BDO Complex Financial Instruments 1

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Complex FinanCial instruments

A Practice Aid From BDOs National Assurance Practice

4th edition / Updated May 2010

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

This is the fourth edition of the Practice Aid and has been updated to December 31, 2009. In this edition of the Practice Aid, we have organized the chapters based primarily on type of financial instrument. However, the flowcharts that provide the backbone of the Practice Aid have been carried forward from the third edition with their structure unchanged. The separate chapters on Indexed to a Companys Own Stock and Accounting for Convertible Instruments that May Be Settled in Cash upon Conversion from the third edition have been integrated into the Embedded Conversion Options and Warrants chapters. We have also added a chapter on Earnings per Share and provided greater detail on Troubled Debt Restructurings.

table oF Contents

REDEEMABLE PREFERRED STOCK, AND PUTTABLE WARRANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

uEMBEDDED CONVERSION OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 uWARRANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 uPUTS AND CALLS EMBEDDED IN DEBT . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 uELECTING THE FAIR VALUE OPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 uBALANCE SHEET CLASSIFICATION OF SHARES . . . . .52

how to use the praCtiCe aid

The Practice Aid includes detailed flowcharts for analyzing embedded conversion options, freestanding warrants, and embedded puts and calls. Each step in the flowchart is explained in detail in the Practice Aid. As each step is explained, the flowcharts are repeated, and your location in the overall flowchart is identified. We recommend that you begin your analysis with the flowchart and then start your extended analysis in the appropriate sections of the Practice Aid. We encourage you to utilize the flowcharts flexibly in some circumstances it might be more efficient to begin the analysis of embedded conversion options at Step C.

ENTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
uEARNINGS PER SHARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 uDEFERRED INCOME TAXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62


AND PREFERRED STOCK DISCOUNTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 CONVERSION OPTION ACCOUNTING AFTER ISSUANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65


To ensure compliance with Treasury Department regulations, we wish to inform you that any tax advice that may be contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding taxrelated penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any taxrelated matters addressed herein. Material discussed in this publication is meant to provide general information and should not be acted on without professional advice tailored to your individual needs.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

ubaCKGround and purpose

as the desiGn oF FinanCial instruments Continues to evolve, publiC and private Companies have inCreasinGly entered into Creative FinanCinG transaCtions.
These transactions often involve the issuance of conversion options embedded in debt or preferred shares (such as convertible debt or convertible preferred shares) and freestanding warrants to purchase the issuers shares. We have received many questions about accounting for these types of transactions. The SEC staff frequently questions whether the appropriate accounting analysis has been performed, and as a result of these questions a number of companies have restated prior financial statements. The purpose of this document is to summarize the GAAP that applies to issuers of convertible securities, freestanding warrants, and puts and calls, and to discuss other common issues that should be considered in debt and equity financings. Companies should begin the analysis by identifying the financial instruments issued. For example, a company may have issued one instrument with embedded conversion options or two freestanding instruments (e.g., nonconvertible debt with detachable warrants). It is important that companies read the contracts thoroughly to identify all of the terms that may require recognition in the financial statements. Companies are faced with additional challenges if the terms of a financing are scattered in several different agreements. For example, a capital raising transaction frequently includes a securities purchase agreement, a warrant agreement, and a registration rights agreement. Initially, companies should determine whether the instruments they issued are considered freestanding or embedded, i.e., combined with another contract. This determination is a matter of judgment. Accordingly, the following questions should be considered: Was one contract issued in contemplation of and simultaneously with another contract? For example, were nondetachable warrants issued in conjunction with debt? Can the holder of the contracts sell, transfer and/or exercise each contract separately? For example, must the debt be tendered in order to exercise the warrants? Were the contracts executed with the same counterparty either directly or through an intermediary? Do the contracts or transactions relate to the same risk?

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

Is there an apparent economic need or substantive business purpose for structuring the transactions separately that could not also have been accomplished in a single transaction? Different accounting conclusions may be reached based on whether contracts are evaluated separately or as a single combined unit. As such, this decision must be made prior to identifying the appropriate literature to apply. In particular, ASC 48010 (Statement 150) applies only to freestanding instruments, whereas ASC 815 (Statement 133) provides guidance for hybrid instruments, i.e., contracts comprised of a host such as a debt instrument and an embedded feature such as a conversion option. After reading the contracts and identifying the financial instruments, companies should answer the following questions that are discussed in detail in this Practice Aid for each instrument: 1. Is the freestanding financial instrument redeemable preferred stock, a warrant for redeemable stock, or a puttable warrant, i.e., is it within the scope of ASC 48010 (Statement 150)? 2. Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options? Is the issuer required to bifurcate the conversion option from the host contract under ASC 815 (Statement 133)? That is, a. Are the economic risks and characteristics of the embedded conversion options clearly and closely related to the economic risks and characteristics of the host contract? If yes, bifurcation is not required. b. Is the hybrid instrument (i.e., the contract comprising the host and the embedded conversion options) remeasured to fair value at each balance sheet date with changes reported in earnings? If yes, bifurcation is not required. c. Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative under ASC 81540 (Statement 133, paragraphs 6 9)? If no, bifurcation is not required. Does the embedded conversion option meet the ASC 815101574 (Statement 133, paragraph 11(a)) scope exception? If the answer to each of the following questions is yes, derivative accounting is not required. That is, d. Is the embedded conversion option indexed to the companys own stock under ASC 8154015 (EITF Issue 075); e. Can the embedded conversion option be classified in shareholders equity under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 111); and f. If the hybrid instrument is convertible, is it conventional convertible; or, if it is not conventional convertible, can the embedded conversion option be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 81540 (Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232)? 3. Is the financial instrument a freestanding warrant? If so, does the warrant meet the ASC 815101574 (Statement 133, paragraph 11(a)) scope exception? If the answer to each of the following questions is yes, the warrant can be accounted for in equity. That is, a. Is the freestanding warrant indexed to the companys own stock under ASC 8154015 (EITF Issue 075); b. Can the freestanding warrant be classified in shareholders equity under ASC 81540 (Issue 0019, paragraphs 111); and c. Can the freestanding warrant be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 81540 (Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232)? 4. Does the financial instrument include embedded puts and/or calls or other features that require bifurcation from the host contract under ASC 815 (Statement 133)? 5. Has the fair value option been elected for a hybrid instrument? 6. What is the appropriate balance sheet classification of contingently redeemable shares? 7. How are the proceeds from the capital raising transaction allocated and what are the journal entries? 8. How do you calculate diluted earnings per share for issuers with potential common shares represented by conversion options and warrants? 9. Are deferred income taxes required? 10. How and over what period are debt issue costs and debt discounts or premiums amortized? 11. What is the appropriate accounting and journal entries for conversions of debt or preferred stock instruments into common stock and for accounting after original issuance? 12. What is the accounting for troubled debt restructurings, debt extinguishments and debt modifications? These questions will be addressed indepth and analyzed in the context of examples and case studies for R Company.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

warrants For redeemable preFerred stoCK, and puttable warrants

step a: is the FinanCial instrument within the sCope oF asC 480-10 (statement 150)?
Freestanding Financial Instruments
Step A in analyzing a complex financial instrument is to determine whether it falls within the scope of ASC 48010 (FASB Statement 150, Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity). The following three categories of freestanding financial instruments are required to be accounted for as liabilities under ASC 48010 (Statement 150): Mandatorily redeemable shares; Instruments (other than an outstanding share) that do or may obligate the issuer to buy back some of its shares (or are indexed to such an obligation) in exchange for cash or other assets e.g., written puts (puts written by the issuer on its own shares and held by others); and Obligations that must or may be settled with a variable number of shares the monetary value of which is based solely or predominantly on A fixed monetary amount known at inception; A variable other than the fair value of the issuers shares such as a market index; or A variable inversely related to the fair value of the issuers shares. The second category of instruments falls under ASC 48010 (Statement 150), but is not germane to the analysis of shares. If the shares do fall into categories one or three, they are measured initially at fair value. If the shares do not fall into categories one or three, the instruments must be analyzed under ASC 815 (FASB Statement 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities).

uredeemable preFerred stoCK,

Category One Mandatorily Redeemable Shares

Mandatorily redeemable shares are shares that an entity is required to redeem for cash or other assets at a fixed or determinable date or upon an event that is certain to occur. 1 Mandatorily redeemable shares should be measured subsequently in one of two ways: 1. If both the amount to be paid and the settlement date are fixed, those instruments shall be measured subsequently at the present value of the amount to be paid at settlement, accruing interest cost using the rate implicit at inception; or 2. If either the amount to be paid or the settlement date varies based on specified conditions, those instruments should be measured subsequently at the amount of cash that would be paid under the conditions specified in the contract if settlement occurred at the reporting date, recognizing the resulting change in that amount from the previous reporting date as interest cost. Any amounts paid or to be paid to holders of such instruments in excess of the initial measurement amount should be reflected in interest cost. Some preferred share instruments are required to be redeemed at a stated date and are within the scope of ASC 48010 (Statement 150). However, a convertible preferred share that is redeemable at a stated date would not meet the definition of a mandatorily redeemable share, because it would not be redeemed if the holder chose to convert to common shares (assuming that the conversion right is substantive). (These shares should be reported as temporary equity. See the Practice Aid section, Balance Sheet Classification of Shares.)

Category Three Obligations that Must or May Be Settled with a Variable Number of Shares

The concept of predominantly in this third category of obligations that must or may be settled with a variable number of shares is not defined in ASC 48010 (Statement 150) and is not straightforward. ASC 4801055 provides guidance and states that the issuer must analyze the instrument at inception and consider all of the possible outcomes to reach a conclusion as to which obligation is predominant. The issuer should consider all information that is on point including current stock price, stock volatility, strike price, and any other relevant factors. Some companies may interpret predominance as anything in excess of 50%, similar to the morelikelythannot threshold in ASC 740 (FASB Statement 109, Accounting
1 For instruments issued by nonpublic companies that were mandatorily redeemable on fixed dates for fixed amounts or by reference to an interest rate index, currency index, or another external index, ASC 48010 (Statement 150) became effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2004. For all of the other financial instruments of nonpublic companies that are mandatorily redeemable, the provisions of ASC 480 (Statement 150) were deferred indefinitely.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

for Income Taxes) while others may attach a higher probability of 70%, 80% or 90%, etc. We believe either approach is acceptable and must be documented and consistently applied as an accounting policy election. Obligations to issue a variable number of shares should be measured subsequently at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in earnings, unless other GAAP specifies another measurement attribute. In practice, it may be acceptable for companies to consider certain obligations to settle in a variable number of shares with a value based solely or predominantly on a fixed monetary amount known at inception as, in substance, stocksettled debt. Further, the interest method (as defined in the ASCs Master Glossary) is typically used for the periodic amortization of discount or premium on debt instruments. A common example of instruments in the third category is a $100 borrowing that requires the issuance, at the end of one year, of a variable number of shares with a then current value of $125. The instrument is accounted for as a liability at fair value as it is not equity to the issuer because the holder is indifferent to changes in the value of the shares. Certain convertible preferred shares are liabilities under the third category of ASC 48010 (Statement 150). These instruments are issued in the form of preferred shares that are convertible into a variable number of common shares (i.e., the conversion price continuously resets), the monetary value of which is fixed, tied to a variable such as market index, or varies inversely with the value of the issuers common shares.

Freestanding Warrants

ASC 4801055 (FSP FAS 1501, Issuers Accounting for Freestanding Financial Instruments Composed of More Than One Option or Forward Contract Embodying Obligations under FASB Statement 150) and ASC 4801025 (FSP FAS 1505, Issuers Accounting under FASB Statement 150 for Freestanding Warrants and Other Similar Instruments on Shares That Are Redeemable) explain that freestanding warrants are obligations for the company to repurchase its shares (or instrument indexed to its shares) and represent liabilities if: The warrants (or instruments indexed to the companys shares) are puttable, OR The warrants (or instruments indexed to the companys shares) are exercisable for shares that are puttable or mandatorily redeemable. This guidance applies regardless of the timing of the put or the redemption price because the underlying instruments represent obligations to transfer assets. Examples of warrants that would be classified as liabilities under ASC 48010 (FSPs FAS 1501 and 1505) include the following: 1. Warrants to purchase common shares at $10 per share. The warrants include a put feature that allows the holder to put the warrants back to the issuer for $2 rather than exercising the warrant. 2. Warrants to purchase preferred shares at $10 per share. The preferred shares are puttable at the option of the holder for $12 cash immediately after exercise of the warrant. 3. Warrants to purchase preferred shares at $10 per share. The preferred shares are mandatorily redeemable at $12/share after 5 years. 4. Warrants to purchase preferred shares at $10 per share. The preferred shares are puttable for $12/share upon a change in control. 5. Warrants to purchase preferred shares at $10 per share. In the event of an IPO, the preferred shares are puttable at 80% of the IPO price.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

stoCK issued with warrants

Preferred Stock
On June 14, 2010, R Company issued $2,000,000 of Series A Preferred Stock at $10 per share.

uanalyze redeemable preFerred

Is the Series A Preferred Stock within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? YES The preferred stock is mandatorily redeemable. It is required to be redeemed for cash equal to the original issue price plus accrued dividends at June 14, 2015, a fixed date. If the Series A Preferred Stock were convertible into a fixed number of common shares, would it be within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? no The Series A Preferred Stock would not be within the scope of ASC 48010 (Statement 150) if it were convertible for the reason that the redemption of the preferred stock is conditional upon the conversion option not being exercised, and therefore, the instrument does not meet the definition of a mandatorily redeemable financial instrument. Is the warrant within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150 and FSP FAS 150-1 and 150-5)? YES Since the preferred stock is mandatorily redeemable, the warrant for the redeemable preferred stock is within the scope of ASC 48010 (Statement 150) and represents a liability that should be recorded at fair value initially, and reported at fair value each quarter with the changes reported in the statement of operations. Would this answer change if the warrant was exercisable for common stock of the company? IT DEPEnDS on THE TERmS oF THE WARRAnTS If the stock was not redeemable, and the warrants were indexed to the companys stock and classified in shareholders equity, the warrants would be classified as equity rather than as a liability.

DIvIDEnDS From and after the date of the issuance of any shares of R Company Series A Preferred Stock and for so long as any such shares remain outstanding, dividends shall accrue on such shares of Series A Preferred Stock on the first day of each calendar quarter at the rate of $.50 per share (subject to appropriate adjustment in the event of any stock dividend, stock split, combination or other recapitalization with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock). Accruing dividends shall accrue from calendar quarter to calendar quarter, whether or not declared, and shall be cumulative. REDEmPTIon Shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall be redeemed by R Company on June 14, 2015 at a price equal to the Series A original issue price per share, plus any accruing dividends accrued but unpaid thereon, whether or not declared, together with any other dividends declared but unpaid thereon. SuRREnDER oF CERTIFICATES On or before the applicable redemption date, each holder of shares of Series A Preferred Stock to be redeemed on such redemption date shall surrender the certificate or certificates representing such shares to R Company, in the manner and at the place designated in the redemption notice, and thereupon the redemption price for such shares shall be payable to the order of the person whose name appears on such certificate or certificates as the owner thereof.


For each 10 shares of Series A Preferred Stock purchased, holder and his, her or its registered transferees, successor or assigns are entitled to subscribe for and purchase 10 shares of the fully paid and nonassessable Series A Preferred Stock of R Company at $10 per share, subject to appropriate adjustment in the event of any stock dividend, stock split, combination or other recapitalization with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock. TERm The purchase right represented by this warrant is exercisable at any time and from time to time from the purchase date through and including the close of business on the fifth anniversary of the purchase date.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

embedded Conversion option FlowChart

FlowChart #1
step a: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? account for instrument in accordance with asC 480-10.


Step B: ASC 815-15-25-1 (Statement 133, Paragraph 12) STEP B1: Are the host contract and the embedded conversion option clearly and closely related?


do not biFurCate

STEP B2: Is the hybrid instrument remeasured at fair value through earnings each period?


STEP B3: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative?

Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features . Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?


biFurCate The embedded conversion option would be a liability if freestanding . Bifurcate the embedded conversion option from the host contract . Evaluate the hybrid instrument for other embedded options . Account for the conversion option and any other bifurcatable features at fair value in accordance with ASC 815 (Statement 133) .
Step C: ASC 815-10-15-74 (Statement 133, Paragraph 11(a))


STEP C1: Is the embedded conversion option indexed to the companys own stock?

STEP C2: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 1-11)?


STEP C3: If the hybrid instrument is convertible, is it a conventional convertible?


STEP C4: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 12-32)?



Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

uembedded Conversion options

FlowChart step b: does the FinanCial instrument inClude an embedded Conversion option that requires biFurCation From the host instrument?
Once we determine that the financial instrument is not within the scope of Flowchart Step A and ASC 48010 (Statement 150), we proceed to Step B to determine whether it has an embedded conversion option that requires bifurcation from the host contract under ASC 81515251 (Statement 133, paragraph 12).

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument?


For example, for a convertible debt instrument, the debt note represents the host contract and the option to convert into the issuers shares is the embedded conversion option. The convertible debt instrument can also be referred to as a hybrid instrument, that is, a financial instrument that includes derivatives such as embedded conversion options plus a host contract. ASC 81515251 (Statement 133) requires that embedded conversion options be bifurcated from the host contract and accounted for at fair value if all three of the following criteria are met: 1. The economic characteristics and risks of the embedded conversion option are not clearly and closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract. 2. The hybrid instrument that includes both the host and the embedded conversion option is not remeasured at fair value under applicable GAAP with changes reported in earnings each reporting period. 3. A separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded conversion option would be a derivative instrument. The following chart illustrates the decision process. Note that for clarity we have worded all three criteria in the positive.

do not biFurCate the Conversion option

Is the embedded conversion option clearly and closely related to the host contract?

Is the contract a hybrid that is remeasured at fair value at each balance sheet date with the changes in fair value reported in earnings?

If the embedded conversion option were freestanding, would it qualify as a derivative?




biFurCate the Conversion option and apply asC 815 (statement 133) to the option

10 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

If any one of the three criteria of ASC 81515251 (Statement 133) is not met, that is, the answers indicated on the arrows pointing up, then the embedded conversion feature is not bifurcated from the host contract. The instrument should then be evaluated under ASC 47020 to determine whether it includes a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion, and if not, whether a beneficial conversion feature2 is present that should be accounted for (FSP APB 141, Accounting for Convertible Debt instruments that May Be Settled in Cash upon Conversion (Including Partial Cash Settlement), EITF Issues 985, Accounting for Convertible Securities with Beneficial Conversion Features or Contingently Adjustable Conversion Ratios, and 0027, Application of Issue No. 98-5 to Certain Convertible Instruments.)

Common Embedded Derivatives

ASC 815 (Statement 133) requires bifurcation of all embedded derivative features that meet its criteria, not just conversion options. In practice we have seen the following common embedded features that require further analysis: Contingent put the holder of a convertible note has the right to require the issuer to prepay (pay off the remaining principal balance of) the note at a certain price upon the occurrence of defined events (see Flowchart #3). Contingent call the issuer of a convertible note has the right to prepay (pay off the remaining balance of) the note at a certain price upon the occurrence of defined events (see Flowchart #3). Interest rate reset forward the interest rate on a convertible note adjusts based on bank prime; however, the rate cannot decline to less than X% unless certain market conditions are met. the interest rate on a convertible note adjusts if the shares underlying the conversion feature are registered and the market price of the underlying stock exceeds the fixed conversion price by certain factors. In practice, some instruments may contain several embedded features that must be bifurcated from the host. In such a case, all of the bifurcated embedded features are bundled together and accounted for as a single compound derivative.3 Next, we will examine each of the three considerations of Step B individually and indepth.

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? Account for instrument in accordance with ASC 480-10


step b1: Are the host contract and the embedded conversion option clearly and closely related?

Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument? do not biFurCate Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features .


Step B2: Is the hybrid instrument remeasured at fair value through earnings each period?


Step B3: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative?

Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?



2 A conversion feature is beneficial if it is inthemoney at the commitment date. If the conversion price is $5 and the fair value of the underlying stock is more than $5 at the commitment date, the conversion feature is beneficial. Beneficial conversion features are discussed further at Step D. 3 See ASC 81515257 (Derivatives Implementation Guidance (DIG) Issue B15, Embedded Derivatives: Separate Accounting for Multiple Derivative Features Embedded in a Single Hybrid Instrument) .

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 11

step b1: Are the host contract and the embedded conversion option clearly and closely related?
Host Instrument
The host contract must be evaluated to determine whether it is more akin to debt or equity. Often, this exercise is straightforward (e.g., convertible debt instruments where the host contract is a debt instrument). In other exercises, the nature of the host contract is not as clear, including the analysis of certain preferred share host contracts. In these circumstances, determining the type of host contract can be complex and require judgment. All the features of the host contract must be considered and no one feature is determinative. This analysis is discussed in greater detail in the following sections.

