Getting an out
A count of three (3) outs by a team completes the team's half of the inning.
If the kicker kicks a fair ball the defensive team can get the kicker out in these ways:
Touching the kicker with the ball (Any player who deliberately crashes into a defensive player
holding the ball, waiting to apply a tag will be out and possibly removed from the game
The defensive team tries to throw the ball at a kicker for an out (If it hits the kicker in the
head than the kicker is ruled safe because there are no head shots!) Must be hit below the
shoulders if a thrown ball for out. Any runner hit in the neck or head shall be considered safe at
the base they were running toward when the ball hits the runner. If the runner intentionally
uses the head or neck to block the ball, the runner is out.
However, if the kicking team has base runners and one of them is hit with the ball during a
kick that base runner is out and the pitching team still has an opportunity to get the kicker out.
Touching the base with the ball or in possession of the ball for a force out
Catching the kicked ball before it hits the ground.
When the ball is overthrown into foul territory, every base runner may advance at their own
risk. The ball remains in play and such runners are liable to be put out while advancing. There is
no limit on the number of bases a runner may take. If ball is in a place that fielder cannot get to
the ball such as the street or construction area only 1 base advancement is allowed.