Office-2ndEd_ANK_WB_26595 3

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Workbook Answer Key

4 1. kitchen 5. basement
1 2. stockroom 6. conference room
page 4 3. car park 7. toilet
1 1. The Chief Accountant 4. cafeteria
2. Laboratory Technicians 5 1. turn right 4. down
3. Head of Research and Development 2. up 5. turn left
4. The Financial Director 3. go straight 6. enter
5. A Sales Representative
page 7
2 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. f 5. c 6. a
6 1. up 4. looking for
3 first sixth 2. straight 5. opposite
second seventh 3. leave 6. get out of
third eighth
7 1. opposite
fourth ninth
2. on your left
fifth tenth
3. at the end of the corridor
4 1. sixth 5. first 4. on your right
2. second 6. fourth 5. go past
3. tenth 7. third
4. fifth 8. seventh Say It!
5 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. b 1. where is the women’s toilet, Thank you
2. How can I help you, I’ve got a meeting with
page 5 Mrs Wells, It’s on your right when you get out
6 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a of the lift
3. Where’s Joseph
7 1. soda 4. seat
2. visitor 5. jacket
3. flight 6. sweetener 3
8 1. offer 5. pronounce
page 8
2. Welcome 6. greet
1 1. It’s quarter to five. 4. It’s twenty-five past five.
3. give 7. ask
2. It’s half past five. 5. It’s five o’clock.
4. say
3. It’s ten past five. 6. It’s quarter past five.

Say It! 2 1. nine o’clock, twenty past ten

1. b 2. d 3. g 4. e 5. a 6. f 7. c 2. half past ten, one o’clock
3. quarter past one
4. quarter to seven
2 5. eleven o’clock
page 6 3 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b
1 1. nought 6. eleven 4 1. b 2. f 3. d 4. c 5. e 6. a
2. three 7. twelve
5 1. tables 4. keyboard
3. four 8. fifteen
2. chair 5. waste paper bin
4. seven 9. sixteen
3. shelf 6. printer
5. eight 10. nineteen
2 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b
3 1. ground floor 6. stairs
2. reception 7. lift
3. top floor 8. lobby
4. warehouse 9. corridor
5. laboratory

Workbook Answer Key

page 9 Say It!

6 1. air conditioner 4. shredder 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a
2. computer 5. photocopier
3. lamp 6. filing cabinet
7 1. above 6. around
page 12
2. between 7. behind
1 1. a, c 3. a, b 5. a, c 7. a, b
3. in 8. in front of
2. a, b 4. b, c 6. a, b 8. b, c
4. near 9. on
5. under 2 1. enlarge 5. new
2. open 6. black and white
Say It! 3. paper jam 7. size
1. c 2. f 3. b 4. g 5. a 6. d 7. e 4. magazine article 8. colour
3 1. remove 5. big
2. light 6. drawings
4 3. small 7. short
page 10 4. narrow 8. replace
1 1. f 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. e 4 1. d 2. g 3. f 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. e
2 1. a box of 3. a pair of
2. a packet of 4. a roll of page 13

3 1. toner cartridge 4. highlighter

5 1, 3, 4, 7

2. paper 5. hole punch 6 1. c 2. e 3. g 4. b 5. f 6. h 7. a 8. d

3. stapler 7 1. e-mail address 4. pen drive
4 1. red 7. purple 2. paste 5. save
2. orange 8. green 3. power cable
3. blue 9. brown 8 1. folder 5. version
4. pink 10. grey 2. link 6. reply all
5. white 11. black 3. copy 7. attach
6. yellow 12. light blue 4. contacts 8. junk
5 1. green 4. grey
2. orange 5. pink Say It!
3. purple 6. brown 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. g 5. b 6. h 7. e 8. c

6 1. running low on 5. run out of

2. price
3. delivery
6. give a reduction
7. payments
page 14
4. quality
1 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. f 5. d 6. a
page 11
2 1. adjust 4. sort
7 1. invoice 5. discount 2. complete 5. sender
2. price per unit 6. delivery date 3. procedure 6. stamp
3. quantity 7. payment date
3 1. gift 5. the number of your house
4. subtotal
2. immediately 6. send
8 1. June 5. Tuesday, Wednesday 3. protect 7. send a parcel
2. Friday 6. November, December 4. heavy 8. be certain it won’t get lost
3. February 7. September
4. April, May 8. Sunday, Monday 4 1. city 5. reach its destination
2. country 6. courier
9 1. Thursday 4. Sunday
3. postcode 7. tracking
2. March 5. Tuesday
4. pre-paid envelope 8. pick up
3. January 6. October


Workbook Answer Key

page 15
5 1
page 18
2 3
w r a p
1 1. d 2. g 3. e 4. f 5. a 6. b 7. c
w o g 2 1. remind 4. as soon as possible
2. delay 5. at the moment
5 6 7
e s u s d i
3. correct 6. reschedule
i n t e r n a t i o n a l
g c g m m e 3 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a
h o e p e
9 4 a. Oliver e. Kim
d n l s h i p
b. Janet f. Chloe
e t e t
c. Mike g. Jill
10 d. Leo h. Peter
c i t y
page 19

