted on federal charges for possessing and dis-
It9s true that the SEC never technically said lawmakers to act, it remained quiet. equate criminal background checks leave all children tributing child pornography that was created with a
Coinbase9s operations were legal when it let the This was not the first time Congress avoided the in Scouts programs 4 now including girls and boys as hidden camera in a camp bathroom.
company go public. But it9s a weird argument to say, issue. In 2018, House members wrote to the Boy young as 5 4 in danger. Because charters such as the With their investigations into the church com-
<Just because we9re letting you be a public company, Scouts asking why the organization was lobbying Catholic Church are unaccountable, and because plete, state attorneys general should turn their sights
don9t think we9re saying your business is legal.= If against child sexual abuse laws. In response, Michael Scouts and the public lack access to all charters9 on the Boy Scouts. Congress, for its part, should heed
the Sinaloa cartel tried to list on the New York Stock Surbaugh, then the Scouts chief executive, said, <At no internal lists of identified abusers, known offenders Johnson9s call to investigate, demand the release of
Exchange, would the SEC let it do it as long as the time in our history have we ever knowingly allowed a are still volunteering for the Scouts, Johnson said. the Ineligible Volunteer Files, and ensure that the
auditing and disclosure requirements were met? sexual predator to work with youth.= The Archdiocese of Chicago said all abuse allega- Scouts9 bankruptcy commitments to enhanced pro-
Presumably not. So what gives? This statement was false, easily disproved and tions against clergy are reported to civil authorities tections and public accountability are enforced.
Well, even if you think trading crypto is illegal, quickly retracted. But after following up just once and substantiated allegations are posted to their
it9s not quite the same kind of illegal as selling more in a letter requesting additional information on website. Archdiocese leaders said they had no reason Cara Kelly is an editor at the Investigative reporting
fentanyl on the street. Congress deliberately out- the group9s lobbying practices, House members let to believe information on abusive priests has ever Workshop and adjunct professor of journalism at American
lawed drug dealing, whereas crypto simply wasn9t the matter drop, never pursuing the initial request 4 been withheld from the Boy Scouts. University.
contemplated by our venerable securities laws. It9s
not crazy that in 2021 the SEC was willing to take a
wait-and-see approach to regulating a novel finan-
cial product.
Days after Coinbase began trading, however, a
new SEC chair arrived who is less friendly to crypto
All doctors should learn to treat addiction 4 no exceptions
4 in part because the folks gathered behind the
gym turned out to be even more unsavory than the BYP ATRICE A . H ARRIS,
authorities had suspected. There was the theatrical J OSIAH D . R ICH
FTX implosion, and there were numerous smaller AND J OSHUA M . S HARFSTEIN
incidents. By one estimate, at least $4.3 billion was
lost between January and November last year to iven the size of the U.S. overdose crisis 4 the
crypto hacks and outright fraud, up about a third
from the year before.
But <there seem to be a lot of scams= is an
argument for better regulation, not for making
crypto impossible to trade. A bigger issue is that,
G number of annual deaths topped 100,000
again in 2022 4 it is astonishing how few
Americans who need medical addiction treat-
ment receive it. Buprenorphine and methadone, high-
ly effective drugs for opioid use disorder, are provided
since 2021, it has become clearer that crypto isn9t to fewer than 1 in 6 people who would benefit from
delivering real-world benefits to offset its down- them. A major reason for this failure is that not
sides. enough doctors have been trained in their use.
To be sure, in countries racked by hyperinflation, Surprising as it might seem, most U.S. medical
crypto might offer real value by providing a stable schools and residency programs do not provide a full
medium of exchange. But the United States prints set of training for treating addiction. This needs to
the world9s reserve currency. Only a slim minority change.
of Americans have ever used or traded crypto, and Medical school is where physicians learn the build-
these folks mostly seem to have used it as a form of ing blocks of medicine. After graduation, students
financial speculation. take this foundation to the next level, a multiyear
This means the best you could hope for from residency, where they learn to practice medicine.
even a well-run crypto exchange based in the Addiction medicine has been left out of the system
United States is, basically, an honest casino. because it was historically frowned upon. In the early
Unfortunately for Coinbase, the SEC does not like 20th century, federal authorities operating under the
to think of itself as a high-dollar version of the draconian Harrison Narcotics Tax Act arrested thou-
Nevada Gaming Control Board. It wants to believe sands of doctors for treating patients with substance
TeD S. WArren/AP
the gambles it supervises generate larger economic use disorder. Many physicians understandably but
value. unfortunately kept their distance from such patients, A bottle of buprenorphine, which treats the symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
It9s still possible that crypto could do so 4 adding to the stigma of both addiction and its treat-
perhaps artificial intelligence bots will use crypto ment. Today, it is more widely recognized that people ing in the United States, the Accreditation Council for As physicians who have seen what can go wrong
to transact? But crypto enthusiasts can9t stall with substance use disorders suffer from a chronic Graduate Medical Education, requires that all pro- when lawmakers interfere in the practice of medicine
regulators forever by coming up with yet another illness and deserve the same care and compassion as grams teach residents to <provide instruction and and medical education 4 for instance, the recent
thing it might be good for, someday. Eventually, anyone else. experience in pain management for the specialty, interference in reproductive health care 4 we do not
they have to deliver here and now. Some important progress has been made. In the including the recognition of the signs of substance call for action lightly. But every year, taxpayers pro-
2023 omnibus appropriations legislation, passed last use disorder.= Pain management, however, is only a vide about $15 billion to support residency training
December, Congress eliminated a law that had re- facet of what is needed. through the Medicare program, and medical schools
quired doctors to obtain a special waiver from the The council leaves decisions on education and receive considerable public funding. Amid an on-
Drug Enforcement Administration to prescribe bu- training to individual programs. And of the 12,740 going national epidemic of overdose deaths, it is
prenorphine. At the same time, Congress required all programs that train residents and fellows, only 1,942, appropriate for Congress to expect schools and train-
doctors to receive eight hours of education on sub- about 15 percent, have <experiential training= using ing programs to do more to teach doctors to save lives.
stance use disorders before prescribing controlled medications to treat opioid use disorder, a 2021-2022 Opioid use disorder is treatable, and medicines are
substances. survey found. Fewer than half of the programs in readily available. But doctors cannot learn to help
Eight hours is not enough. Doctors need a founda- emergency medicine, family medicine, internal med- patients by taking a weekend course alone. The
tional education on substance use disorders, starting icine and obstetrics provide this critical education. training needs to be part of their foundational educa-
in medical school and continuing through residency. This is especially unfortunate because many tion. All physicians should emerge from medical
Such education is rare. Only about half of U.S. med- teaching hospitals are located in or near Black and school and residency able to give this lifesaving care.
ical schools provide teaching sessions during clinical Hispanic communities, which often have inadequate
years in the treatment of substance use disorders, and access to effective addiction treatment and are ex- Patrice A. Harris, a psychiatrist in Atlanta, was president of the
fewer than one-third provide clinical experiences periencing substantial increases in overdose deaths. American Medical Association from 2019 to 2020 and chair
related to addiction early in medical school, accord- Medical schools and residency programs are unlikely of the AMA9s opioid task force from 2014 to 2021. Josiah
ing to a survey by the Liaison Committee on Medical to substantively increase their efforts unless the D. rich is a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Brown
DADo rUvIC/reUTerS Education. council and the Association of American Medical University. Joshua M. Sharfstein is a professor of the practice
The Binance and Coinbase logos on a phone. The organization responsible for residency train- Colleges require it. at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
a22 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023




Chloe Coleman/the Washington Post

21st-century editors l E TT Er s T O T hE E d iTO r


should keep their hands ob A better approach to travel

France has recently banned flights
to start. Giving people 4 not insurance
companies 4 control over their health-
care dollars is another.

20th-century books from Paris-Orly airport to several other

cities in France, including Lyon, a dis-
tance of about 250 miles, in no small part
to reduce carbon emissions [<What
Dean Clancy, Sarasota, Fla.
The writer is senior health policy
fellow at Americans for Prosperity.

France9s new ban on short flights could

NUMBER of beloved novels, for both children and <They come back and stare, and stare. And I don9t believe I signal for the future of flying,= Travel, Indictment points to reforms
A adults, are being <retouched= 4 updated to remove
overtly racist, sexist or otherwise offensive lan-
guage. Publishers and literary estates 4 including
those of best-selling mystery writer Agatha Christie, chil-
dren9s author Roald Dahl and James Bond creator Ian
really like children.=
The editors would have people read <Death on the Nile=
without the imprint of British colonialism and the racist
worldview it inspired, including in Christie herself. That
history matters: The novel is an Orientalist fantasy of
June 4]. With the high-speed TGV train,
this takes roughly two hours going from
downtown to downtown.
The flight time between Reagan Na-
tional Airport in D.C. to LaGuardia Air-
In yet another demonstration of the
principle <bad process makes bad prod-
uct,= ostensibly reasonable GOP presiden-
tial hopefuls have obsequiously lined up
Fleming 4 argue these changes will ensure, in the words of discovery in an untamed former colony. That the characters port, the closest airport to Manhattan, is to defend former president Donald
the Dahl estate, that <wonderful stories and characters speak in a certain way is a testament to the brutality of their about an hour. Including security, board- Trump after another criminal indictment.
continue to be enjoyed by all children today.= worldview, a brutality readers cannot risk forgetting. ing, unboarding and waiting for local The reason for the Republican toadying is
But it9s a threat to free expression, to historical honesty Meanwhile, the estate of Dahl, acquired by Netflix in transportation, this trip is often two well known: Mr. Trump commands the
and, indeed, to readers themselves for contemporary 2021, has begun collaborating with Puffin Books, an imprint hours or more, and this doesn9t account unthinking support of the largest single
editors to comb through works of fiction written at different of Penguin, on new versions of his novels that take out any for the fact that about 20 percent of flights bloc of voters in their rudderless party. But
moments and rewrite them for today9s mind-set, particular- language related to race, gender or appearance. This is from National are delayed. <largest= does not mean large: Most voters
ly with little explanation of process or limiting principles. motivated in part by revelations about Dahl9s virulent How can it be that the richest country in the party 4 and the country 4 prefer
The trend raises uncomfortable questions about authorship antisemitism, for which the estate has formally apologized. in the world, the United States, cannot someone else.
and authenticity, and it ignores the reality that texts are provide an adequate rail transportation So how does a fringe minority figure
more than consumer goods or sources of entertainment in system? A high-speed train comparable become the prohibitive favorite? It9s
the present. They are also cultural artifacts that attest to the
moment in which they were written 4 the good and the
Oompa Loompas are with the French TGV train that runs be-
tween Union Station in Washington and
thanks to the absurdly bad process called
winner-take-all primaries. In the deeply
This is not to say that applying these principles is easy.
<small men= and Penn Station in New York City, a distance
of about 225 miles, should be less than two
flawed system, the candidate with the
most votes gets all of that state9s delegates.
Some changes are understandable, and publishers should
consider how to address flagrantly offensive language,
Augustus Gloop is <fat=. hours, including considerable less time
involved in boarding and unboarding.
So, the winner of, say, 30 percent of the
vote can harvest 100 percent of the del-
particularly in books young children might read. Doing so is For all the talk of the need to reduce egates, ignoring the wishes of the 70 per-
not some new <woke= phenomenon, as conservative critics <charlie and the chocolate factory= carbon emissions, there is virtually no cent who voted for someone else.
often insist; nor does it necessarily amount to <censorship,= by Roald Dahl effort to provide this environmental and Instead of repeatedly trying 4 and fail-
as writers such as Salman Rushdie have contended. The neW eDition neW eDition
consumer benefit. It is long past time that ing 4 to find ways to lure away Mr. Trump9s
original title of Christie9s <And Then There Were None,= first this country develops a quality, affordable loyal base, his opponents should focus on
<small people= <enormous=
published in 1939, contained a racial expletive. The title train service comparable with that of the most basic tenet of democracy: majori-
appeared in Britain until the 1980s, but no American Europe. Congress needs to begin to act in ty rule. Award delegates proportionately
edition of the book has ever borne it. the national interest. in all primaries and then allow those del-
Moreover, language is not static; it continues to evolve But the changes that have been made so far border on Gary L. Simon, Potomac egates to agree on a nominee at the con-
after a book is published in ways an author likely never caricatural. Augustus Gloop, one of the most memorable vention. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy
anticipated. The estate of Ursula K. Le Guin recently characters in <Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,= is no (R-Calif.) surprised many 4 maybe includ-
authorized the publisher of her Catwings series to change longer described as <fat.= Now, he is simply <enormous= 4 as I can9t wait for Medicare ing himself 4 by demonstrating in the
words such as <dumb,= <lame,= stupid= and <queer= in seven if <enormous= is less pejorative. The editors are also making debt ceiling negotiations that the reason-
instances across three books. In common parlance, the the texts more gender neutral. In <Charlie and the Patients like me will struggle to access able center can outvote the rabid extreme.
word <queer= now means something different than it did Chocolate Factory,= Oompa Loompas are no longer <small new drugs proven to slow the progress of It9s how democracy is supposed to work.
when Catwings was first published in 1988. The estate men=; they are now <small people.= Likewise, in <James and Alzheimer9s disease under the policy It9s a good process, and it often makes a
determined that changing the language was necessary to the Giant Peach,= the <Cloud Men= are now <Cloud People.= Medicare announced this month despite good product.
ensure the author9s point comes across. There is no denying Dahl9s antisemitism, of which any the agency9s promises to the contrary John McNamara, Bethesda
reader should be made aware in an introduction or [<Medicare outlines plan to expand cover-
biographical note. But reclassifying Augustus Gloop from age for costly new Alzheimer9s drugs,= After former president Donald Trump
<fat= to <enormous= hardly addresses the author9s bigotry. news, June 2]. was indicted in New York for alleged
<Starlings make queer noises. Instead, it responds to a complicated question 4 what to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid record-keeping violations while paying
make of an author9s work when that author was a bigot 4 Services said it will cover these ground- off adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, his
I9ll go see.= with superficial changes to beloved texts that fail to help breaking therapies only for beneficiaries poll numbers went up. But when inter-
readers come to terms with Dahl9s dark legacy. In the whose doctors participate in a <registry= viewed, most of his supporters opine that
process, they deny readers an opportunity to reckon with 4 that collects data on <how these drugs work he is not likely to win the general election.
<catwings return= and learn from 4 texts that offer both modern-day in the real world.= But setting up a registry Polls simply cannot capture this oddity of
by Ursula K. le guin relevance and windows into the past. routinely takes 18 months or more. Trumpism.
neW eDition I can9t wait that long. In two years, my And amazingly, Bidenism is equally
<peculiar= early Alzheimer9s might have progressed to odd. Many voters, while appreciating
<Bond could hear the audience the point that the new drugs can9t help.
Further, CMS9s guidelines for registries
(even being amazed at) what President
Biden has accomplished, don9t want him
But, in general, the best way to respond to language that
some or most readers would find inappropriate is not with
panting and grunting like pigs at have historically excluded physicians in
rural and other under-resourced areas
to run again. And that is what his low poll
numbers reveal: Thank you, Mr. Presi-
unexplained revisions but to surround original works with
context, in the form of critical introductions as well as
the trough. He felt his own from participating.
A registry is just another bureaucratic
dent, but please go home to Delaware.
As someone who believes Mr. Trump9s
annotations in new editions, wherever possible. It9s urgent
to explain, in introductions and scholarly comments, why
hands gripping the tablecloth. hurdle designed by Medicare to avoid
paying for effective Alzheimer9s therapies
only value has been to teach us that we
cannot take our democracy for granted, I
certain words are harmful; about a given author9s personal
biases and politics; and how each shaped their view of the
His mouth was dry.= for people like me.
Michele Hall, Bradenton, Fla.
strongly believe that vigilance, not mere
July Fourth celebrations, is what we must
world. In most cases, no one gains from effacing the have to keep celebrating the gift the Found-
originals; all that accomplishes is risking the creation of <live and let die= ing Fathers risked their lives to bequeath
another text altogether, one that tells readers about their by ian Fleming
Get bureaucrats out of care us. Fly your flag, but please 4 pay attention.
own times and little about the moment in which a The Republican primary voters this
neW eDition
particular text emerged. In her June 2 op-ed, <What9s knocking year have great power.
In a new edition of Christie9s <Death on the Nile= (1937), <Bond could sense the electric Americans off Medicaid rolls? Paper- Sandy Miley, Sherrill, N.Y.
all mentions of the word <natives= now read <locals.= In one tension in the room.= work.,= Catherine Rampell wrote that
scene, in which a wealthy British woman gazes out from a <bureaucratic snafus= are causing mil- The Trump documents matter high-
cruise ship heading down the Nile, she observes a group of lions of Americans to lose Medicaid lights a glaring issue: over-classifying doc-
Egyptian children on the riverbank. <They come back and In the case of Fleming9s Bond novels, the rewriting is coverage gained during the pandemic uments. Indeed, the latest brouhaha sug-
stare, and stare,= she notes, <and their eyes are simply more substantial. In one scene in <Live and Let Die,= the emergency. This mismanagement 4 gests that the classification system needs
disgusting, and so are their noses, and I don9t believe I really dashing and debonair Bond walks into a nightclub in along with the fact that as of 2021, about a major overhaul.
like children.= The new version contains only the following: swinging Harlem. The original text reads that the audience 1 in 5 Medicaid dollars are spent improp- Both Republican and Democratic pres-
in the club that night was <grunting like pigs at the trough.= erly 4 calls into question the govern- idents have been found to have had pos-
The new version reads, <Bond could sense the electric ment9s ability to manage health care on a session of classified documents. Former
tension in the room.= The new version contains neither a large scale. vice president Mike Pence and President
<They come back and look, and simile as Fleming9s original does nor any attempt to As Ms. Rampell wrote, the government9s Biden also had classified documents.
describe the audience members. This is not striking a failure is <infuriating.= And yet many of Changes to the classification system
look, and their eyes are just certain word; this is the imposition of a different literary those outraged by the current display of would likely be difficult. Are too many
voice. Who, in the end, is the author, Fleming or the bureaucratic ineptitude would no doubt documents being classified? Should a
disgusting, just like their noses, sensitivity reader? argue that the U.S. health-care system judge be required to classify documents, as
Literature is often meant to be provocative. Stripping it should resemble that of Britain or Canada, with search warrants? Should there be an
and I don9t think I really of any potential to offend dilutes its strength, especially in a where the government runs everything. expiration date for classification? Experts
moment when there is a concerted effort in this country to This is not an endorsement of a status could develop reasonable modifications.
like children.= limit what can be read and taught. Publishers need not quo where insurance company errors are As with immigration policy, the U.S. gov-
reprint books with no acknowledgment of potentially just as common as government mishaps. ernment is so caught up in being partisan
<death on the Nile= offensive contents. They can treat the publication of such Indeed, our system would benefit if bu- that solving actual problems is impossible. I
by agatha Christie texts as opportunities to explain why they read the way they reaucrats 4 be they in the government or fear we are seeing results of the <Great
neW eDition do, in introductions and in footnotes. And, if publishers see the insurance industry 4 had less control Experiment= 4 and they are negative. A
line removed little option but to change wording, they should at least over our health care. leader who would get rid of this partisan-
explain to readers what they are changing and why. Restoring Medicaid to its mission as a ship would get my (independent) vote.
safety net for the truly needy is one place Henry Kerfoot, Havre de Grace, Md.

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wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re a23

ruth Marcus

Don9t confuse
Clinton9s emails
with Trump9s
o, it9s not about her emails.

N Republicans9 reflexive reaction to

the devastating indictment of Donald
Trump has been to retreat to the
familiar corner of whataboutism: How could
Trump be criminally charged for his handling
of classified information when others, most
notably Hillary Clinton, escaped indictment?
The biggest problem with this argument is
that it is flat-out wrong. The circumstances of
Clinton9s emails and Trump9s boxes are not
remotely similar, no matter how loudly
Trump and his allies insist otherwise. Trump9s
behavior is far more egregious.
And even if the situations were more
comparable 4 they aren9t 4 that would
scarcely justify turning a blind eye to Trump9s
behavior. If, as the chanters insisted, Clinton
should have been locked up, where is the
outrage about Trump9s conduct?
The proof of my point was brought home
over the weekend in the diverging reactions
of Republican politicians and conservative
The politicians 4 see Sen. Lindsey
O. Graham (R-S.C.) 4 fulminated about
private servers in basements and hammers
hyounG ChanG/Denver Post/Getty ImaGes
taken to BlackBerries, two elements of the
Clinton episode that, helpfully for the GOP Casa Bonita, purchased by the creators of <South Park= in 2021, is being renovated for reopening in Lakewood, Colo.
cause, sound more sinister than they were.
<Most Republicans believe we live in a daVid Von drehle
country where Hillary Clinton did very
similar things and nothing happened to her,=
Graham told ABC News9s George Stephanop-
oulos. <I don9t like what President Trump did
in certain aspects,= Graham allowed. But he
appeared to be more worked up over the fact
What to do with 8South Park9 riches?
that Trump was charged under a law formally
known as the Espionage Act 4 <espionage
charges are absolutely ridiculous= 4 even
though the indictment never uses that word
Save Casa Bonita, of course.
and instead cites <willful retention of nation- mericans of enormous wealth, Abby and rant9s fame radiated from Denver along the sode 107 of their fast-talking, cut-and-paste ani-
al defense information.=
The lawyers who have read the indictment
have been appalled 4 not by prosecutors9
supposed overreach but by Trump9s alleged
behavior, both his carelessness with classified
A John D. Rockefeller Jr. tapped their bot-
tomless resources to restore a national
treasure, Colonial Williamsburg. Long
neglected, that hotbed of revolutionary fervor
came back to life beneath a long, steady rain of
crossing axes of I-70 and I-25, starting as reality,
then blurring into myth like the stories of Marco
Polo. At 52,000 square feet, the restaurant was
said to be so large that people got lost in its
winding mysteries. It was said that indoor water-
mated masterpiece, the <South Park= team im-
mortalized the magnetism that Casa Bonita cast
over children. American popular culture often
asks: How low can you go? Casa Bonita answered
lustily. The restaurant was too big, too loud, too
material and his efforts to prevent the money from the Rockefeller fortune. falls plunged into fiberglass cenotes carved in the garish, too sloppy. Too everything U.S. of A.
government from taking it back. <If even half That story came to mind when I recently read floor. That lithe divers leaped from cliffs into the Like the Rockefellers, Stone and Parker have
of [the indictment] is true, then he9s toast,= that Casa Bonita has been brought back from the deepest pool, as dazzled diners plowed through rescued history by digging deep. A recent New
former Trump attorney general William dead and made grander than before. Trey Parker plates of tepid refried beans. That kid-size caverns York Times article recounted their project, track-
P. Barr told Fox News9s Shannon Bream. <It9s a and Matt Stone, the wealthy creators of the brimmed with silver and gold while Black Bart ing the expense of a new and better Casa Bonita
very detailed indictment, and it9s very, very <South Park= TV series and the Broadway musi- chased 4 but never quite caught 4 his quarry. from $10 million to $20 million to the number
damning.= The <idea of presenting Trump as a cal <The Book of Mormon,= have done for a weird All true. I know because I was there when it was they finally settled on: <infinity dollars.= The new
victim here, a victim of a witch hunt, is and wonderful, vaguely Mexican restaurant in new in 1974. I remember the line that stretched owners propose to serve good food from clean
ridiculous,= he said. suburban Denver what the Rockefellers did for forever out the door, along the pink facade and kitchens, to extract their divers safely from the
It has been a long seven years, so let9s Virginia9s cradle of democracy. down the sidewalk. I was there again some pool without risk of electrocution, and to clean
review the Clinton case and tick through the Not a perfect parallel, I grant you. Patrick 35 years later with my own children in tow. By that the floors every now and then. Radical stuff for
critical differences. I have no brief for Clin- Henry, hero of Williamsburg, never dined on the time, the pink tower was surrounded by pawn- the world9s worst 4 and most fun 4 restaurant.
ton9s behavior in setting up a private, insecure burrito plate at the lowbrow Chartres of strip- shops and dollar stores. Inside, the pleasure I hope it works. Everything the new owners
email server to get around the State Depart- mall America. If he had, his famous plea might palace of my boyhood reeked of chlorine, flatu- have poured their money into is stuff the target
ment9s clunky, antiquated email system. It have been a simple: <Give me death.= The food lence and decay. The Old West costumes in the audience could not care less about. <The Disney-
was sloppy, and Clinton made matters worse was that bad. The only remotely palatable thing sepia photo studio practically jiggled with lice. It land of Mexican restaurants,= as Stone and Park-
when she had her lawyers unilaterally erase on the menu at Casa Bonita was puffed dough didn9t matter. My kids loved it, just as I had. er9s <South Park= kids called Casa Bonita, was
30,000 emails they deemed personal. drizzled with honey, which patrons summoned to Some blamed the pandemic for the death of built on madness, not mole. We live in a time
But: Clinton didn9t keep classified docu- their tables by the basket load, simply by raising a Casa Bonita in 2021. I9m not sure a global health when the food in many gas stations is better than
ments or transmit them on the server. Rather, flag. Thomas Jefferson, had he visited this place, crisis was required, though. Sooner or later, the the food served for half a century in one of the
the emails sent on the server referred to might have added to our unalienable rights a weird synergy of inedible food and gimcrack Denver area9s most popular restaurants. But is
classified information; they did not 4 with bottomless supply of sopaipillas. entertainment was bound to founder on the reef anyone the happier for it?
the exception of three email chains that had a Yet this vast and slapdash place is as much a of a half-century of deferred maintenance. The things that made Casa Bonita a legend
paragraph or two marked <(C)= for confiden- time capsule of the 1970s as Williamsburg is a Stone and Parker were insane to take on a included delight, excess and permission 4 but
tial 4 contain other flags that the material vessel of the 1770s. Casa Bonita was to <ethnic restoration 4 but I understand and salute their not excellence. It was a place to be stupid, a place
was classified. food= as KC and the Sunshine Band was to soul. insanity. <What would I do with a ton of money?= to overdo. It had no redeeming qualities, except
If anything, there was <evidence of a Casa Bonita! The name was like Shangri-La to is a favorite game of Americans, and <save Casa joy. Good luck, saviors, in salvaging that. We
conscious effort to avoid sending classified the children of Colorado and vicinity. The restau- Bonita= would be high on my list, too. In Epi- need it.
information by writing around the most
sensitive material,= Justice Department In-
spector General Michael Horowitz concluded
in a June 2018 report on the Clinton investi-
gation. And to the extent that classified
information was discussed on the private Max Boot
system, investigators found, that was done
with other government employees, for official
In addition, prosecutors did not find
China does lots of outrageous things.
indications of any intent to obstruct in the
Clinton lawyers9 deletion of the emails they
decided were personal. They <concluded that
A spy station in Cuba isn9t one of them.
there was no evidence that emails intention-
ally were deleted by former Secretary Clin- ashington9s badly frayed re- Republican, Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), cited Indeed, the United States can hardly Heer suggested that <this story is
ton9s lawyers to conceal the presence of
classified information on former Secretary
Clinton9s server,= Horowitz reported.
FBI and Justice Department employees
were unanimous in recommending against
W lations with China were just
starting to recover from the
Chinese spy balloon that
traversed the United States in early
February before being shot down over
this as further evidence that President
<Biden has continually allowed Commu-
nist China to take advantage of his weak
leadership and chip away at our national
call out Chinese spying with a straight
face when the U.S. intelligence commu-
nity undoubtedly operates the largest
signal-collection network in the world.
Revelations from Edward Snowden, the
being blown way out of proportion, per-
haps (or presumably) by folks in Wash-
ington who are trying to subvert the
Biden administration9s efforts to revive
engagement with Beijing.=
charges, the report said. the Atlantic Ocean. Secretary of State Then, on Saturday, the White House Discord leaks and other sources make U.S. relations with Cuba could also
As then-FBI Director James B. Comey put it Antony Blinken, who had been forced to said in a statement that China already clear the U.S. National Security Agency suffer collateral damage from the latest
at the time, <no reasonable prosecutor= would postpone his trip to Beijing because of had a spy base in Cuba. According to vacuums up vast amounts of communi- revelations. Biden had lifted some
bring such a case. <In looking back at our all the hot air about the balloon flight, Biden administration officials, they in- cations from around the globe, spying Trump-era sanctions, but he has not
investigations into mishandling or removal of had finally rescheduled his visit for on friends and foes alike. normalized ties with Cuba, which has
classified information, we cannot find a case June 18. Then, last week, came word of a China knows all about U.S. collection been under U.S. sanctions for more than
that would support bringing criminal charges Chinese spy station in Cuba. In truth, efforts 4 not least because, after the 60 years. Is it any wonder that Cuba,
on these facts,= Comey said. <All the cases there is nothing particularly scandalous The United States can establishment of relations between Bei- facing a severe economic crisis aggravat-
prosecuted involved some combination of: about the latest revelations. jing and Washington in the 1970s, China ed by its central planning policies, might
clearly intentional and willful mishandling of It all began with a Wall Street Journal hardly call out Chinese hosted NSA spy stations near its border look to China for financial support? <By
classified information; or vast quantities of story on Thursday: <Cuba to Host Secret with the Soviet Union. The Kremlin was leaving most of Trump9s sanctions in
materials exposed in such a way as to support Chinese Spy Base Focusing on U.S.= The spying with a straight face undoubtedly unhappy about Project place, the administration has left the
an inference of intentional misconduct; or article reported, citing anonymous Chestnut but had to live with it. Cubans no choice but to seek foreign
indications of disloyalty to the United States; U.S. officials <familiar with highly classi- when it undoubtedly Nowadays, the United States regular- patrons wherever they can find them if
or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see fied intelligence,= that <China has agreed ly cooperates in intelligence-gathering they want to survive,= William
those things here.= to pay cash-strapped Cuba several bil- operates the largest on China with allies such as Australia LeoGrande, a Latin America specialist at
Confronted with Trump9s conduct, with his lion dollars to allow it to build the and New Zealand and sends its own American University, told me.
deliberate retention of classified material and eavesdropping station= and described signals-collection network surveillance aircraft near Chinese air- The revelations should highlight the
his extensive reported efforts to thwart the this as a <brash new geopolitical chal- space. After a Chinese fighter aircraft need for the United States to lift its
investigation, no reasonable prosecutor lenge by Beijing to the U.S.= in the world. flew too close in late May to a U.S. RC-135 sanctions and engage with Cuba to offset
would fail to file charges. Cue the predictable outrage from aircraft (a signals intelligence platform China9s influence. But, more likely, they
As set out in the indictment, Trump Capitol Hill. known as the Rivet Joint) flying over the will have the opposite effect 4 making it
improperly brought with him to Mar-a-Lago <We are deeply disturbed by reports herited this issue from former president South China Sea, U.S. officials indig- politically impossible for Biden to im-
hundreds of highly classified documents, that Havana and Beijing are working Donald Trump and have been working nantly and rightly complained. But if the prove relations with Cuba anytime soon.
negligently stored. For more than a year, he together to target the United States and through diplomatic means to counter United States is allowed to spy near The bottom line is that we need to be
rebuffed officials9 efforts to recover the ma- our people,= said a joint statement from Chinese intelligence-gathering in Cuba China, why isn9t China allowed to spy more selective in our outrage. China
terial. He knew the documents were classified the chair of the Senate Intelligence Com- and elsewhere. near the United States? carrying out genocidal policies against
4 he9s on tape saying exactly that. He engaged mittee, Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), and the China might be upgrading its intelli- <We should not be the least bit sur- the Uyghurs, crushing freedom in Hong
in an elaborate hide-and-seek game with his vice chair, Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). <We gence presence in Cuba, but the pres- prised by the possibility of a Chinese Kong or imprisoning dissidents 4 that9s
own lawyers, shuttling boxes in and out of must be clear that it would be unaccept- ence itself isn9t all that new 4 or shock- listening post in Cuba. The two coun- truly outrageous. Even sending a spy
storage areas, in a seeming effort to keep his able for China to establish an intelli- ing. The Soviet Union had its largest tries have had an intelligence relation- balloon over the United States was unac-
own attorneys from cooperating with the FBI. gence facility within 100 miles of Florida overseas listening post near Lourdes, ship for decades,= Paul Heer, a former ceptable, although the balloon9s path
He had them submit a false affidavit swearing and the United States.= Cuba, for decades. The United States U.S. national intelligence officer for East was most likely inadvertent and not a
all the classified material had been returned The chair of the House Intelligence was willing to risk war to remove Soviet Asia, told me. <And any intelligence col- calculated challenge from Beijing. Chi-
4 when hundreds of documents remained. Committee, Michael R. Turner (R-Ohio), nuclear missiles from Cuba but tolerat- lection the Chinese do from Cuba would na collecting signals intelligence from
Prosecutors are supposed to treat like cases said in a tweet that he was <deeply ed those signal-collection efforts. That9s be roughly equivalent to U.S. collection Cuba might be a cause for American
alike. These are not like cases, no matter how troubled= by the report and added, <If because Washington has long recog- against China from our Allied listening discomfort, but it9s no outrage, and it9s
loudly Graham and other Trump apologists true, this would be yet another act of nized that nations have a right to spy on posts and surveillance missions in the no reason to blow up efforts to improve
proclaim otherwise. Chinese aggression.= The No. 3 House one another. Western Pacific.= relations with Beijing.
A24 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023


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METRO wednesday, june 14 , 2023 eZ su B

approx. 4 p.m.
musings on street names, Two firefighters have been Cormac mcCarthy, 89,
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
79° including the unusual charged with assault in an wrote darkly hued novels
precip: 40% imprint of a retired radio on-duty altercation that that drew comparisons to
68 74 79 75 ° ° ° Wind: WSW
8-16 mph station engineer. B3 was caught on video. B4 melville and Faulkner. B5

5 convicted of murder in 2018 shooting of 10-year-old girl in D.C.

BY K EITH L . A LEXANDER borhood crew and charged nine years in prison. plot to target people associated 53rd street NE, were wounded by
AND O MARI D ANIELS of them with the shooting. six Jurors began their delibera- with the Clay Terrace neighbor- the gunfire.
Sixth defendant is found were defendants during this trial: tions May 25, but actual discus- hood. They alleged that masked <They didn9t care who they
A jury in D.C. superior Court guilty of conspiracy in Quentin Michals, 25; Qujuan sions lasted only about seven men jumped out of the stolen were shooting at. They didn9t care
on Tuesday convicted six men of a Thomas, 24; Isaiah Murchison, days. The men will be sentenced Infiniti and, within 20 seconds, who they hit. They just wanted to
variety of crimes, including first-
death of Makiyah Wilson 23; Darrise Jeffers, 23; Gregory in October. Another trial for re- fired 50 bullets indiscriminately open fire,= Bach said during her
degree murder and conspiracy, in Taylor, 27; and Marquell Cobbs, maining defendants is scheduled into the courtyard of an apart- closing arguments.
connection with the 2018 fatal 21. for next year. ment complex in the early eve- Prosecutors also played graph-
shooting of 10-year-old Makiyah offenses. One defendant, though, Michals, Thomas, Murchison, It was a challenging case for ning of July 16, 2018. ic videos that showed the shoot-
Wilson as she stood with her was found not guilty of first- Jeffers and Taylor, who all are federal prosecutors. There was no One of the bullets, fired from a ing and a dying Makiyah lying in
older sister near an ice cream degree murder. from southeast Washington, DNA or eyewitness directly link- rifle, pierced Makiyah9s back, the arms of her older sister.
truck in Northeast Washington. The killing has long troubled were found guilty of first-degree ing any of the men to the shoot- <obliterated= her heart and then The verdict came about a
The verdict after a three- D.C. officials, and Makiyah9s face murder and face up to life in ing, and no one confessed. exited through her chest, Assis- month after the fatal shooting of
month trial was mostly a win for became a symbol of the human prison. Cobbs, of Clinton, Md., Prosecutors argued that mem- tant U.s. Attorney Laura Bach another 10-year-old in D.C.: Ari-
prosecutors, as the jury agreed toll of gun violence on city streets. was acquitted of that charge but bers of the Wellington Park crew said during her closing argu- anna Davis. Arianna was shot on
that most of those charged were Homicide detectives arrested found guilty of a lesser, conspira- stole a car and assembled an ments. Four other people in the Mother9s Day in a similar barrage
responsible for the most serious 11 people affiliated with a neigh- cy charge. He faces up to five arsenal of weapons as part of a courtyard, in the 300 block of sEE veRDicT ON B3

gets 2
in jail
Lawsuit awaits
D.C. man over Jan. 6
Accused of hitting officer
who later died by suicide


A D.C. chiropractor who took

part in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on
the U.s. Capitol was sentenced
Tuesday to two months in jail for
a misdemeanor offense. But he
still faces a wrongful-death law-
suit accusing him of assaulting a
police officer who later died by
The D.C. officer, Jeffrey smith,
35, suffered a brain injury when
he was struck with his own
baton, according to the lawsuit.
smith, who killed himself nine
Craig Hudson For THe WasHingTon posT days after the riot, was among
four police officers who died by
suicide in the weeks and months

An attempt to preserve the past after battling the mob at the

Capitol, authorities said. An-
other officer involved in the
mayhem died from a stroke a day

could limit this family9s future later.

The chiropractor, David Walls-
Kaufman, now 66, who lived and
worked on Capitol Hill, was not
criminally charged with assault-
L ATESHIA B EACHUM past have been overtaken by anxiety about ing smith because prosecutors
Black descendants securing a future for her family. The said they lacked sufficient evi-
Harriett Millard wanted to restore her in Calvert County, process she set in motion ultimately dence to prove that allegation
late father9s childhood home in Calvert bound her from making other choices beyond a reasonable doubt. But
County 4 preserving Black history in a
Md., say a historic about the entire 1.52-acre property, which the officer9s widow, Erin smith,
swath of southern Maryland where her designation is according to records was included in the has filed a civil case against
family has deep roots. designation after county officials deter- Walls-Kaufman.
so she sought a historic designation on
standing in the way mined that it might have archaeological The burden of proof in a
the advice of a former preservationist for of their plans for significance.
Family pHoTo
lawsuit is lower than the stan-
the county, hoping tax benefits, grants and land that was <I don9t put it on myself,= Millard said of dard in a criminal case.
other incentives would help her rehabili- the predicament in a recent interview. she TOp: The site of Harrison and <Because of the choices he
tate the house on land the family has passed down only wanted to preserve the home and Daisy Kent9s home in Lusby, made on January 6th, I lost my
owned since at least 1890. through build one for herself. Md. aBOve: The Kents9 husband,= smith said of Walls-
Millard never received those perks, she But with the 1940 structure built by her grandson Harry Millard, second Kaufman at his sentencing in
said. generations great-grandfather now demolished, and from left, with children Diane, U.s. District Court in D.C. Ad-
Years later, her dreams of preserving the sEE HisTORic ON B2 Demaune, Harriett and Nettie. dressing the court in a halting
voice, she said, <My life will never
be the same.=
sEE capiTOL ON B2

Fight for reparations widens understanding of history Donors in Va. compete

Growing up in
the District9s
to inûuence Democrats the harms caused by racism.
sometimes, a new revelation
Trinidad about the treatment of enslaved
neighborhood in people would infuriate her, as if BY A NTONIO O LIVO against establishment Democrats
the 1970s, Roslyn the tragedy had just occurred, who have held leadership posi-
Mickens heard she recalled. Climate-related issues and en- tions, according to an analysis by
Courtland stories from her she needed an outlet, a way ergy policies have not been cen- the nonprofit and nonpartisan
milloy parents about the to turn resentment into positive tral to any of the competitive Virginia Public Access Project of
indignities action. Just over four years ago, Democratic primary races in Vir- campaign finance disclosures
experienced by Black people in Mickens came across an online ginia9s General Assembly this that were due Monday.
D.C. during the Jim Crow era. A discussion group about year. But that hasn9t kept two of Meanwhile, the Dominion En-
young Roslyn would ask reparations for slavery. Mickens the most influential voices on ergy utility company9s political
questions about that peculiar found common cause with Kelly those subjects from making big action committee contributed
institution but didn9t always Matthews, an accountant who donations to candidates in next hefty sums to more center-left
understand the answers. was also coming to grips with week9s primary election, hoping legislators 4 infusions of cash
<8Why couldn9t my America9s racial past. to shift the party9s direction fol- that have contributed to mailers
grandparents vote?9= she Matthews grew up in the lowing redistricting that promis- and campaign ads flooding voters
recalled wanting to know. <8Why District9s Riverside Terrace es to reshuffle the legislature. in the run-up to the primary elec-
do I have to be twice as good as neighborhood, a solid Black The Clean Virginia Fund cli- tion on Tuesday.
Whites9? My parents told me working-class enclave that mate group has poured several Many of the contributions are
about racism, but it made no provided a protective bubble for hundred thousand dollars into concentrated on races in the sen-
sense.= CourTland milloy/THe WasHingTon posT kids like her. <I knew nothing multiple campaigns since May, ate, where Democrats have a thin
Years later, while in college, DMv Freedmen treasurer Kelly Matthews, left, and president about racism,= she recalled, giving fuel to more-liberal candi- majority. Veteran political analyst
she began to better understand Roslyn Mickens stand outside the Freedmen9s Bank in Washington. sEE MiLLOy ON B4 dates in closely watched contests sEE DONORs ON B4
B2 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Jan. 6 rioter Virginia

accused of Fairfax schools to ûght AG subpoena for National Merit report

assaulting BY

Attorney general seeking


fairfax County Public Schools

ing with Youngkin that the de-
lays were driven by an equity
agenda in the school system, and
miyares spokesperson Victo-
ria LaCivita said in a statement
that the investigation would con-
at risk, which we simply cannot
Each year, about 1.5 million
full inquiry into delays
officer is fighting a request from the
Virginia attorney general for the
in students9 notification
full contents of an outside inves-
others agreeing it was an honest
error. College admissions experts
said the commendation delay
tinue and fCPS9s decision to fight
the subpoena showed that school
system believes it is <immune
students compete in the National
merit Scholarship Program, ac-
cording to its website. Students
tigation into delays in notifying would probably have no effect on from Virginia9s anti-discrimina- enter by taking the PSAT/Nm-
CApiTOL frOm B1 students who had received Na- the admissions or financial aid tion laws.= SQT, a nationwide standardized
tional merit commendations. receive recognition. prospects of any high school <fCPS now confirms it will test, usually during their junior
Even though Judge Jia m. In march, the school district As part of his investigation, student. only comply with the law when year.
Cobb said she could not factor released a summary of findings miyares filed a subpoena for the Students are typically notified politically convenient,= LaCivita This year, 50,000 of the high-
Smith9s death into her sentenc- from the third-party review into full contents of the Sands Ander- of their commended-student sta- said in the statement. <No school est scorers qualified for recogni-
ing decision because Walls-Kauf- why some high schools were son report, which the school tus in September so they can system is above the law. If the tion. The top scorers are named
man pleaded guilty only to ille- months late in telling students district had previously declined mark the distinction on college report shows no wrongdoing, finalists or semifinalists, mean-
gally protesting in a Capitol they had been named <com- to release, citing attorney-client applications, according to the then fCPS should release it. ing they can compete for a Na-
building, she allowed Smith and mended students= by the Nation- privilege. On monday, the school scholarship organization, but In a video message, fCPS su- tional merit Scholarship award.
the officer9s father to make vic- al merit Scholarship Corp., division filed formal legal objec- some fairfax students weren9t perintendent michelle reid ex- About 34,000 of them qualify as
tim-impact statements at Tues- which recognizes the highest tions to the subpoena to protect notified by their schools until plained the school district9s deci- commended students, who can-
day9s proceeding. scorers on a national standard- confidential interviews with months later. The school division sion to fight the subpoena. She not compete for National merit
The father, richard Smith, ized test. The investigation found fCPS staff and students. has implemented a new division- said that various fCPS teachers Scholarships but are eligible for
said he <respectfully= disagreed that the delays were not inten- <The AG has all the informa- wide process for high schools to and staff were interviewed as other awards.
with the decision by the U.S. tional. tion it needs to conduct its own ensure students are notified of part of the independent investi- fairfax Schools9 opposition to
attorney9s office in D.C. to charge The delays led to outrage from investigation. Nonetheless, it has all National merit Scholarship gation and multiple staff mem- miyares9 subpoena follows simi-
Walls-Kauffman only with sev- some parents. Attorney General gone to court to try to breach honors on time in the future. bers have been harassed and lar pushback in Loudoun County,
eral misdemeanors 4 all but one Jason S. miyares (r), at the fCPS9s attorney-client privilege,= The summary of the Sands threatened over the National where the school board objected
of which were dismissed in re- direction of Gov. Glenn Youngkin the school division wrote in a Anderson findings said that in- merit issue. to releasing an internal investi-
turn for his guilty plea. (r), opened an investigation, statement. <As a matter of princi- vestigators found no evidence <As we have already shared gation report into the district9s
<At a minimum, David Walls- specifically probing whether stu- ple and in order to protect our that the school division inten- thousands of documents related handling of two sexual assaults,
Kaufman should be charged with dents9 race, color or national valued teachers and staff, we are tionally withheld the award noti- to this issue, the attorney gener- also citing attorney-client privi-
assaulting a police officer,= rich- origin <was a motivating factor= opposing this unreasonable legal fications or that the delays were al9s office has all the facts it needs lege. A judge ruled against the
ard Smith told the judge, adding, in withholding notification, as action.= driven by racial bias. It did find to complete its investigation,= district and ordered the report9s
<Jeff 9s passing ripped the heart well as claims that the delays The delays, which were first that the lack of a uniform policy reid said in the video. <What the release to the attorney general.
out of our family. We will never were driven by concerns of hurt reported in December, divided for providing notices to students attorney general is seeking to do The school board decided last
be whole again.= feelings of students who didn9t fairfax parents, with some agree- contributed to the delays. would put our teachers and staff week not to challenge the ruling.
Walls-Kaufman admitted to
joining supporters of President
Donald Trump in the attack on
the Capitol while Congress was
meeting to confirm Joe Biden9s
victory in the presidential elec-
Black family ûghting historical designation on land in Md.
tion. But he said he was there to
gather material for a scholarly hisTOriC frOm B1 building townhouses on the
article he planned to write on the property 4 only to be told by past
nature of human conflict. the family9s ability to build else- officials that they didn9t want the
<I9m extremely sorry about where on the land in question, area to become like a town center,
what happened that day and my she does have concerns about she said.
role in it,= he said in court. As for what comes next. When she tried to demolish the
the allegation that he assaulted While county historic designa- home her great-grandfather built
Smith, he said, <I9m one of the tions are rarely unwound 4 a to construct a new house in the
last persons on Earth that would Calvert spokeswoman said one late 990s, that application was
do such a thing.= Since his arrest, other property has had its desig- denied because she was told that
he said: <I9ve been [described] as nation removed 4 millard wants her land needed to be subdivided.
a cop killer. But there is no the status revoked. Years of trying Now, a nearby town center has
evidence.= are slated to culminate Wednes- risen, complete with a Starbucks
In his sentencing memo, As- day in a hearing before the and a Giant supermarket.
sistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey A. Calvert Historic District Commis- Developers are targeting the
Kiok described Walls-Kaufman9s sion. area, said florence Buck, 71, a
movements in the Capitol that The family sees the result as a lifelong resident down the street
day. test of the county9s commitment from the millards who purchased
<After being sprayed with a to serving a dwindling number of her home through a Department
chemical irritant, Walls-Kauf- Black residents, whose ancestors9 of Housing and Urban Develop-
man washed out his eyes, en- labor 4 on tobacco farms and ment program in the early 1990s.
tered the [Capitol] rotunda, and oyster boats, in canneries and <They9re trying to make it more
made his way to the offices of the shipyards 4 fueled Calvert9s commercial,= said Buck, who has
Speaker of the House, where he economy for generations. noticed an increase in letters over
assisted in opening a door to a Perched on the gray founda- the past decade from developers
conference room, then entered tion bricks of the old house re- and real estate agents. <It9s mostly
the room,= Kiok wrote. cently, millard, now 65, swapped White people taking over [land].
<He later joined a mob that memories of childhood summers Our younger Blacks don9t want to
walked through the halls sur- in Lusby with her brother, De- come back this way.=
rounding the House chamber, Photos BY Craig hudson for the Washington Post
maune, 50: peaches and pears Over time, the county commis-
eventually coming to the door to straight from the trees, family sioned the family land to widen a
the Speaker9s Lobby,= in an area members showing off fresh fish ABOVE: A marker on the road. Another time, their father
where members of Congress and from the nearby Patuxent river, Millards9 land in Lusby, Md. and aunt allowed the county to
others had taken shelter. <While and stories of a Lusby that9s faded The land and the home that acquire more of their land to
present with this mob, a rioter with time. once stood there received a build Patuxent High School 4
attempted to jump through a The land stands to remain va- historic designation in 2018 with the caveat that heirs have an
glass window and was shot by a cant with room only for their from Calvert County, which access point to the land in perpe-
United States Capitol police offi- retrospection if the historic des- cited its place in the area9s tuity. Next to their stretch of
cer,= Kiok wrote, referring to ignation stays. historical Black community. Lusby earth is a cellphone tower,
rioter Ashli Babbitt, who died of The original house was built by LEFT: A nearby roundabout. placed there after a cousin sold
her wound. Harrison Kent, who was born on her piece of land to the county.
The offense to which Walls- an October day in the early 1890s, teenager serving in the military Harriett millard just wants a
Kaufman pleaded guilty carries a to parents born shortly after slav- abroad at the time, was haunted home to call her own on the
maximum jail sentence of six ery was abolished in maryland. by Kent9s death and the limits of property now.
months. Cobb granted Kiok9s re- An oysterman who worked Lusby. When it came time to Laws governing land use his-
quest for a two-month term. jobs around Solomons Island, the settle, he picked Baltimore. torically have disadvantaged
Walls-Kaufman asked to be siblings9 great-grandfather fol- many Black residents have left Black communities, which led
placed on probation and spared lowed the trajectory of many or died since the house was built, families such as the millards9
jail time. Black county residents descend- noted the siblings and neighbors ancestors to shun formal systems
According to the lawsuit, vid- ed from enslaved laborers, who along the street where the mil- of inheritance and instead leave
eo evidence shows Walls-Kauf- sought what limited autonomy lards9 property sits. their property to heirs.
man hitting Jeffrey Smith with and freedom they could in a time modern home without any histor- <In that little pocket, mostly The practice, in which a de-
the officer9s baton while Smith9s of overt racial discrimination. ic preservation restrictions. everyone has passed on,= De- ceased family member passes
face was exposed and vulner- His labor afforded Kent and his <It was just a little Calvert County code states that maune said, gesturing at the down ownership to descendants
able. The complaint includes wife, Daisy, the ability to build a a historic designation can be re- neighborhood. <It was just a little without a deed or a will, has
photos from Smith9s body cam- home, about 500 square feet, atop community of Black moved if a property no longer community of Black families, and historically left the rights of Black
era, which the lawsuit says a small hill with a gravel pathway meets criteria under which it was they all helped each other. & families vulnerable, said Sherally
shows the officer being struck leading to the structure. The families, and they all originally designated. Nobody in that area ever went munshi, a professor of law who
with his own club. house, which had no indoor Sarah Ehman, Calvert9s public hungry.= teaches a class on racism, capital-
Smith9s family said he suffered plumbing, remained occupied helped each other. & information program manager, Black people accounted for ism and property at Georgetown
a traumatic brain injury, leading until the late 1970s, when the said the county doesn9t impose a about 60 percent of the county9s Law.
him to take his own life. Accord- millards9 great-grandmother Nobody in that area historic district overlay without population at the close of the Civil The millards9 property was
ing to the court record for the died. an application from property War. Now they number roughly 13 heir property until their grand-
lawsuit, he lost consciousness Calvert9s Board of County Com- ever went hungry.= owners and recommendation percent, according to census parents acquired it, Harriett mil-
during the riot and suffered missioners approved the home Demaune Millard from the Historic District Com- data. lard said.
severe pain in its wake. Smith for historic designation in 2018, mission. rodell mackall, an 85-year-old Land speculators sometimes
had no prior mental health is- stating that its <continuity of Even if the historic acknowl- Black resident of Lusby since exploit a family9s economic sta-
sues, but after the attack, he family ownership, the unchanged stands, since Harriett millard de- edgment is taken away, that 1961, can map the change from tus, offering an enticing amount
could not sleep or keep his scale of the dwelling, and the molished the home built by her doesn9t rid the millards of their his yard. of money for land 4 creating one
attention focused, according to potential information contained great-grandfather in 2020. She connection to the county. <Up there, used to be Black, the less Black landowner, she said.
Erin Smith and her attorney. in the archaeological record on said it had <become an eminent Kent died in 1946 in a tragedy people next to me used to be <It9s interesting [Harriett] is
The D.C. Police and firefight- the property make this a signifi- threat to public health, safety and that would reverberate for gener- Black,= he said, pointing from trying to use the legal protections
ers retirement and relief Board cant and rare resource,= accord- welfare= because of its decay. ations. atop his John Deere riding mower available,= munshi said, noting
granted Erin Smith a full pen- ing to documents provided by the Her own hired experts have He was oystering with another on land that he turned over to his that such laws have a record of
sion, ruling that her husband9s Calvert County Historical Society. found no examples of archaeolog- man, Oscar martin, that January children. <Blacks owned things benefiting White land owners.
injury on Jan. 6 was the <sole and The body noted that the mil- ical significance on the grounds when a torpedo allegedly fired by back then.= <The historic preservation is a
direct cause of his death.= The lards9 family members were part of the property, she said. a Navy ship struck their small The buzzing of cars audible terrible irony.=
ruling came after months of of the historical African Ameri- After Wednesday, the matter boat in the Patuxent river near from the Kent-millard land is still for Demaune millard, having
advocacy by Erin Smith and can community in the area and will go to a joint public hearing Point Patience, the Cumberland a bit peculiar for the siblings, who no real rights to the land would
members of Congress. that their home at the time was consisting of the Board of County Evening Times reported. The gov- are trying to find their place in a be an affront to the future his
<Not a day goes by that I don9t <one of the few dwellings on the Commissioners and county plan- ernment at the time said that the new Lusby. father envisioned for his chil-
think about Jeffrey and what our road that remains from that peri- ning commissioners. men9s craft was in a prohibited The family has hit one rule and dren.
lives could have been,= she told od.= If that hearing upholds the area and that both men had roadblock after another as Harri- <We stand on the shoulders of
Cobb in a letter. <No matter what The grounds of the property designation, the family could ap- signed documents assuming inju- ett millard has tried to make use our ancestors,= he said. <It9s very
sentence you decide upon, had been <virtually undisturbed= peal the decision in court. ry 4 a claim that the widows of the land, documents show. nostalgic of trials and tribula-
please remember that I now live since it was first purchased, the removing the historic designa- would later dispute in a lawsuit Their late father wanted them tions we9re going through. We9re
a sentence of life without Jef- commission said in 2018. tion would allow millard to move against the government. to build on the land, inspiring her still fighting these historical bat-
frey.= That reasoning no longer forward with building a new, The siblings said their father, a in the early 1990s to consider tles.=

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wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ m2 B3

The spirit of radio: Tuning into a couple of new street names in Bethesda
Arlington9s American tree that works in that progress. Besides lobbying for
deborah Peetz manner. Would you want to live Harden Alley and Weaver Alley,
said that she9s on Elpam Avenue? ralpop Lane? he urged the developers to have
been enjoying my Yrokcih Street? some sort of artifact on display
columns about or Nednil revlis Street? that referenced the property9s
John street names in There9s a Silver Linden Street in broadcasting past.
Kelly's our area 4 and the new Amalyn development When the new clubhouse
Washington that she has a being built at the confluence of opens, there will be a plexiglass
question of her the Beltway and I-270 in case holding a red light. The
own. Bethesda. The neighborhood is light was once affixed to the
<one I9ve rising on the site of four 400-foot radio towers to warn nearby
always wondered about is WmAL radio towers that were aircraft.
Tunlaw Street in Washington,= demolished Nov. 4, 2020. <The top beacons 4 big,
she wrote. <A friend who lived That was a bittersweet day for bright, heavy beacons 4 got
there for a while pointed out that dave Sproul. He had spent his smashed when the towers fell,=
it is 8walnut9 spelled backward. entire career at WmAL, retiring Dave said. <Each tower had six
Perhaps it was a grove of walnut in 2014 as the chief engineer. side beacons. That was one of
trees in the past?= <I took care of the transmitter those.=
There was a grove of walnut site,= Dave said. <I just loved Dave wrote some text for a
trees there. They weren9t the going out there.= little plaque: <This surviving
inspiration for the street name Dave thought it was important beacon is an emblem
but for the farm after which the the site be memorialized in some representing the long history of
street was named. Here9s what I way for future generations. WmAL radio Am630,
had to say about the farm in Wouldn9t the families who would transmitting from this 75-acre
2010, when I last wrote about the eventually live at Amalyn want site for almost 80 years. During
Tunlaw/Walnut connection: to know about the land9s history? those years WmAL radio was a
<The farm was owned by And so Dave approached the dominant and beloved
Adolphus Pickerell, who built a developers, which are Toll institution in the Washington,
large house at what is now 45th Brothers and Tri Pointe Homes. D.C., area and its programming
and Klingle in what is now As it happened, Dave was was received as far away as
KaTHeRine fRey/THe WaSHingTon poST
Wesley Heights. The land was useful to them. He knew where Scandinavia.=
dotted with black walnut trees, the bodies were buried 4 not A worker checks the area ahead of a 2020 demolition to take down the four towers of WMAL radio, to That does leave one question:
and Pickerell9s house was shaded actual bodies but the make room for a subdivision. Street names in the area will now include a pair of WMAL references. Where does <Amalyn= come
by a massive example of the subterranean infrastructure at from? You could be excused for
species. The tree gave the farm the transmitter site. He had been than a few suggestions. WmAL In the end, Dave9s grand plan cutups. The partners ruled believing there are a couple of
its name (supposedly at the WmAL9s chief engineer, after all. once had a mighty roster of on- didn9t pan out, but something morning drive-time in D.C. for women in the developers9
suggestion of Ulysses S. Grant). He knew about the wires, pipes air talent: Felix Grant, Bill more modest did. If you look at more than 30 years. families named Amanda and
When a road was built after the and wells hidden underground. Mayhugh, tom Gauger, Bill Google maps, you will see two <Harden and Weaver stood so Lynne, but it9s a little quirkier
Civil War, it took the name of the And that allowed him to make a trumbull and chris core. Dave streets in the development9s much above everyone else,= Dave than that. Toll Brothers tells me
farm.= few suggestions when it came to thought they could all get streets southwest corner: Harden Alley said. that when seen from above, the
When you think about it 4 or street names for the Amalyn named after them. That would and Weaver Alley. They honor Dave, 73, lives in Bethesda, building site resembles a heart.
when I think about it, anyway 4 development. certainly stand out in a world of Frank Harden and Jackson and every few days he drives over That inspired the marketing
walnut is really the only North Actually, Dave made more oaks and maples. Weaver, the original WmAL to the Amalyn site to note the team to riff on <love,= or <amore.=

A symbol l o c al D i g e st
6 men convicted in 10-year-old9s killing
of spring9s tHe DistRict early monday, authorities said.
Dana Paul roman, 45, of verdict from B1 ally involved in the crimes of
Maryland man, 43,
splendor, so is fatally shot in SE
richmond was found dead of a
<self-inflicted gunshot wound=
after the chase, which ended in
of gunfire as she rode in a vehicle
with her family in the 3700 block
which they were accused.
The shooters wore masks and
latex gloves. fingerprints from
near summer A maryland man was killed
monday in Southeast, police said.
richmond, authorities said.
According to both Henrico and
of Hayes Street NE, less than
three miles from where makiyah
only two of the defendants were
found in a car that authorities say
Joseph Crockett, 43, of Upper fairfax County police, roman lived. the men used in obtaining the
BY M ARTIN W EIL marlboro was shot about 2:35 allegedly abducted someone in At a news conference Tuesday, weapons.
a.m. in the 300 block of martin Henrico on Saturday and drove matthew m. Graves, the U.S. at- None of the men testified in
The forces of physics determine Luther King Jr. Avenue SE. with that person to fairfax. torney for the District, and Ashan their defense.
our weather, but Tuesday seemed 4 Emily Davies At about 2 a.m. Sunday, fairfax Benedict, interim D.C. police After the verdicts were an-
so splendid as to make us suspect County officers went to the 12000 chief, said homicides of children nounced, defense attorneys said
that we ourselves must have done block of Thunder Chase Drive and were among the top priorities for they believed the jurors were un-
something right to be rewarded Man, 24, dies of found someone who had been law enforcement. <There is noth- able to isolate the thousands of
by such a day, and by such spring- injuries after shooting shot, and another person, in a car ing more gut-wrenching to us as CoURTeSy of Raven Hall/family pHoTo pieces of evidence to each specific
like weeks before it. nearby, with a stab wound to the prosecutors than homicides Makiyah Wilson, 10, was killed defendant and instead lumped all
Tuesday in Washington was A man was fatally shot in arm and trauma to the face. where children are killed,= Graves July 16, 2018, in Northeast of the evidence against the men as
sunny, warm and dry, with soft Southeast on monday and an Police said they believe roman said. Washington. the shooting also a group.
breezes and warm-day clouds arrest was made, authorities said. had driven there from Henrico, During the trial, prosecutors wounded four other people. Jonathan Zucker, Taylor9s at-
stretching above us. It seemed to maurice robinson, 24, of left the car and began shooting. argued that Taylor, Thomas and torney, said he and his client were
blend the best of spring and sum- Northeast , died Tuesday after Both victims were known to murchison shot during the en- <disappointed= in the verdict and
mer. being shot in the 2900 block of roman, police said. They are counter, while the other three planned to file an appeal. Zucker
flat or fleecy, the clouds spoke Southern Avenue, police said expected to survive their injuries. men were part of the planning or <They didn9t care who said that although Judge robert
of no storms. Instead they seemed David Pena , 46, of Southeast As they investigated, police helped hide the weapons after- okun repeatedly instructed ju-
to ask attention to their ever- Washington has been charged said, roman abducted another ward. they were shooting at. rors to view the evidence against
evolving shapes. Long-jawed with second-degree murder while person in the reston area and Authorities based much of each of the six men in isolation, he
crocodiles morphed into flat- armed, authorities said. Efforts to forced that person to drive him their case on text messages and They didn9t care who believed trying the six men to-
muzzled mammals as the clouds reach his family were back to Henrico County. social media posts that authori- gether created an <inherent
slowly paraded in the mid-June unsuccessful, and an attorney was Henrico officials later found ties say showed the men boasting they hit. They just prejudice= against them.
sun. not listed in court records. that person physically unharmed, and rapping about the shooting. The jury found Cobbs, the
Tuesday9s high in Washington 4 Emily Davies police said. fairfax County police Prosecutors also played re- wanted to open fire.= youngest defendant, not guilty of
reached 83 degrees, two below said they got warrants to charge corded phone calls from the jail laura Bach, assistant U.S. attorney, 24 of the 25 charges, convicting
average for the date. Without need ViRgiNia roman with abduction by force, between several of the defen- during closing arguments him only of conspiracy to commit
to invoke humidity, it seemed that carjacking, two counts of felony dants and friends and family. a crime of violence. Kevin mc-
a poll might have shown the ther- Police: Suspect kills firearm use, malicious wounding Prosecutors said the defendants Cants, Cobbs9s attorney, said his
mal choice to be 83. himself after chase and assault. used coded language to talk about client was <pleased= with the ver-
And in a single day, Tuesday Henrico police said they found their involvement in the shoot- punishment, according to D.C. dict.
seemed to exemplify the seeming- A man who police allege roman in Henrico early monday. ing. sentencing guidelines. Still, Cobbs 4 the only one on
ly endless availability and bril- abducted two people and shot After chases, they said, he got to In addition to the murder Defense attorneys argued that trial allowed out during the pro-
liant persistence of midsummer and wounded someone in a richmond, where he shot charges, the jurors found the men their clients had merely written ceedings 4 faces narcotics and
daylight. The hours went on and rampage that extended from himself. officials said the officers guilty of being part of an illegal lyrics about a lifestyle of guns and gun possession charges in mary-
on; 8 p.m. arrived, and night still fairfax County to richmond did not fire their weapons. street gang, which, along with violence and that there was no land after being arrested a month
seemed far, far off. killed himself after a police chase 4 Olivia Diaz makiyah9s age, will enhance the evidence that the men were actu- after the murder trial began.