Clearly and Closely Related

The concept of clearly and closely related refers to the relationship between the economic characteristics and the risks of the embedded conversion option and the economic characteristics and risk of the host contract. The factors to consider include the type of host and the underlying.4 For a debt host contract, clearly and closely related underlyings include interest rates, inflation, and creditworthiness. For an equity host contract, the clearly and closely related underlyings include the price of a share in the entity. The ASC 81515251 (Statement 133, paragraph 12(a)) concept of clearly and closely related is generally interpreted to be broader than the concept of indexed to a companys own stock per ASC 8154015 (EITF Issue 075, Determining Whether an Instrument (or Embedded Feature) Is Indexed to an Entitys Own Stock). Also, the consideration of whether an embedded feature is clearly and closely related to its host instrument precedes consideration of whether the instrument is indexed to a companys own stock and classified in stockholders equity. Therefore, even if an embedded feature has adjustment provisions that cause it not to be indexed to a companys own stock, the embedded feature could still be considered to have economic characteristics and risks that are clearly and closely related to an equity host contract, and the embedded feature would not have to be bifurcated

For example, R Company issues perpetual preferred convertible stock . The Securities Purchase Agreement for the preferred stock states that the conversion price is reduced to the then current conversion or exercise price each time R Company subsequently issues conversion options and/or warrants at less than the current conversion price (also known as a full ratchet down round provision) . R Company assesses the host contract and determines that it is more akin to equity than debt . In this case, the embedded conversion feature, although not indexed to the companys own stock under ASC 815-40-15 (EITF Issue 07-5, example 8), is considered to have economic characteristics and risks that are clearly and closely related to the host contract for purposes of ASC 815-15-25-1 (Statement 133, paragraph 12(a)) . Therefore, R Company concludes that the embedded conversion option is not required to be bifurcated . Conversely, if the preferred stock had been more akin to debt instead of equity (e .g ., it was redeemable and had a cumulative fixed-rate dividend), the embedded conversion feature would not have been considered clearly and closely related to the host contract for purposes of ASC 815-15-25-1 (Statement 133, paragraph 12(a)) . In this situation, R Company would have to bifurcate the embedded feature due to the presence of the full ratchet down round provision, assuming it otherwise met the definition of a derivative . See Step C1 beginning on pg . 18 for further discussion of whether a derivative is considered indexed to the companys own stock .

Debt Host with Embedded Conversion option

In a typical convertible debt arrangement, the host contract is represented by a debt instrument that provides for certain interest payments and the repayment of principal. The embedded conversion option is generally represented by the option to purchase the common stock of the company at a fixed price (that is, a call option). In this situation, the conversion option has the economic characteristics and risks of an equity interest whereas the host contract is a debt instrument. ASC 815152551 (Statement 133, Paragraph 61(k)) states changes in fair value of an equity interest and the interest rates on a debt instrument are not clearly and closely related. Therefore, if the debt is convertible into a specified number of shares of the issuers stock, the conversion option is not clearly and closely related to the debt host contract and thus meets the first of the three criteria for bifurcation.

4 A host may be a specified interest rate, security price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, or other variable (including the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a specified event such as a scheduled payment under a contract). An underlying may be a price or rate of an asset or liability but is not the asset or liability itself.

12 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

Preferred Stock Host with Embedded Conversion option

In general, the analysis of preferred stock instruments is the same as the analysis of convertible debt instruments described above. However, because preferred stock arrangements can exhibit characteristics of both debt and equity instruments, the determination of the nature of the host requires judgment. ASC 815152517 (Statement 133, Paragraph 61(l)) provides two examples to illustrate whether the preferred stock instrument is more akin to debt or equity. It states that a typical cumulative fixedrate preferred stock that has a mandatory redemption feature is more akin to debt, whereas cumulative participating perpetual preferred stock is more akin to an equity instrument. For contracts that fall between these clear examples of debt and equity, judgment is required. In ASC 81510S993 (EITF Topic D109, Determining the Nature of a Host Contract Related to a Hybrid Financial Instrument Issued in the Form of a Share under FASB Statement No. 133), the SEC staff observed that registrants should analyze the economic characteristics and risks of convertible preferred stock instruments based on all their stated and implied substantive terms and features. The staff believes that the nature of convertible preferred stock (i.e., debt or equity) is not determined by any one term or feature. Companies must decide how much weight to give various terms and features when determining the nature of the instrument as ASC 81510S993 does not provide such guidance. Companies can no longer analyze convertible preferred stock by using the clean approach, an approach that compares the conversion option to the preferred stock stripped of all its embedded features. On the basis of the clean approach, companies generally decide that convertible preferred stock is an equity host.

For example, R Company has callable, puttable, convertible preferred stock . Under the clean approach which is not acceptable, the conversion option, the put, and the call each would be separately compared to the preferred stock without any of those features . On the basis of its analysis, R Company determines that the preferred stock is an equity host . Further, the Company decides that the conversion option is clearly and closely related to the equity host . The Company determines that the put and the call are features that are more akin to debt, and consequently the put and call are not clearly and closely related to the equity host .
Two approaches have developed in practice that meet the spirit of the staffs views: 1. Whole instrument approach Compares an individual feature against a preferred stock instrument that includes the specific feature.

For R Companys instrument, the conversion option, the put, and the call are all separately compared to the callable, puttable, convertible preferred stock . The call and put heavily weigh Rs instrument and make it more akin to debt . The call and put are determined to be clearly and closely related to Rs debt-like instrument . The conversion option is determined not to be clearly and closely related to Rs debt-like instrument .
2. Chameleon approach Compares an individual feature against a preferred stock instrument that includes all other features except the specific feature being analyzed.

For R Companys instrument: The conversion option is compared to callable, puttable, nonconvertible preferred stock . The callable, puttable preferred stock is determined to be more akin to debt . The conversion option is determined not to be clearly and closely related to callable, puttable preferred stock . The put option is compared to callable, convertible preferred stock . The call and conversion options make the instrument more akin to equity . The put option is more debt-like and consequently it is not clearly and closely related to the callable, convertible preferred stock . The call option is compared to puttable, convertible preferred stock . The put option heavily weighs the instrument and makes it more akin to debt . The call option is more debt-like and consequently it is determined to be clearly and closely related to the puttable, convertible preferred stock .
Companies should consider and weigh the substantive and implied terms and features of their convertible preferred stock instruments by asking questions such as: Is there a stated maturity or redemption date on the preferred shares? Does the preferred stock represent a residual interest in the entity? Does the holder receive rights generally associated with shareholders, such as voting rights? Do the preferred shares participate in distributions to common shareholders or do they accrue at a stated dividend rate?

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 13

Generally, an important consideration is whether the preferred stock is perpetual versus puttable or mandatorily redeemable. Perpetual convertible preferred stock is typically considered an equity instrument in that it represents permanent capital that the entity will not have to repay, except in a liquidation event. In most cases, we believe that an option to convert perpetual preferred stock into a fixed number of common shares is clearly and closely related to the perpetual preferred stock host contract and would therefore not need to be bifurcated. The instrument should be analyzed for other embedded derivatives under ASC 815 (Statement 133) and for beneficial conversion features under ASC 47020 (EITF Issues 985 and 0027). Mandatorily redeemable convertible preferred stock requires the company to buy back the shares of stock from the holder for a stated amount at a stated date. Puttable convertible preferred stock requires the company to buy back the shares at the option of the holder for the redemption amount. Like a debt instrument, a redemption or put feature, if the instrument is not converted, effectively requires the issuer to repay the capital provided by the holder upon issuance of the instrument, and thereby the instrument does not represent a residual interest in the entity. Therefore, mandatorily redeemable or puttable convertible preferred stock is generally considered similar to debt for purposes of analyzing whether the conversion option meets the clearly and closely related criterion of ASC 815 (Statement 133).

preFerred stoCK
Preferred Stock

uanalyze Convertible

On June 14, 2010, R Company issued 2,000,000 of Series B Preferred Stock at $10 per share. DIvIDEnDS From and after the date of the issuance of any shares of R Company Series B Preferred Stock and for so long as any such shares remain outstanding, dividends shall accrue on such shares of Series B Preferred Stock on the same basis as dividends accrued on common shares. This is subject to appropriate adjustment in the event of any stock dividend, stock split, combination or other recapitalization with respect to the Series B Preferred Stock. REDEmPTIon Shares of Series B Preferred Stock shall be redeemed by R Company on June 14, 2015, at a price equal to the Series B original issue price per share, plus any accruing dividends accrued but unpaid thereon. ConvERSIon oPTIon The holders may convert the Series B Preferred Stock or a portion thereof at its election at any time after issuance, at a Conversion Price equal to $10/share. voTIng RIgHTS Each Series B Preferred Stockholder is entitled to the number of common stock votes associated with their conversion shares.

Is the conversion option embedded in the Series B Preferred Stock clearly and closely related to its host instrument? Is the host instrument a debt-like or equity-like instrument? Using the whole instrument approach, the conversion option is compared to the convertible redeemable preferred stock. First, we consider the instruments debtlike characteristics, it is redeemable on June 14, 2015. Next we consider the instruments equitylike characteristics, it shares in common dividends, it has common stock voting rights, and it includes an option to convert to common stock. There are more equitylike characteristics than debtlike characteristics, and we conclude that the host is equity. Is the conversion option a debt-like or equity-like instrument? Since the conversion option is convertible into common shares, we conclude that the conversion option is equitylike. This would be true even if the conversion option included price reset features. What is the conclusion? We conclude that the conversion option and the host are clearly and closely related and that the conversion option is not required to be bifurcated from its host instrument. We note that the instrument includes a redemption option that will also need to be analyzed. If the host instrument is a debt instrument with a 10% annual contractual interest rate, with no voting rights, and a due date of June 14, 2015, is the conversion option clearly and closely related to its debt host instrument? no As noted on page 11, ASC 815152551 (Statement 133, paragraph 61(k)) states that conversion options and debt are NOT clearly and closely related. Is the conversion option a debt-like or equity-like instrument? Since the conversion option is convertible into common shares, we conclude that the conversion option is equitylike. What is the conclusion? We conclude that the conversion option and the host instrument are NOT clearly and closely related and that the conversion option must be analyzed under Steps B2 and B3.

Is the Series B Preferred Stock within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? no The preferred stock is not within the scope of ASC 480 10 (Statement 150) as the redemption of the preferred stock is conditional upon the conversion option not being exercised. Consequently the instrument is not mandatorily redeemable.

14 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? Account for instrument in accordance with ASC 480-10


Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument? Step B1: Are the host contract and the embedded conversion option clearly and closely related? do not biFurCate

step b2: Is the hybrid instrument remeasured at fair value through earnings each period?


Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features . Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?


Step B3: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative?



step b2: Is the hybrid instrument remeasured at fair value through earnings each period?
Prior to the effective date of ASC 81515 (FASB Statement 1555, Accounting for Certain Hybrid Financial Instruments) and ASC 82510 (FASB Statement 1596, The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities), complex debt and equity financial instruments on the liability side of the balance sheet were rarely marked to market with changes in value reported in the income statement at each reporting period. With the advent of ASC 81515 and 82510, companies now have an option to carry certain hybrid instruments at fair value with remeasurement at each balance sheet date and changes in fair value reported in the income statement. We discuss the ASC 81515 and 82510 (Statements 155 and 159) in greater detail in the Practice Aid section, Electing the Fair Value Option.

preFerred stoCK

uanalyze Convertible

Is the Series C Preferred Stock within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? YES The preferred stock represents an obligation to issue a variable number of common shares that equal a fixed monetary amount known at inception. The Series C Preferred Stock should be accounted for initially at fair value. Since the preferred stock represents in substance stocksettled debt, the company may determine it is appropriate to use the interest method for periodic amortization.

On June 14, 2008, R Company issued 3,000,000 shares of Series C Preferred Stock at $10 per share ($30,000,000). ConvERSIon oPTIon Shares of Series C Preferred Stock must be converted by the holder on June 14, 2010. The number of shares to be delivered must equal a value of $35,000,000 on the conversion date.

5 Statement 155 only applies to hybrid instruments with options that must be bifurcated under ASC 815 (Statement 133). Thus, the ASC 815 (Statement 133) analysis is required in order to determine whether Statement 155 may be applied. 6 ASC 82510 (Statement 159) allows companies to elect to carry eligible types of financial assets and liabilities at fair value. An ASC 815 bifurcation analysis is not required for this purpose.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 15

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? Account for instrument in accordance with ASC 480-10



Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument? Step B1: Are the host contract and the embedded conversion option clearly and closely related? do not biFurCate

Step B2: Is the hybrid instrument remeasured at fair value through earnings each period?


Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features . Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?


step b3: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative?



step b3: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative?
Often the determination of whether to bifurcate an embedded conversion option comes down to the criterion that a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded conversion option would be a derivative. Generally, an option to convert the instrument into the issuers shares would meet the definition of a derivative for a public company and would not meet the definition for a private company. ASC 815101583 (Statement 133, paragraphs 69) define a derivative as a contract having the following three characteristics. (ASC 815101515 through 74 (Statement 133, paragraphs 10 and 11) provide exceptions to the following definition, the most important of which we will examine at length in STEP C.): 1. It has one or more underlyings and one or more notional amounts or payment provisions or both. 2. It requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment that is smaller than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to changes in market factors. 3. Its terms require or permit net settlement, it can readily be settled net by a means outside the contract, or it provides for delivery of an asset that puts the recipient in a position not substantially different from a net settlement.7 In a typical conversion option, the price of the stock to be issued upon conversion represents the underlying and the number of shares to be issued upon conversion represents the notional amount. Therefore, an embedded conversion option meets the first characteristic of a derivative. The initial net investment in the convertible debt instrument represented by the loan proceeds theoretically relates to both the debt instrument and the conversion option. However, ASC 81515251 (Statement 133, paragraph 12(c)) specifically states the initial net investment for the hybrid instrument shall not be considered to be the initial net investment for the embedded derivative (i.e., the conversion option). Accordingly, an embedded conversion option meets the second characteristic of a derivative. Generally, a conversion option on shares that are traded in a public market possesses the net settlement characteristic because the shares are readily convertible into cash as discussed in ASC 8151015110 and 111 (paragraph 9(c) of Statement 133). Accordingly, for a public company an embedded conversion option generally meets the third characteristic of a derivative. When a public companys shares are thinlytraded, companies should assess whether the number of shares to be converted may be sold rapidly without significantly affecting share price. If so, the third
7 ASC 815101599 (Statement 133) describes three ways in which the net settlement criterion can be satisfied. For example, ASC 8151015110 and 111 (Statement 133) states that a contract requiring one of the parties to deliver an asset that is readily convertible into cash, such as an exchangetraded share, satisfies the requirement.

16 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

characteristic would be met, as discussed in ASC 8151055101 Case A (Statement 133, DIG Issue A12, Definition of a Derivative: Impact of Daily Transaction Volume on Assessment of Whether an Asset is Readily Convertible to Cash). Shares in private companies generally are not readily convertible into cash and typically would not meet the net settlement criterion. Similarly, warrants for shares in private companies that require cash exercise do not meet the net settlement criterion. However, warrants for shares in private companies that permit cashless exercise do meet the net settlement criterion.

uanalyze Convertible debt

On June 14, 2010, R Company issues debt for $2,000,000. The debt matures on June 14, 2015. InTEREST From and after June 14, 2010, and for so long as any such debt remains outstanding, interest shall accrue on such debt at 10% annually. ConvERSIon oPTIon The holder may convert the debt or a portion thereof at its election at any time after issuance, at a conversion price equal to $10/share. This is subject to appropriate adjustment in the event of any stock dividend, stock split, combination or other recapitalization with respect to the conversion price. voTIng RIgHTS Each convertible debt holder is entitled to the number of common stock votes that are associated with their conversion shares.

Is the Debt within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? no This debt instrument does not fall within any of the three categories of liabilities in the scope of ASC 48010 (Statement 150). Is the conversion option embedded in the Debt clearly and closely related to its host instrument? no As noted on page 11, ASC 815152551 (Statement 133, paragraph 61(k) states that conversion options and debt are NOT clearly and closely related. Is the convertible debt (the hybrid instrument) remeasured at fair value through earnings each period? no R Company has not elected to carry the instrument at fair value. Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative? no If R Company is private, the conversion option would not qualify as a derivative and the convertible option would not be required to be bifurcated from the host contract. Our analysis would stop here. YES If R Company is public, the conversion option would qualify as a derivative as net settlement generally would be available outside of the contract, and our next step would be to analyze the conversion option under STEP C.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 17

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? Account for instrument in accordance with ASC 480-10


Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument?


Step C: ASC 815-10-15-74 (Statement 133, Paragraph 11(a)) biFurCate The embedded conversion option would be a liability if freestanding . Bifurcate the embedded conversion option from the host contract . Evaluate the hybrid instrument for other embedded options . Account for the conversion option and any other bifurcatable features at fair value in accordance with ASC 815 (Statement 133) . step C1: Is the embedded conversion option indexed to the companys own stock? do not biFurCate Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features . Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?


Step C2: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 1-11)?


Step C3: If the hybrid instrument is convertible, is it conventional convertible?

Step C4: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 12-32)?




step C: does the embedded Conversion option meet the asC 81510-15-74 (statement 133 paraGraph 11(a)) sCope exCeption?
Typically for a public company, a conversion option, embedded within debt or a freestanding warrant would possess the three characteristics of a derivative discussed in Step B3. However, ASC 815101574 (Statement 133, paragraph 11(a)) states that contracts that are both (1) indexed to a companys own stock and (2) classified in stockholders equity in the companys balance sheet are not considered derivative instruments.

Important Exception Instruments are noT derivatives if they are indexed to a companys own stock and classified in stockholders equity (See ASC 815-10-15-74 [Statement 133, paragraph 11(a)])

18 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

step C1: Is the embedded conversion option indexed to the companys own stock?
Generally, an embedded conversion option or freestanding warrant that is a right to a fixed number of shares would be considered indexed to the issuers stock, because the value of the financial instrument is based upon the value of the underlying shares. In the simple case of a debt instrument convertible into 100 shares of the issuers stock or a freestanding warrant entitling the holder to 100 shares of the issuers stock, this point is clear. However, in other circumstances, the determination of whether an instrument is indexed to a companys own stock is less clear. ASC 81540157 (EITF Issue 075) provides a twostep test to determine if an embedded feature or a freestanding warrant is indexed to a companys own stock:

The Two-Step Test

Step 1, Evaluate Contingency Provisions This step focuses on exercise contingencies that affect whether or when an instrument can be exercised . An instrument passes Step 1 (and would be analyzed under Step 2) if the instruments contingent exercise provisions, if any, are not based on an observable market or observable index, other than those for the companys stock or operations, and once any contingent events occur, the instruments settlement is based solely on the companys stock . For example, a company issues an instrument that becomes convertible only upon an IPO. That instrument is considered indexed to the companys own stock because 1) the contingent event (the IPO) is not based on an observable market other than that for the companys own stock and 2) once the IPO occurs, the conversion options value is based solely on the companys stock. Conversion options with contingency provisions based upon the companys results (such as sales, EBITDA, or net income) generally would be considered indexed to the companys own stock. Contingency provisions that are based on external markets or indices (such as the S&P 500 Index, an index of peer company stocks, or the price of a commodity) generally would not be considered indexed to a companys own stock. Step 2, Settlement Provisions This step focuses on the settlement of the instrument upon exercise or conversion . The instrument passes Step 2: A. If the instruments settlement amount equals the difference between the fair value of a fixed number of the entitys shares and a fixed monetary amount or fixed amount of debt issued by the entity; or B. If the strike price or settlement amount is variable, the only variables that would affect the instruments settlement amount would be inputs to the fair value of a fixedforfixed forward or option on equity shares.

For example, R Company has such an instrument when it issues convertible debt for $1,000 that is convertible into 100 shares of common stock at a fixed conversion price of $10 . The settlement amount of this instrument is always the fair value of 100 shares at the settlement date less $1,000 .
If the instruments strike price or the number of shares used to calculate the settlement amount are not fixed, then the instrument (or embedded feature) would still be considered indexed to a companys own stock if the only variables that could affect the settlement amount would be inputs to the fair value of a fixedforfixed forward or option on equity shares. These inputs are generally the same as the inputs to the BlackScholes model and include: Strike price of the instrument; Term of the instrument; Expected dividends or other dilutive activities such as the purchase of stock at abovemarket prices; Stock borrow cost; Interest rates; Stock price volatility; Companys credit spread; and Ability to maintain a standard hedge position in the underlying shares (this last input is an implicit rather than an explicit input, unlike the other inputs above). However, if the instruments settlement calculation incorporates variables other than those used to determine its fair value or if there are features, such as a leverage factor, that increase exposure to the variables listed above in a manner that is inconsistent with the fixedforfixed model, the instrument would not be considered indexed to the companys own stock. In practice, standard pricing models for these instruments contain certain implicit assumptions. For example, the BlackScholesMerton option pricing model assumes that stock price changes will be continuous. In the real world, stock price discontinuities caused by events such as a merger announcement, a spinoff of a subsidiary or a large, nonrecurring cash dividend violate this implicit assumption. Accordingly, for purposes of

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 19

applying Step 2, fair value inputs include adjustments to neutralize the effects of events that can cause stock price discontinuities, as discussed in ASC 81540157G (EITF Issue 075, paragraph 17).

Antidilution Protection
Many investors demand antidilution protection in convertible loans and warrant agreements. These provisions protect the investors from declines in the underlying stock price and from dilution caused when subsequent investors receive a better conversion or exercise price (commonly referred to as down round protection). Down round protection is a common feature in venture capitalist financing agreements and it is frequently found in securities purchase and loan agreements. Down round adjustments should be evaluated carefully to determine whether they are triggered by dilutive activities initiated by the company and compensate only to the extent of dilution suffered because of these activities or events. Since dilution does not have a precise meaning, many investors believe that the subsequent sale of shares at a lower price, even when that price reflects the thencurrent fair value, causes dilution. However, this kind of market driven dilution is an economic risk that the holder of a fixedfor fixed instrument bears, and any provision that would insulate them from such a loss, even under remote circumstances, fails Step 2. The key element, which ASC 8154015 (EITF Issue 075) does not articulate well, is that the holder of a fixedpriceforfixednumberofshares instrument bears the risk of loss if the fair value of the shares decreases because of changes in the market. Provisions that allow the holder of an instrument to recoup part or all of a loss caused by a marketdriven decline in the value of the shares, even in remote circumstances, are not consistent with a fixedpriceforfixednumberofshares instrument and will frequently cause the instrument to fail Step 2. By contrast, a change in the value of the shares that is directly attributable to a company-initiated transaction, such as a stock split, a stock dividend, or a sale of shares at less than current fair value or share repurchases for an amount exceeding the fair value, are events that would permit an adjustment of the exercise/ conversion price of a fixedpriceforfixednumberofshares instrument without violating Step Two.