Say It! 5 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d
7 1. plumber 5. locksmith
2. mechanic 6. electrician
7 3. 
computer technician 7. cleaner
page 16 4. carpenter 8. glazier
1 1, 3, 4, 6 8 1. repair 4. In the meantime
2 1. caller 5. Be careful 2. quote 5. be right over
2. on hold 6. hang up 3. expensive 6. cheap
3. breaks up 7. wrong number
4. extension Say It!
1. d 2. f 3. g 4. b 5. e 6. c 7. a
3 1. funny 4. friendly
2. angry 5. rude
3. polite 6. serious 9
4 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b page 20
5 1. d 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. e 1 1. give a presentation 5. make arrangements
2. hold a meeting 6. invite the attendees
page 17
3. check your calendar 7. share the agenda
6 1. children 6. father
4. take place
2. parents 7. brother
3. sister 8. daughter 2 1. decline 5. schedule
4. husband 9. mother 2. convenient 6. dial
5. son 10. wife 3. confirm 7. attend
4. remotely
7 1. F uncle 5. F aunt
2. T 6. T 3 1. equipment 4. confirm
3. T 7. T 2. break 5. screen
4. F nephew 8. F cousin 3. convenient
4 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5.b 6. a
Say It! 5 1. reorganise 4. reschedule
Have students translate the sentences into their
 2. suit 5. arrange
own language.
3. cancel 6. postpone


Workbook Answer Key

page 21 page 23
6 1. technical problems 6 1. exit 3. train station
2. get the dates mixed up 2. junction 4. route map
3. held up in a traffic jam 7 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b
4. feel ill
8 1. motorbike 4. getting off
5. get lost
2. bus 5. a ferry
6. go home early
3. bus stop 6. taxis
7 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
8 1. a sore throat 3. a broken leg Say It!
2. an upset stomach 4. headache Dialogue 1
1. Where are you from
Say It! 2. Are you enjoying the exhibition
Dialogue 1: 1. c 2. f 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. e 3. very interesting stands
Dialogue 2: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. d 4. Shame about the weather
Dialogue 2

10 1. how do I get to
2. Which bus do I need
page 22 3. is an express bus
1 1. name tag 3. brochure 4. Where should I get off
2. exhibition 4. business card 5. It’s the sixth bus stop
2 1. LED screen
2. stand
3. competitors
page 24
4. promotional material
5. free gifts 1 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c
6. leaflet 2 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b
3 3 1. shipping date 5. customer number
2. charge 6. wrong item
B r I t i s h
2 3

3. make a complaint 7. apologise for the

t s
4. error inconvenience
a h
l G
4 a. Mr O’Connor f. David
A m e r i c a N e b. Amy g. Isabel
7 8

p r a i r c. Josh h. Nathalie
a u n g m
d. Jack i. Mrs Miller
n v e a
e. Mr Clark j. Ana
e i F r e n c h

s a i page 25
e n T h a i

n 5 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a
6 1. b 2. c 3. a
4 1. rainy, cold 4. windy, cool 7 1. make a claim
2. sunny, hot 5. cloudy, warm 2. missing a part
3. snowy, freezing 6. Accept all logical answers. 3. broken
5 Sea Vehicles: ship, ferry 4. doesn’t work properly
Air Vehicles: aeroplane 5. the wrong colour

Land Vehicles: bus, taxi, tram, train, 6. isn’t fresh
underground, motorbike 8 a. It’s past its sell-by date.
b. It makes a noise.
c. It is torn.
d. There’s something wrong with it – it won’t open.


Workbook Answer Key

9 1. embarrassed 4. satisfied
2. frustrated 5. surprised 13
3. confused 6. polite
page 28
Say It! 1 1. fitness centre 4. lounge
1. There’s a problem 5. credit your account 2. gift shop 5. business centre
2. to hear that 6. appreciate your business 3. swimming pool 6. spa
3. more details 7. keep you satisfied 2 1. shop assistant 4. housekeeper
4. check our records 2. lifeguard 5. masseur
3. hotel porter 6. guest
12 3 1. laundry service, room service
2. full board, half board
page 26
3. standard room, luxury suite
1 1. direct flight 4. special request
4 1. executive suite 4. vacancies
2. stopover 5. window seat
2. location 5. extra charge
3. waiting list
3. free of charge
2 1. economy class 4. business class
5 2, 4, 5
2. return ticket 5. pilot
3. departure page 29
3 1. via 4. fully booked 6 
Bathroom: bath, shampoo, mirror, soap,
2. one-way ticket 5. emergency exit shower, towel, sink
3. arrival 6. book a flight Bedroom: mirror, sheet, blanket, pillow

4 1. c 2. f 3. d 4. b 5. g 6. a 7. e 7 2, 4, 7
5 1. first class 8 1. shampoo 5. blanket
2. life jacket 2. rates 6. towel
3. overhead compartment 3. low season 7. check-in time
4. flight attendant 4. balcony 8. duvet
5. safety instructions
6. aisle seat Say It!
6 1. itinerary 1. I wonder if you can help me
2. delayed 2. Where is the hotel located
3. passport 3. Is there an extra charge for Wi-Fi
4. luggage 4. I hope you have a vacancy from 5th to 7th
5. cancelled
5. I’d like to book a room for three nights.
6. eye mask
6. I’d like an executive suite, please.
7. portable charger
8. ear buds
9. wash bag 14
page 27 page 30
7 1. overweight 5. information desk 1 1. unlimited mileage 5. drop-off point
2. a change of plans 6. lost-luggage desk 2. park 6. automatic car
3. diverted 7. passport control 3. rent 7. driving licence
4. business lounge 4. insurance 8. pick-up point

8 1. take off 5. land 2 1. b 2. d 3. f 4. e 5. c 6. a

2. backpack 6. make a reservation 3 1. steering wheel 4. manual car
3. suitcase 7. handbag 2. gear stick 5. number plate
4. boarding pass 8. wallet 3. seat belt 6. windscreen wiper

Say It!
1. f 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. a 6. d


Workbook Answer Key

4 1. had a puncture 4. breakdown 6 1. Wine is a (type of) drink.