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B4 eZ re K the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

The DisTricT
Democratic primaries attract heavy donor interest MarylanD

2 ûreûghters doNoRs frOm B1

Poll shows
charged over Bob Holsworth said many of the widespread
brawl caught races are in districts that won9t be

on video
competitive in the general elec-
tion in November 4 so the real
contest is in the primary.
aversion to
<But what you9re seeing is prob-
ably the largest and most visible
progressive versus center-left
gas-car ban
challenge that we9ve seen in Vir-
Two D.C. firefighters have been ginia,= he said. <Clean Virginia
charged with assault in an on-duty obviously thinks this is the one Gov. Moore9s emissions
altercation captured on a viral vid- opportunity they have to make a
eo, which showed them punching more dramatic shift in the compo- plan would end sales
and kicking a man on the pave- sition of the Democratic Senate.= of the vehicles by 2035
ment. former delegate Lashrecse
Sean Sinon, a 48-year-old lieu- Aird, who is in a tight race with
tenant, and reden Ecleo, a 21- Sen. Joseph D. morrisey (rich-
year-old firefighter, were accused mond) for the Democratic nomi- BY E RIN C OX
in charging documents of attack- nation in the 13th District in Pe-
ing the man, who prosecutors said tersburg, has been the biggest A new poll shows left-lean-
had punched Sinon, until D.C. po- beneficiary of the late infusions of ing maryland is deeply averse
lice officers pushed them away. cash, according to VPAP. to one of Gov. Wes moore9s
The two have been on adminis- During the reporting period largest environmental initia-
trative duty since the April 25 inci- that began in April, Aird collected tives to cut carbon emissions,
dent, and will remain in that sta- $814,600, with Clean Virginia with 61 percent of those sur-
tus until the legal proceedings are fund contributing $125,000 and veyed saying they oppose plans
concluded, according to D.C. fire an additional $35,000 coming to end sales of new gas-pow-
JaBin BoTsford/THe WasHingTon PosT
and Emergency medical Services from Sonjia Smith, wife of the ered cars by 2035.
Department spokesperson Vito fund9s multimillionaire founder, A patron of Tammy9s diner in Round Hill in November. Primaries will be held Tuesday for seats in the moore announced plans this
maggiolo. michael D. Bills. General Assembly, where significant changes are anticipated because of redistricting. spring to combat climate
They pleaded not guilty Tues- morrissey 4 considered to be change by phasing out sales of
day and were released until trial, an X-factor in the chamber re- Both Clean Virginia fund and Clean Virginia opposes that idea, it intends to be a major player in gas-powered cars, setting a goal
court records show. garding abortion rights because Dominion said they contributed saying utilities in the state have state politics with influence com- that matches California9s ambi-
The man, who prosecutors said of his personal opposition to the to candidates who shared their been allowed to create a monopo- parable to Dominion9s, Holsworth tious program and would re-
harassed other firefighters, was procedure 4 received nearly goals and ideals. ly that has been harmful to the said, noting that the group has duce the largest source of mary-
initially arrested on a charge of $320,000 in donations, of which <All of these candidates share a environment while driving up helped candidates gain recogni- land9s greenhouse gas emis-
assaulting a police officer, but the $75,000 came from Dominion. principle that is critical for a func- consumer costs. tion. sions. The regulation would
U.S. attorney9s office in the District In Northern Virginia, former tioning state democracy 4 a com- Several candidates 4 regard- <I mean, Heidi Drauschak has take effect in September, ratch-
declined to prosecute him. delegate Jennifer Carroll foy re- mitment to refusing campaign less of which entity contributed to just gotten an absolute ton of eting up the percentage of elec-
The D.C. firefighters Associa- ceived a combined $430,000 from contributions from Virginia9s their campaigns 4 sought to min- money from Clean Virginia,= tric vehicles sold in maryland.
tion, International Association of Clean Virginia fund and Smith, electric utilities and to shifting imize those large contributions Holsworth said, noting that she Half of those surveyed said
fire fighters Local 36, said in a with her total for the period at the political power in Virginia while emphasizing the smaller in- outraised marsden 4-to-1 for the they <strongly opposed= the
Tuesday statement that they were $771,000. former delegate Hala S. from those corporate monopolies dividual donations they9ve re- period. Drauschak also received idea.
disappointed in the charges and Ayala, who is running against Car- to the people of the Common- ceived. tens of thousands of dollars9 A spokesman for moore de-
stressed that firefighter training roll foy for the Democratic nomi- wealth,= Clean Virginia fund, a <With their support in these worth of in-kind contributions fended the program in a state-
does not include de-escalation nation for Senate District 33, got vocal Dominion critic, said in a final days, it will allow me to . . . from Clean Virginia and organiza- ment, saying the proposal will
strategies. D.C. firefighters gath- $100,000 from Dominion during statement. remind people of what9s at stake tions it funds, such as the CASA in cut emissions and pay economic
ered in front of a D.C. police sta- the same period, for a total of <We look forward to a day when in this election,= Aird said of the Action immigrant advocacy dividends by positioning the
tion Tuesday morning <to support $331,000. the Virginia legislature passes 1,941 donations of $100 or less she group. state in the green economy.
their members as they turned Nearby, Sen. George L. Barker broad-based campaign finance received. morrissey9s campaign <This campaign 4 and others <Governor moore firmly be-
themselves in,= according to Local (D-fairfax) collected $200,000 reform that systemically puts the did not respond to a request for like it 4 is changing the conversa- lieves maryland will lead the
36. from Dominion 4 nearly a third public interest above monopoly comment. tion in the Commonwealth and clean energy revolution
<These firefighters reacted of his total intake for the period 4 profit interest, and will work Some Dominion-backed candi- bringing us one step closer to a through a strategic plan to cut
quickly to a dangerous situation to while Stella Pekarsky, his oppo- toward that end,= the group said. dates were resentful of their oppo- truly representative government,= carbon, invest in green technol-
protect the citizens and them- nent for the nomination in the Dominion said it is interested nents9 Clean Virginia fund mon- Drauschak said in a statement. ogy, and ensure that maryland-
selves,= said Dave Hoagland, presi- 36th District, received $340,000 in promoting candidates who ey. About half of the 81 donations ers of all backgrounds can get
dent of Local 36, in the statement. from Clean Virginia fund and support <common sense public <I would have been happy to marsden received during the peri- involved in building a more
<right now, our involved firefight- Smith, 80 percent of her total for policy that benefits our custom- have been showered with the od came from people who contrib- sustainable future,= Carter El-
ers need to know that we support the period. ers.= amount of money she9s gotten uted $100 or less, according to liott IV, a spokesman for moore,
them through these difficult Sen. Dave marsden (D-fairfax), <It9s worth noting that our crit- from Clean Virginia,= Barker said VPAP. said in an email.
times.= who is competing against Heidi ics donate millions more than we of Pekarsky. <We have to work marsden9s campaign called The Gonzales Poll, released
Phil Andonian, an attorney for Drauschak in the 35th District, do,= the company said in a state- harder than she does because Clean Virginia fund <a corporate Tuesday, offers the first public
Sinon, in a statement said he was did not receive money from either ment, pointing to the $7.5 million we9re running a broad campaign political fund.= polling on the plan. It finds a
<deeply troubled= by the U.S. attor- group during the same period. that Bills has poured into Clean that has had a comprehensive <Sen. marsden9s allegiance has strong partisan split in support
ney9s decision to prosecute his cli- But Dominion contributed Virginia fund since last spring. discussion of the issues.= always been to the constituents, for the measure 4 and that
ent. <Our first responders deserve $65,000 to marsden9s campaign <That9s nearly twice as much as Pekarsky defended the support, and he will continue to be guided opinions shift when respon-
much better than this,= he said. An when he represented the former our company and more than any saying in a statement: <I9m com- by the best interests of the resi- dents learn either about the
attorney for Ecleo could not im- 37th District. Clean Virginia fund other individual, company or or- mitted to funding my campaign dents of the 35th Senate District environmental benefits or the
mediately be reached. and Smith have given Drauschak ganization in Virginia.= without taking donations from of Virginia,= the campaign said in cost of the plan.
Attempts to locate the man for $360,000 since may, representing With support from Democratic publicly-regulated utilities, un- a statement. Democrats make up a strong
comment were unsuccessful. two-thirds of her overall total for leaders, Dominion has advocated like my opponent, so that I am free majority in maryland, but only
The incident occurred shortly the period. She received $150,000 changes in energy policy that to side with the public interest.= Laura Vozzella contributed to this 55 percent support the propos-
before 11:30 p.m. in the unit block from them earlier this year. would be carried out by utilities. Clean Virginia has shown that report. al, with 43 percent opposed.
of florida Avenue NW, after fire- Two-thirds of independents,
fighters responded to a report of who are roughly 20 percent of
an accident involving a metro Bus, the electorate, said they op-
according to charging documents. courTlanD Milloy posed the plan. And an over-
At the scene, they noticed two whelming 92 percent of repub-
people who appeared to be under
the influence of narcotics and
started treating them with Nar-
Group calls on licans, who are roughly a quar-
ter of the electorate, opposed it
as well.
At that point, according to
U.S. to bolster But a chunk of respondents
quickly changed their minds,
charging documents, the man ap-
proached firefighters and got in
their faces. firefighters called D.C.
descendants muddying the picture.
Support for the proposal
grows by 11 percent when re-
police for assistance, but before
police arrived, the man struck Si-
of enslaved spondents were told it could
dramatically cut carbon emis-
non in the face twice <with a closed sions. Support erodes by 12
fist, unprovoked,= the documents MIlloy frOm B1 percent when respondents were
said. told it could increase the aver-
While multiple firefighters at- describing her childhood mind- age cost of a car.
tempted to intervene, Sinon ap- set at the time as <ignorantly The poll of 841 registered
peared to <swing his arm/hand= at blissful.= maryland voters, conducted
the man seven times, according to The online discussion group may 30 through June 6, has a 3.5
the documents. drew more members and soon percentage-point margin of er-
After firefighters had the man evolved into an organization 4 ror.
surrounded and pinned to the called the DmV freedmen, maryland residents were
ground by an on-duty D.C. fire- composed of American more optimistic about the di-
fighter, Ecleo appeared to kick freedmen residing in the D.C. rection of the state than that of
him in the head and Sinon ap- metropolitan area. the nation, the poll found.
peared to punch him twice in the mickens, a schoolteacher, was fifty-four percent said they
left side of his upper body, pros- elected president, and matthews thought maryland was moving
ecutors said in charging docu- was elected treasurer. in the right direction, but only
CourTLand MiLLoy/THe WasHingTon PosT
ments. <We are just regular people 29 percent said the same about
D.C. police officers pushed Si- that had to get into this because Members of the dMV Freedmen in front of the Freedmen's Bank on sunday. In addition to cash the country.
non away after he punched the our elected officials aren9t payouts, the group is seeking targeted skill development for descendants of enslaved people. The poll also found moore,
man, the charging document said. making much progress,= five months into his tenure,
Ecleo then <placed his knee on mickens said. Also, some Pan Africanist targeted skill development for and the freedmen lost with job approval ratings slight-
the head= of the man, at which Their strategy for progress advocates believe that freedmen. everything. No reparations have ly higher than those of Presi-
point D.C. police intervened to has proved to be controversial: differentiating among Black <America goes around the been paid for that either. dent Biden, whom moore has
push him away, according to severely narrowing the people would foster bitter world draining other countries <We are not owed anything as strongly supported.
charging documents. definition of who is eligible for divisiveness and lead to of their skilled populations but 8African Americans9 or as Statewide, 55 percent of vot-
Sinon, in a written statement reparations. xenophobia. never truly building up its own 8Blacks9 or 8Negroes9 or ers approve of the job moore is
quoted in charging documents, <We have reached the The DmV freedmen take people,= mickens said. <Why not 8minorities,9= mickens said. <We doing, with 27 percent disap-
said the man became so angry that conclusion that the U.S. sides with William Darity, a pledge to turn out 50,000 new are owed things as freedmen, proving and 18 percent not
he <started to throw punches= and Supreme Court will never honor Duke University professor of freedmen nurses? Or more and we don9t need any new offering an opinion.
that Sinon9s team <managed to a reparations claim that is economics, who has called for freedmen doctors? Don9t just studies to tell us about that.= His support was highest
tackle him to the ground and con- rooted in racial terms, and we $14 trillion in reparations for help some group you decided to The DmV freedmen say among Democrats 4 77 percent
tain him= as police arrived. agree with that,= matthews said. descendants. <It9s hard to argue call 8people of color9 and claim holding the nation accountable approve 4 and lowest among
Ecleo declined to provide a <reparations is not a cure for that those who immigrated you9ve done something for the is what keeps them going. republicans, although 2 in 10
statement to prosecutors or D.C. racism. This is not about voluntarily deserve the same freedmen.= <When America was being said they approved of the job
police officers on the scene, ac- reparations for 8Black9 people. reparations as the descendants members of the DmV built, we were being excluded moore has done so far.
cording to the charging docu- Anybody can say they are 8Black9 of those brought to the United American freedmen recently from economic development,= moore, currently the only
ment. these days. This is about States in chains,= says Darity. gathered at the freedman9s matthews said. <What we got Black governor of a U.S. state,
The man also declined to pro- reparations for the descendants The case for reparations rests Bank at Pennsylvania Avenue were massacres; were burned, saw the strongest support from
vide a statement to prosecutors of America9s emancipated on myriad wrongs done to and madison Street NW, across lynched, bombed, drowned, Black voters, 79.6 percent of
but told D.C. police officers on the people, which are the enslaved people and many from the White House. Now an waterlogged. Anytime we tried whom said they approved of the
scene that he had been beaten up freedmen.= broken promises to compensate annex to the Treasury to make it, our Black excellence job he was doing. Sixty percent
by D.C. firefighters, and that they The freedmen plan mirrors them for their labors. most Department, the bank is located was met with White violence, of women, regardless of party
hit him first. one adopted by the American notable was a pledge to give on the site of the original Black Codes, convict leasing, affiliation, supported the gover-
In videos recorded of the inci- Descendants of Slavery, which freedmen 40 acres, which the freedman9s Savings and Trust school segregation.= nor, compared to 49.5 percent of
dent by onlookers and a TV news would require at least one federal government reneged on. Company, which was mickens says the struggle for men.
camera operator, the man, who parent9s ancestry to be traced to The federal government did established in 1865 by President reparations helped her respondents had similar
police said is in his 40s and has no a formerly enslaved person. honor a promise to give 1.5 Abraham Lincoln to help newly understand the history lesson views of Biden, with 52 percent
fixed address, can be seen on the The DmV freedmen are million mostly White families freed enslaved people become that her parents were trying to approving, but a larger share, 47
pavement being punched and aware that the odds are against 160 acres each under the financial stable. teach when she was a girl. percent, disapproving of the
kicked by firefighters. The videos them. Although most Black Homestead Act in 1862. But after freedmen had <The past is not the past,= she president.
do not show the alleged provoca- people think reparations are mickens would like the deposited more than $3 million said. <racism endures, the Support was highest among
tion. owed, few think they will ever federal government to take a in the bank, the bank began legacy of slavery lives on. But a Democrats 4 79 percent ap-
be paid. An overwhelming more creative approach to lending the money to White new generation of freedmen will proved 4 and lowest among
Peter Hermann contributed to this majority of White people reparations. In addition to the businessmen who couldn9t repay always be there demanding that republicans, with just 7 percent
report. strongly oppose the idea. cash payouts, her group wants their loans. The bank defaulted, the nation make amends.= approving of the president.
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re B5

corMac Mccarthy, 89

Pulitzer-winning novelist wrote spare, haunting works

BY H ARRISON S MITH thy told the Times in 1992. <I would tell them that everything
think the notion that the species he had to say was there on the
Cormac McCarthy, a Pulitzer can be improved in some way, page. So we would eat beans for
Prize-winning author whose lyri- that everyone could live in har- another week.=
cal and often brutally violent nov- mony, is a really dangerous idea. They separated in 1976, around
els propelled him to the first Those who are afflicted with this the time Mr. McCarthy moved to
ranks of American fiction, im- notion are the first ones to give up El Paso, fascinated by the land-
mersing readers in scenes of sav- their souls, their freedom. Your scape and mythology of the West.
agery, despair and occasional ten- desire that it be that way will After setting his previous nov-
derness in the backwoods of Ten- enslave you and make your life els in eastern Tennessee, he began
nessee, the deserts of the South- vacuous.= crisscrossing the Texas-Mexico
west and the ashen desolation of a Mr. McCarthy received some of border, studying the landscape in
post-apocalyptic world, died June the best reviews of his career for preparation for westerns such as
13 at his home in Santa Fe, N.M. <Blood Meridian,= perhaps his <Blood Meridian.= His follow-up,
He was 89. most violent book, which literary <All the Pretty Horses,= followed
His death was announced in a critic Harold Bloom called <the 16-year-old cowboy John Grady
statement by his publisher, Pen- ultimate western, not to be sur- Cole, who rides to Mexico after
guin Random House, which did passed.= learning that his family is selling
not give a specific cause. Loosely based on historical its Texas ranch. The novel was
Mr. McCarthy explored the events, it followed a 14-year-old adapted into a 2000 movie star-
dark side of human nature in a known simply as <the kid,= who ring Matt Damon and was the
dozen novels that were lean and joins a group of scalp-hunting first installment in Mr. McCar-
poetic, poignant yet unsentimen- bounty hunters after the Mexi- thy9s Border Trilogy, which con-
tal. Author Saul Bellow praised can-American War. The gang9s tinued with <The Crossing=
his <absolutely overpowering use members include a hairless, 7- (1994) and <Cities of the Plain=
of language, his life-giving and foot-tall giant named Judge Hold- (1998).
death-dealing sentences,= and en, who kills without hesitation,
some literary critics called him an dances and fiddles with seeming- 8Your future gets shorter9
heir to William Faulkner and Her- ly boundless energy, and declares Although Mr. McCarthy main-
man Melville, writers with whom that <war is god,= emerging as a tained a reputation as an unusu-
he shared a keen interest in monster in the mold of Shake- ally single-minded author, plug-
themes of loss, suffering, blood- speare9s Iago. ging away at his novels without a
shed and fate. Mr. McCarthy used campfire care for their commercial pros-
<If it doesn9t concern life and exchanges between the judge and pects, he also wrote for film and
death,= Mr. McCarthy once told the kid to examine ideas about television, penning the screen-
Rolling Stone, <it9s not interest- war, fate, religion and the col- play for Ridley Scott9s crime thrill-
ing.= lapse of civilization. He also dem- er <The Counselor= (2013). One of
For the first quarter-century of onstrated his literary range by his unsold screenplays inspired
his career, Mr. McCarthy was little mixing short, punchy lines with the Border Trilogy; another
more than a cult figure, a <writer9s sentences that sprawled across evolved into <No Country for Old
writer= who declined to talk to the page, such as a description of Men,= about the aftermath of a
most reporters and was rumored charging Comanches that drug deal gone wrong.
to live like a hermit. stretched nearly 250 words: Mr. McCarthy also wrote two
None of his first five books sold <A legion of horribles, hun- plays, <The Stonemason= (first
more than 3,000 hardcover cop- dreds in number, half naked or performed in 1995) and <The Sun-
ies, and even glowing reviews of clad in costumes attic or biblical set Limited= (2006), which he
his novels emphasized that they or wardrobed out of a fevered adapted into an HBO movie. The
were not exactly a pleasure to dream with the skins of animals 2011 film starred Samuel L. Jack-
read: His semi-autobiographical and silk finery and pieces of uni- son as Black, an ex-convict and
novel <Suttree= (1979) was likened form still tracked with the blood born-again Christian who tries to
to <a good, long scream in the ear,= of prior owners & and all the dissuade White (Tommy Lee
while his western epic <Blood horsemen9s faces gaudy and gro- Jones, who also directed) from
Meridian= (1985) was said to hit tesque with daubings like a com- suicide.
readers <like a slap in a face.= The pany of mounted clowns, death The play9s central tensions 4
novel has a scene in which dead hilarious, all howling in a barba- between hope and despair, faith
babies are found hanging from a rous tongue and riding down and unbelief 4 were also at the
tree. upon them like a horde from a fore in <The Road,= about a father
Mr. McCarthy9s prose style was hell more horrible yet than the and son trying to keep moving
strikingly idiosyncratic, earning brimstone land of christian reck- through a violent, ash-covered
comparisons to James Joyce, oning, screeching and yammer- world. Describing the unnamed
Shakespeare and the King James ing and clothed in smoke like father, Mr. McCarthy wrote: <He
Bible. He stripped most of his those vaporous beings in regions knew only that the child was his
sentences of punctuation, limit- beyond right knowing where the warrant. He said: if he is not the
ing his use of commas and dis- eye wanders and the lip jerks and word of God God never spoke.=
pensing with semicolons and drools.= BeowuLf sHeeHan/penGuIn Random House The novel was dedicated to
quotation marks altogether; The scene was classic McCar- Writer Cormac McCarthy in 2014. In works such as <Blood Meridian= and <The Road,= he explored the John McCarthy, Mr. McCarthy9s
played with traditional syntax; thy: all action and vivid descrip- dark side of human nature, with some calling him an heir to William Faulkner and Herman Melville. son from his third marriage, to
and sprinkled his novels with tion, offering no details of his Jennifer Winkley.
obscure words (vermiculate, characters9 thoughts or feelings. rather than short stories. He add- had in mind,= he said of his par- Carthy was married and divorced <A lot of the things that the kid
gryke, patterans, rachitic), while Unlike writers such as Proust or ed: <Creative work is often driven ents. <I felt early on I wasn9t going from his first wife, poet Lee Holle- [in the book] says are things that
using naturalistic dialogue to an- Henry James, whose work Mr. by pain. It may be that if you don9t to be a respectable citizen. I hated man McCarthy, with whom he John said,= Mr. McCarthy told the
chor his books in time and place. McCarthy said he never under- have something in the back of school from the day I set foot in had a son, Cullen. Journal. <John said, 8Papa, what
<This whole thing is just hell in stood, he had little interest in your head driving you nuts, you it.= Decades later, her obituary in would you do if I died?9 I said, 8I9d
spectacles,= says one of his law- bringing his readers inside the may not do anything. It9s not a Mr. McCarthy graduated from the Bakersfield Californian said want to die, too,9 and he said, 8So
man characters. minds of his protagonists. good arrangement. If I were God, parochial school, enrolled at the that she filed for divorce when Mr. you could be with me?9 I said, 8Yes,
As Mr. McCarthy played with He took a similar approach to I wouldn9t have done it that way.= University of Tennessee, dropped McCarthy asked her to <get a day so I could be with you.9 Just a
conventions of the western, crime his own life. Mr. McCarthy de- out and joined the Air Force. job so he could focus on his novel conversation that two guys would
thriller and horror genres, re- clined all but a handful of inter- 8I wasn9t going to be a While stationed in Alaska, he be- writing,= even though she was have.=
viewers found that his writing view requests 4 even when he respectable citizen9 gan reading obsessively, drawn to already <caring for the baby and In addition to his two sons, Mr.
became slightly more accessible appeared on TV, interviewed by The third of six children, the novels of Melville, Dostoevsky tending to the chores of the McCarthy is survived by a broth-
over the years. He received the Oprah Winfrey after she selected Charles Joseph McCarthy Jr. was and Faulkner. He returned to the house.= er; two sisters; and two grandchil-
National Book Award and Na- <The Road= for her book club, he born in Providence, R.I., on July University of Tennessee in 1957 The abandonment of a child dren.
tional Book Critics Circle Award was almost inert 4 and preferred 20, 1933. Mr. McCarthy 4 by some and dropped out again three kicked off the plot of Mr. McCar- By the early 2000s, Mr. McCar-
for <All the Pretty Horses= (1992), to steer the conversation away accounts, Cormac was an old fam- years later to focus on writing thy9s second novel, <Outer Dark,= thy was spending much of his
one of his most romantic west- from literature, talking about ily nickname 4 grew up in Knox- what became his first novel, <The which he wrote while living on time at the Santa Fe Institute,
erns, and the Pulitzer Prize for country music, theoretical phys- ville, where his father worked for Orchard Keeper= (1965). the Spanish island of Ibiza with where he served as a kind of
<The Road= (2006), about a father ics or the behavior of rattlesnakes. the Tennessee Valley Authority The book followed the inter- his second wife, Anne De Lisle, a artist-in-residence, chatting with
and son trudging across the Unit- Despite the rumors, he was and became the federal power locking stories of a hermetic old British singer. They met while he researchers and helping edit their
ed States in the wake of an un- hardly a recluse. He frequented El utility9s top lawyer. man, a rebellious young moon- was traveling to Europe on an work for publication. He found
specified disaster. Paso pool halls, befriended the The family settled in a 10-room shiner and a mink-trapping child American Academy of Arts and scientists far more interesting
In 2009, he followed Philip high-stakes poker player Betty home surrounded by fish ponds in rural Tennessee, and it received Letters fellowship, and they later than writers, he said, and drew on
Roth in becoming the second au- Carey and was a longtime fixture and rock gardens, not far from a first-novel award from the Wil- moved near Knoxville, where Mr. his time there to write what was
thor to receive the PEN/Saul Bel- of the Santa Fe Institute in New woods, caves and creeks where liam Faulkner Foundation. (He McCarthy gradually converted an apparently his first nonfiction
low Award for lifetime achieve- Mexico, a scientific research cen- Mr. McCarthy would fish and and Faulkner, who died in 1962, old dairy barn into a home. piece, a 2017 essay for the science
ment in American fiction. ter that was co-founded by his hunt as a boy, acquiring animal shared an interest in Southern <We lived in total poverty,= De magazine Nautilus, in which he
<His writing is a hypnosis of friend Murray Gell-Mann, a No- hides that he and one of his folkways; they also happened to Lisle told the Times. <We were examined the relationship be-
detail. He makes you feel that, bel-winning physicist. brothers sold downtown. have the same editor, Random bathing in the lake. Someone tween language and the uncon-
because this place is palpably The two men met after Mr. From a young age, he rebelled House9s Albert R. Erskine Jr.) would call up and offer him scious.
real, these events would seem to McCarthy received a MacArthur against his upper-middle-class By the time <The Orchard $2,000 to come speak at a univer- His scientific interests seeped
be true,= New York Times book <genius= grant in 1981, the first upbringing. <I was not what they Keeper= was published, Mr. Mc- sity about his books. And he into his last two books, <The
critic Anatole Broyard wrote in a year it was awarded. Mr. McCar- Passenger= and <Stella Maris,= in-
review of <Suttree,= about a man thy was living out of a motel room tertwined novels that were pub-
who abandons a life of privilege in at the time, and he bought a small lished within weeks of each other
the 1950s to live on a houseboat in stone cottage in El Paso with in 2022. The books focused on
Knoxville, on the Tennessee River. some of the $236,000 grant. But two siblings, a math prodigy and
Mr. McCarthy, who had a rela- he still cut his own hair, prepared her salvage-diver brother, with an
tively luxurious upbringing in the meals on a hot plate and washed incestuous attachment and a fa-
city, described Knoxville in the his clothes at a laundromat, ac- ther who helped develop the
novel as a city home to <reeking cording to the Times. atomic bomb.
clapboard warrens where chil- Mr. McCarthy refused to teach Both novels received mixed re-
dren cried and craven halfbald creative writing, calling it <a hus- views, although critics praised
watchdogs yapped and slank,= tle,= and never went on tour or Mr. McCarthy for trading his usu-
and where <every other face [was] gave public readings. When it al mythic characters for more
goitered, twisted, tubered with came to autographing books, he ordinary-seeming people, includ-
some excrescence.= told the Wall Street Journal that ing what for him was a rare
While <Suttree= was darkly fun- he signed 250 copies of <The female protagonist.
ny, with a sprawling cast of char- Road= and gave them all to his Mr. McCarthy declined to talk
acters that included a man who younger son John, <so when he about the books after they were
has a sexual obsession with wa- turns 18 he can sell them and go to published, but he was known to
termelons, many of his books Las Vegas or whatever.= have been working on the novels
were almost unremittingly bleak. His apparent lack of interest in for more than a decade, fueled by
In <Outer Dark= (1968), a man promoting his novels was com- a recognition of his advanced age.
impregnates his sister and leaves plemented by a fierce devotion to <Your future gets shorter and
their baby to die in the woods. A writing them, sometimes at the you recognize that,= he said in
necrophiliac serial killer fills a expense of his family life. His 2009. <In recent years, I have had
cave with bodies in <Child of God= three marriages ended in divorce, no desire to do anything but work
(1973), and a hit man named and he described himself as an and be with John. I hear people
Anton Chigurh uses a bolt gun to absent father to his first son, who talking about going on a vacation
blow out door locks and execute was born while he was working or something and I think, what is
his victims at close range in <No on his debut novel. that about? I have no desire to go
Country for Old Men= (2005), <Anything that doesn9t take on a trip. My perfect day is sitting
which the Coen brothers adapted years of your life and drive you to in a room with some blank paper.
into an Oscar-winning film. suicide hardly seems worth do- stepHen LovekIn/Getty ImaGes That9s heaven. That9s gold and
<There9s no such thing as life ing,= he told the Journal in 2009, From left, actor Samuel L. Jackson, Mr. McCarthy, HBO Films President Len Amato and actor Tommy anything else is just a waste of
without bloodshed,= Mr. McCar- explaining why he wrote novels Lee Jones at a New York screening of an adaptation of the author9s play <Sunset Limited= in 2011. time.=
B6 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

treat Williams, 71

Actor known for roles as hippie leader in 8Hair,9 widower dad in 8Everwood9

Treat Williams, an actor whose

nearly 50-year career included
starring roles in the TV series
<Everwood= and the 1979 movie
musical <Hair,= died June 12 after
a motorcycle crash in Vermont,
state police said. He was 71 and
lived in Manchester Center, Vt.
An SUV was turning left into a
parking lot when it collided with
Mr. Williams9s motorcycle in the
town of Dorset, according to a
statement from the Vermont
State Police. He was thrown from
the motorcycle and suffered criti-
cal injuries despite wearing a
coLumbiA pictuRES/EvEREtt coLLEction
helmet. He was flown to a hospi-
tal in Albany, N.Y., where he died. LEFT: Treat Wiliams, third from left, with Don Dacus, Annie
Richard Treat Williams was Golden, Beverly D9Angelo, director Milos Forman and Cheryl
born in Stamford, Conn., on Barnes, arriving for the presentation of <Hair= at the Cannes Film
Dec. 1, 1951, and grew up in Festival in 1979. ABOVE: Mr. Williams and Michelle Pfeiffer in the
Rowayton, Conn. His father was movie <The Deep End of the Ocean= in 1999. In a 2022 magazine
an executive at Merck chemical. interview, he acknowledged a quest for versatility in his acting over
He graduated in 1969 from the a drive for traditional stardom.
private Kent School in Connecti-
cut and in 1973 from Franklin & critical breakthrough as a hippie few gave Mr. Williams a major widowed brain surgeon from mont Magazine, Mr. Williams where you9ve gone the distance,
Marshall College in Lancaster, leader in <Hair.= The part led to career boost. He also appeared in Manhattan who moves with his spoke of his quest for versatility why not just relax and know that
Pa., by which point he had several featured and leading an earnest 1984 ABC-TV movie two children to the Colorado over a drive for traditional star- you have the chance to do a
amassed a long résumé in com- roles in bigger-budget Holly- version of the Tennessee Wil- mountain town of that name. dom. <I like to think I9ve already two-page scene every third day,=
munity, college and summer wood movies, such as Steven liams melodrama <A Streetcar In addition to theater work, proven myself on the 8crazy me- he added. <The crew always
theater. Spielberg9s comedy <1941= (1979) Named Desire= as Stanley Kowal- Mr. Williams also had a recurring ter9 and the 8dramatic meter9 with seems happy when I walk in and
After college, he appeared on and the gritty police whistleblow- ski to Ann-Margret9s Blanche role as Lenny Ross on the CBS 8Prince of the City9 or with 8Hair,9 = say good morning to everybody.
Broadway as an understudy for er drama <Prince of the City= Dubois. show <Blue Bloods.= he said, explaining why he took & There9s a reason people binge-
the Danny Zuko role in the musi- (1981). Over the years, Mr. Williams In 1988, he married Pam Van less-demanding roles on the watch Hallmark. They don9t have
cal <Grease= and also was in the Other significant supporting appeared in dozens of television Sant, with whom he had two Hallmark Channel in programs to feel bad. They can feel good for
1974 musical <Over Here!= star- and leading roles followed, nota- shows but was perhaps best children. A complete list of survi- such as <Chesapeake Shores= and two hours, and they can forget
ring the Andrews Sisters. bly in the well-reviewed <Once known for his starring role from vors was not immediately avail- appeared in a Dolly Parton their troubles. There is a place for
The next year, he began receiv- Upon a Time in America= (1984) 2002 to 2006 in <Everwood= on able. Christmas special. that, I think, particularly right
ing small film roles until his and <Smooth Talk= (1985), but the WB network. He played a In a 2022 interview with Ver- <If you9ve done those roles now in this world.=

george Winston, 74 <Woods= and <Moon= 4 became a sons were entertainment,= he

surprise hit and established said, recalling how he jumped

Nature was New Age pianist9s muse Windham Hill as a pillar of New
Age music. Mr. Winston followed
with seasonal-themed compan-
into piles of leaves in the fall and
made snow angels in the winter
drifts. In 2004 he released the
ion collections, <Winter into album <Montana 4 A Love Story.=
BY B RIAN M URPHY musical current that gained force everybody9s got their own path. I Spring= and <December,= both re- He attended Stetson University
in 1980s. The New Age sound 4 wouldn9t want to sit around and leased in 1982. in DeLand, Fla., but left before
George Winston, a pianist and an ethereal and mood-heavy listen to me all day.= He continued with <Summer= finishing his degree. In 1996 he
composer whose unadorned mel- genre that brought up associa- He scoffed, too, at notions that (1991) and 19949s <Forest,= which released <Linus and Lucy: The
odies sought to evoke seasonal tions with meditation and spir- his work was embedded with a won a Grammy Award for the best Music of Vince Guaraldi,= a trib-
rhythms of nature and became a ituality 4 had emerged from the spiritual dimension. <I just play New Age recording. ute to the jazz pianist behind the
signature style of New Age music West Coast and moved into wider the songs the best I can, inspired His last album, <Night,= was soundtracks to the <Peanuts= car-
in the 1980s with popular albums audiences through musicians by the seasons and the topogra- released in 2022 and includes toon specials, and he paid hom-
such as <Autumn= and <Decem- such as Greek composer Yanni phies and regions & and try to interpretations of Leonard Co- age to the Doors with <Night
ber,= died June 4 in Williamsport, and Irish singer-songwriter Enya. improve as a player over time,= he hen9s <Hallelujah,= and other piec- Divides the Day= in 2002.
Pa. He was 74. Mr. Winston was quickly em- wrote on his website. es by songwriter and singer Laura At concerts, he would some-
His death was confirmed by his braced by the New Age music The evolution of what Mr. Win- Nyro and pianist Allen Toussaint. times surprise audiences by play-
publicist, Jesse Cutler. Mr. Win- scene. ston called his <rural sensibility= The album also showcased his ing the guitar or harmonica. (In
ston had various forms of cancer Music reviewers often found began with music far removed deep interest in Hawaii9s slack- 2012 he released <George Win-
and underwent a bone-marrow Mr. Winston 4 and New Age from prairies and woodlands. He key guitar, a musical tradition he ston: Harmonica Solos.=) At New
transplant a decade ago for a music in general 4 a choice tar- had abandoned piano lessons as a 2004 photo by REEd SAxon/Ap promoted on his Dancing Cat York9s Avery Fisher Hall in 1987,
blood-related disorder. He lived get, however. <The stuff is strictly teenager and then came across George Winston9s 1994 album Records label. he invited audience members to
in the San Francisco area and was nonstick, audio Teflon,= wrote the pulsating organ and keyboard <Forest= won a Grammy Award <The night has many colors, come onstage to dance to one of
staying in Williamsport near his New York Times music critic Jon style of the Doors9 Ray Manzarek for best New Age recording. they9re just more subtle,= he said Guaraldi9s pieces from 19659s <A
tour manager. Pareles in a 1987 essay on New in 1967. <I had to start playing in reference to the album9s title. Charlie Brown Christmas.=
Mr. Winston released more Age music. After the release of Mr. organ,= Mr. Winston said. can tuned drum.= <And I am nocturnal.= Survivors include a sister.
than 15 albums 4 selling more Winston9s 1999 album <Plains,= He studied recordings of jazz His debut album in 1973, <Pi- Mr. Winston9s musical image
than 15 million copies 4 over a Mike Joyce, writing in The Wash- organists such as Jimmy Smith. ano Solos= (rereleased in 1981 as 8Seasons were entertainment9 was serene. But he described an
five-decade career of mainly in- ington Post, described Mr. Win- He went back to piano to dive into <Ballads and Blues=), was a collec- George Otis Winston III was after-concert bash in Warsaw as
strumental compositions he ston as a specialist in <sleepy the stride and boogie-woogie tion of folk-inspired pieces with born in Hart, Mich., on Feb. 11, one of his best nights. He chan-
called <folk piano,= containing el- tempos and for fashioning ar- verve of masters including Fats guitarist John Fahey. In 1980, Mr. 1949, and was raised in Mississip- neled his New Orleans idol, Pro-
ements of jazz and blues that rangements that iron out nearly Waller and Professor Longhair Winston signed with Windham pi, Florida and Montana. His fa- fessor Longhair.
were pared down into looping all harmonic wrinkles.= (Roy Byrd). In stride playing, the Hill Records, one of the first ther was a geologist, and his <It was my greatest musical
melodies and tumbling arpeg- Mr. Winston acknowledged left hand moves between bass labels to build a wide-ranging mother was an executive secre- experience,= Mr. Winston told
gios. His inspiration remained that his uncomplicated approach and chords while the right hand roster of New Age artists. By this tary. Downbeat magazine in 1986.
rooted in the natural world, try- left him open to criticism. <One plays the improvisation. time, he had developed his style He said his affinity for nature <The wilder they got, the wilder I
ing to convey the shifting seasons person9s punk rock is another <My approach is entirely North of sparse melodies played in the began as a boy in eastern Mon- got. Every time I thought, 8What
or moments such as a moonlit person9s singing 8Om9 or playing American, rather than Euro- stride piano tradition. tana, where the family home had do I do next?9 I fell back to
night or waves on a beach. harp,= he told the Santa Cruz pean,= Mr. Winston said, <and I His album <Autumn= (1980) 4 no television reception and could Professor Longhair. It worked ev-
His music also became part of a Sentinel in 1982. <It9s all valid 4 treat the piano as an Afro-Ameri- with tracks including <Sea,= get one radio station. <The sea- ery time. I9m glad I was ready.=

William e. spriggs, 68 Child poverty spikes.= tration.

William Edward Spriggs was He once said his most trea-

Economist highlighted race born in Washington on April 8,

1955, and grew up mostly in
Norfolk. His father was a fighter
sured possession comes from
that period: a letter from Sen.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
in a ûght against inequities pilot with the Tuskegee Airmen,
the all-Black World War II unit,
thanking him for working on the
minimum-wage increase in 1995,
and later became a physics pro- with Kennedy9s signature on the
BY S TEVEN G REENHOUSE who challenged the field9s basic fessor at what is now Norfolk copy of the Senate roll call vote.
assumptions about racial dis- State University, a historically From 1998 to 2004, he was
Spurred by the murder of crimination in labor markets, pay Black school. His mother was a executive director of the National
George Floyd by Minneapolis po- equity, and worker empower- schoolteacher. Urban League9s Institute for Op-
lice in May 2020, economist Wil- ment. His work inspired count- Dr. Spriggs graduated in 1977 portunity and Equality. In 2005,
liam E. Spriggs wrote an open less economists, some of whom with a bachelor9s degree in eco- he became chairman of Howard9s
letter to his peers castigating work for our Administration, to nomics and political science from economics department and, from
them for making too many as- join him in the pursuit of eco- Williams College in Massachu- 2009 to 2012, he served as assis-
sumptions to explain racial dis- nomic justice.= setts. He received a doctorate in tant secretary of labor for policy
parities in America9s economy. Dr. Spriggs often seemed like a economics from the University of under President Barack Obama.
Dr. Spriggs, an economics pro- whirlwind and contradictory fig- Wisconsin in 1984; a fellow grad- He then returned to Howard.
fessor at Howard University and ure. He was a serious academic uate student, Lawrence Mishel, As a mentor, especially to
chief economist for the AFL-CIO and a committed political activ- said Dr. Spriggs was the only Black men and women, Dr.
labor federation, noted that far ist. He told African American African American among roughly Spriggs often gave inspirational
too many economists assume groups that they needed to care John LochER/Ap 150 graduate students in eco- talks about the influence eco-
<that African Americans are infe- more about struggling workers, William E. Spriggs, seen in 2014, was a professor at Howard nomics at the time. nomics can have to change the
rior until proven otherwise.= and told unions they should do University and chief economist for the AFL-CIO labor federation. Dr. Spriggs did an unusual world. Valerie Wilson, director of
He rebuked many economists more to fight for racial justice. amount of fieldwork for his dis- the Economic Policy Institute9s
for ignoring systemic issues and <Bill insisted that the labor of nonprofit groups and think the annual summer gathering of sertation on the accumulation of Program on Race, Ethnicity and
refusing to accept that racial movement understand that eco- tanks, including the National Ur- the nation9s central bankers. He wealth by African Americans in the Economy, said she was think-
discrimination, and not differ- nomic and racial justice could ban League and the Economic later told friends that he talked Virginia between 1900 and 1914. ing of dropping out of economics
ences in skill or ability, often not be separated,= said Damon Policy Institute. He also juggled there with Fed Chair Janet L. He visited courthouses across the graduate school but changed her
fueled inequities in jobless rates Silvers, the AFL-CIO9s former pol- demanding roles as AFL-CIO Yellen and presidents of regional state to track down land and mind because Dr. Spriggs in-
and wages for Black Americans. icy director and now senior advis- chief economist and professor at central banks, and then walked family records. Early in his ca- spired her when they worked
As evidence, he noted that <the er. Howard, running from teaching outside to speak with left-of-cen- reer, he taught economics at the together at the National Urban
unemployment rate for Black as- Dr. Spriggs conducted studies classes to testifying before Con- ter Fed Up Campaign activists historically Black institution League.
sociate degree holders is so often about the higher unemployment gress to speaking to Federal Re- who were protesting against cen- North Carolina A&T State Uni- <For Bill, as accomplished as
at the level of White high school rate for Black workers and how serve officials. tral bank rate increases, saying versity and at Norfolk State. he was, it was never about his
dropouts, and their pay is barely the failure to raise the federal <He did all this stuff for his higher rates would increase un- In 1985, he married Jennifer own accomplishments. It was al-
equal to that of White male high minimum wage has dispropor- students, while still being the employment and hurt workers. Dover. Survivors include his wife ways about preparing the next
school graduates.= tionally hurt workers of color. voice of labor unions and work- A supporter of full employ- and a son, William T. Spriggs, generation to carry things for-
Dr. Spriggs, who was widely <People forget what Black ers,= said Omari Swinton, chair- ment, Dr. Spriggs frequently op- both of Great Falls, Va.; and two ward,= Wilson said. <When I
known for his fervor in fighting means,= he said in 2020. <It9s a man of Howard9s economic de- posed the Fed9s efforts to raise sisters. worked with him, he used to tell
for racial and economic justice, category created to make a set of partment. <He advocated for interest rates to slow the econo- Dr. Spriggs took a hiatus from me that I was his retirement
died June 6 at a hospital in people who we could legally dis- Black people, and he advocated my and boost unemployment in academia to work for the Eco- policy. By that, he meant that he
Reston, Va. He was 68. criminate against. It9s one of the for those who he thought were order to reduce inflation. <There nomic Policy Institute, a Wash- could go into retirement and not
Howard University and the more disturbing things about the not treated fairly, for people who is no period in which the Fed ington-based progressive think worry about what was happening
AFL-CIO announced his death, American economy.= weren9t getting a living wage.= pursued a deflationary policy in tank, from 1990 to 1993. Over the in the field of economics and the
which occurred after a stroke. He worked in the Clinton and Dr. Spriggs bridged the eco- which low-income people won,= next decade, he also was in and fight for racial and economic
In a statement, President Obama administrations as well nomic establishment and the Dr. Spriggs said. <The median out of government posts, includ- justice because he would be com-
Biden called Dr. Spriggs <a tower- as for Congress9s Joint Economic world of activism. He once went income of Black families falls, ing at the Commerce Department fortable knowing there will be
ing figure in his field, a trailblazer Committee and was on the staff to Jackson Hole, Wyo., to attend and it takes years to come back. and the Small Business Adminis- others to carry on his work.=
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE B7


<G= (Age 94)
On June 6, 2023 of Silver Spring, MD. De-
voted wife of the late Edward S. Farr, loving JUNETEENTH
mother of Darby Lemerise (JR), the late Da-
ran Ryan (Daniel), the late Edward S. Farr, Jr.
(Kim), and the late Daryl Widmeyer (Doug);
cherished grandmother of Dawn, Dea-
na, Robby, Danette, Rian, TJ, Corey, Cody, HOURS
Devin, DB, and Dayna; adored great grand-
mother of 17. Mrs. Farr adored her family,
enjoyed playing bridge, going bowling, and
always made the family laugh. Friends may
call at Hines-Rinaldi Funeral Home, 11800
New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD on
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon,
where services will be held directly after
11 a.m. ~ 3 p.m.
vistation. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery,
Brentwood, MD. In lieu of ûowers, memo-
rial contributions may be made to Mont- Photo Deadline:
gomery Hospice Casey House, 6001 Mun-
caster Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20855. Please SHENANDOAH E YOUNG <Shan=
Shenandoah E. Young of Waldorf, MD
view and sign the guestbook at DECEMBER 25, 1939 - JUNE 14, 2012 (Age 76) <Jerry=
www.hinesrinaldifuneralhome.com passed away suddenly on May 27, 2023. We thought of you with Love today, but Robert (Bob) Dennis Coleman of Warren- Linwood Gerald Snellings (Jerry), aged 74,
He was the son of Elaine G. Thomas and that is nothing new. ton passed away unexpectedly in Ireland passed from this earth on June 8, 2023 af-
the late Philander Young. He also leaves to We thought about you yesterday and days on May 26, 2023. The family will receive ter a long illness and a fall. He was born NO EXCEPTIONS
grieve three sons, Shenandoah P., Shaun before that too. friends on Thursday, June 16, 2023 from on July 22, 1948 in Fredericksburg Virginia.
E., And Jovin C., along with other relatives We think of you in silence. 5 to 7 p.m. at Moser Funeral Home, 233 He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Jac-
and friends. Services at Shiloh Baptist
Church, 1500 9th Street, NW, Washing-
We often speak your name.
All we have are memories and your
Broadview Avenue, Warrenton, VA, 20186.
A Mass of Christian burial will follow on
queline Waitts of Annandale Virginia. Also
surviving is his brother, Larry Snellings, of
To place a notice,
ton, DC 20001 on Thursday, June 15, 2023,
viewing at 10 a.m. followed by the service
picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake, which we
Friday, June 16, 2023 at 4 p.m. at St. John
the Evangelist Catholic Church, 271 Win-
Jerry touched many people throughout his
at 11 a.m. will never part.
God has you in his keeping.
chester Street, Warrenton, VA, 20186. On- life as a kind, receptive, witty and caring
friend. He was an avid pool player, who
line condolences may be expressed at
We have you in our hearts. www.moserfuneralhome.com was part of teams that went to the nation- 800-627-1150
We love and miss you very much. al 8-ball championship tournament in Las
Tracie, Stacy, Robert Jennings Vegas four times. As a student of the game, Ext. 4-4122
and your Soul-Mate, he taught many people to play and love the deathnotices@washpost.com
Bobby Smith game of pool.
A memorial get-together will be planned in
July. Online condolences can be made at

DEATH NOTICE When the www.demainefunerals.com


On June 11, 2023 of Rockville, MD passed.
let families BROWN When the DEATH NOTICES
MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Beloved Husband of Marguerite Smith;
dear father of Carol (Juliann) DeOro, Thom-
as (Gail) Smith, Marguerite (Tony) Weldon,
JoAnne (Greg) Doyle, Tara (Joseph) Verch,
ond you in the need arises,
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

To place a notice, call:

and the late Catherine Anne. Loving
grandfather to 17 grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren. Also survived by oth-
Funeral Services let families WILLIAMS
800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
er loving relatives and friends. Thomas was
predeceased by his ûve siblings Martin,
Terrance, David, Kevin, and Noelle, as well
as his parents, Martin and Virginia Smith,
Directory. ond you in the Email and faxes MUST include
name, home address & home phone #
of the responsible billing party.
and his grandson, Thomas Butler Cress.
Thomas was born during a blizzard in
Minneapolis, MN on November 20, 1930. To be seen in the
Funeral Services Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Phone-In deadline
4 p.m. M-F
3 p.m. Sa-Su
He later moved to the DC area to attend
Gonzaga College High School where he
lettered in three varsity sports and was
known as <The Pride of Minneapolis= be-
Funeral Services Directory. CURRENT 2023 RATES:

fore graduating in 1949.

He went on to attend Georgetown Univer-
Directory, please call MONDAY-SATURDAY
Black & White
sity9s School of Foreign Service and was re-
cruited by the Intelligence Community. He
paid Death Notices To be seen in the 1" - $155 (text only)
2" - $355 (text only)
served his country as a special operative in 3" - $505
the Korean War as well as in the Far East. at 202-334-4122. JUANITA BROWN Funeral Services 4" - $555
5" - $700
He further served in Taiwan and Japan and (Age 83)
then returned to California and Nevada.
He spent the rest of his years splitting his
Juanita Brown of Montgomery Village,
MD passed away on May 15, 2023. Lov-
Directory, please call ------
Black & White
time between residences in Potomac and
Ocean City, MD.
ing mother of Eric C. Brown and known to
many as <Momma Brown=, she was a cher- paid Death Notices 1"- $185 (text only)
2" - $390 (text only)
Thomas loved spending time with his chil- ished conûdant of many friends and family. LUCILLE PLEASANTS WILLIAMS
dren and grandchildren and was a huge fan She will truly be missed. at 202-334-4122. (Age 103)
3" - $560
4" - $590
of the Baltimore Orioles and the Washing- Funeral Services will be at 12 p.m. on June Departed on Sunday, May 28, 2023. Daugh- 5" - $765
ton Redskins. He lived his life following Ro- 17, 2023, at Poplar Grove Baptist Church, ter of William and Annie Brown. Sister of
man Catholic ideals with a dry, Irish sense 14625 Jones Lane, Darnestown, MD 20878. Evelyn Jefferson, Doris Henson, William 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
of humor that kept everyone around him Repass will be held immediately after at Brown, Creed Brown, and Douglass Brown,
$155 each additional inch Mon - Sat
amused and made the world9s best crab Congressional Country Club, 8500 River Rd, $185 each additional inch Sunday
all of whom preceded her in death. Widow --------------------
cake. Bethesda, MD 20817. of Joseph E. Pleasants and Melvin Williams.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered MONDAY-SATURDAY
Mother of Michael, Carl, Mark (deceased), Color
at St. Raphael9s Catholic Church, 1513 Dun- Clarke Pleasants, Jo-Ann Taylor and Jan
ster Rd., Rockville, MD on Friday, June 16,
2023, at 12:30 p.m. Interment to follow to
DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE Morgan-Farmer. Lucille is survived by sons
3" - $650
4" - $700
and daughters-in-law, in addition to a host 5" - $855
All Souls Cemetery. Please view and sign of nieces, nephews, grandchildren and ------
online family guestbook at
www.pumphreyfuneralhome.com FIELDSON great-grandchildren. Viewing 10 a.m., Ser- SUNDAY
DEATH NOTICE vice 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 17, 2023 at
Plymouth Congregational United Church of
3" - $685
Fieldson and Christine (Amin) Ashrafzadeh Christ, 5301 North Capitol St. NE, Washing- 4" - $785
and eight grandsons, Michael (Kim) and 5" - $955
MILLER Daniel (Lena) DeFilippo, Armand, Cameron
and Aram Ashrafzadeh, Samuel, Joshua and
ton, DC. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery.
Arrangements by McGUIRE. 6"+ for ALL color notices
www.mcguire-services.com $260 each additional inch Mon - Sat
William Fieldson, sister Armineh Koundakji-
es Committee, specializing in energy policy, an and sisters-in-law Nadya Carapetian and $290 each additional inch Sunday
as well as environmental, Native American Maxine Fieldson as well as many nieces and
and youth employment issues. It was in this Notices with photos begin at 3"
nephews. While small in stature, she was (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
role that he met and worked alongside Con-
gressman Norman Dicks (D-WA) and formed
a life-long friendship.
strong in spirit, once described as an iconic
force of nature with a great sense of style.
Sometimes affectionately called Hurricane
After his career in the Senate, Denny and his
wife launched a successful government-re-
lations consulting ûrm, Denny Miller Asso-
Helen, she had a strong will and sense of
determination. Helen worked at Southern
Maryland Hospital in the lab for many years
need arises, MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque
ciates, based in Washington, D.C., where
he served as President and CEO for over
30 years. His Firm9s services included leg-
until hip surgery forced her retirement. She
was a voracious reader, lover of languages, let families Additional plaques start at $26 each
and may be ordered.
islative strategies and planning, consulting,
and public affairs in defense and aerospace,
transportation, natural resources, interna-
opera fan and world traveler. She was most
proud of her children and their families. Her
Armenian heritage, culture and faith were
ond you in the All Paid Death Notices
appear on our website through
tional trade, education, health care, Native
American issues, and technology. HELEN CARAPETIAN FIELDSON
very important to her and an integral part of
her identity. Shy in a group, but charming in
one on one conversation, she touched many
Funeral Services www.legacy.com

Denny served on the Board of Directors for
the Washington Tennis & Education Foun-
dation, Long Live the Kings, the Council of
Helen Carapetian Fieldson passed away
on May 31, 2023 at the age of 87 with her
family by her side. She was born on her
lives over her decades amongst us. Calling
hours will be at Huntt Funeral Home, 3035
Old Washington Road, Waldorf, MD on Fri-
Directory. Included in all death notices
Optional for In Memoriams
Advisors for Forterra (formerly the Cascade father9s birthday in Tehran, Iran. She came day, June 16, 4 to 7 p.m. Funeral service will
Denny Marvin Miller, 83, of Bigfork, MT and
Land Conservancy), and was a member
of the National Leadership Council for the
to the United States for a joint program at be held on Saturday, June 17 at 11 a.m. at
Soorp Khatch Armenian Apostolic Church,
To be seen in the PLEASE NOTE:
Flora MacDonald College in Red Springs,
Indian Wells, CA passed away peacefully
with his family by his side on June 4, 2023.
Communities in Schools.
Denny loved his family deeply and is sur-
North Carolina and graduated with a BS in 4906 Flint Drive, Bethesda, MD. Burial will
follow immediately at St. Thomas Church
Funeral Services Notices must be placed via phone or
email. Photos must be emailed. You can
Medical Technology from Medical College
Denny remained an incredibly sharp and
charismatic man through his ûnal months,
vived by his loving wife of 38 years, Sandra
Burgess Miller. Denny is also survived by his
of Virginia in Richmond. That is where she Cemetery, 14300 St. Thomas Church Rd. Up-
per Marlboro, Maryland 20772. Donations in
Directory, please call no longer place notices, drop off photos
and make payment in person.
met her husband, Thomas L Fieldson, MD.
with his innate quest for knowledge and sto-
rytelling abilities intact. His humor, warmth,
ûrst wife, Judy L. Miller, their three children,
eight grandchildren and one great-grand-
They were married until his death in No- lieu of ûowers can be made to the American
Cancer Society, P.O. Box 6704 Hagerstown,
paid Death Notices at Payment must be made via phone with
debit/credit card.
vember 2013. She was also predeceased
positivity, gregariousness, and love of the
outdoors will never be forgotten.
child: daughter, Linda Diane Cahill (Vince
Cahill) of Maui, HI; son, Steven Denny Miller
by her parents, Sarkiss (Sam) and Tigranuhi
(Tina) Carapetian and her brother Armen
MD 21741 or the Armenian Relief Society of
Eastern US, 80 Bigelow Ave. Suite 200, Wa-
Denny was born August 1, 1939, in Seattle, (Leslie Miller) of Mooresville, NC; daughter, Carapetian. She is survived by her children tertown, MA 02472.
WA, the son of Elizabeth Eleanor and William Kristin Miller Burdette (Wesley Burdette) Stephanie (James) DeFilippo, Gregory (Sara)
Marvin Miller. His younger years were spent of Nashville, TN. He is also survived by his
playing baseball, ûshing, and working vari- brother, Richard Bruce Miller of Plains, MT.
ous jobs in his community. Denny graduated Denny will always be remembered for be-
from Grant High School in Portland, OR and ing a devoted son, brother, husband, father,
then earned a Bachelor of Science in natural grandfather, and friend. He was a huge
resources management from Oregon State sports fan, ûsherman, golfer, history buff,
University; a Master of Public Administration
from the University of Washington; and a
reader, and nature lover, and found great
joy in helping others. With all he did in life,
and a M.S. in Nuclear Engineering in 1964.
He started his nuclear engineering career in
Master of Science in water pollution biology personally and professionally, he lived by 1959 at Allis-Chalmers. In 1966 he formed
from the University of Washington. the motto <Press on. Nothing in the world Utility Associates International with two sure the success of each event showcased
Denny began his career by proudly serving can take the place of persistence and de- associates which was acquired by Control his passion for the arts and entertainment.
as an ofûcer in the U.S. Army at Fort Riley, termination.= Data Corp. in 1973. In 1986 Don and his two Through his work, Richard connected art-
Kansas. He then served on the personal A Celebration of Life will take place in Big- associates founded Utility Resources Asso- ists with audiences, creating unforgettable
staff of the late Senator Henry M. <Scoop= fork, MT the Saturday of Columbus Day ciates. Don enjoyed golûng, following the moments that brought joy and inspiration to
Jackson (D-WA) for 16 years, the last seven weekend (October 7th) and his remains will Maryland Terrapins and spending time in the countless individuals.
years as his chief of staff. He assisted Sena- be spread in his beloved trout pond where Outer Banks, but most of all he loved being Richard9s military service and his subse-
tor Jackson in his positions as Chairman of he shared his joy of ûyûshing with his fam- with his family. He is survived by his ador- quent endeavors in the entertainment in-
the Energy and Natural Resources Commit- ily and friends. Memorial contributions may ing wife of 68 years, Barbara T. Lampe, his dustry exempliûed his commitment to serv-
tee, ranking member of the Armed Services be made to Long Live the Kings in Seattle, three children John A. Lampe, Jessica Parker ing others and bringing people together. His
Committee, and senior member of the Gov- WA in support of his life-long passion for (Frank) and Alicia Gilbert; six beloved grand- generosity of spirit and his passion for cre-
ernmental Affairs and Intelligence Commit- environmental conservation in the Paciûc children, Nikki Parker Bracamontes (Daniel), ating meaningful connections were evident
tees. Denny also was a professional staff Northwest. Matthew Gilbert (Taylor), Julia Parker Carl- in every aspect of his life.
member of the Energy and Natural Resourc- ton (Hunter), Alexander, Chase and Grant Beyond his professional pursuits, Richard
Lampe; and his four great grandchildren, was a loving husband, a devoted father, and
Daniel and Samantha Bracamontes and Eliz- a cherished friend. His warm and charismat-
abeth and James Carlton. He was preceded ic personality drew people towards him, and
in death by his parents Alfred and Dorothy
Lampe and his great grandson, John Hunter
his genuine care and support touched the
lives of many. Richard9s infectious laugh-
Donald Alfred Lampe <Don= passed away Carlton. A visitation will be held at. St. Jane ter and uplifting spirit brought joy to those
its School of Medicine. He also served as a peacefully on June 10, 2023 in Silver Spring, Frances de Chantal Catholic Church, 9801 around him, and he will be remembered for
Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Medical MD. Don was born on June 11, 1933 in New- Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD 20814 RICHARD MICHAEL GRAVES his unwavering kindness and compassion.
School for many years. ark, NJ and grew up in Glen Rock, NJ. He on Friday, June 16 from 10 a.m., until time of April 23, 1942 - May 15, 2023 In his leisure time, Richard enjoyed spending
Dr. Ryan, in the early 19709s, founded, in con- graduated from the University of Maryland mass at 11 a.m. Interment will be at Gate of It is with profound sadness that we an- quality moments with loved ones, engaging
junction with the Arlington County Board, with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1955 Heaven Cemetery. nounce the passing of Richard Graves, aged in friendly competition on the sports ûeld,
the ûrst Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 81 on May 15, 2023. He leaves behind a leg- and continuing to explore the ever-evolving
program for Arlington County, VA. It was the acy of love, kindness, and cherished mem- world of entertainment. His enthusiasm for
ûrst such program on the East Coast. He ories that will forever be treasured by his life was contagious, and his ability to bring
was also a pioneer in pre-hospital coronary
care and received from the Arlington County SOKOL family and friends.
Dick, affectionately known as such, was
people together will be forever cherished.
The loss of Richard Graves is immeasurable,
Medical Society the Welburn Award for mak- widely regarded as one of the kindest indi- and he will be deeply missed. He will forever
ing a major contribution to the health care ELEANOR MARSHA SOKOL viduals you could ever meet. His warm and remain in the hearts and minds of his loved
of the Arlington community. He practiced On June 11, 2023, Eleanor Mar- positions and was President of the CBS genuine nature was a rarity in today9s world, ones. As we grieve this tremendous loss, let
Internal Medicine in Arlington for 40 years sha Sokol (nee Spiegel) peace- Sisterhood followed by President of the In- and he effortlessly forged connections and us also celebrate his life and the profound
and also was elected by his fellow private fully passed away at home in tracontinental Region for Women9s League friendships wherever he went. He had a impact he made on each of us.
practitioners as Chief of the Medical Staff at Washington, DC with her hus- of Conservative Judaism. After that role she zest for life and a love for various sports. He A multi-generational Washington, DC native,
Virginia Hospital Center, formerly Arlington band of 48 years, Louis Sokol. was a Vice President for the national WLCJ enjoyed engaging in activities that kept him he is predeceased by his beloved wife, An-
Hospital. Throughout his career, he was ded- She was 70. She is the daugh- organization. Eleanor was truly an Eshet active and challenged. Pickleball, football, drea <Jenks= Graves, his brother Ed Frank-
icated to the care of his patients and served ter of Arthur and Florence Spiegel both of Chayil, a Woman of Valor. racquetball, golf and tennis were among lin and sister-in-law Betsy Franklin and his
as an expert mentor to medical students blessed memory of New York City. She is his favorite hobbies, and he embraced the parents, Ralph and Mary (Bollman) Graves.
and to beginning medical practitioners. survived by her sister, Carol Spiegel of New Eleanor was widely known for her amazing camaraderie and competitiveness that He is survived by sons Mike (Jodie), Matt
ROBERT F. RYAN Upon retiring in 2005, he spent time be- York; and her son, Jacob Sokol of Washing- grace and dignity while affected by Crohn9s came with each sport. Richard9s passion for (Shannon) and Andy; grandchildren Caro-
(Age 87) tween his homes in the Washington, DC ton, DC and his wife Rachel. She is the loving Disease, Myasthenia Gravis, kidney failure athletics extended beyond the recreational line, Colin, Jack, Gabby, Keagan and Rylan;
Robert F. Ryan, M.D. died peacefully at home area and Aventura, Florida, where he en- grandmother of two grandchildren, Max and and other maladies over the last ûve years. level; he often encouraged others to lead additional granddaughters Emily, Mozelle
in Arlington, VA on Monday, June 12, 2023. joyed family and friends, playing golf, and, Ezra Sokol. Eleanor attended Franklin K. Lane She always had a positive demeanor and active lifestyles and appreciated the values and Kiera, brother Bill Graves (Maureen),
He was born in Washington, DC on August in South Florida, the beaches and cultural High School and Queens College, CUNY in was a favorite of her medical team led by Dr. of teamwork and discipline that sports in- aunt Ruth Graves, along with several nieces
30, 1935. diversity of the area. New York City. Jean Beaton. Her home health caregiver over stilled. and nephews.
Dr. Ryan was predeceased by his parents, The visitation will be held from 3:30 p.m. the last year was Monique Thompson with During the Vietnam War era, Richard made A <Celebration of Life= event will be taking
Anna Mulvihill Ryan and John J. Ryan, Sr., his until 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at Her professional life was as a computer Senior Helpers who provided friendship and the brave decision to enlist in the Air Force, place on Saturday, June 17 from 11:30 a.m.
brother John (Jack) J. Ryan, Jr., and his sister Murphy Funeral Home, 4510 Wilson Blvd., programmer analyst, where she worked professional care for her. serving his country with honor and dedica- to 1:30 p.m. at Kenwood Country Club, 5601
Ann C. Ryan. He was a life-long member of Arlington, VA. A Mass of Christian Burial with distinction for New York Life Insurance, tion. He embarked on his military journey by River Road in Bethesda, MD. The family kind-
St. Matthew9s Cathedral in Washington, DC. will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June American Express, Holiday Inns, chemical Contributions in lieu of ûowers are suggest- moving to Texas for basic training, where ly requests that donations be made to the
He served on the altar for ten years and 15, 2023 at St. Matthew9s Cathedral, 1725 companies and S&B Engineers and Construc- ed to the National Kidney Foundation (kid- he acquired the skills and knowledge nec- Alzheimer9s Association in memory of Rich-
later was a member of the Parish Council. Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, DC with tors in New York City, Phoenix, Memphis and ney.org) and to the Myasthenia Gravis Foun- essary for his service. Richard was then ard Graves. Instructions for donations can
Surviving are his friend and companion of 55 the interment to follow at Columbia Gar- Houston. Eleanor won many professional dation of America (myasthenia.org). Services stationed in Colorado Springs, where he be found at https://act.alz.org
years, Stuart B. Bedell, his sister-in-law Fay dens Cemetery, 3411 Arlington Blvd., Arling- awards including the ûrst SABER award from are entrusted to Sagel Bloomûeld Danzansky discovered his talent for booking entertain- <Those we love don9t go away, they walk
C. Ryan, and many nieces and nephews. ton, VA. S&B granted to a non-engineer. Goldberg Funeral Care. Burial was held at ment at local clubs. beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but
Dr. Ryan was born in Washington, DC. and Memorial contributions may be made to the Beth Israel Cemetery in Woodbridge, NJ next Richard9s keen eye for talent and his knack always near; still loved, still missed, and very
was a graduate of St. John9s College High Virginia Hospital Center Foundation or to an Eleanor was self-taught in Hebrew and to her beloved mother. for organizing captivating performances dear.=
School. and Georgetown University, both organization of one9s choice. chanted Torah for Congregation Brith Sha- www.sagelbloomûeld.com quickly became evident. His ability to curate May he ûnd eternal peace, and may we ûnd
the University9s undergraduate college and www.murphyfuneralhomes.com lom in Bellaire, Texas. Eleanor held many memorable experiences for patrons and en- solace in the memories we shared with him.

