Psychology of Organizations UNED
Psychology of Organizations UNED
Psychology of Organizations UNED
ORGANIZATIONS 2016/2017 academic year
Organizational Psychology is a compulsory subject taught in the second semester of the third year of the Degree in Psychology. This
course presents the basic content that an organizational psychologist should know about this field of professional activity.
The omnipresence of organizations in today's society explains the importance of studying people's behavior in relation to the socio-
technical system that constitutes every organization. The aim is to introduce students to the most relevant topics, which they will cover
in greater depth in the other subjects included in the programme, but which are optional (Work Psychology, Human Resources
Management, etc.).
This course combines theoretical and applied aspects, and takes Social Psychology as a frame of reference, in addition to contributions
from different specialties of Psychology and other disciplines (Economics, Sociology, etc.).
The syllabus can be structured into five blocks. The first addresses the evolution of the discipline from its origins, linked to the
resolution of industrial problems at the end of the 19th century, to the most current approaches that conceive the organization as a
system in which political and cultural aspects acquire special relevance. The second block integrates the main structural aspects
(structure, formalization, levels, etc.) and procedural aspects of organizations (leadership, etc.). The third is dedicated to the aspects
for which an individual remains in the organization collaborating actively (socialization, identification, etc.). Finally, the final block
includes organizational results, considered in a broad sense from innovation with the organization, to work stress or health and positive
The main objective of this subject is for students to learn about an area of great social relevance such as the study of people in
organizational contexts. In addition, it seeks to introduce them to the more applied topics that they will address in greater depth in the
rest of the optional subjects of the specialty (Work Psychology, Human Resources Management, etc.).
Due to its importance in the training of psychologists, this subject implies a certain challenge for students, both due to the specific
focus of the topics it addresses, and the need to carry out a comprehensive study of its contents, in view of the evaluation.
To pass the course, students should have basic knowledge in Social Psychology, Group Psychology, Motivation
Psychology, and Research Design and Data Analysis.
A) Related to Knowledge
- Know the main definitions of what is meant by “organizational behavior.”
- Know the main theoretical models that explain the behavior of people in organizations and the variables that
comprise them.
- Learn about the most outstanding results of research in the field.
- Know the keys to designing intervention programs.
C) Related to Attitudes
- Show concern for carrying out quality work within established parameters.
- Show interest in issues related to the strategic management of organizations.
- Develop a proactive perspective on issues related to the field.
- Show interest in staying informed about the latest research on the most relevant topics in the field.
- Show interest in updating knowledge and skills related to the topic.
This first topic aims, on the one hand, to present the subject, so we try to provide a general framework of reference to understand and
contextualize the different topics. But they are also important content in the subject. This is not merely an introductory topic. It studies
how organizations have been conceived in different ways over time until reaching the present day.
This topic addresses, first of all, the study of the organizational environment, its main dimensions and characteristics and the ways of
understanding the environment-organization relationship. Secondly, organizational structures, first the traditional forms identified by
Mintzberg in the 70s, and then those considered new structures (virtual, knowledge, networked, etc.). Finally, the consequences of
structural changes on employees and the organization as a whole are analyzed.
The fit between the person and the organization is of great interest to the study of organizational psychology. This adjustment and
these relationships can have important repercussions on both individual well-being or health and on the effectiveness of work behavior.
In this dynamic of employee adjustment to his or her company, the process of incorporation into organizations plays a central role,
including in this process the recruitment, selection and socialization of new employees.
This topic will discuss the concept of organizational culture and its influence on the effectiveness of companies. It will also relate to related
concepts such as trust in the organization and justice, which have an impact on people's attitudes and behaviors in their work. This topic will
also address the concept of organizational identification and its influence on the set of attitudes and behaviors of company members.
This topic describes the influence of the current social context on leadership research. Thus, in a crisis situation, due in large part to the poor
management of political and economic leaders, the study of ethical leadership and, especially, authentic leadership has acquired great
importance. Therefore, the effects that this leadership style produces in organizations are reviewed through the results published in the
scientific literature.
The study of people's behavior in organizations must be done considering the continuously changing environment in which they operate,
which is why it is currently necessary to talk about active performance concepts. But the current characteristics of the work environment are
not the only reason why it is necessary to talk about active performance concepts. People are curious by nature, from an ontological
perspective, so behaving in an active way, as opposed to a passive orientation that only follows orders, is natural. This perspective allows us
to more effectively manage errors or exploratory behaviors, also affecting the well-being of the organization's members.
Entrepreneurship goes beyond the creation of a new company or organization. Recognizing opportunities, taking risks over safety, and
having the tenacity to implement innovative ideas despite obstacles are characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior that are becoming
increasingly important in the world of organizations. From this perspective, this topic describes the creativity processes with the aim of
promoting innovation and entrepreneurial behavior within the organization.