2. boot 5. the emergency services 3. Cake and ice cream are desserts.
3. accident 6. A compact car 5. People often order steak as a main course.
5 1. tow truck 4. identification 6. Rice is usually a side dish.
2. bonnet 5. an intermediate car
page 33
3. ran out of petrol 6. tyre
7 1. orange juice 5. chicken
6 1. return ticket 5. passenger 2. steak 6. soft drink
2. trolley service 6. sleeper compartment 3. chocolate 7. rice
3. conductor 7. coach 4. potato 8. cake
4. platform 8. 
ticket machine,
ticket office 8 1. shrimp, ham
2. orange juice, soft drink
page 31 3. potato, rice
7 1. off-peak ticket 3. buffet service 4. chocolate, cake
2. timetable 4. miss the train 9 1. cake, apple pie 3. salmon, steak
8 1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. c 2. shrimp, potatoes 4. ham, chicken
9 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 10 1. Luke 2. Matthew 3. Suzy

Say It! Say It!

1. b 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. f 6. d 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b

15 16
page 32 page 34
1 1
1 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a
2 1. trend 5. service provider
2 2. clips 6. statistics
c n
3 3. source 7. results
s a l a d
4. search engine
m r

u r 3 1. narrow your search 3. upload

b s
o 2. history 4. install software
s p a g h e t t i
4 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. c
n r p

5 1. cut 4. rows, columns

r a o r a n g e
8 9

2. font 5. copy, paste

o n i o n o p

3. logo
l a m p
l c h e e s e
11 6 1, 3, 4, 6

r page 35
2 1. roll 3. sauce 7 1. background
2. soup 4. salad dressing 2. high-quality images
3 1. apple 4. onion 3. slides
2. salad dressing 5. sauce 4. effects
3. olive 5. heading, bold, upper case

4 1. order a takeaway 4. free delivery 8 1. font 4. background

2. vegetarian meal 5. special offers 2. logo 5. bolded, underlined
3. credit card 6. place an order 3. upper case 6. rows, columns

5 1. T 4. T
Say It!
2. F 5. F
Have students translate the sentences into their

3. F 6. F own language.


Workbook Answer Key

page 39
17 6 1. purchase 3. remedy
page 36 2. transaction 4. bank statement

1 1. b 2. e 3. f 4. d 5. c 6. a 7 1. standing order 5. overdraft

2. credit limit 6. foreign currency
2 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. f 6. e
3. available balance 7. direct debit
3 1. clock out 5. time off
4. exchange rate
2. rejected 6. full-time
3. swipe your card 7. submit, request Say It!
4. staff Have students translate the sentences into their
4 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c own language.

page 37
5 1. security camera 4. fire alarm
2. fire extinguisher 5. card reader page 40
3. suspicious activity 6. security guard 1 a. Sam c. Thomas
6 1. improve 4. premises b. Dylan d. Belinda
2. access 5. report 2 1. fluent 4. team
3. accompany 6. recordings 2. educational 5. abroad
7 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b background 6. vocational courses
3. experience 7. organised
8 1. monitor 4. steal
2. install 5. limit 3 1, 2, 6

3. protect 6. property 4 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. a

Say It! page 41

1. sick leave 5. seems

5 1, 3, 5, 7

2. work overtime 6. find out 6 1. multitasking

3. holiday leave 7. installed security cameras 2. health insurance
4. maternity leave 8. access to 3. pension contribution
4. fast learner

18 5. permanent
7 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. f 5. a 6. d
page 38
1 1. bank teller 5. coins Say It!
2. ATM 6. bank balance 1. have you got any experience working in an office
3. note 7. fees 2. Can you tell me about your educational
4. branch 8. bank card, take out money background
2 1. night safe 4. loan 3. Why do you think you’re a good candidate for
this job
2. savings account 5. business account
4. I’m flexible about hours
3. safety deposit box 6. interest
5. The starting salary is €12,000 per year
3 1. transfer 4. current account
6. I’ll be in touch
2. pay it back 5. terms
7. It was nice meeting you
3. signature 6. deposit
4 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a
5 1. convert 5. sum
2. commission 6. IBAN page 42
3. calculate 7. PIN number 1 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d
4. review 8. pay off 2 1, 4, 6, 7


Workbook Answer Key

3 1. formal training 4. job description

2. career objectives 5. computer skills
3. references 6. job title
4 1, 3, 4
Jobs: Sales Representative, Customer Service Clerk,
Head of IT, Financial Director
Clothes: jacket, shoes, trousers, sweater

Office Supplies: scissors, folder, sticky tape,
paper clips

Parts of a Car: steering wheel, tyre, gear stick,
seat belt

page 43
6 1. upset stomach 5. shrimp
2. conductor 6. route map
3. catalogue 7. recipient
4. wallet 8. protect
7 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. b
8 r 1

l u g g a g e
a p
z e u 3

y 4
s t a f f m a g 6e
h t b n
r 7
c r t
e n v e l o p e e
c o l d a l r
d c l
e h a

9 1. a, c 3. b, c 5. a, b 7. a, c 9. a, b
2. b, c 4. a, c 6. b, c 8. b, c 10. a, c