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B8 EZ RE The washingTon posT . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

The Weather
washingTonposT.com/weaTher . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher . facebook.com/capiTalweaTher

Mild temperatures, possible rain Today |ursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday OFFICIAL REC ORD
T-storm Partly sunny T-storm Mostly sunny Partly sunny T-storm
Partly sunny skies could become Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

mostly cloudy at times late morning

into afternoon. Scattered showers or
even a thundershower are possible,
with highs in the upper 70s to low
80s. Winds from the southwest will pick up
toward 10 to 15 mph, with gusts of 20 to 25 mph
at times. Precipitation totals are expected to be
light, but locally heavier downpours are possible.
79° 61 ° 84° 64 ° 81° 62 ° 83° 62 ° 85° 66 ° 82° 66 °

FEELS*: 78° FEELS: 87° FEELS: 87° FEELS: 85° FEELS: 88° FEELS: 86°
CHNCE PRECIP: 40% P: 0% P: 80% P: 15% P: 20% P: 55%
WIND: WSW 8316 mph W: NW 7314 mph W: NW 7314 mph W: NW 7314 mph W: NNE 6312 mph W: ESE 438 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Low H: High
F Sa Su M Tu W | F Sa Su M Tu W | F
Statistics through 5 p.m. Tuesday

REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 83° 3:02 p.m. 81° 5:00 p.m. 83° 2:16 p.m.
Low 61° 6:00 a.m. 52° 5:00 a.m. 57° 5:23 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
77/62 Normal 85°/67° 83°/61° 84°/62°
77/58 Record high 96° 1954 95° 2017 97° 2017
Hagerstown Record low 51° 1887 43° 1980 51° 1985
80/58 Dover Diference from 303yr. avg. (National): this month: 31.4° yr. to date: +3.1°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
60/47 79/61 78/64
79/58 OCEAN: 68°

Charlottesville Ocean City

80/58 79/60
OCEAN: 68°
85/61 Virginia Beach
86/68 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 70°
87/68 Past 24 hours 0.20" 0.00" 0.08"
Total this month 0.23" 0.09" 0.14"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 1.74" 1.91" 1.77"
OCEAN: 64° Total this year 10.45" 10.07" 10.16"
Normal 17.87" 19.15" 19.00"
Pollen: High Air Quality: Good
Grass High Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees Moderate
Weeds Low UV: High Moon Phases Solar system
Mold High 6 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 5:42 a.m. 8:35 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, clouds, breaks of sun. Windy; a stray Moon 3:10 a.m. 5:21 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front June 18 June 26 July 3 July 9
thundershower in northern parts this avernoon. High 61 Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 9:10 a.m. 11:34 p.m.
to 65. Winds west3southwest 20330 mph. Tonight, clear High: Cotulla, TX 107° High: Dayyer, Iran 120° Mars 9:44 a.m. 11:50 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<310 30s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Angel Fire, NM 27° Low: Uspallata, Argentina 12° Jupiter 3:10 a.m. 4:39 p.m.
to partly cloudy. Low 51 to 55. Winds west3northwest 7314 for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 12:47 a.m. 11:45 a.m.
mph. |ursday, partly sunny.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 87/63/s 89/65/pc Oklahoma City 82/63/pc 89/69/s WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 103/74/c 94/72/pc Rio de Janeiro 77/68/pc 79/72/pc
Atlantic beaches: Today, partly sunny; partly sunny, then Detroit 76/57/pc 74/55/sh Omaha 89/63/s 90/65/pc Addis Ababa 71/55/sh 73/56/sh Istanbul 78/65/sh 81/67/s Riyadh 107/82/s 111/86/s
turning cloudy in the south. High 79 to 87. Winds south3 Albany, NY 74/58/r 79/56/sh El Paso 96/73/s 98/71/s Orlando 95/75/t 93/74/pc Amsterdam 79/60/pc 78/55/pc Jerusalem 81/62/s 78/60/s Rome 75/64/t 81/62/t
southwest 8316 mph. Tonight, clear to partly cloudy. Low 60 Albuquerque 87/59/s 88/60/pc Fairbanks, AK 62/43/c 70/51/pc Philadelphia 77/62/t 81/64/pc Athens 81/68/s 81/68/s Johannesburg 65/43/s 66/41/s San Salvador 87/70/t 86/70/t
to 68. Winds west3southwest 6312 mph. |ursday, partly Anchorage 60/46/c 56/46/r Fargo, ND 87/61/pc 88/61/pc Phoenix 99/75/s 100/77/pc Auckland 58/42/s 57/50/pc Kabul 88/66/s 88/62/s Santiago 66/33/pc 68/38/s
sunny. High 77 to 82. Atlanta 79/66/t 81/67/t Hartford, CT 78/59/t 78/59/pc Pittsburgh 70/49/c 75/57/pc Baghdad 104/82/pc 105/82/pc Kingston, Jam. 89/81/t 89/81/t Sarajevo 71/57/t 64/55/r
Austin 97/75/pc 98/76/pc Honolulu 87/77/sh 88/76/sh Portland, ME 70/56/sh 70/55/c Bangkok 92/81/t 93/81/r Kolkata 104/85/pc 102/87/s Seoul 81/62/t 81/64/s
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, mostly cloudy. Wind Baltimore 80/58/pc 85/61/pc Houston 97/78/pc 99/79/pc Portland, OR 70/52/pc 77/55/pc Beijing 97/69/s 98/70/s Kyiv 74/60/c 79/61/pc Shanghai 86/69/t 93/71/c
west3southwest 7314 knots. Waves 133 feet. Visibility unrestricted. Billings, MT 74/51/t 70/52/pc Indianapolis 77/60/pc 85/62/pc Providence, RI 77/57/t 76/61/pc Berlin 73/56/t 74/55/pc Lagos 86/76/sh 83/75/sh Singapore 87/79/t 88/79/t
" Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny. Wind Birmingham 81/67/t 82/69/t Jackson, MS 88/71/t 86/71/t Raleigh, NC 88/63/pc 88/64/pc Bogota 67/52/t 64/51/t Lima 73/66/pc 73/66/s Stockholm 79/48/pc 79/49/pc
southwest 10320 knots. Waves 132 feet on the Lower Potomac; 133 Bismarck, ND 89/60/s 78/59/t Jacksonville, FL 92/75/t 90/71/t Reno, NV 84/56/s 80/55/c Brussels 81/55/pc 80/55/pc Lisbon 79/61/s 90/66/pc Sydney 66/47/s 66/47/pc
Boise 74/47/pc 77/52/s Kansas City, MO 85/62/s 88/66/pc Richmond 85/61/pc 85/60/pc Buenos Aires 55/45/s 56/48/s London 84/55/s 82/56/t Taipei City 86/73/r 85/75/r
feet on the Chesapeake Bay." River Stages: |e stage at Little Falls
Boston 74/59/t 76/62/pc Las Vegas 95/77/s 94/72/s Sacramento 85/56/s 87/59/s Cairo 93/72/s 92/72/s Madrid 82/61/pc 88/64/s Tehran 99/79/s 99/77/s
will be around 2.80 feet today, with no change of 2.80 |ursday. Buffalo 63/55/r 71/56/c Little Rock 86/69/t 88/70/s St. Louis 87/67/pc 91/68/s Manila 93/80/t 91/79/t Tokyo 76/70/r 76/68/r
Caracas 78/65/t 77/64/t
Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 74/59/sh 77/59/sh Los Angeles 72/59/pc 70/59/pc St. Thomas, VI 89/81/pc 91/81/pc Copenhagen 75/55/s 73/59/pc Mexico City 89/60/s 90/60/s Toronto 68/53/t 72/55/sh
Charleston, SC 85/69/t 86/67/t Louisville 82/65/pc 88/66/s Salt Lake City 77/57/c 73/54/t Dakar 85/76/pc 85/77/pc Montreal 75/60/sh 76/60/sh Vienna 71/51/pc 75/55/pc
Charleston, WV 74/54/sh 80/61/c Memphis 83/69/t 89/70/s San Diego 69/62/pc 71/63/pc Dublin 69/49/s 69/52/pc Moscow 75/53/s 80/59/s Warsaw 66/54/t 71/54/t
Today9s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 84/62/t 87/64/s Miami 93/80/t 94/78/s San Francisco 70/57/pc 71/58/pc Edinburgh 74/48/s 70/51/pc Mumbai 92/83/t 92/83/t
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 12:03 a.m. 5:45 a.m. 12:57 p.m. 6:14 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 71/49/t 68/47/t Milwaukee 71/60/pc 72/54/pc San Juan, PR 92/80/pc 94/78/c Frankfurt 78/57/pc 80/55/pc Nairobi 79/59/pc 77/59/c sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow ûurries,
Chicago 76/59/pc 80/55/pc Minneapolis 90/65/pc 84/59/s Seattle 68/49/c 72/52/pc New Delhi 106/85/pc 103/86/s sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 3:23 a.m. 9:49 a.m. 2:57 p.m. 9:03 p.m. Geneva 80/55/s 80/55/s
Cincinnati 75/59/sh 81/62/pc Nashville 84/64/t 87/65/pc Spokane, WA 64/50/t 73/53/s Oslo 85/59/pc 89/62/pc Sources: AccuWeather.com; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 5:07 a.m. 11:14 a.m. 5:43 p.m. none Ham., Bermuda 82/74/pc 82/75/t Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 71/55/pc 73/57/t New Orleans 94/80/pc 95/77/pc Syracuse 65/56/r 76/55/c Helsinki 79/50/pc 83/54/pc Ottawa 66/55/sh 78/56/sh quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 1:24 a.m. 7:18 a.m. 1:13 p.m. 7:50 p.m. Dallas 88/72/pc 95/76/s New York City 75/60/t 80/64/pc Tampa 93/81/pc 92/82/pc Ho Chi Minh City 93/78/t 94/78/t Paris 86/58/s 85/59/pc * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 6:02 a.m. 10:59 a.m. 5:05 p.m. 11:54 p.m. Denver 78/54/t 70/52/t Norfolk 87/68/pc 82/65/s Wichita 78/59/t 87/63/s Hong Kong 86/78/r 85/79/t Prague 69/49/t 71/51/t measure of how the conditions really <feel.=

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Style wednesday, june 14 , 2023 EZ RE C

Outside Miami courthouse, Trump supporters vehemently stand by their man

BY J ESÚS R ODRÍGUEZ block under a buckeye tree out- eyes, they were part of the Muel- that means they can do it to commit if they wanted to 4 though not the <5,000 to 50,000=
side the federal courthouse in ler-Page-strzok-Clinton-Biden anybody,= Ecenarro said the next signifies not just a political police were expecting 4 the
MIAMI 4 Lazaro Ecenarro be- downtown Miami, a sand- cabal. But the indictment had to morning, around 8 a.m. <obvi- threat to Trump but also a per- message seemed to have seeped
lieves Donald Trump is guilty of colored Jansport backpack at his do with corruption and corpora- ously,= he noted warily, <they sonal threat to his supporters. through.
something. But it has nothing to feet, a neon-green hospital tions and following the money, have sinister intentions.= Mo- <In the end, they9re not coming <Do you have millions of dol-
do with the Espionage Act. bracelet on his right wrist, an eye he said, and he was certain ments later, he was escorted with after me,= he said in a speech lars to hire the lawyers he got?
<In a way, I blame him for patch from recent surgery for a Trump9s alleged crimes were a throng of journalists into the following his indictment last no? so they can bring any charg-
being in this mess,= said Ecenar- blown-out cornea over his left <fabricated.= so he had arrived a courthouse. week. <They9re coming after es against you,= said Louis Medi-
ro, a Miami native in his late 40s. eye. Trump9s old attorneys gener- full 24 hours before Trump9s It9s a rhetorical nail that you.= na, a retired Miami native who
<When you appoint two corrupt al were gone from the Justice appearance in federal court here Trump and his supporters have Among the hundreds who was clutching a bullhorn in a
attorney generals 4 Bill Barr and Department well before Trump Tuesday, to line up for a chance hammered for a while: that the showed up to support Trump in wheelchair, covering his legs
Jeff sessions 4 well, you create left office 4 let alone took sensi- to watch the proceedings in per- prosecution of the former presi- the 90-degree heat 4 enough to with a Trump flag, around
your own demise.= tive government documents to son, to see the process play out. dent 4 for alleged acts that make their presence felt in the 10 a.m.
He was sitting on a granite Mar-a-Lago 4 but in Ecenarro9s <If they can do it to him, then average citizens couldn9t even plaza around the courthouse, sEE trump on C3

Book WorLd


Henry David Thoreau9s moth-

er, it is often said, did his laundry.
The continued attraction of this
old chestnut 4 debunked by Re-
becca solnit and Laura Dassow
Walls, among
others 4 is that
it undermines
Thoreau9s sup-
posed claim to
manly self-
reliance on
Walden Pond.
of course, Tho-
reau is less fa-
mous for living
henry aT in a shack than
Work for writing a
Thoreau on thoughtful and
Making a Living funny book
By John Kaag about doing so,
and Jonathan and many
van Belle readers value
Princeton <Walden= for
University Press. its account not
232 pp. $27.95 of independ-
ence but of in-
terconnectedness. Even so, a
shameful whiff of idleness clings
to the writer. Wasn9t he a hypo-
crite? Wasn9t he a freeloader?
<Henry at Work: Thoreau on tannER gallagHER

Making a Living,= by scholars

John Kaag and Jonathan van

A platinum lightning rod

Belle, offers an impassioned and
often successful defense of Tho-
reau as a diligent worker (pencil
maker, teacher, surveyor, editor,
writer, bespoke tiny-home manu-
facturer and bean-field tiller).
More important, it presents him Morgan Wallen dominates the charts like few others, but his postponed tour has enraged fans
as a philosopher whose thinking
on the topic of work has much to
teach our <Great Resignation= BY E MILY Y AHR ing equivalents. (It was bumped to no. 2 last
age. They argue that Thoreau week by swift9s <Midnights.=) Before that, his
helps us to see, for example, a his spring, one superstar has sold out 2021 album <Dangerous= was no. 1 on the
mismatch between <the tides and
seasons of our energies= and the
rigidity of the office clock; to find
the pleasure and meaning of
manual labor; to know when and
T stadiums and broken records with the
no. 1 album in the country for 12
consecutive weeks, in addition to hav-
ing two simultaneous Top 10 singles 4 and it9s
not Taylor swift or Beyoncé.
year-end Billboard 200 chart, and only
dropped to no. 3 overall in 2022. His songs
consume TikTok, and his latest smash, <Last
night,= has been no. 1 on Billboard9s Hot 100
for 10 weeks and is his first single to cross over
why to quit. The authors9 desire That would be Morgan Wallen, the 30-year- into the Top 10 on pop airplay. By every metric,
to make Thoreau speak to 21st- old country singer-songwriter who has, over he is one of the most dominant forces in
century working life is admira- the past 21/2 years, become one of music9s American music right now.
ble. But this approach also leads top-selling and most-streamed artists. His But he has also become something of a
to some puzzling blind spots 4 36-song album released in March, <one Thing cultural Rorschach test ever since TMZ pub-
2022 PHoto By matt WInKElmEyER/
testament, perhaps, to what truly at a Time,= just sat atop the Billboard 200 for gEtty ImagES foR IHEaRtRaDIo
lished a video in February 2021 that showed
hard labor it is to think beyond almost three months, the longest consecutive him yelling the n-word to a friend outside his
the structures and ideas that streak since the <Titanic= soundtrack in 1998, Wallen played to packed houses house. Wallen, whose outburst came less than
reinforce the modern work ethic. and has reached 3.5 million in U.s. album in Sydney, top, before his tour a year after the killing of George Floyd and the
<Henry at Work= addresses it- sales, inclusive of digital song sale and stream- hit a snag in the united States. sEE WAllen on C2
self to a general audience and
proceeds <anecdotally and per-
sonally= through 10 chapters or-
ganized around keywords includ-
sEE booK World on C8

On 8Shark Tank,9 not all of the business deals go swimmingly

BY H ERB S CRIBNER er who won Krause9s signature.
They hugged and smiled. Krause
Aaron Krause, chief executive gleefully walked offstage, later
of the sponge company scrub telling the cameras it was a
Daddy, has not wiped away one <dream come true.=
second of his 90-minute <shark soon after, aspects of the
Tank= pitch from his memory. In agreement changed, Krause said,
2012, he stood under the televi- without disclosing specifics. But
sion show9s stage lights, sweating he was clear that the deal he had
as he prepared to fire off his made on TV wasn9t what he had
business plan after months and ended up with. scrub Daddy is
months of phone calls and audi- now a <shark Tank= success story,
tions. earning $670 million in retail
He spoke to the reality TV sales over the past 10 years,
CaroLyn hax
program9s investors, or sharks, Krause said in an interview on
Parents are worried that about his business, seeking the show.
boyfriend9s family will $100,000 in exchange for 10 Winning on <shark Tank,=
percent of his company. He which was renewed for its 15th
swamp their daughter by dipped sponges in water. He season in May, can appear like an
being <very involved.= C8 scrubbed down hard-to-clean example of the American Dream:
surfaces. He cleaned sauce off a Walk on with a business pitch,
8WheeL oF ForTune9 counter. leave with hundreds of thou-
Krause9s rapid-fire presenta- sands of dollars and a business
Pat Sajak and co-host tion sparked a bidding war be- partner worth millions. (or, in
Vanna White have had tween investor Kevin <Mr. Won- shark Mark Cuban9s case, bil-
a memorable run, but it derful= o9Leary, Fubu founder lions).
Daymond John and <Queen of But the show9s winners don9t CRaIg SJoDIn/DISnEy gEnERal EntERtaInmEnt ContEnt/gEtty ImagES
almost didn9t happen. C3
QVC= Lori Greiner. It was Grein- sEE 8ShArK tAnK9 on C2 Aaron Krause, right, pitched Scrub daddy on <Shark tank.= the company is one of the success stories.
C2 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Controversies aren9t hurting Wallen on the country charts

WAllen from C1 son, and that he has seen the
singer take accountability, have
protests for racial equality that conversations with people who
took over the country in its after- reach out to him, and give far
math, faced a swift but short- more money to charity than the
lived corporate reprimand when public knows.
he was briefly dropped from ra- <He doesn9t talk about this
dio playlists and suspended by his stuff because he9s not doing it so
record label. The video barely he can redeem his image in the
caused a blip in his popularity, public eye. That9s who he is as a
though; his legion of devoted fans person,= Jones said. <I9m a firm
see him as someone who has believer that people only know
atoned, or think the incident was what you tell them. & Well, he
overblown in the first place and doesn9t care about that. All he
he has been unfairly maligned cares about is being his authentic
because of his fame. others see self and helping as many people
his surging popularity afterward as he can.=
as another way that the majority- Jones, who is mixed race, has
White country music industry heard the skepticism, and he
tried to memory-hole an incident knows some think it9s a Pr move
in which one of its biggest stars when they see him sitting next to
casually used the slur. Wallen at the ACm Awards. <I9ve
Wallen, with his catalogue never gotten a check from mor-
filled with upbeat, party-ready gan, I9ve never gotten a check
drinking songs about life in a from his label,= Jones said. <I9m
small town, was never supposed his friend.=
to be a lightning rod. Yet his Ultimately, country music fans
polarizing reputation combined are the ones who have been keep-
with massive sales means that he ing Wallen as a regular presence
now makes more headlines than at the top of the charts 4 which
ever, and the extreme reaction to despite his controversial history,
him by fans and detractors only isn9t surprising, said r.J. Curtis,
amplifies each news cycle. The executive director of the Country
pattern has continued recently radio Broadcasters, who worked
because of the events surround- in radio for 30 years. (<Last
ing his current world tour. Night= has a multiweek No. 1
In late April, on the fifth date reign on the country airplay
on the U.S. leg of the tour that was charts, with Wallen9s next single,
scheduled to take him to sold-out album title track <one Thing at a
TAnneR gAllAgHeR
stadiums across the country Time,= also in the Top 10.) Even
through the summer and fall, before the 2021 racial slur, Wallen
Wallen enraged fans packed into ABOVe: Morgan Wallen, right, performs with fellow singer- was the subject of controversy. In
the Vaught-Hemingway Stadium songwriter Hardy in March during a tour stop in Australia. 2020, he was arrested and ac-
in oxford, miss., when he RIGHT: Wallen has been cleared to resume his tour on June 22. cused of public intoxication and
scrapped a planned appearance disorderly conduct, and then sev-
mere moments before he was set said. <morgan is a hard-working The next day, the security com- eral months later he was disinvit-
to take the stage. A statement on guy, and he didn9t want to let his pany released a statement saying ed from SNL.
the stadium9s giant screens said fans, team or touring family the employee9s claims were un- Ever since the outlaw country
Wallen <lost his voice and is un- down, so he figured he9d just true. This was reposted on Insta- days, many listeners in the format
able to perform.= Two weeks later, change up his entrance and pow- gram by Seth England, Wallen9s have been <enchanted= by male
Wallen posted an Instagram vid- er through.= manager and head of his record stars who misbehave, Curtis said.
eo and explained that doctors at In milwaukee, Wallen also told label Big Loud, who added the He9s noticed that the new crop of
the Vanderbilt Voice Center in his agent that <his voice was worker <made up an entire story singers starting to emerge with
Nashville diagnosed him with vo- feeling rough, which we now that was nowhere close to true. radio hits are more unpolished,
cal fold trauma and told him to go know was vocal fold trauma,= Every detail was false,= and post- <rough-edged= singer-songwrit-
on vocal rest, which meant post- Neal said. <And his doctors also ed a Pinocchio emoji. ers, such as Zach Bryan and Har-
poning six more weeks of shows. thought it could have been relat- <morgan gives so much of him- dy, with Wallen leading the
<They told me that if I do this ed to the strain of the lat injury 4 self to his art and his fans, so to charge. And it9s connecting with
the right way, I9ll get back to 100 because one major thing out of see headlines and comments au- the fans who sell out arenas and
percent. And they also said that if balance can affect things you tomatically recasting him as a stadiums, where they see him as a
I don9t listen and I keep singing, have no idea it will affect.= But bad guy while perpetuating false relatable peer.
then I9ll permanently damage my Wallen didn9t let on about how rumors with no factual basis has mATT WInkelmeyeR/geTTy ImAges foR IHeARTRAdIo <It9s beyond someone singing
voice,= Wallen said. bad he felt until four shows later been particularly tough to see,= songs and people listening,= Cur-
Wallen offered few details on April 22 in oxford, after his Neal said. The tone of infantilization Calif.-based entrepreneur who tis said, noting that Wallen9s
about what happened, and ru- first of two concerts at the ole Wallen postponed the next around Wallen in general has has become one of Wallen9s close crowds seem to treat the concerts
mors ran wild. Now, members of miss football stadium, Neal said. week of shows, and after resum- irritated some in the industry, friends and fiercest defenders, with religious reverence. <It9s an
Wallen9s inner circle look to clari- Wallen made it through Satur- ing the tour for a weekend in where one criticism is that Wallen posted several Instagram stories experience.=
fy by speaking about events lead- day9s concert, but the worst-case florida, told fans that he was hasn9t outwardly shown growth to his 36,000 followers that Curtis said the impulse among
ing up to the postponement. scenario happened the following officially on doctor-ordered vocal or reflection. (When he was disin- slammed rumors that questioned many in Nashville, himself in-
The issues started in march in night. rest to repair his voice (and men- vited and then reinvited to <Sat- whether Wallen was really on cluded, is to root for Wallen,
Australia where Wallen kicked off In an Instagram apology the tioned the lat injury), and would urday Night Live= in late 2020 vocal rest, including date- especially because he9s breaking
the one Night at a Time Tour with next day, Wallen said he truly be postponing and rescheduling after violating covid safety proto- stamped text messages that into the mainstream and bring-
multiple sold-out arena shows, thought he would be able to push six weeks of concerts. Wallen cols, Wallen, age 27 at the time, showed Wallen had been strug- ing so much success to the genre.
Austin Neal, Wallen9s agent and through up until showtime. <I posted on Instagram last week said, <I think I have some growing gling with throat pain since be- But in conversations with people
co-head of the Neal Agency, said don9t think anyone really under- that doctors have cleared him to up to do.=) After an apology state- fore the U.S. leg of the tour start- in town, he said, he9s heard some
via email; according to Billboard, stands how big of a weight that is sing again; he9s scheduled to re- ment in february 2021, Wallen sat ed. wonder about Wallen9s tendency
the tour is on track to become the for any artist to have to make that sume the tour June 22 at Wrigley for a <Good morning America= <When you see things being to self-sabotage and his ability to
highest-grossing country tour of decision as in his case, just his field in Chicago. interview with michael Strahan a written about your friends 4 handle the pressure of fame, and
all time. While abroad, Neal said, touring footprint alone is roughly few months later where he said he that9s like my little brother, that he needs to <get out of his
Wallen tore his lat (the latissimus 150 people, 250 if you include hough Wallen9s fans decried was <ignorant= in his use of the right?= Jones said in an interview, own way.=
dorsi, a muscle in your back that
connects to arm movements). By
the time he returned stateside, he
opening acts and their personnel,
too,= Neal said. <He thinks a lot
about the fans, the folks that rely
T the attempts to <cancel=
him in 2021, the plain truth
is that he was never canceled:
slur and said he used in a <play-
ful= way to friends after a <72-
hour bender,= and then spent 30
adding that he <snapped= when
he read so much online specula-
tion. <really in my heart, I know
Although <there9s going to be a
mark on him for a long time= after
the TmZ video, Curtis said, it
was flying coast-to-coast to re- on him for a living and the ripple Within a few months, he was back days in rehab. But much of the this dude. And watching him put could ultimately become a foot-
ceive treatment while band re- effects from any major decision.= on the radio, and he has had discourse afterward focused on up with some of the stuff he has to note as his profile grows and he
hearsals started. The night before In the moment, fans were con- multiple No. 1 hits since and won how Wallen stumbled over a put up with, I just don9t think it9s learns from his mistakes: <It feels
the first U.S. show in milwaukee fused and then furious. Clips of trophies at award shows. If any- question about whether country fair.= too big to fail.=
on April 14, Wallen was in re- the somewhat dramatic scene thing, his short timeout only music had a race problem, and Jones met Wallen in 2021 after That is the goal of Wallen9s
hearsals at the venue. While prac- started going around the inter- made the appetite for his music then <liked= tweets that said the the TmZ video published, writing team as they try to refocus the
ticing his entrance at American net, especially when one attendee more pronounced. Influential segment was unfairly edited. He on Instagram that Kid rock intro- narrative on Wallen9s present
family field 4 he was supposed posted a viral TikTok of a security country stars from Luke Bryan to has rarely publicly addressed the duced the two after an <unfortu- rather than his past 4 and the
to pop out from underneath the worker at the venue who claimed miranda Lambert have rallied incident since. nate incident.= (Jones wrote in the singer9s devotees are eager to do
stage 4 he was pushed out too that actually, Wallen was too around him. <We9re very lucky to These criticisms frustrate Wal- caption that when Kid rock says the same.
fast and reinjured his lat when he drunk to go onstage and had to be have him in country music,= Eric len9s collaborators who are aware you have a problem, <then you <Low refund rates and high
landed the wrong way. carted away in an ambulance. Church said in September when of the air of skepticism that fol- know something ain9t right.=) But streaming numbers,= Neal said
<He was in so much pain and Given Wallen9s (well-earned and introducing him during the tele- lows the singer, and who say that Jones added that Wallen was <tru- when asked about the feedback
was torn because he needed time often-proud) reputation as a par- vised ACm Honors, saying he had behind the scenes, he has worked ly remorseful.= He says now that Wallen has been receiving during
to heal but he also had shows to tyer, social media seized on this seen Wallen <mature as an artist= to educate and improve himself. Wallen told him his goal was to be his vocal rest. <morgan Wallen
put on for huge crowds,= Neal rumor and ran with it. and <mature as a man.= J.J. Jones, a South orange County, a role model for his preschooler fans support him.=

Business deals made on 8Shark Tank9 sometimes sink before they can swim
8SHARk TAnk9 from C1 offer. If they do, then it9s all <Each shark does things their Instagram post from John, who
smiles. own way,= Cuban said. compared making an offer on
always end up with the rewards And that9s where the real fun Not all relationships between <Shark Tank= to shopping for a
that they expect, and agreements begins, Cuban told The Washing- sharks and business owners go house: You see a house, you
with the sharks can fall through ton Post. (ABC declined to com- swimmingly. o9Leary reportedly check it out, you put a bid on it.
after the cameras turn off. ment. Sony and mGm, which backed out of his agreement with But then you do some appraisals
<The exposure is just like a also handle production on the Vladislav Smolyanskyy of Pin- and reports to find out the true
launching pad,= Krause said. <It show, did not immediately re- block, a Lego competitor, which value.
could get you tossed right off the spond to requests for comment.) sent the company into a down- Leaving a shark investor un-
boat, or it could launch you to the once the two sides agree on an ward spiral, because it had been convinced can lead to success,
moon. It9s kind of how you deal offer, two things happen in the preparing to meet demand with too. The creators of ring, the
with it.= studio, Cuban said. Presenters o9Leary9s investment in mind, security system and camera com-
relationships with sharks can will first meet with a studio forbes reported. pany, pitched their business idea
sour, as recently seen with Al psychologist, who talks to them Then there9s Baker9s situation on <Shark Tank= under the name
<Bubba= Baker 4 a former con- about their experience on the with John. The barbecue restau- Doorbot in 2013. The sharks
testant and the founder of Bubba show. The details of those ses- rant owner9s daughter, Brittani, turned the company down. The
Q9s Boneless Baby Back ribs in sions are withheld from the in- has been sharing details of the exposure brought success years
ohio 4 who alleges that he had a vestors, Cuban said. business partnership on social later, leading to ring founder
<nightmare= business relation- Each shark then has a <busi- media, claiming that John and Jamie Siminoff appearing on the
ship with John, the fubu found- ness person= talk to the winners his team made misleading state- show as a shark five years later.
er. Baker9s family has criticized about next steps, which include a ments to take over the business, Siminoff declined to comment
John over social media, leading due diligence report that will according to the Los Angeles for this article.
to the <Shark Tank= investor look at the company9s books and Times. rob merlino, writer of the
issuing a restraining order and <make sure all they said in their Zach rosenfield, a spokesper- frequently updated Shark Tank
filing a lawsuit against them. pitch is actually true,= Cuban son for John, said Baker9s actions Blog, has seen his fair share of
on each episode, business said. After the final agreement is Mark Cuban, left, shakes hands with Ice Cream Canteen founder have tried <to undermine a busi- <Shark Tank= episodes. He has
owners propose a deal of what inked, investors will begin hav- Jordan Stern. <each shark does things their own way,= Cuban said. ness partnership and the legal chatted with winners, losers and
they9re seeking from the sharks, ing phone calls and meetings, as parameters they agreed to four shark investors about their suc-
and the sharks bite back with an with any other investment part- Sharks may step away from <embellish or leave out material years ago.= cesses and failures before and
offer of their own. Some inves- nership, Cuban said. partnerships, too. A forbes sur- information= during their pitch- <Their belief that they can after they appeared on televi-
tors want more stakes and Agreements can fall through vey of 112 former contestants on es, he added. unwind poor business decisions sion.
shares, while others want to offer once the stage lights dim. Some the show revealed that about half Cuban tries not to change his through slanderous social media Sometimes, the sharks make
loans or credit instead of cash. contestants will back away be- of the deals offered in Seasons 8 deals unless something in the posts and articles will no longer out like bandits. other times,
o9Leary notoriously requests cause they wanted to use the through 13 fell through. Sharks due diligence reports comes up, be tolerated,= he added. winners blow the money, or they
royalties in his deals. Sharks will show as a commercial opportu- often break away after finding such as the amount of debt rosenfield said it is <impor- walk away with millions.
most often have a final offer, and nity, Cuban said, adding that something wrong during the due uncovered after the fact, which tant to understand why a deal <It9s just like life. It9s all over
the business owner(s) will have those business pitches probably diligence phase, Cuban said. changes the value and economics might change after what you see the place,= he said. <Some deals
to decide whether to accept the won9t air on television. About one-third of companies of a business, he said. on the show= and pointed to an go great. Some blow up.=
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post ez re C3

Trump9s talking points reverberate outside courthouse

TRuMP from C1 scribed philosopher said. <I be-
lieve in our democratic process.
<They9re coming for you next!= And I believe in the independ-
bellowed Laura Loomer, the far- ence of our institutions.=
right activist, to a group of A day earlier, outside the near-
people encircling her just before by Trump National Doral resort,
noon. one of them, a woman in a Chancy Blumenfrucht, a 59-
denim hat with bedazzled year-old Jewish woman from
<TrUmP= letters, nodded vigor- Brooklyn, and her son took a
ously. break from their vacation to
madeleine munilla, a 68-year- show their support for Trump,
old retiree and property manag- along with 50 or so others.
er, migrated to miami from Blumenfrucht rejected revenge
Cuba. She9s trying to open Ameri- fantasies about destroying the
cans9 eyes to <what happened in anti-Trumpers. But she was wor-
Cuba and Nicaragua and Ven- ried about what a successful
ezuela.= Could the feds come prosecution of the former presi-
after her? What do voters keep in dent would mean.
their closets? <If Trump ends up going to
<They could come. Not be- jail,= she said, <I don9t even know
cause of that, because I don9t what would happen. I don9t even
have any classified documents. 4 it would be a civil 4 I don9t
But they can come for my free- even know, with the crazy people
dom of speech.= Such as claiming out there.=
there9s only <two sexes,= which on Tuesday, if his supporters
she does freely say. were not going to get revenge, or
As the sun neared its peak, the retribution, they were at least
crowd swelled. They were here going to repeat their well-trod
for Trump, as he came home refrains. The crowd 4 which
from his summer residence in included a multitude of Latinos
New Jersey to face federal charg- and <Blacks for Trump= 4 parad-
es related to his retention of ed around talking to their com-
sensitive government docu- rades about the system and how
ments at his club in Palm Beach. the country was really going
ron DeSantis, they hate. mike down now. They surrounded the
Pence, they hate. mexican American journalist
They were, however, willing to Jorge ramos, who frequently
pay a little attention to a clean- challenged Trump while he was
shaven man named Vivek ra- in office, and chanted: <Traitor!
maswamy. Traitor!=
PhoToS by ThomAS SImoneTTI for The wAShInGTon PoST
ramaswamy 4 who, like The Proud Boys, whose lead-
Trump, is running for the repub- ers were convicted of seditious
lican nomination for president 4 ABOVE: Joe Compono of Fort conspiracy this year in connec-
showed up in a white <TrUTH= Lauderdale, Fla., shows his tion to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot,
hat to reiterate his pledge to support for the former seemed to have stayed away. A
pardon Trump if he9s convicted president before his court bomb squad officer swept the
(and ramaswamy beats him and appearance in Miami. RIGHT: plaza, wearing a patch that read:
wins the White House). He chal- Osmany Estrada holds a <SToP SCrEAmING - I9m
lenged the rest of the republican severed pig head aloft. <I9m so SCArED Too.=
and Democratic field to do the happy,= Estrada said. <We are While Trump was speaking,
same. living through history.= his supporters massed behind a
The cameras huddled around phalanx of law enforcement offi-
ramaswamy, whose voice was cers. They chanted, <WE WANT
inaudible to much of the crowd. hopped from tent to tent of TrUmP!= and <LATINoS for
<WE ArE NoT A DEmoCrA- conservative networks, speaking TrUmP!= After Trump pleaded
CY,= brayed a man in a black in a calm, even tone, the way a not guilty, his motorcade
T-shirt a few feet behind the former TV anchor would. whizzed off to Versailles, a land-
cameras as his news conference osmany Estrada, 40, wrapped mark of the Cuban community
began. <Can we say that louder? in an American flag and a Cuban here.
WE ArE NoT A DEmoCrACY.= flag, was one of the people who In the middle of the crowd, a
<You9re not getting elected. came because he was glad to see short woman from Port Char-
move on,= a young guy in a the legal system working. He had lotte, fla., named mirmila Jitta
light-gray blazer and a red hat long, flowing curls, and he was holding a sign that said,
told ramaswamy, then proceed- gripped a wooden stick, pacing <TrUmP YoU ArE NoT ABoVE
ed to hit his orange vape. all day. Atop it was the yellowing, THE LAW.= <Indict Biden!=
francis Suarez, the republi- severed head of a pig with a mini someone yells.
can mayor of miami who has American flag sticking from its <They don9t even know Biden
been teasing a possible presiden- mouth. A fly fluttered above its had nothing to do with the
tial run himself, was berated by eye. indictment,= Jitta said. It was a
the crowd and was called a <I9m so happy. We are living grand jury, she said. <from
<swamp monster.= Kari Lake through history,= the self-de- florida.=

Host Pat Sajak and Vanna White9s turn at the wheel almost didn9t happen
BY T IMOTHY B ELLA in a run that has spanned 40 ington Post in 1986 that he liked later used in Playboy. White
seasons, thousands of episodes <Pat9s whimsical antics.= moved to Los Angeles in 1980
When <Wheel of fortune= and hundreds of millions of dol- <He had great charm. And he with $1,000 to her name, she told
came back from a commercial lars in cash and prizes during its was always playing practical <CBS Sunday morning= in 2020.
break, Pat Sajak believed he was time on network television. fans jokes,= Griffin told the New York When White was initially
saying goodbye to the daytime are celebrating the duo and the Times magazine in 1988. <In Cali- picked by Griffin, she was one of
fans who made him bigger than syndicated show after Sajak an- fornia, how many cold fronts three women rotating as Sajak9s
he ever could have imagined. The nounced monday that the up- from Canada can we have? I co-host. Early on, Sajak did not
former local weatherman, hand- coming 41st season of <Wheel of remember once he came on with recommend White to be his per-
picked from obscurity to host the fortune= would be his last. a bandage over his right eye. manent co-host.
game show against the wishes of <It9s been a wonderful ride, and After a break, the bandage was <Vanna knows this,= Sajak told
network executives, had already I9ll have more to say in the over the left eye. Pat never said a CBS in 2020. <Not that she wasn9t
become a household name. coming months,= he tweeted. word, just kept doing the weath- lovely and wonderful and person-
As Sajak was leaving to host a <many thanks to you all.= er.= able and all that. But she was the
late-night show in early 1989, he Sajak was honored in 2019 by But when he presented the most nervous, by far, of any of
said the hardest part would be Guinness World records as hav- idea of Sajak taking over the show them.=
not working as much with Vanna ing the longest career as a game- to NBC executives, Griffin re- Although she had watched the
White, a former model who was show host for the same program. called in his book that he got the show for years, White recalled
not Sajak9s initial co-host choice White was also honored by Guin- same answer: find someone else. years later how she had a hard
but whose style and smile ness World records in 2013 as <No problem,= Griffin recount- time speaking or walking because
launched her to superstardom. To <most frequent clapper= after she ed saying to the executives. <I9ll of her nerves.
show how much he was going to was estimated to have clapped just stop taping 8Wheel of for- <I was probably the most ner-
miss his on-air partner, Sajak had roughly 3.5 million times during tune9 until Pat Sajak is the host.= vous because I wanted this job so
a plan for how he wanted to her run on <Wheel of fortune= to NBC relented, and Sajak took badly,= she told the Television
spend the last 15 seconds of the that point. over for Woolery in December Academy foundation. <. . . I
program: He wanted to kiss But before Sajak and White, 1981. thought, 8oh, I have blown this.9=
White. there were Chuck Woolery and <Please do not adjust your sets Those nerves went away, and
<Come here, baby,= Sajak said, Susan Stafford. at home. Chuck Woolery has not audiences took to her, Griffin
leaning in as White smiled and After <Jeopardy!,= the popular shrunk,= Sajak said in his first remembered in one of his last TV
laughed at the camera before quiz show created by Griffin, saw episode. <. . . I9ve been fortunate interviews, according to You-
kissing him through more laugh- its daytime version of the show enough to wander onto the set of Tube9s Pioneers of Television.
ter. end in early 1975, the network a very successful program.= <[reporters] said to me, 8Well,
The 12-second smooch was picked up another one of his There was a noticeable adjust- why did you hire her?9 I thought,
only interrupted when merv Grif- shows, <Wheel of fortune,= to ment period for Sajak, who had 8Well, that9s a dumb question,9=
fin, the television mogul who take its place. used his humor to his advantage Griffin said. <. . . I said, 8She knew
risked his career putting the pair <Both Chuck and Susie did a in previous stops on Armed forc- the whole alphabet.9=
together, tapped Sajak on the fine job, and 8Wheel9 did well es radio in Vietnam and KNBC in White soon became a house-
shoulder to humorously ask, enough on NBC, although it nev- Los Angeles. It was Sajak9s first hold name, with parents naming
<What9s been going on here?= er approached the kind of ratings week at <Wheel of fortune= when their daughters after her. Sajak
Sajak and White wiped their lips, success that 8Jeopardy!9 achieved a teen contestant was about to once told The Post that <this
and Griffin thanked Sajak for in its heyday,= Griffin said in solve a puzzle that obviously country is going to be full of
saying it was <a pretty courageous <merv: making the Good Life spelled out <Abraham Lincoln.= ASTrId STAwIArz/GeTTy ImAGeS Vannas.= In her first appearance,
move= for the executive to fight Last,= an autobiography from the So when the contestant blurted Pat Sajak, pictured with Vanna White in 2007, announced Monday Sajak remarked how the show
for him after NBC initially did not 2000s co-written by David Bend- out that the puzzle was not the that the upcoming season of <Wheel of Fortune= will be his last. had picked the best hostess possi-
want Sajak anywhere near the er. 16th president of the United ble, giving White the endorse-
show. The show, however, was about States but <Abraham Bincoln,= The show would see more Sajak, it didn9t take Griffin long to ment she did not initially receive
<I had no idea you were here,= to change. A contract dispute led Sajak explained to the studio change in 1982, when Stafford pick out whom he liked. in private.
Sajak said, still surprised by the Woolery to leave <Wheel of for- audience that Bincoln <was the left <Wheel of fortune= and the <I walked in and just went, 8Her <I am very excited and happy to
kiss and Griffin9s presence. He tune= in 1981 to go make <Love guy famous for doing the Bettys- entertainment business to be- 4 get me some tape of her be part of 8Wheel of fortune,9= she
then joked, <I wouldn9t have said Connection.= Griffin already had burg Address.= come a humanitarian worker. As talking,9= Griffin said. <And it was told Sajak.
those nice things.= an idea of who he wanted in there <She just freaked or some- Griffin returned to his desk, he Vanna.= Sajak jokingly replied, <This is
Sajak eventually returned to 4 and all he had to do was flip to thing. And I know she9s been in saw a stack of 8-by-10 glossy White was a little-known mod- a family you will soon grow to
<Wheel of fortune= on a full-time Sajak9s weather report on KNBC trauma care since,= Sajak told the photos of 200 candidates apply- el who had competed in a miss know and love 4 except for a
basis after <The Pat Sajak Show= in Los Angeles. Times. <I think I made things ing to take Stafford9s place to turn Georgia USA pageant in 1978 and couple of the uncles we won9t talk
flopped and reunited with White Griffin recalled to The Wash- worse. But I was new.= the letters on the board. As with posed for some photos that were about.=

Retropolis Stories of the past, rediscovered.

c4 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

6/14/23 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
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Matt MIller/aBC A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam I Survived I Survived CourtCam CourtCam
the Wonder Years (aBC at 9) In the premiere of Season 2, Dean (elisha AMC Movie: Pitch Perfect +++ (2012) Movie: Pitch Perfect 2 ++ (2015)
Williams, pictured) and Bill experience a new kind of life in New York City. Animal Planet River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters
BET Celebrity Family Feud Celebrity Family Feud Tyler Perry's Sistas Zatima First Tyler Perry's Sistas
nancy Drew (CW at 8) Nancy and the most solid evidence to date. Bravo Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Vanderpump Rules Project Runway (SP) Housewives
ace work together to break the Cartoon NetworkKing/Hill King/Hill King/Hill King/Hill Burgers Burgers American American American Rick
curse; Carson and Jean grow closer, preMieres CNN E. B. OutFront (Live) Cooper 360 (Live) CNN Primetime (Live) CNN Tonight (Live) CNN Tonight (Live)
but a recent conversation leaves the Big D (e! and USa at 10:01) Comedy Central Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld South Park
Carson feeling weary; Jesse and Hosted by JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Discovery Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (:10) Ghost Adventures (:10) Mysteries of
Birdie attempt to teach the school rodgers, this show follows six Disney Kiff Kiff Movie: Alvin & the Chipmunks: Road Chip Hamster& Marvel's Mo Marvel's Mo Raven Raven
bully a lesson. recently divorced couples as they E! Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Temptation Island (SP) The Big D (P) (:05) E! News (:35) Sex-City
head to Costa rica to get a new ESPN MLB Baseball (Live) MLB Baseball (Live)
the real Housewives of Orange ESPN2 Cornhole 2023 ACL Bag Brawl SEC Storied Tigers United 30 for 30 SportsCenter (Live)
county (Bravo at 8) as Gina and chance at love by dating the other
Food Network Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games
emily bond with Jenn, they learn divorcées.
Fox News Jesse Watters (Live) Fox News Tonight (Live) Hannity (Live) The Ingraham Angle (Live) Gutfeld!
more about her complicated the Full Monty (Hulu) the brothers Freeform The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The 700 Club
relationship; Heather readies for return in this spinoff series of the FX Movie Movie: Deadpool 2 +++ (2018) Mayans M.C. (:35) Mayans
her twins to leave for college; 1997 film, in which they navigate Hallmark (6:00) Movie: 27-Hour Day Movie: Sweet Autumn (2020) Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
Shannon and tamra get together the health care, education and Hallmark M&M Movie: Curious Caterer: Dying for Chocolate (2022) Movie: Curious Caterer: Grilling Season (2023) Murder, She Wrote
to resolve their issues; tamra loses employment sectors of Sheffield, HBO (6:00) Movie: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Movie: Avatar: The Way of Water +++ (2022)
what9s left of her composure. South Yorkshire, england. HGTV Houses With History Houses With History Home in a Heartbeat Hunters Hunters Inside Out
History Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (:05) Pawn Stars
Vanderpump rules (Bravo at 9)
special Lifetime Castle Married at First Sight (:05) Castle (:05) Castle
this episode provides a deeper look
How Do You Measure a Year? MASN (4:30) Baseball Nats Xtra MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at Houston Astros (Live) Nats Xtra Sports Stars 2023
into the fallout of the group; never-
(HBO) Filmmaker Jay rosenblatt MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With (Live) Alex Wagner Tonight (Live) The Last Word With (Live) 11th Hour (Live)
before-seen moments are shown,
(<When We Were Bullies=) MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
shining a new light on recent
documents the life of his daughter To Catch
Nat9l Geographic To Catch To Catch a Smuggler Drug Lords: The Takedown To Catch a Smuggler: Peru
revelations; tom and Katie deal with
from ages 2 to 18. (6:30) golf
NBC SportsNet WA Fairways of Life Fairways of Life Fairways of Life WNBA Basketball
divorcing while still living together. Nickelodeon Movie: Hotel Transylvania ++ (2012) Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
it9s always sunny in philadelphia Miniseries NWSN On Balance Cuomo Dan Abrams Live (Live) Banfield Cuomo
(FXX at 10) after experiencing PARMT Two Men Two Men Movie: Open Range +++ (2003) Movie
Our planet ii (Netflix) this four-part
various bad omens, the group Syfy (6:00) Movie: Olympus Has Fallen ++ Movie: The Bourne Legacy +++ (2012) Movie
docuseries, narrated by David
believes that it9s cursed and tries to TBS Big Bang Big Bang All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (Live) The Cube Sheldon Sheldon
attenborough, explores how and TCM (4:45) Movie: Grand Prix Movie: Carl Laemmle (2019) (:45) Movie: Oscar Micheaux: Superhero... (:15) Movie: Burden of Dr...
undo the curse by making amends why animals migrate through visual
to those it has wronged. TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper
storytelling. TNT Lucifer Movie: The Town +++ (2010) Movie: The Accountant ++ (2016)
superstar: aaliyah (aBC at 10) Travel Paranormal Ca Paranormal Ca Paranormal Ca Paranormal Ca Paranormal Ca
Chronicling the life, music and returning
TruTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Movie: Neighbors +++ (2014)
legacy of r&B artist aaliyah. temptation island (e! and USa at TV Land Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:05) King (:40) King
9) Season 5. TV One Cosby Show Cosby Show ATL Homicide ATL Homicide ATL Homicide ATL Homicide
ghost adventures (Discovery at
USA Network (:05) Law & Order: SVU (:05) Law & Order: SVU Temptation Island (SP) The Big D (P) (:05) Law & Order: SVU
10:08) Crew members visit project runway (Bravo at 10)
VH1 (4:00) Movie: Titanic ++++ (1997) Movie: Django Unchained +++ (2012)
California9s Mira loma Detention Season 20.
WNC8 Paid Program Paid Program 7News at 6 Emeril SportsTalk World News WJLA News Memory The National Desk (Live)
Center, where they get some of 4 Olivia McCormack LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated

How can a teen worry As a former anxious and

doubting teenager, I will pass
along my own hard-earned
My advice for you is to
deliberately shorten your view.
For the rest of the summer,
will be moving out of state for
her new job.
The graduation party is now a
wanted their inheritance in
advance to travel. We came up
with different options.

less about the future? wisdom: Life unfolds in fits and

starts, and anxiety doesn9t seem
to change the outcome. Looking
promise yourself not to look
beyond the summer. This
overseas trip is an amazing
dual party. Do we take a going-
away gift for the daughter? If
yes, what is an appropriate gift,
There was not a single person
who thought that this request
would be okay, which you very
back, the only regrets I have are opportunity to live in the and how much should we delicately pointed out. (Too
Dear Amy: I9ll be to be very hard on myself, which those things I was too scared or moment and to form friendships spend? We are already giving delicately!) First, this grandchild
Ask Amy a junior in high makes me feel as if I9m my own anxious to try. and connections. If you don9t $100 to the graduate. should look up the word
Amy school in the fall. worst enemy when it comes Many teens are saddled with a slow down your racing thoughts, 4 Confused Friends <inheritance.= It is something
Dickinson So far, high to this stuff. I9m always worrying very short view of their own you will miss what is right in left upon a person9s passing, not
school has been about things instead of just futures. This is why the teen front of you. Confused: Adults who get job before.
bland. The only relaxing and <being a teenager.= years tend to be experimental, Researching Zen Buddhism as promotions already have their 4 Working It
excitement for me is the fact Other times, I feel as if I9m but aside from the times when practiced in Japan might help party gift: the promotion. If you
that I9m going to Japan on a behind in everything that poor judgment leads to you to comprehend that there is are close to this young woman Working It: First of all, I love
school trip soon. should happen to teenagers. accidents, injury or pregnancy, no purpose in being somewhere and want to celebrate her good hearing that these questions are
I want to attend an out-of- Sometimes, I just want to stop very few decisions you make if all you are doing is thinking of news, then you could give her a shared and discussed. And
state college, because I want to trying, because nothing is going now will change the course of going somewhere else. Write coffee card for a modest amount. although I am seldom accused of
have a fresh start. I want to have right for me. But other times, I the rest of your life. down these three words: Be here (<Your first few brews in your being <too delicate,= I take your
some kind of friend group (I9m want to keep going and try to College is not really the now. new home are on us!=) point!
an introvert), have a boyfriend see what happens. What should experience you see portrayed in Otherwise, I don9t think it is
and attend parties (but I don9t I do? the media. It will definitely Dear Amy: We received an necessary to give the sister amy's column appears seven days a
want to only party in college). I 4 Doubting Everything in Life broaden your choices, but you invitation to a graduation party anything except your sincere week at washingtonpost.com/advice.
have a hard time making will still be yourself, with many for a very deserving young man. expressed delight and Write to askamy@amydickinson.com
decisions, because I9m so Doubting Everything: Let me of the same questions, concerns Suddenly, one week before the excitement about her new or amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
worried that whatever I choose start by assuring you that what and insecurities. That is why it graduation party, we received a adventure. Freeville, N.Y. 13068. ù You can also
will be a bad decision and will you are going through is very is important for you to Facebook invitation to an follow her @askingamy.
affect my future. much within the norm, not only understand that the only person <additional celebration.= The Dear Amy: I had to share with
I tend to dwell on the future for teens, but also for people at locking you into a specific future graduate9s sister accepted a my co-workers the letter from © 2023 by amy Dickinson. Distributed by
rather than the present. I tend every stage of life. is you. promotion at her company and <Grateful Grandchild,= who tribune Content agency.

Award-winning actor Max McLean9s
C.S. Lewis On tour de force performance captures C.S. <Thoroughly
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U.S. Army Concert Band under Washington, DC skies. Free parking
for rain cancellation after 6:30. usarmyband.com

The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: " Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
" Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon " Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon " Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
" Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon " Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon " Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call: Raymond Boyer 202-334-4174 or Robin Wilkerson 202-334-7089
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | guidetoarts@washpost.com 22-0776

applause always sounds better when it roars.