For example, assume R Company issues convertible debt for $1,000 that is convertible into 100 shares of common stock at a fixed conversion price of $10 . The instrument includes a provision that the conversion price will be adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends . If the Companys stock splits (2 shares for 1), the conversion price is reduced to $5 and the number of shares is increased to 200 . Since the post-split settlement amount of this instrument is the fair value of 200 shares at the settlement date less $1,000, which is economically the same as before the split, these types of adjustments would generally be considered inputs to the fair value of a fixedfor-fixed forward or option on equity shares .
Even for a companyinitiated transaction, it is important to assess whether the adjustment to the exercise/conversion price is limited to the change in the value of the shares that is directly attributable to the companys dilutive activities.

Continuing the above example, assume that one year after issuance, when the post split current fair value of the shares has declined to $3 per share, R Company sells shares at a below-market price of $2 per share . An adjustment to the conversion price for the expected effect8 of the sale of shares at a $1 below-market discount would pass ASC 815-40-15 (EITF Issue 07-5) . However, an adjustment to the conversion price for the effect of the decline in market value from $5 to $3 would fail ASC 815-40-15 (EITF Issue 07-5) as this is a market-based decline not directly attributable to a company-initiated transaction .
As stated earlier, a company-initiated share repurchase offer for an amount exceeding the fair value is an example of a dilutive transaction, for which adjustments to the conversion or exercise price of outstanding instruments would pass Step 2, if it protects only to the extent of dilution suffered. In informal discussions, the SEC staff has noted that there may be limited circumstances in which third-party initiated activities such as a tender offer also may pass Step 2. In a third-party initiated tender offer, protection provisions may pass Step 2 if they protect against stock price discontinuity, the amount of protection is commensurate with the dilution suffered and the tender offer was available to all common stockholders on a proportionate basis.

Down round protection provisions that work

In general, equitylinked financial instruments (or embedded features) that have antidilution provisions that adjust the exercise or conversion price only to the extent of any dilution directly attributable to a companyinitiated transaction would qualify as being indexed to a companys own stock.

8 The adjustment to the strike price must be based on a mathematical calculation that determines the direct effect that the occurrence of such dilutive events should have on the price of the underlying shares; it may not adjust for the actual change in the market price of the underlying shares upon the occurrence of those events, which may increase or decrease for other reasons.

20 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

These provisions work since the variables driving the adjustment are generally inputs to the fair value of a fixedforfixed forward or option on equity shares.

For example, R Company issues convertible debt for $1,000 convertible at a fixed conversion price of $10 or 100 shares . The conversion price is subject to a weighted-average adjustment (also known as a weighted average ratchet down round provision) if the company subsequently sells shares at a price lower than the then current fair value . Note, selling shares below their fair value represents a stock price discontinuity because standard pricing models assume stock price changes will be continuous .
As a result of the discontinuity, a weighted-average ratchet down round provision (i.e., a formula) adjusts the conversion/exercise price on an earlier round of financing to the weightedaverage price after future financings. For example, the investors in an earlier round of financing have a conversion price of $5.00. Upon a subsequent financing, the new investors receive common stock for a price of $4.50, which is less than the current fair value of $4.75. To adjust for the dilution suffered because of the new investors obtaining a price below the current fair value, the earlier investors receive a reduced conversion price of $4.80, as determined by the formula. Through informal discussions with the FASB staff, we understand there are two acceptable approaches for assessing whether the adjustments to an instruments settlement amount would qualify as being indexed to a companys own stock. Companies are only required to apply one of the two views to their instruments, not both: vIEW A: Compare (i) the adjusted instruments fair value immediately after the stock price discontinuity to (ii) the unadjusted instruments fair value immediately before the dilutive event. vIEW B: Compare (i) the ratio of the adjusted instruments fair value and the entitys enterprise value immediately after the dilutive event to (ii) the ratio of the unadjusted instruments fair value and the entitys enterprise value immediately before the dilutive event. Under either view, if (i) is less than or equal to (ii), the instrument is considered indexed to the entitys own stock. If (i) is greater than (ii), the instrument is precluded from being indexed to the entitys own stock. Said differently, the adjustment more than neutralizes the effect of the discontinuity. Of the two views, we understand View A is more common in practice. We would expect either view to be consistently applied.

Down round protection provisions that do not work

Equitylinked financial instruments (or embedded features) that have antidilution adjustments that can be triggered for market driven events (no matter how remote the possibility of the trigger) and/or those for which the holder is compensated for more than the dilution suffered, are generally not considered indexed to a companys own stock. An example of a provision that does not work is a full ratchet down round provision. In a full ratchet down round, if the company issues equity subsequent to a convertible loan issuance at a price lower than the conversion price, the conversion price is reduced to the price of the new issuance.

For example, assume Investor X purchases R Companys Series B Convertible Preferred Stock at a price of $5 per share, which is convertible into common stock at that price . If R Company subsequently issues Series C Convertible Preferred Stock to Investor Y, convertible into common stock at $2 per share, the conversion price for the earlier Investor Xs Series B Convertible Preferred Stock would drop to $2 per share . If the fair value of the underlying shares at the time of issuance of the Series C Convertible Preferred Stock was also $2 or lower, no dilution occurs; however, the earlier investor still gets compensated .
Therefore, full ratchet provisions cause the instrument (or embedded feature) not to be considered indexed to a companys own stock, since they may compensate the holder for a nondilutive event or for an amount greater than the dilution suffered. Although certain weighted average provisions are acceptable as stated in the section above on Down round protection provisions that work, they could still cause the equitylinked instrument (or embedded feature) not to be considered indexed to the companys own stock under ASC 81540 15 (EITF Issue 075), if these adjustments are (1) triggered by marketdriven declines in the stock price; or (2) directly attributable to a company initiated transaction but the weighted average formula compensates for more than any dilution suffered.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 21

For example, R Company adjusts (using a weighted average) the conversion price on its convertible preferred stock if it subsequently sells shares at a price lower than the conversion price available to the current investors . The subsequent sale of shares at a price lower than the conversion price available to the current investors is not necessarily a dilutive event, since the conversion price may be at or above the current fair value and consequently, the conversion option would not be considered indexed to the companys own stock .

In Summary

Antidilution protection provisions that compensate the investor only for a dilutive (triggering) event directly attributable to a companyinitiated transaction and only to the extent of dilution suffered, would generally be compatible with considering an instrument (or embedded feature) to be indexed to a companys own stock. Any possibility, however remote, of triggering an antidilution adjustment for a nondilutive event or for an amount greater than the amount of dilution suffered would generally preclude the instrument (or embedded feature) from being indexed to a companys own stock. Not all financial instruments (or embedded features) have antidilution protection or other adjustment provisions; the absence of such provisions does not cause the instrument to fail ASC 8154015 (EITF Issue 075). For those that do contain adjustment provisions, an evaluation under ASC 8154015 (EITF Issue 075) must be carried out to determine whether the instrument (or embedded feature) is considered indexed to a companys own stock. The evaluation under ASC 8154015 (EITF Issue 075) should be carried out on a unit of account by unit of account basis. Generally, each instrument would be considered a unit of account, unless two or more instruments should be combined as a single unit of account under other applicable GAAP.

Next Steps

Embedded conversion options and/or freestanding warrants that are not indexed to a companys own stock cannot meet the ASC 8151015 74 (Statement 133, paragraph 11(a)) exception and would be derivative assets or liabilities subject to ASC 815 (Statement 133) if they meet the conditions in Step B3.9 Financial instruments that are indexed to a companys own stock must be analyzed further, continuing at Step C2, to determine whether they would be classified as stockholders equity.

9 If the freestanding warrants do not meet the conditions of Step B3, and are not derivatives, they would be reported as liabilities at fair value. See further information on these instruments in the Warrant section of the Practice Aid.

22 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

uanalyze Convertible debt

Facts Antidilution Features of the Embedded Conversion options
R Company issues $2,500 Senior A debt that is convertible into 100 shares of common stock exercisable at any time at the option of the holder. Under the terms of the Securities Purchase Agreement, if R Company (1) distributes a stock dividend or ordinary cash dividend, or (2) executes a stock split, spinoff, rights offering, or recapitalization through a large nonrecurring cash dividend, the conversion price of the conversion option would be adjusted to offset the resulting dilution (except for issuances and repurchases that occur upon settlement of outstanding conversion options and warrants).

the aggregate fair value of the shares deliverable (that is, the fair value of 100 shares per bond plus the makewhole shares) would be expected to approximate the fair value of the Senior B convertible debt instrument at the settlement date, assuming no change in relevant pricing inputs (other than stock price and time) since the instruments inception.

Are R Companys embedded conversion options considered indexed to the companys own stock? YES, the embedded conversion options are considered indexed to R Companys stock based on the following: STEP 1: The Senior B convertible debt instruments do not contain an exercise contingency. Proceed to Step 2. STEP 2: An acquisition for cash prior to the specified date is the only circumstance in which the settlement amount will not equal the difference between the fair value of 100 shares and a fixed strike price ($1,000 fixed par value of the debt). The settlement amount if R Company is acquired for cash prior to the specified date is equal to the sum of (a) the fixed conversion ratio (100 shares per bond) and (b) the make whole shares. The number of makewhole shares is determined based on a table with axes of stock price and time, which would both be inputs in a fair value measurement of a fixedforfixed option on equity shares.

Are R Companys embedded conversion options considered indexed to the Companys own stock? YES, the conversion options are considered indexed to R Companys stock based on the following: STEP 1: The Senior A convertible debt instruments do not contain an exercise contingency. Proceed to Step 2. STEP 2: The only circumstances in which the settlement amount will not equal the difference between the fair value of 100 shares and $2,500 ($25 per share) are upon the (1) distribution of a stock dividend or ordinary cash dividend, or (2) execution of a stock split, spinoff, rights offering, or recapitalization through a large, nonrecurring cash dividend. An implicit assumption in standard pricing models for equity options is that such dilutive events will not occur or the strike price of the instrument will be adjusted to offset the dilution caused by such events. Consequently, the only variables that could affect the settlement amount in this example would be inputs to the fair value of a fixedforfixed option on equity shares.

Facts Price Adjustment Features for Sales of Common Stock Below Conversion Price
R Company issues a Junior A convertible debt instrument with a face value of $2,000 that is convertible into 200 shares of its common stock, with a conversion price of $10/share. The Junior A convertible debt instrument has a 10year term and is convertible at any time. If R Company, at any time or from time to time while any of this Junior A debt is outstanding, issues or sells (i) any common stock at a price per share that is less than the conversion price or (ii) any common stock equivalents that entitle the holder thereof to subscribe for, purchase or exercise a conversion or exchange rights for, shares of common stock at price per share of common stock that is less than the conversion price, then in each case, the applicable conversion rate shall be adjusted based on the following formula: CR= CR0* (OS0 + X)/ (OS0 + Y) where CR0 = the applicable conversion rate in effect immediately prior to such issuance or sale; CR = the applicable conversion rate in effect immediately on and after such issuance or sale; OS0 = the number of shares of common stock outstanding immediately before such issuance or sale;

Facts make Whole Provision upon Acquisition

R Company issues a Senior B convertible debt instrument with a face value of $1,000 that is convertible into 100 shares of its common stock. The Senior B convertible debt instrument has a 10year term and is convertible at any time. The terms of the Senior B convertible debt instrument also include a make whole provision. Under that provision, if R Company is acquired for cash before a specified date, the holder of the Senior B convertible debt instrument can convert into a number of shares equal to the sum of (a) the fixed conversion ratio (100 shares per bond) and (b) the makewhole shares. The number of makewhole shares is determined by reference to a table with axes of stock price and time. That table was designed such that

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 23

X = (i) the total number of shares of common stock issued (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock) or (ii) the total number of shares of common stock issuable upon exercise, conversion or exchange of common stock equivalents issued or sold (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock equivalents); and Y = the number of shares of common stock equal to the quotient of (A) the aggregate price payable (i) in respect of such shares of common stock issued or sold (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock) or (ii) in respect of the shares of common stock issuable upon exercise, conversion or exchange of the common stock equivalents issued or sold (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock equivalents) divided by (B) the common stock trading price.

in each case, the applicable conversion rate shall be adjusted based on the following formula: CR= CR0* (OS0 + X)/ (OS0 + Y) where CR0 = the applicable conversion rate in effect immediately prior to such issuance or sale; CR = the applicable conversion rate in effect immediately on and after such issuance or sale; OS0 = the number of shares of common stock outstanding immediately before such issuance or sale; X = (i) the total number of shares of common stock issued (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock) or (ii) the total number of shares of common stock issuable upon exercise, conversion or exchange of common stock equivalents issued or sold (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock equivalents); and Y = the number of shares of common stock equal to the quotient of (A) the aggregate price payable (i) in respect of such shares of common stock issued or sold (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock) or (ii) in respect of the shares of common stock issuable upon exercise, conversion or exchange of the common stock equivalents issued or sold (in the case of an issuance or sale of common stock equivalents) divided by (B) the common stock trading price.

The embedded conversion options are not considered indexed to R Companys stock based on the following: STEP 1: The Junior A debt does not contain an exercise contingency. Proceed to Step 2. STEP 2: The only circumstances in which the settlement amount will not equal the difference between the fair value of 200 shares and $2,000 ($10 per share) are upon R Company issuing or selling (i) common stock at a price per share that is less than the conversion price or (ii) any common stock equivalents that entitle the holder thereof to subscribe for, purchase or exercise a conversion option at a price per share that is less than the conversion price. Such a transaction is not necessarily dilutive. That is, if the price R Company sells stock for is less than the conversion price but greater than market price, the transaction is not dilutive. If a financial instrument can be adjusted for a transaction that is not dilutive, the instrument is not indexed to the entitys own stock. That is, the mere presence of the feature in the contract causes it to fail, irrespective of how likely the adjustment is to occur. Consequently, the conversion option on R Companys Junior A debt issuance is not considered indexed to the Companys own stock.

The embedded conversion options are considered indexed to R Companys stock based on the following: STEP 1: The Junior B convertible debt instruments do not contain an exercise contingency. Proceed to Step 2. STEP 2: The only circumstances in which the settlement amount will not equal the difference between the fair value of 500 shares and $5,000 ($10 per share) are upon R Company issuing or selling (i) common stock at a price per share that is less than the common stock trading price or (ii) any common stock equivalents that entitle the holder thereof to subscribe for, purchase or exercise a conversion option at a price per share that is less than the common stock trading price. If such a dilutive transaction occurs, the exercise price of the option is adjusted based on a weighted average formula that adjusts for the dilution. Consequently, the conversion option is considered indexed to R Companys own stock. If the financial instrument is not considered indexed to the companys own stock, then the instrument is accounted for as a derivative asset or liability, and the analysis ends. If the financial instrument is considered indexed to the companys own stock, the analysis proceeds to Step C2 to determine if the instrument can be classified in stockholders equity.

Facts Price Adjustment Features for Sales of Common Stock Below market Price
R Company issues a Junior B convertible debt instrument with a face value of $5,000 that is convertible into 500 shares of its common stock. The convertible debt instrument has a 10year term and is convertible at any time. If R Company, at any time or from time to time while any of the Junior B debt is outstanding, issues or sells (i) any common stock at a price per share that is less than the common stock trading price or (ii) any common stock equivalents that entitle the holder thereof to subscribe for, purchase or exercise a conversion or exchange rights for, shares of common stock at price per share of common stock that is less than the common stock trading price, then

24 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? Account for instrument in accordance with ASC 480-10


Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument?


Step C: ASC 815-10-15-74 (Statement 133, Paragraph 11(a)) biFurCate The embedded conversion option would be a liability if freestanding . Bifurcate the embedded conversion option from the host contract . Evaluate the hybrid instrument for other embedded options . Account for the conversion option and any other bifurcatable features at fair value in accordance with ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Step C1: Is the embedded conversion option indexed to the companys own stock? do not biFurCate Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features . Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?


step C2: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 1-11)?


Step C3: If the hybrid instrument is convertible, is it conventional convertible?


Step C4: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 12-32)?



step C2: Would the embedded conversion option be classified in stockholders equity?
The next step is to determine if the embedded conversion option or warrant would be classified in stockholders equity according to ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments Indexed to, and Potentially Settled in, a Companys Own Stock).10 This step also should be applied to determine the balance sheet classification of freestanding warrants. The basic model in ASC 8154025 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 111) regarding whether an embedded conversion option or freestanding warrant requires or may require net cash settlement must be considered to determine if equity classification is appropriate.

10 This step only applies if the embedded conversion option or warrant is considered indexed to the companys own stock. Refer to the Flowchart on the previous page.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 25

ASC 8154025 (EITF Issue 0019) defines three settlement methods as follows: 1. Physical settlement The buyer delivers the full contractually stated amount in cash to the seller, and the seller delivers the full stated number of shares to the buyer. 2. Netshare settlement The party with the loss on the contract delivers to the party with the gain the number of shares with a current fair value equal to the gain. 3. Netcash settlement The party with the loss on the contract delivers to the party with the gain a cash payment equal to the gain, and no shares are exchanged. Under ASC 81540251 (Issue 0019, paragraph 7), contracts that require or may require the issuer to settle the contract for cash are liabilities, and contracts that require settlement in shares are equity instruments. If the contract offers a choice of settlement to the issuer, settlement in shares is assumed. If the contract offers a choice of settlement to the holder, settlement in cash is assumed. If net cash settlement is not required, the embedded conversion option or freestanding warrant also must meet the further detailed criteria of ASC 81540257 through 35 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232) in order for equity classification (versus liability, or sometimes asset) to be appropriate. However, those criteria do not need to be applied if the hybrid instrument qualifies as conventional convertible debt, as defined in ASC 815402539 through 42 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraph 4.) Next, we will consider the meaning of conventional convertible debt in Step C3 and then move to Step C4 to discuss the ASC 81540257 through 35 (Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232) requirements for equity classification.

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)?


Account for instrument in accordance with ASC 480-10

Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument?


Step C: ASC 815-10-15-74 (Statement 133, Paragraph 11(a)) biFurCate The embedded conversion option would be a liability if freestanding . Bifurcate the embedded conversion option from the host contract . Evaluate the hybrid instrument for other embedded options . Account for the conversion option and any other bifurcatable features at fair value in accordance with ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Step C1: Is the embedded conversion option indexed to the companys own stock? do not biFurCate Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features . Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?


Step C2: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 1-11)?


step C3: If the hybrid instrument is convertible, is it conventional convertible?

Step C4: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 12-32)?




26 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

step C3: If the hybrid instrument is convertible, is it a conventional convertible?

The analysis of whether an embedded conversion option would be equity if freestanding is simplified for certain plain vanilla convertible hybrid instruments if they meet the definition of conventional convertible in ASC 815402539 through 42 (EITF Issue 0019 and Issue 052, The Meaning of Conventional Convertible Debt Instrument in Issue No. 00-19). A convertible instrument is considered conventional if the holder can exercise the conversion option and receive the entire conversion proceeds in a fixed number of shares. If the number of shares could change for any reason (other than as a result of standard antidilution provisions as discussed below), whether under the issuers control or not, then the hybrid instrument is not conventional convertible. In addition to debt instruments, convertible preferred stock with a mandatory redemption date may also qualify for the exception if the economic characteristics indicate that the instrument is more akin to debt than equity. If the convertible instrument is considered conventional convertible and ASC 81540251 through 6 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 111) are satisfied (i.e., net cash settlement is not required), then the embedded conversion option does not have to be analyzed further under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232). However, the convertible instrument must then be evaluated for optional cash settlement features upon conversion under ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141) and for optional beneficial conversion features under ASC 47020 (EITF Issue 985 and Issue 0027). If the convertible instrument is not considered conventional convertible, the conversion option must be further evaluated under ASC 81540257 through 35 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232) to determine whether the conversion option would be classified as equity if it were freestanding, as described in the next Step, C4. The following discussion focuses on key points in determining whether an instrument is considered conventional convertible.

Fixed number of Shares

A convertible instrument agreement that allows the holder to convert into common shares at any time based upon a fixed conversion price (e.g., $12/share) is conventional because the entire proceeds are received in a fixed number of shares. An agreement with a conversion price that varies is not conventional because the number of shares to be issued upon conversion is not fixed. In some cases, convertible agreements include a reset provision, whereby the conversion price might be adjusted under certain conditions (such as subsequent sale of securities at a lower price). Convertible instruments with conversion prices that are adjusted upon subsequent sale of securities to the subsequent sale price are not considered indexed to the companys own stock. Consequently, the analysis of that conversion feature would have ended at Step C1 when the issuer determined that the feature should be bifurcated. A convertible financial instrument with a conversion option that passes Step C1 because price adjustments are made for dilutive events, is not conventional convertible because the number of shares to be issued upon conversion is variable. The SEC staff has stated that factors such as the issuers control over the events triggering the price reset or the likelihood of the price reset occurring are not relevant to the determination of whether the hybrid contract is conventional convertible. If the number of shares to be issued upon conversion is dependent upon a contingent future event (regardless of probability), the convertible debt or convertible preferred stock contract is not conventional. The determination of whether a convertible arrangement is conventional also is not dependent upon the timing of the holders ability to exercise the conversion option. For example, consider a convertible agreement that allows a holder to convert into shares at a fixed conversion price any time after the earlier of a) the passage of one year or b) the completion of a secondary share offering. In this case, the hybrid contract is convertible into a fixed number of shares and is considered conventional despite the fact that the holder cannot immediately exercise the conversion option.