Workbook Answer Key

Grammar Practice 11 1. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

2. Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
3. Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
4. Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
1 5. Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
page 46 6. Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she hasn’t.
1 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 12 1. is 5. Is
2 1. are 5. are 2. have got 6. hasn’t got
2. am 6. is 3. hasn’t got 7. haven’t got
3. are 7. is 4. am
4. is
3 1. He isn’t from Spain. 2
2. She isn’t a receptionist.
page 48
3. I am not Linda.
4. You aren’t on the third floor.
1 1. drink 4. finishes
2. works 5. meet
5. It isn’t a coat.
3. greet 6. studies
4 1. Is 4. Is
2. Are 5. Is
2 1. rarely 4. usually
2. every morning 5. often, sometimes
3. Are
3. twice a week
5 1. Are you on the second floor?
2. Is your mother a receptionist?
3 1. I always start my workday at 09:00.
2. Ms Thomas sometimes washes the office
3. Is your friend from the accounting department?
4. Are you and your friends at work?
3. The Managing Director often goes on business
6 1. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. trips.
2. Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. 4. The company receives visitors every day.
3. Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. 5. They close the windows in the evening.
4. Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t. 4 1. This lift doesn’t go to the top floor.
2. We don’t make children’s clothes.
page 47
3. Mr Campbell doesn’t work for AAA Electronics.
7 1. has got 4. has got
4. They don’t use the car park in the building.
2. have got 5. have got
5. I don’t buy lunch at the cafeteria.
3. have got 6. have got
6. She doesn’t drive her car to work.
8 1. The visitor hasn’t got an umbrella.
2. We haven’t got an appointment. page 49
3. Tom and Sue haven’t got the books. 5 1. don’t drink 4. parks
4. The office hasn’t got a coffee machine. 2. have 5. uses
5. I haven’t got a good job. 3. doesn’t work
6. You haven’t got a meeting with the Managing 6 1. Do 4. does
2. Does 5. do
9 1. have got 4. haven’t got 3. Do 6. does
2. hasn’t got 5. have got
7 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. c 6. b
3. have got 6. hasn’t got
8 1. Do they clean the toilets every day?
10 1. Have … got 4. Have … got
2. When do you finish work?
2. Has … got 5. Has … got
3. Where does he work?
3. Have … got 6. Has … got
4. Do you work on Saturday?
5. What does Ms Gill buy at this shop?


Workbook Answer Key

9 1. sell 5. Does … know 9 1. loves 4. I don’t remember

2. Do … prefer 6. doesn’t drink 2. am making 5. is driving
3. don’t like 7. does … make 3. do … finish 6. Does … take
4. enjoys
10 1. Take
2. Don’t use
4. Follow
5. Don’t enter
3. Offer 6. Don’t go page 52

11 Possible answers
1 Countable Nouns: pen, envelope, stapler, folder
Uncountable Nouns: paper, water, money,
1. Let’s have lunch in the cafeteria. sticky tape
2. Let’s take the stairs.
2 1. rubbers 5. children
3. Let’s ask the receptionist.
2. hole punches 6. stairs
4. Let’s call IT.
3. women 7. companies
5. Let’s go home.
4. supplies 8. people
3 1. a 6. any
3 2. the 7. the
page 50 3. an 8. an
4. any 9. some
1 1. are making 4. am sending
5. some 10. a
2. is distributing 5. is speaking
3. are leaving 6. are putting 4 1. There are 4. There is
2. There aren’t 5. Are there
2 1. I’m not searching the Internet right now.
3. Is there 6. There isn’t
2. He isn’t ordering office supplies at the moment.
3. We aren’t moving to the first floor now. page 53
4. The receptionist isn’t sitting at the desk now.
5 1. Are there any boxes of staples?
5. The coffee machine isn’t working at the moment
2. There isn’t a blue pen on my desk.
6. You aren’t listening to me.
3. Is there a letter in that envelope?
3 1. Are … having – c 4. is … leaving – e 4. There aren’t any invoices in the folder.
2. are … running – f 5. is … meeting – d 5. There is a discount on the scissors.
3. are … doing – a 6. are … walking – b
6 1. There is a ring binder.
4 1. are waiting 4. Are … buying 2. There isn’t any sticky tape.
2. isn’t using 5. am not starting 3. There is a box of staples.
3. are going 4. There aren’t any black pens.
5. There are some red pens.
page 51
6. There is an orange highlighter.
5 1. are having 4. don’t usually drive
7. There are some writing pads.
2. arrives 5. Does he distribute
3. Are you filing 6. isn’t taking
7 1. many 4. a lot of
2. a lot of 5. much
6 1. a, c 2. b, c 3. a, c 4. a, b 5. b, c
3. many 6. a lot of, much
7 1. greets, c. is offering
8 1. There are many staples in the box.
2. are … doing, d. need
2. There isn’t much coffee in the cup.
3. don’t usually drink, a. prefer
3. There isn’t much space on the desk.
4. is searching, b. wants
4. There aren’t many paper clips in the box.
8 1. Do … have 6. Do … join
9 1. some 5. any
2. don’t like 7. comes
2. an 6. a lot of
3. are … going 8. is meeting
3. any 7. some
4. am going 9. Do … want
4. many 8. There is
5. eat
10 1. How many 4. How many
2. How much 5. How many
3. How much 6. How much


Workbook Answer Key

9 1. worked 6. prepared
5 2. had 7. kept
page 54 3. knew 8. started
4. needed 9. went
1 1. weren’t, were 3. weren’t, were
5. continued 10. learned / learnt
2. wasn’t, was 4. wasn’t, was
2 1. Were you at home at 21:00 last night?
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. 6
2. Was your father in a meeting yesterday? page 56
Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
1 1. didn’t sort 4. didn’t leave
3. Was / were your family at a restaurant last week?
2. didn’t pick up 5. didn’t file
Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
3. didn’t write
4. Was / Were your parents on holiday last month?
Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
2 1. We didn’t have lunch at the café yesterday.
2. She didn’t sort the mail properly.
3 1. There weren’t 4. There wasn’t
3. They didn’t receive the contract last week.
2. There wasn’t 5. There was
4. I didn’t go to the post office last Monday.
3. There were 6. There weren’t
5. You didn’t wrap the sample in bubble wrap.
4 1. Were there any pens? Yes, there were.
3 1. didn’t turn off 4. didn’t file
2. Was there a printer? No, there wasn’t.
2. didn’t return 5. didn’t close
3. Were there any scissors? Yes, there were.
3. put 6. threw away
4. Was there a shredder? No, there wasn’t.
5. Was there a table? Yes, there was.
4 1. He didn’t distribute the post.
2. He typed letters.
page 55 3. He took minutes at a meeting.
5 1. answered 4. planned 4. He didn’t order office supplies.
2. photocopied 5. typed 5. He filed documents.
3. ordered 6. greeted 6. He didn’t search the Internet.

