• Principle of operation:
• xl (reactance of transformer) and
(capacitive reactance )Xc of test object
connect in series to form resonant circuit.
• The circuit resonance at the power frequency
of the system is achieved by variable reactor.
• The resonance condition in the series RLC circuit when the inductive
reactance is equal to the capacitive reactance (XL = XC)
• 𝒁 = 𝑹 + 𝑱(𝑿𝑳 − 𝑿𝑪) 𝒁 = 𝑹 + 𝑱 (𝟎) 𝒁=𝑹
• During resonant condition the voltage across test object will rise to very
large value
• Since the inductive impedance cancels out the capacitive impedance at the
resonance, in this case, only the resistance of the transformer windings
remains, which is of very little value.
• Therefore, in the case of resonance, a very high current passes through the
test object
Generation Of High Voltage
• cover a wide range of capacitance for the test objects
• ensure resonance occurrence
• the possibility of testing samples of large weight and size
Generation Of High Voltage
Transformer components
• transformer contain s a series resonance circuit from reactor unit and
controlled frequency converter
• Resonance frequency (f) = 𝟐π 𝑳𝒏𝑪𝒏
• Ln =nominal inductance
• Cn =nominal capacitance : if Cn>= Ct frequency increase and increase Ln up
• Fn = nominal frequency to Vn . if Ct>Cn testing voltage decrease to keep
• Vn= full rated voltage current at its nominal value [Vn = In Zn ]where
• In = nominal current Zn = wLn ( in this case frequency decrease)
Generation Of High Voltage
• High voltage generators
• 2. Direct Voltages
• Recently, interest in (HVDC) has increased, which has led to an increase in industrial
laboratories for generation high voltage dc
• High voltage laboratories are used to test the following parts of the power system:
HVDC transmission equipment
Large capacitance cable
The application of DC voltage testing is mainly used for high capacitive objects using
relatively small equipment
Required only few mill amperes initial charging current has been supplied to the load
alternating current rectification is more efficient in supplying HVDC because of the
advantages of this method represented by the cheap production and availability of solid-
state rectifiers
Generation Of High Voltage
• methods of obtaining HVDC (types of rectifiers circuits)
A. Half wave rectifier
B. Full wave rectifier
C. Full wave bridge rectifier
D. Cockroft-walton Voltage Doubler Circuit
E. Crockoft-walton voltage multiplier circuit
Generation Of High Voltage
• 2.A Half wave rectifier
• The simple methods for obtaining HVDC is by using
the half wave rectifier circuit with a smoothing capacitor
Properties of the circuit
• One single diode is used in this arrangement
• Applied for testing objects with up to voltages in the
megavolt range
• The diode have to withstand double the secondary
high voltage during operation(2v.)
• The ripple is high when used for small resistive loads as
compared with source impedance.
• if very high output voltage is required ,series connected diodes are applied
Generation Of High Voltage
• 2.B Full Wave Rectifier
• Single phase full wave rectifier can be used for
high voltage DC applications if the transformer
winding can be earthed at the midpoint
a C1 D2
L.V V D1 C2 2V
• When (a) is positive . D2 will conduct and C1 charged up to peak (V)
• In next half cycle (a) is negative . Transformer secondary voltage V add to voltage C1 when
D1 conduct and C2 will charge up to total voltage equal (V + V = 2V)
• In this arrangement it is possible to obtain dc voltage of approximately peak to peak value
of transformer secondary ac voltage