Antidilution Provisions
ASC 815402541 (EITF Issue 052) clarified that standard antidilution provisions do not preclude an instrument from being conventional. It defines standard antidilution provisions as those that result in adjustments to the conversion ratio in the event of an equity restructuring transaction (as defined in ASC 71810 (Statement 123R, Share-Based Payment)). Standard antidilution provisions include equity restructuring such as a stock dividend, stock split, spinoff, rights offering, or recapitalization through a large, nonrecurring cash dividend, but do not include adjustments for normal dividends.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 27

For example, R Company effects a 2-for-1 stock split and the conversion price for conversion options embedded in debt drops from $10 per share to $5 per share in an equity restructuring that is a standard antidilution provision . This convertible debt contract would be considered conventional because a stock split is an event included in the definition of a standard antidilution provision .
We discussed certain antidilutive activities that do not prohibit the instrument from being considered indexed to the companys own stock in Step C1. While consistent with the notion of being indexed to the companys own stock, adjustments to the conversion price as a result of cash dividends, purchases of shares above market value, or sales of shares below market value prohibit the financial instrument from being considered conventional convertible because these adjustments are not included in the definition of a standard antidilution provision.

Entire Proceeds
The definition of conventional allows for the issuer to choose to settle the conversion option by paying cash rather than issuing the fixed number of shares, as long as the conversion value is settled either entirely in cash or entirely in shares. This is consistent with the provisions of ASC 81540 251 through 6 (EITF Issue 0019) in which netshare settlement is assumed if the company has the choice of settling in cash or in shares. If the issuer of a conventional convertible financial instrument can only settle the conversion value in a fixed number of shares, the issuer is not required to bifurcate the conversion option under ASC 81540251 through 6 (EITF Issue 0019), and should analyze the instrument under Step D for beneficial conversion features per ASC 47020 (EITF Issue 0027 and 985). If the issuer of a conventional convertible financial instrument can settle the entire proceeds of conversion value of a fixed number of shares in cash, then the analysis proceeds to ASC 47020 (FSP ABP 141), Step D. As a reminder, if the holder can elect netcash settlement, liability classification of the convertible financial instrument is required under ASC 815 4025 (EITF Issue 0019).

Interest Payments
The manner (i.e., cash or shares) in which a company pays interest does not determine whether a convertible instrument arrangement is conventional or not. That is, if the issuer can pay the interest in shares, or has the choice of paying the interest in shares, this attribute does not affect the determination of whether the instrument is conventional. If the holder converts between interest payment dates and loses interest, this attribute also does not affect the determination of the instrument as conventional. We believe that the principal, not how the interest is paid, determines if an instrument is conventional.

uanalyze Convertible debt

Assume for each of the following examples that the financial instrument is to be settled only by issuance of unregistered shares and no registration rights are provided. No provisions requiring the issuer to make cash payments are present.

Common SToCk oWnERSHIP LImITS The conversion option may not be exercised if, after conversion, the holder would beneficially own in excess of 4.99% of the number of common shares outstanding. To meet this requirement, the holder could sell currently owned shares in order to exercise the conversion options. AnTIDILuTIon PRoTECTIon Upon a stock split or stock dividend, the conversion price will adjust such that the holder is entitled to receive the postsplit equivalent of the 200,000 presplit shares. For example, if R Company effects a 2for1 stock split, the conversion price will decrease to $2.50 per share, entitling the holder to receive 400,000 shares.

R Company issues Senior Debt Tranche A for $1,000,000 that is convertible into common shares at the holders option. The instrument has the following additional features: ConvERSIon PRICE The conversion price on the Senior Debt Tranche A is $5 per share, so that the holder shall receive 200,000 shares ($1,000,000/$5 per share) upon conversion. ConvERSIon SETTLEmEnT R Company is obligated to settle the conversion option by issuing 200,000 shares of common stock. ConvERSIon TERmS The conversion option can be exercised after either a) the passage of one year or b) the completion of a secondary share offering.

Does R Companys Senior Debt Tranche A represent conventional convertible debt? YES None of the above features would preclude the instrument from being considered conventional convertible debt. The instrument is convertible into a fixed number of shares. ConvERSIon PRICE The conversion price is set so that the holder receives a fixed number of shares and is not subject to change,

28 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

except upon a stock split or stock dividend, a standard antidilution provision. ConvERSIon TERmS Restrictions on the exercisability of the conversion option do not affect the determination of whether the debt is conventional convertible debt. Common SToCk oWnERSHIP LImITS The restriction affects only the holders ability to exercise the conversion option so it does not affect the determination of whether the debt is conventional convertible debt. AnTIDILuTIon PRoTECTIon Standard antidilution provisions do not preclude an instrument from being considered conventional. In this case, the conversion price (and the number of shares to be issued upon conversion) adjusts only in situations where all shareholders will remain on equal footing.

Since the instrument is conventional convertible debt that is convertible only into shares, the embedded conversion option does not need to be bifurcated from the debt host. However, the instrument must be analyzed for other embedded options, as well as for beneficial conversion features under ASC 47020 (EITF Issues 985 and 0027). Since this instrument can only be settled in shares, it will not be affected by ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141). How would the answer change if R Company had the option of settling the conversion value of the Senior Debt Tranche A entirely in cash? The Senior Debt Tranche A would still be conventional convertible. However, the debt must now be analyzed under ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141), Step D.

TABLE 1: Examples of application of the definition of conventional convertible debt11 Facts

1. Debt is convertible at any time by the holder into a fixed number of shares of common stock based on a conversion price that does not change . Debt is convertible at any time by the holder into a fixed number of shares based on a conversion price that changes only under conditions that are not standard antidilution provisions (e .g ., subsequent sale of issuer securities at a price lower than market price, subsequent purchase of issuer securities at a price great than market price) . Debt is convertible by the holder after one year, or if the company completes a subsequent offering of shares, into a fixed number of common shares based on a conversion price that does not change .

Conventional or nonconventional

The number of shares to be issued upon conversion is fixed and will never change .



Since the number of shares to be issued upon conversion is subject to change under certain conditions, the instrument does not meet the definition of conventional convertible debt .



The definition of conventional does not depend upon the ability to immediately exercise the conversion option . Even though the holder is not able to immediately convert, after passage of time (or occurrence of the event), the holder will be able to convert .

11 This table also applies to mandatorily redeemable preferred stock that is convertible.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 29

start here
Step A: Does the financial instrument fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)?


Account for instrument in accordance with ASC 480-10

Step B: Does the financial instrument include embedded conversion options that require bifurcation from the host instrument?


Step C: ASC 815-10-15-74 (Statement 133, Paragraph 11(a)) biFurCate The embedded conversion option would be a liability if freestanding . Bifurcate the embedded conversion option from the host contract . Evaluate the hybrid instrument for other embedded options . Account for the conversion option and any other bifurcatable features at fair value in accordance with ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Step C1: Is the embedded conversion option indexed to the companys own stock? do not biFurCate Embedded conversion option is not bifurcated and it is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other embedded features . Step D: Does the convertible financial instrument include a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion or does it include a beneficial conversion feature?


Step C2: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 1-11)?


Step C3: If the hybrid instrument is convertible, is it conventional convertible?


step C4: Would the embedded conversion option, if freestanding, be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40-25 (Issue 00-19, paragraphs 12-32)?



step C4: Would the embedded conversion option be classified in stockholders equity?
ASC 8154025 (EITF Issue 0019) provides guidance for determining whether an embedded conversion option in a nonconventional convertible instrument or a freestanding warrant would qualify for classification as stockholders equity (versus a liability or, in some cases, an asset). ASC 81540257 through 35 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232) provide the criteria that must be met for such instruments to qualify for equity classification. Each of these criteria is discussed below. If the conversion option passes Steps A and B, and meets the criteria of Step C, then The conversion option would be classified in stockholders equity if it were freestanding; and The conversion option is not required to be bifurcated from the host contract and accounted for as a derivative. In this case, if the conversion value of a convertible instrument can be settled in shares or cash at the issuers option, the instrument must also be analyzed under ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141). If the conversion value of a convertible instrument cant be settled in cash, the financial instrument must then be analyzed for beneficial conversion features under ASC 47020 (EITF Issues 985 and 0027). See the discussion in Step D of this section of the Practice Aid.

30 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

If a company has arrived at this point in the flowchart and its conversion option does not meet the criteria of ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraph 1232), then The conversion option would not be classified in stockholders equity; The conversion option does not meet the scope exception of ASC 815101574 (Statement 133, paragraph 11(a)); and The conversion option must be bifurcated from the host contract and accounted for as a derivative liability, or in some cases, an asset. In this situation, there is no analysis for a beneficial conversion feature. Please note that while the following discussion focuses on the evaluation of embedded conversion options, the criteria in ASC 81540257 through 35 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232) also apply to the determination of the proper balance sheet classification of freestanding warrants (e.g., equity or liability classification). This determination must be performed at each balance sheet date, and makes it possible for certain instruments to be reclassified between debt and equity at different points in their life.

Criteria for Equity Classification

Settlement permitted in unregistered shares.
Convertible debt, convertible preferred stock, and freestanding warrants are often accompanied by a registration rights agreement. A typical registration rights agreement requires the issuer to use its best efforts to register the shares underlying the conversion option or freestanding warrants. If the agreement simply requires the company to use its best efforts or commercially reasonable efforts to register the shares with no deadline, the requirement is under the control of the company and the criterion is satisfied and no accounting is required for the agreement. This means that the issuer can classify the conversion options or freestanding warrants as equity assuming all other requirements are met. Certain registration rights agreements require the issuer to use its best efforts to register the shares underlying the conversion option or warrant by a certain date or else pay a penalty (sometimes referred to as liquidated damages). Agreements with such clauses include wording such as, the company will use its best efforts to cause the shares to be included in an effective registration statement, but in no event later than 180 days from the closing. This effectively creates an absolute obligation at the end of the grace period, and the liquidated damages should be accounted for based on a ASC 45020 model (FASB Statement 5, Accounting for Contingencies). Also, ASC 82520 (FSP EITF 00192, Accounting for Registration Payment Arrangements) indicates: If a liability for registration payments is probable and can be reasonably estimated at inception, the contingent liability shall be included in the allocation of proceeds from the related financing transaction using the measurement guidance in ASC 45020 (Statement 5). If the registration payment becomes probable and can be reasonably estimated after the inception of the arrangement or if the measurement of a previously recognized contingent liability increases or decreases in a subsequent period, the initial recognition of the contingent liability or the change in the measurement of the previously recognized contingent liability (in accordance with Subtopic 45020) shall be recognized in earnings. The guidance does not apply if the registration rights agreement is silent as to penalties. The presumption in ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019) is that financial instruments with registration rights agreements that are silent as to penalties will be settled in cash. Therefore, the financial instruments associated with such a registration rights agreement do not qualify for equity classification. ASC 82520 (FSP EITF 00192) does not apply to the liquidated damages that are defined as a change in a conversion ratio.12

12 ASC 47020 (EITF Issues 985 and 0027) provides guidance on accounting for convertible instruments with contingently adjustable conversion ratios.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 31


uanalyze reGistration riGhts

Prior to the consideration of the registration rights agreement, R Company has concluded that the conversion options and freestanding warrants issued in the private placement discussed below meet the requirements for equity classification. The conversion shares and the warrants are subject to a registration rights agreements. R Company completes the private placement of Convertible Series A Preferred Stock for $100 million. The investor also receives freestanding warrants to purchase common stock. In connection with the financing, R Company is required to use its best efforts to register the shares underlying the conversion options and the warrants.

In connection with the above financing, the facts change. R Company is required to use its best efforts to register the shares underlying the conversion options and freestanding warrants, but in no event should the registration occur later than 180 days from the closing. There is no mention of penalties for failure to register. What is R Companys accounting given these facts? Since the contract is silent with regard to penalties, the registration rights agreement is not within the scope of ASC 82520. Consequently, the presumption is that the conversion options and warrants will be settled in cash and the conversion options and warrants should be classified as liabilities. The liquidated damages are not specified, and no amounts are recorded for the registration rights agreement. In connection with the above financing, the facts change. R Company is required to use its best efforts to file a registration statement for the shares underlying the conversion options and freestanding warrants no later than March 31, 2010, and to have it declared effective no later than June 30, 2010. There is a penalty associated with the agreement of 1% of the capital transaction for each month the company is delinquent. The liquidated damages maximum is 25%. What is R Companys accounting if the Company believes that it will miss the deadline by 5 months? The conversion options and warrants can be classified as equity. Since the payment is probable and reasonably estimable, R Company should accrue the penalty of $5 million ($100 million *1% * 5 months).

How should R Company account for its conversion options, freestanding warrants, and the registration rights agreement? The conversion options and warrants can be classified as equity. The Company is only obliged to use its best efforts to register the shares underlying the conversion options and warrants, and consequently there is no accounting for the registration rights agreement.

Entity has sufficient authorized and unissued shares.

Contract contains an explicit share limit.
Both of these criteria reflect the point that the company must be able to satisfy the share settlement provisions of the agreement in order for equity classification to be appropriate. The logic is that if the company is unable to deliver the required shares, the holder would be entitled to other remedies, such as cash settlement, which would cause the instrument to be classified as a liability.

For example, if R Company enters into a convertible debt agreement that allows the holder to convert the debt instrument in $1,000 increments into 500,000 shares of common stock at a time when no authorized and unissued shares are available, then R Company will be unable to satisfy the requirements of the agreement . As a result, the conversion option would be considered a liability if freestanding . If R Company had 300,000 authorized and unissued shares available, then the Company would be able to classify a portion of the contract (i .e ., 300,000 of the 500,000 shares) as equity as long as the Company had a written policy sequencing the use of the authorized and unissued shares . The remaining 200,000 shares represented by the remaining 40% of the conversion option would be liability-classified .
The above two criteria are related in that, without an explicit limit on the number of shares to be delivered in share settlement, it is impossible for a company to conclude that it has sufficient authorized and unissued shares available to settle the contract. However, certain reset provisions that cause a convertible security to be nonconventional because the conversion price changes might not fail this criteria in ASC 815-40 (EITF Issue 00-19). For example, consider a convertible debt instrument with a reset provision that provides for adjustments for dilution to the conversion price if the company issues additional securities below market price. As noted above, this convertible debt is indexed to the companys own stock only if the resets compensate for dilution, but is not conventional because the number of shares is not fixed. The company could issue more shares at a price lower than market price, thus changing the conversion price and the shares to be issued upon conversion. However, we note that the number of shares is variable only with respect to potential actions of the company. Thus, assuming that the company currently has sufficient shares to settle

32 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

the contract, the ability to settle in shares is within control of the company because the company has control over the event that would trigger the adjustment to the conversion price. In many cases the conversion rate set forth in an instrument does establish the maximum number of shares that could be required in share settlement. The analysis of available shares must consider all existing instruments that could be settled in shares, including employee options and other embedded and freestanding instruments. It is not always obvious if the number of shares is capped.

For example, R Company issues $20 million of debt that can be converted at any time into common stock based upon a conversion price equal to the lower of $5 per share or 80% of the daily average share price . If the share price is $9, then the conversion price would be $5 per share and R Company would issue 4 million shares upon conversion . If the share price decreased, and the conversion price became $1 per share, 20 million shares would be issued . If the conversion price became $0 .01 per share,13 R Company would be required to issue 2 billion shares to settle the conversion option . In this example, since there is no limit on the number of shares that might be needed to settle the conversion option, R Company cannot conclude that it has sufficient authorized and unissued shares available and the embedded conversion option would be classified as a liability . Additionally, this instrument and all other instruments analyzed under ASC 825-40 (EITF Issue 00-19) would have to be classified as liabilities unless R Company has adopted a written policy as discussed below .
A key implication is that if a single contract has no limit on the number of shares that might have to be issued, then the company will not be able to conclude that sufficient authorized and unissued shares exist to settle all contracts subject to ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019). In 2008, the SEC staff informally indicated that it would permit a sequencing approach based on the use of ASC 8401525 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraph 11) which provides guidance for contracts that permit partial net share settlement. The sequencing approach may be applied in one of two ways: contracts may be evaluated based on (1) earliest issuance date or (2) latest maturity date. In order to use the sequencing approach, companies should document and disclose the policy and consistently apply it. The SEC staff will permit a company to change its policy from an approach in which all equitylinked financial instruments and embedded conversion options are tainted if there are insufficient authorized and unissued shares to a sequencing approach. However, the company must comply with ASC 25010 (FASB Statement No. 154, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections) regarding a change in accounting principle and its auditors must provide a preferability letter. We believe the change could be made in any quarter through retrospective application to all prior periods.


uapply the sequenCinG

If R Company adopts the sequencing approach based on the earliest issuance date, which financial instruments qualify as equity and which do not? The A warrants would continue to qualify as equity despite the issuance of the convertible debt, a security potentially settleable in an unlimited number of shares. The B warrants, issued subsequent to the issuance of the convertible debt, however, would be classified as liabilities. Employee stock options are not within the scope of ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019), and their classification would be determined by reference to ASC 71810 (Statement 123R). If R Company adopts the sequencing approach based on the latest maturity date, which financial instruments qualify as equity and which do not? The A warrants would be classified as liabilities on the issuance of the convertible debt. The B warrants, however, would be classified as equity because their expiration date is after the maturity date of the convertible debt. Employee stock options are not within the scope of ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019) and their classification would be determined by reference to ASC 71810 (Statement 123R).

R Company has 500,000 authorized common shares, of which 300,000 are issued and outstanding; R Company issued debt on January 10, 2010 that matures on January 10, 2015 and is convertible into common stock based the stocks fair market value at the date of conversion; R Company has the following equity linked instruments outstanding: 50,000 employee stock options granted December 15, 2009, and expiring December 15, 2019; 100,000 A warrants issued January 5, 2007, and expiring January 5, 2012; and 25,000 B warrants issued on March 30, 2010, and expiring on March 30, 2017.

13 The SEC staff has stated that the likelihood of the share price falling to such a low level is not relevant to the analysis.

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No required cash payment if entity fails to timely file.

This requirement and the one following both address the possibility that the issuer will be required to make cash payments to the holder under certain conditions. These cash payments represent a type of cash settlement and preclude equity classification for the conversion options or warrants. With respect to the first criterion, a company does not have control over its ability to make timely filings with the SEC. Based on this requirement, the size of any cash penalties should be assessed. If the maximum cash penalties are so onerous that the company would be economically compelled to redeem (net cash settle) the instrument, the criterion is not met, and the instrument is considered a liability. If the maximum cash penalties are reasonable and would not be equivalent to net cash settlement, the criterion is met, and the instrument is eligible for equity classification if it meets all of the other tests. The definition of reasonable is a judgment call. One way to determine if the penalties are reasonable would be to compare the value of an instrument with this feature to the value of an instrument without the feature. If the penalty exceeds the difference in value, the company would be economically compelled to cash settle the instrument rather than paying the penalty.

No cash-settled top-off or make-whole provision.

This requirement relates to provisions under which the holder is entitled to cash payments in the event that a certain level of return on investment is not achieved. Often these provisions effectively guarantee the holder a defined return. If such a provision can be netshare settled and the maximum number of shares that could be required to be delivered under the contract (including topoff or makewhole provisions) is fixed and less than the number of available authorized shares (including the number of shares that could be required to be delivered during the contract period under existing commitments), a topoff or makewhole provision would not preclude equity classification. Without such a netshare settlement, these provisions represent cash settlement, the agreement would fail the criterion and would be considered a liability. ASC 81540257 (EITF Issue 0019) notes that the requirement prohibiting cash settlement does not apply to certain cash payments available to all shareholders, such as a liquidation or distribution payment.

No counterparty rights rank higher than shareholder rights. No collateral required.

Many debt instruments require collateral. A convertible debt instrument collateralized by certain assets of the company generally would not fail these criteria if the collateral is contractually required only for the host contract, e.g., collateral sufficient for the principal amount of the debt. In the analysis of the embedded conversion option, only the provisions related specifically to the conversion feature are relevant. Consequently, conversion options collateralized by the shares underlying the conversion options would pass these criteria. However, a provision that might require the issuer to post additional cash collateral associated with the conversion options if the stock price falls below a certain level would fail these criteria.

34 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

00-19) to Convertible debt examples


uapply asC 815-40 (eitF issue

Is R Companys debt conventional convertible? no The number of shares delivered at settlement is variable. Consequently, the convertible debt is not conventional. What is the conclusion if R Companys junior convertible debt is analyzed under ASC 815-40-25 (EITF Issue 00-19, paragraphs 12-32)? R Company analyzes if the company has sufficient authorized and unissued shares. With the stock price of $10, the effective conversion price is $5 (since it is lower than $8 = 80% * $10), and 200,000 shares would be issued if the debt were converted today. Therefore it would seem that the Company has ample authorized and unissued shares to share settle the conversion option. However, if the stock price were to drop, the number of shares issued would increase. If the stock price dropped to $1, 1.25 million shares would be issued, and R Company would still have plenty of shares to settle the contract. If the price dropped to $0.01, 125 million shares would be issued, and R Company would not have sufficient shares to settle the contract. Since the number of shares is not explicitly limited, R Company is unable to conclude that enough authorized and unissued shares are available to share settle the conversion option. The result is that the conversion option would be classified as a liability if freestanding and must be bifurcated from the debt host and accounted for as a derivative liability in accordance with ASC 815 (Statement 133). Furthermore, we note that since the number of shares to be issued to settle the conversion option is potentially unlimited, R Company would be unable to conclude that it has sufficient authorized and available shares to satisfy other commitments to issue shares if it did not have a sequencing policy. However, R Company has adopted, documented and disclosed a sequencing approach that allows its other equity linked financial instruments and conversion options to be classified as equity if they meet the requirements of ASC 815. Would the answer change if R Companys $1,000,000 of junior debt is convertible into common shares at the holders option based upon a conversion price of 80% of the stocks fair market value, but no lower than $5 per share? As above, at issuance, R Companys stock is trading at $10 per share and the company has 50 million authorized and unissued shares. The analysis would be the same until R Company analyzed if there were an adequate number of shares. Unlike above, this instrument contains a cap on the number of shares that will be issued upon conversion in that no matter how low the stock price goes, the holder will receive no more than 200,000 shares ($1,000,000 / $5). Since the number of shares to be issued upon conversion will never exceed 200,000 shares, and the company currently has ample shares available, the ASC 8154025 (EITF Issue 0019) criteria are satisfied. As a result, the conversion option is classified as equity and the financial instrument does not need to be bifurcated. The instrument should be analyzed for beneficial conversion features under ASC 470 20 (EITF Issues 985 and 0027).