6 1. The Managing Director met some important page 57

clients last week.
2. A new administrative assistant started working
5 1. Did … throw – c 4. did … pick up – d
here yesterday. 2. Did … write – e 5. did … ship – a
3. The designer made some lovely posters. 3. did … put – b
4. A new cafeteria opened on the top floor last 6 1. Did you go to the post office last week?
Monday. 2. Did your family receive a package last month?
5. We got the catalogue a few minutes ago. 3. Did your address change last year?
6. She replaced the toner cartridge yesterday. 4. Did you use a printer yesterday afternoon?
7 1. put 4. distributed 5. Did a friend call you a few minutes ago?
2. reduced 5. bought 6. Did your teacher give you homework yesterday?
3. took 6. drew 7 1. Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
8 Possible answers 2. Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.
1. Pam arrived at the restaurant an hour ago. 3. Yes, it did. / No, it didn’t.
2. The administrative assistant made tea for the 4. Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
visitors a few minutes ago. 5. Yes, he/she did. / No, he/she didn’t.
3. Mrs Kane began her new job this morning. 6. Yes, he/she did. / No, he/she didn’t.
4. The customers stayed at this hotel yesterday.
8 1. did she buy at the post office
5. The R&D team developed a new product last
2. did you call her
3. did he start his new job
6. Mr Rudolf received the e-mail this morning.
4. stamps did you put on the envelope
5. did Mr Hill meet the visitors


Workbook Answer Key

9 1. Did … stamp 5. Did … sort

2. remembered 6. didn’t distribute 8
3. Did … document 7. didn’t know page 60
4. wrote 1 1. her 5. it
10 1. didn’t move 4. Did … wrap 2. them 6. you
2. Did … order 5. read, didn’t understand 3. us 7. me
3. went, didn’t buy 6. did … reach 4. him
2 1. your 4. our

7 2. My
3. their
5. his

page 58
3 1. This book is yours.
1 1. am going to order 4. are going to pick up
2. This sweater is mine.
2. are going to fly 5. is going to begin
3. Is this phone hers?
3. aren’t going to sign 6. aren’t going to send
4. These items are theirs.
2 1. Is Mr Thompson going to meet with the 5. This office isn’t ours.
Marketing Department in the afternoon?
4 1. mine 4. your
2. Is Mr Thompson going to visit a robotics
company at noon? 2. him 5. their
3. Are Mr Thompson and Jack going to finish the 3. her 6. his
financial reports tomorrow? 5 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b
4. Are Mr Thompson and Nina going to go to
Japan tomorrow? page 61
5. Is Mr Thompson going to prepare a talk at 18:00? 6 1. won’t come 4. will let you know
3 1. No, he isn’t. 4. No, they aren’t. 2. ask 5. finds
2. Yes, he is. 5. Yes, he is. 3. is 6. don’t understand
3. Yes, they are. 7 1. want 4. will tell
2. isn’t 5. won’t sell
page 59
3. don’t deliver 6. don’t give
4 1. are arriving 4. isn’t travelling
2. am going 5. am not staying
8 1. unless 4. if
2. If 5. Unless
3. Are … shipping
3. Unless 6. If
5 1. will transfer 4. won’t like
2. Will … reach 5. Will … be
9 1. comes, will call
2. won’t arrive, don’t send
3. will do
3. talk, will understand
6 1. Will you manage to handle the incoming mail?
4. won’t turn, gets
2. Will I schedule Mr Carter’s meetings?
5. won’t travel, doesn’t get
3. Will Ms Andrews arrive on time?
6. returns, won’t have
4. Will they give us a free sample?
10 1. If Mrs Evans needs this document, I will send
5. Will the package be ready by 3.00?
it to her.
7 1. I will 4. they will 2. Max will call you if he doesn’t find the file.
2. you will 5. it won’t 3. Mr Davidson will meet you in Paris if that is
3. she won’t convenient.
8 1. will succeed, c. will do 4. There won’t be enough staplers unless I order
some more.
2. Will … remember, a. won’t forget
5. The plumber won’t repair the burst pipe unless
3. will ask, d. will invite we close the office.
4. won’t cost, e. will give
11 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5. will like, b. will be