Advertise in The Guide to the Lively Arts! 202-334-7006 | guidetoarts@washpost.com
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Nobody says 8good morning9 when they text me back. Am I being too sensitive?
Dear Miss which I know people don9t like. While she agrees it would be brother-in-law9s home. to attend, without running all not consume a significant
Miss Manners: When Am I too sensitive? I am old unmannerly not to say hello to My husband thinks that I over the state to see family, portion of the total trip time.
Manners texting or school and I just think people are someone to whom you have just should invite his brother and his friends and people we have not Trips favored by one party should
JudIth emailing friends being rude. They can say a little been introduced in a social family to join us for dinner one seen or heard from in decades. be balanced by trips favored by
MartIN, or clients, I often more than <Be there= or setting, she would prefer to night. (They do not know my the other party, or by decisions to
JacobINa start off with something like that. Maybe my dispense with the prelude when friend.) This is a constant The protocol for such visits is to forgo such excursions, and
MartIN aNd <Good morning= expectations are too high and I warning someone about a fast- discussion topic with my make sure the distant relative parties who are not on the trip
NIcholas or <How are you?= won9t expect as much anymore. approaching car. Texts fall husband: When is it proper to will be there when you arrive and have to accept the traveling
Ivor MartIN and end with somewhere in between. visit others when you are wants to see you. Or even knows party9s decision graciously.
<Have a great An excess of sensitivity would nearby? He has suggested we that you are in the area. But what
day.= not be the diagnosis from Miss Dear Miss Manners: My travel as far as five hours away you really want to know is: How New Miss Manners columns are
I always get short, right-to- Manners after you admitted to husband and I travel a fair from the group or place we are far is too far? To that, Miss posted Monday through Saturday on
the-point answers back, like the sarcastic barb. In the hope of amount to see our family and visiting to see other people or to Manners is forced to answer with washingtonpost.com/advice. You can
<Okay,= and they don9t usually preventing the next one, let her friends across the United States visit distant acquaintances. a question of her own: How send questions to Miss Manners at
start with <Good morning= or point out that different methods and to see the sights. I am What is the proper protocol much do you want to see them? missmanners.com. You can also follow
end with <Have a good day.= So of communication carry with traveling with a girlfriend this for this? I just want to visit the When your husband and you her @RealMissManners.
sometimes, I sarcastically reply them different expectations spring, and the trip will put us people we had arranged to see, or disagree, Miss Manners has some
<Good morning to me, too,= about brevity. within an hour and a half of my go to the event we had planned guidelines. The side trips should © 2023 Judith Martin

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG-13) CC: 1:00-5:00-7:00 St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 5243 Buckeystown Pike
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4:40-7:45 Sing (PG) 12:20 (PG-13) 9:40-10:30-1:35-3:55-4:40-
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Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Roundup: No Way Out 20575 East Hampton Plaza
90 7:30
3:30-9:30 2:00-8:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:45-4:00-7:15-10:30 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 9:50- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 11:50-3:00-6:30 Sullivan's Travels (1941) (NR) 7:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 2:35
You Hurt My Feelings (R) CC: 9:20 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 12:30-3:05-7:40-8:20-10:15-11:00 1:00-4:10 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
(PG-13) 12:00-1:00-2:20-4:00-5:30- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 der-Verse (PG) 10:20-10:45-11:10-
The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 12:55- 1:45-4:30-7:30 der-Verse (PG) CC: 1:00-2:45-4:15- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 6:00-8:30-9:00-10:00 der-Verse (PG) 11:30AM
The Blackening Early Access
(PG-13) 10:35-2:30-6:15-9:00 12:20-1:40-2:05-2:30-3:40-5:00-
3D (PG-13) 3:50
3:05-5:30-7:55-10:20 7:30-8:30-10:15 3D (PG-13) XD: 12:50-10:05 (R) 6:00 Mending the Line (R) 2:00-7:30
The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Bad Guys (PG) 11:30AM 7:00-8:20-9:40-10:20
Past Lives (PG-13) CC: 2:20-4:00- 5:15 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Spider-Verse (PG) 12:40-1:20-2:00- (PG-13) 11:40-7:50 Spider-Man: Across the Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
5:00-6:35-9:10-10:10 (PG-13) OC: 5:10 (PG-13) OC: 7:00
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:30-7:00 4:10-5:40-6:40-7:30-8:50-9:50 The Little Mermaid (PG) 3:10-9:40 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Verse (PG) 12:45-2:15-2:45- Medal of Honor Theater - NMMC (PG-13) 11:40-2:10-2:50-4:50-5:20-
Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio 3D (PG-13) CC: 2:15-4:00-8:15 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 12:00- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts der-Verse (PG) CC: 11:30-12:00-1:15- 4:15-5:30-6:00 1890 0 Jefferson Davis Highway 6:10-8:40-9:20
Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 The Blackening Early Access (R) 3:15-6:30-9:30 der-Verse (PG) OC: 5:35 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
(PG-13) 1:40-5:50-9:20 - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) 2:00-3:30-4:30-5:30-7:00-9:00-10:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:05 We, the Marines (NR) 10:00-11:00-
The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: CC: 6:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Cinépolis Gaithersburg The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) 11:10-5:20-8:30 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00 der-Verse (PG) 12:00-12:30-1:00-
1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 2:15-10:45 629 Center Point Way 1:10-3:50 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 12:00- AMC Potomac Mills 18 (PG-13) 2:00-7:30 1:30-2:30-3:30-3:55-4:30-5:00-5:30-
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Regal Ballston Quarter 6:00-7:00-8:00-8:30-9:00-9:30-10:30
1020 Annapolis Mall Road
The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Airplane! (PG) 6:40 The Little Mermaid (PG) 1:30-2:10- 2:30-5:10 2700 Potomac Mills Circle Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
3D (PG-13) CC: 4:30-10:30 1:30-4:45-8:00 671 North Glebe Road Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Fast X (PG-13) CC: 10:00-1:50-3:40- Fast X (PG-13) 4:00-8:00 3:30-4:30-6:50-7:40-9:35 Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) Fast X (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:30- der-Verse (PG) 8:00-9:35
The Blackening Early Access Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Boogeyman (PG-13) 12:30- 7:00 8:30-9:45 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Fast X (PG-13) 11:30-3:10-6:50-10:10 3D (PG-13) 1:40-8:10
(R) 6:00 7:10-10:45 3D (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:00-6:15- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
(PG-13) 3:00-4:20-7:00-7:40 3:10-6:10-9:45 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3D (PG-13) 9:55
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 9:30 Spider-Man: Across the Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:30AM (PG-13) 12:40-1:30-2:50-3:50-7:10- der-Verse (PG) OC: 11:00AM
(PG-13) CC: 1:00-1:30 (PG-13) CC: 10:00-1:00-3:00-4:00- The Blackening Early Access 9:20-10:20
7:00-9:00-10:00 Spider-Verse (PG) 2:20-3:40-4:40- Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 2:10 Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) 12:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Regal Manassas & IMAX
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- (R) 6:00 5:40-7:20-8:20 Long Story Short: Willie Nelson Long Story Short: Willie Nelson Spider-Man: Across the Spi- der-Verse (PG) 11:15AM Spider-Man: Across the
der-Verse (PG) OC: 7:20 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Verse (PG) 12:00-1:00-3:30- 11380 Bulloch Drive
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 90 7:30 90 7:30 der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:45-1:45- Fast X (PG-13) 11:15-3:00-6:45-9:55 4:40-6:00-7:00-8:00-9:30-10:30
The Little Mermaid (PG) OC: 6:30 der-Verse (PG) CC: 10:00-12:00- der-Verse (PG) 11:30AM Fast X (PG-13) 12:00-3:20-6:40-
1:10-3:10-4:20-6:20-7:30-9:30-10:40 (PG-13) 2:40-6:20 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 12:50 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 2:20-3:00-4:15-5:00-5:30-6:20-7:30- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 10:00
Past Lives (PG-13) OC: 7:35 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 The Little Mermaid (PG) 2:00-6:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3D (PG-13) 3:50-7:10 8:15-9:30 (PG-13) 12:15-3:40
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG-13) 9:45 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 3:20 3D (PG-13) 3:00-7:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts A Thousand and One (R) 7:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:00-
(PG-13) 3:00-6:20-9:40 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
(PG-13) OC: 7:30 (PG-13) CC: 10:30-12:30-3:50- The Boogeyman (PG-13) 4:45-7:15 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50- (PG-13) 12:40-4:50-7:00-8:10
6:50-10:10 The Blackening Early Access (PG-13) 9:20 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 1:45-4:45-7:45-10:40
Landmark Spider-Man: Across the 12:20-1:20-3:20-4:00-5:00-7:20- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 10:20- AMC Magic Johnson (R) 6:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:10-4:40-8:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:30- 8:30-9:50 der-Verse (PG) 11:00-11:30-12:30-
Bethesda Row Cinema Spider-Verse (PG) 12:10-2:50-4:50- The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG)
DC Bryant Street 12:10-3:20-6:30-9:35-10:20 Capital Center 12 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 4:00-6:30 1:30-2:30-3:30-4:00-4:30-5:00-6:30-
7235 Woodmont Avenue 6:00-8:20 CC: 12:40-1:30 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 1:50-4:40-
630 Rhode Island Ave NE The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 10:00- 800 Shoppers Way der-Verse (PG) OC: 12:10 Angelika Film Center Mosaic 7:30-10:00 7:20-8:30-9:30-9:55
But I'm a Cheerleader (R) 8:00 1:10-5:10-7:45-10:15 Fast X (PG-13) CC: 12:45-8:30 Spider-Man: Across the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 1:30-
Regal Laurel Towne Centre (PG-13) 3:30-9:30 2911 District Ave Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Verse (PG) 4:00-4:30-5:00- 2:40-4:45-5:45-7:50-8:50 (PG-13) 12:20-4:10-7:40
der-Verse (PG) 6:30 1:30-4:35-7:40 (PG-13) CC: 12:00-2:00-8:00 6:15-7:00-7:30 14716 Baltimore Avenue The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:50- Chevalier (PG-13) 4:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 7:00
Fast X (PG-13) 1:10 4:10-6:20 (PG-13) 1:30-4:15 Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG)
The Little Mermaid (PG) 8:30-9:30 The Blackening Early Access Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) 12:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 1:10-3:40-6:20
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- (R) 6:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- (PG-13) 6:45 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Spi- - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Little Mermaid (PG) 4:15- (PG-13) 11:40-1:45-2:40-4:15- der-Verse (PG) 3:20-7:40-9:10; 1:30 CC: 12:00-6:00-9:00 (PG-13) 12:35-3:50-8:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:10-
der-Verse (PG) 10:15 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:30-1:00- 3D (PG-13) 11:40-6:10 12:10-2:40-5:50-6:45-9:10-10:00
(PG-13) 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00-11:00 2:15-3:45-4:20-5:30-7:45 6:30-7:15 5:50-9:05 Xscape Theatres Brandywine 14 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 12:10- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Past Lives (PG-13) 6:45-10:00- Spider-Man: Across the der-Verse (PG) 12:45-4:00-7:10 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
10:45 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- A Thousand and One (R) 7:00 You Hurt My Feelings (R) 3:00- 7710 Matapeake Business Drive 2:40-5:10-7:30-10:00 der-Verse (PG) OC: 2:30 - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13)
der-Verse (PG) 11:00-2:10-8:30 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 5:15-7:20 Spider-Verse (PG) 11:30-12:00- The Machine (R) CC: 3:10 The Little Mermaid (PG) 1:05-
The Blackening (R) 7:30 12:35-1:50-3:00-3:30-5:20-6:15- Twilight (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-7:00 4:05-7:05 Regal Dulles Town Center 11:40-6:10-9:20
Fast X (PG-13) 6:15-10:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) CC: 2:30-8:00 Sanctuary (R) 3:00-8:00 Fast X (PG-13) 11:50-3:40-7:00- Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio The Boogeyman (PG-13) 1:45-4:20-
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 6:50-8:40-9:40 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 You Hurt My Feelings (R) 1:00 21100 Dulles Town Circle
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3D (PG-13) 12:00-6:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 10:10 L'immensità12:00-3:15-5:30-7:45 7:05-9:50
(PG-13) 12:00-7:00-10:30 AMC Center Park 8 CC: 2:15-4:40 der-Verse (PG) 3:15 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 3D Fast X (PG-13) 11:20-2:35 The Machine (R) 9:00
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG-13) 11:00-2:30-6:00-9:30 (PG-13) CC: 3:40-9:50 Past Lives (PG-13) 12:30-2:15-3:05- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
The Boogeyman (PG-13) 7:45-10:45 4001 Powder Mill Rd. The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50- (PG-13) 10:10-11:00-1:10-2:00- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
The Little Mermaid (PG) 6:00 1:15-6:45 (PG-13) 3:45 4:10-5:00-6:20-7:10-8:00-9:20-10:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 4:45-5:35-7:15 (PG-13) 12:40-1:40-2:50-3:50-4:50-
Fast X (PG-13) CC: 1:10-4:20-7:30 The Little Mermaid (PG) 3:30 3:10-4:50-6:30-8:10-9:40 - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 7:10-8:10-9:20-10:20 - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13)
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Chevalier (PG-13) 4:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:20- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 2:50
Angelika Pop-Up 3D (PG-13) 7:05
at Union Market (PG-13) CC: 1:00-2:30-5:30-7:00- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Landmark at 2:00-4:40-7:30 der-Verse (PG) 9:50-10:30-12:10- CC: 3:00 Spider-Man: Across the The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 3:00
- The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Annapolis Harbour Center 12:50-1:30-3:10-3:50-4:30-5:20- The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Princess Mononoke (Monon- Spider-Verse (PG) 12:00-2:30-3:30-
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E 8:30 Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) oke-hime) (PG-13) 7:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
CC: 1:00-7:00 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 6:10-6:50-7:30-8:20-9:10-9:50-10:30 12:20-3:40-6:45-9:50 6:00-7:00-8:00-9:15-10:15
3D (PG-13) 3:50-10:00
The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:45-7:20 Spider-Man: Across the
Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 1:30-2:50- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 12:10- 7:00
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Mending the Line (R) 12:15-3:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 2:45-5:15 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio 13) 11:45-3:35-6:55-10:15 3D (PG-13) CC: 12:30-6:30-9:30 (PG-13) 11:10-2:40-6:30-9:50
4:30-7:15 (PG-13) 4:00-4:45-7:00-7:45 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:10 CMX Village 14 der-Verse (PG) 6:00
der-Verse (PG) OC: 6:30 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG)
Spider-Man: Across the The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 1:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Mending the Line (R) 12:20-3:20- 1600 Village Market Boulevard The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Princess Mononoke (Monon- 7:00 11:25-1:45 6:15-9:10 (PG) 5:25
2:00-8:00 Spider-Verse (PG) 3:00-4:10-5:00- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Blackening Early Access Flashdance (R) 6:30 (PG-13) OC: 1:40
oke-hime) (PG-13) 7:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:00- The Little Mermaid (PG) 1:00-4:15-
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 6:00-7:10-8:00 3D (PG-13) 12:45-7:20 (R) 6:00 Fast X (PG-13) 5:20-8:35 7:30-10:35 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
1:50-4:45-7:40 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 11:40-12:20-1:00-2:40-3:30-6:30- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:30- der-Verse (PG) OC: 1:00-8:00
der-Verse (PG) 1:00-4:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Blackening Early Access 8:40-9:30 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: (PG-13) 3:30-6:40 (R) 6:00 (PG-13) CC: 1:45-8:00; 3:30 (PG-13) 12:30-3:40 2:00-4:30-7:20-10:00
The Little Mermaid (PG) OC: 3:40 5:00 - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:30- Regal Springûeld Town Center
Mending the Line (R) 1:45-4:30 4:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 3:45-4:30- Regal Rockville Center 2:30-4:50-7:20-9:40 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio 6859 Springûeld Mall
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 7:15-7:55 der-Verse (PG) 11:35-12:10-12:40- Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00
Avalon Theatre 3D (PG-13) CC: 4:00 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC:
The Boogeyman (PG-13) 4:20-6:45
199 East Montgomery Avenue The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 10:40- der-Verse (PG) 7:00 1:10-2:00-3:20-3:50-4:25-5:15-6:30- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Fast X (PG-13) 11:20-3:05-6:50-10:15
The Blackening Early Access 12:15-4:30-7:45 Fast X (PG-13) 12:40-4:00-7:30 1:40-4:40-7:40 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
5612 Connecticut Avenue 7:00-7:40-8:20
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Old Greenbelt Theatre Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 5:00 3D (PG-13) 11:40-6:10 (PG-13) 11:40-1:40-2:50-3:50-4:50-
Are You There God? It's Me, Mar- (R) 6:00 3D (PG-13) CC: 3:00-6:00-9:00 129 Centerway
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
3D (PG-13) 10:40 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 6:10-8:10-9:20-10:20
garet. (PG-13) 12:00-2:20-4:45 AMC Columbia 14 (PG-13) 12:50-1:30-2:30-4:10-5:40- der-Verse (PG) 8:45 (PG-13) 12:50-4:35-8:00 der-Verse (PG) OC: 11:00AM
The Blackening Early Access Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 7:15-7:50-8:50 The Blackening Early Access Spider-Man: Across the
You Hurt My Feelings (R) 12:45- 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway (R) 6:00 (R) 6:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50-
3:00-5:15-7:30 der-Verse (PG) 7:30 Spider-Man: Across the AMC Shirlington 7 1:00-3:00-4:10-6:15-7:15 Regal Fairfax Towne Center Spider-Verse (PG) 11:00-11:30-
Fast X (PG-13) CC: 12:05-3:25- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Verse (PG) 12:10-1:00-1:50- 2772 South Randolph St. 4110 West Ox Road 12:00-1:00-2:30-3:00-4:30-6:30-
32 Sounds 8:00 6:40-10:00 The Eight Mountains 5:00 iPic Pike & Rose The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:45-
(PG-13) OC: 5:00 2:40-3:30-4:20-5:10-6:00-7:40-8:30 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 8:00-10:00-10:30
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Spi- You Hurt My Feelings (R) 8:00 11830 Grand Park Avenue 2:25-5:00-7:50 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Landmark Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Fast X (PG-13) 3:15-7:15-10:45 (PG-13) CC: 10:05-11:30-1:00-2:30- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 2:50-3:50-6:00-9:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG-
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 der-Verse (PG) OC: 8:45 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 (PG-13) 12:00-3:20-7:20 13) 11:05-2:40-6:05-10:10
Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) 3899 Branch Avenue Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 4:10-7:10-8:30 3D (PG-13) 6:45 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
807 V Street Northwest AMC Montgomery 16 The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:20- (PG-13) (!) 3:30-4:30-6:45-10:15- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 12:00-3:15-5:50-9:10 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50-
11:30AM Fast X (PG-13) 3:10-6:15-9:15 3:35-5:20-8:40 12:50-3:10-4:10-6:20-7:20-9:40-
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 7101 Democracy Boulevard 10:45 der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:00-12:40- (PG-13) OC: 4:40-7:30 The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:20-
(PG-13) 4:10-7:00 Fast X (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:45-8:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts About My Father (PG-13) 12:30- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 1:30-3:50-4:40-7:00-7:50 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3:35-6:50-10:00 10:40
der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:15-1:15- 2:50-5:30-8:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:10-
Spider-Man: Across the 2:15-2:45-3:30-4:30-6:45-7:45-10:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 12:00-5:30 der-Verse (PG) 2:45-3:45-6:15-7:15- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- 3D (PG-13) 1:50-6:45 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 12:30-
Spider-Verse (PG) 4:20-5:00-6:30- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- (PG-13) CC: 12:15-1:15-3:15-4:15- Spider-Man: Across the The Boogeyman (PG-13) 1:10- 10:00-11:00 13) CC: 10:15-12:30-4:00-7:20 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3:00-6:40-9:20 2:10-9:30-10:25
7:10-8:00 13) CC: 12:10-3:30-6:30-9:50 5:15-7:15 Spider-Verse (PG) 1:00-3:00-4:00- 3:40-6:20 The Little Mermaid (PG) 2:30-3:00- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 10:05- (PG-13) 11:20-12:00-12:30-2:15- Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG)
The Little Mermaid (PG) 3:50- Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) 6:00-7:00-9:00 Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) 6:00-6:30-9:30-10:30 4:20-7:30 2:50-3:10-3:40-5:10-5:40-8:10-8:30 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 7:00
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio
4:40-7:30 CC: 11:45-1:30-4:00 11:30AM The Little Mermaid (PG) 3:35- 7:10 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 4:00- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 10:15- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
The Boogeyman (PG-13) 7:20; 4:50 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 1:45- 6:35-9:35 Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio 3:10-5:40-8:10 Cinema Arts Theatre Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 8:00-11:00 9650 Unit 14 Main St. 3D (PG-13) 12:40-7:00
Landmark E Street Cinema 5:00-8:15-9:15 der-Verse (PG) CC: 2:00-3:15-4:15- The Boogeyman (PG-13) 1:05-3:30- Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: 1:10 The Roundup: No Way Out12:10- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Rise 9:40-12:00-2:30-5:00
555 11th Street Northwest Chevalier (PG-13) 4:00 5:15-6:30-8:30 6:30-9:05 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 2:00
A Thousand and One (R) 1:00-7:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
VIRGINIA Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
3D (PG-13) CC: 5:30 Somewhere in Queens (R)
Fast X (PG-13) 2:50-6:10-9:30
3D (PG-13) 12:40-7:10
The Blackening Early Access
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 12:10-2:40
- The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 3D (PG-13) 2:45-8:15 3D (PG-13) 4:40 AMC Tysons Corner 16 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (R) 6:00
der-Verse (PG) 3:00-4:00-7:00-7:45 CC: 1:00-7:00-10:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:30-7:15 Regal Cinemas Majestic Regal UA Snowden Square 2150 Clarendon Blvd. It Ain't Over (PG) 9:55-2:20-4:40 (PG-13) 11:50-10:10 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
You Hurt My Feelings (R) 2:30- 7850e Tysons Corner Center The Night of the 12th 9:45-2:40-5:05 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 1:20- The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Stadium 20 & IMAX 9161 Commerce Center Drive Fast X (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:25- 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
4:30-7:25 CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 6:40-9:50 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Book Club: The Next Chapter (PG- der-Verse (PG) 12:50-1:50-3:25-4:00-
3:50-6:45-9:55 90 0 Ellsworth Drive Fast X (PG-13) 11:30-6:40 (PG-13) OC: 2:00 Fast X (PG-13) 12:30-4:00-7:20-
BlackBerry (R) 3:35 Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 12:15- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 13) 9:50-12:25-4:55 5:10-6:30-7:15-9:40-10:20; 12:10
Past Lives (PG-13) 2:45-3:30-4:30- 7:00 1:45-3:30-5:00-6:45-8:15 Fast X (PG-13) 11:20-2:40-6:00-9:20 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) CC: 11:40-12:00-3:00- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- You Hurt My Feelings (R) 10:00- 10:35
5:00-6:30-7:15-8:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 11:50-3:00-3:30-4:20-6:10 der-Verse (PG) 7:00 12:05-4:00 Regal Fox & IMAX Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio Chevalier (PG-13) 4:00 3:30-8:30
Sanctuary (R) 3:45 (PG-13) 12:00-12:45-1:15-2:55- Spider-Man: Across the Fast X (PG-13) CC: 12:05-3:30- Dalíland10:05-12:15-2:35-4:50 22875 Brambleton Plaza (PG-13) 12:40-7:10-10:20
Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 You Hurt My Feelings (R) CC: Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
BlackBerry (R) 7:25 12:05-2:35-5:05-7:35 4:05-4:25-7:15-7:45-10:30 Spider-Verse (PG) 12:40-1:40-2:30- der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:10-12:50- 7:35-9:10 About My Father (PG-13) 12:20- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3:20-4:00-5:50-6:50-7:40-9:10 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Regal Gallery Place - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 12:50- John Wick: Chapter 4 (R) 8:40 3:15-4:00-6:30-7:10-9:40
(PG-13) CC: 11:40-3:00-6:10-9:20
2:05-6:00 der-Verse (PG) 10:00-11:00-11:30- der-Verse (PG) 11:10-11:40-12:00-
CC: 4:00 3:20-5:50-8:20 Spider-Man: Across the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 1:00-1:30-2:20-2:30-3:00-4:20-5:00- 12:30-1:30-2:30-3:00-3:30-4:00-
701 Seventh Street Northwest Spider-Verse (PG) 11:00-11:30- (PG-13) 11:20-2:50-6:30 Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) 5:40-6:00-8:30-9:10-9:30 5:00-7:00-7:30-8:30-9:30-10:30
The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Mending the Line (R) 1:25-4:25- 13) CC: 12:10-2:40-6:25-9:45 90 7:00
Fast X (PG-13) 11:10-2:40 7:25 12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30-2:00-2:20- The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 12:40- 11:30AM Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG-
12:45-4:00-6:30 John Wick: Chapter 4 (R) CC: 9:25 Cinemark Centreville 12
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 2:50-3:20-3:50-4:20-4:50-5:20- 11:45-2:10-4:50 3:50-7:00 6201 Multiplex Drive
3D (PG-13) 10:50-5:20 13) 11:50-3:10-6:40-10:00
(PG-13) 11:30-1:30-2:40-3:40- 3D (PG-13) CC: 12:30-9:30 (PG-13) OC: 6:15; 2:15-8:15 5:40-6:40-7:10-7:40-8:10-9:00-9:30- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:35- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 11:50- Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:10-
6:00-9:10 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 10:00-10:30 12:30-2:20-3:50-5:40-7:10 2:20-4:50-7:20-10:00-10:15 (PG) CC: 11:15-12:05-1:10-2:05-2:40- Fast X (PG-13) OC: 7:20 of Water (PG) 10:30AM 2:20-3:20-5:50-6:50-9:10-10:10
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 3:35-4:40-5:45-8:00-9:30-10:35
(PG-13) CC: 5:00 der-Verse (PG) 1:00-7:30 About My Father (PG-13) 1:10-3:40 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: 9:55 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Sing (PG) 10:00AM About My Father (PG-13) 10:05
der-Verse (PG) 11:30AM (PG-13) 11:30-3:00-6:20-9:55 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 1:30- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- (PG-13) OC: 5:55 Fast X (PG-13) 12:05-3:45-10:45 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:50-
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- The Blackening Early Access
(R) 6:00
Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) 4:30-7:20 3D (PG-13) CC: 6:00-9:00 13) CC: 11:35-3:10-6:55-10:30 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 2:50-5:30-8:10
13) 11:40-3:05-6:30-10:05 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 12:10-2:50-5:35 Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) The Blackening Early Access The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) der-Verse (PG) OC: 7:50 (PG-13) 10:40 Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio
The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:20- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts CC: 11:10-1:35
(PG-13) OC: 2:00-8:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:10- 7:00 (R) 6:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- Takkar (Tamil)2:00-9:00 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00
11:50-2:50-3:20-6:10-6:40-9:30- (PG-13) 10:10-10:35-11:00-11:55- 12:40-2:15-3:00-3:55-5:30-6:10- The Machine (R) 7:20 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 11:00- 13) OC: 6:40; 9:20-12:40-3:50-10:10 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Little Mermaid 3D (PG)
10:00 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 12:20-1:15-1:40-2:05-3:00-3:25- 7:10-8:45-10:25 Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio AMC Hoffman Center 22 1:15-2:10-4:25-5:20-8:30-10:55 The Little Mermaid (PG) OC: 7:30 der-Verse (PG) 11:40-5:50
206 Swamp Fox Rd. 10:50AM
The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:00- 9811 Washingtonian Center 4:20-4:45-6:30-7:25-7:50-8:15-9:35- You Hurt My Feelings (R) 9:25 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 Chevalier (PG-13) 4:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) OC: 7:40 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
1:40-7:20-10:10 Fast X (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:45-7:00- 10:30-10:55 Sanctuary (R) 8:20 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Sanctuary (R) CC: 1:25 Vimanam (Telugu) 9:10-4:50 13) 11:10-2:40-6:40-10:10 3D (PG-13) 3:50
The Machine (R) 10:05 10:00-10:15 Spider-Man: Across the Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3D (PG-13) 1:20-7:30 der-Verse (PG) OC: 4:00-8:00 Kandahar (R) CC: 10:05 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) The Blackening Early Access
Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Verse (PG) 12:35-3:55-7:15- - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) The Blackening Early Access Fast X (PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:50- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3D (PG-13) 11:45-2:50-9:00 11:20-1:50-4:30 (R) 6:00
Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:15-3:45-6:30- 10:35; 10:00-10:25-10:55-11:15- 11:15-5:45-8:50 (R) 6:00 6:10-9:30 - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Fast X (PG-13) 10:25-1:45-4:10-9:30 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:10-
11:40-12:05-1:20-1:45-2:15-2:35- The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:05- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 9:15-9:45 Fast X (PG-13) 3:10 CC: 12:35-6:50-10:00 Takkar (Telugu) 1:30-8:10 11:50-1:20-3:10-4:40-6:30-7:50-9:50 (PG-13) 11:00-11:40-1:40-2:10-
90 7:30 Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) 12:30 3:00-3:25-4:40-5:05-6:20-8:00-8:25- 1:40-4:15-6:50-9:25 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- (PG-13) CC: 11:30-12:30-1:00-2:30- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 11:05- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
8:55-9:15-9:40 4:00-5:40-8:45-10:00 2:50-5:20-6:10-8:10-8:40-9:20
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio der-Verse (PG) OC: 12:00 1:40-4:20-6:45-9:40 (PG-13) 9:45-10:15-10:45-12:50-1:50- - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
3D (PG-13) 3:10-6:30-9:40 der-Verse (PG) CC: 2:45-6:00-9:15 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) 3:55-4:55-7:00-8:00-10:05-10:40 12:40-7:10-10:20
3D (PG-13) 11:30-2:35-5:40-8:45 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX 11:30AM 3D (PG-13) 4:50
The Blackening Early Access A Thousand and One (R) 7:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 7:00 Spider-Man: Across the The Boogeyman (PG-13) 10:30-
(R) 6:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Fast X (PG-13) OC: 7:40 - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) 1419 South Main Chapel Way Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Smithsonian -
Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio Spider-Verse (PG) 9:00-9:50-10:40- 1:10-4:20-7:20-10:00
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- (PG-13) CC: 1:00-8:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 2:25 Fast X (PG-13) 11:20-3:10-9:50 (PG) CC: 11:00-2:30-6:30-9:45 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 11:30-12:20-1:10-2:00-2:50-3:40- Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) Airbus IMAX Theater
der-Verse (PG) 11:00-12:00-12:30- The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) (PG-13) XD: 9:45-3:55-7:00 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 11:40AM Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts A Thousand and One (R) 7:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 3D 4:30-5:20-6:10-7:00-8:40-10:20 7:00 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
12:40-1:50-2:30-3:30-4:00-5:20- CC: 12:45-6:45-7:15-9:45 Takkar (Tamil) 9:30-12:50-7:30 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 12:00-6:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- (PG) CC: 4:05 The Little Mermaid (PG) 9:15- Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
6:50-7:30-7:50-8:50-9:10-10:10 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 2:00- Spider-Man: Across the 3D (PG-13) 12:15-3:35-6:45-10:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 13) CC: 11:00-2:30-6:00-9:30 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 12:35-3:25-10:15 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 1:05-3:50
The Boogeyman (PG-13) OC: 4:30 2:30-3:00-5:15-6:15-8:30-9:30 Spider-Verse (PG) 12:35-3:55- Mending the Line (R) 3:00 der-Verse (PG) 11:10-11:40-12:40- The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) The Boogeyman (PG-13) 9:05- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Chevalier (PG-13) 4:15 7:15-10:35 The Blackening Early Access 1:20-2:20-2:50-3:50-4:30-6:20-7:20- CC: 11:00-2:45-4:30-7:00-9:30 CC: 3:40 12:50-5:05-10:45 - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) Seas 12:25-4:25
3D (PG-13) 7:00 Kandahar (R) CC: 1:00-4:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (R) 6:00 7:50-9:10-9:40 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 11:45- The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: 3:50 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-1:45-3:15
(PG-13) OC: 7:10 12:30-1:30-3:10-4:00-4:45-6:30- Cinemark
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 12:00-3:15-6:30-9:45 Fairfax Corner and XD Long Story Short: Willie Nelson Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
der-Verse (PG) OC: 4:00 - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) (PG-13) OC: 11:45AM (PG-13) 11:30-3:00-6:30-9:50 7:15-8:00-9:00-9:45 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 90 7:30 (NR) 11:30AM
CC: 12:30-7:00-10:15 9:30-9:50-10:05-12:00-2:30-5:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Chevalier (PG-13) 4:00 1190 0 Palace Way
Regal Germantown
3D (PG-13) CC: 10:55-5:10-8:20 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:25
MARYLAND The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 12:45-
The Little Mermaid (PG) OC: 5:25
Evil Dead Rise (R) 9:55 20000 Century Boulevard
The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50-
You Hurt My Feelings (R) CC:
The Blackening Early Access Fast X (PG-13) 9:55-1:15-4:35-7:55 3D (PG-13) 2:50-9:20
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Zara Hatke Zara Bachke 6:20-9:40 University Mall Theatres
(R) 6:00
AFI Silver Theatre The Machine (R) CC: 10:15 The Boogeyman (PG-13) OC: 5:40 Fast X (PG-13) 12:40-4:10-7:40 12:50-3:10-4:10-6:30-7:30-9:40 Sanctuary (R) CC: 11:10-1:45 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) XD: 12:20-6:30 10659-A Braddock Road
Cultural Center Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Kandahar (R) CC: 9:30 (PG-13) CC: 1:05-4:15-7:30-10:40 Takkar (Tamil) 12:00 (PG-13) 10:20-1:40-2:10-4:50-8:10- Spider-Man: Across the
8633 Colesville Road Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 7:00 (PG-13) 11:50-1:50-2:50-3:50- - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 8:40-11:20 Spider-Verse (PG) CC; DVS: 1:00-
Documentary Film Program (NR) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 3D Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio 4:50-8:00 11:00-5:00-8:00 - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) der-Verse (PG) OC: 8:40 (PG) XD: 9:35-12:55-4:15-7:35 Takkar (Tamil) 5:30 4:00-7:30
1:45-4:00 (PG-13) CC: 4:30 Ghibli Fest 2023 (G) 7:00 Spider-Man: Across the The Boogeyman (PG-13) 12:00- CC: 12:00-6:00-9:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC; DVS:
This House (Cette maison) 9:40 Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Vimanam (Telugu) 10:10 Spider-Verse (PG) 12:30-1:00-1:40- 2:40-5:30-8:00-10:00 About My Father (PG-13) CC: 1:45 AMC Worldgate 9 13) 11:35-3:05-6:35-10:05 Regal Kingstowne & RPX 12:45-3:45-7:00
Opal5:15 - An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 2:30-3:30-4:00-4:30-5:10-6:20-6:50- Hairspray 35th Anniversary (PG) The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 11:30- 13025 Worldgate Drive The Little Mermaid (PG) 9:30-11:00- 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG-
You Hurt My Feelings (R) 12:25-2:30 CC: 3:45 3D (PG-13) XD: 12:50-10:05 7:20-7:50-8:30 7:00 2:15-4:45-7:15-10:00 Fast X (PG-13) CC: 4:00-7:45-9:45 12:45-2:20-4:00-5:40-7:15-8:55-10:30 Fast X (PG-13) 11:15-2:25-5:35-8:45 13) CC; DVS: 1:15-4:15-7:15

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S0114 6X 2.25
C6 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023




f K9
g AQ5
f QJ6
g 10 8 7 4 3
f 863 f 75
g J 10 9 7 g K82
g Q6 g KJ9
f A Q J 10 4 2
g 643
f A
g A52

The bidding:
Pass Pass Pass 1f
Pass 2 NT Pass 4f
All Pass

T he loser-on-loser play
may be declarer9s most
valuable tool, useful in many
situations: in establishing a
suit, preparing an end play
or executing an <avoidance=
In today9s deal, North9s bid
of 2NT would have been an
artificial forcing spade raise
were he not a passed hand;
and invitational, showing a
balanced 11 or 12 points.
Against four spades, West
leads the jack of hearts:
queen, king, three. South
wins the heart return with
dummy9s ace and counts
nine winners: six trumps and
three side aces. Where can
he get a 10th trick?
South should lead a
third trick, lead a trump to
dummy9s nine and return the
queen of diamonds. When
East follows low, South dis-
cards his last heart 4 a loser
on a loser.
West takes the king, and
leads a third heart. South
ruffs and reaches dummy
with the king of trumps to
discard a club on the jack
of diamonds. He loses one
club at the end but makes
his game.
You hold:
f Q J 6 g 10 8 7 4 3
The dealer, at your right,
passes. North in today9s deal
passed with this hand in
second seat. Do you agree or
would you have opened the
with North9s pass. North had
minimum high-card values
with only one ace and one
king. His long suit was a
ragged minor. He did have
two <Quick Tricks.= The mod-
ern expert tendency is to
open anything that remotely
resembles an opening bid.
4 Frank Stewart





wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C7



Your confidence
makes you want to
get involved and
take charge of a
situation. This is because you
are a natural leader and you
see solutions quickly. Take
inventory of your life this year.
It9s time to let go of people,
places and things from the
past that have held you back.

restrictions to shopping or
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Taurus.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
This is a poor day to discuss
money, earnings or cash flow,
as well as expenditures related
to children, vacations or social
events. People are sensitive
and emotional today, and
these topics will be particularly
touchy. Steer clear of them.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
your sign; however, today it is
at odds with Venus and Mars,
which is poor for socializing.
It makes dealings with others
a bit strained and possibly
defensive or guarded.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Choose your words carefully
when talking to others
today. With the Sun and
Mercury in your sign, you will
communicate successfully
with everyone. Nevertheless,
behind-the-scenes issues
siblings, relatives or neighbors.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Postpone financial discussions
for another day, because
today people are touchy
about financial matters as
well as possessions that they
might own. These financial
discussions could also include
the finances of a group or an
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
Do what you can to be
diplomatic when dealing
with everyone today. You
will encounter difficulties,
especially with parents,
bosses, teachers, VIPs and
the police. Quite likely, these
difficulties will be public.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Steer clear of controversial
subjects like politics, religion
and racial issues today,
because they9re too sensitive
to discuss. People are touchy
and arguments will break out.


Postpone discussions about
inheritances, insurance
disputes or shared property
for another day, because you
will make poor progress today.
People will only fight. Instead,
explore travel plans or issues
related to higher education,
publishing, medicine and the
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Discussions with partners,
close friends, parents and
bosses are dicey today. No
to pounce. Therefore, steer
clear of sensitive topics. You
have to know when to hold and
when to fold, and today is not
the day for these discussions.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
It9s a blessing that relations
with partners and close friends
are warm today, because
issues related to your work
might be dicey! If you disagree
about things with co-workers
or fellow students, don9t
pursue this.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Parents must be extra patient
with their kids today, because
your dealings with them will
be challenging. (Some days
are like this.) It is what it is.
Likewise, romantic discussions
will also be challenging.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Do what you can to keep the
peace at home today. This will
make life easier for everyone,
including you. Conversations
with partners and close friends
It9s important to recognize how
important timing is.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Daily conversations, especially
with siblings, relatives and
neighbors, might easily lead to
arguments and petty retorts.
This is because people are
quick to feel injured or slighted
4 Georgia Nicols



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C8 EZ rE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Can Thoreau help

us rethink work?
BOOK WORld from C1 pany, including at least one cita-
tion of a LinkedIn post, and
ing <resignation,= <machine featuring interviews with the
Work,= <meaningless Work,= likes of a billionaire real estate
<Compensation= and <fulfilling investor and an investment bank-
Work.= These titles evoke Thore- er at Goldman Sachs, the book
au9s own writing in the <Econo- absorbs a strangely corporate
my= chapter of <Walden= and in outlook. Zoom meetings, flex
his later essay <Life Without Prin- hours and company retreats are
ciple.= The authors share with hailed as opportunities for
their 19th-century subject an en- <workers [to] find meaning and
gaging style of everyday philoso- growth= of which Thoreau would
phy that extrapolates big ques- approve. Notably, Kaag and van
tions about a well-led life from Belle consider collective labor
seemingly more practical con- only under the heading of <Co-
cerns: how to live frugally, to workers,= which frames the topic
make a living. The book also not in terms of class solidarity
resembles anthropologist David and bargaining power but of
Graeber9s <Bulls--- Jobs= 4 cited something more like simple col-
in the bibliography of <Henry at legiality.
Work,= though not directly refer- This illustrates the greatest
enced in the text 4 in its conver- flaw of <Henry at Work=: It tends
sational tone, as well as its ad- to regard the problem of work as
mixture of philosophical mus- one of attitude rather than one of
ings and quasi-ethnographic in- material conditions. The authors
terviews with present-day encourage us to think <differently
workers. about the work that [we] do,= to
The book is at its best when it <work out of love,= to see <one9s
guides readers through Thore- work as self-expressive.= It is true
au9s place in a longer philosophi- that the question of why we work
cal history of work. The authors so hard has invited consideration
patiently explain the concept of of ideological forces at least since ABOVE: Walden Pond in Concord, Mass., is where Henry david
<theodicy= 4 an account of <why max Weber9s <The Protestant Thoreau spent two years in solitude and reflection.
life (including work) sucks if Ethic and the Spirit of Capital- RIGHT: Authors Jonathan van Belle, left, and John Kaag.
there is [a] God who cares about ism= from the early 1900s. Per-
us= 4 and explore how we might haps changing our thinking ing more directly to new ways of ation of <bulls--- jobs= is not
compare Thoreau9s views of work about work will let us change our living and acting. Thoreau9s move merely a crisis of malaise. for
with the models of theodicy of- conditions of work? But Weber9s to Walden was one such shift: an Graeber, useless but highly paid
fered by ancient Greek and ro- idealist insights (that is, his focus attempt to escape the cycle of jobs 4 and the concomitant de-
man writers. This leads to a on the way that ideals and beliefs debt that lay beneath the veneer valuing of <essential= yet suppos-
clarifying discussion of differenc- direct other forces) should be of prosperity coating Concord, edly unskilled labor 4 concen-
es between an 8th-century B.C. supplemented with attention to mass. Another example was Tho- trate wealth and power among an
work ethic represented by He- structural forces. The conditions reau9s infamous night in jail re- elite class. Like Weber, the marx-
siod9s <Works and Days= (work under which we labor 4 how sulting from an act of civil dis- ist theorist Kathi Weeks takes the
hurts but is inevitable), a 1st- little we9re paid, how our produc- obedience against unjust laws, power of the work ethic seriously,
century B.C. work ethic repre- tivity is organized and evaluated, prefiguring Gandhian satyagra- framing it as a cultural, quasi-
sented by Virgil9s <Georgics= with and so on 4 inevitably determine ha, U.S. civil rights and labor spiritual force in <The Problem
which Thoreau aligns himself how we labor, often driving us to strikes. All of these later move- With Work= (2011). But she also ZuriEl vAN BEllE ANd ChriSS CrATTy Jill gOldmAN phOTOgrAphy

(work leads to the cultivation of overwork for the benefit of oth- ments shared the conviction that argues that a shift in people9s
<new facilities, new emotions, ers. A sense of <vocation= is no society9s smooth functioning material circumstances 4 say, of the provocateur who may have ture of work, or a future after
new senses, new sensitivities=), salve under such conditions. As must be interrupted to force the security provided by a univer- more in common with Paul Lafar- work as we know it.
and the 16th-century Protestant labor journalist Sarah Jaffe change. Good vibes don9t make a sal basic income or a legislated gue, author of the satirical 1883
work ethic (making money is a warns in the title of her recent good world in and of themselves, 30-hour cap on the workweek 4 pamphlet <The right to Be Lazy= Nathan Wolff is an associate
moral end in itself ) that still book: <Work Won9t Love You and thinking better thoughts is necessary to create conditions (newly republished in 2022), professor of English at Tufts
holds sway today. Back.= about work by yourself won9t for better imaginations of work. than he does with <a way of university and the author of <Not
In their quest to acquit Thore- It9s true that Thoreau, a Tran- make work better. <Henry at Work= thus reads as orienting yourself to the daily Quite hope and Other political
au of indolence and assert his scendentalist, inherited idealist Some of the best recent schol- a depoliticized account of a deep- grind.= Nonetheless, this accessi- Emotions in the gilded Age.= he is
continued relevance, however, tendencies from ralph Waldo arship and thinking on work ly political problem. The authors9 ble and timely book has great working on a new book that looks to
the authors cede too much to the Emerson, who saw great power in offers a mix of idealist and mate- five <Thoreauvian command- potential to urge more people to 19th-century u.S. literature for
profit-driven ethic that they say changing one9s perspective. But rialist approaches. Kaag and van ments= overly domesticate Tho- see Thoreau not as a solitary lessons about the formation of, and
they want to interrogate. origi- Thoreau departed from his men- Belle might have attended to reau to the genre of the self-help sluggard but as a resource for alternatives to, the American work
nating as an article in fast Com- tor by linking new ways of think- Graeber9s claim that the prolifer- book. In the process, we lose sight thinking together about the fu- ethic.


1 <Sheer Driving
4 <A Little Bit
Stronger= singer
9 Carmen Sandi-
ego9s crime
14 Fish eggs
15 Mature on the
16 Aerie nester
17 <Science Friday=
host Flatow
18 Route to
20 No-sweat class
22 Prof9s URL ender
23 CPR pro
24 Route to the NiCk gAlifiANAkiS fOr ThE WAShiNgTON pOST
navy yard?
28 Chowed down
30 Bubbly bar
31 Oscar winner
Boyfriend9s family is 8very involved9
Poitier dear Carolyn: new apartment being seen as a beautiful daughter.
33 Mama of folk our daughter got free vacation place by his family, my adult daughter has grown
rock into the graduate and we don9t want our daughter up not knowing this. my husband
36 River noted for program of her to feel as if the entertaining and passed away 10 years ago.
© 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 6/14/23 choice at a highly feeding are up to her because her my husband has two children
its châteaux
rated school and boyfriend starts classes sooner from his first marriage. We have
37 Route to a 3 Untrustworthy 38 Equip with new 48 __-de-France: Murders in the Carolyn will be moving than she does. She will need that all grown to love each other, and
showing of type parts Paris9s region Building= Hax back to our city time before her classes start to my daughter considers them her
<Jaws=? 4 Like a poor copy 49 Asian capital 57 <Beetle Bailey= after four years finish setting up the apartment half-sisters, as they do her. Plus
39 Arrivals in
42 Experts who 5 Fight (for) <Arrival= with a Chiang dog away at college. and to get her mind in gear and she has several aunts and uncles
deal with Kai-shek 60 Black History She met a nice boyfriend at ready for her course. who are not technically <blood.=
stress? 6 Busy time for 40 <Quickly=
the IRS letters memorial mo. college, but he is less mature But how can she say no to I am having an internal
43 Fallon9s 50 Swallow up 61 <To All the Boys= than she is and comes from a these visits? struggle trying to decide whether
predecessor 7 <When pigs fly!= 41 Word with hall large extended family that is very 4 D. I should tell her how she came
8 Derisive or house 51 <The Unit= actor series creator involved with each other9s lives. into this world. If she ever does a
44 Discarded stuff Haysbert Jenny
9 Top typically 42 Comfy attire He has never really lived away d.: Tough to manage those <very DNA test, she will certainly find
46 Lay in store for 54 Reliever9s 62 Currently
paired with 45 Rooney of from them because he was only involved= families, huh. out. I have a great, close
52 Pre-1991 atlas jeans <Carol= successes 63 Guitar kin, 30 minutes away from home and Guess she9ll have to figure it relationship with her. Should I
initials 55 Martin of <Only informally returned there on weekends. He out. tell her? How? or wait?
10 Fabled 47 Consented
53 Route to basket- procrastinator did not get into the same Whenever all the answers to 4 Questioning
ball camp? graduate school as our daughter All the Things are pounding
11 Narcissist9s
56 Brit9s washroom attribute TUESDAY9S LA TIMES SOLUTION but did get into another, much- against your skull and begging Questioning: Every day you wait
58 Scoundrel 12 Excessive praise lower-ranked school near her. He you to express them to your is the day she could find out from
59 Hold the throne turned down a better school to be obviously intelligent, capable a test. That day will be the worst
13 Brother of pols with our daughter. and well-loved (adult!) daughter one your <close relationship= ever
60 Route to the Jack and Bobby
liquor store? They are planning on getting who has not asked your opinion, has.
19 Stage signals an apartment together. She told this is what you say to yourself: The only good way for her to
64 Many a dad joke 21 However me his two siblings are coming <She9ll figure it out.= Her taste in find out is from you. obviously
65 Musical set in 25 Nonorthodox out to visit for 10 days once our <nice= men you plainly deem you decided years ago that
Argentina religious group daughter and her boyfriend inferior notwithstanding. (Yes, secrecy was your best option, and
66 Conjure up 26 Fishing net move into their apartment, and it9s that obvious.) you will reverse yourself only
67 Yalie 27 Carpet his parents are also coming out Even when she asks you because science is forcing your
68 Back at the shortly after that. directly, ask for her perspective hand. Be ready to explain that to
alternative This visiting seems to be too first. Bite on a stick. You9re here her, and the reasoning behind
track 29 Iris locale
69 Worked with much to us to impose on a young to help her think, not to think for your original choice.
32 Big name in couple who won9t even have her. The figuring out is more
thread chemicals finished setting up their living instructive than even the best Write to Carolyn hax at
70 Uncertainties 34 Cow or sow situation and won9t have had advice. tellme@washpost.com. get her
35 Africa-to-Asia time to settle into their lives column delivered to your inbox each
DOWN land bridge together. They are also both dear Carolyn: After several morning at wapo.st/gethax.
1 Legal filings 37 Starts undertaking professional years of trying, I could not
2 Group9s level of doctoral programs that are very conceive. We decided on artificial õ Join the discussion live at noon
streaming, say
enthusiasm demanding. insemination, which was fridays at washingtonpost.com/live
We are concerned about this successful and gave us a -chats.

SPORTS wednesday, june 14 , 2023 M2 d

prO bASkeTbAll jOhN FeiNSTeiN bASebAll
fever rookie aliyah Boston overwhelms the Mystics, a super Sunday with Novak Djokovic and Nick Taylor King charles iii9s introduction to our national pastime
who complete a three-game trip with a lopsided loss. d3 was a reminder of how great these games can be. d3 came at a Senators game more than 50 years ago. d5

Good as
hoist Cup
Vegas romps past Florida
to win first NHL title

Associated Press

LAS VEGAS 4 The Golden Knights

delivered their city a true Vegas-
style party from dazzling passes to
Mark stone9s hat trick to all-out
goal celebrations, capturing the
young organization9s first stanley
Cup with a 9-3 romp Tuesday
night over the beaten-up and ex-
hausted Florida Panthers.
Coach Bruce Cassidy, in a nod to
the Golden Knights9 brief history,
started five of the original Vegas
players known as the Misfits and
put the sixth on the second shift.
Cassidy sounded confident the
day before the game that his team
would play well, and it certainly
did, blowing open a one-goal
game in the second period to lead
6-1. The nine goals tied the record
for the most in a Cup finals game.
<Vegas, you certainly know
how to throw a party,= NHL
Commissioner Gary Bettman told
PhoToS By aMaNDa aNDRaDe-RhoaDeS foR The WaShiNgToN PoST the crowd. <What9s going on in-
the George Washington mascot waved a rainbow flag during the nationals9 night out game June 6. pride month has become a fraught topic for some mlb teams. side this arena and outside is
see StAnlEY CUp ON D6

Pride and prejudice Corbin9s two

mistakes are
LGBTQ+ celebrations show MLB9s shifting views and entrenched biases two too many
BY C HELSEA J ANES for Nationals
Twenty-three years ago, Dani Goldey
and then-girlfriend Meredith Kott were
enjoying a game at Dodger stadium. In aSTROS 6,
the fifth inning, Los Angeles Dodgers naTIOnaLS 1
pitcher Darren Dreifort hit his second
home run of the game, sending the crowd
into delirium at the unlikely event. Gold- BY A NDREW G OLDEN
ey, a lifelong Dodgers fan, and Kott
embraced in celebration and kissed. HOUSTON 4 Patrick Corbin
shortly thereafter, stadium security made just two mistakes Tuesday
personnel arrived. Goldey and Kott were night at Minute Maid Park. But
told that another fan had reported them when a team is struggling offen-
committing a <lewd= act and that, as a sively as the Washington Nation-
result, they had to leave the stadium or als are and the defending World
face trespassing charges. escorted by series champions are standing in
security, Goldey and Kott were marched the way, two mistakes can be
past friends who happened to be standing tough to overcome.
near the gates of a place that hours earlier Corbin9s first misstep was a
had always felt welcome. fifth-inning change-up to the
<A group of people were offended by the Houston Astros9 Mauricio Dubón
fact that I am a lesbian,= Goldey said in an From left, Steven mcCarty, Christian Wire and Joey Scully posed with Screech, the that caught too much of the plate
email to The Washington Post, <and the nationals9 mascot, who wore a rainbow jersey for the team9s night out festivities. 4 Dubón deposited it into the
Dodgers honored that group by removing Crawford Boxes in left field. His
me from the stadium.= talked about a settlement and agreed to a organization even told him that he had second came later in the inning
Then-Dodgers president Bob Graziano public apology, and the team donated been set up, that he was falling for some when Kyle Tucker turned on an
did not learn about what had happened 5,000 tickets to three LGBTQ+ groups in kind of ploy. <It wasn9t a conversation they inside fastball and sent it into the
until the next morning. even before hear- the area. were having in professional sports. It felt seats in right. Those swings gave
ing from Goldey9s attorney, Graziano <To be honest with you, people were like we were beginning to chart new the Astros a two-run lead. They
didn9t need much convincing that the saying, 8Why are you doing this?9 = Grazia- waters on this. I wasn9t sure if I was ultimately slugged their way to a
organization needed to apologize. They no remembered. some people in the see bASEbAll ON D6 see nAtionAlS ON D5

Nationals at Astros
Today, 8 p.m., MaSN

A star took his QB job, so he picked up a headset After PGA-LIV stunner,

Pritchard gave way to Luck at Stanford, and today he9s coaching the Commanders9 quarterbacks a U.S. Open of intrigue
BY N ICKI J HABVALA scheme. When he first saw him-
self in a burgundy-and-gold Com- with the widespread shudder.
Tavita Pritchard has made a manders jacket, he believed it That9s when Rahm <was at
career out of adjusting. sixteen looked <straight-up cardinal and
Tour commissioner home taking care of the kids= and
years ago, he was thrust into a gold= 4 Pac-12 rival UsC9s colors. is stepping aside amid <just having my normal morning,
starting role as a redshirt sopho- <I didn9t even realize it at the making coffee and breakfast, and
more quarterback, and two years time, but I went out there for the
a 8medical situation9 basically texts just started flowing
after that, he was back on first practice, saw myself on film, in= about the PGA Tour and eu-
the bench, spelling a hotshot and I was like: 8I can9t do this. I rope9s DP World Tour join-up with
sophomore. He has adjusted need a black one,9 = Pritchard re- BY C HUCK C ULPEPPER saudi-funded LIV Golf. Patrick
dreams and adjusted to career called this month. Cantlay was home in Jupiter, Fla.,
changes, and now, after spending Pritchard9s focus in Ashburn is LOS ANGELES 4 Where were still in shock from learning hours
the entirety of his life out west, a far cry from his days leading you when your entire sport con- earlier than most players because
he9s adjusting to the east Coast. stanford to a legendary upset of vulsed? he9s on the tour9s policy board.
In February, the Washington the Trojans, even if he does prefer On a Tuesday when erudite Brooks Koepka was having break-
Commanders hired Pritchard, a that black jacket. He9s the pri- reigning Masters champion Jon fast at Michael Jordan9s Grove
36-year-old former stanford mary voice in the ears of 22-year- Rahm spoke of <a bit of betrayal XXIII club in Florida but claimed
quarterback and assistant coach, old sam Howell and veteran Jaco- from management= and a de facto to remain unfazed because he9s
as their quarterbacks coach. He by Brissett as they learn a new theme of golfers seemed to be I see U.S. opEn ON D10
has become one of the most im- offense and vie for the starting know less than you do, the rich
portant figures in the team9s of- job, which may be Howell9s to and semifamous professionals 123rd U.S. Open
fensive transformation, which lose. JohN McDoNNell/The WaShiNgToN PoST At Los Angeles Country Club
here for a unique U.s. Open at Los
again has required adjustment <He9s connected with those Sam Howell, center, is the future in Washington, and quarterbacks Angeles Country Club told about Tomorrow9s TV: 1 p.m., USa;
4 including to the color see CommAnDErS ON D2 coach tavita pritchard is tasked with guiding his development. the previous Tuesday, the one 8 p.m., NBc
d2 ez M2 the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023


Allen cites unresolved issues for Diggs skipping practices

A SSOCIATED P RESS back in the fold 4 and the sooner Distraction or not, Diggs9s off- team facility when practice began. was restructured would make it l CHIeFs: All-pro defensive
the better for the Bills. season-long absence 4 he also In a message sent to ESPN, Ba- very difficult for the team to trade tackle Chris Jones, who is entering
Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh <This does not work, what we9re skipped the team9s voluntary kari said Diggs spent the past two or cut Diggs. the final year of his contract, was
Allen declined to push the panic doing here without him,= Allen spring workouts and practices 4 days meeting with mcDermott Since being acquired in a trade absent from the start of the Super
button while explaining how un- said following practice. raises questions. and General manager Brandon with the minnesota Vikings in Bowl champions9 mandatory
resolved issues stemming from <I9ve got his back no matter The disconnect went even fur- Beane and <will be there for the march 2020, the 29-year-old has three-day minicamp.
last season led wide receiver Ste- what, and I9ve got no doubt that ther before practice began when entirety of camp.= been one of the NfL9s most pro- If it is unexcused, Jones could
fon Diggs to show his displeasure we will figure out what9s going on. Coach Sean mcDermott said he The development comes as a ductive receivers by recording 365 be fined as much as $98,753 under
by skipping the team9s start of I love him. I can9t stress that was <very concerned= in announc- surprise after Beane said last week catches for 4,189 yards and 29 terms of the collective bargaining
mandatory practices Tuesday. enough,= he added, emphasizing ing Diggs would not be participat- that he expected all 90 players 4 touchdowns 4 one fewer than he agreement.
Without going into full detail his love for Diggs by using a pro- ing. What mcDermott left out, and including Diggs 4 to be in attend- had in minnesota 4 in his three l PaTrIoTs: New England re-
into what exactly is eating at fanity. <I think that there are some later was clarified by the team, was ance this week. seasons in Buffalo. leased running back James robin-
Diggs, Allen listed getting the things that could have gone better Diggs being at the Bills9 facility Diggs is entering his fourth sea- l JeTs: New York signed for- son and defensive back Tae Hayes.
team9s top receiving threat more last year and didn9t. I think as an monday and Tuesday morning but son in Buffalo and last summer mer Green Bay Packers safety robinson9s release came as a
involved in the offense and having organization, maybe not commu- not, he said, when practice began. was rewarded with a four-year, Adrian Amos to a one-year deal. surprise after the team signed the
more game-planning input as nicating the right way with every- Diggs9s agent Adisa Bakari, in a $96 million contract that kicks in The 30-year-old Amos becomes former Jet to a two-year contract
among the player9s concerns. thing.= message sent to the Associated this season. the latest former Packers player to with a base salary of $4 million. He
The quarterback then placed Allen said Diggs wants to re- Press, disputed the timing of The two sides agreed to restruc- head to New York, including quar- was expected to be a potential
the onus on himself to do better in main in Buffalo, and the quarter- Diggs9s departure by saying that9s ture the contract this spring in terback Aaron rodgers. replacement for Damien Harris,
what will be an ongoing attempt to back expressed confidence the dis- <not completely accurate,= sug- allowing the Bills to free up salary The deal is reportedly worth as whom the team opted not to bring
get the former maryland standout pute will be resolved. gesting his client was still at the cap space. The way the contract much as $4 million. back and who signed with Buffalo.