R Company issues $1,000,000 of junior debt convertible into common shares at the holders option based upon a conversion price of $5 per share or 80% of the stocks fair market value, whichever is lower. At issuance of the convertible debt instrument, the stock is trading at $10 per share and the company has 50 million authorized and unissued shares.

Is R Companys junior convertible debt subject to ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? no Although the convertible debt is convertible into a variable number of shares, its monetary value is not based solely or predominantly on a fixed monetary amount, a variable other than the issuers shares such as a market index, or a variable inversely related to the value of the companys shares. If the convertible debt was convertible into a variable number of shares and a fixed amount, it would be subject to ASC 48010 (Statement 150). Are the conversion options embedded in R Companys junior debt indexed to R Companys stock? First, R Company determined that the conversion option and the debt host are not clearly and closely related, and the company did not elect the fair value option. R Company is public and consequently, the conversion option is a derivative. Then, R Company concluded that the conversion option was indexed to the companys own stock based on the following: STEP 1: The financial instrument does not contain an exercise contingency. Proceed to Step 2. STEP 2: The only circumstance in which the settlement amount will not equal the difference between the fair value of 200,000 shares and $1,000,000 is if the share price is less than $6.25 ($5.00/80%) because the conversion price was either fixed ($5) or based on the companys fair market value (80% of the stocks fair value). Consequently, the only variable that will change the conversion price is the fair market value of the stock, which is an input to the fixed forfixed model. What is the conclusion if R Companys junior convertible debt is analyzed under ASC 815-40-25 (EITF Issue 00-19, paragraphs 1-11)? R Company noted that the securities purchase agreement for the junior convertible debt did not require net cash settlement, only share settlement is allowed under the contract. Also, the Company noted that the securities purchase agreement allowed for the delivery of unregistered shares at settlement.

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TABLE 2: ASC 815-40 (EITF Issue 00-19) Additional Conditions necessary for Equity Classification

questions For Consideration

refer to the previous pages for detail Does the contract permit delivery of unregistered shares? Does the company have sufficient authorized and unissued shares? Does the contract have an explicit limit on shares issuable to settle? Does the contract require a cash penalty for untimely SEC filings? Does the contract require cash settled top-off or make-whole arrangements? Does the contract require net cash payments only in situations in which all shareholders receive cash? Does the counterparty have rights any higher than a stockholder? Does the contract require any cash collateral?

Recap of the Analysis of Embedded Conversion options

The key considerations in analyzing embedded conversion options follow: Is the conversion option indexed to the companys own stock? Would the conversion option, if freestanding, be considered liability or equity under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 111)? Does the hybrid contract represent a conventional convertible instrument? Would the conversion option, if freestanding, be considered liability or equity under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232)? On the basis of the above tests, if the embedded conversion option would be classified as equity if it were freestanding, further work is required. If the convertible financial instrument includes a conversion option that permits the issuer to pay cash upon conversion, then it must be assessed under ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141). If the convertible financial instrument does not include an option that allows the issuer to pay cash upon conversion, then the instrument must be assessed for a beneficial conversion feature. See the discussion in Step D in this section of the Practice Aid.

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step d: does the Convertible FinanCial instrument inClude a Conversion option that permits the issuer to pay Cash upon Conversion or that inCludes a beneFiCial Conversion Feature?
Conversion options that Permit the Issuer to Pay Cash upon Conversion
Convertible debt instruments that permit the issuer to pay cash or other assets upon conversion and for which the conversion option is not required to be bifurcated from the debt host are accounted for under ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141, referred to in this section as the FSP). If an instrument is accounted for under the FSP, the beneficial conversion feature literature under ASC 47020 (EITF Issues 0027 and 985) does not apply. This is because the conversion option is already accounted for separately from the liability component. An example of such an instrument and the accounting required by ASC 47020 follows. The accounting requirements are discussed in detail below.

R Company issues convertible debt and the conversion feature does not require bifurcation . When a convertible debt holder decides to convert, the Company may settle in stock, cash, or a combination of the two, as it chooses . At issuance, R Company measures the fair value of the liability component first, and the difference between the proceeds from the instrument and the fair value of the liability without the conversion option represents the residual equity component . R Companys debt was issued with the following features in thousands of dollars: R Company issued $1,500 of 2% convertible debt on November 22, 2009, with a due date of November 22, 2014 . Without the conversion feature, R Company would have paid a coupon rate of 8% on the debt . Interest on the $1,500 will be 2%, $30, payable annually . The principal is due November 22, 2014 . The entire $1,500 note will be convertible at $15 per share .

R Company selected the income method to value the liability component . The Company estimated the fair value of the liability component without the conversion option by calculating the present value of its cash flows using a discount rate of 8%, the market rate for similar notes with no conversion features, as follows in thousands of dollars: The present value of the principal and interest payments over the 5 year life at 8% = The residual allocated to equity = Total $1,140 $360 $1,500

During the 5-year life of the note, R Company recognizes $510 in interest expense, consisting of $150 of cash interest payments ($30*5=$150) and $360 of discount amortization . The present value of the annual interest payments of $30 for 5 years and the principal payment of $1,500 at the end of the 5th year at the companys nonconvertible borrowing rate of 8%=$1,140 . The residual allocated to equity is $1,500-$1,140=$360; this $360 represents the discount resulting from the application of the FSP that is amortized over the 5-year life .

Instruments in the Scope of the FSP

Convertible financial instruments within the scope of the FSP include convertible debt instruments that have the following features upon conversion: The issuer may satisfy the entire obligation in either stock or cash equivalent to the conversion value (i.e., commonly referred to in the previously applicable accounting literature as Instrument B);14 The issuer must satisfy the accreted value15 of the obligation in cash and may satisfy the conversion spread in either cash or stock (i.e., commonly referred to in the previously applicable accounting literature as Instrument C); and The issuer may satisfy the entire obligation in any combination of cash and shares at the issuers option (i.e., commonly referred to as Instrument X).

14 Conversion value is defined as the market value of the underlying shares into which convertible debt can be exchanged. Conversion value is calculated by multiplying the number of shares that can be obtained by the market price per share. Debt that can be converted into 50 shares of stock with a market price of $10 each has a conversion value of $500. 15 Accreted value is defined as the current carrying value of debt with an originalissue discount that takes into account imputed interest that has accumulated since issuance.

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Preferred shares that are mandatorily redeemable financial instruments are classified as liabilities under ASC 48010 (Statement 150) because they require a cash settlement at maturity. If these instruments may be converted for cash (in whole or in part), they are also within the scope of the FSP. For example, an instrument in the form of a mandatorily redeemable preferred share, in which the issuer must satisfy the accreted value of the obligation in cash and may satisfy the conversion spread in either cash or stock, is within the scope of the FSP. Instruments outside the scope of the FSP include: Convertible debt instruments with embedded conversion options that are accounted for separately as a derivatives under ASC 815 (Statement 133); Convertible preferred shares that are accounted for in equity or in temporary equity; Convertible debt that requires settlement only in the issuers own stock; Convertible debt that requires or allows settlement of fractional shares in cash; Convertible debt that allows for settlement in cash or shares in circumstances in which holders of the underlying shares also would receive the same form of consideration, for example, in a changeofcontrol transaction; and Convertible debt that settles in cash at maturity at its principal amount.

The Fair Value of the Liability Component of Convertible Debt

For instruments within the scope of the FSP, companies are required to determine the carrying amount of the liability component of convertible debt at issuance by measuring the fair value of a similar liability, without the conversion option, but including any other embedded features that may be present in the instrument. This represents the measurement of the nonconvertible liability at fair value using information available at the issuance date. Once determined, this fair value is not subject to revaluation at a later date. Only embedded features that are substantive should be included in the initial measurement of the liability component. Embedded features are considered nonsubstantive if, at issuance, the company concludes that it is probable that the embedded feature will not be exercised.

As a reminder on fair value measurement, companies that issued financial instruments on or after the effective date of ASC 820-10 (FASB Statement 157, Fair Value Measurements), should measure the fair value of the liability component using ASC 820-10 .16 Determining this fair value is not necessarily straight forward especially since embedded put and call options are very common in these instruments . Companies may therefore have trouble determining which options are substantive, calculating the fair value of a loan with these features, and determining the effect of the options on the expected life of the liability component . Information such as the price of a similar liability, or inputs to valuation techniques, are not always readily available and may be particularly challenging to obtain if the companys credit rating is below investment grade . A best practice is to begin the valuation process early and to consider using a valuation specialist .
The company may use the following approaches, available under both ASC 82010 (Statement 157) and preexisting GAAP, to determine the fair value of a nonconvertible liability:

Market approach Identify the fair value of comparable liabilities

In practice, companies may find it difficult to use a market approach to determine the fair value of a similar liability because debt with the same rights and obligations (e.g., call/put rights, other embedded features, maturity date, specific covenants, etc.) might not exist at date of issuance of those instruments. Under this approach, companies should consider the differences in the nature of the nonconvertible debt being fair valued when compared with the debt being used to determine the fair value. These can include features such as seniority, issuance date, put or call options, and collateral provisions. The rate differences associated with the differences in features should be determined using independent market data.

Income approach Discount cash flows at the nonconvertible interest rate of comparable liabilities to determine the fair value
Companies can use an income approach and also can derive information for inputs to a valuation technique using a lattice model. As a result, it is possible for a company to determine the fair value of their convertible debt based on the fair value of a hypothetical instrument with similar features.

If the convertible debt includes embedded put and or call options that require bifurcation, after the company has valued the liability component with these features, it must bifurcate the options. The bifurcated put and or call options should then be recorded at fair value as a single compound derivative. The valuation of the liability component and the embedded put and call features may be complicated and may require a valuation specialist. Bifurcation of an embedded put and or call option from the liability component does not affect the accounting for the equity component.

16 For financial instruments that were issued before ASC 82010 (Statement 157) became effective, companies can use preexisting GAAP to measure fair value that is generally entityspecific and based on entry price.

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The Nonconvertible Borrowing Rate

One key factor for determining the fair value of the liability at the date of issuance is the nonconvertible debt borrowing rate. The rate may be estimated by one or a combination of the following methods: Determining the borrowing rate of the companys other financing arrangements on existing nonconvertible debt. These rates would only be appropriate if the borrowings and the convertible debt had comparable attributes such as issuance date, term, seniority of the debt, and substantive embedded features such as put or call options; Considering the borrowing rate for nonconvertible debt with comparable attributes such as those listed above issued by peer companies. Peer companies should be similar in size, nature and financial profile (e.g., creditworthiness). A company could obtain this information from the market based on trading prices, investment bank data, and possibly from other unrelated parties; and/or Generating the rate using a model such as a lattice model. Companies that use models to derive the nonconvertible borrowing market rate should consider factors similar to those mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.

The Expected Life of the Debt

Determining the expected life of the debt is important for the following reasons: The debt discount and debt issuance costs are amortized over the expected life. The debt discount includes the amount allocated to the equity component (the residual of the proceeds at issuance after fair valuing the debt component) plus the fair value of any bifurcated embedded derivatives. If the income approach is used to measure the fair value of the liability component at initial recognition, the expected life is a necessary input. The FSP requires companies to match the amortization period for the debt discounts and debt issuance costs to the expected life of similar debt that does not have a conversion right. The FSP further notes that if the income approach was used, this expected life should be consistent with the period over which the discounted cash flow was measured. The company should identify all substantive embedded features in the debt at issuance, other than the conversion option, to determine if they affect the expected life in addition to determining whether the feature requires bifurcation under ASC 815 (Statement 133) and ASC 81540 (EITF Issues 075 and 0019). The company may determine that the expected life of the debt is shorter than the contractual life if the debt includes a substantive put option. Generally, companies conclude that the expected life is through the first put date unless interest rates are expected to drop significantly such that it would be beneficial for holders to continue to hold onto the debt. Companies generally do not shorten the debts expected life for a call option because there is a low coupon rate associated with these instruments. In accordance with the FSP, companies do not reassess the expected life of the liability in periods subsequent to issuance unless the terms of the instrument are modified. Therefore, the reported interest expense for an instrument should be determined based on the stated interest rate (i.e., coupon payments) once the debt discount is fully amortized (e.g., when the debt remains outstanding after the first put date).

Allocation of Transaction Costs

The FSP requires direct transaction costs incurred with third parties other than investors, such as attorney fees, to be allocated between the liability and equity components. The allocation should be based on the proportion that each component represents of total proceeds at issuance.

In the example above, R Company issued $1,500 of convertible debt; $1,140 (76%) was allocated to liability, and $360 (24%) was allocated to equity . If transaction costs were $100, the Company would capitalize $76 as debt issuance costs and would treat $24 as equity issuance costs that reduce equity at the time of the transaction .

Income Taxes

When companies recognize both a debt and an equity component, there is generally a basis difference associated with the liability component that represents a temporary difference for purposes of applying ASC 74010 (Statement 109). The FSP directs companies to recognize the initial deferred taxes for the tax effect of that temporary difference as a charge to additional paidin capital and a credit to deferred tax liability. This accounting

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only applies if the company does not have a full valuation allowance under (ASC 74010 (Statement 109).17 The FSP like ASC 74010 (EITF Issue 05 8, Income Tax Consequences of Issuing Convertible Debt with a Beneficial Conversion Feature), directs companies to recognize a deferred tax liability on the difference between the tax and accounting basis of debt. Over the life of convertible debt, the companys deferred tax liability is reduced, and a deferred tax benefit is recognized as the debt discount is amortized. The companys total income tax benefit includes not only the deferred tax benefit from the reversal of the deferred tax liability, but also the current tax benefit of deducting the contractual interest. If a company settles convertible debt, a book gain or loss is recognized upon extinguishment. At the same time, the company should record a deferred tax benefit and reverse any residual deferred tax liability that had been recorded.


Companies with convertible debt instruments within the scope of the FSP should account for conversions into common stock or extinguishments as settlements in which the liability component is extinguished and the equity component is reacquired. Consequently, regardless of the form of the consideration transferred in the settlement (e.g., conversion to equity shares, repayment in cash, etc.), the fair value of that consideration is attributed to the liability and equity components in the same manner as the initial proceeds were allocated. In other words, the consideration is measured at fair value and allocated to the liability component based on the liabilitys fair value at the settlement date. Any remaining consideration is attributed to the reacquisition of the equity component and recognized as a reduction of stockholders equity. The result is that a gain or loss is recognized upon conversion, or upon any other settlement, equal to the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount of the liability component at the conversion/settlement date. Transaction costs incurred from third parties other than investors that relate directly to the settlement of a convertible debt instrument within the scope of the FSP should be allocated to both the liability and equity components. The costs should be allocated in proportion to the settlement amount allocated to each component. The costs allocated to the debt component should be charged to expense in the period of derecognition and those allocated to the equity component should reduce equity.

uapply the Fsp to Convertible debt

R Company issues 15year convertible debt at par for proceeds of $2,000 on January 1, 2009. The debt is convertible at any time into shares of R Companys common stock at a stated conversion price of $10 per share. The quoted market price of R Companys common stock is $7 per share on the date of issuance. The par value of R Companys common stock is $1. Upon conversion, R Company can elect to settle the entire ifconverted value (the principal amount of the debt plus the conversion spread) in cash, common stock, or any combination thereof. The debt is callable and puttable at par after the 10th year. The Company pays interest annually at the end of each year at a rate of 2% on the principal amount or $40 per year. The Companys nonconvertible borrowing rate is 9% which is the rate it would pay for debt with terms similar to the convertible debt that is callable, puttable, and without a conversion feature. The maturity date is December 31, 2023. On January 1, 2014, when the quoted market price of R Companys common stock is $14, all holders of the convertible notes exercise their conversion options. The investors are entitled to aggregate consideration of $2,800. At settlement, the market interest rate for debt with similar terms and features but without a conversion option is 8%. For purposes of the example, issuance costs and income taxes have been ignored. The only features embedded in the debt are the put, call, and conversion options.

What is the accounting for the liability component and the conversion option component of the convertible debt at issuance by the issuer? Step 1 R Company concludes that the embedded conversion option, the embedded put, and the embedded call do not require bifurcation, and that the convertible debt is within the scope of the FSP.

17 If the company does have a full valuation allowance, the companys tax provision disclosure will now include increased amounts for deferred tax liabilities and valuation allowance, and the statutory rate reconciliation will show an adjustment in the valuation allowance rather than nondeductible interest expense .

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STEP 2 R Company applies the FSP and calculates the liability component of the convertible note first, by calculating the expected present value of 10 years of $40 interest payments and the payment of $2,000 at the end of the 10th year at the Companys nonconvertible interest rate of 9%. The Company uses the expected life of 10 years rather than the contractual life of 15 years. The Companys nonconvertible debt has terms and features that are similar to the convertible debt, including embedded put and embedded call options, and consequently the Company concludes that 9% is the most appropriate rate to use in the computation. The Company has decided to use an income approach to measure the liability; it could also have chosen to use a market approach. The fair value of the liability component at January 1, 2009, is $1,102. The $898 difference between the proceeds from the issuance of the notes and the fair value of the liability is assigned to the equity component.

reported interest expense for the year ended under FSP 14-1 January 1, 2009 December 31, 2009 December 31, 2010 December 31, 2011 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2013 December 31, 2014 December 31, 2015 December 31, 2016 December 31, 2017 December 31, 2018 Total Interest Expense Jan 1, 2009, to Dec 31, 2018
STEP 3 R Company records the following entry at initial recognition: 18 Entry at January 1, 2009: Cash Debt discount Debt APIC $2,000 $ 898 $2,000 $ 898

Carrying amount of debt at the balance sheet date under FSP 14-1 $1,102 $1,161 $1,226 $1,296 $1,373 $1,457 $1,547 $1,646 $1,755 $1,873 $2,000

$99 $105 $110 $117 $124 $130 $139 $148 $158 $168 $1,298

R Companys convertible notes contain an embedded call and put that can be exercised at the end of the tenth year. As discussed above, if a company concludes that features embedded in convertible debt are nonsubstantive because it is probable that they will not be exercised, then these features should not be included in the determination of the expected life of the convertible debt. R Company concludes that the put is substantive and consequently that the expected life is the same as the life of the put, ten years. The Company uses the tenyear period to measure the fair value of the liability, and also uses the tenyear period for calculating interest using the effective interest method. During the ten years ending December 31, 2018, the Company recognizes $1,298 of interest expense consisting of $400 of cash interest payments and $898 of discount amortization under the effective interest method. In this example, Step 3 will change if the embedded put and call features require bifurcation. After a company identifies the fact that the embedded features require bifurcation, the order of the steps is as follows: a. Apply the FSP to separate the liability component, including the put and call features other than the conversion option, from the equity component. b. Separate the put and call from the liability component in accordance with Statement 133 and its related interpretations (ASC 81510). These put and call option derivatives would be allocated their full fair value and bifurcated from the liability component as a single compound derivative. The valuation of the liability component and the embedded put and call features may be complicated and may require a valuation specialist. Separation of an embedded derivative from the liability component does not affect the accounting for the equity component.

18 Before the effectiveness of the FSP, the entry would simply have been debit cash $2,000 and credit debt for the same amount .

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What is the accounting for the liability component and the conversion option component by the issuer at conversion on January 1, 2014? R Company settles the note on January 1, 2014, and consequently derecognizes the debt component and reacquires the equity component. The Companys first step is to measure the fair value of the liability component immediately prior to extinguishment by calculating the expected present value of 5 years of $40 interest payments and the payment of $2,000 at the end of the fifth year at the Companys nonconvertible interest rate of 8% or $1,520. The Companys nonconvertible debt has terms and features that are similar to the convertible debt, including embedded put and embedded call options, and consequently the Company concludes that 8% is an appropriate rate to use in determining fair value. As noted above, the fair value of the aggregate consideration due to the investors is $2,800. The amount attributable to the equity component is $2,800 $1,520 or $1,280. Whether the consideration is cash, common stock, or a combination of the two, $1,520 will be attributed to the extinguishment of the liability and $1,280 would be attributed to the reacquisition of the equity. Since R Company was carrying the debt at $1,457 on December 31, 2013, the Company would incur a loss of $63 ($1,520 $1,457) upon settlement of the debt. At settlement, R Company would record the following assuming it elects to transfer consideration to the convertible debt holder in the form of $2,000 in cash and 57 shares of common stock with a fair value of $800 (par of $57 and APIC of $743). The $1,280 decrease to APIC for the reacquisition of the conversion option and the $743 increase to APIC from the issuance of common stock at conversion are presented gross in this journal entry for clear presentation. Entry at January 1, 2014: Debt $1,457 APIC conversion option $1,280 Loss on extinguishment $ 63 Cash Common stock at par APIC share issuance

$2,000 $57 $743

Beneficial Conversion Features

If an issuer is not required to bifurcate the conversion option in its convertible financial instrument under ASC 815 (Statement 133, EITF Issue 075, and EITF Issue 0019), does not elect to carry the instrument at fair value, and the issuer of the instrument cannot settle the instrument partially or wholly in cash, then the issuer should test the instrument for a beneficial conversion feature. A convertible financial instrument includes a beneficial conversion feature if the effective conversion price is less than the companys market price of common stock on the commitment date.19 The effective price paid for a common share is the amount allocated to the convertible instrument, divided by the number of shares the holder is entitled to upon conversion. If the convertible financial instrument is issued with warrants and/ or other detachable instruments, the amount allocated to the convertible instrument is the face amount less the allocation to the detachable instruments. (If the warrants are equity, the allocation between the convertible instrument and the warrants is on a relative fair value basis. If the warrants are liabilities, the amount allocated to the convertible instrument is the face amount less the fair value of the warrants.) If the convertible financial instrument includes embedded derivatives other than the conversion option that are separately accounted for as embedded derivatives under ASC 815 (Statement 133, EITF Issue 075, and EITF Issue 0019), these embedded derivatives do not affect the effective conversion price for purposes of measuring a beneficial conversion feature. That is, the proceeds received for or allocated to a convertible instrument include the proceeds ascribed to embedded derivatives that are accounted for separately from the host contract under ASC 815. An issuers beneficial conversion feature on a convertible instrument is equal to the difference between the companys market price of common stock on the measurement date and the effective conversion price multiplied by the number of shares the holder is entitled to upon conversion.