Workbook Answer Key

2 1. have to plan the stand for the exhibition

9 2. has to check the brochure and catalogue
page 62
3. have to discuss the presentation
1 1. a can’t 4. b can
4. has to ask Mia to prepare the name tags
2. d can 5. e can’t for the marketing team
3. c can’t 5. have to choose sample products
2 1. Can Julia type? 3 1. don’t have to be
2. Can they start their car? 2. don’t have to take
3. Can we take the lift? 3. doesn’t have to order
4. Can Jenny and Linda speak Italian? 4. doesn’t have to deal
5. Can Mark work today? 5. don’t have to use
6. Can Bob fix the computer? 6. doesn’t have to finish
3 1. Yes, she can. 4. Yes, they can.
page 65
2. No, they can’t. 5. No, he can’t.
3. Yes, we can. 6. No, he can’t. 4 1. Does the head of IT have to look after the
company’s computers?
4 1. couldn’t 4. couldn’t 2. Do administrative assistants have to take
2. could 5. couldn’t messages?
3. could 3. Does the managing director have to clean the
page 63 4. Do customer service clerks have to deal with
5 1. Could Paul find the documents? customer complaints?
2. Could you help me, please? 5. Do administrative assistants have to make
3. Could you reschedule the meeting, please? important decisions about the company?
4. Could Emma understand them? 6. Does the financial director have to order office
6 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c
5 1. Yes, he / she does.
7 1. can 3. can’t 2. Yes, they do.
2. could 4. couldn’t 3. No, he / she doesn’t.
8 1. mustn’t 3. must 4. Yes, they do.
2. mustn’t 4. must 5. No, they don’t.
9 1. He must make an inventory of office supplies. 6. No, he / she doesn’t.
2. He mustn’t send out any bills until Friday. 6 1. have to repair
3. He mustn’t forget to reschedule the meeting. 2. Does … have to bring
4. He must prepare the Chinese contract. 3. don’t have to prepare
10 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. do … have to arrive
5. doesn’t have to make
11 1. When should we hold the conference? d
6. has to be
2. Should Ed make a list of the participants? c
3. Who should speak first? a 7 1. don’t have to 4. mustn’t
4. What should we give them to eat? b 2. mustn’t 5. mustn’t
12 1. Drivers must stop here. 3. doesn’t have to 6. don’t have to
2. You shouldn’t come late to a meeting. 8 1. e. doesn’t have to order
3. He should see a doctor. 2. d. mustn’t be
4. People mustn’t smoke in this place. 3. b. doesn’t … have to reschedule
4. c. mustn’t use
5. a. don’t have to organise
9 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
page 64
1 1. have to order 4. has to go
2. have to send 5. have to prepare
3. has to distribute 6. has to be


Workbook Answer Key

9 Possible answers
11 1. Printmaster is the smallest printer.
page 66 2. Quickprint is bigger than Starprint.
1 1. smaller than 6. more difficult than 3. Starprint is the most expensive printer.
2. happier than 7. fatter than 4. Quickprint is the cheapest printer.
3. thinner than8. more attractive 5. Printmaster is slower than Quickprint.
4. older than than 6. Printmaster is the heaviest printer.
5. more polite than /
politer than
2 1. more friendly than / 3. lighter than 12
friendlier than 4. more comfortable than page 68
2. lower than 5. more interesting than 1 1. The flight to Bangkok is not as short as the flight
3 1. The bus station is farther / further from our office to Philadelphia.
than the train station. 2. The flight to Buenos Aires is not as cheap as the
2. The black folders are cheaper than the coloured flight to Hanoi.
folders. 3. The flight to Philadelphia is as expensive as the
3. The contract is more urgent than the other flight to Bangkok.
documents. 4. Buenos Aires is not as close to London as
4. Your building is taller than our building. Bangkok.
5. The flight to Hanoi is as long as the flight to
4 1. A photocopier is more expensive than a printer.
2. Mike’s desk is bigger than Jane’s desk.
6. Philadelphia is not as far from London as Hanoi.
3. The e-mail is shorter than the letter.
4. Dixon’s offices are more modern than Parker’s
2 1. not as tall as 3. more fragile than
offices. 2. busier than 4. not as clean as
5. The small envelope is lighter than the big envelope. 3 1. too expensive 4. not fast enough
6. Bob’s quote is higher than Lisa’s quote. 2. early enough 5. not clear enough
3. not careful enough 6. too cold
page 67
4 1. The seat isn’t comfortable enough.
5 1. the widest
2. Kate’s coffee is too hot.
2. the most valuable
3. They are too late.
3. the worst
4. The plane isn’t safe enough.
4. the prettiest
5. Her suitcase is too heavy.
5. the most polite
6. Freddy isn’t tall enough.
6. the best
7. the newest page 69
8. the most serious 5 1. c 2. a 3. c
9. the farthest / furthest
6 1. badly 4. quickly
10. the saddest
2. high 5. professionally
6 1. the most fragile 4. the quietest 3. politely 6. hard
2. the hardest 5. the best
7 1. nervously 4. quietly
3. the most expensive 6. the shortest
2. easily 5. well
7 1. the hottest 4. the most polite / the politest 3. angrily
2. the best 5. the busiest
8 1. d - quite
3. the coldest 6. the most interesting
2. b - very
8 1. most professional 4. better 3. a - fairly
2. more urgent 5. noisiest 4. c - extremely
3. nearest


Workbook Answer Key

3 1. has left 5. have lost

13 2. have dealt 6. has gone
page 70 3. has sent 7. have … flown
1 1. were having 4. were sitting 4. has … begun
2. were cleaning 5. was watching 4 1. Lisa hasn’t typed the letter.
3. was giving 6. was buying 2. Harry and Peter haven’t had breakfast yet.
2 1. Linda wasn’t swimming. 3. We haven’t called Tim.
She was drinking coffee in the lobby. 4. You have never been in my office.
2. Jack wasn’t sleeping in his room. 5. They haven’t discussed the marketing plan.
He was exercising / working out / running on 6. The plumber hasn’t fixed the burst pipe.
the treadmill.
3. Julia and Cindy weren’t getting a massage. page 73
They were having breakfast / eating. 5 1. She hasn’t ordered paper for the printer.
4. Mr and Mrs Scott weren’t having drinks at the bar. 2. She has made flight reservations for Mr Dickens.
They were sitting / relaxing by the pool. 3. She has rescheduled the sales meeting for Friday.
4. She hasn’t bought coffee and milk for the office.
page 71 5. She has sent out all the bills.
3 1. Was … wearing 4. Were … serving 6. She hasn’t credited Perfect Homes account with
2. Was … playing 5. Was … reading £500.
3. Were … talking 6 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. a
4 1. Yes, she was. 4. No, they weren’t. 7 1. Has Mrs Gardner complained about the delay?
2. No, he wasn’t. 5. Yes, he was. –d
3. No, they weren’t. 2. Why have John and Max left the office? – e
5 1. was photocopying 4. Were … relaxing 3. Where have you filed the export documents? – b
2. Was … having 5. weren’t exercising 4. Which flight has the travel agent booked for me?
3. wasn’t sitting
5. Have they checked in yet? – a
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 6. What has happened to the photocopier? – c
7 1. While 4. while 8 1. Has … missed 5. have put
2. when 5. when 2. hasn’t come 6. haven’t sent
3. When 3. has cancelled 7. have given
8 1. was driving, happened 4. haven’t finished 8. Have … forgotten
2. was preparing, was typing
3. were sleeping, started
4. was waiting, phoned 15
5. were working, arrived page 74
6. received, were flying 1 2, 3, 4
2 1. have never stayed 4. Have you ever tried