At 22, Pritchard helped coach Luck. Now, he9s helping shape the Commanders.
Commanders from d1 former Washington State center The Commanders study a
who went on to coach high school heavy dose of Chiefs game tape 4
guys, and he9s doing a hell of a football. The same elements Prit- not to have Howell and Brissett
job,= offensive coordinator Eric chard loved about playing were compare themselves with Patrick
Bieniemy said. <. . . He9s very intel- there in coaching: the crowd on mahomes or even Alex Smith but
ligent. I think he brings an energy game day, the preparation, the to help them visualize the offense
to that room.= locker-room interactions, the with their own styles.
But Pritchard9s challenge is competition. <That was the beginning, mid-
steep. The Commanders have cy- <You can really see which dle and end for Bill Walsh,= Prit-
cled through eight starting quar- coaches are like magnets,= Shaw chard said. <It wasn9t so much
terbacks over the past three sea- said. <They draw the guys to how we call plays. It was: 8How do
sons, are overhauling their of- them. It9s one thing to chase a we teach plays? . . . How do we
fense to install Bieniemy9s West player, but it9s another thing for approach this in a way that9s
Coast system and no longer have the player to come to you. . . . They going to help these guys learn it so
the luxury of time. The franchise trust him. They9re letting him in. that they9re experts in our sys-
is on track to be sold, rendering They9re responding to him giving tem?9 . . . I9m constantly asking
this season a glorified tryout for them direction. And as a head myself: 8How is this guy different
almost everyone involved. coach, that9s what you9re really from this guy? How can I become
The success of the team, which looking for in your assistants.= a better coach for this group of
will be dictated in part by the people?9 =
success of its quarterback, could Trust and comfort In organized team activities
decide many players9 and coach- Pritchard spent five years as and minicamp, the Commanders9
es9 futures. Pritchard9s job may Stanford9s offensive coordinator, quarterbacks wore microphones
help determine the future shape but he laid the foundation for his in the huddle and at the line of
of the franchise. future in the NfL long before that scrimmage, and Pritchard said he
During his 18 years at Stanford, as a defensive assistant. He met has been able to use what he
Pritchard played and coached in Bieniemy, now his boss in Wash- learned from that in his coaching.
the West Coast offense, devised by ington, through mason. Already, he has noticed his young
Bill Walsh. That system, though it When Bieniemy became the quarterback is able to self-cor-
has evolved, forms the basis of offensive coordinator at Colora- rect. one day in oTAs, Howell got
Andy reid9s offense with the Kan- MArcio JoSe SAnchez/ASSociAted PreSS do, he and Pritchard met up be- hung up on a part of his passing
sas City Chiefs, Bieniemy9s in andrew Luck, left, won the stanford quarterback job over previous starter Tavita Pritchard in 2009. fore a game and again at the NfL9s progression instead of quickly
Washington and several others annual quarterback coaching moving on to what was called.
across the NfL. <There are a lot of quarterbacks count. So to have to learn it and ball history,9 = said Tanner mcKee, summit, a days-long program When he encountered the same
It9s a timing-based system, that can9t visualize it but they can then teach it on that side, it9s a former Stanford quarterback that helps spur opportunities for look the next day, he didn9t repeat
with routes synced up to the quar- play,= former Stanford coach Da- paying dividends even now, just drafted by the Philadelphia Ea- minority coaches. the error.
terback9s drops, and generally vid Shaw said. <other quarter- to be able to see it through that gles this year. <So, yeah, we all <I think I gave a talk on, like, Pritchard has said teaching
uses intermediate passes to backs, they can visualize it 4 they lens.= know about that.= progression-based passing and passing progressions is like teach-
stretch the field horizontally. for can just talk about the game with- As Pritchard9s understanding Pritchard started eight more quarterback fundamentals, and I ing a choreographed dance; the
the past three seasons, Washing- out film or without drawing of the game and the offense grew, games that season and 12 in 2008. remember [Bieniemy] hitting me movements are learned, and with
ton used Scott Turner9s version of things on a board. And there are so did his ability to teach. In 2009, he lost the gig to a up,= Pritchard said. <We talked enough practice, they can breed
the Air Coryell offense, which has other guys that can visualize it <one of the first things that he redshirt freshman from Texas. quarterback play, we talked of- comfort.
some similar concepts but uses and manipulate it. [Pritchard] coached me on was just X9s and <I don9t know if you9ve heard of fense, and then he just said, 8Hey, I <It9s not just like, 8oh, he9s not
different terminology and em- was one of those guys.= o9s from the mind of a defensive this guy, but this scrub named want to stay in touch.9 He had said open; let me look for the next
phasizes stretching the field verti- Pritchard started his coaching coordinator and explaining the Andrew Luck beat me out. Can before, 8If I get an opportunity, I9d guy,9 = Pritchard said. <. . . Your
cally. career in 2010, the year he structures of the defense and you believe that?= Pritchard love to consider bringing you eyes have to move so fast as a
In the West Coast offense, some graduated, as a volunteer assis- where all the pieces have to go,= joked. <I was relegated to the along.9 = quarterback, so you can9t do any-
play-calls can stretch to more tant at Stanford. In 2011, he be- former Stanford quarterback bench and held a clipboard. But I This spring, Pritchard spent thing indecisively or kind of half-
than 20 words, making it para- came a defensive quality control Kevin Hogan said. <. . . He really didn9t just hold a clipboard.= some of his first days with the heartedly. Everything has to be
mount that the quarterback mas- coach, working under Derek ma- just kind of simplified it and did a The demotion essentially end- Commanders holed up at team with conviction through a pro-
ters the language before he can son, then the Cardinal9s defensive good job of explaining it to some- ed Pritchard9s chance of making headquarters, learning the nu- gression, with your feet, with your
run the system. backs coach and defensive coordi- one that wasn9t all that comfort- the NfL as a quarterback, but it ances of Bieniemy9s offense and eyes, and then when it9s time to
<This system, in its purest nator. Those early years assisting able with it at the time.= opened an opportunity as a poring over tape of his new play- rip it, you9ve got to . . . rip it. So it9s
form, tries to tell a lot of people the secondary afforded Pritchard coach. on game days, Pritchard ers 4 especially Howell. giving him some trust and some
what to do,= Pritchard said. a robust understanding of the From field to sideline wore a headset. <Before we were able to meet comfort.=
<. . . You9re trying to visualize the offense, not just from the perspec- In 2007, Stanford was a 41- <I refer to him as Andrew the guys and kind of get to know After the Commanders9 final
play as you9re calling it. That is a tive of the quarterback but from point underdog against USC Luck9s first quarterback coach,= them and their personalities, [I minicamp workout Thursday,
big part of it. And then it9s just the standpoint of those trying to when Pritchard, in his first career said Shaw, the Cardinal9s offen- tried to learn who they were] on Coach ron rivera acknowledged
practice. It9s like anything else. pick it apart. start, led the Cardinal to a 24-23 sive coordinator that season. <We film,= Pritchard said. <I think one Howell is gaining comfort in the
It9s a language.= <football is learned differently victory, throwing for the winning didn9t have anybody with that of the things that has been most offense and has <pretty much
The terminology can differ on either side of the ball,= Prit- touchdown on fourth down with title at the time. I worked with the impressive about Sam has just shown us what we want to see.=
from team to team, and Pritchard chard said. <Everything on de- 49 seconds left. quarterbacks as the coordinator, been his mental approach and his But the work is only beginning
has had to adapt to Bieniemy9s. fense, we9re reacting to the of- <We have a big banner where but Andrew trusted Tavita.= attitude, like how he9s come in for him and Pritchard, who wore
But Pritchard9s understanding of fense. We have to line up to their our football offices are, and it says Pritchard was drawn to the here. The kid9s a sponge. He wants that burgundy-and-gold pullover
the principles runs deep. formation; we go on their snap 8the biggest upset in college foot- sideline, much like his father, a to learn. He wants to be great.= jacket for the first time in weeks.


dI G E s T MLB
1:15 p.m. san Francisco at st. Louis » MLB network
HOCKEY playoffs and lost in the first round He has been alternate governor over the miami Heat on monday 7 p.m. Toronto at Baltimore » MASn2, WiYY (97.9 FM), WSBn (630 AM)
each of the first two seasons for the rival montreal Canadiens night. 7 p.m. New York Yankees at New York Mets » eSPn
Rangers hire former before missing this year amid a since purchasing a share of the Sharpe, 54, retired from the 8 p.m. Washington at Houston » MASn, WJFK (106.7 FM)
10 p.m. Chicago White sox at Los Angeles dodgers » eSPn
Caps coach Laviolette bevy of injuries. Laviolette and storied franchise in 2009. NfL at the end of the 2003 season
the team decided to go their Andlauer must sell his interest in and transitioned to media, in WNBA
The New York rangers hired separate ways. the Canadiens before his which he served as an analyst, 1 p.m. Commissioner9s Cup: Los Angeles at dallas » nBA tV
Peter Laviolette as their next This is Laviolette9s sixth head- purchase of the Senators is commentator and radio host.
coach, bringing in a seasoned coaching job in the NHL, after he complete, a process that also on Tuesday, Sharpe wiped
2:45 p.m. UEFA Nations League, semifinal: Croatia at Netherlands » Fox Sports 1
veteran with Stanley Cup- played his only 12 games in the includes being approved by the away tears as he thanked Bayless
7:30 p.m. NWsL Challenge Cup: North Carolina at Washington » Paramount Plus
winning experience to replace league for the rangers in 1988. NHL9s Board of Governors. and others.
Gerard Gallant. following one season as a Boston <I believe that the Senators9 fan <Skip Bayless, you fought for TENNIs
The team announced the Bruins assistant, the base is one of the most passionate me, bruh,= he said. <I9m here 5 a.m. ATP/WTA: Rosmalen Grass Court Championships, early rounds;
selection of the former massachusetts native coached the in the league, and I9m excited to because of you. You9ve allowed me ATP: stuttgart Open, early rounds; WTA: Nottingham Open, early rounds
Washington Capitals coach New York Islanders before going take the franchise9s success both to share the stage with you. You9ve » tennis channel
Tuesday, putting the U.S.-born on to lead Carolina, Philadelphia, on and off the ice to the next allowed me to share the platform. BAsEBALL
leader in NHL coaching victories Nashville and Washington. level,= Andlauer said. <The short- All I ask is when you lay your head
7 p.m. Congressional Baseball Game » Fox Sports 1
in charge of the original Six Laviolette has presided over and long-term future of the team on that pillow at night, know I
franchise. 752 regular season victories. . . . is incredibly bright.= gave you everything I had.=
<With Peter9s extensive A group led by Canadian forbes values the Senators at 4 Glynn A. Hill tournament in Australia and New Williams, now ranked No. 696,
experience as a head coach in the businessman michael andlauer $800 million, 24th out of the Zealand at the age of 38. turns 43 on Saturday.
National Hockey League, as well reached an agreement to buy the NHL9s 30 teams. sOCCER Seger, who has struggled with
as the success his teams have had ottawa Senators. Brazil will make another push injuries since last year9s European TRACK ANd FIELd
at several levels throughout his The team announced that MEdIA to hire Carlo ancelotti despite Championship, has played in Distance runner Faith
career, we are excited about what Andlauer and his group will shannon sharpe, the former the coach9s intention to remain every World Cup since 2007. Kipyegon was given $35,000 and
the future holds with him leading purchase 90 percent of the club NfL star who co-hosted <Skip and with real madrid next season. a house by Kenyan President
our team,= General manager from the melnyk family. The deal Shannon: Undisputed= with skip ednaldo rodrigues, president TENNIs William ruto as a reward for
Chris drury said in a statement. reportedly is worth nearly Bayless on fox Sports 1 since of the Brazilian soccer nick Kyrgios lost in his breaking two world records in the
Laviolette replaces Gallant, $1 billion. 2016, announced his departure confederation, said he hopes to comeback from knee surgery, 7-5, space of a week.
who mutually parted ways with anna and olivia melnyk, from the show. meet with Ancelotti or his staff in 6-3, to China9s Wu Yibing in the The 29-year-old Kipyegon, a
the rangers after their first- daughters of late former owner <Ladies and gentlemen, this is the next few days to discuss the first round of the Stuttgart open two-time olympic champion in
round playoff exit. Gallant spent eugene melnyk, will retain 10 officially my last day at work,= he possibility of hiring him. in Germany. the 1,500 meters, set a new 1,500
two seasons behind the bench in percent interest. melnyk died in said during Tuesday9s show. <After Ancelotti, 64, said last month Kyrgios, 28 and a two-time world record in florence on
New York. The franchise last won march 2022 at age 62. seven years, the train stops for that he was thankful for Brazil9s semifinalist in Stuttgart, hadn9t June 2. She broke the 5,000
the Stanley Cup in 1994. Andlauer, 57, is the founder Shannon Sharpe and interest but would finish his played since october. . . . meters record last friday at the
Laviolette, 58, coached the and CEo of a health-care group 8Undisputed9 right here.= madrid contract, which runs Seven-time major champion Paris Diamond League meet.
Carolina Hurricanes to the with transportation options for Sharpe9s departure follows a through the 2023-24 season. Venus Williams lost her first <faith has made Kenya
Stanley Cup in 2006 and took two that sector and started a private New York Post report last month Brazil has been without a competitive singles match since incredibly proud,= said ruto, who
other teams to the finals: the equity company based in Toronto. that the Hall of fame tight end coach since Tite left after the injuring her hamstring in pledged that the Kenyan
Philadelphia flyers in 2010 and He owned the American Hockey had reached a buyout agreement World Cup in Qatar. . . . January, succumbing to 17-year- government will give similar
the Nashville Predators in 2017. League9s Hamilton Bulldogs from with fox Sports. That report said Sweden midfielder Caroline old Celine naef, 3-6, 7-6 (7-3), 6-2, rewards to future world record
most recently, Laviolette spent 2004 to 2015, then purchased the Sharpe9s final show would air seger will take part in her fifth at the Libema open grass-court breakers.
the past three seasons coaching ontario Hockey League9s after the NBA finals, which Women9s World Cup after being tournament in Den Bosch, 4 From news services
the Capitals, who made the Belleville Bulls. ended with a Denver Nuggets win selected for the upcoming Netherlands. and staff reports
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ M2 D3

Sports can still enchant 4 just look at Djokovic and Taylor

Being the <get off
my lawn= guy that
I9ve become in my
dotage, it takes a
lot to get me as
giddy about
John sports as I once
Feinstein was.
And yet there I
was Sunday 4 twice 4 feeling
like the kid who got chills almost
anytime the Mets won a game,
shouting with real joy at the
television set.
Twice in the same day 4 even
though the Mets lost (again) to
fall further under .500 4 I had a
smile on my face: shortly after
noon and again at almost 8 p.m.
And to show you how wild
and crazy sports can be at their
best, the two guys who had me in
this state were a tennis player
who is arguably the best to ever
play his sport and a golfer who
not every golf fan had heard of
before Sunday.
Novak Djokovic, who won the
French Open for his record 23rd
Grand Slam title, has been a
polarizing figure for years. Some
of it wasn9t his fault. Roger
Federer and Rafael Nadal were
so popular among tennis fans
that, when Djokovic came along
to challenge them, he was often
cast as the villain.
He went beyond that during
the pandemic when he refused
to be vaccinated, ran a
controversial exhibition tour in
Serbia and Croatia that wasn9t
completed after multiple players
tested positive, was disqualified
from the U.S. Open after
accidentally hitting a
lineswoman with a ball he
slammed off his racket in disgust
and was kept from playing the
Australian Open and U.S. Open ClIve BrunskIll/getty IMages

in 2022 because he remained Novak Djokovic took a selfie with fans at the French Open after winning his record 23rd major title and becoming the only man to win all four Grand Slams at least three times.
Nick Taylor has never been first to congratulate him was Certainly, he has all the shots in reached in two, while Fleetwood
controversial. He9s a 35-year-old Tom Brady: football9s GOAT his arsenal needed to be a laid up and hit his third shot to
Canadian golfer who has had a honoring tennis9s GOAT. Ruud is champion, but he is at his best in 12 feet. On CBS, Jim Nantz and
solid career 4 three wins on the an excellent player 4 he has crucial moments. He played six Trevor Immelman wondered
PGA Tour after Sunday 4 but been in three of the past five tiebreaker sets in Paris, won who had the advantage: Taylor,
was less well known than some major finals 4 but after Djokovic them all and committed zero 72 feet away in two, or
of the tour9s glamour caddies. won a first-set tiebreaker 7-1, he unforced errors in them. Fleetwood, 12 feet away in three?
But there he was Sunday, had no chance. Still, people sometimes don9t The answer came quickly
carrying the hopes and dreams <It9s impossible to explain how want to give him his due because when Taylor9s putt slammed into
of Canada, dueling with English incredible you are,= Ruud said to he9s polarizing. the stick and dropped into the
Ryder Cup player Tommy Djokovic during the awards He is often thoughtful and hole for one of golf 9s most
Fleetwood in a four-hole playoff ceremony. <Another day, another insightful but also stubborn and memorable finishes ever.
to decide the Canadian Open. A record for you.= error-prone, off the court if not The best part of those two
Canadian had not won the Ho-hum. on. victories?
country9s national championship But there is nothing ho-hum Sunday was his third French Within minutes of Djokovic9s
since Pat Fletcher in 1954 4 69 about Djokovic9s tennis or the Open victory; he9s the only win, Nadal posted a tweet
years ago. golden age he has played in. He, player to have won all four congratulating him for reaching
The closest a Canadian had Nadal and Federer have won 65 majors at least three times. He a number that once seemed
come to winning since Fletcher majors even while competing accepted the Coupe des impossible. <Many congrats on
was Mike Weir, who lost in a against one another on a regular Mousquetaires from Yannick this amazing achievement,=
playoff to Vijay Singh in 2004, a basis. They are, almost without Noah, the last Frenchman to win Nadal wrote.
year after he became the first argument, the three best players the trophy 4 40 years ago. And not long after giving
Canadian to win the Masters. A of all time 4 although some Forty years seem like the blink Taylor a warm hug, Fleetwood
few years later, Weir said he was would hold out for Rod Laver, of an eye compared to the 69 posted a congratulatory tweet of
almost as disappointed to lose who won the calendar Grand years Canadians had waited to his own, telling Taylor, <what an
that playoff as he was overjoyed Slam twice and retired with 11 see a Canadian win their unbelievable 3 days of golf you9ve
to win the Masters. major titles even though he was national tournament, which was just played and what a moment
Weir was there Sunday, being banned from the majors first played in 1904. for you and your country!=
watching with an intensity that for five years because he was a The final round at Oakdale And then Monday night, there
matched the look on his face <professional.= Golf & Country Club was a wild was Nikola Jokic, making the 48
when he9s competing. And when Regardless, the Federer- scramble until Taylor curled in hours more glorious for Serbia,
Taylor9s 72-foot eagle putt 4 Nadal-Djokovic era has been an 11-foot birdie putt on the final not only winning the NBA Finals
that9s not a typo; it was 72 feet extraordinary. Nadal has won in hole to finish at 17-under-par 271. MVP trophy for leading the
6 inches, to be exact 4 went in Paris 14 times but had to sit out For a while, that appeared to be Denver Nuggets to their first
the hole, Weir and who knows this year because of a hip injury. good enough. But Fleetwood, title but making sure he
how many thousands of He turned 37 this month and playing two holes behind, congratulated all the members of
Canadians joined in the hopes to come back to play one birdied Nos. 16 and 17 to match the Miami Heat before
celebration. more year. Djokovic, who turned Taylor, and then the playoff celebrating.
Earlier in the day, after 36 in May, shows no signs of began. Nothing but class. And what a
Djokovic had beaten Norway9s slowing down. MInas PanagIotakIs/getty IMages First, both made birdies at week for sports, no matter how
Casper Ruud in straight sets at What is most underrated Nick Taylor doffed his hat after making a putt of more than 72 feet No. 18. Then, both parred Nos. 18 many years you9ve been
the French Open final, one of the about Djokovic is his mind. to become the first Canadian since 1954 to win the Canadian Open. and 9. Back to No. 18. Taylor watching them.

Boston dominates, and Mystics fall in ûnale of trip WNBA

<Bad 4 the first time we9ve percent: Kelsey Mitchell poured Mercury at Mystics
Atlanta holds on to beat
really been bad,= Thibault said of
his team9s defense. <Just got our
butts kicked 4 physically, on the
in 19 points and moved to No. 2 on
the Fever9s all-time scoring list.
Three other players had eight
Friday, 8 p.m., WPXW (Ch. 66)

one point Tuesday, she bodied her

shorthanded New York
glass, in the paint. First time I felt points apiece. way through Austin for a layup,
BY K AREEM C OPELAND like we [didn9t bring] the neces- <We just got outworked 4 it9s then used a step-through for an- bounds to go with six points.
sary effort from a physical stand- as simple as that,= Sykes said. other layup on the next posses- DREaM 86, Jones sank a long jumper just
INDIANAPOLIS 4 Aliyah Boston point. At least not consistent.= <. . . It9s literally we either do it sion. LIbERTY 79 before the third-quarter buzzer
and Shakira Austin shared the The Mystics have had stretches and win or we don9t and we get a Fever Coach Christie Sides to tie it at 60. She added a
court as they warmed up before of offensive struggles 4 and they result like you did today. We9ve called Boston a special player three-point play early in the
Tuesday night9s game at Gain- shot just 33.3 percent Tuesday 4 got to eat this one and get ready who has all the intangibles, but A SSOCIATED P RESS fourth to start a 9-0 run for a
bridge Fieldhouse. The 2023 No. 1 but they usually can lean on their for the weekend.= one thing about her has surprised 74-63 lead.
draft pick by the Indiana Fever defensive strength. That proved Here9s what else to know about the first-year coach. NEW YORK 4 Allisha Gray The Liberty (6-3) was without
was on one end with her waist- to be a problem against the Fever the Mystics9 loss: <Her basketball IQ is what kind scored 16 points and rookie Ha- Sabrina Ionescu, who scored a
length red braids swinging as the (3-6), which had a 17-5 run in the of caught me off guard,= Sides ley Jones had 13 points and nine career-high 37 points Friday in a
2022 No. 3 draft pick by the second quarter and a 13-1 jaunt in Delle Donne returns said. <. . . I really watched her for rebounds in her second start as 106-83 victory over Atlanta.
Washington Mystics went the third. Washington sand- Delle Donne returned after several years and I knew it was the Atlanta Dream beat the Johannes scored a season-
through her routine with her wiched halftime with a 13-1 run missing Sunday9s win over the high, but I bet she could tell you shorthanded New York Liberty, high 18 points for New York.
strawberry-blond curls bouncing for a 45-41 lead, but that was as Storm with neck tightness. She where everybody on the floor 86-79, on Tuesday night. Betnijah Laney added 17 points,
up and down. good as it got for the visitors. said her neck had been bothering should be at every position. And Gray was fouled far from the and Breanna Stewart had 12
The centers had their battles Delle Donne scored a team- her before this three-game trip for a post player, that9s really basket with 42.2 seconds left and points, 13 rebounds, six assists
while in the SEC and were about high 17 points and moved to and the long journey to Seattle special.= made two free throws to give and four blocks. Jonquel Jones
to face each other as professionals No. 30 on the WNBA9s all-time didn9t help. Atlanta an 84-79 lead. Marine also scored 12 points, and Court-
for the first time. The first round scoring list, but she was the only The two-time MVP compared Commissioner9s Cup update Johannes9s three-pointer rattled ney Vandersloot had 11 points,
went to the favorite to be named Mystics player in double figures. it to a kink in your neck that has to Washington fell to 2-3 in Com- out for New York, and Gray six rebounds and six assists.
rookie of the year. Brittney Sykes finished with nine be worked out but said the tight- missioner9s Cup games and sits sealed it with two free throws Laney made a steal and raced
Boston had 23 points, 14 re- points, six rebounds and four ness didn9t have anything to do 21/2 games back of first-place Con- with 35.4 seconds to play. the other way before getting
bounds and six assists in an 87-66 assists. with the back issues that plagued necticut. There is a $500,000 AD Durr also scored 13 points fouled with 1:19 left. She made
victory for the Fever. Austin coun- For the first time this season, her over the previous three sea- prize pool for the champion, for the Dream (3-5), and Nia both free throws to pull New
tered with just six points and five Austin went without a double- sons. Thibault said Delle Donne which does add some incentive, Coffey, Rhyne Howard and Mo- York within 80-77, but Billings
rebounds, and the Mystics gave double for the second consecutive was not under a minutes restric- the players said. nique Billings each added 12. answered with two free throws
up 40 points in the paint. game. tion but he planned to monitor <It matters, for sure,= Atkins Cheyenne Parker grabbed 11 re- for a five-point lead.
Washington (5-4) finished 2-1 <Just felt like we would get like his substitution patterns so she said, <because of the prize money
on its three-game trip to Seattle a little glimpse of us and then it didn9t sit too long and get stiff. that comes with the Commission-
and Indianapolis. Coach Eric Thi- would go away,= Delle Donne said. Delle Donne ended up playing er9s Cup 4 let9s be honest here.=
bault and star forward Elena <A lot of times it was a defensive 28 minutes 4 a bit below her Austin added with a chuckle, Take |e Post shopping
Delle Donne said fatigue from lapse, or we played great defense average of 32.3 coming in. <Money game!=
travel and playing two games in and then we9d just give up a Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere
Seattle were not excuses. putback 4 things that just crush Rookie brings it Up next
Thibault, who was called for a you. So, yeah, this is a frustrating Boston was named rookie of The Mystics host Brittney Gri-
s0108 2x1

technical foul in the third quarter, one.= the month for May. She leads all ner and the Phoenix Mercury at
was the most visibly frustrated he Boston wasn9t a one-woman rookies in points, rebounds, 8 p.m. Friday at Entertainment Politics " History " Culture " More
has been this season. show for Indiana, which shot 47.1 blocks and minutes per game. At and Sports Arena.
d4 eZ m2 the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

national league american league
East W l pct gb l10 str cEntral W l pct gb l10 str WEst W l pct gb l10 str East W l pct gb l10 str cEntral W l pct gb l10 str WEst W l pct gb l10 str
atlanta 40 26 .606 4 7-3 l-2 x-Pittsburgh 34 30 .531 4 7-3 W-1 x-arizona 41 25 .621 4 8-2 W-6 x-Tampa Bay 48 21 .696 4 8-2 l-1 minnesota 34 33 .507 4 4-6 W-1 Texas 41 25 .621 4 5-5 l-3
x-miami 37 30 .552 31/2 8-2 l-1 milwaukee 34 33 .507 11/2 4-6 l-5 x-los angeles 37 29 .561 4 3-7 l-1 Baltimore 42 24 .636 41/2 7-3 W-5 x-Cleveland 31 34 .477 2 6-4 W-1 Houston 38 29 .567 31/2 4-6 W-1
x-Philadelphia 32 34 .485 8 7-3 l-1 Cincinnati 33 35 .485 3 7-3 W-4 san Francisco 35 32 .522 61/2 7-3 W-3 New York 39 29 .574 81/2 5-5 W-1 x-Chicago 29 38 .433 5 6-4 l-2 los angeles 38 31 .551 41/2 8-2 W-3
New York 31 36 .463 9 1/
2 1-9 l-2 x-Chicago 28 37 .431 6 1/
2 4-6 l-1 x-san Diego 31 34 .477 9 1/
2 6-4 l-1 Toronto 37 31 .544 10 1/
2 6-4 l-1 Detroit 27 37 .422 5 1/
2 1-9 W-1 x-seattle 32 33 .492 81/2 4-6 W-1
Washington 26 39 .400 131/2 3-7 l-1 st. louis 27 41 .397 9 2-8 l-4 Colorado 29 40 .420 131/2 4-6 W-3 Boston 33 35 .485 141/2 3-7 l-2 Kansas City 18 49 .269 16 1-9 l-8 x-Oakland 18 50 .265 24 6-4 W-6
x-Late game x-Late game

astros 6, nationals 1
Thomas rf ...........3
2 0 1 1 .284
Henderson hits slam no tE s

García 2b.............3
Meneses dh ........4
Candelario 3b......3
Dickerson lf ........4
1 1 1 0 .276
0 0 0 2 .302
0 0 1 3 .248
1 0 0 0 .259
as O9s win ûfth in row tigErs-bravEs clash
postponEd by rain
Ruiz c ..................4 0 0 0 0 0 .230 atlanta9s game in Detroit
Smith 1b .............3 0 1 0 0 0 .263
Abrams ss...........3 0 1 0 0 0 .225 was shelved after a nearly
Call cf..................3 0 0 0 0 0 .215 orioles 11, Blue Jays 6 21/2-hour delay and will be
TOTALS 30 1 6 1 3 6 4
made up as part of a
BY N ATHAN R UIZ doubleheader starting at
Dubón ss.............5 1 1 1 0 0 .297
Altuve 2b ............3 1 1 1 2 1 .266 1:10 p.m. Wednesday.
Bregman 3b ........4 0 2 0 1 0 .247 BALTIMORE 4 In discussing his recognition as the
Tucker rf .............3 1 1 1 1 1 .269
J.Abreu 1b ..........3 0 2 1 1 0 .225 American League player of the week before Tuesday pErsonnEl dEpt.
Diaz dh................4 0 0 0 0 1 .261 night9s series opener against the Toronto Blue Jays,
McCormick lf ......4 1 1 1 0 2 .228 angels: IF Brandon Drury
Meyers cf............2 1 0 0 2 2 .246 Baltimore Orioles infielder Gunnar Henderson cred-
Maldonado c .......4 1 1 1 0 1 .188
ited the team9s hitting coaches for helping him work was suspended for one
TOTALS 32 6 9 6 7 8 4 game and fined by mlB
through the slump that marred the opening months
wASHINgTON 000 000 010 4 1 6 0 for making contact with
HOuSTON ...... 000 020 22x 4 6 9 0 of his rookie season.
LOB: Washington 5, Houston 9. 2B: <It9s a testament to the hard work and just every- umpire Ramon De Jesus
Abrams (10), Thomas (14), J.Abreu (9). while arguing balls and
HR: Dubón (3), off Corbin; Tucker (9), thing that I9ve gone through [since] the beginning of
off Corbin; Maldonado (4), off Kuhl; Mc- the year,= Henderson said. strikes during monday
Cormick (6), off Ward. RBI: García (29),
Dubón (15), Tucker (39), Maldonado (9), The efforts of Baltimore9s hitting staff were put on night9s victory over the
J.Abreu (30), McCormick (17), Altuve full display in an 11-6 victory over Toronto, with a Rangers. Drury is
(7). SB: Candelario (1), Meyers (3). cS:
Candelario (1), Altuve (1). season-high 17 hits helping stretch the Orioles9 win- appealing the ruling.
NATIONALS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA ning streak to five. Henderson9s first career grand
Corbin ................. 5 4 2 2 5 5 4.81 orioles: 1B Ryan
Thompson ........... 1 0 0 0 0 2 4.09 slam 4 his third home run in as many games 4 came mountcastle was placed
Kuhl ..................... 1 3 2 2 1 1 7.86 amid a run of home runs from three newcomers.
Ward.................... 1 2 2 2 1 0 5.32 on the 10-day injured list
Adam Frazier9s two-run shot in the second inning with vertigo.
Brown ................. 7 4 0 0 3 4 3.35 was his eighth home run in 64 games with Baltimore
B.Abreu ............... 1 2 1 1 0 1 1.93 (42-24), matching his total from 311 games played for rangers: Called up RHP
Maton.................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.10
the Pittsburgh Pirates, San Diego Padres and Seattle Owen White, the team9s
wp: Brown (6-3); Lp: Corbin (4-7). wp:
Brown. T: 2:30. A: 39,546 (41,000). Mariners across the previous two seasons. top pitching prospect,
Ryan O9Hearn hit only one home run in 67 games from Class aa Frisco,
HOw THeY ScOReD last year for the Kansas City Royals before they and promoted lHP Cody
ASTROS FIFTH designated him for assignment this past offseason. Bradford from Class aaa
Mauricio Dubon homers. Jose Altuve
walks. Alex Bregman pops out. Kyle An inning after Frazier, he hit his own two-run homer. Round Rock.
Tucker homers. Jose Abreu grounds out. Released by the New York Yankees and picked up
Astros 2, Nationals 0 twins: Reinstated OF/1B
ASTROS SeVeNTH elsa/geTTY Images by the Orioles in the wake of Cedric Mullins9s right Joey gallo (.188, 11
Martin Maldonado homers. Dubon
grounds out. Altuve walks. Bregman
groin strain, center fielder Aaron Hicks has reached homers) from the Il and
singles, Altuve to second. Tucker strikes
out swinging. Abreu singles, Bregman to
Big Apple battle base in all 11 of his games with Baltimore, including a optioned OF Kyle garlick
third, Altuve scores. Yainer Diaz flies Mets outfielder Brandon Nimmo trots to the plate after clocking a leadoff home run against the Yankees home run, a single and a walk Tuesday.
out. to Class aaa st. Paul.
Astros 4, Nationals 0
Adley Rutschman and Austin Hays both doubled
at Citi Field on Tuesday. In a game that eventually featured 14 pitchers, the Mets dropped a 7-6 decision. twice in the winning effort.
CJ Abrams pops out. Alex Call flies out.
Lane Thomas doubles. Luis garcia sin- 4 Baltimore Sun to da y
gles, Thomas scores. Joey Meneses
strikes out swinging.
Astros 4, Nationals 1 yankees 7, Mets 6 reds 5, royals 4 twins 7, brewers 5 rockies 7, orioles 11, blue Jays 6 giants 11, cardinals 3
ASTROS eIgHTH red sox 6 (10) interleague games
chas Mccormick homers. Jake Meyers
Clay Holmes pitched out Cincinnati batted Carlos Correa hit a two- BLue JAYS AB R H BI BB SO AVg mike Yastrzemski and
walks. Martin Maldonado pops ou. Du- of a bases-loaded jam in through the lineup during a run homer to cap a four- Randal grichuk lined a Springer rf ..........4 1 2 0 0 0 .260 Patrick Bailey homered
Lukes rf...............0 0 0 0 1 0 .158 NATIONALS AT ASTROS, 8:10
bon lines out. Altuve singles, Meyers
scores. Bregman flies out. the eighth, and the Yan- five-run second inning and run ninth off closer Devin two-run double in a three- Bichette ss .........4 0 1 0 0 0 .316 and michael Conforto add- w-L eRA TeAM
Astros 6, Nationals 1 kees rallied from four runs Brandon Williamson Williams, lifting minnesota. run 10th inning, and Colo- Clement ss..........1 1 0 0 0 0 .333 ed four hits and three RBI
Guerrero Jr. 1b ...3 0 1 1 0 1 .283 Gray (R) 4-5 3.00 6-7
down to defeat the mets. pitched five innings for his Williams blew a save for rado beat Boston for a sec- Biggio ph-1b .......2 2 2 1 0 0 .202 to power san Francisco. Valdez (L) 6-5 2.36 7-6
first big league win as the the first time in 11 at- ond straight night. Chapman 3b........5 0 1 0 0 2 .267 The giants have won five
YANKeeS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Merrifield 2b.......3 0 1 0 0 0 .300
nl leaders BRAVeS AT TIgeRS, 1:10
Bauers rf.............3 0 1 2 0 1 .224 Reds handed Kansas City tempts for milwaukee, ROcKIeS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Espinal ph-2b......1 1 0 1 1 0 .211 straight road games and
Donaldson ph......0 0 0 1 0 0 .143 Varsho lf .............4 1 3 0 1 1 .231 Smith-Shawver
Entering Tuesday9s games. its eighth loss in a row. which lost its fifth in a row. Profar dh.............5 1 1 1 0 2 .247 six of their past eight 0-0 0.00 1-0
Cabrera rf ...........1 0 0 0 0 1 .195 Kirk dh ................5 0 3 3 0 0 .266 (R)
Stanton dh..........4 1 1 1 0 1 .234 Tovar ss ..............6 1 1 0 0 1 .246
BATTINg Jordan lyles fell to 0-11 BReweRS AB R H BI BB SO AVg McMahon 3b.......3 1 1 0 2 1 .262 Jansen c..............5 0 0 0 0 4 .198 games overall. Lorenzen (R) 2-3 3.75 5-5
Arraez, Mia ...................................... .391 Torres 2b ............5 0 1 0 0 0 .252 Kiermaier cf........4 0 1 0 0 0 .295
Rizzo 1b ..............4 1 1 0 0 2 .269 for the Royals, who got a Yelich lf...............5 2 3 4 0 0 .265 Díaz c ..................5 0 2 3 0 2 .296 gIANTS AB R H BI BB SO AVg
Freeman, LA .................................... .338 Montes pr ...........0 1 0 0 0 0 .250 TOTALS 41 6 15 6 3 8 4 BReweRS AT TwINS, 1:10
LeMahieu 3b .......4 1 1 2 0 1 .236 Adames ss ..........5 0 1 0 0 2 .208
Acuña Jr., Atl ................................... .328 two-run homer from Bobby Tellez 1b .............5 0 2 1 0 1 .230 Wynns c ..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .219 Wade Jr. 1b.........5 1 2 0 1 1 .276
Rea (R) 3-3 4.47 6-4
Castellanos, Phi ............................... .315 Kiner-Falefa cf....4 1 1 0 0 0 .243 ORIOLeS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Estrada 2b ..........5 1 2 1 1 2 .294
McKinney lf ........4 1 1 0 0 2 .286 Witt. Perkins rf............0 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Jones rf...............4 1 2 0 1 0 .345
Carroll, Ari ....................................... .313 Grichuk lf ............4 2 2 2 0 0 .316 Henderson dh .....5 1 3 4 0 1 .246 Pederson dh........2 2 1 0 1 0 .286 Ober (R) 3-3 2.61 5-4
Higashioka c .......4 1 2 0 0 1 .240 O.Miller 2b-1b ....4 0 0 0 0 2 .308
Meneses, Was ................................. .307 Moustakas 1b.....4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Rutschman c.......5 0 2 0 0 0 .276 Flores ph-dh .......2 0 1 0 1 0 .255
Volpe ss ..............4 1 2 1 0 0 .191 ReDS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Singleton dh .......4 0 0 0 0 3 .115
Gurriel Jr., Ari .................................. .301 Castro 2b ............4 0 1 0 1 1 .263 Kolozsvary c .......0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Davis 3b ..............2 0 1 0 0 1 .286 ROcKIeS AT ReD SOx, 7:10
Friedl cf...............3 0 2 1 1 0 .321 Anderson rf-3b ...4 0 1 0 0 2 .230
TOTALS 37 7 11 7 0 9 4 Doyle cf...............5 0 1 1 0 1 .217 Santander rf .......5 1 2 1 0 1 .263 Sabol lf ...............2 1 1 1 1 0 .252
HOMe RuNS McLain dh ...........3 0 0 0 1 2 .322 Urías 3b-2b .........3 1 0 0 1 2 .045 Gomber (L) 4-5 7.57 7-6
McKenna rf .........0 0 0 0 0 0 .229 Conforto rf..........6 1 4 3 0 0 .250
India 2b ...............3 0 0 0 1 0 .274 Caratini c ............4 2 3 0 0 0 .262 TOTALS 40 7 12 7 4 10 4
Alonso, NY .......................................... 22 MeTS AB R H BI BB SO AVg O'Hearn 1b..........5 1 1 2 0 1 .319 Haniger lf............1 0 0 0 0 1 .230 Whitlock (R) 3-2 4.78 4-2
De La Cruz ss ......3 1 0 0 1 2 .267 Wiemer cf...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .215
Soler, Mia ........................................... 19 Nimmo cf ............4 2 2 1 0 1 .286 Hays lf ................5 2 2 0 0 3 .303 Schmitt pr-3b .....4 1 1 1 0 2 .276
Muncy, LA ........................................... 18 Steer 1b ..............4 0 1 1 0 1 .278 TOTALS 38 5 10 5 1 14 4 ReD SOx AB R H BI BB SO AVg Hicks cf ...............4 2 2 1 1 2 .364 Yastrzemski cf ...4 2 1 2 1 0 .249 YANKeeS AT MeTS, 7:10
Álvarez c.............4 1 0 0 1 1 .236 Stephenson c......4 1 0 0 0 0 .249
Olson, Atl ............................................ 18 Narváez c............0 0 0 0 0 0 .240 Verdugo rf ..........4 0 1 0 1 1 .285 Frazier 2b............5 1 2 3 0 0 .236 Bailey c ...............5 1 2 2 0 0 .323
Benson rf ............2 1 0 0 1 0 .227 TwINS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Yoshida lf ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .297 Urías 3b ..............5 2 2 0 0 3 .277 Cole (R) 7-1 2.84 11-3
Schwarber, Phi ................................... 17 McNeil lf .............4 0 2 2 0 0 .278 Crawford ss ........3 1 1 1 1 1 .205
Betts, LA ............................................ 17 Hopkins ph-rf .....1 0 0 0 0 0 .158 Julien dh .............4 1 2 0 1 1 .260 Turner 1b ............5 2 2 1 0 0 .272 Mateo ss.............3 1 1 0 1 0 .228
Lindor ss .............3 0 0 0 2 1 .213 TOTALS 41 11 17 11 7 8 4 Verlander (R) 2-3 4.85 2-5
Martinez, LA ....................................... 16 Newman 3b ........4 1 1 1 0 0 .270 Castro pr.............0 1 0 0 0 0 .241 Devers 3b............4 2 2 4 1 0 .247
Marte rf ..............5 1 1 0 0 2 .257 Fairchild lf ..........3 1 1 1 0 0 .232 TOTALS 42 11 17 11 2 11 4
Gorman, StL ....................................... 15 Baty 3b ...............4 1 2 1 1 0 .235 Solano 1b-2b.......5 1 2 2 0 2 .287 Duvall cf..............5 1 1 0 0 1 .362 cARDINALS AB R H BI BB SO AVg ReDS AT ROYALS, 8:10
Pham dh..............5 0 0 0 0 3 .235 TOTALS 30 5 5 4 5 5 4 Correa ss.............5 1 1 3 0 1 .217 Casas dh .............2 0 1 0 2 0 .200 TORONTO ...... 100 100 022 4 6 15 1
RBI Duran pr-dh ........0 0 0 0 1 0 .282 Donovan 2b-3b.....4 1 1 0 1 0 .257 Lively (R) 3-4 4.21 2-3
Guillorme 2b .......5 0 1 1 0 0 .225 Kirilloff rf-1b ......4 0 1 0 0 2 .288 BALTIMORe... 026 111 00x 4 11 17 0
Alonso, NY .......................................... 49 Arroyo 2b............4 0 0 1 0 2 .247 Goldschmidt 1b....3 1 2 1 1 1 .290
Canha 1b .............3 1 1 1 1 0 .247 ROYALS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Lewis 3b .............3 0 1 0 0 1 .318 Lynch (L) 0-2 4.41 1-2
Martinez, LA ....................................... 47 McGuire c............5 0 0 0 0 2 .265 e: Espinal (6). LOB: Toronto 11, Balti- Baker 1b...............1 0 0 0 0 0 .286
Pratto 1b.............4 1 1 0 0 1 .281 Kepler ph-rf ........0 0 0 0 1 0 .191
Gorman, StL ....................................... 46 TOTALS 37 6 9 6 5 8 4 Reyes ss .............4 1 2 0 0 0 .288 more 9. 2B: Springer (9), Varsho 2 (11), Gorman dh ...........4 0 0 0 1 2 .252
Perez c ................4 1 1 0 0 1 .275 Jeffers c..............3 0 0 0 0 2 .229 guARDIANS AT pADReS, 9:40
Muncy, LA ........................................... 45 Rutschman 2 (10), Hays 2 (18). HR: Big- Arenado 3b...........3 0 2 0 0 0 .285
Witt Jr. ss...........4 1 1 2 0 1 .237 Larnach ph-lf ......1 0 0 0 0 0 .207 TOTALS 37 6 9 6 5 8 4
Arenado, StL ....................................... 45
YANKeeS 100 501 000 4 7 11 1 gio (6), off Voth; Frazier (8), off Bassitt; Burleson ph-lf......1 0 0 0 0 0 .223 Civale (R) 2-1 2.31 2-2
MeTS 221 010 000 4 6 9 0 Melendez rf ........3 0 1 1 0 0 .217 Farmer 2b-3b......3 1 2 1 0 0 .270
Olson, Atl ............................................ 45 O9Hearn (5), off Bassitt; Henderson Contreras c...........3 1 0 0 1 3 .198
Garcia 3b.............4 0 1 0 0 0 .254 Gallo lf ................3 0 1 0 1 1 .191 cOLORADO.. 003 100 000 3 4 7 12 0 Wacha (R) 6-2 3.18 8-4
Freeman, LA ....................................... 44 e: Torres (7). LOB: New York (A) 6, New (10), off Bassitt; Hicks (2), off Francis. Carlson rf-cf.........3 0 0 1 0 0 .235
Olivares dh .........4 1 1 0 0 0 .246 Vázquez c............0 0 0 0 0 0 .224 BOSTON ...... 000 211 000 24 6 9 1
Albies, Atl ........................................... 43 York (N) 11. 2B: Volpe 2 (7), Canha (13). RBI: Guerrero Jr. (41), Kirk 3 (21), Big- J.Walker lf-rf .......3 0 1 1 1 1 .288
Duffy 2b..............2 0 1 1 0 0 .312 Taylor cf..............4 2 2 1 0 1 .237 e: Turner (1). LOB: Colorado 11, Boston
Lindor, NY ........................................... 43 HR: Stanton (6), off Scherzer; LeMahieu gio (12), Espinal (9), Frazier 3 (31), DeJong ss.............4 0 0 0 0 3 .224
Massey ph-2b .....1 0 0 0 1 0 .221 TOTALS 35 7 12 7 3 11 4 9. 2B: Díaz (14), Doyle (4), Jones (5), O9Hearn 2 (19), Henderson 4 (25), Hicks Edman cf-2b.........4 0 1 0 0 0 .237 Pérez (R) 3-1 2.17 3-3
(7), off Scherzer; Nimmo (6), off Severino. Waters cf............3 0 0 0 0 1 .182
eRA Grichuk (13), Duvall (6). 3B: Díaz (1), (5), Santander (37). TOTALS 33 3 7 3 5 10 4
YANKeeS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Blanco lf..............3 0 1 0 1 1 .286 MILwAuKee . 003 000 200 4 5 10 0 McMahon (3). HR: Devers (16), off An- Castillo (R) 4-4 2.70 6-7
Stroman, Chi .................................... 2.42 MINNeSOTA.. 002 000 104 4 7 12 1 BLue JAYS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA
Steele, Chi ....................................... 2.65 Severino ........... 42/3 7 6 5 3 4 6.48 TOTALS 32 4 8 4 2 5 4 derson; Devers (17), off Carasiti. SAN FRAN. .... 201 033 002 4 11 17 0
Marinaccio........... 1 1 0 0 1 0 3.45 Bassitt................. 3 11 8 8 1 5 4.02 wHITe SOx AT DODgeRS, 10:10
Elder, Atl .......................................... 2.69 No outs when winning run scored. ROcKIeS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Francis................. 2 4 2 2 0 2 5.79 ST. LOuIS....... 200 000 010 4 3 7 1
Kelly, Ari .......................................... 2.92 Cordero............... 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 3.00 cINcINNATI ... 050 000 000 4 5 5 1 e: Lewis (3). LOB: Milwaukee 7, Minne- Clevinger (R) 3-4 4.19 5-6
Kahnle ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 KANSAS cITY 112 000 000 4 4 8 1 Anderson.......... 41/3 5 3 3 1 6 3.16 White .................. 2 2 1 1 0 2 7.36 e: J.Walker (1). LOB: San Francisco 13,
Kershaw, LA .................................... 2.95 sota 8. 2B: Yelich (11), Anderson (9), Bird................... 12/3 2 1 1 0 0 3.50 Hatch................... 1 0 0 0 1 2 0.00 Kershaw (L) 8-4 2.95 9-4
Peralta................ 1/3 1 0 0 1 0 2.63 Farmer (3), Julien (5), Gallo (6). HR: St. Louis 9. 2B: Conforto (4), Wade Jr. 2
Gray, Was ........................................ 3.00 e: Williamson (2), Duffy (6). LOB: Cin- Hand ................... 1/3 1 0 0 1 0 3.60 (11), Flores (9), Donovan (6), Arenado
Cobb, SF ........................................... 3.01 Holmes ............... 2/3 0 0 0 0 2 2.48 cinnati 3, Kansas City 5. 2B: Newman Yelich (9), off De León; Farmer (4), off ORIOLeS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA
King ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.19 Lawrence.......... 12/3 0 0 0 2 0 3.08 (10), J.Walker (5). HR: Yastrzemski (7),
Gallen, Ari ........................................ 3.10 (11), Olivares (10), Duffy (4). HR: Witt Burnes; Taylor (10), off Williams; Cor- Bard ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.87 Kremer ................ 6 8 2 2 0 6 4.74 off Cabrera; Bailey (3), off Cabrera.
Webb, SF ......................................... 3.15 MeTS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Jr. (11), off Williamson. rea (9), off Williams. Carasiti............... 1/3 1 2 1 1 0 4.40 Baker ................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.45 interleague scores
Scherzer ........... 31/3 7 6 6 0 2 4.45 ReDS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA BReweRS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Johnson .............. 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 6.92 Voth.................... 1/3 3 2 2 1 0 4.94
SAVeS Pérez ................ 11/3 2 2 2 2 0 4.88 Cobb..................... 4 5 2 2 2 5 3.09
Leone................ 12/3 0 0 0 0 2 4.50 Williamson.......... 5 7 4 3 0 1 5.40 Burnes ................. 6 7 3 3 1 8 3.44 MONDAY9S ReSuLTS
Doval, SF ............................................. 17 ReD SOx Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Baumann ............ 1/3 1 0 0 0 1 3.93 Jackson................ 1 1 0 0 0 3 1.69
Walker................ 1/3 2 1 1 0 1 3.38 Duarte ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Milner................. 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 3.28 at Detroit 6, Atlanta 5 (10)
Díaz, Cin .............................................. 15 Crawford ............. 4 5 4 4 3 5 4.20 Winn.................... 4 1 1 1 3 2 2.25
Brigham.............. 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 3.75 Gibaut................. 1/3 0 0 0 2 0 3.06 Peguero .............. 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.25 wp: Kremer (7-3); Lp: Bassitt (7-5). Inher- Cincinnati 5, at Kansas City 4 (10)
Hader, SD ............................................ 15 Jacques................ 2 3 0 0 0 0 0.00
Smith................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.18 Sims ................. 12/3 1 0 0 0 3 3.04 Payamps.............. 1 1 0 0 1 1 2.59 ited runners-scored: Pérez 2-0, Baumann cARDINALS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Colorado 4, at Boston 3 (10)
Bednar, Pit .......................................... 14 Kluber.................. 2 2 0 0 0 2 6.84
Curtiss................. 2 1 0 0 0 2 4.20 Díaz ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.65 Williams .............. 0 3 4 4 1 0 2.08 3-1. wp: White. T: 3:10. A: 16,018 (45,971). at Seattle 8, Miami 1
Finnegan, Was .................................... 11 Martin ................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.18 Flaherty............ 41/3 10 6 6 3 3 4.64
Johnson, Col ....................................... 11 Robertson............ 1 1 0 0 0 2 1.84 Cabrera ............. 12/3 4 3 3 1 2 5.61
ROYALS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA TwINS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Garza ................... 1 2 3 2 1 1 4.09 TueSDAY9S ReSuLTS
Robertson, NY .................................... 10 wp: Marinaccio (3-3); Lp: Walker (0-1); Woodford ......... 21/3 3 2 2 3 3 5.57
Lyles .................... 6 5 5 5 3 4 6.89 P.López................ 6 4 3 3 1 9 4.27 wp: Bard (3-0); Lp: Garza (0-1); S: at Houston 6, Washington 1
Williams, Mil ...................................... 10 S: King (4). Smith pitched to 0 batters ORIOLeS9 LeADeRS VerHagen ........... 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.70
Kowar .................. 1 0 0 0 1 1 4.15 De León................ 1 3 2 2 0 1 3.86 Johnson (12). Inherited runners-scored: Colorado 7, at Boston 6 (10)
in the 7th Inherited runners-scored: Cox....................... 2 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 Winder................. 2 3 0 0 0 4 6.75 Entering Wednesday9s game. wp: Jackson (1-0); Lp: Flaherty (3-5); S:
STRIKeOuTS Bird 3-1, Lawrence 2-0, Johnson 1-0. at N.Y. Mets 7, N.Y. Yankees 6
Marinaccio 1-0, Cordero 2-0, Holmes Batters Avg AB R H HR RBI BB Winn (1). Inherited runners-scored: Ca-
Strider, Atl ....................................... 121 wp: Williamson (1-0); Lp: Lyles (0-11); wp: Winder (1-0); Lp: Williams (3-1). IBB: off Lawrence (Devers). HBp: An- at Minnesota 7, Milwaukee 5
3-0, Leone 1-0, Brigham 2-1. HBp: Hicks .364 33 10 12 2 5 8 brera 2-1, VerHagen 2-0. HBp: Flaherty
Keller, Pit .......................................... 101 S: Díaz (16). Inherited runners-scored: Inherited runners-scored: Peguero 1-0. derson (Yoshida), Kluber (Grichuk), Gar- Cincinnati 5, at Kansas City 4
Scherzer 2 (Rizzo,Stanton), Severino O'Hearn .319 69 11 22 5 19 6 (Haniger), Winn (Carlson). T: 3:17. A:
Greene, Cin ......................................... 97 Sims 3-0. HBp: Gibaut (Waters). wp: HBp: Payamps (Farmer). T: 2:53. A: za (Moustakas). wp: Johnson, Crawford Cleveland at San Diego, late
(Nimmo), Peralta (McNeil). wp: Walk- Hays .303 221 34 67 7 28 14 40,917 (44,494).
Gallen, Ari ........................................... 93 Lyles. T: 2:30. A: 16,931 (38,427). 34,514 (38,544). (2). T: 3:29. A: 31,400 (37,755). Miami at Seattle, late
er. T: 3:19. A: 43,707 (42,136). Urías .277 141 19 39 2 20 11
Kershaw, LA ....................................... 93 Chicago White Sox at L.A. Dodgers, late
Webb, SF ............................................ 91 Atlanta at Detroit, ppd.
Luzardo, Mia ....................................... 89
Wheeler, Phi ....................................... 87 angels 7, rangers 3 rockies 4, athletics 4, rays 3 Mariners 8, Marlins 1 diamondbacks 9,
Morton, Atl ......................................... 85
Hunter Renfroe9s two-run red sox 3 (10) Late Monday Late Monday phillies 8
al games
homer capped a three-run Late Monday shea langeliers hit a Rookie Bryce miller and Late Monday
sixth inning, and surging Nick Pivetta walked three-run double in the two relievers combined on evan longoria smacked BLue JAYS AT ORIOLeS, 7:05
al leaders los angeles beat al West- fifth inning to break up a a one-hitter; Ty France,
Randal grichuk to force in a three-run homer, and w-L eRA TeAM
Entering Tuesday9s games. leading Texas. the go-ahead run in the scoreless game, and Oak- eugenio suárez and Tom arizona withstood Philadel- Berríos (R) 6-4 3.61 8-5
BATTINg Renfroe9s shot helped 10th inning, and Colorado land won its season-high murphy homered; and se- phia catcher J.T. Realmuto Bradish (R) 2-2 4.24 7-4
Bichette, Tor .................................... .317 sixth straight with a victory attle opened a homestand
Díaz, TB ........................................... .308
spoil the major league de- defeated Boston. hitting for the cycle to beat ANgeLS AT RANgeRS, 8:05
Yoshida, Bos .................................... .303 but of Owen White, who ROcKIeS AB R H BI BB SO AVg against major league-lead- with a win over miami. the Phillies. Detmers (L) 1-5 4.79 4-7
Urshela, LA ...................................... .302
Hays, Bal .......................................... .301 gave up three runs in relief. Profar lf ................. 5 1 3 0 0 0 .248 ing Tampa Bay. miller was superb, pHILLIeS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Heaney (L) 4-4 4.14 7-5
Dubón, Hou ...................................... .300 Tovar ss ................. 5 0 0 0 0 1 .248
ANgeLS AB R H BI BB SO AVg McMahon 3b .......... 3 2 1 0 2 0 .261 James Kaprielian throwing six innings and Schwarber lf .......4 1 1 0 1 1 .172
Merrifield, Tor ................................. .300 Turner ss ............4 1 0 0 1 1 .245 RAYS AT ATHLeTIcS, 9:40
Ward lf ................4 0 0 1 0 3 .239 Díaz c ..................... 4 0 1 1 1 0 .294 pitched six solid innings, allowing only Nick Fortes9s
Grichuk dh.............. 3 0 0 1 2 2 .310 Castellanos rf .....4 1 2 0 1 1 .315 Glasnow (R) 1-0 2.87 2-1
HOMe RuNS Ohtani dh ............2 2 2 0 3 0 .296
Jones rf.................. 4 0 0 0 1 2 .333 allowing three runs and solo home run with two Harper dh............5 1 1 1 0 3 .295
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 20 Drury 1b ..............5 0 2 1 0 2 .255 Medina (R) 1-5 7.53 0-5
Montes 2b.............. 5 0 0 0 0 4 .250 Realmuto c .........4 3 4 3 1 0 .256
Judge, NY ............................................ 19 Rendon 3b ...........5 1 0 0 0 1 .256 five hits to win his second outs in the fifth inning.
Montero 1b ............ 3 0 0 0 0 1 .203 Bohm 1b..............5 1 2 2 0 0 .263
Alvarez, Hou ....................................... 17 Renfroe rf............4 1 1 2 0 0 .242
consecutive start. Harrison 2b-3b ...4 0 2 1 1 0 .211
Robert Jr., Chi ..................................... 15 Rengifo 2b...........4 0 0 0 0 0 .212 Castro ph-cf........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 .264 MARLINS AB R H BI BB SO AVg
Doyle cf.................. 3 0 1 0 0 1 .217 Sosa 3b ...............3 0 0 0 0 2 .250
García, Tex .......................................... 15 Moniak cf ............4 0 1 0 0 1 .294 Arraez 2b ............4 0 0 0 0 0 .391
RAYS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Stott ph-2b.........2 0 1 1 0 0 .294
Devers, Bos ......................................... 15 Wallach c.............2 2 1 0 2 1 .279 Moustakas ph-1b... 1 1 0 0 0 0 .250 Soler dh ..............2 0 0 0 1 1 .255 Guthrie cf............3 0 0 0 0 0 .130
al scores
Perez, KC ............................................ 14 Neto ss ................3 1 1 2 0 0 .259 Y.Díaz dh.............3 0 0 0 1 1 .308
TOTALS 37 4 6 2 6 11 4 Hampson ph .......1 0 0 0 0 0 .241 Clemens ph .........1 0 0 0 0 1 .267
Trout, LA ............................................. 14 Raley 1b..............3 1 2 0 0 0 .265 MONDAY9S ReSuLTS
TOTALS 33 7 8 6 5 8 4 De La Cruz lf .......4 0 0 0 0 2 .290
Bichette, Tor ....................................... 14 Ramírez ph-1b ....1 0 1 0 0 0 .309 TOTALS 39 8 13 8 5 9 4
ReD SOx AB R H BI BB SO AVg Cooper 1b............3 0 0 0 1 2 .234 L.A. Angels 9, at Texas 6 (12)
Arozarena lf........3 0 1 0 1 1 .289
RANgeRS AB R H BI BB SO AVg Duran lf...............3 0 1 0 0 0 .282 Sánchez rf...........2 0 0 0 1 0 .270 at Oakland 4, Tampa Bay 3
RBI Paredes 3b..........2 0 0 0 0 0 .258 Segura 3b............3 0 0 0 0 0 .192 D9BAcKS AB R H BI BB SO AVg
Semien 2b ...........4 0 0 0 1 0 .284 Refsnyder ph-lf...2 0 0 1 0 0 .275 Franco ph-ss .......2 0 0 0 0 0 .296 TueSDAY9S ReSuLTS
Alvarez, Hou ....................................... 55 Berti ss ...............3 0 0 0 0 0 .258 K.Marte 2b..........5 3 3 0 0 0 .280
Seager ss.............5 2 3 1 0 0 .357 Verdugo rf...........4 1 1 0 1 0 .285 Lowe rf ...............2 1 0 0 1 1 .295
García, Tex .......................................... 54 Turner dh ............3 0 2 1 1 1 .270 Fortes c...............3 1 1 1 0 1 .231 Rivera 3b ............4 2 2 2 0 2 .361 at Baltimore 11, Toronto 6
Lowe 1b...............5 1 3 2 0 1 .272 Margot ph-rf.......1 0 0 0 0 1 .245
Devers, Bos ......................................... 52 Devers 3b............4 0 0 0 0 1 .243 Davis cf...............3 0 0 0 0 1 .265 Carroll lf..............3 2 2 1 0 1 .313 L.A. Angels 7, at Texas 3
García rf ..............5 0 0 0 0 2 .258 Siri cf ..................4 1 1 3 0 3 .224
Semien, Tex ........................................ 51 Duvall cf..............3 0 0 0 1 2 .381 C.Walker 1b ........4 0 0 0 1 1 .248 Tampa Bay at Oakland, late
Jung 3b................3 0 0 0 0 1 .284 Walls ss-3b.........4 0 1 0 0 1 .212 TOTALS 28 1 1 1 3 7 4
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 50 Casas 1b..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .197 Longoria dh.........3 1 1 4 0 1 .226
Heim c .................4 0 2 0 0 0 .284 Bethancourt c .....4 0 0 0 0 1 .224
Naylor, Cle .......................................... 48 Smith rf ..............3 0 1 2 1 0 .212
Grossman dh.......3 0 0 0 1 1 .233 Arroyo 2b ............4 1 2 1 0 1 .258 MARINeRS AB R H BI BB SO AVg
Heim, Tex ........................................... 46
Paredes, TB ........................................ 45
Duran lf ...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .302 Wong c ................4 1 2 0 0 0 .243
Bruján 2b ............4
1 0 0 0 .182
7 3 3 9 4 Crawford ss ........4 2 2 0 1 0 .253
C.Kelly c ..............3
Perdomo ss.........4
0 0 1 1 .000
0 0 0 1 .284
did you hear
Taveras cf ...........4 0 1 0 0 0 .301 Hernández ss ......3 0 0 0 0 0 .228 Rodríguez cf .......4 1 1 1 1 1 .245 nl games
Arozarena, TB ..................................... 44
TOTALS 37 3 9 3 2 7 4 Yoshida ph ..........1 0 1 0 0 0 .303
ATHLeTIcS AB R H BI BB SO AVg France 1b ............4
Hernández rf.......4
1 3 0 1 .283
2 1 0 1 .252
McCarthy cf ........4
3 0 0 0 .211
12 9 3 7 4
|e post
eRA TOTALS 35 3 9 3 3 6 4
Rodriguez, Det ................................. 2.13
McClanahan, TB ............................... 2.18
L.A. ................. 001 003 003 4 7 8 1
TexAS ............ 002 010 000 4 3 9 1 cOLORADO.. 000 100 010 24 4 6 0
Ruiz cf.................4
Noda 1b...............4
0 0 0 0 .259
1 1 0 1 .249
Suárez 3b............4
Pollock dh ...........3
2 1 0 1 .218
0 0 0 0 .168
pHILA............. 014 000 201 4 8 13 0 today? gIANTS AT cARDINALS, 1:15
w-L eRA TeAM
Laureano rf .........4 0 0 0 0 2 .222 ARIzONA ....... 102 204 00x 4 9 12 0
Gray, Min ......................................... 2.25 BOSTON ...... 000 001 100 14 3 9 2 Ford ph-dh ..........1 0 0 0 0 0 .167
e: Webb (1), Seager (4). LOB: Los Ange- Brown lf..............3 0 0 0 0 1 .191 DeSclafani (R) 4-6 3.89 6-7
Gray, Tex .......................................... 2.32 e: Hernández (14), Casas (3). LOB: Colo- Moore lf ..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 LOB: Philadelphia 10, Arizona 7. 2B: Washington Post
les 6, Texas 11. 2B: Ohtani (13), Wallach Rooker dh ...........2 0 0 0 1 2 .259
Valdez, Hou ..................................... 2.36 rado 10, Boston 6. 2B: Profar 2 (16), Mc- Murphy c.............4 2 2 1 0 0 .233 Harrison (2), Bohm (10), Harper (10), Montgomery (L) 3-7 3.88 3-10
(2), Seager (14), Heim (15). HR: Renfroe Bride 3b ..............2 1 1 0 1 0 .300
Eovaldi, Tex ..................................... 2.49 Mahon (19), Turner (13), Arroyo (8). Caballero 2b........2 0 0 0 1 1 .239 Realmuto (17), K.Marte (12). 3B: Real- podcasts go with you
(12), off White; Neto (6), off Leclerc; Peterson 2b ........3 1 2 0 0 1 .230
Castillo, Sea ..................................... 2.70 HR: Arroyo (2), off Suter. TOTALS 34 8 10 7 3 6 4 muto (4), McCarthy (2), Carroll (3). HR: pIRATeS AT cuBS, 8:05
Lowe (8), off Barría; Seager (8), off Bar- Smith ss .............3 1 1 0 0 0 .196
Cole, NY ........................................... 2.84 ría. ROcKIeS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Langeliers c ........3 1 1 3 0 1 .217
Realmuto (6), off Henry; Longoria (9), everywhere. Hill (L) 6-5 4.23 7-6
Ryan, Min ......................................... 2.90 MIAMI............ 000 010 000 4 1 1 2 off Vasquez.
ANgeLS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Seabold................ 6 6 1 1 1 6 4.70 TOTALS 28 4 6 4 2 8 4 SeATTLe ........ 240 010 01x 4 8 10 1 pHILLIeS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Smyly (L) 5-4 3.26 7-6
SAVeS Barría .................41/3 7 3 3 1 2 2.28 Suter ................ 12/3 1 1 1 0 0 2.06
Clase, Cle ............................................ 20 Herget................11/3 1 0 0 0 1 3.68 Johnson .............. 1/3 0 0 0 1 0 7.11 TAMpA BAY .. 000 003 000 4 3 7 0 e: Luzardo (3), De La Cruz (3), Suárez Strahm ............. 22/3 4 3 3 1 1 4.00 wpost.com/podcasts pHILLIeS AT DIAMONDBAcKS, 9:40
Bard ..................... 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.92 OAKLAND ...... 000 040 00x 4 4 6 0 (2). LOB: Miami 3, Seattle 6. 2B: Craw- Y.Marte ............ 11/3 3 2 2 0 2 7.71
Romano, Tor ....................................... 18 Loup .....................1/3 0 0 0 0 0 5.40
Carasiti................ 1 1 1 0 0 0 3.86 ford (13), Hernández (8), Murphy (8). Covey................ 11/3 2 2 2 1 2 9.00 Suárez (L) 1-2 4.70 4-2
Bautista, Bal ....................................... 17 Soriano ................ 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 LOB: Tampa Bay 6, Oakland 2. 2B: Aro- Vasquez............ 12/3 3 2 2 1 0 1.78
Webb..................11/3 1 0 0 1 1 2.19 HR: Fortes (4), off Miller; France (6), off
Estévez, LA ......................................... 17 ReD SOx Ip H R eR BB SO eRA zarena (8), Langeliers (9). HR: Siri (12), Luzardo; Suárez (7), off Brazoban; Mur- Hoffman .............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.77 Kelly (R) 8-3 2.92 9-4
Jansen, Bos ........................................ 14 Estévez ................2/3 0 0 0 0 1 1.50 off Kaprielian.
Paxton ................. 6 4 1 0 1 8 3.09 phy (2), off Hoeing.
Pressly, Hou ....................................... 12 RAYS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA D9BAcKS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA
RANgeRS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Winckowski...... 12/3 2 1 1 2 1 2.33 MARLINS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA
Sewald, Sea ........................................ 12 Henry................ 42/3 9 5 5 1 6 4.86
Smith, Tex .......................................... 11 Bradford.............41/3 2 1 1 1 3 5.65 Bernardino ......... 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.79 Eflin .................. 42/3 5 4 4 2 6 3.28 Luzardo................ 4 6 6 5 1 3 4.17
Jansen ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.18 Kelly ................. 11/3 0 0 0 0 1 3.68 Jameson .............. 2 1 2 2 2 1 4.13 nl scores
White................... 2 4 3 3 1 2 13.5 Brazoban ............. 2 2 1 1 1 1 4.01
STRIKeOuTS Pivetta................ 2/3 0 2 0 3 0 5.40 Armstrong........... 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 Adams ................ 1/3 1 0 0 1 0 1.42
Burke ................... 2 0 0 0 1 2 2.73 Hoeing ................. 2 2 1 1 1 2 3.12
Jacques................ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Stephenson ......... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 Chafin .................. 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.04
Gausman, Tor ................................... 117 Leclerc..................1/3 2 3 3 2 1 3.80 MONDAY9S ReSuLTS
Garza .................. 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 2.70 MARINeRS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA Castro.................. 1 2 1 1 0 1 3.95
Ohtani, LA ........................................ 102 King......................1/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.66 San Francisco 4, at St. Louis 3
ATHLeTIcS Ip H R eR BB SO eRA wp: Jameson (3-1); Lp: Covey (1-2); S:
Castillo, Sea ........................................ 92 wp: Herget (1-2); Lp: White (0-1); S: Es- wp: Bard (2-0); Lp: Pivetta (3-4); S: Miller ................... 6 1 1 1 3 6 4.06 at Arizona 9, Philadelphia 8
López, Min .......................................... 92 Kaprielian ............ 6 5 3 3 3 4 6.89 Adcock ................. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Castro (7). Inherited runners-scored:
tévez (18). Inherited runners-scored: Carasiti (1). Jacques pitched to 1 bat- Waldichuk ........... 3 2 0 0 0 5 6.87
McClanahan, TB .................................. 92 ters in the 10th Inherited runners- Speier .................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.28 Y.Marte 1-0, Vasquez 1-1, Jameson 1-0, TueSDAY9S ReSuLTS
Herget 1-0, Loup 1-0, Estévez 2-0, Burke
Cole, NY .............................................. 90 wp: Kaprielian (2-6); Lp: Eflin (8-2); S: Adams 2-1, Chafin 1-0. HBp: Strahm 2 San Francisco 11, at St. Louis 3
S0263 1x7

2-0, King 1-0. IBB: off Burke (Ohtani). scored: Winckowski 1-0, Bernardino 3-0, wp: Miller (4-3); Lp: Luzardo (5-5).
Valdez, Hou ........................................ 89 Jacques 3-1, Garza 3-0. IBB: off Pivetta Waldichuk (1). Inherited runners-scored: (Carroll,Carroll), Adams (Guthrie). T: Pittsburgh at Chicago Cubs, late
HBp: Barría (Jung), Herget (Jung). T: HBp: Luzardo (Caballero). T: 2:14. A:
Kopech, Chi ......................................... 85 (McMahon). T: 3:05. A: 32,227 (37,755). Kelly 1-0. T: 2:31. A: 4,848 (46,847). 3:11. A: 18,432 (48,359). Philadelphia at Arizona, late
2:55. A: 25,832 (40,000). 23,463 (47,929).
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post eZ M2 d5


Once upon a time, a prince attended a ballgame in D.C.