19 The commitment date is the date that the contract is binding on both parties and usually legally enforceable. At this date, the agreement specifies all significant terms and includes a disincentive for nonperformance that is sufficiently large to make performance probable.

42 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

For a beneFiCial Conversion Feature

R Company has a senior convertible debt instrument that has an effective conversion price that is $12 on the commitment date when the fair value of the shares is $10; therefore, the instrument does not include a beneficial conversion feature. R Company has a junior convertible debt instrument that has an effective conversion price that is $8.63 on the commitment date when the fair value of the shares is $10. This second instrument includes a beneficial conversion feature. We will analyze this beneficial conversion feature further. On R Companys junior convertible debt instrument, the debt had proceeds of $1,000 and it was issued with warrants, accounted for as equity, with a relative fair value of $180. The amount allocated to the convertible debt is $820. The conversion price of the junior convertible debt is $10.50 per share. The par amount of the debt is $1,000. The market price of the common stock on the measurement date is $10.

uanalyze Convertible debt

R Company calculates the effective conversion price by: Dividing the amount allocated to the convertible instrument ($820) by the number of shares the holder is entitled to upon conversion ($1,000/$10.50 = 95 shares); $820/95 = $8.63. R Company calculates the beneficial conversion feature by: Calculating the difference between the companys market price of common stock on the commitment date ($10) and the effective price of a common share ($8.63); $10 $8.63 = $1.37; and Multiplying $1.37 by the number of shares the holder is entitled to upon conversion ($1000/$10.50 = 95 shares); 1.37*95 = $130. An alternative method is to calculate the beneficial conversion feature as the difference between the fair value of the shares issuable upon conversion and the amount allocated to the convertible instrument. Under this alternative, R Company calculates the beneficial conversion feature by: Calculating the fair value of the shares issuable upon conversion as the number of shares issuable upon conversion ($1000/$10.50 = 95 shares) multiplied by the fair value of the common stock at the measurement date ($10); 95 * $10 = $950; less The amount allocated to the convertible instrument of $820; equals $950 $820 = $130. Note: After determining the proper accounting convertible equity instruments, public companies must still consider the guidance in ASC 48010S99 (EITF Topic D98, Classification and Measurement of Redeemable Securities). See section entitled Balance Sheet Classification shares at page 52.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 43

FlowChart #2

start here
step a: Does thethe warrant fall within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150)? Account for warrant in accordance with ASC 480-10


Step C: ASC 815-10-15-74 (Statement 133, Paragraph 11(a)) Step C1: Is the warrant indexed to the companys own stock?

liability The warrant would be accounted for as a liability under ASC 815 (Statement 133) .


Step C2: Would the warrant be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40 (paragraphs 1-11 of Issue 00-19)?

equity The warrant is not accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) .


Step C4: Would the warrant be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 815-40 (paragraphs 12-32 of Issue 00-19)?




Companies must First determine whether the warrant is within the sCope oF asC 480-10 (FlowChart step a). reFer to paGe 6 For a disCussion oF the types oF warrants that represent liabilities under asC 480-10. iF the warrant is not within the sCope oF asC 480-10, Companies should Consider whether the warrant meets the sCope exCeption oF asC 815-10-15-74 (statement 133, paraGraph 11(a)).

44 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

step C: does the warrant meet the asC 815-10-15-74 (statement 133, paraGraph 11(a)) sCope exCeption?
ASC 815101574 (paragraph 11(a) of Statement 133) states that contracts that are both (1) indexed to a companys own stock and (2) classified in stockholders equity in the companys balance sheet are not considered derivative instruments. This means that if a freestanding warrant meets the scope exception, it can be accounted for as stockholders equity. In this section, we discuss the meaning of the scope exception as it applies to freestanding warrants.

step C1: Is the warrant indexed to the companys own stock?

Read the discussion of the meaning of indexed to the companys own stock that begins on page 18 of the Practice Aid. If the warrants are indexed to the companys own stock, then they should be tested under Steps C2 and C3.

Warrants that Are not Derivatives

A warrant is a derivative if it meets the three requirements of a derivative in Step B3 of the Practice Aid on pages 1516. Such warrants are accounted for as derivative assets or liabilities if they are not indexed to a companys own stock. As discussed previously, warrants of private companies that require physical settlement (i.e., can only be exercised for the full amount of cash in exchange for shares) typically do not meet the definition of a derivative because net settlement does not exist. In contrast, warrants of private companies that can be netshare settled (commonly described as cashless exercise) do meet the net settlement test. Both types of instruments are subject to twostep test in ASC 81540 to determine whether they are considered indexed to the companys own stock. ASC 81540 precludes instruments that are not indexed to the companys own stock from equity classification, and as a result such instruments are outside the scope of ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019). In the absence of other specific accounting literature, we believe that these instruments should generally be recorded at fair value and marked to fair value through earnings each subsequent reporting period, which is consistent with the SEC staffs longstanding view for written options.

reset Feature

uanalyze a warrant with a

R Company issues warrants that permit the holder to buy 200 shares of its common stock for $5 per share. The warrants have 5year terms and are exercisable at any time. The terms of the warrants are that (1) if the company sells shares of its common stock for an amount less than $5 per share, the strike price of the warrants is reduced to equal the issuance price of those shares, and (2) if the company issues additional warrants with a strike price below $5 per share, the strike price of these warrants is reduced to equal the strike price of the newly issued warrants.

STEP 2: The settlement amount would not equal the difference between the fair value of a fixed number of R Companys equity shares and a fixed strike price. The strike price would be adjusted if R Company (1) sells shares of its common stock for less than $5 per share or (2) issues warrants with a strike price below $5 per share. Consequently, the settlement amount of the warrants can be affected by future common stock offerings by R Company at the thencurrent market price of these shares or the contractual terms of atthemoney warrants issued in a subsequent period. The occurrence of a sale of common stock by R Company at market is not an input to the fair value of a fixedforfixed option on common shares. Also, the occurrence of a sale of an atthemoney warrant is not an input to the fair value of a fixedforfixed option on equity shares, if the transaction was priced at market. R Company would account for the warrants as liabilities and record them at fair value with the changes reported in the income statement. This answer would be correct whether R Company was public or private. Although we concluded that the warrants failed Step C1 and are liabilities, the flowchart steps that would be applicable if the warrants had passed Step C1 are summarized below.

Are these warrants considered indexed to R Companys stock? No, the warrants are not considered indexed to R Companys stock based on the following: STEP 1: The instruments do not contain an exercise contingency. Proceed to Step 2.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 45

step C2: Would the freestanding warrant be classified in stockholders equity, part 1?
In general, warrants that require or may require the issuer to settle the warrant for cash are liabilities, and warrants that require settlement in shares are equity instruments. Read the discussion of the requirements to be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 111) beginning on page 24 of the Practice Aid.

step C4: Would the freestanding warrant be classified in stockholders equity, part 2?
Warrants that do not meet the requirements of part 2, such as the issuer having the ability to settle in unregistered shares and having a sufficient number of authorized and unissued shares, result in the assumption of cash settlement of the warrant. Read the discussion of the requirements to be classified in stockholders equity under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019, paragraphs 1232) beginning on page 29 of the Practice Aid. If the warrant passes Steps C1, C2 and C4, the issuer can account for the warrants as equity.

46 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

uputs and Calls embedded in debt

a Companys aCCountinG For puts and Calls embedded in debt is dependent on whether the Features are Considered Clearly and Closely related to the host ContraCt. we have simpliFied the required analysis in step b and it is summarized in the FollowinG FlowChart.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 47

FlowChart #3 step b
Step B1: Are the host contract and put or call clearly and closely related? Start with Step B16 1 asC 815-15-25 (diG issue b16)
Step B16 1: Is the debt payoff adjusted based on changes in an index rather than simply being the repayment of principal at par plus any unpaid accrued interest?

yes yes
Step B16 2: Is the payoff indexed to an underlying other than interest rates or credit risk?

not Clearly and Closely related Go to Step B2 ASC 815-15-25 (Statement 133, paragraph 13 and DIg Issue B39)

Step B16 3: Does the debt involve a substantial premium or discount (e .g ., greater than 10%)?



Step B16 4: Is the put or call contingently exercisable and does it accelerate the repayment of the contractual principal amount?

Par 13 Step 1: Could the debt holder be forced to settle at less than substantially all of its initial recorded investment?


Par 13 Step 2: If the instrument is a call, Step 2 is skipped, and the call is determined to be clearly and closely related . If the instrument is a put, could the issuer be forced to pay both twice the initial return on the debt and twice the market rate?


not Clearly and Closely related Go to Step B2



not Clearly and Closely related Go to Step B2



Clearly and Closely related

Step B2: Is the hybrid instrument remeasured at fair value through earnings each period?


do not biFurCate

Step B3: Would the embedded option, if freestanding, qualify as a derivative?


The put or call option is not bifurcated and accounted for as a derivative under ASC 815 (Statement 133) . Evaluate instrument for other features .

step C: The ASC 815-10-15-74 (Statement 133 Paragraph 11(a)) scope exception is not available to puts and calls embedded in debt instruments . BIFuRCATE the embedded put or call from the debt host contract . Evaluate the instrument for other embedded options .

48 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

puts and Calls

Put features allow a debt holder to demand repayment, and call features allow the issuer to redeem the debt. Put and call features that are clearly and closely related to debt hosts are not required to be bifurcated. ASC 815152540 through 43 (paragraph 61(d) of Statement 133 and DIG Issue B16, Embedded Derivatives: Calls and Puts in Debt Instruments) provide guidance on whether the economic risks and characteristics of embedded put and call options are clearly and closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of a debt host. ASC 815152542 provides a fourstep decision sequence to follow in determining whether puts and calls are clearly and closely related to a debt host. Explanations of the four steps follow and are on Flowchart #3.

step 1: Is the payoff (the amount paid at settlement) adjusted based on changes in an index? If yes, go to Step 2 . If no, go to Step 3 .
Examples of payoff amounts based on changes in an index include: a. Market value of the number of shares of an unrelated companys common stock b. Par amount of the debt adjusted for the percentage increase in the S&P 500 These amounts are not examples of payoff amounts based on an index: a. Par amount of the debt plus any unpaid and accrued interest b. 120% of the par amount of the debt

step 2: Is the payoff indexed to an underlying other than interest rates or credit risk? If yes, the put or call is not clearly and closely related to the debt . If no, go to Step 3 .
Examples of a payoff indexed to an underlying other than interest rates or credit risk include indices associated with market value of equities, including the S&P 500 index.

step 3: Does the debt involve a substantial premium or discount? If yes, go to Step 4 . If no, and the instrument is not contingently exercisable, further analysis is required under ASC 815-15-25-26 (Step 1 of paragraph 13 of Statement 133) .
We believe that a substantial premium or discount is one that is greater than 10%. Discounts and premiums that represent substantial discounts are: a. Discounts resulting from warrants or other freestanding instruments issued with the debt. b. Premiums or discounts resulting from puts or calls that require payoff at more than 110% of par or less than 90% of par. Discounts that are excluded from the determination of whether or not the debt involves a substantial discount are those resulting from beneficial conversion features or other embedded derivative features that are bifurcated.

step 4: Does a contingently exercisable call or put accelerate the repayment of the contractual principal amount? If no, further analysis is required under ASC 815-15-25-26 (Step 1 of paragraph 13 of Statement 133) . If yes, the put or call is not clearly and closely related to the debt .
Examples of contingently exercisable puts and calls include: a. Puttable if the S&P increases by at least 20% b. Puttable in the event of a change in control c. Callable in the event of a change in control d. Puttable in the event of an IPO e. Puttable in the event the price of the common stock of the company changes by 20% f. Callable if stock price increases by 10% Call and put options that do not involve a substantial discount or premium or that involve a substantial discount or premium and are not contingently exercisable, must pass the criterion of ASC 815152526a (paragraph 13a of Statement 133) to be clearly and closely related to the debt host20. The puts and calls would not meet these criteria if the options include a provision that could: 26a. Result in a settlement in a manner that the holder would not recover substantially all of its initial recorded investment.
20 ASC 815152526 (Statement 133, paragraph 13) applies to debt with embedded put or call options that include only a single underlying such as an interest rate or an interest rate index. However, there is diversity in practice regarding whether ASC 815152526 (Statement 133, paragraph 13) applies to debt with embedded put or call options with two underlyings such as a contingency occurring or not occurring and an interest rate underlying.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 49

Under ASC 815152537 (DIG Issue B39, Application of Paragraph 13(b) to Call Options That Are Exercisable Only by the Debtor), call options are not required to be analyzed under the criteria of ASC 8152526b (paragraph 13b of Statement 133). The reason for the relief is that the call option is within the issuers control and the debt holder will not receive a high rate of return if the issuer exercises its right to call the debt. For puts, the options would not pass the criteria of paragraph 13b if the options include a provision that could: 26b. At least double the investors initial rate of return on the host debt and at the same time result in a rate of return that is at least twice what otherwise would be the thencurrent market return for a similar contract that involves a debt with a similar credit quality. If the put or call options are not clearly and closely related to their debt host based on Step B1, the options should be tested under Steps B2 and B3. Summaries of Steps B2 and B3 follow. Step B2: If the hybrid instrument is remeasured at fair value each period, the put and/or call options do not need to be bifurcated. If the hybrid instrument is not remeasured, Step B3 must be considered. Step B3: If the put or call option were freestanding and would be considered to be a derivative, bifurcation would be required. ASC 815101583 (Statement 133, paragraphs 69) defines a derivative (see page 20 for further detail) as follows: a. It has one or more underlyings and one or more notional amounts or prepayment provisions or both. b. It has no initial net investment or an initial net investment that is smaller than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to changes in market factors. c. Its terms require or permit net settlement, it can readily be settled net by a means outside the contract, or it provides for delivery of an asset that puts the recipient in a position not substantially different from a net settlement. Criteria a and b did not raise implementation issues for put and call options, but criterion c did, and was discussed in ASC 8151015107 through 109 (DIG Issue B38, Evaluation of Net Settlement with Respect to the Settlement of a Debt Instrument through Exercise of an Embedded Put Option or Call Option). This issue specifies that the potential settlement of the debtors obligation to the creditor upon exercise of an embedded put option or call option does meet the net settlement criterion of ASC 815 (Statement 133). The guidance in this paragraph also applies to freestanding call options held by a debtor on its own debt instruments and freestanding put options issued by the debtor on its own debt instruments. ASC 8151015107 through 109 (DIG Issue B38) indicates that when a debtor settles its own debt upon exercise of a put or a call option, the settlement does not involve the delivery of an asset that is associated with the underlying. Even if the creditor returns evidence to the debtor upon settlement such as a cancelled note payable, the conclusion remains that the settlement does not involve the delivery of an asset. Also, the debtors payment to the creditor to settle the debt obligation is not associated with the underlying because cash paid currently and denominated in the companys functional currency is not related to any underlying for the embedded put option or call option. Since the debtor does not receive an asset when it settles the debt obligation in conjunction with the exercise of the put or call option and the creditor does not receive an asset associated with the underlying, the net settlement criterion in ASC 815 (Statement 133) is met. This conclusion is based on the fact that an asset associated with the underlying is not delivered; it is not based on whether the debt instrument is readily convertible to cash. Consequently, it is irrelevant if the debt is publicly traded or not.

50 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

embedded in Convertible debt


uanalyze put and Call options

Should the put options be bifurcated? YES The put options should be bifurcated. The analysis follows the steps in Flowchart #3 Put a: Step B16 1: The payoff is simply par plus accrued interest . It is not adjusted based on changes in an index . Go to Step 3 . Step B16 3: The debt involves a discount of 14%, consequently the discount is substantial . Go to Step 4 . Step B16 4: The put is contingently exercisable . The put is not clearly and closely and closely related to the debt host . Go to Step B2 . Step B2: The hybrid debt instrument is not remeasured at fair value through earnings each period . Go to Step B3 . Step B3: The embedded put option, if freestanding, would qualify as a derivative . Under ASC 815-10-15-107 (DIG B38), the potential settlement of the debtors obligation to the creditor that would occur upon exercise of the put option or call option meets the net criteria settlement of ASC 815 (Statement 133) .This means that the put should be bifurcated . Conclusion: The put should be bifurcated. Put b: Step B16 1: The payoff is 120% of par plus accrued interest . The payoff is not based on an index . Go to Step 3 . Step B16 3: The debt involves a discount of 14% and a premium of 20%, consequently both the discount and the premium are substantial . Go to Step 4 . Step B16 4: The put is contingently exercisable . The put is not clearly and closely related to the debt host . Go to Step B2 . Step B2: The hybrid debt instrument is not remeasured at fair value through earnings each period . Go to Step B3 . Step B3: The embedded put option, if freestanding, would qualify as a derivative . ASC 815-10-15-107 (DIG B38), the potential settlement of the debtors obligation to the creditor that would occur upon exercise of the put option or call option meets the net criteria settlement in ASC 815 (Statement 133) .This means that the put should be bifurcated . Conclusion: The put should be bifurcated .

R Company issues $7 million of 10% convertible debt with Series A warrants for the purchase of the companys common stock. The Securities Purchase Agreement includes a call option which allows R Company to prepay the principal and accrued interest on the note at any time without penalty, and a put option that the holder can exercise if the Company defaults on the debt or if there is a change in control. The Securities Purchase Agreement specifies that the holder can put the debt to R Company in the following situations: 1. If the Company defaults on the debt by allowing a lapse in effectiveness of the registration statement required by the Registration Rights Agreement for the shares underlying the convertible debt. In this event, the holder can put the debt to the Company for principal plus accrued interest (put a). 2.. If there is a change of control, the holder can put the debt to the Company for 120% of the principal plus accrued interest (put b). The Company analyzes the warrants and determines that they should be classified in stockholders equity. The relative fair value of the warrants is $1 million (14%).

Should R Company bifurcate the call option? no The call option is not bifurcated. The analysis follows the steps in Flowchart #3 Step B16 1: The payoff is simply par plus accrued interest . Go to Step 3 . Step B16 3: The debt involves a discount of 14% and consequently the discount is substantial . Go to Step 4 . Step B16 4: The call is not contingently exercisable . Go to ASC 81515-25-26 (Statement 133), paragraph 13 Step 1 . Par 13 Step 1: The debt holder could not be forced to settle at less than its initial investment . Go to ASC 815-15-25-26 (Statement 133), paragraph 13 Step 2 . Par 13 Step 2: The instrument is a call and consequently Step 2 can be skipped . Conclusion: The call is clearly and closely related to the host contract. Do not bifurcate.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 51

ueleCtinG the Fair value option

asC 815-15-25 (statement 155) allows Companies to eleCt to Carry Certain hybrid FinanCial instruments at Fair value. asC 825-10 (statement 159) allows Companies to eleCt to Carry Certain FinanCial instruments at Fair value.
Under 8151525 (Statement 155), the election can be made for most hybrid contracts that would otherwise require bifurcation under ASC 815 (Statement 133).21 These hybrid contracts include both assets and liabilities, except the election cannot be taken if the derivative is embedded in the kinds of instruments described in ASC 82510508 (paragraph 8 of Statement 107, Disclosures About Fair Value of Financial Instruments), (e.g., stock option and stock purchase plans, lease contracts, and pension plans). The fair value election under ASC 8151525 and 82510 (Statements 155 and 159) cannot be made for financial instruments classified as equity (in full or in part). Therefore, we do not believe it is available for convertible preferred stock instruments classified as temporary equity (i.e., reported in the mezzanine section of the balance sheet) or as permanent equity. The SEC staff made changes to ASC 48010S99 (EITF Topic D98) and will no longer accept liability classification for temporary equity. The staff observed that under ASC 48010S99 (EITF Topic D98) and ASR 268, convertible preferred stock that qualifies as temporary equity must be classified as temporary equity, not as a liability, on the balance sheet. Consequently, the fair value option cannot be applied to these instruments, as they qualify as equity. The fair value election under ASC 8151525 and ASC 82510 (Statements 155 and 159) can be made only when a financial instrument is initially recorded or when certain events occur such as a business combination, significant modification of debt as defined in ASC 47050 (EITF Issue 9619, Debtors Accounting for a Modification or Exchange of Debt Instruments) or another event designated in the accounting literature as requiring a financial instrument to be remeasured at fair value at the time of the event. If a company elects the fair value option for debt, the costs of debt issuance should be recognized in current earnings and should not be deferred. That is, the companys balance sheet should only reflect the fair value of the debt, not a separate asset for the unamortized costs of issuance, once the fair value option is elected. The main advantage of choosing the fair value option is that it is perceived to be less complex to account for an instrument in its entirety at fair value, with the unrealized changes in value reported in earnings. Without the election, the company would need to bifurcate the derivative from the host contract, mark the derivative to fair value each accounting period, and account for it separately in accordance with ASC 815 (Statement 133). Factors to weigh against the advantage of simplicity include the inability to designate the hybrid contract as a hedging instrument, less comparability with other companies (which might differ in their application of fair values), application of significant judgment needed to estimate fair value, and additional required documentation and disclosures including the relative reliability of the fair value measurements.