According to the European Foundation for the Improvement of Working Conditions, around a third of European workers feel stressed and
almost half of workers acknowledge that work significantly affects their health. The increase in job insecurity as a consequence of the
economic crisis is one of the emerging risks, which is added to other classic risks such as high job demands or lack of control. Taking these
figures as an example of the importance of the subject, this topic analyses the main sources of work-related stress, the models that explain
its consequences, some modulating variables and ends by reviewing the keys to the success of intervention programmes.
The influence of so-called positive psychology has also reached the organizational sphere, under the name of positive organizational
psychology. From a more global perspective, the ultimate goal of this approach will be to achieve healthy organizations. When we talk about
healthy organizations, we are not only considering the term “health” but also achieving employee well-being and greater organizational
effectiveness, thereby achieving improved organizational performance and results.
In addition to studying the teaching material, students can carry out practical activities and participate in forums on the different topics that
make up the teaching material.
The evaluation of the knowledge acquired by the student will consist of two complementary parts:
1. Face-to-face test
The exam will consist of an objective multiple choice test of 30 questions with three alternatives, of which only one is correct. The
exam will last 90 minutes and no material of any kind may be consulted during the exam. Answers will be marked on a self-reading sheet
that will be provided to students along with the question paper.
The exam will be graded according to the correction formula for objective tests: [(correct answers – (errors/2))/30] x 10. The maximum score
that can be obtained by taking the exam is 10 points.
The exams for foreign centres in Guinea and America, penitentiary centres, end-of-course and reserve (in the latter case, only for
students who duly justify the impossibility of taking the ordinary exams) will consist of 10 short questions. The exam will also last 90
minutes and no material of any kind may be consulted during the exam. In this case, the student must focus specifically on the question
asked, sticking to it, but at the same time giving the maximum amount of information.
Taking the continuous assessment test (PEC) may entail up to a maximum of 1 point, which will be added to the grade obtained in the face-
to-face test, provided that the grade in said face-to-face test is equal to or greater than 4.5. Completion of these practices is completely
voluntary and is not essential to pass the subject. However, it is recommended that you do so as it can provide an important resource for
understanding the content presented in the course manual.
■ The virtual course on the Alf platform for the subject will include information and materials for its completion.
■ Once completed, it will be sent through the virtual course of the subject.
■ The submission deadline will be published in the virtual course of the subject.
■ The practice will be corrected by the subject tutor of the Associated Center or Campus to which the student belongs.
NOTE. Students are advised that PEC grades will only be valid for the current course, and will not be taken into account for subsequent
Exam results
After the face-to-face tests are completed, the provisional template of correct answers will be published in the virtual course of the subject.
Once the exams have been corrected, the grades will be made public on the Internet through SIRA.
The basic textbook for the subject will be the following: Amparo Osca, Francisco Palací, Juan A. Moriano and Ana Lisbona (2016). New
perspectives in organizational psychology. Madrid: UNED-Sanz and Torres.
ISBN 978-84-15550-83-9
ISBN(13): 9788436239416
Title: ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (1st) Author/s: Palací Descals, Francisco José ;
Publisher: UNED
ISBN(13): 9788492948574
Author(s): Osca, A., Palací, F.J., Topa, G., Moriano, J.A. And Lisbona, A. ;
Publisher: Sanz and Torres / Uned
ISBN(13): 9788496094390
Author(s): Osca Segovia, Amparo ;
Find it in UNED virtual library
1. The virtual course (Alf) to ask questions through the different forums and obtain more information (exam templates, links of interest,
research, news, etc.). It is important to consult this information as it is very helpful when taking the exams. The Teaching Team
will be responsible for answering questions and queries about the content of the subject through the forums created for this purpose in the
virtual course, through telephone consultations and by email.
2. Educational radio and television programmes (Tele-Uned) on the speciality of Work and Organisational Psychology which can be
consulted directly on the UNED website (address: Students are encouraged to view and listen to audiovisual and
multimedia materials for the course made available to them through virtualization and the CEMAV web pages.
3. The various UNED Libraries are available to students, located in the Associated Centres and at the Central Headquarters. The catalogue
can be consulted online.
Students may be assisted directly by the subject teachers, either in person or by telephone, during the hours listed below:
Office: 1.45
Tel.: 91 398 62 99
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Office: 1.51
Tel.: 91 3986264
Office: 1.53
Tel.: 91 3986264
Office: 1.49
Tel.: 91 913987672
Office: 1.81
Telephone: 91.398.82.28
Postal address:
Teaching staff of Organizational Psychology, Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology (UNED)