More than five decades before he would become king, Charles was introduced to America9s pastime at a Senators-Angels contest at RFK Stadium
BY S COTT A LLEN ing the game early, managed to
ruffle some feathers during a tour
To celebrate last month9s coro- of the Capitol with Speaker of the
nation of King Charles III, the House John W. mcCormack (D-
Washington Nationals hosted mass.) the day before.
their second annual US-UK After spotting a carved replica
friendship Day in partnership of a bald eagle, Charles <chanced
with the British Embassy in Wash- to wonder aloud why that particu-
ington. With the British flag flying lar bird had been granted the hon-
above Nationals Park9s left field or, and the princess commented
plaza, the British national anthem that it was 8rather a bad choice,9
played and British Prime minister after being told that Ben franklin
rishi Sunak was introduced on favored the turkey,= according to
the field before Washington9s 6-2 The Post.
loss to the Arizona Diamondbacks <The royal pair9s remarks were
last Wednesday. His majesty evi- but the latest in a long series of
dently couldn9t be bothered to troubles, from pesticides to unre-
cross the pond to see Patrick Corb- lenting critics, that has been
in pitch. plaguing the eagle, not, perhaps,
It wouldn9t have been the first unlike the nation it symbolizes,=
baseball game the king attended The Post9s David r. Boldt wrote in
in D.C. on July 18, 1970, during his a front-page story. <. . . It isn9t
first visit to the United States, known whether any prominent
then-21-year-old Prince Charles Americans have been heard re-
and his 19-year-old sister, Princess cently to make snide remarks
Anne, took in the first several in- about the British lion, to imply,
nings of the Washington Senators9 perhaps, that its tongue-lapping
4-0 win over the California Angels expression on the British coat of
at rfK Stadium. They were joined arms is a trifle silly looking, not to
by President richard m. Nixon9s mention the prancing unicorn
daughters, Julie and Tricia, and that faces the lion on the coat of
Julie9s husband, David Eisenhow- arms.=
er, who worked as a statistician for (It also isn9t known whether
the Senators and had arranged the Sunak, who met with President
visit. Biden on Thursday, questioned
<Arriving one minute late to the the Nationals9 choice of Screech as
respectful cheers of 8,111, the VIP their mascot or made snide re-
party baked in Washington9s re- marks about the anthropomor-
lentless July sun for only an in- phized eagle after they met on the
ning,= The Washington Post re- field before Wednesday9s game.)
ported. <Then, apparently on the aSSocIaTed preSS Charles ended his three-day vis-
suggestion of Charles, they trans- then-21-year-old Prince Charles spoke with President Richard M. nixon9s daughter tricia during a senators-angels game July 18, 1970. it to the United States with a late-
ferred to a roofed field box for the afternoon talk with President Nix-
next four. They left after eight hits, ble understanding the concept of clean catch of a high foul into the nings,= Brunet told reporters. <I9m Thursday, he couldn9t have picked on that lasted more than an hour
next to no excitement, two un- the foul ball, and when the Sena- upper deck.= stronger than the average bear.= a day when more shutterbugs and reportedly ended with the
earned Senators runs, and the tors9 mike Epstein hit one into the much was made of the fact that Washington scored two runs in would be at a ball game,= The Post president urging him to <come
thermometer registered 91 de- stands in the first inning, the Charles and Tricia Nixon, who sat the first inning against Angels reported. <. . . many saved a couple back again and maybe the Sena-
grees.= prince 4 apparently well-coached next to each other at the game, had starter Tom Bradley. The 23-year- of shots for the prince and prin- tors will win again.=
The Prince of Wales spent the 4 could not understand why it been paired at a White House old admitted to being a little ner- cess, but were politely turned The Senators defeated the mil-
morning with Eisenhower at the was not a home run. He was quick- supper dance the previous night vous afterward, not because of the away by the Secret Service. How- waukee Brewers on a walk-off sin-
Patuxent Center for Wildlife re- ly straightened out by the gestures and danced together three times. royals9 presence in the crowd but ever, many players took their own gle by Lee maye the next day.
search and Propagation of Endan- of young Eisenhower, who point- <That was quite amusing, I because the former falls Church photos with their own cameras.= <The gathering at Kennedy Sta-
gered Animal Species in mary- ed toward the two bright yellow must say,= Charles told CNN in High and University of maryland <Very British,= Epstein, the Sen- dium numbered exactly 10,023 for
land. At the ballpark, it was clear foul poles.= 2021. <That was the time when standout was pitching so close to ators9 first baseman, told the New the Senators9 game with the new
he had a lot to learn about Ameri- The prince and princess <stood they were trying to marry me off to home. York Times as he admired the milwaukee club, bettering by 1,472
ca9s national pastime. stiffly= through the playing of the Tricia Nixon.= Coincidentally, it was camera prince from the dugout steps be- the paid attendance of Saturday
<for a young man several years British national anthem and did As for the action on the field, day at rfK, a promotion in which fore the game. <I9d say he9s sitting when Prince Charles and Princess
away from the top, watching two not sing the words, according to Senators left-hander George Bru- fans were invited to photograph pretty. I9d like to have his money. A Anne were an added attraction,=
teams of which the same can be The Post. Charles <appeared very net threw a six-hit shutout against their favorite players. classy guy, but you got to be when The Post9s Shirley Povich wrote. <It
said was apparently an experience studious throughout the game,= his former team, walking one and <If Charles was aghast at the you9re sitting on that throne.= probably marked the first time
of some bewilderment,= The Post smiling <only when the Senators striking out five. number of photographers who Charles and Anne, who visited that British royalty was ever out-
reported. <Charles had great trou- scored and when a fan made a <I9m stronger after seven in- greeted him at the White House the Phillips Collection after leav- drawn by an expansion club.=

Corbin, Nationals aren9t up to snub against the defending World Series champs
nationals from D1
nAtionALS on deCk
6-1 win by hitting four homers, at Houston Astros
handing the Nationals their sev-
enth loss in eight games. Today 8:10 MaSN
<It was supposed to be a four- Tomorrow 8:10 MaSN
seamer away, so [I] missed it by
three feet,= Corbin said of the vs. Miami Marlins
pitch on Tucker9s homer. <That
was right where he likes it, so kind Friday 7:05 MaSN
of the one pitch I9d definitely like Saturday 4:05 MaSN
to have back. The other homer
was a change-up 4 not terrible Sunday 1:35 MaSN
location, but sometimes they put
good swings on it.= vs. St. Louis Cardinals
When Corbin took the mound
Monday 4:05 MaSN
Tuesday at minute maid Park, the
scene evoked memories of when Tuesday 7:05 MaSN
he earned the win in Game 7 of the
June 21 4:05 MaSN
2019 World Series with three
scoreless innings of relief behind Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
max Scherzer. Corbin called the
experience <unlike anything else,=
but he hasn9t been the same since. Astros 4 their ErA of 3.28 is by
After Tuesday9s outing, his season far the best in the majors 4 have a
ErA is 4.81 4 a significant im- higher slugging percentage (.401)
provement from last year9s 6.31. than the Nationals (.388) despite
But his career ErA in four-plus having 22 fewer hits.
seasons with Washington is 4.92. It appeared Dominic Smith 4
The team behind Corbin who homered in Sunday9s win at
looked much different Tuesday, Atlanta 4 would provide the Na-
too. He is the only player on the tionals with another extra-base
active roster who played on the hit in the seventh when he
World Series squad. The others smashed the ball to the warning
still with the Nationals (26-39) track. But Astros center fielder
are working their way back from Jake meyers made a leaping catch
injury. at the wall. That let right-hander
Center fielder Victor robles 4 Hunter Brown complete seven
sidelined since early may with a scoreless innings while allowing
back injury 4 played seven in- just four hits.
nings Tuesday for Class AAA <We saw a lot of foul balls over
rochester and hit a pair of home our dugout today,= martinez said.
runs and a double. reliever Tan- <And that indicates that they were
ner rainey threw a 25-pitch bull- sitting on soft stuff when they
pen session recently, another step should be sitting on fastballs.=
in his rehab from Tommy John In the bottom of the inning,
surgery. Left-hander Sean Doolit- catcher martín maldonado 4 a
tle, also coming off elbow surgery, .188 hitter 4 clubbed a solo home
is pitching for Class AA Harris- run into the Crawford Boxes off
burg. former ace Stephen Stras- Chad Kuhl. The Astros tacked on
burg may not pitch again. another run later on a José Abreu
<Brings back good memories. I single that scored Jose Altuve.
was sitting around here with García had an rBI single in the
some of the guys that were here in eighth to put the Nationals on the
919 4 not many of us left 4 but we board. But just when Washington
were reminiscing a little bit,= had a glimmer of hope, the Astros
manager Dave martinez said be- responded.
fore the game of being back in Chas mcCormick hit the As-
bob Levey/geTTy IMageS
Houston. <It was fun, but we got tros9 fourth solo home run of the
to go 1-0 today and put that aside. nationals left-hander Patrick Corbin achieved World series glory in Houston in 2019, but tuesday night he took the loss vs. the astros. night 4 and their third into the
[The Astros are] playing pretty Crawford Boxes 4 as Thaddeus
good.= mostly under wraps, but he Corbin threw 91 pitches over five third-inning double by CJ popped up a bunt for the first out. Ward watched from the mound in
Houston (38-29) has been to wasn9t efficient. He issued four innings and allowed just four Abrams and an eighth-inning Thomas struck out on a ball in the disbelief. Later, Altuve added an
the past two World Series and walks with two outs 4 and hits, but the walks were problem- two-bagger by Lane Thomas 4 dirt. Then Luis García grounded rBI single for good measure. four
prevailed last year, defeating the walked five in all 4 and that ran atic. went for extra bases. out to first. years after a very different group
Philadelphia Phillies in six up his pitch count. The Nationals had just six hits, Abrams9s double gave the Na- Washington has the sixth-best of Nationals made history here,
games. The Astros9 championship The home runs didn9t come on and this loss highlighted their tionals an opportunity to grab the batting average (.261) in the ma- the Astros9 power did much more
roster remains mostly intact, and poorly located pitches, but the continued inability to generate lead; it put runners on second and jors 4 well above Houston (.246) damage than Washington9s con-
Corbin was able to keep them Astros took advantage anyway. extra-base hits. only two hits 4 a third with no outs. But Alex Call in 17th. But the pitching-focused tact could Tuesday night.
D6 eZ m2 the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

It9s Vegas, baby: Golden Knights trounce the Panthers to win ûrst Stanley Cup
STANLEY CUP from D1 You grind and you grind and you stunning growth of a sports mar-
grind.= ket that was limited largely to
incredible and a testament to Aaron Ekblad, Sam reinhart prize fights, UNLV athletics, NAS-
what a great hockey market this is. and Sam Bennett scored for flori- CAr races and lots of golf before
<What has happened here has da, and Sergei Bobrovsky was the Golden Knights took the city
been simply incredible. Not only overwhelmed in another tough by storm. The raiders began play-
is Vegas a hockey town, it9s a performance against Vegas after ing here in 2020, the oakland
championship town.= carrying florida to the final. miss- Athletics appear headed to the
Vegas closed out the series in ing from the lineup was matthew desert, Las Vegas will host a for-
five games to win the Cup before a Tkachuk, the king of game-win- mula one race this year, and the
delirious franchise-record crowd ning shots during the playoffs Super Bowl will be at Allegiant
of 19,058 at T-mobile Arena that who was never the same after a Stadium in february.
drowned out the pregame intro- crushing blow to his shoulder by Cassidy, a former Capitals
ductions of forward Jonathan Vegas9s Keegan Kolesar in Game 3. coach hired a week after getting
marchessault and goalie Adin Hill The Golden Knights have set fired by the Boston Bruins last
and cheered all the way through the standard of what an expan- year, proved to be the leader to get
the final buzzer. sion franchise should look like, them to the top.
marchessault, who ended the making the Cup finals in their first <He came in, brought an inten-
postseason with a 10-game point season and the playoffs in every sity to our locker room that maybe
streak, received the Conn Smythe year but one. Six players remain we needed,= Stone said. <He want-
Trophy for playoff mVP. from the initial 2017-18 team that ed to win as badly as anybody else
<I couldn9t be more proud of lost in five games to the Washing- in that locker room.=
our team, our organization,= ton Capitals in the finals. Cassidy seemingly pushing all
marchessault said. <Everybody Those players watched the Cap- the right buttons in helping Vegas
stepped up at different times, and itals skate with the Stanley Cup become the Western Conference9s
that9s why we9re winners.= that night, and then they got the top seed and then the NHL9s
Stone9s hat trick 4 with the chance to do the same Tuesday to champion.
third into an empty net with 5:54 fulfill owner Bill foley9s quest to <It9s a great story 4 very, very
left 4 was the first in the Stanley win the championship in the sixth grateful to get another opportu-
Cup finals since Peter forsberg9s year. nity,= Cassidy said. <I9m just here
for the Colorado Avalanche in <We waited a long time for that to do my job, and it worked out
1996, also against the Panthers. moment to come back.= marches- well.=
John LocheR/associaTed pRess
The Golden Knights got the rest sault said. <We wanted to make Vegas also won with an unlikely
of their scoring from Nic Hague, The Golden Knights storm the net after they put even more pucks into it 4 nine in all 4 in their win. sure we cash in this time.= goalie in Hill, who was injured
Alec martinez, reilly Smith, mi- By creating such a lofty stan- when the playoffs began. Laurent
chael Amadio, Ivan Barbashev favorite, even earning <mVP! everyone enough credit for put- before handing it down the line to dard at the outset, the Golden Brossoit was the starter until go-
and Nicolas roy. martinez9s goal mVP!= chants in the third period. ting us in this position. the rest of the team. Knights played with high expecta- ing out with an injury in Game 3 of
in the second period came nine Jack Eichel, the eight-year pro <They call them the misfits 4 <Unbelievable,= Stone said. tions but repeatedly fell short de- the second-round series against
years to the day after he delivered playing in his first postseason, those are the guys, they built this. <The look in my teammates9 eyes spite four runs to at least the NHL the Edmonton oilers, and then
the double-overtime goal in had three assists. They built this culture. So proud when I got it, one of the craziest semifinals 4 until Game 5 against Hill got his chance.
Game 5 to give the Los Angeles <This is what everyone dreams to be a part of it.= feelings I9ve ever had. I can9t even the Panthers. <You dream about it every day
Kings the Cup. of,= Eichel said. <You come to an As captain, Stone was the first describe the feelings in my stom- This is Las Vegas9s second pro growing up as a child.= Hill said.
Hill came through with an- organization like this, and the ex- to lift the Cup before handing it ach right now. It9s everything you title in nine months 4 the Aces <To be here with this group of
other strong performance that pectation is to win this thing. It9s a over to the six misfits to each get can imagine. The grind of an 82- claimed the WNBA championship guys, in this city, in this building,
has quickly made him a Vegas fan special place to play. I can9t give their turn skating with the trophy game season, four playoff rounds. in September 4 and continues the is a dream come true.=

MLB leaves Pride questions to teams 4 with mixed results

bASEbALL from D1

making the right decision or not,

but I went with my heart. I felt we
treated these two women inap-
That act of contrition was the
first concerted outreach by any
major League Baseball team to
gay fans, predating the Chicago
Cubs9 early iterations of out at
Wrigley by a year. Nearly a
quarter-century later, the inci-
dent and its aftermath feel illus-
trative of the sport9s lurching
attempts at outreach. As Pride
month is acknowledged in vari-
ous ways nationwide, every mLB
team except the Texas rangers
will host a Pride night at a home
game this month. But some of
those events have stirred contro-
versy, and the Dodgers organiza-
tion again found itself embroiled
in one of them.
facing criticism from some
Catholic groups and Sen. marco
rubio (r-fla.), the Dodgers an-
nounced they were revoking their
intent to honor a group called the
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (a
group that includes men who
dress as nuns) for its work in Los
Angeles9s queer community.
Then, the team reversed course
again, reinviting the group to its
Pride Night, which is friday.
The episode resonated inside
some clubhouses, where the
change has felt slower than out-
side. future Hall of famer Clay-
ton Kershaw admitted he has-
tened his announcement of the
Dodgers9 faith night later this
month when he heard the Sisters
phoTos by amanda andRade-Rhoades foR The WashingTon posT
of Perpetual Indulgence were
coming to Pride night, though he The Nationals held their 18th annual Night Out event last week. This month, every team is hosting a Pride night celebration except the Rangers, who have never done so.
insisted in an interview with the
Los Angeles Times that he did so release, he embraced the oppor- Goldey admitted that when she
to stand up for what he believed tunity. heard of the Dodgers9 initial deci-
in, not to render anyone else <Essentially they just came to sion to exclude the Sisters of
unwelcome. And Washington Na- me and said, 8Hey, you were our Perpetual Indulgence, she con-
tionals starter Trevor Williams, first thought,9 and I was like, templated pulling her plans to
who has never pitched for the 8Yeah, absolutely.9 I didn9t really attend the Pride night with the
Dodgers, released a statement have to think twice about it. for group of fans she had organized.
scolding the team for honoring a me, it was just an opportunity to <I held on to the hope that they
group that he argued ridiculed be part of a cool weekend,= Gaus- would acknowledge their mis-
Catholics. man told mLB.com. <I hope ev- step, for the Dodgers embody the
No major league player has erybody can feel safe at the ball- diverse tapestry that is Los Ange-
come out publicly while still ac- park and feel like they can come les. They represent an organiza-
tive, and some players have out here and support us. And tion composed of individuals
claimed religious opposition to we9re going to do the same.= from various walks of life, inher-
Pride night apparel or events. This year, Chicago White Sox ently susceptible to making mis-
Tampa Bay rays pitcher Jeffrey minor leaguer Anderson Comás takes,= Goldey wrote to The Post.
Springs, for example, refused to came out on social media. At the <my fervent wish is that they
wear Pride colors last year. Earli- beginning of Pride month, he strive to learn from these errors
er this season, then-Toronto Blue spoke to reporters. and prevent their recurrence.=
Jays reliever Anthony Bass <I was really afraid for people As they did to Goldey and Kott,
shared social media posts that to know that for me,= said Comás, the Dodgers offered <their sincer-
encouraged boycotts of compa- wearing a shirt that said <human= est apologies= to the Sisters of
nies that take the <demonic= step in pride colors. <right now, I Perpetual Indulgence and invited
of offering LGBTQ-centered mer- think it9s getting a lot better. I them back. Goldey will also be
chandise. think that9s why I decided to do it. there friday 4 not just despite
Bass subsequently apologized Now, it9s 2023. People are chang- that August night two decades
for any hurt caused by his actions, ing.= ago but because of it.
and the Blue Jays curiously chose Comás said some of his team- <I felt marginalized, degraded,
him to catch the ceremonial first mates and coaches already knew. confused, angry and really disap-
pitch before the team9s Pride He said nothing changed when he pointed. It was surreal,= Goldey
night 4 only to release him hours came out publicly, at least not in The Nationals9 Night Out game is the longest continuously held Pride event in Major League baseball. remembered.
before the game, a move General the organization. At times in re- <Pride Night stands as a critical
manager ross Atkins called <a cent baseball history, the idea of a from people who do not yet feel issues. In 2021, after Georgia im- means in our ballpark, at every cornerstone that some individu-
baseball decision= of which <dis- gay player finding that kind of like they can be open but felt plemented laws that activists said game, and in all we do 4 for both als seem to have overlooked
traction was a small part.= comfort in a major league organi- better seeing him come out. As for curbed voting rights for minority our fans and our employees,= the amidst the noise. It serves a
However, anecdotal evidence zation was unthinkable. the hateful messages, he said he citizens, mLB pulled the All-Star rangers said in a statement, add- paramount purpose: to extend
suggests attitudes among players <It9s still a little bit hard for us doesn9t see a point in reading Game from Atlanta. Next year, ing that they were a sponsor of unwavering support to the
may be shifting. rays infielder to be out there visible in the them. the All-Star Game will be at Globe the Gay Softball World Series and LGTBQ community,= she wrote.
Yandy Díaz, Springs9s teammate public area because of people9s As an organization, mLB Life field, home of the rangers 4 work with several groups in the <It serves as a powerful declara-
now and then, wore a rainbow judgment and all that. Just be- leaves teams to make their own the one franchise in baseball that Dallas-area community to foster tion that the Dodgers and their
wristband all weekend. When the cause they think different and decisions on hosting Pride activi- has not instituted a Pride night. inclusion. <We deliver on that fans embrace the concept of in-
Blue Jays asked Toronto starter they don9t understand things,= ties and holding individual play- <our commitment is to make promise across our many pro- clusivity and stand by every indi-
Kevin Gausman to catch the cer- said Comás, who said he received ers accountable, though it has everyone feel welcome and in- grams to have a positive impact vidual. It signifies that all are
emonial first pitch after Bass9s around a thousand messages taken stances on social justice cluded in rangers baseball. That across our entire community.= welcome.=
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post EZ M2 d7


Among four state champs, dominant Independence stands alone at the top
BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO mixed emotions, but it9s amaz- sons with championship victo- ance in three years, and you can9t game and earned a program- 7. Madison (15-4-1) | LR: 2 |
ing.= ries, but our final rankings are do that without athletes who changing 2-0 win over Western The Warhawks9 season ended
Years from now, the players <There9s just so much going on led by the Independence Tigers. have completely bought in.= Albemarle. when they lost to Battlefield in
involved in this past weekend9s inside,= Tuscarora midfielder Ava The fourth-year Loudoun 1. Independence (22-1) | Last 4. Battlefield (17-3-3) | LR: 10 sudden-death overtime during
Virginia soccer state champion- Marvin said after her team won County program was dominant ranked: 6 | The Tigers were an | The Bobcats pieced together a the Class 6 semifinals.
ship games may not be able to the Class 4 title. <You9re happy all spring, averaging more than unstoppable force out of Lou- resilient postseason run, making 8. Lake Braddock (15-5) |
recall every detail of what hap- because you did it. You9re sad six goals and suffering just one doun County, winning every re- it to the Class 6 final for the first LR: NR | The Bruins picked up
pened on the field. But for the because it9s over. It9s a pretty raw loss. gion tournament game by mercy time since 2016. district and region champion-
teams that won it all, the post- few minutes.= In Saturday9s Class 5 champi- rule en route to the first state 5. Brentsville District (22-1) | ships.
game scene will be remembered <There9s just no words for that onship game, senior Kaitlyn title in program history. LR: NR | The Tigers won a 9. Fairfax (15-3-2) | LR: 4 |
forever. moment,= said Colgan forward Nimmer had a hat trick to cap 2. Colgan (21-1-1) | LR: 3 | The Virginia state title for the first The Lions, Class 6 quarterfinal-
<After that final whistle, I Samantha DeGuzman, who pro- the year with the program9s first Sharks rode an unbreakable de- time in 20 years. ists, opened the season by going
didn9t know whether to cry or to vided the assist on the Sharks9 state title. fense and an explosive offense to 6. Oakton (17-2) | LR: 7 | After 15 matches without a loss.
scream or what,= Brentsville Dis- winning goal in the Class 6 <It9s very surreal,= Coach Ann their first state championship. a strong run that included dis- 10. Stone Bridge (15-6) | LR: 5
trict midfielder Peyton McGov- championship game. Vierkorn said. <These kids are 3. Tuscarora (20-2-1) | trict and region titles, the Cou- | The Bulldogs lost, 1-0, to even-
ern said after the Tigers won the Brentsville, Tuscarora and special athletes. This was our LR: Not ranked | The Huskies gars fell to Colgan in the Class 6 tual finalist Deep Run in the
Class 3 crown. <There9s so many Colgan ended memorable sea- second championship appear- made it back to the Class 4 title semifinals. Class 5 quarterfinals.


Title game heartbreaker is not enough to drop Lewis from its rankings perch
BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO less match. game. In Class 5, Riverside lost a 2. Hayfield (16-2-3) | LR: 7 | 5. Loudoun County (20-3-1) | The Huskies reached the Class 4
<One of our team mottos is heartbreaker to Cox in the semifi- The Hawks9 historic season ended LR: 8 | The Captains9 strong sea- quarterfinals, in which they fell to
For the best boys9 soccer pro- about the three Bs: breathe, be- nals. And in Class 4, Loudoun in penalty kicks in the Class 6 son ended with a penalty-kick de- Jefferson Forest.
grams in Northern Virginia, the lieve and battle,= Mustangs Coach County lost its semifinal on penal- semifinals. feat against Smithfield in the Class 9. Forest Park (13-6-2) |
end of this season was marked Nathan Greiner said. <We breathe ty kicks. 3. Riverside (19-3-1) | LR: 4 | 4 semifinals. LR: NR | After knocking out unde-
mostly with disappointment. In when things aren9t going right, we Lewis, having reached the Class For a second consecutive season, 6. Herndon (13-2-3) | LR: 6 | feated Osbourn in the region tour-
an area that usually produces a always believe, and we always bat- 6 final twice in the past three the Rams saw a promising post- The Hornets, winners of the Class nament, the Bruins lost to Kellam
handful of state champions, there tle.= years, leads our final rankings of season run end at the hands of 6 Region D title, fell to Lewis in the in the Class 6 quarterfinals.
was only one this spring: the Me- Outside of the Mustangs, local the season. Cox. state quarterfinals. 10. Osbourn (20-1) | LR: 1 | The
ridian Mustangs. programs came up short this year. 1. Lewis (14-7-1) | Last ranked: 4. Meridian (18-3-1) | LR: NR | 7. Battlefield (15-6-1) | LR: NR | Eagles were bit by the injury bug at
Meridian captured the Class 3 Lewis made it the furthest of the Not ranked | The Lancers9 post- A plucky, senior-led Mustangs The Bobcats topped Forest Park in the wrong time and saw an unde-
title Saturday, beating Charlottes- Class 6 contenders, losing to Kel- season run ended just short of a team captured the 12th state title the Class 6 Region B title game. feated campaign end in the region
ville on penalty kicks after a score- lam in Sunday9s championship Class 6 title. in program history. 8. Tuscarora (14-4-3) | LR: 5 | semifinals.

SC O Re b OAR d

P RO bA SKe Tb AL L HO C Ke y SO C Ce R Te NNiS gO L F CO L L e ge b ASe b ALL

WNbA Stanley Cup playoffs MLS ATP/WTA u.S. Open NCAA super regionals
easT w l pct gb easT w l T pts gf ga libema open THUrsDaY9s U.s. open Tee Times Host school is Game 1 home team; visiting school is
conference semifinals Game 2 home team; coin flip determines Game 3 home
Connecticut .................................. 8 2 .800 4 Cincinnati ........................12 1 4 40 27 16 At Autotron Rosmalen; in Den Bosch, Netherlands 9:45 a.m.: Deon Germishuys, Berry Henson, Hank Lebio-
New York ...................................... 6 3 .667 11/2 Best of seven. Nashville ...........................9 3 5 32 25 12 team.
purse: $723,876 da, Omar Morales, Ryutaro Nagano, Jacob Solomon
Washington.................................. 5 4 .556 21/2 easTern conference Philadelphia ......................9 5 3 30 28 17 surface: Grass 9:56 a.m.: Michael Brennan, Wenyi Ding, Ryan Gerard, Best of three.
Chicago ......................................... 5 5 .500 3 New England .....................8 3 6 30 28 21 Yuto Katsuragawa, Michael Kim, Jordan L. Smith Virginia eliminaTeD DUKe, 2-1
Atlanta ......................................... 3 5 .375 4
panTHers eliminaTeD maple leafs, 4-1 Atlanta..............................7 4 7 28 35 29 men9s singles 4 roUnD of 32
Game 1: Florida 4, at Toronto 2 10:07 a.m.: Hayden Buckley, Lucas Herbert, Pablo At Davenport Field at Disharoon Park; In Charlottesville
Indiana.......................................... 3 6 .333 41/2 Columbus ..........................8 6 3 27 35 25 Alexander Bublik, Kazakhstan, def. David Goffin, Bel- Larrazabal, Scott Stallings, Preston Summerhays, Adam Game 1: Duke 5, Virginia 4
Game 2: Florida 3, at Toronto 2 Orlando City ......................7 4 5 26 22 17 gium, 7-5, 7-5; Jordan Thompson, Australia, def. Giovan-
Game 3: at Florida 3, Toronto 2 (OT) Svensson Game 2: Virginia 14, Duke 4
wesT w l pct gb D.C. United ........................6 7 5 23 25 24 ni Mpetshi Perricard, France, 6-4, 7-6 (7-3); Tallon 10:18 a.m.: Ryan Armour, Jens Dantorp, Patrick Rodgers, Game 3: Virginia 12, Duke 2, Virginia advances
Game 4: Toronto 2, at Florida 1 CF Montréal ......................7 9 1 22 19 27 Griekspoor (6), Netherlands, def. Mikael Ymer, Sweden,
Las Vegas ..................................... 8 1 .889 4 Game 5: Florida 3, at Toronto 2 (OT) Roger Sloan, Dylan Wu, Carson Young
Dallas............................................ 5 4 .556 3 Charlotte FC ......................6 8 4 22 25 33 6-2, 3-6, 6-3; Emil Ruusuvuori, Finland, def. Brandon 10:29 a.m.: Ryo Ishikawa, Matthieu Pavon, Thomas floriDa eliminaTeD soUTH carolina, 2-0
Los Angeles .................................. 4 4 .500 31/2 HUrricanes eliminaTeD DeVils, 4-1 New York...........................4 6 7 19 11 16 Nakashima, United States, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3; Alexei Popyrin, Pieters, Gordon Sargent, Kevin Streelman, Aaron Wise At Condron Family Ballpark; In Gainesville, Fla.
x-Phoenix ..................................... 2 5 .286 5 Game 1: at Carolina 5, New Jersey 1 Toronto FC ........................3 5 10 19 17 21 Australia, def. Arthur Rinderknech, France, 6-3, 7-6 10:40 a.m.: Bryson DeChambeau, Tommy Fleetwood, Game 1: Florida 5, South Carolina 4
Minnesota .................................... 2 7 .222 6 Game 2: at Carolina 6, New Jersey 1 New York City FC ..............4 7 6 18 17 22 (8-6); Mackenzie McDonald, United States, def. Ilya Tyrrell Hatton, Shane Lowry, Francesco Molinari, Justin Game 2: Florida 4, South Carolina 0, Florida advances
x-Seattle ...................................... 1 6 .143 6 Game 3: at New Jersey 8, Carolina 4 Chicago..............................3 6 8 17 22 27 Ivashka, Belarus, 6-4, 6-3; Adrian Mannarino, France, Thomas
Game 4: Carolina 6, at New Jersey 1 Inter Miami CF ..................5 12 0 15 16 24 def. Arthur Fils, France, 7-6 (7-1), 6-4; Laslo Djere, 10:51 a.m.: Sergio Garcia, Tom Hoge, Sungjae Im, TcU eliminaTeD inDiana sTaTe, 2-0
x-Late game Game 5: at Carolina 3, New Jersey 2 (OT) Serbia, def. Ricardas Berankis, Lithuania, 6-4, 6-2. Kyoung-Hoon Lee, J.T. Poston, Sepp Straka At Amon Carter Stadium; In Fort Worth
wesT w l T pts gf ga 11:02 a.m.m: Corey Conners, Jason Day, Rickie Fowler, Game 1: TCU 4, Indiana State 1
monDaY9s resUlTs wesTern conference women9s singles 4 roUnD of 32 Justin Rose, Adam Scott, Gary Woodland Game 2: TCU 6, Indiana State 4, TCU advances
St. Louis City SC ...............9 5 2 29 33 17
No games scheduled. golDen KnigHTs eliminaTeD oilers, 4-2 Seattle ..............................8 6 4 28 24 17 Ekaterina Alexandrova (4), Russia, def. Evgeniya Rodi- 11:13 a.m.: Max Homa, Si Woo Kim, Matt Kuchar, Collin
Game 1: at Vegas 6, Edmonton 4 Los Angeles FC..................7 2 5 26 23 14 na, Russia, 6-3, 6-4; Polina Kudermetova, Russia, def. Morikawa, Patrick Reed, Scottie Scheffler oral roberTs eliminaTeD oregon, 2-1
TUesDaY9s resUlTs Game 2: Edmonton 5, at Vegas 1 Yuan Yue, China, 6-4, 6-3; Viktoria Hruncakova, Slovakia, At PK Park; In Eugene, Ore.
FC Dallas ...........................7 6 5 26 21 19 11:24 a.m.: Joel Dahmen, Adam Hadwin, Viktor Hovland,
at Indiana 87, Washington 66 Game 3: Vegas 5, at Edmonton 1 San Jose............................7 5 5 26 21 20 def. Susan Bandecchi, Switzerland, 6-4, 6-2; Ashlyn Denny McCarthy, Jon Rahm, Xander Schauffele Game 1: Oregon 9, Oral Roberts 8
Atlanta 86, at New York 79 Game 4: at Edmonton 4, Vegas 1 Vancouver .........................5 5 7 22 27 21 Krueger, United States, def. Rebecca Peterson, Sweden, 11:35 a.m.: Stewart Cink, Ryan Fox, Martin Kaymer, Game 2: Oral Roberts 8, Oregon 7
Seattle at Phoenix, late Game 5: at Vegas 4, Edmonton 3 Houston ............................6 7 3 21 19 21 6-1, 6-2; Bianca Andreescu (6), Canada, def. Zeynep Matthew McClean, Seamus Power, Michael Thorbjornsen Game 3: Oral Roberts 11, Oregon 6, Oral Roberts
Game 6: Vegas 5, at Edmonton 2 Portland ............................5 7 5 20 20 24 Sonmez, Turkiye, 6-4, 6-4; Aliaksandra Sasnovich (7), 11:46 a.m.: Paul Barjon, Barclay Brown, Gunn Charoen- advances
weDnesDaY9s games Sporting KC .......................5 8 5 20 20 25 Belarus, def. Lucrezia Stefanini, Italy, 6-0, 6-3; Kimberly kul, David Horsey, Mac Meissner, Brendan Valdes
sTars eliminaTeD KraKen, 4-3 Birrell, Australia, def. Lesley Pattinama Kerkhove, lsU eliminaTeD KenTUcKY, 2-0
Los Angeles at Dallas, 1 Minnesota United .............5 7 5 20 15 22 11:57 a.m.: Bastien Amat, Jordan Gumberg, Kyle Muel-
Game 1: Seattle 5, at Dallas 4 (OT) Netherlands, 6-1, 6-4; Caty McNally (8), United States, At Alex Box Stadium; In Baton Rouge
Real Salt Lake ...................5 7 5 20 18 27 ler, Jesse Schutte, Andrew Svoboda, Alexander Yang
THUrsDaY9s games Game 2: at Dallas 4, Seattle 2 def. Katie Volynets, United States, 6-2, 6-1; Celine Naef, Game 1: LSU 14, Kentucky 0
Austin FC ..........................5 8 4 19 18 27 3:15: Nicolas Echavarria, Ross Fisher, Brent Grant, Paul
Game 3: at Seattle 7, Dallas 2 Switzerland, def. Venus Williams, United States, 3-6, Game 2: LSU 8, Kentucky 3, LSU advances
Atlanta at Connecticut, 7 LA Galaxy ..........................3 9 4 13 14 27 Haley, Charley Hoffman, Vincent Norrman
Game 4: Dallas 6, at Seattle 3 7-6 (7-3), 6-2; Sachia Vickery, United States, def.
Indiana at Chicago, 8 Colorado ............................2 9 7 13 14 27 3:26: Nick Dunlap, Simon Forsstrom, Nick Hardy, Max- waKe foresT eliminaTeD alabama, 2-0
Game 5: at Dallas 5, Seattle 2 Priscilla Hon, Australia, 6-3, 6-0.
Seattle at Las Vegas, 10 well Moldovan, Carlos Ortiz, Sam Stevens At David F. Couch Ballpark; In Winston-Salem, N.C.
Game 6: at Seattle 6, Dallas 3 weDnesDaY9s resUlTs
men9s DoUbles 4 roUnD of 16 3:37: Eric Cole, Romain Langasque, Thriston Lawrence, Game 1: Wake Forest 5, Alabama 4
friDaY9s games Game 7: at Dallas 2, Seattle 1
FC Dallas 2, St. Louis SC 0 Taylor Pendrith, Aldrich Potgieter, Adam Schenk Game 2: Wake Forest 22, Alabama 5, Wake Forest
Nathaniel Lammons and Jackson Withrow, United 3:48: Abraham Ancer, Alejandro Del Rey, Luke List, Wilco
Phoenix at Washington, 8 conference finals Los Angeles FC 0, Atlanta 0 States, def. Nicolas Mahut and Pierre-Hugues Herbert, advances
Minnesota at Los Angeles, 10 Nienaber, Victor Perez, Andrew Putnam
Best of seven. saTUrDaY9s resUlTs France, 6-3, 3-6, 10-4; Fabrice Martin, France, and 3:59: Keegan Bradley, Harris English, Padraig Harrington,
Maxime Cressy, United States, def. Simone Bolelli and sTanforD eliminaTeD Texas, 2-1
easTern conference Atlanta 3, D.C. United 1 Adrian Meronk, Phil Mickelson, Joaquin Niemann At Klein Field at Sunken Diamond; In Stanford, Calif.
Andrea Vavassori, Italy, 6-3, 6-4; Jason Kubler and Rinky 4:10: Wyndham Clark, Austin Eckroat, Mateo Fernandez
Fever 87, Mystics 66 panTHers eliminaTeD HUrricanes, 4-0 Seattle 3, Charlotte FC 3 Hijikata (4), Australia, def. David Pel and Sander Arends, Game 1: Texas 7, Stanford 5
Game 1: Florida 3, at Carolina 2 (4OT) CF Montréal 4, Minnesota 0 de Oliveira, Emiliano Grillo, Alex Noren, Mito Pereira Game 2: Stanford 8, Texas 3
Netherlands, 7-6 (8-6), 7-6 (7-5); Jordan Thompson and 4:21: Cameron Davis, Russell Henley, Tom Kim, Kurt
washington ........................ 17 21 15 13 4 66 Game 2: Florida 2, at Carolina 1 (OT) New England 3, Miami 1 Alex de Minaur, Australia, def. Marcelo Melo, Brazil, and Game 3: Stanford 7, Texas 6, Stanford advances
indiana ................................ 19 22 20 26 4 87 Game 3: at Florida 1, Carolina 0 Kitayama, Sahith Theegala, Cameron Young
Nashville 1, Toronto FC 1 John Peers, Australia, 6-4, 6-4. 4:32: Sam Bennett, Sam Burns, Matt Fitzpatrick, Dustin Tennessee eliminaTeD soUTHern miss, 2-1
Game 4: at Florida 4, Carolina 3 Orlando City 2, Colorado 0
wasHingTon min fg fT o-T a pf pTs w0men9s DoUbles 4 roUnD of 16 Johnson, Keith Mitchell, Cameron Smith At Pete Taylor Park; In Hattiesburg, Miss.
Delle Donne 28:20 6-14 4-4 1-6 1 2 17 wesTern conference Columbus 2, Chicago 1 4:43: Patrick Cantlay, Tony Finau, Brian Harman, Billy Game 1: Southern Mississippi 5, Tennessee 3
golDen KnigHTs eliminaTeD sTars, 4-2 Eva Vedder and Lexie Stevens, Netherlands, def. Veroni-
Sykes 30:02 3-10 3-3 2-6 4 2 9 Houston 4, Los Angeles FC 0 ka Kudermetova and Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, 7-6 Horschel, Chris Kirk, Jordan Spieth Game 2: Tennessee 8, Southern Mississippi 4
Austin 28:23 3-5 0-0 2-5 1 3 6 Game 1: at Vegas 4, Dallas 3 (OT) Sporting KC 4, Austin FC 1 (7-5), 6-7 (7-5), 10-8; Shuko Aoyama and Ena Shibahara, 4:54: Brooks Koepka, Min Woo Lee, Hideki Matsuyama, Game 3: Tennessee 5, Southern Miss 0, Tenn. advances
Atkins 23:21 2-9 1-3 0-1 2 4 7 Game 2: at Vegas 3, Dallas 2 (OT) New York City FC 0, Real Salt Lake 0 Japan, def. Alexandra Panova, Russia, and Miriam Rory McIlroy, Justin Suh, Davis Thompson
Cloud 24:07 1-5 5-6 0-5 5 0 7 Game 3: Vegas 4, at Dallas 0 San Jose 2, Philadelphia 1 Kolodziejova, Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-3. 5:05: Ben Carr, Mackenzie Hughes, Taylor Montgomery,
Meng 17:53 2-7 0-0 0-2 1 1 6 Game 4: at Dallas 3, Vegas 2 (OT) Taylor Moore, Sebastian Munoz, Nick Taylor Men9s College World Series
Cincinnati 1, Vancouver 1 5:16: Olin Browne Jr., Frankie Capan, Patrick Cover,
Walker-Kim- Game 5: Dallas 4, at Vegas 2
15:08 0-3 0-0 0-1 0 2 0 Game 6: Vegas 6, at Dallas 0 David Nyfjall, David Puig, Karl Vilips (double elimination; x-if necessary)
brough sUnDaY9s resUlTs
Hines-Allen 11:03 2-5 2-3 1-1 1 2 6
ATP 5:27: Christian Cavaliere, J.J. Grey, Corey Pereira, Alex All games at Charles Schwab Field in Omaha
sTanleY cUp finals LA Galaxy 1, St. Louis City SC 1
Hawkins 10:19 1-4 0-0 0-0 1 3 2 boss open Schaake, Isaac Simmons, Austen Truslow
Best of seven. Portland 1, FC Dallas 0 bracKeT 1
Toliver 9:29 2-4 0-0 0-0 0 0 6
Zahui B 1:55 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 At Tennis Club Weissenhof; in Stuttgart, Germany friDaY9s games
golDen KnigHTs eliminaTeD panTHers, 4-1 weDnesDaY9s maTcHes purse: $771,996 Game 1: TCU vs. Oral Roberts, 2
ToTals 200 22-66 15-19 6-27 16 19 66
Game 1: at Vegas 5, Florida 2 Houston at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 surface: Grass PgA Tour Game 2: Florida vs. Virginia, 7
percentages: FG .333, FT .789. 3-point goals: 7-25, .280 Game 2: at Vegas 7, Florida 2 saTUrDaY9s maTcHes feDex cUp moneY leaDers
Game 3: at Florida 3, Vegas 2 (OT) singles 4 roUnD of 32 sUnDaY9s games
(Toliver 2-4, Atkins 2-5, Meng 2-7, Delle Donne 1-4, Real Salt Lake at D.C. United, 7:30 Through Sunday.
Game 4: Vegas 3, at Florida 2 Gregoire Barrere, France, def. Oscar Otte, Germany, 6-4, Game 3: Game 1 loser vs. Game 2 loser, 2
Walker-Kimbrough 0-1, Sykes 0-4). Team rebounds: 9. points money
Game 5: at Vegas 9, Florida 3 Columbus at New York City FC, 3:30 6-3; Christopher O9Connell, Australia, def. Daniel Alt- Game 4: Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner, 7
Team Turnovers: 1. blocked shots: 4 (Delle Donne 3, 1...................................... Jon Rahm 3,042 $14,775,965
Orlando City at New England, 7:30 maier, Germany, 6-3, 6-1; Aslan Karatsev, Russia, def.
Austin). Turnovers: 12 (Sykes 3, Cloud 2, Delle Donne 2, 2.......................... Scottie Scheffler 2,640 $16,293,295 TUesDaY9s game
Los Angeles FC at Sporting KC, 8:30 Corentin Moutet, France, 7-6 (7-0), 6-7 (10-8), 7-5;
Hawkins 2, Atkins, Austin, Toliver). steals: 3 (Cloud, 3.................................... Max Homa 1,955 $8,573,087 Game 5: Game 3 winner vs. Game 4 loser, TBD (loser
St. Louis City SC at Nashville, 8:30 Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, def. Zhang Zhizhen,
Hawkins, Sykes). Technical fouls: Mystics, 8:05 second; golden Knights 9, Panthers 3 4............................. Viktor Hovland 1,623 $9,426,434 eliminated)
China, 6-1, 6-4; Marton Fucsovics, Hungary, def. Denis
coach Eric Thibault, 4:48 third. Portland at San Jose, 10:30 5.................................... Tony Finau 1,536 $5,303,001
floriDa .................................. 0 1 2 4 3 Shapovalov, Canada, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4; Yibing Wu, China, def.
inDiana min fg fT o-T a pf pTs Nick Kyrgios (8), Australia, 7-5, 6-3; Tommy Paul (5), 6....................................Nick Taylor 1,421 $5,677,835 weDnesDaY, jUne 21
Vegas ..................................... 2 4 3 4 9 weDnesDaY, jUne 21 7................................... Si Woo Kim 1,333 $4,804,201
Hull 22:02 2-4 4-4 2-5 0 3 8 United States, def. Benjamin Bonzi, France, 6-3, 6-4. Game 6 : Game 4 winner vs. Game 5 winner, TBD (winner
New York City FC at Atlanta, 7:30 8............................ Wyndham Clark 1,266 $6,492,979 advances unless Game 7 needed)
Smith 32:21 4-12 0-0 0-3 1 4 8 firsT perioD
Toronto FC at Cincinnati, 7:30 DoUbles 4 roUnD of 16 8..................................... Jason Day 1,293 $5,652,533
Boston 30:13 11-14 1-2 5-14 6 1 23 scoring: 1, Vegas, Stone 9, 11:52 (sh). 2, Vegas, Hague 2 9................................. Rory McIlroy 1,282 $6,834,758 THUrsDaY, jUne 22
Mitchell 30:48 6-13 5-7 0-2 0 2 19 Nashville at CF Montréal, 7:30 Edouard Roger-Vasselin, France, and Santiago Gonzalez
(Eichel, Marchessault), 13:41. Charlotte FC at New York, 7:30 (3), Mexico, def. Marcos Giron, United States, and 9............................. Patrick Cantlay 1,244 $6,622,875 x-Game 7: Game 3 vs. Game 4 winner, TBD (winner
Wheeler 21:32 1-5 2-2 1-5 4 5 5 10...........................Keegan Bradley 1,233 $4,977,110 advances)
Wallace 28:21 2-9 3-5 0-4 3 2 8 seconD perioD Philadelphia at Orlando City, 7:30 Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, 6-1, 7-5; Lorenzo Sonego and
Lorenzo Musetti, Italy, def. Frances Tiafoe and William 12.................................. Sam Burns 1,218 $6,423,399
Egbo 9:47 3-7 0-0 4-10 0 0 6 FC Dallas at Austin FC, 8:30 bracKeT 2
scoring: 3, Florida, Ekblad 2 (Cousins), 2:15. 4, Vegas, Blumberg, United States, 7-6 (9), 6-4; Lucas Miedler and 13......................Xander Schauffele 1,223 $6,739,597
Vivians 9:45 2-2 2-2 1-2 0 3 6 San Jose at Houston, 8:30 14............................ Kurt Kitayama 1,205 $6,499,612 saTUrDaY9s games
Martinez 2 (Eichel, Pietrangelo), 10:28. 5, Vegas, Smith Alexander Erler, Austria, def. Aslan Karatsev, Russia,
Berger 8:15 1-1 2-2 1-1 2 0 4 New England at Minnesota, 8:30 15.............................Tyrrell Hatton 1,213 $7,582,427 Game 1: Wake Forest vs. Stanford, 2
4 (Karlsson, Theodore), 12:13. 6, Vegas, Stone 10 and Jiri Lehecka, Czech Republic, 3-6, 7-6 (7-3), 10-7.
Caldwell 6:56 0-1 0-0 0-0 1 1 0 Real Salt Lake at St. Louis City SC, 8:30 17.................................Justin Rose 1,088 $4,173,120 Game 2: LSU vs. Tennessee, 7.
(Stephenson, Howden), 17:15. 7, Vegas, Amadio 5
ToTals 200 32-68 19-24 14-46 17 21 87 (Smith), 19:58. Vancouver at Colorado, 9:30 18............................Seamus Power 1,077 $3,541,407
19.................................... Chris Kirk 1,067 $3,385,096 monDaY9s games
percentages: FG .471, FT .792. 3-point goals: 4-17, .235 Sporting KC at LA Galaxy, 10:30
THirD perioD 20............................. Jordan Spieth 1,063 $6,412,258 Game 3: Game 1 loser vs. Game 2 loser, 2.
(Mitchell 2-6, Wallace 1-3, Wheeler 1-3, Caldwell 0-1, Seattle at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 WTA 20.............................. Taylor Moore 1,041 $3,691,927 Game 4: Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner, 7
Hull 0-2, Smith 0-2). Team rebounds: 7. Team Turn- scoring: 8, Vegas, Barbashev 7 (Eichel, Theodore), 8:22. Chicago at Portland, 10:30
9, Florida, Reinhart 8 (Montour, Bennett), 8:47. 10, noTTingHam open 21............................ Emiliano Grillo 1,048 $3,800,102 TUesDaY9s game
overs: 1. blocked shots: 2 (Boston, Wallace). Turnovers: 22.............................. Rickie Fowler 1,017 $4,738,597
12 (Smith 4, Mitchell 2, Wheeler 2, Boston, Caldwell, Florida, Bennett 5 (Reinhart, Forsling), 11:39. 11, Vegas, saTUrDaY, jUne 24 At Nottingham (Great Britain) Tennis Centre Game 5: Game 3 winner vs. Game 4 loser, TBD (loser
Stone 11, 14:06 (en). 12, Vegas, Roy 3 (Theodore, Cincinnati at D.C. United, 7:30 23..................................... Tom Kim 1,028 $3,631,608
Egbo, Wallace). steals: 5 (Hull 2, Boston, Mitchell, purse: $259,303 eliminated)
McNabb), 18:58. 24......................... Sahith Theegala 1,025 $4,750,098
Wallace). Technical fouls: None. CF Montréal at Charlotte FC, 7:30 surface: Grass
26..............................Adam Schenk 996 $3,509,665 weDnesDaY, jUne 21
a: 3,005 (20,000). sHoTs on goal Nashville at Columbus, 7:30 27.............................Corey Conners 981 $3,782,414
singles 4 roUnD of 32 Game 6: Game 4 winner vs. Game 5 winner, TBD (winner
floriDa .................................. 8 6 19 4 33 Toronto FC at New England, 7:30 28..........................Collin Morikawa 940 $4,361,238
Harriet Dart, Britain, def. Rebecca Marino, Canada, 6-4, advances unless Game 7 needed)
Vegas ................................... 11 14 6 4 31 Atlanta at New York, 7:30 6-2; Magda Linette (3), Poland, def. Olivia Gadecki, 28......................... Matt Fitzpatrick 971 $5,949,318
dream 86, Liberty 79 power-play opportunities: Florida 0 of 1; Vegas 0 of 1. Miami at Philadelphia, 7:30 Australia, 6-4, 6-4; Jodie Anna Burrage, Britain, def. 29......................... Denny McCarthy 966 $4,859,624 THUrsDaY, jUne 22
goalies: Florida, Bobrovsky 12-6-0 (30 shots-22 saves). Houston at Austin FC, 8:30 Tereza Martincova, Czech Republic, 7-6 (7-5), 3-6, 7-6 31..................................Sungjae Im 937 $4,714,088 x-Game 7: Game 3 vs. Game 4 winner, TBD (winner
8aTlanTa ......................... 24 17 19 26 4 86 32............................Russell Henley 928 $3,686,006 advances)
Vegas, Hill 11-4-0 (34-31). a: 19,058 (17,367). T: 2:35. Chicago at Sporting KC, 8:30 (7-4); Viktorija Golubic, Switzerland, def. Jil Teichmann,
new YorK ......................... 20 26 14 19 4 79 33......................Tommy Fleetwood 911 $3,861,567
LA Galaxy at Colorado, 9:30 Switzerland, 6-4, 6-3; Katie Boulter, Britain, def. Emily
Appleton, Britain, 6-1, 6-3; Daria Snigur, Ukraine, def. 34..........................Adam Svensson 860 $3,425,143 cHampionsHip series
aTlanTa: Coffey 5-8 0-0 12, Howard 4-11 2-2 12, Parker Minnesota at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 35..................... Mackenzie Hughes 858 $2,955,774
3-7 0-0 6, Gray 5-13 5-6 16, H.Jones 4-11 3-3 13, Billings Beatriz Haddad Maia (2), Brazil, 6-4, 6-3; Anhelina Best of three: x-If necessary.
Vancouver at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 36......................... Andrew Putnam 850 $3,245,098
4-8 4-4 12, Hillmon 1-1 0-0 2, Durr 5-12 2-3 13. Totals AuT O R AC i Ng New York City FC at Portland, 10:30 Kalinina (5), Ukraine, def. Nuria Parrizas Diaz, Spain,
37............................. Brian Harman 844 $3,025,291
Saturday, June 24: Bracket 1 winner vs. Bracket 2
31-71 16-18 86. 7-5, 6-3; Alize Cornet, France, def. Katie Swan, Britain, winner, 7
St. Louis City SC at San Jose, 10:30 2-6, 6-1, 6-4. 38....................Taylor Montgomery 823 $2,541,522 Sunday, June 25: Bracket 1 winner vs. Bracket 2 winner, 3
new YorK: Laney 6-9 2-2 17, Stewart 1-14 10-12 12, Orlando City at Seattle, 10:30 38....................................Tom Hoge 811 $3,984,135 x-Monday, June 26: Bracket 1 winner vs. Bracket 2
J.Jones 4-9 4-4 12, Johannès 7-15 0-0 18, Vandersloot NASCAR Cup Series DoUbles 4 roUnD of 16 40.......................... Hayden Buckley 754 $2,832,411 winner, 7
5-13 1-2 11, Sabally 0-1 0-0 0, Thornton 0-1 0-0 0, poinTs leaDers Makoto Ninomiya, Japan, and Cristina Bucsa, Spain, def. 41...................................... Eric Cole 808 $2,586,961
Willoughby 0-0 2-2 2, Dolson 3-4 0-0 7. Totals 26-66 Donna Vekic, Croatia, and Maria Sakkari, Greece, 3-6,
19-22 79. Through Monday. 6-4, 10-6.
1. Martin Truex Jr, 525.
Three-point goals: Atlanta 8-24 (H.Jones 2-4, Coffey
2. William Byron, 512.
2-5, Howard 2-5, Gray 1-3, Durr 1-6, Parker 0-1), New w l T pts gf ga
York 8-27 (Johannès 4-10, Laney 3-5, Dolson 1-1, 3. Ryan Blaney, 501. San Diego ..........................6 3 2 20 17 11 moneY leaDers
Thornton 0-1, Vandersloot 0-2, J.Jones 0-3, Stewart 4. Ross Chastain, 501. Washington ......................5 1 5 20 15 10 Through Sunday.
5. Kevin Harvick, 500. bbVa open inTernacional De Valencia mlb
0-5). fouled out: None. rebounds: Atlanta 42 (Parker Portland ............................5 2 4 19 26 14 Trn money
11), New York 33 (Stewart 13). assists: Atlanta 15 6. Kyle Busch, 496. OL Reign............................6 4 1 19 19 14 At Club de Tenis Sporting Club de Tenis Valencia (Spain) 1. ............................................ Lilia Vu 8 $1,130,901 mlb: Suspended Los Angeles Angels INF Brandon Drury
(Howard 4), New York 19 (Stewart, Vandersloot 6). 7. Christopher Bell, 493. Gotham FC ........................5 3 3 18 13 10 purse: $107,459 2. ................................... Jin Young Ko 8 $1,012,828 one game and fined an undisclosed amount for making
Total fouls: Atlanta 18, New York 20. a: 5,719 (17,732) 8. Denny Hamlin, 462. North Carolina...................5 4 2 17 15 11 surface: Red clay 3. ......................................Nelly Korda 8 $823,074 contact with an umpire during a June 12 game against
9. Joey Logano, 444. Houston ............................4 3 4 16 10 10 4. ................................Ashleigh Buhai 10 $740,919 Texas.
10. Kyle Larson, 440. singles 4 roUnD of 32 5. .................................... Ayaka Furue 11 $710,363 minnesota Twins: Reinstated INF/OF Joey Gallo from
Orlando .............................4 6 1 13 10 16
11. Chris Buescher, 430. Louisville...........................2 3 6 12 13 12 Caroline Dolehide (7), United States, def. Elsa Jacque- 6. .........................................Angel Yin 7 $656,423 the 10-day IL. Optioned OF Kyle Garlick to St. Paul (IL).
12. Brad Keselowski, 424. Chicago..............................3 7 1 10 14 28 mot, France, 6-2, 6-2; Mirjam Bjorklund, Sweden, def. 7. .................................... Georgia Hall 10 $622,656 Texas rangers: Recalled LHP Cody Bradford from Round
F OO T bAL L 13. Tyler Reddick, 420. Angel City .........................2 6 3 9 14 21 Anna Bondar (9), Hungary, 6-3, 6-7 (7-3), 6-3; Maria 8. ............................. Atthaya Thitikul 9 $617,326 Rock (PCL) and RHP Owen White from Frisco (TL).
14. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 400. Kansas City .......................3 8 0 9 11 20 Carle, Argentina, def. Sinja Kraus, Austria, 6-4, 6-2; 9. ................................. Celine Boutier 10 $570,338 Optioned LHP Cole Ragans and RHP Yerry Rodriguez to
15. Bubba Wallace, 354. Panna Udvardy (6), Hungary, def. Aliona Bolsova, Spain, 10. ..................................Hae Ran Ryu 9 $526,920 Round Rock. Sent RHP Glenn Otto and SS Brad Millerto
uSFL 16. Alex Bowman, 331. friDaY9s resUlTs 6-3, 6-2; Clara Tauson, Denmark, def. Jaqueline Adina 11. ...................................Ruoning Yin 7 $508,768 Round Rock on rehab assignments.
17. Daniel Suárez, 328. San Diego 0, Louisville 0 Cristian, Romania, 6-4, 7-5; Guiomar Maristany Zuleta 12. ............................... Hannah Green 7 $497,745 Toronto blue jays: Traded C Juan Gonzales to Chicago
norTH w l T pct pf pa 18. Ty Gibbs, 320. de Reales, Spain, def. Alena Fomina, Russia, 6-3, 7-5; White Sox in exchange for cash considerations. Placed
13. ................................... Aditi Ashok 8 $484,039
Philadelphia ......................4 5 0 .444 200 235 19. Michael McDowell, 317. saTUrDaY9s resUlTs Nadia Podoroska (8), Argentina, def. Angela Fita Boluda, INF Brandon Belt on the 10-day IL, retroactive to June
14. .................................. Hyo Joo Kim 7 $479,236
New Jersey .......................3 6 0 .333 181 186 20. AJ Allmendinger, 298. Spain, 6-2, 4-6, 7-5; Marina Bassols Ribera, Spain, def. 11. Placed RHP Adam Cimber on the paternity list.
Washington 2, Angel City 1 15. ................................... Rose Zhang 1 $412,500
Pittsburgh.........................3 6 0 .333 151 172 21. Austin Cindric, 292. Charo Esquiva Banuls, Spain, 6-2, 6-2; Jessica Bouzas Reinstated C Danny Jansen from the 10-day IL. Recalled
North Carolina 5, Chicago 0 16. ................................Nasa Hataoka 9 $380,574
Michigan ...........................3 6 0 .333 148 195 22. Corey LaJoie, 291. Maneiro, Spain, def. Julia Grabher (2), Austria, 6-3, 2-1, INF Ernie Clement and RHP Bowden Francis from Buffalo
OL Reign 2, Kansas City 1 17. ......................................Grace Kim 7 $374,399
23. Justin Haley, 284. ret. 18. ................... Brooke M. Henderson 10 $372,675 (IL). Optioned C Tyler Heineman to Buffalo.
soUTH w l T pct pf pa 24. Todd Gilliland, 279. sUnDaY9s resUlTs 19. .....................................Minjee Lee 6 $371,437 chicago cubs: Recalled 2B Miles Mastrobuoni from Iowa
Birmingham ......................7 2 0 .778 260 176 25. Ryan Preece, 269. 20. ......................................... Xiyu Lin 7 $368,687 (IL). Placed LHP Brandon Hughes on the 15-day IL,
26. Aric Almirola, 260. Gotham FC 1, Houston 1
New Orleans .....................6 3 0 .667 220 174 21. ............................ Jennifer Kupcho 10 $363,094 retroactive to June 12. Optioned RHP Jeremiah Estrada
Houston ............................5 4 0 .556 213 219 27. Chase Elliott, 247. Orlando 3, Portland 1 to Iowa. Transferred RHP Nick Burdi from the 15-day IL
aTp ranKings 22. .................................... Maja Stark 9 $354,096
Memphis ...........................5 4 0 .556 170 186 28. Austin Dillon, 223. saTUrDaY9s maTcHes 23. ...........................Cheyenne Knight 9 $350,495 to the 60-day IL. Selected the contract of LHP Anthony
29. Harrison Burton, 219. Through Monday. Kay from Iowa.
24. ...............................Allisen Corpuz 10 $340,508
weeK 9 30. Erik Jones, 190. Angel City at San Diego, 4
25. .............................. Leona Maguire 9 $339,666 new York mets: Sent LHP Jose Quintana to St. Lucie
saTUrDaY9s resUlTs Orlando at North Carolina, 7 singles
31. Chase Briscoe, 183. 26. ........................ Albane Valenzuela 8 $332,488 (FSL) on a rehab assignment. Agreed to terms with LHP
32. Ty Dillon, 146. OL Reign at Houston, 8:30 1. Novak Djokovic, Serbia, 7595
at Pittsburgh 19, Michigan 7 27. ..................Pajaree Anannarukarn 10 $330,385 Matt Minnick on a minor league contract.
33. Noah Gragson, 143. 2. Carlos Alcaraz, Spain, 7175
New Orleans 31, at Memphis 3 3. Daniil Medvedev, Russia, 6100 28. ...................................Charley Hull 7 $290,396 philadelphia phillies: Agreed to terms with LHP Matt
34. BJ McLeod, 88. sUnDaY9s maTcHes Minnick on a minor league contract.
sUnDaY9s resUlTs 4. Casper Ruud, Norway, 4960 29. ................................ Danielle Kang 8 $289,370
35. Cody Ware, 65. Washington at Kansas City, 7 30. ......................................Amy Yang 8 $270,272
Birmingham 38, at Houston 15 36. Travis Pastrana, 26. Gotham FC at Louisville, 4 31. ......................................A Lim Kim 8 $266,897 nfl
at New Jersey 37, Philadelphia 33 37. Jenson Button, 19. Portland at Chicago, 6 32. .............................Carlota Ciganda 9 $266,880 baltimore ravens: Waived TE Brian Walker.
38. Jordan Taylor, 16. 33. .....................................Eun-Hee Ji 9 $240,775 carolina panthers: Waived DT Jalen Daton with a failed
weeK 10 39. Jimmie Johnson, 12. friDaY, jUne 23 wTa ranKings
34. ..................................Hye-Jin Choi 8 $238,232 physical designation.
saTUrDaY9s games 40. Ryan Newman, 9. Washington at Portland, 10:30 Through Monday. 35. ........................................ Narin An 9 $225,256 Denver broncos: Signed OLB Frank Clark. Waived WR
Pittsburgh at New Jersey, 1 41. Conor Daly, 9. 36. ..................................... Yuka Saso 9 $223,345 Nick Williams.
Birmingham at Memphis, 4 42. Kimi Raikkonen, 8. saTUrDaY, jUne 24 singles 37. ............................................ Yu Liu 10 $213,388 los angeles rams: Signed OL Steve Avila to a rookie
43. Josh Bilicki, 4. Kansas City at Orlando, 7 1. Iga Swiatek, Poland, 8940 38. .............................Anna Nordqvist 8 $203,884 contract. Signed P Ethan Evans, S Jason Taylor II and DL
sUnDaY9s games 44. Andy Lally, 2. 2. Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, 8012
Louisville at North Carolina, 7 39. ................................ Megan Khang 8 $198,649 Desjuan Johnson.
New Orleans at Houston, 4 45. Jonathan Davenport, 1. 3. Elena Rybakina, Kazakhstan, 5090 40. ................ Nanna Koerstz Madsen 11 $190,666
OL Reign at San Diego, 10 new York jets: Signed S Adrian Amos to a one-year
Philadelphia at Michigan, 7 4. Caroline Garcia, France, 5025 41. .......................... Ariya Jutanugarn 9 $190,176 contract.