21 ASC 8151525 (Statement 155) requires an analysis to determine if an embedded feature would require bifurcation from the host contract before the fair value option can be elected.

52 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition


ubalanCe sheet ClassiFiCation oF

this seCtion provides summary GuidanCe For the balanCe sheet ClassiFiCation oF shares.
The balance sheet classification is independent of the ASC 81515 (Statement 133) determination of whether a preferred share is more akin to debt or equity as discussed in Step B1. Please note this section does not provide guidance for instruments issued as employee stockbased compensation or in connection with business combinations. However, it does apply to stockbased compensation paid to consultants after performance has occurred.

FlowChart #4 shares ClassiFiCation

Are the shares within the scope of ASC 480-10 (Statement 150 and related FASB Staff Positions)? Classify as liabilities .


For SEC registrants, are there events not solely within the control of the issuer that could trigger redemption under ASC 480-10-S99 (EITF Topic D-98)? Classify outside of permanent equity as temporary equity or mezzanine equity .


Permanent equity classification is appropriate .
The SEC staff has considered whether equity instruments not in the scope of ASC 48010 (Statement 150) should be classified as permanent or temporary equity in accordance with ASR 268 and ASC 48010S99 (EITF Topic D98). Under ASC 48010S99 (EITF Topic D98), equity securities are required to be classified outside of permanent equity in temporary equity if they are redeemable or may become redeemable for cash or other assets:22 At a fixed or determinable price on a fixed or determinable date at the option of the security holder; Based upon the occurrence of an event that is not solely within the control of the issuer; or Based upon a deemed liquidation event. The SEC staff believes that securities with redemption features that are solely within the control of the issuer should be classified as part of permanent equity. The staff further noted that all of the events that could trigger redemption should be evaluated separately. That is, the possibility that any triggering event that is not solely within the control of the issuer could occur without regard to probability would require the security to be classified outside of permanent equity. 23 The redemption features that are not solely within the control of the issuer include: The failure to maintain compliance with debt covenants; The failure to achieve specified earnings targets; and A reduction in the issuers credit rating.

22 Although not required, we highly recommend this classification for private companies. 23 Such events include the issuer not being able to control the actions necessary to issue the maximum number of shares that could be required to be delivered under share settlement of a contract. In such situations, the issuer should evaluate whether it controls the actions under ASC 8154025 (EITF 0019, paragraphs 12 32), and if it did not, the issuer should classify the instrument as a liability.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 53

Further, certain convertible preferred stock instruments are not redeemable for cash pursuant to their stated terms. Nonetheless, they may require temporary equity classification. For example, a perpetual preferred share may contain a conversion feature where the strike price floats based upon the current common stock price, and the conversion option is not bifurcated because it is clearly and closely related to the equity host. This results in a floating number of shares issuable upon conversion, meaning the number of shares to be issued is potentially limitless. The inability to demonstrate share settlement results in a presumption of cash settlement for an event (holders conversion) that is outside of the companys control. The SEC staff believes that ordinary liquidation events, which involve the redemption and liquidation of all of an entitys equity securities for cash or other assets of the entity, should not result in a security being classified outside of permanent equity. However, the staff notes that other transactions that may require redemption by the company such as the occurrence of a changeincontrol that does not result in the liquidation of the company, a delisting of the companys securities from an exchange, or the violation of a debt covenant, are considered deemed liquidation events. Deemed liquidation events that require (or permit at the holders option) the redemption of only one or more particular class of equity security for cash or other assets cause those securities to be classified outside of permanent equity in temporary equity. The equity-classified components of the following instruments must be classified in temporary equity only in periods when the debt or other instrument associated with the component is currently redeemable: Convertible debt that can be settled completely or partially in cash upon conversion ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141); Beneficial conversion features (ASC 47020 EITF Issues 985 and 0027); or Conversion option embedded in convertible debt that is no longer required to be bifurcated (ASC 81515 EITF Issue 067, Issuers Accounting for a Previously Bifurcated Conversion Option in a Convertible Debt Instrument When the Conversion Option No Longer Meets the Bifurcation Criteria in FASB Statement 133, and ASC 47050 EITF Issue 066, Debtors Accounting for a Modification (or Exchange) of Convertible Debt). For these instruments, an assessment of the probability that the instrument will become redeemable or convertible at a future date is not relevant for classification purposes. For the equity classified component of instruments in the above paragraph, if the instrument in which it is embedded is redeemable at the balance sheet date, the portion of the equity component presented in temporary equity is measured as the redemption or conversion amount less the current carrying amount of the liabilityclassified component of the convertible debt instrument. For example, if Company Xs convertible debt is currently redeemable for $117, and the liability component is currently $90, the company should report its temporary equity at $27. When a hybrid financial instrument that is not classified as an asset or liability under other applicable GAAP contains an embedded derivative, registrants should consider ASR 268 and ASC 48010S99 to determine whether: The hybrid financial instrument is required to be classified and measured as temporary equity when the embedded derivative is not separated under Statement 133, or The host contract is required to be classified and measured as temporary equity when the embedded derivative is separated under Statement 133. In other words, when determining whether a hybrid instrument is within the scope of ASC 48010S99, the potential bifurcation of an embedded derivative from its host under ASC 81540 is irrelevant; the hybrid instrument as a whole must be analyzed. On another classification topic, the SEC staff believes, that although bifurcated for measurement purposes, embedded derivatives should be presented on a combined basis with the host contract. This means that if a company issued convertible debt and the conversion option was bifurcated as a derivative liability, the conversion option should be combined with the debt on the companys balance sheet. Facts and circumstances should be used to determine whether the liability is short or longterm. A freestanding warrant should be presented separately from the convertible debt. The staff observed that this presentation for conversion options is required except in circumstances where the embedded derivative is a liability and the host contract is equity.

54 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition


ualloCation oF proCeeds and Journal

oFten, Convertible debt or equity seCurities are issued with detaChable warrants to purChase the issuers stoCK. in these Cases, the issuer must alloCate the proCeeds reCeived amonG the instruments issued. the method oF alloCation depends on whether the warrants are ClassiFied as liabilities or equity.
Through discussion with the SEC staff, we understand proceeds received in a financing transaction are allocated to the instruments issued, such as convertible debt and warrants, prior to evaluating hybrid contracts for bifurcation of embedded derivatives. If the warrants are classified as liabilities they must be recorded at fair value. If the warrants are classified as equity, they must be recorded at relative fair value. In either case, the remaining amount of the proceeds is then allocated to the convertible instrument and a debt discount is recorded to offset the amount of the proceeds allocated to the warrants. The convertible instrument should then be analyzed to determine if there are any embedded features that require bifurcation. If so, the bifurcated features must be recorded at fair value. The amount initially allocated to the hybrid convertible instrument, less amounts attributed to the embedded derivatives that require bifurcation (if any), should be allocated to the host instrument. If the fair value of the bifurcated embedded derivative(s) exceeds the amount originally allocated to the hybrid instrument less the warrants, issuers should reassess the valuation techniques used to develop the independent estimates of (relative) fair value and determine whether the model should be calibrated to equal the amount of cash received. If, after such a reconsideration, an excess remains, the difference may require a charge to earnings. Given the complexity of these arrangements, consultation with a subject matter expert is encouraged in these situations. We have ignored transaction costs and taxes in the following examples.

Example 1 Warrants are liabilities and conversion options are equity

Consider Company A that issues $1,000 of convertible debt and 1,000 detachable warrants to purchase the companys stock. Assume that the convertible debt has no embedded features that must be bifurcated, and if converted, settlement must be in shares. Additionally, assume the warrants are classified as liabilities under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019) and have a fair value of $200.24 Since the warrants are liabilities, they must be recorded at their fair value. The remaining value of $800 is then allocated to the convertible debt, via an offsetting discount25 on the debt. The convertible debt does not include a BCF under ASC 47020 (EITF Issues 985 and 0027). Dr. Cash Dr. Discount on Convertible Debt Cr. Convertible Debt Cr. Warrant liability $1,000 200 $1,000 200

24 For the determination of the fair value of equitylinked financial instruments, some valuation practitioners prefer binomial/lattice models to the BlackScholes model. However, as there is no specific guidance either prohibiting or prescribing particular valuation methods, we believe that the approach should be to start with an assessment of the reasonableness of the value predicted by the model, vs. the model itself. To assess the reasonableness of the value predicted by the model, adjustments may need to be made. For instance, a closedform model like BlackScholes may be built on an assumption that a deep, continuous market exists to facilitate ongoing trades for the instrument being valued. To the extent that an instruments actual market differs from that assumption, adjustments may need to be made to the value that results from a mechanical application of the model. 25 The discount on the debt should be accreted through interest expense using the effective interest method.

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Example 2 Warrants and conversion options are liabilities

Consider Company B that issues $1,000 of convertible debt and 1,000 detachable warrants to purchase the companys stock. Assume that the convertible debt has a conversion option that must be bifurcated and classified as a liability under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019) and has a fair value of $450. Additionally, assume the warrants are classified as liabilities under ASC 81540 (EITF Issue 0019) and have a fair value of $200. Since the warrants and conversion options are liabilities, they must be recorded at their fair value. The remaining value of $350 is then allocated to the debt, via an offsetting discount on the debt. Here, a BCF analysis is not required since the conversion option is bifurcated. Dr. Cash $1,000 Dr. Discount on Convertible Debt 650 Cr. Convertible Debt Cr. Convertible Debt (conversion option liability) Cr. Warrant Liability

$1,000 450 200

Example 3 Warrants and conversion options are equity no BCF

Consider Company D that issues $1,000 of convertible debt that if converted can only be settled in shares and 1,000 detachable warrants to purchase the companys stock. If the warrants are not liabilities, the proceeds are allocated based on the relative fair values of the financial instruments issued. If the warrants in the example above are considered equity instruments rather than liabilities, then the accounting would be as follows. Here, the fair values of the convertible debt and warrants are determined with the assistance of valuation experts. Instrument Convertible Debt Warrants Total Fair value $ 900 200 1,100 % of Total 82% 18% 100% Allocated Amount $ 820 180 1,000

The journal entries would be the following: Dr. Cash $1,000 Dr. Discount on Convertible Debt 180 Cr. Convertible Debt Cr. Additional Paid in Capital (warrants)

$1,000 180

The debt has a stated conversion price of $15 per share. The fair value of the common stock at issuance is $10 per share. Based on an analysis of the effective conversion price [$12.30 = ($15*$820/$1,000)], there is no beneficial conversion feature. Alternatively: A. Convertible debt face B. Conversion price C. Shares issuable upon conversion A/B D. Fair value of shares E. Fair value of shares issuable C*D F. Convertible Debt allocated proceeds g. F>E, i.e., $820>$667 $1,000 $15/share 66.67 $10/share $667 $820 No BCF

56 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

Example 4 Warrants and conversion options are equity BCF

Consider Company E that issues $1,000 of convertible debt that if converted can only be settled in shares and 1,000 detachable warrants to purchase the companys stock. If the warrants are not liabilities, the proceeds are allocated based on the relative fair values of the instruments issued as in Example 3. However, the debt is convertible at $10.50 per share at issuance. The fair value of the common stock at issuance is $10 per share. However, based on the effective conversion price, there is a beneficial conversion feature of $130 (see below). The journal entries would be the following: Dr. Cash $1,000 Dr. Discount on Convertible Debt 310 Cr. Convertible Debt Cr. Additional Paid in Capital (warrants) Cr. Additional Paid in Capital (BCF)

$1,000 180 130

A. Convertible debt face B. Conversion price C. Shares issuable upon conversion A/B D. Fair value of shares E. Fair value of shares issuable C*D F. Convertible debt allocated proceeds g. E>F, i.e., $950>$820 BCF = $950-820 = 130 H. Warrant discount I. Total debt discount F+g

$1,000 $10.50/share 95 $10/share $950 $820 $130 $180 $310

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uearninGs per share

asC 260-10 (Fasb statement 128, Earnings PEr sharE) requires publiC Companies and Companies preparinG to Go publiC to present basiC and diluted earninGs per share (eps). basiC eps is Computed by dividinG reported earninGs available to Common stoCKholders by weiGhted averaGe Common shares outstandinG. basiC eps does not inClude dilution For any potentially dilutive Common seCurities suCh as Convertible debt or warrants. diluted eps is Computed by dividinG reported earninGs available to Common shareholders by weiGhted averaGe Common shares outstandinG assuminG that potentially dilutive Common seCurities are Converted into Common stoCK.
In general, diluted EPS should not include individual potential common stock instruments for any period in which they would have the effect of increasing the EPS amount or decreasing the loss per share amount (i.e., antidilutive securities are excluded from the EPS calculation). Convertible debt, convertible preferred stock, and warrants represent potential common stock instruments and consequently, unless antidilutive, affect the computation of diluted EPS. The diluted EPS computation assumes that convertible debt and equity securities are converted under the ifconverted method and warrants are converted using the treasurystock method in which proceeds received are applied to purchase common stock. These methods are described in greater detail below.

Convertible debt and equity seCurities and the iF-Converted method

Holders of convertible debt and equity securities can elect to convert the instruments into shares of the issuers common stock. If the holder exercises his or her conversion rights, the earnings available to existing common shareholders would be diluted due to the increase in the number of common shares outstanding. ASC 26010 (Statement 128) requires that the potential dilutive effects be reflected on diluted EPS of convertible securities by using the ifconverted method. ASC 260104540 (Statement 128) requires that issuers use the ifconverted method of calculating diluted EPS by assuming that any convertible financial instruments have been converted into common shares at the beginning of the period (or at the time of issuance, if later). The issuer then adds the resulting common shares to the common shares in the denominator and adds back the following to the numerator for purposes of computing diluted EPS: Preferred dividends, declared or cumulative undeclared; Deemed dividends from the amortization of a beneficial conversion feature or inducement charges on convertible preferred stock; Accretion charged or credited to equity to accrete preferred stock classified as mezzanine equity to its cash redemption price; and/or The aftertax amount of interest expense including deemed interest from amortization of beneficial conversion features recognized in the period relating to debt convertible into common stock.

Certain debt instruments are convertible into a fixed number of common shares. Upon conversion, the issuer is either required or has the option to satisfy all or part of the obligation in cash. If, upon conversion, the issuer may satisfy the entire obligation in either stock or cash equivalent to the conversion value, then the instrument would be included in the computation of diluted EPS using the ifconverted method if the effect is dilutive. If, upon conversion, the issuer must satisfy the accreted value of the obligation (the amount accrued to the benefit of the holder exclusive of the conversion spread) in cash and may satisfy the conversion spread (the excess conversion value over the accreted value) in either cash or stock, then the ifconverted method should not be used to determine the EPS implications of this instrument. There would be no adjustment to the numerator in the EPS computation for the cashsettled portion because that portion of the instrument will always be settled in cash. The conversion spread should be included in diluted EPS based on the provisions of paragraphs ASC 260104545 and ASC 260105532. Therefore, the ifconverted

58 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

method generally should be applied for Instruments B and X, while the treasury stock method generally should be applied for Instrument C (instruments B, C and X are defined on page 36).

uCalCulate earninGs per share

In 2008, R Company has 50,000 weighted average common shares outstanding during the year. During this year, the Company had a $200,000 5% note outstanding that is convertible into 10 common shares for each $1,000 note. R Companys net income for the year is $100,000 and its tax rate is 34%.

What are R Companys basic and diluted EPS for 2008? Basic EPS is $100,000/50,000 = $2.00/ share. Diluted EPS is calculated as follows: Number of ifconverted shares: $200,000/$1,000*10 = 2,000 Addback to net income for interest on bonds aftertax: $200,000*5 %*( 1.34) = $6,600 EPS calculation: ($100,000+$6,600)/ (50,000+2,000) = $2.05 Conclusion: Since $2.05 is greater than $2.00 (i.e., it is antidilutive), dilutive EPS is the same as basic EPS or $2.00

In 2010, R Company has 2,000,000 weighted average common shares outstanding during the year. R Company has a calendar year end. On June 30, 2010, R Company issued a $1,000,000 8% debenture that is convertible into 40 shares for each $1,000 note. During 2009, the Company issued 25,000 shares of 10% cumulative preferred stock at $5 par value. R Company declared and paid dividends on the preferred stock in 2009, and has not declared dividends in 2010. Each share of preferred stock is convertible into 10 shares of common stock. R Company earned $500,000 of net income during 2010 and its tax rate is 40%.

What calculations are needed to compute R Companys diluted EPS for 2010? We need to compute the dividends on the preferred stock, the number of common shares the preferred stock is convertible into, the interest expense on the convertible note, and the number of common shares the convertible note is convertible into, as follows: a) Preferred dividends 25,000 $5 $125,000 x 0.10 $12,500 Shares of preferred stock Price Face value Dividend rate Dividends on preferred stock NOTE: Dividends not a tax deduction.

b) Preferred shares issued upon conversion 25,000 x 10 250,000

Preferred stock shares Conversion ratio Common shares

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 59

c) Convertible debt interest $1,000,000 x 0.08 $80,000 x 0.6 $48,000 x 0.5 $24,000

Face value of debt Interest rate Interest expense before tax After tax rate (1 .4) Interest expense Pro rata for 6/30/10 issuance (.5 year) Pro rated after tax interest expense

d) Convertible debt calculation of shares upon conversion 1,000 # of $1,000 bonds 40 Conversion ratio 40,000 0.5 20,000 Common shares Pro rated for 6/30/10 issuance (.5 year) Weighted average common shares

What is R Companys basic and diluted EPS for 2010?

numerator Net Income Adjustments Preferred dividends Basic EPS Adjustments Preferred dividends Preferred shares Conv Debt Interest Conv Debt Shares Diluted EPS $500,000 $-12,500 a $487,500 $12,500 a 250,000 b $24,000 c* 20,000 d* $500,000 2,250,000 $0 .22 2,000,000 $0 .24 Denominator 2,000,000 EPS

*Antidilution must be assessed on an individual instrument basis. Since the ifconverted effect of the debt would increase basic EPS, it is excluded from the calculation of diluted EPS.

warrants and the treasury stoCK method

Holders of warrants can elect to convert the equity linked instruments into shares of the issuers common stock and generally will do so only when the average market price of the common stock during the period exceeds the exercise price of the warrant (i.e., the warrants are said to be inthe money). Issuers are required to calculate the dilutive effect of outstanding warrants they have issued using the treasury stock method in computing dilutive EPS. ASC 260104523 (Statement 128) requires that under the treasury stock method: Exercise of warrants is assumed at the beginning of the period (or at the time of issuance, if later), and common shares are assumed to have been issued; Proceeds from the exercise of the warrants are assumed to be used to repurchase the issuers common shares at their average market price during the period; The incremental shares calculated by the number of warrants assumed to be exercised in the first bullet less the number of common shares assumed to have been repurchased in the second bullet, are included in the denominator of the diluted EPS computation. Companies that have issued convertible debt instruments that must satisfy the accreted value of the obligation in cash and may satisfy the conversion spread in either cash or stock (i.e., Instrument C) generally should use the treasury stock method.

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uCalCulate earninGs per share

In 2011, R Company has 100,000 weighted average common shares outstanding during the year. During this year, the Company had 5,000 common stock warrants outstanding with an exercise price of $5. The average market price of the common stock during the year is $10. Net income for 2011 is $50,000.

What is R Companys basic and diluted EPS for 2011? Basic EPS is $50,000/100,000 = $.50/share Diluted EPS is calculated as follows: Number of shares received upon exercise of the warrants: Proceeds from exercise of the warrants: Shares purchased with the proceeds: Incremental shares from exercise of warrants: Diluted EPS calculation: Conclusion: 5,000 $5,000*$5 = $25,000 $25,000/$10 = 2,500 5,000 2,500 = 2,500 ($50,000/ (100,000+2,500)) = $.49 Basic EPS is $.50 and Diluted EPS is $.49

In 2013, R Company has 2,000,000 weighted average common shares outstanding during the year. R Company has a calendar year end. On March 31, 2013, R Company issued a $2,000,000 10% debenture due in 10 years. For each $1,000 note purchased, R Company gave warrants for 5 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $10. On January 1, 2012, the Company issued 50,000 shares of 12% cumulative preferred stock at $10 par value. The preferred stock purchasers received 1 warrant with an exercise price of $8 with each preferred stock share. All these warrants are still outstanding. R Company declared and paid dividends on the preferred stock in 2012. The Company did not declare dividends on the preferred stock in 2013. R Company earned $750,000 of net income during 2013 and its tax rate is 40%. The average market price of the common stock during the year 2013 is $12; the average market price for the last three quarters of the year is $15.