14 2. haven’t ordered
3. had
5. didn’t go out
6. Did she buy
page 72
3 1. already 4. yet
1 1. have credited 4. have rented
2. since 5. last month
2. have … typed 5. has … offered
3. a few minutes ago 6. ever
3. has … distributed 6. have missed
4 1. delivered 4. have … stayed
2 1. begun 7. given
2. hasn’t had 5. Have … rented
2. bought 8. gone
3. did … begin
3. dealt 9. left
4. done 10. lost 5 1. hasn’t booked 4. didn’t participate
5. eaten 11. sent 2. Did … take 5. sent
6. flown 12. taken 3. Have … decided
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


Workbook Answer Key

page 75 6 1. where I can have a good vegetarian meal

7 1. used to be 4. used to send 2. that you sent me
2. used to work 5. used to schedule 3. when I get hungry
3. used to write 4. where Mr Chandler is staying
8 1. didn’t use to travel, used to cross 5. who helped you
2. used to stay, didn’t use to work 6. which we rented
3. didn’t use to drive, used to take
page 77
4. didn’t use to communicate, used to send
7 1. where – c 4. where – d
5. didn’t use to order, used to prepare
2. who / that – e 5. when – b
9 1. Peter used to stay up late. 3. that / which – a
2. He used to run five kilometres every morning.
8 1. The customer who / that received the wrong
3. He used to go out every evening. item made a complaint.
4. He didn’t use to get up early. 2. The product which / that you sent us was
5. He didn’t use to wear suits. damaged.
6. He didn’t use to work hard. 3. There has been a fire in the warehouse where I
10 1. Did people use to eat ice cream in the early 1900s? work.
2. Did people use to book tickets online in the 1960s? 4. I’ll never forget the day when I missed my flight.
3. Did people use to talk on the phone before 1876? 5. I enjoyed the restaurant where we ate last night.
4. Did people use to use paper clips in the 1920s? 9 1. The Head of IT is the person who / that looks
after the computers.
11 1. People used to eat ice cream in the early 1900s.
2. A shredder is a machine which / that destroys
2. People didn’t use to book tickets online in the
3. A stockroom is a place where you keep office
3. People didn’t use to talk on the phone before
4. A search engine is something that / which helps
4. People used to use paper clips in the 1920s.
find information on the Internet.
12 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5. The weekend is the time when most offices are
16 1. which / that
2. where
4. who sold us the company
5. where I work
page 76 3. when
1 1. The results that I got didn’t help me.
2. The person who makes these videos is funny.
3. Is that the hotel where you stayed? 17
4. This is the time when we have our lunch. page 78
5. Are these the images which you found?
1 1. c 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. e
2 1. that 4. where
2 1. We may give Rose the job.
2. which 5. when
2. May I offer you some coffee?
3. who
3. The tickets may not be ready in time.
3 1. which 4. when 4. May we leave the brochures here?
2. where 5. which 5. The electrician may not come today.
3. who
3 1. might not answer 4. might rain
Accept all logical answers that complete the sentences.
2. might rent 5. might not arrive
4 1, 3 and 5 3. might order
5 1. who / that 5. that / which 4 1. might make 4. might miss
2. when 6. where 2. may not get 5. may not arrive
3. that / which 7. who / that 3. may not have 6. might ask
4. that / which 8. where
5 1. might not 4. couldn’t
2. can’t 5. mustn’t
3. should


Workbook Answer Key

page 79 8 1. were sent out 4. was delivered

6 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b 2. put 5. were sold
7 1. c 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. e 6. d 3. was paid