washingtonpost.com/classifieds WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2023 EZ

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JOBS JOBS Bids & Proposals Bids & Proposals Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC
The Washington Post Request for Qualifications
in the Fredericksburg District Bridge Bundle
DC, MD and VA area The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is seeking State-
ments of Qualifications for the Fredericksburg District Bridge Bundle 1334 Maryland Avenue, NE 5318 GAY STREET, NE 3318 Ames Street, NE
design-build project from qualified and experienced respondents Washington, DC 20002 WASHINGTON, DC 20019 Washington, DC 20019
with design and construction experience of bridges. The project
has multiple bridges located in the Fredericksburg District. Proposed The undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction at Alex The undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction at Alex The undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction at Alex
improvements include complete replacement of the following
Excellent part-time income bridges: Route 17 NB bridge over Dragon Run in Middlesex County, Cooper9s Auctioneers, Inc. 4910 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Cooper Auctioneers, Inc. 4910 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Cooper Auctioneers, Inc. 4910 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Route 695 bridge over Oyster Creek in Lancaster County, and the Suite 100, Washington, DC 20016, on Suite 100, Washington, DC 20016, on Suite 100, Washington, DC 20016, on
opportunity! Route 614 bridge over Exol Swamp in King and Queen County. The
project also includes the superstructure replacement of the Route June 22, 2023 AT 1:43 P.M. JUNE 22, 2023 AT 1:47 P.M. June 22, 2023 AT 1:45 P.M.
207 NB bridge over Mattaponi River in Caroline County. Limited
Transportation required roadway approach work for the Route 695, Route 614, and Route
207 NB bridges, but Route 17 NB will require additional approach
work as the bridge elevations will be raised to alleviate bridge THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully described THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully described THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully described
flooding issues. The project does not increase the capacity of current
roads and bridges. The work includes but not limited to: roadway
in a Deed of Trust from 1334 Maryland Avenue, LLC, dated in a Deed of Trust from Eagle Eye 360 LLC, dated June 15, in a Deed of Trust from The Bey 7 Group LLC, dated December
To apply, go to and bridge design, survey, environmental, geotechnical, hydraulics June 9, 2022, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of 2021, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for 29, 2021, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for
and stormwater management, traffic control devices, transportation
management plan, utility relocation, public involvement/relations Deeds for the District of Columbia at Instrument Number the District of Columbia at Instrument Number 2021094205 the District of Columbia at Instrument Number 2022000412
deliverthepost.com and stakeholder coordination, quality assurance and quality control, 2022064480 on June 14, 2022 with an original principal on July 13, 2021, with an original principal balance of on January 3, 2022 with an original principal balance of
construction engineering and inspection, and overall project manage-
ment. balance of $914,420.19, and an original annual interest rate of $405,000.00, and an original interest rate of 9.75% per annum $353,700.00, and an original annual interest rate of 10.950%,
10.0%, with a default rate of 18% per annum, default having with a default rate of 23% per annum, default having occurred default having occurred under the terms thereof.
Questions/clarifications regarding the Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
1447 Autos Wanted 871
City of Alexandria should be submitted to Daniel McBride, P.E. (daniel.mcbride@vdot.vir- occurred under the terms thereof. under the terms thereof. All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in the District
DONATE YOUR CAR/TRUCK/RV TRUSTEE9S SALE OF Property Legal Description: commonly known as 1334 Maryland All that certain land lying and being situate in the District of of Columbia and being more particularly described as follows:
Lutheran Mission Society of MD 1606 RIPON PL,
Copies of the RFQ and additional submittal requirements can be found
on Bid Express (bidexpress.com)
Avenue Northeast, Washington, District of Columbia 20002, and Columbia, described as follows: Lot numbered Fifty-six (56) in Square numbered South of
Compassion Place ministries
help local families with food,
ALEXANDRIA, VA 22302 being more particularly described as: Lot numbered Fifty-Six (56) in Square Numbered Fifty-Two Square Fifty Hundred (5000) in the subdivision made by Myron
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. The Department assures compliance with Title VI requirements of
MVA licensed #W1044.
In execution of a Deed of Trust
in the original principal amount non-discrimination in all activities pursuant to this advertisement. Lot number Thirty-four (34) in a subdivision made by Repetti Hundred and Nine (5209) in Block Numbered Six (6) in Section Davy and Frank J. Murphy, Jr. as per plat recorded in the Office
410-228-8437 of $257,600.00, with an annual and Gardner, Trustees, of lots in Square numbered Ten Hundred- Three (3) of the Subdivision of <Burville= as per Plat of said of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 118 at
interest rate of 4.750000% dated 875 878
July 29, 2005, recorded among Fauquier County Stafford County Twenty-seven (1027), as per plat recorded in Liber 15 at folio subdivision recorded in Liber 1053, folio 192, of the Land Folio 69; subject to building restriction lines, agreements and
the land records of the Circuit TRUSTEE9S SALE OF TRUSTEE9S SALE OF 90 among the Records of the Office of the Survey for the District Records of the District of Columbia, subject to the building line restriction of record.
Court for the City of Alexandria
E JOBS as Deed Instrument Number
of Columbia. restrictions, as shown on the plat of the said subdivision together Note: The said property is known for assessment and taxation
CNC Manufacturing Engi-
050027882, the undersigned
appointed Substitute Trustee will Note: At the date hereof, the above-described property is known with the improvements, rights, privileges and appurtenances to purposes as SSL: 5000//s//0056
neer: Resp. for dev. 3D mdls, offer for sale at public auction all
In execution of a certain Deed of In execution of a certain Deed
for purposes of assessment and taxation as Square 1027 Lot the same belonging.
layout & drawgs., & gen. Bill of that property located in the City
Trust dated October 15, 2005, in of Trust dated October 14, 2021, The property will be sold by Trustee's Deed <as is= without
Material. Des. prods. for sheet of Alexandria, on the courthouse
the original principal amount of
$50,000.00 recorded in the Clerk9s
in the original principal amount
of $551,679.00 recorded in the
0034. The property will be sold by Trustee's Deed <as is= without any covenant, expressed or implied, in fee simple subject
metal & FAB procs. Perf. steps at the front of the Circuit
Court building for the City of
Office, Circuit Court for Fauquier Clerk9s Office, Circuit Court for Property Address: any covenant, expressed or implied, in fee simple subject to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded
tolerance analysis to validate County, Virginia, in Book 1186 at Stafford County, Virginia as Instru-
Alexandria located at 520 King to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above
dims., datum sch., designd Street, Alexandria, Virginia on July
Page 2311 as Instrument No. 2005-
00019412 . The undersigned Sub-
ment No. 210035294 . The under-
signed Substitute Trustee will offer
1334 Maryland Avenue NE instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above.
gaps & assy. by GD&T acc. to 19, 2023 at 10:00 AM, the property
ASME Y14.5 std. CAM prgm with improvements to wit:
stitute Trustee will offer for sale at for sale at public auction in the Washington, DC 20002 TERMS OF SALE:
public auction in the front of the front of the Circuit Court building TERMS OF SALE:
for CNC laser & turret press
UNIT 841-1606 PARKFAIRFAX Circuit Court building for Fauquier for Stafford County, 1300 Court-
The property will be sold by Trustee's Deed <as is= without A deposit of the lesser of $38,000.00 or ten percent (10%)
punch. Opt. cutng & punch County, 40 Culpeper Street, War- house Road, Stafford, Virginia on A deposit of the lesser of $25,000.00 or ten percent (10%) of the winning bid amount will be required at time of sale, in
toolpaths, mod. G&M codes, Tax Map No. 50280100 renton, Virginia on July 13, 2023, at July 13, 2023, at 12:30 PM, the any covenant, expressed or implied, in fee simple subject of the winning bid amount will be required at time of sale, in
& imp. cut. strategy. Dev.
10:45 AM, the property described property described in said Deed
to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded cash, certified check, or other form as Trustees may determine.
mfg. methds., & tool. strats in said Deed of Trust, located at the of Trust, located at the above cash, certified check, or other form as Trustees may determine. The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the
ass. with CNC cut. & punch.,
DEBT COLLECTOR. above address, and more particu- address, and more particularly instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the
form. & wield. ops. Prov. mfg. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A larly described as follows: described as follows: Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder
decision-making info. by calc. bidder's deposit of 10% of the LOT 449, SECOND ADDITION TO THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN TERMS OF SALE: Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and
prod., labor, & mat. costs & sale price, will be required in cash,
certified or cashier's check. Set-
TY OF STAFFORD, STATE OF VA, A deposit of the lesser of $ $81,000.00 or ten percent (10%) may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to
est. future req. Keep equip.
opl. by coord. maint. & repair
tlement within fifteen (15) days BUTLER, JR., C.L.S., DATED JUNE 1, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: of the winning bid amount will be required at time of sale, in expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The Balance of
of sale, otherwise Trustees may
svcs.; foll. mfr.9s inst.; req. forfeit deposit. Additional terms
AS LOT(S) 1041 AS SHOWN AND cash, certified check, or other form as Trustees may determine. the Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within thirty days of the
specl svcs. Min rqmts: Mas- to be announced at sale. Loan OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF DELINEATED ON PLAT ENTITLED The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the the purchase price to be paid in cash within 30 days of the sale. At the Trustees9 discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, if a
type: Conventional. Reference "EMBREY MILL, PHASE 1, SECTION
ter9s Deg. in Mechanical Engi-
neering or Mechanical Engi- Number 22-291954.
DEED BOOK 371, AT PAGE 625. 8" AS RECORDED AMONG THE Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder sale. At the Trustees9 discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, if a corporation or LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding, of
PLAT RECORDS OF STAFFORD may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and corporation or LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding, of the legal formation of such entity.
COUNTY AT PM190000022.
exp. in Solidworks CAD soft- CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- der9s deposit of ten percent (10%) expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the legal formation of such entity.
ware & Microsoft Office stitute Trustees, C/O LOGS LEGAL of the sale price or ten percent NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If purchaser fails to settle within the
Suites of Products. Knwl. or GROUP LLP, 10021 Balls Ford (10%) of the original principal bal- THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITH- the Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The Balance of TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid thirty (30) days of the sale, the purchaser agrees to pay
exp. in CNC Programming, Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir-
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800.
ance of the subject Deed of Trust,
whichever is lower, in the form
the purchase price to be paid in cash within thirty days of the aforesaid thirty (30) days of the sale, the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees' reasonable attorney fees, plus all costs incurred,
G&M CNC codes & GD&T of cash or certified funds payable CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT sale. At the Trustees9 discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, if a the Trustees reasonable attorney fees, plus all costs incurred, if the Trustees have to resell the property. If the purchaser
ASME Y14.5. Knwl. or exp. in May 8, 2023 AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION
Mechanical System Design & June 14, 21, 2023 12421909
to the Substitute Trustee must be
present at the time of the sale. OF NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESS- corporation or LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding, of if the Trustees have to resell the property. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the
Manufacturing Processes. Job The balance of the purchase price MENT RECORDED AMONG THE the legal formation of such entity. fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustees and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees
Loc: G & H Metal Works, Inc will be due within fifteen (15) days LAND RECORDS OF STAFFORD
DBA G & H Metal Products, of sale, otherwise Purchaser9s COUNTY, VIRGINIA AS INSTRU- TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If purchaser fails to settle within Trustees and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall
1423 Chestnut Avenue, Hill- deposit may be forfeited to
Trustee. Time is of the essence.
MENT NO. LR130018097 (THE "CDA
NOTICE"). the aforesaid thirty (30) days of the sale, the purchaser agrees and full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. In the
side, NJ-07205. Attn: Eric If the sale is set aside for any AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE to pay the Trustees' reasonable attorney fees, plus all costs be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. In the event of resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled
Heide. reason, the Purchaser at the sale
shall be entitled to a return of the
CDA NOTICE, THE PROPERTY IS OR incurred, if the Trustees have to resell the property. If the event of resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of
deposit paid. The Purchaser may,
ASSESSMENT, THE PROCEEDS OF purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale the property regardless of any improvements made to the real
Anne Arundel County
if provided by the terms of the
Trustee9s Memorandum of Fore-
WHICH WILL BE USED FOR THE to the Trustees and all expenses of this sale (including attorney of the property regardless of any improvements made to the property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase money
closure Sale, be entitled to a $50 COSTS RELATED TO CERTAIN fees and full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) real property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase from the date of sale to the date the funds are received in the
cancellation fee from the Substi-
CIRCUIT COURT tute Trustee, but shall have no
INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVE- shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. money at the rate of 23% per annum from the date of sale to office of the Trustees. In the event that the settlement is delayed
further recourse against the Mort- WITHIN THE CDA DISTRICT BY In the event of a resale the defaulting purchaser shall not be the date the funds are received in the office of the Trustees. for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of
gagor, the Mortgagee or the Mort-
Keith Yacko, et al. gagee9s attorney. A form copy of
NASH STAFFORD, LLC, A entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any In the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON interest. Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner
Substitute Trustees the Trustee9s memorandum of COMPANY AS ITS SUCCESSORS resale of the property regardless of any improvements made to WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. Taxes, association dues, all public charges/assessments payable on
foreclosure sale and contract to
Versus purchase real property is available
the real property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district
Joanne S. Johnson, et al. for viewing
www.bwwsales.com. Additional
BE DUE IN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS money at the rate of 18% per annum from the date of sale to dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date
Defendants 875
Fauquier County terms, if any, to be announced at IN ADDITION TO, AND NOT IN LIEU the date the funds are received in the office of the Trustees. basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall
No. C-02-CV-23-000137
the sale and the Purchaser may
be given the option to execute the
OTHER TAXES PAID TO STAFFORD In the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date of be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary
449 FALMOUTH STREET, contract of sale electronically. COUNTY, VIRGINIA. BY LAW, THE WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. Taxes, sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser
Notice is hereby issued this
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 that the
WARRENTON, VA 20186 This is a communication from a
CIAL ASSESSMENTS WILL BE BILL water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary shall be responsible for physical possession of the property.
sale of the property in the pro-
ceedings mentioned, made and
In execution of a certain Deed
debt collector and any information
obtained will be used for that pur-
SEMI-ANNUALLY BY STAFFORD dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward.
reported by Jennifer Deardorff,
of Trust dated February 28, 2007,
in the original principal amount
pose. The sale is subject to seller TIME AD VALOREM TAXES ARE basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, shall be responsible for physical possession of the property. The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder
Substitute Trustees BE RATIFIED
AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to
of $100,000.00 recorded in the BILLED. if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date of Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. to determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered
Substitute Trustee: Equity
the contrary thereof be shown on
Clerk9s Office, Circuit Court for
Fauquier County, Virginia, in Book Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt
THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder to into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid
or before the 23rd day of June
2023 next; provided, a copy of this
1256 at Page 1317 as Instrument Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA SHALL BE AN AGGREGATE be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered into off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that
Notice be inserted in some news-
No. 2007-00003547 . The under-
signed Substitute Trustee will offer
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated, or paid off upon notification by the Trustees of such event the sale is null
For more information contact: $59,798.00 IN ANNUAL INSTALL-
paper published in Anne Arundel
County, once in each of three
for sale at public auction in the BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for MENTS AND BILLED SEMI-ANNU- shall be responsible for physical possession of the property. prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without
front of the Circuit Court building
successive weeks before the 23rd for Fauquier County, 40 Culpeper
Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Execu-
tive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD
CEDING PARAGRAPH. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. upon notification by the Trustees of such event the sale is null interest. Additional terms may be announced at sale. CGD File
day of June 2023 next. The report
states that the amount of sale of
Street, Warrenton, Virginia on July 20852, 301-961-6555, FOR MORE INFORMATION The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without #460018
13, 2023, at 10:45 AM, the property
the property at 2823 SOUTHAVEN website: www.bwwsales.com. REGARDING THE SPECIAL ASSESS- to determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered interest. Additional terms may be announced at sale. CGD File
described in said Deed of Trust, VA-363694-1. MENT OR ANY OTHER MATER #: 459772. Richard E. Solomon, Richard J. Rogers, Michael McKeefery,
be $655,000.00.
located at the above address, and
more particularly described as fol- June 7, 14, 2023 12424622 DESCRIBED IN THIS RESTRICTIVE into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid Christianna Kersey, Kevin Hildebeidel, Kyle Blackstone, and
Scott A. Poyer lows: COVENANT, PLEASE CONTACT THE off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that Richard E. Solomon, Richard J. Rogers, Michael McKeefery, Kathleen Young, Substitute Trustees
Circuit Court For
Anne Arundel County, M.D.
upon notification by the Trustees of such event the sale is null Christianna Kersey, Kevin Hildebeidel, Kyle Blackstone, and
May 31, 2023 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, ROAD, SUITE 210, COLUMBIA, and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without Kathleen Young, Substitute Trustees
June 7, 14, 2023 12424144 KNOWN AS: 449 FALMOUTH MARYLAND 21046, ATTN: KEENAN
S. RICE, PHONE (443) 539-4101,
interest. Additional terms may be announced at sale. CGD File
RENTON COUNTY OF: FAUQUIER TOLL FREE: (888) 317-9970. #460029
Richard E. Solomon, Richard J. Rogers, Michael McKeefery,
DEED RECORDED IN BOOK: 772 GRANTEE, AND SHALL CONSTI- Christianna Kersey, Kevin Hildebeidel, Kyle Blackstone, and
Kathleen Young, Substitute Trustees
Keith Yacko, et al.
Substitute Trustees SION MCKENNY ACREAGE: .034 Stafford County ED IN EACH DEED FOR THE CON-
der9s deposit of ten percent (10%) 6 Abington Court, TION THEREOF) FOR SO LONG AS June 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 2023 12424053
Arvonia D. Miller, et al. of the sale price or ten percent Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406 THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT
Defendants (10%) of the original principal bal- (Tax Map No.: 44R 8 578) REMAINS OUTSTANDING. AT SUCH
No. C-02-CV-23-000167 ance of the subject Deed of Trust, TIME AS THE SPECIAL ASSESS- June 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 2023 12424055
whichever is lower, in the form Default having been made in the MENT IS FULLY EXTINGUISHED,
NOTICE of cash or certified funds payable terms of a certain Deed of Trust THIS RESTRICTIVE COVENANT
Notice is hereby issued this to the Substitute Trustee must be dated February 20, 2008, in the SHALL AUTOMATICALLY TERMI-
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 that the present at the time of the sale. original principal amount of NATE AND EXPIRE.
870 870
sale of the property in the pro- The balance of the purchase price $390,775.00 and recorded in the TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bid- Arlington County Arlington County 873 873
ceedings mentioned, made and will be due within fifteen (15) days Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court
of the County of Stafford, Virginia
der9s deposit of ten percent (10%) TRUSTEE'S SALE Prince William County Prince William County
reported by Jennifer Deardorff, of sale, otherwise Purchaser9s
deposit may be forfeited to in Instrument No. 080003184, the
of the sale price or ten percent June 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 2023 12423801 2300 N. Pershing Drive, Unit A NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE
Substitute Trustees BE RATIFIED (10%) of the original principal bal-
AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to Trustee. Time is of the essence. undersigned Substitute Trustees ance of the subject Deed of Trust, 878 MARYLAND Arlington, VA 22201 1589 Wood Duck Court, Woodbridge, VA 22192
the contrary thereof be shown on If the sale is set aside for any will sell at public auction on July whichever is lower, in the form Stafford County [Retail Space Unit Number Three (3), THE BROMPTONS AT LYON PARK
By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
or before the 23rd day of June reason, the Purchaser at the sale
shall be entitled to a return of the
5, 2023, at 11:00 am, in front of
the building housing the Stafford
of cash or certified funds payable TRUSTEE9S SALE OF Roommates COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM, Arlington County, Virginia]
May 6, 2003 and recorded at Instrument Number 200305080083288 in
2023 next; provided, a copy of this to the Substitute Trustee must be In execution of the Deed of Trust dated August 8, 2008, and recorded the Clerk's Office for the Prince William County Virginia Circuit Court,
Notice be inserted in some news- deposit paid. The Purchaser may, County Circuit Court, at the main present at the time of the sale. 316 DECATUR ROAD, in Book 4209 at Page 1843, of the Arlington County land records the
if provided by the terms of the entrance of the Judicial Center, STAFFORD, VA 22554 Virginia, securing a loan which was originally $428,300.00. The appointed
paper published in Anne Arundel The balance of the purchase price Sil Spg- Wlk Metro. Shr wonderful undersigned Substitute Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction on SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at
County, once in each of three Trustee9s Memorandum of Fore- 1300 Courthouse Road, Stafford, will be due within fifteen (15) days quiet house. BR $699 / $599. June 22, 2023 at 12:00 PM immediately in front of the entrance doors to
closure Sale, be entitled to a $50 VA 22555, the property designated In execution of a certain Deed public auction at the front steps of the Circuit Court for Prince William
successive weeks before the 23rd of sale, otherwise Purchaser9s NS/NP. Inc utils. 301-593-2435 the Circuit Court, Arlington County Justice Center, 1425 North Courthouse County located at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, VA 20110.
cancellation fee from the Substi- as of Trust dated January 6, 2011,
day of June 2023 next. The report deposit may be forfeited to in the original principal amount Road, Arlington, Virginia, the following property:
states that the amount of sale tute Trustee, but shall have no Lot 578, Section 8, Stafford Lakes Trustee. Time is of the essence. 245 July 07, 2023 at 1:00 PM
of the property at 1907 MAIN further recourse against the Mort-
gagor, the Mortgagee or the Mort-
Village, as dedicated and recorded If the sale is set aside for any
of $145,333.00 recorded in the
Clerk9s Office, Circuit Court for
Electronics Retail Space Unit Number Three (3), THE BROMPTONS AT LYON PARK
COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM, and the Common Element Interest appur- improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the
AVENUE, PASADENA, MD 21122, to as Instrument No. 020031584 and reason, the Purchaser at the sale Stafford County, Virginia as Instru- following described property, to wit:
be $317,000.00. gagee9s attorney. A form copy of shall be entitled to a return of the tenant thereto, as shown on the plat(s) and other Exhibits attached
the same is platted and shown ment No. 110011426 . The under- to the Declaration recorded in Deed Book 3658 at Page 1179, and any
the Trustee9s memorandum of on Plat of Subdivision recorded deposit paid. The Purchaser may, Lot 30 Section 3 Dawson Landing as the same appears duly dedicated
Scott A. Poyer foreclosure sale and contract to signed Substitute Trustee will offer DISH Network. $64.99 for permitted recorded amendments thereto, among the land records of platted and recorded in Deed Book 2468 at Page 1 among the Land Records
October 24, 2002, in Plat Map No. if provided by the terms of the for sale at public auction in the
Circuit Court For purchase real property is available Trustee9s Memorandum of Fore- 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, Arlington County, Virginia. of Prince William County, Virginia
Anne Arundel County, M.D. 020000217, Plat Book 40, Pages 3- front of the Circuit Court building $19.99/mo. (where available.)
for viewing at 12, in the aforesaid Clerk8s Office. closure Sale, be entitled to a $50 AND BEING the same property conveyed to Dahlia Mediterranean, LLC
www.bwwsales.com. Additional for Stafford County, 1300 Court- Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
May 31, 2023 Sale is subject to all prior liens, cancellation fee from the Substi- house Road, Stafford, Virginia on by Deed dated September 28, 2007, from Houtan Associates, L.L.C.,
terms, if any, to be announced at tute Trustee, but shall have no Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold <AS IS,= WITHOUT REPRE-
June 7, 14, 2023 12424000 easements, restrictions, July 13, 2023, at 12:30 PM, the DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of
the sale and the Purchaser may covenants, and conditions, if any, further recourse against the Mort- Arlington, in Deed Book 4139 at Page 1373. SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions,
be given the option to execute the property described in said Deed Devices. Call today! 1-855-407-6870. restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters
of record, or other matters which gagor, the Mortgagee or the Mort- of Trust, located at the above
contract of sale electronically. gagee9s attorney. A form copy of Tax No.: 18058026 of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the
would be disclosed by an accurate address, and more particularly
855 This is a communication from a survey or inspection of the premis- the Trustee9s memorandum of The property and improvements will be sold in "as is" physical condition time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price, whichever
Charles County debt collector and any information es. foreclosure sale and contract to
described as follows:
FREE high-speed internet for those without warranty of any kind. is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of certified
check, cashier's check or money order by the purchaser. The balance
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT obtained will be used for that pur- purchase real property is available THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL
TERMS: CASH. A deposit of for viewing at that qualify. Government program TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit in the amount of of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed
FOR pose. The sale is subject to seller ESTATE SITUATED IN STAFFORD, for recipients of select programs
$39,000.00 or 10% of the sale www.bwwsales.com. Additional STAFFORD COUNTY, STATE OF VIR- $50,000.00 payable by cashier's/certified check required at time of sale of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received
CHARLES COUNTY, confirmation. price, whichever is lower, will be incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assis- except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Registration begins
terms, if any, to be announced at GINIA, TO WIT: LOT 1B, FRED8S in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15)
MARYLAND Substitute Trustee: Equity required of the successful bidder tance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Sur- at 11:45 AM on the date of sale and continues until the sale begins. days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire
the sale and the Purchaser may CORNER SUBDIVISION, DISTRICT 1,
DIANA THEOLOGOU, Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt at time of sale. Prior to the sale, be given the option to execute the vivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. Balance of the deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale
CONTAINING 1.0064 ACRES. internet service. Bonus offer:
Substitute Trustee, et. al, Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA interested bidders will be required contract of sale electronically. purchase price must be paid by cashier's check within 14 days from sale and Substitute Trustee's fee. All other public charges or assessments,
Plaintiffs 23229. to register with and must present TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bid- Android tablet FREE with one-time date. Except for Virginia Grantor tax, all settlement costs and expenses including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale,
a bid deposit which may be held This is a communication from a der9s deposit of ten percent (10%) $20 copay. Free shipping & handling. are purchaser's responsibility. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to the and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In
v. For more information contact: during the sale by the trustee. debt collector and any information Call Maxsip Telecom today! date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the
BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for of the sale price or ten percent the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit
ROBERT G. BORRELL JR., ET. AL., The bid deposit must be certified obtained will be used for that pur- (10%) of the original principal bal- 1-888-592-5957 property. If purchaser defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of
Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Execu- funds and/or cash, but no more pose. The sale is subject to seller resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable
Defendant(s) tive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD ance of the subject Deed of Trust, 265 settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller's attorneys at settlement,
Case No. C-08-CV-23-000054 20852, 301-961-6555,
than $9,900.00 of cash will be
accepted. The successful bidder9s Substitute Trustee: Equity
whichever is lower, in the form
of cash or certified funds payable
Home & Garden for any deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
attorney9s fees of both sales. If Trustee does not convey title for any
a fee of $470.00 for review of the settlement documents.
website: www.bwwsales.com. deposit will be retained at the sale reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful
NOTICE VA-363568-1. Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt to the Substitute Trustee must be bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees
and applied to the sale price. If Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA present at the time of the sale. sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the
Notice is hereby issued this 8th June 7, 14, 2023 12421653 held by the trustee, all other bid Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! Deed of Trust including, but not limited to, determining whether prior to a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding.
day of June, 2023 by the Circuit 23229. The balance of the purchase price
deposits will be returned to the will be due within fifteen (15) days LeafFilter, the most advanced sale a bankruptcy was filed; a forbearance, repayment or other agreement FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
Court for CHARLES County, Mary- unsuccessful bidders. Settlement For more information contact: debris-blocking gutter protection. was entered into; or the loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such event Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
land, that the sale of the prop- of sale, otherwise Purchaser9s
is to be made within 15 calendar BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for deposit may be forfeited to Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate this sale shall be null and void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return (Attorney for the Secured Party)
erty at 6650 Chicamuxen Road, days. The successful bidder will be Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Execu- today. 15% off Entire Purchase. of deposit without interest. This communication is from a debt collector. 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Trustee. Time is of the essence.
Indianhead, MD 20640 mentioned responsible for obtaining posses- tive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD If the sale is set aside for any 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Bethesda, MD 20814
in these proceedings made and 20852, 301-961-6555, Old Dominion Trustees, Inc., Substitute Trustees
sion of the property, and for all reason, the Purchaser at the sale Call 1-844-566-3227. 301-907-8000
reported Diana Theologou, et. al, costs and fees related to record- website: www.bwwsales.com. shall be entitled to a return of the FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: www.rosenberg-assoc.com
Substitute Trustees, be ratified VA-363751-1. 610
and confirmed, unless cause to
ing the Trustee9s Deed, including
the grantors tax. The successful June 7, 14, 2023 12421371
deposit paid. The Purchaser may,
if provided by the terms of the
Dogs for Sale BUONASSISSI, HENNING & LASH, P.C. June 7, 14, 2023 12421025
the contrary thereof be shown on 12355 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 650
bidder will be required to execute Trustee9s Memorandum of Fore- Reston, Virginia 20191
or before the 11th day of July, a Memorandum of Trustee's Sale, closure Sale, be entitled to a $50
2023, next, provided a copy of this (703) 796-1341 x 144
available for review on the Foreclo- cancellation fee from the Substi- AKITA PUPS File No. 7332.82485
notice be inserted in some news- sure Sales page of www.glasser- tute Trustee, but shall have no
paper published in said County 2 females, 6 months old. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE
law.com [glasserlaw.com], outlin- further recourse against the Mort- All shots. $200. June 12, 13, 14, 2023 12425293
once in each of three successive ing additional terms of sale and gagor, the Mortgagee or the Mort-
weeks on or before the 10th day Call 301-633-7372 Cliff 15533 Wigeon Way, Woodbridge, VA 22191
settlement. A Trustee9s Deed will gagee9s attorney. A form copy of
of July, 2023. be prepared by Trustee9s attorney the Trustee9s memorandum of By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
The report states the amount of at high bidder9s expense. foreclosure sale and contract to November 8, 2013 and recorded at Instrument Number 201311130111184
sale to be $239,000.00. purchase real property is available MALTESE,YORKIES POODLE PUPS in the Clerk's Office for the Prince William County Virginia Circuit Court,

Try new foods

This is a communication from a Virginia, securing a loan which was originally $340,125.00. The appointed
debt collector, Glasser and Glasser, for viewing at Purebred puppies located in
Lisa E. Yates/SW www.bwwsales.com. Ruther Glen, VA. For pics and info SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at
Clerk of the Circuit Court P.L.C. on behalf of Atlantic Trustee public auction at the front steps of the Circuit Court for Prince William
Services, L.L.C., and/or REO Solu- TEXT Marie at 210-584-8896
Charles County, Maryland Additional terms, if any, to be County located at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, VA 20110.
tions, LLC and/or Auction.com-VA, announced at the sale and the
June 14, 21, 28, 2023 12425652 LLC, Substitute Trustees, Crown July 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Purchaser may be given the option
Center Building, Suite 600, 580 to execute the contract of sale SHELTIE PUPPIES - AKC registered, improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the
East Main Street, Norfolk, VA electronically. This is a communi- very small parents, Males, blue following described property, to wit:
23510, File No. 231341-01, Tel:
(757) 321-6465, between 10:00
cation from a debt collector and merles, sable & white Ready now. Search our database of tested LOT 23, SECTION 3, DAWSON LANDING, AS THE SAME APPEARS DULY
any information obtained will be Reduced price. Call 540-560-5132 DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 2468, PAGE 1, AMONG
a.m. & 12:00 noon only.
June 14, 21, 2023 12421761
used for that purpose. The sale
is subject to seller confirmation.
Substitute Trustee: Equity AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt SHICHON TEDDY BEAR
Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA PUPPIES in Virginia
washingtonpost.com/recipes TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold <AS IS,= WITHOUT REPRE-
23229. Adorable little cuddle bugs. Rdy wkd. restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters
For more information contact: 10wks old. All colors. M/F. Local of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the
BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for breeder raised in home. 703-362- time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price, whichever
Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Exec- 8718 www.dcdogfinders.com is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of certified
utive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, check, cashier's check or money order by the purchaser. The balance
MD 20852, 301-961-6555, website: of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed

bo ks?
www.bwwsales.com. VA-362055- of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received
1. SHIH TZU puppies, AKC, vet checked, in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15)
1st shots, parents on premises. days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire
June 7, 14, 2023 12422144 8 weeks, $1500-$1700. Hill Family deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale
MARYLAND Shih Tzu, 38 yrs exp with this breed. and Substitute Trustee's fee. All other public charges or assessments,
Call 434-607-2320, 434-414-8742 including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale,
Roommates and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In
the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit
will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of
CLINTON - Nice home, 1BR avail. SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS - 5 black & settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller's attorneys at settlement,
Furnished. Utils, cable, internet incl. white, 2 gray & white. Vet checked, a fee of $470.00 for review of the settlement documents.
W/D. N/S, $550. Call 202-277-1044 family raised, microchipped. Ready
to go. $500 cash. Call 301-791-3806 Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful
COLLEGE PARK - Furnished BR in bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees
Washington Post newsletters Business for INSURANCE house to share. $625 inc all util. 663 a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding.
deliver more of what you9re looking for. 1372 No smoking. Male Pref. 240-423-7923 Pet Services FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
Sale/Lease SERVICES Fort Washington, MD-Nr Nat'l Harbor. Rosenberg & Associates, LLC

Discover and subscribe for free at Profitable interior design and DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Private bedrm. in bsmt All util, cable (Attorney for the Secured Party)
drapery manufacturing Mutual Insurance Company. Cover- & int incl. fully furn, VETS WELCOME. 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
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Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Montgomery County Montgomery County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County
1602 Village Market Blvd SE, Suite 310 596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 201 International Circle, Suite 230 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Leesburg, VA 20175 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(703) 777-7101 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
In execution of the Superior Court for the District of Columbia9s 18111 Bentley Road 6702 HALLECK STREET 2249 ABERDEEN DR. 189 CONTINENTAL DR.
Decree of Sale in Case :2016 CA 008020 R(RP), the under- Sandy Spring, MD 20860 District Heights, MD 20747 CROFTON, MD 21114 GLEN BURNIE, MD 21061
signed Trustee(s) will offer for sale the property known as Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
3721 GRANT PLACE NE UNIT A, WASHINGTON DC 20019. Deed of Trust to MARK H. FRIEDMAN, Trustee(s), dated May 17, from JAMES WILLIAM GREER, dated March 23, 2007 dated June 24, 2005, recorded in Liber 16564, Folio 685 dated July 31, 2020, recorded in Liber 35020, Folio 368
at a public auction within the offices of, HARVEY WEST 2013, and recorded among the Land Records of MONTGOMERY and recorded in book 28256 , page 090 among the among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, with among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, with
AUCTIONEERS, INC. 5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW Suite 440, COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 46877, folio 088, the holder Land Records of PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Maryland, an original principal balance of $146,400.00, default having an original principal balance of $162,011.00, default having
Washington, DC 20015 202-463-4567 On JULY 11, 2023 AT of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust having default having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at
11:00 A.M, the land and premises situated in the District of appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by instrument as Case No. C-16-CV-23-000582; Tax ID No. 06-0482067) the public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, at
Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 2048 in Square duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, default Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction PRINCE GEORGE'S the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401, the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401,
5043, and more particularly described in the Deed of Trust having occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of COUNTY courthouse located at FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING on on
recorded in the Land Records of the District of Columbia, on the party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN ST, UPPER JUNE 27, 2023 AT 9:29 AM JUNE 27, 2023 AT 9:25 AM
JANUARY 21, 2006 as Instrument Number: 2006014426. will offer for sale at public auction at THE MONTGOMERY MARLBORO, MD 20772 .
The property will be sold by Trustee's Deed "as is" without JUNE 15, 2023 at 2:00 PM buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel
any covenant, expressed or implied, in Fee Simple, subject ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON,
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded JULY 3, 2023 at 1:30 PM thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD and more Trust. Trust.
instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above, and ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
subject to ratification by the Court The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and described The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of the lesser of $30,000.00 or as follows: conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no
10% of the sale price will be required at time of sale in cash ALL THAT PROPERTY CONVEYED BY DEED OF TRUST same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind.
or certified funds. The deposit required to bid at the auction is RECORDED ON MAY 29, 2013 IN LIBER 46877, FOLIO
waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 31,000.00 will be required Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $15,000 in the form of certified
088. at the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the
The Noteholder may bid up to the credit and may submit a
written bid to the Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition OR BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
balance of the purchase price is to be paid in cash within 60 without either express or implied warranty or representation, Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at
days of final ratification of the sale by the Court. including but not limited to the description, fitness for a days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for PRINCE the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any
particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition, GEORGE'S COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. construction, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten
If purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid sixty (60) days liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer- property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. The days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There
of the ratification, the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees' chantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by first will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the
reasonable attorney fees as ordered by the Court, plus all costs laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and class mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS
incurred, if the Trustees have filed the appropriate motion with subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all
the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable,
service of any paper filed with the Court in connection with subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments,
such motion and any Show Cause Order issued by the Court and record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper or Order by assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, but water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be
certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may arise adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
the purchaser and as recorded on the documents executed by certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax
the purchaser at the time of the sale. Service shall be deemed NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance of five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date funds are credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by
effective upon the purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the the purchase price with interest at 3.75% per annum from the received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be no abatement of Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment
United States Post Office. It is expressly agreed by the purchaser date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN interest in the event additional funds are tendered at the time of of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or
that actual receipt of the certified mail is not required for service DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be no sale or any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the
to be effective. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all taxes, for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for
deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustees and all expenses of this public charges and special or regular assessments will be made a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk
sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. There above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale
sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the will be no abatement of taxes, public charges and special or execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan
forfeited deposit. In the event of resale the defaulting purchaser regular assessments for any reason. If applicable, condominium prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether
shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting and/or homeowner association dues and assessments that may knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated
from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this
made to the real property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy,
purchase money at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
from the date of sale to the date the funds are received in the incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification,
office of the Trustees. In the event that the settlement is delayed of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be
for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs of the basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated
interest. Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to pay reasonable applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default and damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default and
association dues, all public charges/assessments payable on attorneys' fees for the Substitute trustees, plus all cost incurred, thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives
an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district if the Substitute Trustee's have filed the appropriate motion with for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure
charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date the Court to resell the property. The purchasers waives personal assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to
of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall service of any papers filed in connection with such a motion of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey accept service by first class mail at the address provided by accept service by first class mail at the address provided by
be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary and expressly agrees to The purchaser agrees to accept service insurable title for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy in the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The
stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
shall be responsible for physical possession of the property. identified on the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub.
The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder title in accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser's only the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 58342.0209) Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they
to determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered remedy is return of the deposit. SYDNEY E. ROBERSON, NICOLE LIPINSKI, cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is
into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid MARC MEDEL, Substitute Trustee (s) denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole
off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit of the remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest.
upon notification by the Trustees of such event the sale is null status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not (Matter No. 359492-2) (Matter No. 362534-1)
and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into
a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid off the loan prior to Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
interest. Trustees' File No15-9000021
sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the
JAMES E. CLARKE AND RENEE DYSON. Purchaser's sol remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES deposit without interest. Trustee's File No. (82351)
Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES www.hwestauctions.com

May 31, June 7, 14, 2023 12420998

852 852
Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County
LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
BWW Law Group, LLC A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508
Rockville, MD 20852 June 7, 14, 21, 2023 12424393 June 7, 14, 21, 2023 12424391
June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 2023 12424980 www.hwestauctions.com
(301) 961-6555
June 14, 21, 28, 2023 12423814 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE
596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 178 DALE RD.
Virginia Beach, VA 23452 1099 WINTERSON ROAD
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust SUITE 301
ORLANS PC VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY dated August 7, 2006, recorded in Liber 18157, Folio 251 BWW Law Group, LLC LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MARYLAND 21090
1602 Village Market Blvd SE, Suite 310 KNOWN AS among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, with 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Leesburg, VA 20175 an original principal balance of $268,000.00, default having SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF
14402 Kings Crossing Blvd Rockville, MD 20852 IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
(703) 777-7101 occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at (301) 961-6555
Boyds, MD 20841 public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, at 7946 SUTHERLAND COURT
WASHINGTON DC 20010 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401, PASADENA, MD 21122
on By authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated July 29, 2010
In execution of the Superior Court for the District of Columbia9s 2004, and recorded among the Land Records of MONTGOMERY 361 CHESSINGTON DR.
Decree of Sale in Case: 2016 CA 008852 R(RP), the under- JUNE 27, 2023 AT 9:31 AM and recorded in Liber 22539, Folio 0458 among the Land
COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 28283, folio 374, the holder ODENTON, MD 21113 Records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland modified by Loan
signed Trustee(s) will offer for sale the property known as 724 of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust having ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
ROCK CREEK CHURCH ROAD NW, WASHINGTON DC 20010. buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Modification Agreement recorded on April 24, 2014, in the Land
appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by instrument dated August 8, 2013, recorded in Liber 26600, Folio 27 Records of Anne Arundel County at Liber No. 27220, Folio 042,
at a public auction within the offices of, HARVEY WEST duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, default County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
Trust. among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, with and further modified by Loan Modification Agreement recorded
AUCTIONEERS, INC. 5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW Suite 440, having occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of an original principal balance of $363,750.00, default having on December 1, 2016, in the Land Records of Anne Arundel
Washington, DC 20015 202-463-4567 On JULY 11, 2023 AT the party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at County at Liber No. 30360, Folio 377, with an original principal
11:00 A.M, the land and premises situated in the District of will offer for sale at public auction at THE MONTGOMERY an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, at balance of $182,541.00, and an interest rate of 4.000%,
Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 158 in Square COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50 MARYLAND AVENUE, agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401, default having occurred thereunder, the Substitute Trustees will
3031, and more particularly described in the Deed of Trust ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON, warranty of any kind. on sell at public auction at the Courthouse door for the Circuit
recorded in the Land Records of the District of Columbia, on JULY 3, 2023 at 1:30 PM Terms of Sale: A deposit of $22,000 in the form of certified JUNE 27, 2023 AT 9:27 AM Court for Anne Arundel County, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD
DECEMBER 12, 2005 as Instrument Number: 2005177982. check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the 21401, on
The property will be sold by Trustee's Deed "as is" without thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and described purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel June 27, 2023 AT 9:43 am
any covenant, expressed or implied, in Fee Simple, subject as follows: price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at County, MD and described as Unit 64 in Phase 4, pursuant to
to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and the improvements
BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NUMBERED a Condominium Regime established by and as shown on a plat thereon situated in Anne Arundel County, MD and more fully
instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above, and modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds entitled "Town Center Commons Condominium" and more fully
subject to ratification by the Court TWENTY-ONE (21) IN BLOCK LETTERED "I" (EYE) IN THE are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is
SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS, "SUBDIVISION RECORD PLAT, described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. improved by a dwelling.
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of the lesser of $50,000.00 or days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There
LOTS 1 THROUGH 8 AND 17 THROUGH 26, BLOCK I, AND will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in Terms of Sale: The property will be sold <as is= and subject
10% of the sale price will be required at time of sale in cash LOTS 24 THROUGH 26, BLOCK J, KING'S CROSSING", AS PER an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and
or certified funds. The deposit required to bid at the auction is event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS to conditions, restrictions, easements and agreements of record
PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AT PLAT NO. 21833 AMONG THE OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no affecting same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. A
waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. LAND RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND. warranty of any kind.
The Noteholder may bid up to the credit and may submit a real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, deposit of $13,000.00 by certified funds only (no cash will
BEING LOCATED IN THE 6TH ELECTION DISTRICT OF SAID and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, Terms of Sale: A deposit of $34,000 in the form of certified be accepted) is required at the time of auction. Balance of
written bid to the Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The COUNTY
balance of the purchase price is to be paid in cash within 60 to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final
days of final ratification of the sale by the Court. The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County.
without either express or implied warranty or representation, adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at At the Substitute Trustees9 discretion, the foreclosure purchaser,
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. including but not limited to the description, fitness for a Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax if a corporation or LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding,
the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any
If purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid sixty (60) days particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition, credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds of the legal formation of such entity. The purchaser, other than
of the ratification, the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees' construction, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten the Holder of the Note, its assigns, or designees, shall pay
reasonable attorney fees as ordered by the Court, plus all costs liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer- of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There interest on the unpaid purchase money at the note rate from the
incurred, if the Trustees have filed the appropriate motion with chantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the date of foreclosure auction to the date funds are received in the
the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS office of the Substitute Trustees. In the event settlement is
service of any paper filed with the Court in connection with subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all delayed for any reason, there shall be no abatement of interest.
such motion and any Show Cause Order issued by the Court and which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, All due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities
expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper or Order by subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, charges, or front foot benefit payments, are payable by the
certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including purchaser without adjustment. Real estate taxes and all other
the purchaser and as recorded on the documents executed by assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be public charges, or assessments, ground rent, or condo/HOA
the purchaser at the time of the sale. Service shall be deemed THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A PRIOR MORTGAGE. or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. assessments, not otherwise divested by ratification of the sale,
effective upon the purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax to be adjusted as of the date of foreclosure auction, unless the
United States Post Office. It is expressly agreed by the purchaser TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without purchaser is the foreclosing lender or its designee. Cost of all
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by
that actual receipt of the certified mail is not required for service interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses,
to be effective. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be and all other costs incident to settlement, shall be borne by the
of the purchase price with interest at 6% per annum from the of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or
deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustees and all expenses of this resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default and possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or
DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be no purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for
sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk damage to the property from the date of sale forward.
forfeited deposit. In the event of resale the defaulting purchaser abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all taxes, personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure
public charges and special or regular assessments will be made of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If the purchaser shall fail to
shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan comply with the terms of the sale or fails to go to settlement
from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. There accept service by first class mail at the address provided by
will be no abatement of taxes, public charges and special or servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether within ten (10) days of ratification of the sale, the Substitute
made to the real property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated Trustees may, in addition to any other available remedies,
purchase money at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note regular assessments for any reason. If applicable, condominium defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
and/or homeowner association dues and assessments that may or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this declare the entire deposit forfeited and resell the property at
from the date of sale to the date the funds are received in the resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, and the purchaser
office of the Trustees. In the event that the settlement is delayed become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub.
the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without agrees to pay reasonable attorneys' fees for the Substitute
for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, Trustees, plus all costs incurred, if the Substitute Trustees
interest. Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is
incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be have filed the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the
association dues, all public charges/assessments payable on denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated property. Purchaser waives personal service of any paper filed in
an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest.
forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs of the damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default and connection with such a motion on himself and/or any principal
charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date (Matter No. 185413-1) purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives or corporate designee, and expressly agrees to accept service of
of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to pay reasonable
attorneys' fees for the Substitute trustees, plus all cost incurred, Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure any such paper by regular mail directed to the address provided
be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to by said bidder at the time of foreclosure auction. In such
stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser if the Substitute Trustee's have filed the appropriate motion with
the Court to resell the property. The purchasers waives personal accept service by first class mail at the address provided by event, the defaulting purchaser shall be liable for the payment of
shall be responsible for physical possession of the property. the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The any deficiency in the purchase price, all costs and expenses of
Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. service of any papers filed in connection with such a motion
and expressly agrees to The purchaser agrees to accept service defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resale, reasonable attorney's fees, and all other charges due and
The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from incidental and consequential damages, and any deficiency in
to determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as
identified on the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. the underlying secured debt. The purchaser shall not be entitled
into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of
off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable
title in accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser's only cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is the property. If the Substitute Trustees cannot convey insurable
upon notification by the Trustees of such event the sale is null LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole title, the purchaser's sole remedy at law or in equity shall be
and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without remedy is return of the deposit. A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. the return of the deposit without interest. The sale is subject to
interest. The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit of the June 7, 14, 21, 2023 12424394 (Matter No. 358271-1) post-sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with
Trustees' File No14-9000036 status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
JAMES E. CLARKE AND RENEE DYSON. of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement,
a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid off the loan prior to reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole
Purchaser's sol remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of snow day remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of his deposit without
the deposit without interest. interest. (CGD File #: 457753)
Trustee's File No. (82073) Richard E. Solomon, et al.,
Robert A. Jones, et al school day? Substitute Trustees
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D10 eZ M2 k the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

PGA Tour-LIV uncertainty adds intrigue to the U.S. Open

U.S. OPen from D1 ever really get an answer. But we
don9t even know what9s going to
Brooks Koepka. happen.=
<I was at the gym,= said top- He added, to reporters, <or
ranked Scottie Scheffler, the 2022 maybe you do.=
masters champion. <I didn9t really Cantlay said he had talked with
know what was going on. Still board members and monahan.
don9t really have a clue.= Cantlay found it still <too early to
They spoke at a time of upheav- have enough information to have
al in their sport9s history, and the a good handle on the situation.=
uncertainty deepened Tuesday Koepka was one of the players
night when the PGA Tour an- who went to LIV, even as he has
nounced that its commissioner refrained from carrying much of
and one of the faces of the part- its banner. He won the PGA
nership, Jay monahan, was <recu- Championship in a grand come-
perating from a medical situa- back in may and said little about
tion= and temporarily would leave any meaning for the new circuit.
<day-to-day operations of the PGA So he wrapped up his breakfast
Tour= to ron Price and Tyler Den- Tuesday of last week, watched a
nis, current tour officers. mona- bit of the coverage and went out to
han has been the subject of mass practice. <There9s four weeks a
pillory for his about-face regard- year that I really care about= 4 the
ing the LIV threat. majors 4 <and this is one of them,
Their players9 powerlessness and I want to play well,= he said.
and confusion, elements with <So I wasn9t going to waste any
which they don9t tend to hang, time on news that happened last
might have gained their clearest week.=
summary from six-time PGA Tour He said: <It didn9t matter to me.
winner and Greater Los Angeles Like I said, I9m trying to focus on
native max Homa. this week.=
<I think we9re all curious and He then chimed in with: <I
we9re all, I guess, skeptical of think that9s why I9ve been really
things or whatever, but I trust the good at majors.=
guys at the top doing what they9re He did allow that there had
doing,= he said. <But I guess I9m been shock around and about.
just a lowly golfer here. I9m not a <Because we didn9t hear anything
businessman; I don9t really get about it,= he said. <I think that9s
how all of it works. The more I9ve the one thing that shocked every-
tried to learn, the more I9ve just body the most. I think I ran into
gone in circles. At some point I rickie [fowler] and [Justin
just have to leave it up to them and Thomas] after watching the
wait for more information, I whole thing, and I asked if they
guess, to come out.= knew, and they said they didn9t
Already he had spoken a know, either.=
theme: <I know as much if not less rahm said he has had to resort
than you.= to <perspective= on the matter,
MAtt York/AssociAted press
rory mcIlroy, so often their how playing golf so well has lent
dutiful speaker in the 18 months Masters champion Jon Rahm spoke of <a bit of betrayal from management= when asked for his thoughts on the PGA Tour-LIV Golf deal. <a situation where my family and
since LIV birthed itself with my kids don9t have to struggle
boundless oil money and began to have faith that this is the best either. . . . We9ll see. There9s too or understand what9s going on as Later, though, he did address financially ever, and I don9t know
luring away PGA Tour players, did thing for all of us, but it9s clear that many questions to be answered.= best I can. It seems really compli- the great uncertainty: <That9s how many generations I can help
not speak at all. His name ap- that9s not the consensus. He said that Tuesday of last cated. I don9t want to get ahead of hard because I think for a lot of if I do it properly.= The grateful-
peared atop the interview docket <I think the general feeling is week, <I thought my phone was myself and form an opinion like different parties there9s a lot of ness, he said, helps him deal with
set for Tuesday morning, but then that a lot of people feel a bit of going to catch on fire at one point.= that until I know all the facts and different reasons why it9s happen- the goblin of change.
it disappeared. betrayal from management. I un- Though Cantlay, the No. 4 play- know what it9s about. But I under- ing. So we all want to know the That change hovers above the
Soon came rahm, European in derstand why they had to keep it er in the world, had a few mo- stand the emotion, and I think it9s why. We9re so interested in the first U.S. open at this course 4 a
upbringing like mcIlroy and so secret= 4 because of the inevi- ments more than most to process totally natural and understand- why. for us, for me right now, it9s rare U.S. open in terms of its
thoughtful in expression like tability of leaking. <I get the secre- the bombshell, he got the idea of able.= just like, 8What9s going to hap- mystery. <Yeah, it9s a distraction,=
mcIlroy. cy. It9s just not easy as a player betrayal. Collin morikawa, the 2020 PGA pen?9 I don9t know. But we always Cantlay said, <but I imagine it9s a
<There9s a lot of not-answered that9s been involved, like many <I think it9s totally understand- Championship and 2021 British want to know the 8why9 answer. distraction for everyone. Come
questions,= rahm said. <It9s tough others, to wake up and see this able,= he said. <I think anytime open champion, fielded the first What9s the purpose behind it? . . . tournament time, it won9t be on
when it9s the week before a major. bombshell. That9s why we9re all in you9re left in the dark on a deci- PGA Tour/LIV question by veer- Everyone has had kind of a differ- my mind.= or, as Homa put it: <It9s
Trying not to think about it as a bit of a state of limbo, because sion that potentially affects you ing to his new project for youth ent answer and different reaction actually nice to be as confused as I
much as possible. I think it gets to we don9t know what9s going on massively, that could easily make golfers, the maggie Hathaway to all of this. So the why is 4 I am here because I9m not really
a point where you want to have and how much is finalized and you upset. . . . I9m just trying to Project, which he explained at think that9s going to be very opin- thinking about it anymore. I9m
faith in management, and I want how much they can talk about, understand this deal as best I can length. ionated, and I don9t think we9ll ready to just go play golf.=
wEdnESday, junE 14 , 2023 . thE waShington poSt
KLMNO mg ee e1

Food wEdnESday, junE 14 , 2023 . SEction E mg ee

cu l inary OG

a n d h i s p r o di g

C. roSS For The WAShINgToN PoST

Emeril Lagasse, left, and his son, E.J., are seen through the windows in the kitchen door at Emeril9s restaurant in new Orleans, where E.J. was recently named chef patron.

Emeril Lagasse created an empire. His 20-year-old son, E.J., may be ready to kick it up a notch.


Creole cooking, laughs after taking a sip inside the
emeril Lagasse is going to need a glass of white private wine room, saying he9s where he9s always been
burgundy to talk about his place in the American 4 at his namesake restaurant, emeril9s.
cooking landscape he helped mold. While the future might have the last name Lagasse,
The 63-year-old restaurateur who has educated it9s no longer exclusively in reference to the oG of
audiences on big, bold flavors for three decades and celebrity chefs in the United states. The reason is
entertained them every time he bellowed <Bam!= or because of his son, e.J. Lagasse, the chef patron at the
<Kick it up a notch!= is smiling at those who9ve asked flagship restaurant who trained with some of the best
him where he has been for the past few years or what chefs in the world at Michelin-starred restaurants
the future looks like. Lagasse, a master of Cajun and see EmEriL oN E6

Is saturated fat really that
bad? Yes, yes it is. e4
Home tastes like beans and cornbread
upcoMing ReStauRant ReviewS
A hearty dish that Dad loved finds a place in the heart of the next generation
Friday in Weekend: Tim BY A ARON H UTCHERSON as it is one of her favorites, too. ing coal shaft,= food writer Kend-
Carman9s favorite burgers. The love of beans and corn- ra Bailey Morris wrote for NPR.
A slice of cornbread, a ladle of bread seems to have been passed An examination of the main in-
Sunday in Arts & Style: southern-style pinto beans and a on to me, as it one I prepare when gredients 4 cornmeal, dried
dollop of sweet pickle relish, and I9m in need of comfort, nourish- beans, smoked meat and pickled
Tom Sietsema on Saga. my dad is a satisfied customer. ment and a taste of home. vegetables 4 show that they are
MoRe at waShingtonpoSt.coM
This meal is what I most associ- It9s a signature dish of soul all inexpensive, with long shelf
ate with him when it comes to food and Appalachian cuisine. lives, showcasing beans and
Scorched Sugar Snap Pea and Burrata food 4 aside from his family- <Loaded with protein, carbo- see mEaty bEans oN E8
Salad e2
famous sweet potato pies 4 and hydrates and fiber, it was a
Taiwanese-Style Corn and Chicken is one that he makes for my healthy, satisfying reprieve from Recipe on e8
Soup e3 grandmother now that she the 12-hour days a miner spent on Beans With Smoked
Limoncello Pie With Candied Lemons e8 Food STYLINg BY LISA CherkASkY For The WAShINgToN PoST doesn9t have a kitchen of her own, his knees in a dark and unforgiv- Pork Neck Bones


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E2 Ez EE the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Scorched Sugar Snap Pea and Burrata Salad

4 servings
This is a showstopper of a salad, featuring juicy, crunchy, sweet sugar
snap peas in a lemony vinaigrette and paired with creamy, dreamy,
indulgent burrata. Serve as a light main course or starter, with or
without bread.
Substitutions: No sugar snaps? Use snow peas, green beans or
asparagus; swap fresh mozzarella, vegan mozzarella or silken tofu for
the burrata; parsley or cilantro for the mint; lime or apple cider vinegar
for the lemon; za9atar or lemon zest for the sumac.
Total time: 25 mins
Adapted from <Salad Seasons= by Sheela Prakash (Rizzoli, 2023).