8 1. can’t 4. can
2. must 5. mustn’t 19
3. might
page 82
9 1. You must always come to work on time. 1 1. were 4. would do
2. You don’t have to call me back. 2. knew 5. didn’t work
3. You can’t send this in the post. 3. would go
4. You shouldn’t let the phone ring for too long.
2 1. applied 4. wouldn’t make
5. You should switch off the computers at the end
of the day. 2. would take 5. didn’t go
6. You mustn’t make private phone calls from the 3. would try
office phone. 3 1. If I went to university, I would get a good job.
2. If I studied cookery, I would open a restaurant.
3. If I got a permanent job, I would move into my
18 own flat.
page 80 4. If I were more organised, I would do a better job.
1 1. deposited 5. told 5. If I participated in the exhibition, I would meet
2. put 6. written many people.
3. drawn 7. spent 4 1. If he applied, he wouldn’t get it.
4. transferred 8. stolen 2. If she took the job, she would have to move to
2 1. is examined 5. is kept
3. If they didn’t leave early, they wouldn’t arrive on
2. are usually booked 6. are always met
3. are sent 7. am paid
4. If you talked to Mrs Morgan about your problem,
4. is cleaned 8. are given she wouldn’t help you.
3 1. Rental cars are often picked up at the airport. 5. If we put the photocopier in the corridor, we
2. The photocopier isn’t checked every week. would have more space.
3. Transactions aren’t made on Sundays. 5 1. I would walk to work if I lived near the office.
4. Sandwiches are delivered at ten o’clock. 2. If I didn’t have to work this evening, I would
go out. / I would go out this evening if I didn’t
page 81 have to work.
4 1. Why is Mrs Hunt’s office locked? – c 3. If he was / were fluent in English, he would
speak to foreign clients.
2. When is lunch served? – e
4. I wouldn’t leave my job if the salary wasn’t /
3. Which letters are recorded in the incoming mail
weren’t low.
log? – d
5. Melissa would take the job if it didn’t require
4. Is your commission included in the price? – a
shift work.
5. Where are sales meetings held? – b
6. They would offer her the job if she didn’t only
5 1. are made 4. are replaced want a temporary job.
2. is delivered 5. weigh
page 83
3. give 6. is cancelled
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
6 1. was opened 4. weren’t honoured answers.
2. was made 5. was rescheduled
7 1. no one 4. nothing
3. wasn’t done 6. were brought
2. nothing 5. no one
7 1. When was the mail distributed? 3. nowhere
2. Was the missing cheque found?
8 1. I didn’t interview anyone.
3. Why was everyone sent home?
2. I didn’t do anything.
4. Who was given the job?
3. I’m not going anywhere.
5. Where were the meetings held?
4. I didn’t buy anything.
5. I wasn’t talking to anyone.


Workbook Answer Key

9 1. Someone 4. somewhere page 85

2. anything 5. anywhere 7 1. are used
3. something 6. anyone 2. was withdrawn
10 1. anything, Nothing 3. didn’t send
2. anyone, Someone 4. Is breakfast included
3. anyone, somewhere 5. plans
4. somewhere, No one 8 1. Have you typed the letter?
11 1. someone 5. something 2. Where did she use to work?
2. anywhere 6. nothing 3. Why couldn’t you come?
3. nowhere 7. anything 4. When was Ben interviewed?
4. no one 5. What is the starting salary?
6. When are you going to book our flight?
7. Will the poster be ready tomorrow?
20 8. How many people are (there) at the meeting?
page 84 9 1. am applying 5. never miss
1 1. am writing 6. hasn’t prepared 2. Have you got 6. Have you ever ordered
2. How many 7. who 3. worked 7. any
3. am 8. should 4. best 8. can
4. my 9. is distributed 10 1. The meeting was postponed until Wednesday.
5. had 10. anyone 2. Unless we leave now, we won’t catch our flight.
2 1. doesn’t … deal 3. I would leave my job if I found something better.
2. am filing 4. Are the towels changed every day?
3. was working, phoned 5. Are you going to prepare the brochures next
4. had, were driving
6. He has already wrapped the samples.
5. haven’t seen
7. Does James work shifts?
6. Did … take
3 1. the biggest
11 1. will get / am going to get
2. don’t have to do
2. faster than
3. send
3. more attractive than
4. used to work
4. the most organised
5. were waiting
5. the worst
6. were interviewed
4 1. must 4. can’t
7. not as knowledgeable as
2. Do I have to 5. should
8. lived
3. might
9. fluently
5 1. will help, finish 10. where
2. don’t swipe, will cause
3. gets, will start
4. agreed, would reorganise
5. would fly, had
6. were, would make
6 1. The diagram which / that you made is very clear.
2. The people who / that you work with are friendly.
3. The restaurant where we ate last night was very
4. The time when they’re going is high season.
5. The T-shirts which / that you sent to us had


Workbook Answer Key

Extra Writing 5
An e-mail accepting an invitation to a meeting –
page 92
1 1 1. Janice Brown
An e-mail introducing yourself – page 88 2. Yes. (Tuesday, 5th April, at 10:00)
1 1. all employees 3. No
2. She is the administrative assistant. 4. Yes. (She asks if Fred Cuthbertson wants her
to send a report on the sales she had made since
3. Cornwall
the beginning of March.)
4. at an engineering company near London
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

2 6
A response to a letter of complaint – page 93
An office plan description – page 89
1 1. Jack Osbourne, Customer Service, Barkers Office
1. May Sherrington Supplies
2. As Ms Keys is new, it will help her get around at 2. the letter from Ms Evans dated 10th July
the beginning. 3. He has sent her (the company) 13 toner cartridges
3. ask any questions she may have by special delivery.
4. on the sixth floor (in the Human Resources 4. a 10% discount on her company’s next purchase
Department) from Barkers Office Supplies
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

3 7
An e-mail requesting a quote – page 90 An e-mail booking hotel rooms – page 94
1. Coltrain Office 1 1. Park Hotel
2. Ann Dawson, Head of Administration at Sure Fire 2. Executive Suites
Motors 3. It needs to be for 12 people and to be available
3. We would be grateful if you could send us a quote on 16th April in the afternoon.
for the items listed below: 4. No. (She asks for pricing information.)
4. payment terms and delivery date 2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 An itinerary for a trip – page 95
An e-mail requesting a meeting – page 91 1 1. Cape Town
1 1. recent sales figures 2. Brett Van Rijk is taking him.
2. 5th April 3. Stormy Bay Restaurant
4. a detailed plan of the meetings, e-tickets and
3. first-floor conference room
hotel voucher
4. Yes. (They need to confirm participation or let
Fred Cuthbertson know of any problems.) 2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
An e-mail requesting job information – page 96
1 1. in the Windsor Times
2. Yes. (I am interested in applying for the job.)
3. Yes. (Does the job involve working at the
4. No. (Are you willing to accept applications from
people without previous experience?)
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


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