Ingredients l Working in batches if needed to

l 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive avoid overcrowding, add the
oil, divided, plus more for peas to the skillet in a single
serving layer and cook, undisturbed,
l 1/2 medium red onion (5 ounces until charred in spots on the
total), thinly sliced bottom, 2 to 4 minutes. Season
l 1/2 teaspoon fine salt, divided, with the remaining 1/4 teaspoon
plus more to taste of salt and 1/8 teaspoon of pep-
l 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground per. Keep cooking, stirring occa-
black pepper, divided, plus sionally, until crisp-tender and
more to taste lightly browned in spots all
l 1 pound sugar snap peas, tough over, about 2 minutes. Transfer
strings removed to the bowl with the onion.
l 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice l Add the remaining 1 tablespoon
l 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint of olive oil, the lemon juice,
leaves mint and sumac to the bowl and
l 1 teaspoon ground sumac, plus toss to combine. Taste, and sea-
more for serving son with more salt and pepper
l One (8-ounce) ball or two (4- as needed.
ounce) balls burrata cheese l Place the burrata in the center
l Flaky sea salt, for serving of a serving platter and spoon
the snap pea mixture around.
Steps Drizzle with a little more olive
l In a large cast-iron or other oil, and sprinkle with a little
tOm mccOrKlE fOr tHE WasHinGtOn pOst; fOOD stYlinG BY Gina nisticO fOr tHE WasHinGtOn pOst heavy skillet over medium-high more sumac and a few pinches
heat, heat 2 tablespoons of the of flaky sea salt. Serve warm or
oil until it shimmers. Add the at room temperature.

It9s always time for salad, onion, season with 1/4 teaspoon
of the salt and 1/8 teaspoon of the
pepper and cook, stirring occa-
nutrition | per serving (1 cup snap peas and
2 ounces burrata): 296 calories, 13g
carbohydrates, 40mg cholesterol, 24g fat,

and this one is a snap sionally, until softened and

lightly browned in spots, 3 to 4
minutes. Transfer to a large
4g fiber, 13g protein, 9g saturated fat,
469mg sodium, 6g sugar
recipe tested by Joe Yonan; email questions
bowl. to food@washpost.com
<It ain9t gonna my cooking, with little to no
slide down easy if need for adornment by animal
it ain9t cheesy!= products. what9s pouring out of markets scatter them around a ball or two
That9s one of the But I still have a soft spot (pun and gardens, and that includes of burrata on a platter, drizzle
signature lines of intended) for one cheese in sugar snaps. My husband is a with olive oil and sprinkle with
Tanara Mallory, particular: burrata, the mash-up fan, too; he still talks about the sumac and salt, then take a bite,
Joe Yonan the TikTok star of mozzarella and cream that, day years ago when on my sister you9ll wonder why you never
Weeknight who pokes fun at when it is fresh, adds a dose of and brother-in-law9s Maine thought of this before. Creamy
Vegetarian viral cooking indulgence to anything you pair homestead, he picked a sugar meets crunchy, sweet meets tart,
videos by it with. I still remember the first snap off the vine and couldn9t perfection meets . . . perfection.
exclaiming, <Everybody9s so time I had a burrata appetizer at believe how good it tasted And yet. For those of you who
creative!= D.C.9s Centrolina restaurant; I without a single application of don9t eat dairy at all, let me
It9s also not too far from my was with a colleague from the scOtt sucHman fOr tHE WasHinGtOn pOst seasoning or heat. It helped sell reassure you. While burrata is
fOOD stYlinG BY lisa cHErKasKY fOr tHE WasHinGtOn pOst
mind-set when I first started Food team, and we marveled at him on my own attempts to grow unique, I9ve made this same
cooking vegetarian dishes. A how transcendent the simple simple to write down. warm-weather months. As she food in our D.C. backyard. salad with vegan mozzarella (my
dozen years ago, I leaned so marriage of burrata and peak A salad from Sheela Prakash9s writes, <a salad made with in- Indeed, you can9t go wrong by favorite is Miyoko9s brand) and
heavily on eggs and cheese as a produce could be. That time of delightful new book, <Salad season goodies can be on the eating peak-season sugar snaps even silken tofu, and it9s
crutch, you9d be forgiven for not year, it was cherries, and the duo Seasons,= takes a similar center of your table even in the raw. But for this salad, Prakash outstanding. Even the sugar
necessarily noticing the was finished with little more approach by combining burrata depths of winter.= has you add even more layers of snaps can be swapped out for
vegetables on the plate. I9ve than sublime olive oil and flaky with a springtime star 4 sugar In six months, I have no flavor, simply by searing them in snow peas, asparagus or green
come a long way. These days, I sea salt. I considered asking snap peas. Prakash9s point is doubt, I9ll be tempted by her a hot skillet and tossing them beans. Just make sure whatever
eat very little dairy cheese, chef/owner Amy Brandwein for a made clear by the title9s blackened broccoli rabe Caesar. with soft red onions and a you use is at its freshest, and it9ll
preferring to showcase plants in recipe, but it seemed almost too plurality: Salad is not just for the But here and now, I9m grabbing lemony vinaigrette. When you go down easy.

A colorful bowl of
chili noodles can just
jump ob the page
TikTok food over Zoom and decided to focus
videos are all on foods they loved but couldn9t
about the visual. go out and eat due to isolating
The cheese pull, during the pandemic. You9ll find
the fork breaking lots of hacks for making things
through the crust like McDonald9s apple pies.
Ann and the snap of a You9ll see the English influence
Maloney crisp cookie. in quick-and-easy recipes for
Dinner in And I9ll admit crumpets and trifle, too.
minutes that when I9m <It quickly became the
skimming a fastest-growing food TikTok in
cookbook, an the United Kingdom,= Payne
arresting photo will make me said.
stop flipping and start reading Payne said Vernon mentored
4 the offline equivalent of her for about eight months,
clicking. The <noodle pull= <teaching me the ropes before
photo for this chili oil noodle giving me her baby.= The women
dish did just that when I came worked together on the
across it in <Caught Snackin9,= a cookbook, which features 100
bright, colorful cookbook recipes, more than 90 percent of
released by the people behind them created for the book.
the popular TikTok channel of <We wanted to show you can
the same name. create proper dinner foods and
These spiced, oiled noodles still have that great fun element
paired with lightly steamed bok that9s on the TikTok page,= said
choy result in a satisfying Payne, who makes the food in a
contrast of soft and crisp and rented London apartment
spicy and mild 4 and the dish is kitchen, working with a small
ready in 20 minutes. team that comes up with recipe
rEY lOpEz fOr tHE WasHinGtOn pOst; fOOD stYlinG BY lisa cHErKasKY fOr tHE WasHinGtOn pOst
The noodles will make your ideas and films the videos.
tongue tingle, but they9re easy to Unlike the short-form videos,
tame by reducing the pepper the cookbook provides recipes that start with a store- bles overlap 4 then reduce the
flakes and switching out some ingredient amounts, cooking bought mix.
Chili Oil Noodles With Steamed Bok Choy heat to low, cover with a tight-
of the chili oil for more sesame times and a difficulty scale that The cookbook is just as 2 to 3 servings fitting lid and steam until ten-
or vegetable oil. <You can ranges from easy (the vast vibrant as the TikTok, with Spicy oiled noodles find an ideal partner in lightly steamed bok choy der, 5 to 7 minutes. Uncover and
replace the bok choy with majority) to medium. That9s it. brightly lit photos, over-the-top in this bowl from the popular TikToker <Caught Snackin9.= This tingling turn off the heat.
anything in your fridge,= said <Our main thing is it9s got to desserts and snacks, but it also hot noodle dish can be tamed by halving the amount of pepper flakes l While the bok choy steams, in a
Katharine Scott Payne, the be very easy, accessible and features chapters for lunch and and switching out some of the chili oil for more sesame or vegetable oil. large heatproof bowl, whisk to-
content creator for Caught super fun,= she said, noting the dinner with more substantial If you don9t have udon noodles, use your favorite long pasta. gether the sesame oil, chili oil,
Snackin9, which released its first account and the cookbook are meals, such as ribs, shrimp and Storage: Refrigerate the noodles and bok choy separately for up to sesame seeds, soy sauce, garlic
cookbook this year. aimed at Gen Z home cooks. pasta bowls like these noodles. 2 days. and red pepper flakes until
The TikTok account was the <We focus on what people love. <I honestly eat it two times a Total time: 20 mins combined.
brainchild of three co-workers They love cheese. They love week,= Payne said of this chili oil Adapted from <Caught Snackin9 = (Weldon Owen, 2023). l In a small saucepan over medi-
at Uncovered Group, a pizza and all the hacky things to noodle dish. <It9s perfect; you um heat or in a microwave-safe
marketing and social media do with that. They love puff get home late from work, you Ingredients (optional) bowl, heat the vegetable oil
agency in London. In April pastry.= can chop everything while the l Fine salt l 1 scallion, thinly sliced, for until shimmering, about 2 min-
2020, Lydia Vernon, Freya On the TikTok page, which noodles are boiling and it9s done l 5 ounces thick udon noodles serving (optional) utes on the stove, or about
Matchett and Jason Tamou has 2.4 million followers, the in minutes.= l 8 ounces baby bok choy or l 1 red or green chile, seeded, 45 seconds on HIGH in the
pitched the idea of starting a focus is on snacking and Payne can9t help hacking even small bok choy, trimmed and pith removed and thinly sliced microwave. Pour the hot oil over
food TikTok. desserts. You9ll find plenty of her own recipes: <I love adding sliced lengthwise or minced, for serving the chili oil mixture and whisk
The three co-workers, who three- to five-ingredient recipes, a little bit of peanut butter. It l 1 tablespoon toasted sesame (optional) until fully combined. Add the
have all since moved on, met lots of those cheese pulls and makes it delicious as well.= seed oil noodles and toss until each
l 1 tablespoon chili oil Steps strand is well coated.
l 1 tablespoon white or black (or l Bring a large pot of lightly salt- l Divide the noodles and bok
a mixture of both) sesame ed water to boil, add the noodles choy among warmed, shallow
seeds and cook according to package bowls. Sprinkle with the black
l 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy directions; drain. pepper, scallions and chile, if
f oo d
sauce l Meanwhile, fill a medium pot using, and serve.
l 1 clove garlic, minced or finely with about 2 inches of water nutrition | per serving (1 cup noodles, 1 1/3
food and dining editor: Joe Yonan " Voraciously editor: matt Brooks " Recipes editor: ann maloney " Art
directors: cece pascual, marissa Vonesh " Photo editor: Jennifer Beeson Gregory " Assistant recipes editor: grated and bring it to a boil. Place a cups bok choy), based on 3: 397 calories,
l 1 tablespoon crushed red steamer basket over the top so 40g carbohydrates, 23g fat, 3g fiber, 9g
Olga massov " food critic: tom sietsema " Staff writers: tim carman, G. Daniela Galarza, aaron Hutcherson, Emily protein, 2g saturated fat, 413mg sodium,
pepper flakes that it does not touch the water. 4g sugar
Heil, Becky Krystal " Copy editor: Jim Webster " Editorial aide: anna luisa rodriguez | Contact us: l 3 tablespoons vegetable oil Arrange the bok choy in the recipe tested by ann maloney; email
food@washpost.com, 202-334-7575. the Washington post, food, 1301 K st. nW, Washington, D.c. 20071 l Freshly cracked black pepper basket 4 it9s okay if the vegeta- questions to food@washpost.com
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post ez ee E3

Breakfast diners will ûip

over green pancakes
infused with matcha
These gorgeous muffins to macarons.
green pancakes These pancakes bring the
get their hue, a power of matcha into healthier
boost of health breakfast realm. Just a
benefits and tablespoon of the powder
lovely tea flavor whisked into a simple batter
Ellie from matcha, a made with whole-grain and
Krieger fine powder made almond flours make a stunning
Nourish from ground and delicious short stack. The
green tea leaves. pancakes themselves are
When you whisk unsweetened, but a generous
matcha into a beverage or spike of vanilla gives them a
batter, you are incorporating the sweet essence, and they9re
whole tea leaf, as opposed to meant to be served with maple
when you steep tea leaves in syrup for each person to drizzle
water and then discard them. to their liking.
That9s why with matcha you get Topped with a contrasting
intense flavor, brilliant color crown of fresh strawberries and
and a concentration of a crunch of toasted almonds, it9s
catechins, the health-protective a classic weekend breakfast with
active compounds found in tea. a healthful, modern twist.
Used in Japan for centuries,
matcha has become popular krieger is a registered dietitian
enough that a matcha latte is a nutritionist and cookbook author
menu standard at upscale coffee who hosts public television9s <ellie9s
shops, and it9s also used in all real Good food.= Learn more at
sorts of baked goods, including elliekrieger.com.

ToM MccorkLe for The WaShinGTon poST; fooD STyLinG by Gina niSTico for The WaShinGTon poST
Matcha Almond Pancakes
4 servings as avocado or canola l In another medium bowl, l Heat a large nonstick skillet or more. Adjust the heat as neces-
Matcha tends to clump, so it helps to sift it into the dry ingredients to l 2 teaspoons vanilla extract whisk together the milk, egg, griddle over medium-high heat sary to prevent the pancakes
help it distribute more evenly. l 1/ cup (30 grams) sliced oil and vanilla until combined. until hot. (To test, drop a from browning too fast before
Where to buy: Matcha can be found at well-stocked supermarkets, almonds Add the milk mixture to the dime-size amount of batter into they9re cooked through. Trans-
tea shops and online. l 8 medium strawberries, hulled flour mixture and stir just to the skillet and if it starts to fer the pancakes to a plate and
Total time: 25 mins and sliced combine. Do not overmix; it9s bubble and brown right away, repeat with the remaining bat-
From cookbook author and registered dietitian nutritionist Ellie l Maple syrup, for serving okay if there are some small the pan is ready.) ter.
Krieger. lumps. Let the batter hydrate l Working in batches as neces- l Serve topped with the sliced
Steps for 5 to 10 minutes. sary, use a 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) berries and toasted nuts, with
Ingredients l 14 / teaspoon fine salt l In a medium bowl, thoroughly l Meanwhile, in a small, dry measure to ladle the batter into maple syrup on the side.
l 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon (68 l 1 tablespoon matcha whisk together the pastry flour, skillet over medium-high heat, the skillet. Cook until bubbles
grams) whole-wheat pastry l 1 cup (240 milliliters) whole, almond flour, baking powder toast the almonds, stirring fre- form on top and the underside nutrition | per serving (2 pancakes): 310
calories, 51g carbohydrates, 51mg
flour or all-purpose flour reduced-fat or plant-based and salt until combined. Sift quently, until fragrant and is nicely browned, about 2 min- cholesterol, 17g fat, 5g fiber, 14g protein,
l 1/2 cup (60 grams) almond milk the matcha into the mixture lightly browned, 3 to 5 minutes. utes, then flip and cook until 2g Saturated fat, 376mg Sodium, 6g Sugar
flour l 1 large egg and whisk again to thoroughly Transfer to a small bowl and let browned on the other side, and recipe tested by olga Massov; email
l 2 teaspoons baking powder l 1 tablespoon neutral oil, such combine. cool. cooked through, 2 minutes questions to food@washpost.com

Corn and chicken soup evolved from the one that mom used to make
In 2016, after
connecting over
their deep
affection for
Taiwanese food,
friends Josh Ku
G. Daniela and Trigg Brown
Galarza opened Win Son,
Eat a casual
Voraciously restaurant in East
Brooklyn. It
wasn9t long before people
started forming lines out the
door to taste the pair9s
Taiwanese American menu.
Dishes such as lu rou fan
(braised pork over rice), fly9s
head (stir-fried garlic chives and
pork or tofu) and pea shoots
with yun hai bean paste quickly
became bestsellers.
This year, Ku and Brown
published <Win Son Presents a
Taiwanese American Cookbook,=
written with Cathy Erway. It9s a
marvelous dive into Taiwanese
American cuisine, and full of
recipes served at the restaurant.
But the dish that stood out to
me, the one I couldn9t wait to
make? It9s called Auntie Leah9s
Corn Soup.
<Leah is Josh9s mom, but she9s
known to much of her extended
family, including the Win Son
family, as auntie Leah,= the
headnote explains. <She would
often make a large pot of this
soup to carry Josh and his sister
through a few days9 worth of
quick meals and snacks. Light
yet filling, kid-tested, mom-
<As far back as I can
remember, from when I was very
little, my mom made big pots of
this soup,= Ku says. It starts with
thin strips of chicken 4 though
you can also make it vegetarian,
see the substitutions in the
recipe 4 that are gently
marinated in a rice wine,
cornstarch and salt mixture.
While those flavors mingle, you
rey Lopez for The WaShinGTon poST; fooD STyLinG by caroLyn robb for The WaShinGTon poST
start on a simple corn base with
chicken broth, freshly shucked
corn and a can of creamed corn. in the 1990s. Among other roommate loved it, I loved it. hand to ensure all of the
When that reaches a lively things, the brand slapped soup After that, I started making it
Taiwanese-Style Corn and Chicken Soup chicken is coated. Set aside for
simmer, drop the pieces of recipes like this one on cans of every time I moved into a new 4 to 6 servings 20 minutes, or cover and
chicken in, one by one, stirring corn. <It was created in Taiwan apartment.= Fresh corn and canned creamed corn are combined in a broth refrigerate up to overnight.
as you add them so that they to be American-fashioned, using When Ku, Brown and Erway enriched with velvety chicken. Eggs, stirred in at the end, turn into silky l In a large pot over high heat,
don9t stick to one another. Once these new U.S. imports that were started working on the book, Ku strands. Use fresh summer corn for especially flavorful results, or combine the chicken broth
they9re in, whisk a couple of eggs being marketed to moms,= says happened to mention the soup substitute frozen corn kernels. with shucked and creamed
until they9re smooth. Stir the Erway. <It was novel back in the offhandedly, thinking it wouldn9t Storage: Refrigerate for up to 4 days. corn. Bring to a boil, then
broth in one direction, creating a early 990s, but it stuck.= be interesting enough for a Substitutions: To make this vegetarian, use vegetable broth and skip reduce the heat so the liquid is
small whirlpool, as you drizzle in That9s how Ku9s grandmother cookbook. But Brown and Erway the chicken; if fresh corn isn9t available, use frozen. at a gentle simmer.
the eggs. This will create long, was introduced to American- immediately agreed that it Active time: 15 mins; Total time: 35 mins l Drop the chicken pieces in,
thin strands of cooked egg, style corn soup in Taiwan. Years needed to be in there. Adapted from <Win Son Presents a Taiwanese American Cookbook= one at a time, stirring after
noodle-like and silky. Finally, later, when Ku9s mother started <It9s part of Taiwanese by Josh Ku and Trigg Brown with Cathy Erway (Abrams, 2023). each to ensure the pieces don9t
taste the soup and season it with making it for her kids in Queens, culinary history,= Erway says. <I stick together in the soup.
salt and pepper, to your liking. she adapted it to her own tastes. think Taiwanese food, Taiwanese Ingredients shucked corn kernels (from 2 Continue stirring in a circular
When he was a kid, Ku would Then, a couple of decades after American food is always l 8 ounces boneless, skinless ears) motion as you slowly pour in
add lots of scallions and black that, while Ku was in college and evolving, here and on the other chicken tenders or breast, cut l One (14 3/4-ounce) can the eggs.
pepper to each bowl. <It9s good feeling a little homesick, he side of the world. It9s exciting to against the grain into thin creamed corn l Taste the soup, and season
hot, warm or even cold,= he says. called his mom to ask her for the see personal takes on it, loving slivers 1 to 2 inches long l 2 large eggs, whisked well with salt and pepper as
If it sounds like a mash-up recipe. takes on it. This mom-style soup l 1 teaspoon rice wine, l Ground white or cracked desired. Ladle into bowls and
between corn chowder, chicken <I was 20 or 21, living in might not be glamorous, but it9s preferably Taiwanese (may black pepper garnish with the sliced scal-
soup and egg drop soup, that9s Harlem with a roommate, and entirely delicious.= also use Shaoxing rice wine) l 4 scallions, sliced, for garnish lions, if using, before serving.
because it sort of is. sometimes we cooked together. l 1 teaspoon cornstarch (optional)
In <A Culinary History of When I asked my mom for the This is from our eat Voraciously l 1/2 teaspoon fine salt, plus nutrition | per serving (1 1/2 cups): 179
Taipei,= Katy Hui-wen Hung and recipe, she gave me some rough newsletter, which delivers a quick more as needed Steps calories, 24g carbohydrates, 84mg
cholesterol, 4g fat, 2g fiber, 15g protein,
Steven Crook explain that Green instructions 4 she hadn9t made dinner recipe four days a week, l 4 cups chicken broth, l In a small bowl, combine the 1g Saturated fat, 606mg Sodium, 5g Sugar
Giant began a massive it much since her kids had left Monday through Thursday. Sign up at preferably low-sodium chicken, rice wine, cornstarch recipe tested by G. Daniela Galarza; email
marketing campaign in Taiwan the nest,= Ku says. <My wapo.st/evnewsletter. l 2 cups (10 ounces) freshly and salt and mix gently by questions to food@washpost.com
e4 Mg ee k the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023


Don9t listen to the dissonance. Saturated fat actually (still) is bad for you.
BY T AMAR H ASPEL spawned quite a few sat-fat about what a lousy tool I believe nuances. Weiss explains that
contrarians. this to be, and just say that I think some in the cardiology field
Let9s tackle saturated fat, shall Could they be right? inaccurate data and a bazillion (including Krauss) emphasize the
we? It9s something people brawl Going into this, I believed that confounding factors disqualify it different kinds of LDL (small and
about on social media, and we should limit saturated fat from settling the saturated fat dense, which may be more
(mostly) cordially disagree about intake, because I believe these issue, or finding any causal link harmful than large and fluffy),
in scientific literature. I could two things: between food and health where and others focus on apoB, a
write a persuasive piece, chock 1. Saturated fat raises LDL the effect is small. protein that coats the LDL
full of experts and evidence, that (a.k.a. <bad=) cholesterol. Take those studies off the table particles and may be a better
comes down on either side: Sat 2. LDL cholesterol increases and you9re left with clinical trials. indicator of disease risk. While
fat is harmful, or sat fat is benign heart disease risk. A lot of them. acknowledging these issues, he
or even beneficial. I talked with a couple experts Let9s take the link between sat calls them a <distraction.= LDL
But dig a little deeper, and the who were on the same page: fat and LDL first. cholesterol is still a good
story gets clearer. Clearer, cardiologist Ethan Weiss, At least two things can affect indicator 4 although not the
actually, than most nutrition formerly of the University of whether, and the extent to which, absolute best 4 of risk. It9s easy
issues. And that story is that sat California at San Francisco and saturated fat raises LDL. One is and cheap to assess, and a decent
MariSSa voneSh/the WaShington PoSt; iStock
fat is bad. now entrepreneur-in-residence at the kind of saturated fat, and the proxy for other measures that
For a long time, that was the Third Rock Ventures, a biotech other is the kind of food it9s may be somewhat more accurate.
prevailing idea, but then there venture capital firm; and Kevin Department9s Dietary Guidelines complete agreement: You can9t contained in. I asked Klatt and Weiss not just
was doubt. I date the backlash to Klatt, registered dietitian and recommendation that we limit figure out saturated fat from Four of the saturated fats we about fat and cholesterol, but
Mark Bittman9s 2014 New York research scientist at the saturated fat to 10 percent of observational research. commonly eat (they have names, about the extent of the consensus,
Times column, <Butter is Back,= University of California at calories. <The recommendation Much of the research but are often referred to by the and both said it9s broad. Klatt
which pinned its headline on a Berkeley. But I also wanted to talk to limit dietary saturated fatty exonerating saturated fat number of carbon atoms they called the science <super solid,=
meta-analysis concluding that to the smartest, best-informed acid (SFA) intake has persisted (including the relevant parts of contain) are C12 (lauric acid), C14 something we don9t hear about
saturated fat consumption wasn9t person I could find who didn9t despite mounting evidence to the the study Bittman cited) comes (myristic acid), C16 (palmitic nutrition all that often. To be
correlated with increased heart agree with me. Ronald Krauss is a contrary,= the paper claimed. from researchers following large acid) and C18 (stearic acid). clear, that doesn9t mean there
disease risk. professor at UC-San Francisco, The conversation with Krauss groups of people, asking what According to Krauss and Klatt, aren9t trials that show something
Since then, there have been and co-author of a 2020 paper didn9t go exactly as planned, since they eat, and seeing what diseases C14 and C16 (which together are different; it9s just that the vast
others. And the evidence has taking issue with the Agriculture we started off with an area of they get. I will spare you my rant most of the saturated fats in meat preponderance of the evidence
and dairy) reliably raise LDL. C12 points in the same direction.
(the main fat in coconut oil) and Which brings us back to
C18 (which our bodies readily Krauss, who, as my chosen
break down to a representative of Team Sat Fat,
monounsaturated fat) are a little was a grave disappointment
different. because he doesn9t dispute any of
The actual food matters, too. this. His objection to the
Even if two foods contain the recommendation to limit sat fat
same saturated fats, the effect on isn9t because he thinks the stuff is
cholesterol can be different. beneficial: <I9ve never said there9s
There9s evidence that some kinds anything good about saturated
of dairy 4 cheese and yogurt, for fat. & There9s no reason we need
example 4 don9t raise LDL as it in our diet.= And, when he sees
much as other sat-fat-rich foods, patients who are at high risk for
and may sometimes even lower it. heart disease, he tells them to
Nobody9s quite sure why (Krauss limit it.
points out that there may be other <But,= he says, <If you9re trying
properties of the foods that have to advise someone who needs to
compensatory effects), but the lower heart disease risk, that
differences have been observed should involve limiting foods that
across a wide range of trials. are high in sat fat. That9s not the
All sat fats are not the same. All same as population guidelines.=
foods that contain sat fats are not Krauss gave me several reasons
the same. At the end of the day, he opposes the limit: Not
though, I think it9s wholly everyone has to lower risk, the 10
supportable to say that saturated percent cutoff is arbitrary, and
fat raises LDL cholesterol, even guidelines, he believes, should
though some sat-fatty foods 4 focus on foods rather than
coconut oil and some dairy, for nutrients 4 particularly since the
example 4 don9t seem as food that contains the saturated
harmful. fat matters.
But there9s only harm, of Reasonable people can
course, if raising LDL does indeed disagree about the specific
raise heart disease risk, and recommendation. Because the
everyone I spoke with agrees that case for the harm saturated fat
it does. Weiss calls it a <borderline does is so strong, I9m in favor of
fact,= and Krauss is unequivocal: keeping it, even though I
<LDL is causal in cardiovascular generally agree that
disease.= And there9s a large body recommending foods or dietary
of evidence to support it; when patterns is better than focusing
lowering LDL reduces heart on specific nutrients.
disease risk, that9s pretty telling. However, I don9t think
A 2016 meta-analysis found that reasonable people can disagree
lowered LDL levels were very much about saturated fat
associated with lower rates of itself. Much of it, in most of the
major coronary events. As did foods it figures in, raises LDL
another in 2020. So did a 2012 cholesterol, which increases
Mendelian randomization heart disease risk.
analysis. I could go on. That should settle it, don9t you
Again, though, there are some think?

In search of crispy bits

on roasted vegetables
Each Wednesday cooking after being drained, what
Q&A at noon, Aaron is the correct internal
aaron Hutcherson and temperature to achieve a
hutcherson Becky Krystal perfectly cooked potato for
and BecKy answer questions potato salad? One that is cooked
Krystal and provide through but not overcooked.
practical cooking A: I have never measured the
advice in a chat with readers at temperature. Instead, all you
washingtonpost.com/community. need is a fork. My go-to method is
Aaron and Becky write and test to cut the potatoes to the desired
recipes for Voraciously, The Post9s size, add them to a pot with

Balance. team dedicated to helping you

cook with confidence. Here are
edited excerpts from a recent chat.

Q: How do I get roasted veggies to

enough water to cover by at least
2 inches, bring to a boil, reduce to
a simmer and then cook until the
potatoes can be pierced by a fork
with little resistance. Then drain.
be crisp? I use olive oil, salt and 4 Aaron Hutcherson

Harmony. The CaseStudy®

Since our first renovation over 60 years ago,
we9ve been a team of visionaries. Our unique
pepper and space them out on a
pan at 425 degrees, but they come
out soggy and rarely with any
browned crispy parts.
A: Make sure the vegetables are
Q: I would like to make my
pumpkin bread with chocolate
chips, and mail it to someone in
Chicago from Northern Virginia.
as dry as possible before you Do I need to worry about the

approach to the remodeling process begins roast. Pat and let drain on a towel. chocolate chips melting and
with The CaseStudy®. We guide you through Preheat the baking sheet in the making a mess? Does it make
oven. Carefully add the sense to first freeze the bread
every step, using 3D renderings to bring new vegetables, already tossed with before putting it in the mail?
possibilities to light. At every phase, we9ll oil, salt and pepper, to the hot pan A: I think freezing first is a great
(you9ll hear them sizzle right idea, which will buy you a bit of

maintain strict attention to time and to away). If you have a pizza stone or extra time. You could even throw
budget. All backed by our 5-year warranty. steel, place the baking sheet on it. in an ice pack for more insurance.
Make sure your oven is hot! But I wouldn9t worry too much.
Because you are our highest priority. Your oven may signal that it9s Even if the chips start to soften, I
Are our ultimate pursuits whether preheated when it9s not. If yours
is anything like mine, it could
don9t think it will ruin anything.
Plus, once the bread is back
you are considering an outdoor oasis, take up to 30 minutes to reach
the right temperature.
inside, the chips will set back up.
4 B.K.
a food lover9s kitchen, or an owner9s Reconsider your rack position.
The default middle may not be Q: I bought some leaf lard for
suite. Because home is more CaseDesign.com
the best spot! Moving the pan making tortillas and got to
closer to one of the elements can thinking about other ways I could
important than ever. 301.755.9855 help. I find that, even on bake, I use it. I9m sure it would be great
get lots more crispy edges when I in biscuits. Can I just sub in an
roast vegetables on a rack in the equal amount of lard?
upper third of the oven. A: Yes, you can use lard in place
Use the convection feature on of butter in biscuits, but
your oven, if you have one. according to King Arthur Baking,
Try using the broil function for they won9t rise as much and won9t
® Our commitment to providing a safe, healthy, the last minute or two to get be as golden brown. That9s
and respectful worksite and experience. MD MHIC #1176 | VA # 2701039723 | DC # 2242
those crispy edges. because lard is 100 percent fat
4 Becky Krystal whereas butter contains water,
milk solids and sugars that
Q: Considering a whole potato contribute to caramelization.
will retain heat and continue 4 A.H.
wednesday, june 14 , 2023 . the washington post MG EE E5


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E6 Mg ee the washington post . wednesday, june 14 , 2023

Emeril9s is part birthright

and part responsibility
EmEriL from E1 said. <It9s already happening.=

before returning to the kitchen he 8i want to be a chef 9

grew up in. Before there was the son, there
And he9s 20. was the father 4 the boy with the
<Well, I9m not ready to retire,= Portuguese mother from fall riv-
Emeril said in late may, <but I have er, mass., who was eventually
given E.J. the space he needs to do crowned by many as the culinary
what he has to do here.= king of New orleans.
That space has been about E.J. Despite being initially told by
leading a culinary makeover of his New orleans restaurateur Ella
father9s famous food, injecting Brennan that he was too young to
new life into what9s been one of work at Commander9s Palace,
New orleans9 most beloved estab- Emeril persuaded her to let him
lishments since it opened in 1990. succeed Paul Prudhomme in 1982.
In doing so, E.J. and his staff are He became the executive chef at
proving themselves each night to the Creole institution at age 23.
diners and skeptics questioning When he opened his own restau-
why Emeril handed over the keys rant and later became the face of
to the kitchen to his son, who can9t the fledgling food Network,
even legally drink yet. Emeril found crossover appeal in
<I am well aware that I am the pop culture through everyman ex-
luckiest guy on the planet,= E.J. planations of high-end recipes
said. <I9m not the best cook on the that families could make at home
planet, I know that. I9m not the and a showmanship that brought
best manager on the planet. But studio audiences to their feet ev-
there9s a weird comfort that I find ery time he seasoned food and
in that, because I9m confident in yelled one of his catchphrases.
my ability to put a team together <Emeril is the Elvis of food tele-
and my palate in the sense that I vision,= said celebrity chef and
photos by C. ross for the washington post
know what good food is.= food Network star Guy fieri, de-
The world-class chefs who9ve scribing what Emeril did every Emeril Lagasse was at the leading edge of celebrity chef stardom a decade before his son E.J. was born. Now E.J. is ready to take the reins.
worked with both Emeril and E.J. night as <a full-on culinary rock
say the son has a chance to be concert.=
better than his father 4 and his fieri had goose bumps remem- sometimes did not see as much bunch of eggs one day in, of all Another conversation had E.J., series on michael Jordan and his
ascension is about his years of bering Emeril9s kindness, specifi- during filming, he said. E.J. was places, Emeril9s 4 <It was here, the then 19, asking his dad if he could last season with the Chicago Bulls,
training and skill, not his name or cally when fieri9s father-in-law already peeling carrots for chick- restaurant that I9m now the chef do what he did to Potato Alexa to in which Jordan9s obsession with
nepotism. Emeril pointed to the died and Emeril told him when en noodle soup and being shown at!= the entire menu. greatness motivates every deci-
refinement E.J. has brought to the they were in mexico to travel on how to use a chef9s knife when he Starting at around 12, E.J. <He was like: 8That would make sion he makes.
reimagined menu, like when he his private plane so he could get to realized that his dad might be began staging at other restaurants you the chef. Do you want to be the E.J. speaks of waking up in the
turned Emeril9s famous Potato Al- rhode Island as fast as possible to better known for his cooking than to learn and be exposed to new chef?9= E.J. recalled his father ask- middle of the night to see if they
exa dish from an indulgent twice- be with his family. <Emeril didn9t for his role as marlon the Gator in techniques and cuisines. ripert ing him. <I said yeah and he said, have enough carrots prepared for
baked potato with truffle and know me that well, but I got back the Disney film <The Princess and recalled being struck at how E.J., 8okay, let9s see what happens.9= the next day, and walking a couple
cheese into a sculpted steamed less than 24 hours later from when the frog.= then 13, felt like an <old soul= in his When word got out last year of blocks from his apartment in
potato topped with aioli, parme- my wife called. It was the neatest Then, when E.J. was around 10, mature, articulate speech and re- about the change in the kitchen, the Warehouse District to the res-
san and an emulsion of truffles thing in the world,= fieri said. he had an epiphany while out to sponsibility in the kitchen when the culinary world was left won- taurant to make sure. When pre-
and mushrooms (surrounded in a Added Susie fogelson, who dinner with Emeril and his moth- he staged for the chef at Le Bernar- dering why Emeril had let his son senting a smoked salmon cheese-
pond of truffle-butter sauce). worked with Emeril during her er, Alden Lovelace, at Cafe Boulud din. E.J. admits he lied to the staff take over his restaurant so early in cake, the first of eight courses on
<The story of the cuisine for time as head of marketing at food on manhattan9s Upper East Side. about his age. That didn9t matter his career. But those who know E.J.9s <classics= section of the
both of them is very different but Network, <He set the barometer The realization came in the form to ripert, who saw how much E.J. and have seen his work first- menu, the chef emphasizes that he
very united in a way,= said Daniel for what greatness is.= of a pomegranate-glazed duck, his more refined and lighter his cook- hand scoffed at the suggestion tried 121 varieties of caviar in a
Boulud, the acclaimed chef and When Emeril9s show was can- <first fancy dinner= with his par- ing was than Emeril9s. that age should restrict talent. single sitting to find the right one.
michelin-starred restaurateur celed in late 2007, he went ents from a decade ago that E.J. <You don9t see talent like that in <mozart was playing piano at The best one he tasted was the
who had invited E.J. to work with through what he describes as <an recently recalled in vivid detail. your kitchen every day,= ripert 5 years old,= ripert said, laughing. 83rd spoon.
him in his New York kitchen. <E.J. incredible transition= in his ca- <I remember finishing the said. <That apple didn9t fall far from <I have a responsibility to my
is really making his mark.= reer. duck, getting in the car and look- After graduating in 2022 from the tree at all,= fieri said of E.J. dad, I have a responsibility to
Eric ripert, the celebrity chef <I got over it and said: 8You ing at my dad being like, 8Yeah, I the culinary program at Johnson following in his dad9s footsteps. guests who9ve been coming here,=
and mentor to E.J. during his time know what? I9m just going to take want to be a chef,9= E.J. said. <And & Wales, his father9s alma mater, Emeril himself was facing ques- E.J. said before the dinner service.
working at the michelin-starred a break and then I9m going to do he was just like, 8oh God, oh no.9 E.J. worked at two three-star tions of nepotism until colleagues <I have a responsibility to myself
Le Bernardin, goes one step fur- what I want to do,9= Emeril re- my mom had the same reaction.= michelin restaurants, Core in reminded him that his son had to be able to prove to myself that
ther in assessing what E.J.9s rise at called. London and frantzén in Stock- already probably forgotten more I9m able to manage this and do
Emeril9s means. That meant still being on TV 8You don9t see talent like that holm. His lease in England was through his training and experi- this.=
<I know one day, and I don9t and dedicating himself to his res- in your kitchen9 ending when his parents came to ence than most chefs will ever There is no michelin Guide yet
want to jinx it, but he9s going to be taurants in New orleans and Las The beginning wasn9t smooth. visit just before his birthday last learn. Emeril will lean on his son in Louisiana, but Emeril believes
one of the most talented American Vegas, but also spending more E.J. said he burned a batch of year, he recalled. That9s when his as the restaurant undergoes a ren- that michelin will eventually be
chefs of his generation,= ripert time with the four children that he crème brûlée and dropped a father had a request. ovation later this year to go along forced to look at what his son has
<He goes, 8You9ve seen what with the revitalized menu. done at the restaurant. The elder
we9ve been doing at the restau- <He hasn9t stopped learning,= Lagasse is now more reserved
rant, and I9d love to have you come Emeril said of his son. <He9s push- than he once was, but that hasn9t
PHARMACY D.C. STORE back down,9= E.J. remembered. ing himself and wants to get better slowed him down from starring
Our pharmacy is OPEN for Emeril had a slightly different ver- every day.= on streaming platforms or open-
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sion: <It was just like, 8It9s time to ing restaurants across the world.
come back to the flagship.9= 8i have a responsibility to my The difference now is he9s having
COME VISIT OUR PHARMACY dad9 fun with a son who has the chance
8Let9s see what happens9 A night at Emeril9s under E.J.9s to make his own name 4 and
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Petite Arborio Rice Cheese Wedges Ready to Eat Moroccan Stews with Emeril9s menu, the son with the details that go unnoticed. had trouble letting go,= Emeril
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Rediscovering Rhône wines 4 and ûnding their appeal just as strong as ever
When I first fell in
love with wine, I
fell in love with
the Rhône Valley.
My guide was
<Adventures on
Wine the Wine Route=
Dave by Kermit Lynch,
McIntyre a Berkeley, Calif.,
importer whose
memoir made
driving around the French
countryside and lunching with
winemakers sound rather
romantic. I also followed Bobby
Kacher, a Washington, D.C.,
importer with a similar
reputation for bringing great
wine to the United States. While
Lynch and Kacher covered all of
France, they each had a strong
base in the Rhône.
Recently, I9ve been
rediscovering this wine region
and remembering why it caught
my fancy all those years ago.
I love the Rhône because of
history. The Phocaeans brought
viticulture to Marseille from
Greece in about 600 B.C., and the
Romans terraced the steep
hillsides of what we now call the
northern Rhône a few centuries
later. Several winery names
reference the Crusades. When
the papacy moved from Rome to
Avignon from 1309 to 1376, the
popes boosted the Rhône9s
reputation for fine wine and gave
us one of the region9s most
storied appellations,
I love the Rhône for its
geography. The river winds
westward from Lake Geneva in
the Swiss Alps and turns south at
scoTT suchman for The WashingTon PosT
Lyon. The famous Mistral wind
howls down this corridor, FROM LEFT: E. Guigal Côtes du Rhône 2019; Saint Cosme Côtes du Rhône 2021; La Nerthe Les Cassagnes Côtes du Rhône Villages 2019; M. Chapoutier Petite Ruche Crozes-
bending vines against its fury Hermitage 2019; E. Guigal Gigondas 2019.
and inspiring poets to interpret
its message. The steep, terraced Sablet Côtes du Rhône Villages those savory nuances that with its deep cherry and woodsy cherries, accented by wild herbs. impression of stones, both in the
hillsides of the northern Rhône ranks in the mid-tier as a distinguish the wines may be mushroom flavors. Just be sure This wine calls for hearty, smoky flavors on your palate and in the
fan out into more relaxed plains <named village,= while nearby lost. But the Rhône remains a to save some for dinner once the meats off the grill. ABV: 14 texture of the wine around your
in the south as though the river Gigondas stands alone as a top- fascinating and delicious region roast is done. ABV: 15 percent. percent. BW: 420 grams (Light). mouth. ABV: 15 percent. BW: 575
sheds its cares en route to a tier cru.) to explore. BW: 715 grams (Heavy). imported by folio fine Wine Partners
grams (Average).
Mediterranean vacation. The For a general understanding Here are just a few delicious imported by Kobrand (foliowine.com). Distributed locally by imported by Vintus (vintus.com). Distributed
land here is dotted with hill of Rhone wines, think of a north- reds from the Rhône Valley. Use (kobrandwineandspirits.com). Distributed Breakthru Beverage (breakthrubev.com), locally by republic national (rndc-usa.com).
republic national (rndc-usa.com).
towns that wine lovers salivate south divide. Those steep these as a starting point, but locally by republic national (rndc-usa.com).
over 4 Gigondas, Vacqueyras, terraced vineyards in the don9t be afraid to ask your
Rasteau 4 as the climate northern cru appellations of retailer for recommendations of M. Chapoutier Petite Ruche E. Guigal Gigondas 2019 Prices are approximate. for
becomes less continental and Hermitage, Crozes-Hermitage, other wines to try. Crozes-Hermitage 2019 õõõó availability, check Wine.com, Wine-
more Mediterranean. The entire Cornas, Saint-Joseph and Côte
GREAT VALUE õõõó Rhône Valley, France, $40 searcher.com and the websites and
region stretches roughly Rôtie are dominated by syrah, Rhône Valley, France, $35 social media feeds of the wineries,
between 44 and 45 degrees north favored because it ripens early in E. Guigal Côtes du Rhône If you9ve wondered what wine importers or distributors. You can
latitude, about the same as the cooler climate. The wines Smoky, meaty and minerally. lovers mean by <minerality= in a also ask your local retailer to order
Oregon9s Willamette Valley. achieve a flinty, gamy character Flavors of tart plums and red wine, try this one. There9s an wines from the distributors listed.
I love the Rhône for its food. and a tannic structure that Rhône Valley, France, $19
Lyon, the gastronomic heart of requires some aging to coax the Savory with blackberry and
France where butter meets olive wine out of itself. Some wines are blueberry flavors, and a hint of
oil, is at the northern end. fermented with a small wild sage and smoky minerality
Provence, where olives and percentage of white grapes 4 this is textbook CdR. You can9t ' ' ' ' PARK FREE ON OUR LOT ' ' ' '
anchovies add briny savoriness (usually viognier) included to go wrong with the E. Guigal
to the cuisine, in the south. lend an aromatic lift. label. Alcohol by volume: 15
Truffles, tapenade, fougasse and In the south, grenache is the percent. Bottle weight: 565
aioli grace menus. primary red variety, with syrah grams (Average).
And I love the wine, of course. and mourvedre in supporting imported by Vintus (vintus.com). Distributed FINE WINES & SPIRITS ' LA CHEESERIE & INTERNATIONAL DELI
locally by republic national (rndc-usa.com).
If Bordeaux is buttoned-up roles. Cinsaut, carignan,
10 Delivery
boardrooms, Champagne a counoise and marselan make 1.5L Wines Liqueurs
black-tie fete and Burgundy a occasional cameos. Devotees of Saint Cosme Côtes du Rhône
mystical society with bizarre Châteauneuf-du-Pape wines can 2021 Valid on orders of $50 or more*
Concha y Toro Vendange Drambuie Kahlua
initiation rites, Rhône wines recite the 13 varieties (some of õõõö $
*Within DC limits only * 50 total excludes tax and gratuity 6.99 6.99 39.99 24.88
come with no such expectations. them white) permitted by law in Rhône Valley, France, $20 See CalvertWoodley.com for more details
They accept me for who I am, the blend, though today most are Liquor
without demands. dominated by grenache. Bing cherry, plum and Wine of the Week See website for full sale
Even with inflation, they In white wines, viognier stars lavender highlight this delicious
continue to provide value. in the small, hard-to-find and wine. Tannins are moderate and ' 750ml Sale '
Delicious wines from the basic pricey appellation of Condrieu in balanced to give a sappy finish Bowmore
appellations, Côtes du Rhône the northern Rhône. Otherwise, that suggests the wine will " 12 Yr
Jefferson9s Hendrick9s
and Côtes du Rhône Villages, can whites are usually blends of continue to age gracefully for a " Regular
be found between $15 and $25. marsanne and roussanne, few years. The texture suggests a <Apples and citrus peel on the nose, together with
Highland " Lunar
Single Barrel
Two long-standing popular typically full-bodied and low in low center of gravity, as though creamy minerals and floral notes, following through Park Small Batch " Neptunia
brands, Parallele 45 from acid. In the south, grenache the wine keeps me grounded. to a medium to full body with a silky texture and " 12 Yr
Jaboulet and La Vieille Ferme blanc and a few other varieties ABV: 14.5 percent. BW: 540 plenty of enduring fruit flavor.=
57.99 59.99 34.99
-92 pts, James Suckling
from the Perrin family, can be add zip and interest. grams (Average).
found much lower. Total Wine & There is rosé of course. Côte ' 1.75 Liter Sale '
More lists the La Vieille Ferme
three-liter box for $27, the
du Rhône rosé is typically quite
dry in many shades of pink.
imported and distributed locally by Winebow
(winebow.com). <San Benedetto= 13.99 Absolut Bombay
Johnnie Crown
equivalent of $6.75 a bottle. Tavel, an appellation devoted to La Nerthe Les Cassagnes
Lugana 2022 Regular $17.99
Reg & Flavors Walker Royal
Prices tend to go up as we rosé, is cherry red and often a bit Côtes du Rhône Villages 2019 ' 90 Point Wines Under $20 ' 26.77 25.98 Black
climb the appellation hierarchy, sappy, with a hint of sweetness. õõõó Over 150 wines on sale 59.44
through several villages that Climate change is an issue. Rhone Valley, France, $24 See full list on our website
have earned the right to put their The Rhône has experienced A roast dripping over a fire. A Allan Scott Sauvignon Blanc 2022....93 WS... 14.49 Luksusowa Jim Beam John Bacardi
Altos Las Hormigas <Clásico= Malbec 2020...90+ WA...... 8.99 Barr
names on Côtes du Rhônes
Villages and to the 17 crus 4
several warmer-than-average
vintages since 2015. Alcohol
puff of smoke 4 is the meat
burning? No, patience, patience. Cambria <Katherine9s= Chardonnay 2021...90 WS... 15.99 17.44 24.99 29.44 18.99
towns whose names can stand levels have crept up as a result, Time is flavor. Sit back, relax and Casas del Bosque Sauvignon Blanc 2021... 90 VM... 10.69
alone on a label. (For example, and there9s a risk that some of enjoy a sip of this savory beauty, Catena <Paraje Altamira= Malbec 2019... 93 WA... 18.49
Château Chemin Royal Moulis-en-Médoc 2019...91 VN... 17.99 Svedka Gordon9s Tullamore Camarena
Château d9Aiguilhe Querre Castillon 2018...91+ JD... 13.99 Gin Dew Reposado " Silver
Château Poitevin Médoc 2016...... 90 WA... 15.99 15.88 17.88 39.99 36.88
Build Comfort With Cloudline Pinot Noir 2021................. 91 WA... 18.99
Exopto <Bozeto= Rioja 2021 .............. 92 WA... 11.99
Font Sarade <Ponche= Vacqueyras 2020... 92 JD... 17.99 La Cheeserie
A Name You Trust Jackson Estate Pinot Noir 2020....... 91 JD... 18.99
Joel Gott Sauvignon Blanc 2021 ........91 WS... 12.49 Nova Scotia Black Rooster Rye Bread
Karl Erbes <Urziger Wurz.= Riesling Kabinett 2021... 93 WA... 14.99 Smoked " Traditional Baltic 100% Baltic Rye
Lafage <Novellum= Chardonnay 2021... 90 WA... 12.99 Salmon " Baltic Blonde w/ Fruit & Nuts
Pewsey Vale <Dry= Riesling 2021 .... 95 WA... 15.99 Reg. $22.49 Reg. $5.99 Reg. $7.99
Planet Oregon Pinot Noir 2021 ....... 92 JD... 18.99
Ravines <Dry= Riesling 2019...............92 WS... 15.99 19.99 1/2
4.99 1.25 LB
Loaf 6.99 1.25 LB

Regaleali Bianco 2020 ...................... 90 VM... 13.49 Cabot Cheddar Aged 16 Mos (Vermont) 10.99 LB
Substance Cabernet Sauvignon 2019... 92 JD... 13.99 Fresh Smoked
Delice de Bourgogne (France) 14.99 LB
Susana Balbo <Crios= Torrontés 2022... 91 WA... 12.99 Idaho Drunken Goat (Spain) 18.99 LB
Thistledown <Gorgeous= Grenache 2021... 90 WA... 12.49 Trout Gourmino Gruyère Aged 12 Mos (Switzerland) 26.99 LB
Turonia Albariño 2021.........................92 WS... 16.99 Reg. $18.99
Vinsacro <Dioro= Rioja 2015 .............. 93 JD... 18.99 Parmigiano Reggiano (Italy) 13.99 LB
Wente <Riva Ranch= Chardonnay 2021...91 WS... 14.99 15.99 LB Stilton (England) 16.99 LB
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E8 eZ ee thE waShington PoSt . wEdnESday, junE 14 , 2023

Limoncello pie is like a slice of sunshine straight from the Amalû Coast
The spirit of Italy is
unmistakably instilled
in this bright treat

one bite of this limoncello pie

takes me back to the Amalfi Coast,
where I visited a limoncello facto-
ry on a cliff overlooking the Tyr-
rhenian Sea. A guide at the distill-
ery took us behind the scenes and
showed us the entire process of
making limoncello.
Lemons from the groves are
zested into big, yellow spirals, and
those are soaked to extract the oil
and flavors before the mixture is
distilled. The factory smelled deli-
cious, the views were stunning,
and I was given a bottle of the
limoncello, too.
As soon as I got back to my
kitchen, I knew I had to make a
limoncello dessert. As a pie-over-
cake man, it didn9t take much de-
bate before I started dreaming
about this limoncello pie.
I start with a salted shortbread
cookie crust, which pairs beauti-
fully with the smooth, tangy cus-
tard, the candied lemons and the
hint of limoncello.
While the crust bakes, the cus-
tard filling comes together on the
stovetop. The custard gets trans-
ferred to the cookie-crust shell,
and while the pie chills, I cook
thinly sliced lemon in a limoncello
syrup until they take on a golden
They make a beautiful garnish
atop dollops of limoncello-flavored
whipped cream that I make next.
A slice of this pie will transport
me to the Amalfi coast, and I hope
it does the same for you.
phoTos by scoTT suchMan for The WashingTon posT; fooD sTyLing by Lisa cherkasky for The WashingTon posT

pot. Remove from the heat and skillet over medium heat, com-
Limoncello Pie With Candied Lemons with a ladle in one hand and a bine the sugar and limoncello
8 servings whisk in another, slowly drizzle and bring to a simmer, stirring
While the crust bakes, the custard filling comes together on the the hot milk into the egg yolk to dissolve the sugar. Continue
stovetop. After the pie cools, it gets topped with limoncello candied mixture, whisking constantly, to cook the syrup until it reach-
lemon slices and a dollop of fresh whipped limoncello cream. to temper the yolks without es 200 degrees on a candy or
Make ahead: The candied lemons can be refrigerated for up to 3 days cooking them. once about instant-read thermometer,
in advance. three-quarters of the milk has then add the lemon slices in an
storage: Refrigerate the pie for up to 3 days. been added, pour the mixture even layer. Cook at a simmer,
Active time: 40 mins; Total time: 1 hour back into the saucepan. Set adjusting the heat as needed,
From food writer Eitan Bernath. over medium-high heat and until the slices turn a light
cook, whisking constantly, golden color, 4 to 5 minutes,
Ingredients For the candied lemons until large bubbles form in the then, using a fork or small
l 1 lemon center and the custard has tongs, transfer the slices to the
For the crust l 1/4 cup (50 grams) granulated thickened to the consistency of prepared pan to cool and set.
l 2 tablespoons granulated sugar pudding, about 15 minutes. l make the whipped cream: In
sugar l 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) l Remove the saucepan from the the bowl of a stand mixer fitted
l Finely grated zest of 1 lemon limoncello heat and, using a flexible spatu- with a whisk attachment, or
l 11 ounces (317 grams) la, scrape the custard into the using a handheld mixer and a
shortbread cookies, such as For the whipped cream sieve set over the bowl, then large bowl, combine the cream
Walker9s brand (about 16 l 1 cup (230 milliliters) heavy use the spatula to push the and confectioners9 sugar and
cookies) cream simmering lemon slices in limoncello and sugar candies them. custard through the sieve to beat on medium to medium-
l 1/2 teaspoon fine salt l 2 tablespoons confectioners9 remove any lumps. Remove the high speed until the cream
l 4 tablespoons (62 grams) sugar sieve and whisk in the lemon forms medium peaks, about
unsalted butter, melted l 3 tablespoons limoncello the melted butter over and rack and let cool. zest. 5 minutes. Add the limoncello
pulse until the mixture begins l make the custard: While the l Pour the custard into the and gently stir it into the cream
For the custard steps to clump and presses together crust bakes, in a medium bowl, cooled crust and cover with until fully incorporated.
l 4 large egg yolks l make the crust: Position a rack like wet sand in your hand. whisk together the egg yolks, plastic wrap or wax paper, l When ready to serve, discard
l 3/4 cup (150 grams) granulated in the middle of the oven and l Scrape the crust mixture into a sugar, cornstarch, limoncello, pressing it against the surface the wax paper or plastic wrap.
sugar preheat to 350 degrees. 9-inch pie dish. Use greased lemon juice and salt until well to prevent a skin from forming. Arrange the candied lemon
l 1/3 cup (40 grams) cornstarch l In a small bowl, combine the hands or a flat-bottomed cup to combined. Set the bowl over a Refrigerate for at least 3 hours, slices and whipped cream on
l 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) sugar and zest, and use your press the crust into an even damp kitchen towel to prevent or until completely chilled. top of the pie, slice and serve.
limoncello fingers to rub them together to layer across bottom and up it from sliding around. l make the candied lemons: nutrition | per serving (1 slice): 629
l Finely grated zest and juice of release the oils. Set aside. sides, about 1/3-inch thick. l Place a fine-mesh strainer over While the custard chills, slice calories, 73g carbohydrates, 165mg
1 lemon (3 to 4 tablespoons l In a food processor, process the l Place the pie dish on a large, a large, heatproof bowl nearby. the lemons 1/8-inch thick and cholesterol, 31g fat, 1g fiber, 7g protein,
15g saturated fat, 413mg sodium, 47g
juice), divided cookies until finely ground, rimmed baking sheet, transfer l In a medium saucepan over remove the seeds. Line a large, sugar
l 1/8 teaspoon fine salt about 1 minute. Add the sugar- to the oven and bake for 12 to medium-high heat, heat the rimmed baking sheet with wax
recipe tested by Debi suchman and ann
l 2 cups (480 milliliters) whole zest mixture and salt, and pulse 14 minutes, or until lightly milk just until small bubbles paper. Maloney; email questions to
milk to combine, 4 to 5 times. Drizzle browned. Transfer to a wire form around the edge of the l In a medium stainless steel food@washpost.com

Smoked meat turns a simple bowl of beans into warm, soulful hug
MEATy bEAns FRom E1
Beans With Smoked Pork Neck Bones
cornbread as yet another exam- 12 to 16 servings
ple of how those with less turned These Southern-style, slow-cooked beans rely on smoked pork neck
humble ingredients into a filling, bones for deep, savory flavor. The cooking time can vary based on the
crave-worthy meal. age and quality of the beans.
The beans here are typically Find our recipes for Chow-Chow, Plainly Delicious Cornbread and
pinto, though any dried bean (or Buttermilk Cornbread at washingtonpost.com/recipes.
even a combination) would work. Where to buy: Smoked pork neck bones can be found at well-stocked
What truly makes Southern-style supermarkets, butcher shops and online.
beans special is the seasoning storage: Refrigerate leftovers for up to 4 days.
meat 4 a smoked or fatty cut 4 substitutions: Pinto beans are common, but this recipe will work
that imbues the pot with flavor with any type of dried bean. Instead of pork neck bones, you can use
and depth. It9s the ingredient that other smoked meat, such as ham hocks, turkey necks or wings.
really makes these beans feel like Active time: 15 mins; Total time: 1 hour 15 mins, or more as needed
a warm hug. <Truth be told, the From Voraciously staff writer Aaron Hutcherson.
smoked or fatty meats give a lot of
our food its deep, unctuous soul,= Ingredients water to cover by 2 inches.
chef and food writer Amethyst l 1 pound dried pinto beans, l Bring the water to a boil, reduce
Ganaway wrote when talking picked over and rinsed to a gentle simmer, cover and
about Hoppin9 John. I often reach l 8 ounces smoked pork neck simmer until the beans are very
for smoked pork neck bones 4 as bones tender, 1 to 1 1/2 hours, or longer.
in this recipe for Beans With l 1 medium yellow onion (8 (Periodically check and add
Smoked Pork Neck Bones 4 ounces), chopped more hot water if needed to
when building my pot, to add a l 3 cloves garlic, peeled and keep the beans submerged.)
hint of smokiness while the gela- smashed Test at least five beans from
tin from the bones slowly leeches l 2 bay leaves different parts of the pot to
out into the cooking liquid, giv- l 1 teaspoon fine salt, plus more make sure they are tender. Dis-
ing it body. other options include to taste card the bay leaves. Transfer the
scoTT suchMan for The WashingTon posT; fooD sTyLing by Lisa cherkasky for The WashingTon posT l 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground
smoked turkey neck bones, ham neck bones to a cutting board,
hocks, fat back or salt pork. black pepper, plus more to pick the meat off the bones into
<In times when meat was flavor. Side of Chicago in the 1950s, navigate this world with a caring, taste small pieces and return the
scarce, neighbors often passed The cornbread, preferably one made the most of his circum- giving spirit. l Cornbread, for serving meat to the beans, discarding
hunks of pork among themselves that9s not very sweet, adds extra stances. He went from a very As I reflect on it, my father and (optional; see headnote) the bones. Taste, and season
to season their beans, until all the heft and acts as a lovely comple- modest upbringing to one of the this dish share similarities in l Sweet relish or chow-chow, for with more salt and/or pepper, if
flavor was cooked out of this ment to the beans as it soaks up best universities in the country what they embody and provide: serving (optional; see needed. Serve spooned over
8community sinker,9= John T. the potlikker. You could stop with before recently retiring from a humility, comfort and what one headnote) cornbread and topped with rel-
Edge wrote in <The New Encyclo- just the beans and cornbread, but decades-long career as a hospital needs to make it in this world. ish, if desired.
pedia of Southern Culture.= If you a dollop of relish or chow-chow administrator. We were by no And though my relationship steps
aren9t trying to save your choice delivers a bright, acidic flourish, means well off, but my father with my father hasn9t always l In a large Dutch oven or other nutrition | per serving (1/2 cup), based on 16:
150 calories, 19g carbohydrates, 16mg
of meat for another meal, pick it providing just the right amount provided a life where I never been sunshine and rainbows, I heavy pot set over medium-high cholesterol, 4g fat, 5g fiber, 9g protein, 2g
from the bones once the beans of contrast for a more exciting really wanted for anything 4 am grateful for it and would heat, combine the beans, neck saturated fat, 405mg sodium, 1g sugar
are tender, and then stir the meat bowl. aside from a dog, but he isn9t a fan happily choose it again to be the bones, onion, garlic, bay leaves, recipe tested by aaron hutcherson; email
back into the pot for even more my father, born in the South 4 and he taught me how to person I am today. salt and pepper with enough questions to food@washpost.com

rEciPE findEr . SEarch morE than 10,000 PoSt-tEStEd rEciPES at waShingtonPoSt.com/rEciPES . rEciPE quEStionS? Email food@waShPoSt.com

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