What calculations are needed to compute R Companys diluted EPS in 2013? We need to compute the dividends on the preferred stock, the number of potential common shares associated with the preferred stock warrants, and the number of potential common shares associated with the debt warrants, as follows: a) Preferred dividends 50,000 $10 $500,000 x 0.12 $60,000 Shares of preferred stock Price Face value Dividend rate Dividends on preferred stock NOTE: Dividends not a tax deduction. b) Warrants on convertible debt 2,000 2,000* 5 = 10,000 10,000*$10 = $100,000 $15 $100,000/$15 = 6,667 10,000 6,667 = 3,333 3,333*.75 = 2,500 # of $1,000 bonds # of warrants shares Proceeds from warrant exercise Average market price Assumed shares purchased from proceeds Incremental shares Pro rated for 3/31/13 issuance (.75 year)

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c) Warrants on preferred stock 50,000 50,000 50,000*$8 = $400,000 $12 $400,000/$12 = 33,333 40,000 33,333 = 6,667 # of preferred shares # of warrants shares Proceeds from warrant exercise Average market price Assumed shares purchased from proceeds Incremental shares

What is R Companys basic and diluted EPS for 2013?

numerator Net Income Adjustments Preferred Dividends Basic EPS Adjustments Warrants on Convertible Debt Warrants on Preferred Shares Diluted EPS $500,000 $750,000 $60,000 a $690,000 2,000,000 2,500 b 6,667 c 2,009,167 $0.34 $0.35 Denominator 2,000,000 EPS

share lendinG arranGements

In accordance with ASC 26010452A (Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 200915, Accounting for Own-Share Lending Arrangements in Contemplation of Convertible Debt Issuance or Other Financing), loaned shares are excluded from basic and diluted earnings per share unless default of the sharelending arrangement occurs. If dividends on loaned shares are not reimbursed, any amounts, including dividends and participation rights in undistributed earnings, attributed to the loaned shares are deducted in computing income available to common shareholders, in a manner consistent with the twoclass method.26

26 The twoclass method of determining EPS requires companies to allocate earnings to each class of common stock and securities that participate in earnings based on the rights of those securities to dividends and undistributed earnings.

62 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

udeFerred inCome taxes

Convertible debt
ASC 7401055 (EITF Issue 058) observes that the recognition of a beneficial conversion feature effectively creates two separate instrumentsa debt instrument and an equity instrumentfor financial statement purposes while it is accounted for as a debt instrument under the US Federal Income Tax Code. Consequently, the book basis in the debt instrument is different from the tax basis of the debt instrument. That basis difference has a future tax consequence because if the debt were settled at its book basis, the company would have taxable income (discharge of indebtedness gain). In accordance with ASC 74010 (Statement 109), the company is required to record a deferred tax liability equal to the basis difference multiplied by the appropriate tax rate. Additionally, in ASC 7401055 (EITF Issue 058), the EITF determined that the effect of the initial deferred tax liability should be charged to equity (rather than provision for income taxes or a deferred debit) in accordance with ASC 740204511 (paragraph 36(c) of Statement 109). Similar entries should be recorded in the context of a convertible debt instrument for which the liability and the embedded conversion options (i.e., the equity component) are separately accounted for under ASC 47020 (FSP APB 141). We believe that a bifurcated conversion feature treated as a derivative liability under ASC 815 (Statement 133), together with the host contract, similarly requires the recognition of deferred taxes. At the instruments inception, the combined book basis of the host contract and any bifurcated derivatives may equal the tax basis of the convertible debt. However, as the derivative instrument(s) is(are) adjusted to fair value each period, the combined book basis will likely differ from the instruments tax basis (the proceeds received, as adjusted for amortization each period). The company is required to record a deferred tax asset or liability equal to the basis difference multiplied by the applicable tax rate, with an offset to deferred tax benefit or expense. To the extent the combined book basis exceeds tax basis, a deferred tax asset would be recorded. To the extent the combined book basis is less than tax basis, a deferred tax liability would be recorded.

Convertible preFerred stoCK

Convertible preferred stock generally does not raise deferred tax issues. Because preferred stock is legally an equity security, generally there would be no income tax consequence to a settlement of the preferred stock at its carrying amount. Therefore, even if convertible preferred stock were classified as a liability under GAAP because of mandatory redemption features, the basis difference between GAAP and tax would not have future tax consequences and there would be no provision of deferred taxes.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 63

or premium, and preFerred stoCK disCounts

debt issue Costs
Debt issue costs include accounting and legal fees related to the financing, printing costs of the document, commissions, investment banking fees and expenses, underwriting fees, original issue taxes, registration and listing fees, and other thirdparty expenses paid to advisors that are directly associated with the issuance of the debt. Under ASC 8353045 (APB 21, paragraph 16, Interest on Receivables and Payables), debt issue costs should be reported in the balance sheet as deferred charges. Debt issue costs should be amortized using the effective interest method, and the issuers amortization policy should be supported and documented . The period for amortization follows: Debt that is not puttable or callable over the contractual life of the debt. Debt that is puttable by the holder to the first put date. Debt that is callable by the issuer over the contractual life or to the estimated call date. Debt that is contingently callable same as callable debt. Debt that is convertible (outside the scope of ASC 470203513 (FSP APB 141)) before the conversion, over the contractual life. Debt that is contingently convertible, and upon conversion, the issuer must satisfy the accreted value of the obligation in cash and may satisfy the conversion spread in either cash or stock (Instrument C, within the scope of ASC 470203513) over the expected life, as discussed on page 58.

udebt issue Costs, debt disCount

debt disCount or premium

Debt discounts or premiums are paid by the debtor to the creditor or received by the debtor from the creditor as part of the debt issuance. Debt discounts can result from freestanding and embedded features such as warrants accounted for as stockholders equity, warrants accounted for as liabilities, BCFs, bifurcated conversion options, and bifurcated put options. ASC 47020 (APB 14, Accounting for Convertible Debt and Debt Issued with Stock Purchase Warrants) and ASC 8353025 require that the debt discount or premium be reported as a direct reduction from or addition to the face amount of the debt. Unlike debt issuance costs, debt premiums or discounts are not reported as a deferred charge. Under ASC 8353035 (APB 21, paragraph 15), debt discounts or premiums should be amortized using the effective interest method. The issuers amortization policy should be supported and documented. The period for amortization is the same as the periods noted for the debt issue costs above. ASC 470202513 (APB 14, paragraph 18) notes that it is not practicable to discuss all possible types of debt instruments with conversion features, debt instruments issued with stock purchase warrants, or debt instruments with a combination of such features. The standard requires that instruments that are not explicitly discussed should be accounted for in accordance with the substance of the transaction. When convertible debt is issued at a substantial premium, the standard states that there is a presumption that such premium represents additional paidin capital. ASC 47020357 (EITF Issue 0027) provides guidance on the amortization of BCFs and distinguishes between: Convertible debt instruments and convertible preferred stocks that have stated redemption dates BCFs for these instruments should be amortized using the effective interest method over the period from the issue date to the stated redemption date. Convertible debt instruments and convertible preferred stocks that do not have stated redemption dates BCFs for these instruments should be amortized using the effective interest method over the period from the issue date to the first conversion date, which may be inception. ASC 47020357 (EITF Issue 0027) requires that convertible instruments with a stated redemption date that have a discount resulting from a BCF, accrete the discount from the issuance date to the stated redemption date of the convertible instrument. This is the case even if the earliest conversion date is prior to the redemption date. For convertible instruments with a stated redemption date and a put feature that enables the holder to put the debt to the issuer prior to the redemption date, the issuer should amortize the discount through the first put date.

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For example, R Company issues debt on January 1, 2010, with a due date of December 31, 2019, with a face amount of $200 million and receives proceeds upon issuance of $180 million . The debt is puttable by the holder at the face amount after 7 years . R Company paid $1 million in debt issue costs that are recorded on the balance sheet as a deferred charge . R company should amortize the debt discount and debt issue costs over 7 years through the first put date .

preFerred stoCK disCounts and aCCretion to redemption value

Increasing rate preferred stock is nonredeemable, cumulative preferred stock that initially bears a belowmarket dividend rate (if it carries any dividend rate at all). Over time, the dividend rate increases to approximate a market rate of return from the date of issuance of the stock. In ASC 50510S99 (SAB Topic 5Q), the SEC staff observed that when the consideration received for preferred stock reflects expectations of future dividends, any discount due to the gradually increasing dividends for an initial period represents prepaid, unstated dividend costs. The staffs position is that discounts on increasingrate preferred stock should be amortized over the periods before the dividends commence by charging imputed dividend cost against retained earnings.27 The carrying amount of the preferred stock should be increased by a corresponding amount. Mandatorily redeemable preferred shares should be reported at redemption value no later than the date they become redeemable by the holder. Instruments that are currently redeemable should be adjusted to their redemption amount at each balance sheet date. If the instrument is not currently redeemable, adjustment to the redemption amount is not necessary until the redemption is probable. Once it is probable that the instrument will become redeemable, then the issuer should accrete the security to its redemption value over the period from the date of issuance (or the date redemption becomes probable) to the earliest redemption date using the effective interest method. Alternatively, the company can recognize the security at its redemption amount immediately. The accretion represents an imputed dividend cost that should be charged against retained earnings.

27 If the accretion is material, the company should disclose income applicable to common shareholders separately on the face of the income statement.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 65

ChanGes in Conversion option aCCountinG aFter issuanCe

Conversion aCCountinG
Accounting for conversions depends on the accounting for the conversion feature (i.e., bifurcated, not bifurcated): Conversion option not bifurcated without a BCF the carrying amount of the debt, including unamortized debt discount or premium and debt issue costs, is credited to the capital accounts upon conversion to reflect the stock issued. There is no gain or loss on the transaction based on ASC 4702040 (APB 26, Interpretation 1, Early Extinguishment of Debt - Accounting Interpretations of APB Opinion No. 26). Conversion option not bifurcated with a BCF at the conversion date, unamortized discounts and premiums and debt issue costs associated with the debt, such as for BCFs, warrants, and bifurcated derivatives, are expensed to interest based on ASC 4702040 (EITF Issue 0027, Issue 6). The carrying amount of the debt after the interest expense has been recorded is credited to the capital account. Conversion option bifurcated from debt instrument when the conversion features have been bifurcated from the convertible debt host and accounted for as liabilities, no equity conversion feature remains in the debt instrument. The liabilities for the debt and the conversion feature are extinguished in exchange for common shares, and the difference between the carrying amount of the liabilities and the fair value of the shares should be recorded as gain or loss.

uConversion aCCountinG and

aCCountinG For previously biFurCated Conversion options

For certain convertible instruments, the accounting for the embedded conversion option changes over time. At issuance, the company may be required to bifurcate the conversion option and account for it separately from the host contract as a liability. After issuance, the companys circumstances may change and result in bifurcation and liability accounting no longer being required. Under ASC 81515354 (EITF Issue 067), at the time the company can account for the conversion option in stockholders equity, the company should remove the conversion option from liabilities at fair value on that date, and increase stockholders equity by this same amount. When the company reclassifies the conversion option from liabilities to stockholders equity, the unamortized discount or premium remaining from issuance of the convertible debt should continue to be amortized as should debt issuance costs. If a holder exercises a conversion option that was previously reclassified from liabilities to stockholders equity, the issuer should recognize as interest expense any unamortized discount remaining at the date of conversion. If a debt instrument with a conversion option that had been reclassified from liabilities to stockholders equity is extinguished for cash prior to its maturity date, cash paid equal to the fair value of the conversion option at the date of extinguishment should be debited to equity. The issuer should allocate the remaining reacquisition price to the extinguishment of the debt instrument to determine the gain or loss on the transaction. For other convertible instruments, the company might not be required to bifurcate the conversion option at issuance, and circumstances later change resulting in bifurcation and liability accounting being required. We believe that the following accounting is appropriate. Instrument issued without warrants without a BCF When the change in the accounting for the conversion option occurs, the issuer should record a derivative liability at the fair value of the conversion option on the date of the change with an offsetting discount that should be amortized over the remaining life of the debt. Instrument issued with warrants When the change in the accounting for the conversion option occurs, the issuer should record a derivative liability for the fair value of the conversion option on the date of the change with an offsetting discount that should be amortized over the remaining life of the debt. The discount associated with the warrant should continue to be amortized. Instrument issued with a BCF When the change in the accounting for the conversion option occurs, the issuer should record the derivative liability by either: Relieving APIC for the original amount of the intrinsic value of the BCF, recording a discount to the debt for the difference between the fair value of the derivative liability at the date of the change and the intrinsic value, and crediting the derivative liability for the fair value of the conversion option at the date of the change; or Relieving APIC for the fair value of the conversion option at the date of the change and crediting the derivative liability for the same amount.

66 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

uanalyze previously biFurCated Convertible debt

On January 10, 2008, R Company issued tenyear convertible debt of $1 million with an 8% coupon, immediately convertible into 10,000 shares of common stock at $100/share with no price resets. There is no BCF as the price of the Companys stock at issuance date was $100/share. The Company has a call option on the debt that is exercisable any time during the life of the debt and that does not require bifurcation. At issuance, the Company did not have an adequate number of authorized shares to satisfy the conversion option in its publicly traded shares. Although the conversion option met all other ASC 81540 (Issue 0019) requirements to be classified in stockholders equity, R Company was required to account for the conversion option as a liability separate from the debt. The conversion option was valued at $75,000 at the date of issuance. On June 6, 2008, R Company authorized sufficient shares to satisfy the conversion option, and concluded that liability accounting was no longer required. The fair value of the conversion option on June 6 was $100,000.

What is R Companys accounting for the conversion option when it changed the authorized number of shares? The Company: 1. 2. 3. 4. Accounted for the change in the fair value of the conversion option at June 6, a charge of $25,000. Decreased the liability for the conversion option for $100,000 and increased APIC by $100,000. Continued to amortize the debt discount of $75,000 over the life of the debt. Made the following entries: Dr Change in derivative liability (expense) $25,000 Dr Derivative liability $75,000 Cr APIC $100,000

What is R Companys accounting if at January 10, 2009, holders convert $500,000 of debt into 5,000 shares of stock? The Company: 1. Calculated the unamortized debt discount as $70,105. 2. Expensed the unamortized discount associated with the converted principal, or $35,053 3. Made the following entries: Dr Interest expense $ 35,053 Dr Debt $464,947 Cr Common stock ($1 par) $ 5,000 Cr APIC $495,000 What is R Companys accounting if at January 10, 2009, the Company extinguishes all of the debt for $1 million of cash? At January 10, 2009, the conversion options have a fair value of $125,000. The Company: 1. 2. 3. 4. Calculated the unamortized debt discount as $70,105 and expensed it. Allocated cash equal to the fair value of the conversion option, $125,000, to stockholders equity Allocated the remainder to debt, $929,895, and calculated the amount of the gain on extinguishment. Made the following entries: Dr Interest expense $ 70,105 Dr APIC $125,000 Dr Debt $929,895 Cr Cash $1,000,000 Cr Gain on Debt Extinguishment $125,000

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 67

modiFiCation and extinGuishment

troubled debt restruCturinG

utroubled debt restruCturinG, debt

When debt is restructured, the issuer should first assess whether the change represents a troubled debt restructuring under ASC 47060 (FASB Statement 15, Accounting by Debtors and Creditors for Troubled Debt Restructurings, and EITF Issue 024, Determining Whether a Debtors Modification or Exchange of Debt Instruments Is within the Scope of FASB Statement No. 15). The two key features of a troubled debt restructuring are that the debtor is experiencing financial difficulties and the creditor has provided concessions associated with the economic situation of the debtor. All of the following factors are indicators that the debtor is experiencing financial difficulties: The debtor is currently in default on any of its debt; The debtor is the process of or has declared bankruptcy; There is substantial doubt about the debtor continuing as a going concern; The debtor has securities that have been delisted; The debtor forecasts that its cash flows will be insufficient to service the existing debt (principal and interest); and The debtor does not have access to any other funds to service its debt. The debtor is not considered to be experiencing financial difficulties if the company is both currently servicing its old debt and can obtain funds (at a rate equal to the current market interest rate for nontroubled debtors from other creditors) and the creditor agrees to restructure the debt solely to reflect decreases in market interest rates or improvement of creditworthiness of the debtor. A creditor has granted a concession if the debtors effective borrowing rate on the new debt is less than the effective borrowing rate of the old debt immediately prior to the restructuring. The effective rate is the rate that equates all the cash flows in the restructured debt to the carrying amount of the old debt. A troubled debt restructuring may include, but is not necessarily limited to, one or a combination of the following: Transfer of assets or issuance of equity interest to payoff a portion or all of its debt; Modification of terms of the debt such as Absolute or contingent reduction of the stated interest rate; Extension of the maturity date or dates at a stated interest rate lower than the current market rate for new debt with similar risk; Absolute or contingent reduction of the face amount or maturity amount of the debt; and/or Absolute or contingent reduction of accrued interest. If the debtor transfers assets to the creditor to payoff the debt inwhole or inpart, the company should account for both the gain representing the difference between the carrying amount and fair value of the assets and any gain on settlement of the debt. For example, if a company transfers a building with a net book value of $1,500,000 and a fair value of $2,000,000 to a creditor in full settlement of a $2,200,000 debt obligation. The company records a gain of $200,000 for the difference between the fair value of the building and the carrying amount of the debt. The company also recognizes a gain on disposition of $500,000 for the difference between the net book value of the building and its fair value. If the debtor issues equity interests to settle the debt, the company should account for the equity interests at fair value. The difference between the carrying amount of the debt settled and the fair value of the equity interests should be recognized as a gain. The debtor in a troubled debt restructuring that involves only a modification of the terms of the debt should: If the future cash flows are greater than the carrying amount of the debt account for the change in the debt prospectively, using the effective interest rate that equates the carrying amount to the future cash flows. If the future cash flows are less than the carrying amount of the debt: Reduce the carrying amount to the total of future cash payments; Record the reduction as a gain; and Reduce the carrying amount of the note as each cash payment is paid and recognize no interest expense. If the debt restructuring consists of the transfer of assets, the issuance of equity, and modification of terms, the company should first reduce the debt by the fair value of the assets and equity transferred. The company should account for the gain representing the difference between the

68 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

carrying amount and fair value of the assets, the fair value of the assets and the partial debt settled, and the fair value of the equity and the partial debt settled. The modification of the terms should be accounted for as noted in the above paragraph.

For example, R Company has debt with a carrying amount of $5,000 . After negotiations with the creditor, R Company will have debt with a face amount of $3,000, due in 10 years, with simple interest of 5% due annually . The future cash flows on the restructured debt total $4,500 ($3,000 of principal plus $1,500 interest ($150 per year for 10 years)) . R Company will record a gain of $500 and reduce the carrying amount of the debt to $4,500 . When R Company makes payments on the debt in the future, it will reduce the carrying amount of the debt and will not record any further interest expense on the debt . S Company has debt with a carrying amount of $2,000 . After negotiations with the creditor, S Company will have debt with a face amount of $1,500, due in ten years, with simple interest of 5% due annually . The future cash flows on the restructured debt total $2,250 ($1,500 of principal plus $750 interest ($75 per year for 10 years)) . S Company will not record a gain, and determines the interest expense by equating the future cash flows to equal a present value of $2,000 .
Only after the debtor has determined that the change in the debt does not represent a troubled debt restructuring should the debtor assess the change for debt modification and extinguishment accounting. Since the accounting for troubled debt restructuring, debt modification, and debt extinguishment are different, it is important for the company to determine what type of change in debt has occurred.

debt modiFiCation or extinGuishment

Debt modification or extinguishment accounting only applies to changes that occur in the terms of a single debtorcreditor relationship. If the creditor is different before and after the change, the change will generally meet the criteria for a debt extinguishment. If the debtorcreditor relationship is the same after the change in the debt, then the issuer should analyze the change based on the guidance in ASC 47050 (EITF Issue 9619). ASC 470504010 (EITF Issue 9619) establishes the criteria for debt extinguishment and modification. If the debt is substantially different, then the debt is extinguished, and a gain or loss is calculated and recorded. Substantially different is defined by the following three tests: 1. Ten percent or more difference in cash flows The present value of the cash flow under the terms of the new debt instrument is at least 10% different from the present value of the remaining cash flows under the terms of the original instrument. 2. Embedded conversion option difference is 10% or more The change in the fair value of the embedded conversion option (calculated as the difference between the fair value of the embedded conversion option immediately before and after the modification or exchange) is at least 10% of the carrying amount of the original debt instrument immediately prior to the modification or exchange; or 3. There is the addition or elimination of a substantive conversion option A modification or an exchange of debt instruments that adds a substantive conversion option or eliminates a conversion option that was substantive at the date of the modification or exchange. A substantive conversion option is defined in ASC 47020407 (EITF Issue 051, Accounting for the Conversion of an Instrument That Became Convertible upon the Issuers Exercise of a Call Option) as a conversion feature that is reasonably possible of being exercisable in the future. Reasonably possible is defined by reference to ASC 45020 (FASB Statement 5). For purposes of determining whether a conversion feature is reasonably possible of being exercised, the holders intent does not need to be taken into account. If a company adds a substantive conversion option to a debt instrument, the difference is substantial and the change in debt should be accounted for as an extinguishment without the need to perform tests 1 and 2. If a company is required to perform the 10% test, ASC 4705040 (EITF 9619) provided the following guidance to be used to calculate the present value of cash flows for purposes of applying the test: The discount rate to be used to calculate the present value of the cash flows is the effective interest rate, for accounting purposes, of the original debt instrument. The cash flows of the new debt instrument include all cash flows specified by the terms of the new debt instrument plus any amounts paid by the debtor to the creditor less any amounts received by the debtor from the creditor as part of the exchange or modification (i.e., the change in the amount of the borrowing). If the original debt instrument and/or the new debt instrument has a floating interest rate, then the variable rate in effect at the date of the exchange or modification is to be used to calculate the cash flows of the variablerate instrument. If either the new debt instrument or the original debt instrument is callable or puttable, then separate cash flow analyses are to be performed assuming exercise and nonexercise of the call or put. The cash flow assumptions that generate the smaller change would be the basis for determining whether the 10% threshold is met. If the debt instruments contain contingent payment terms or unusual interest rate terms, judgment should be used to determine the appropriate cash flows.

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 69

If within a year of the current transaction the debt has been exchanged or modified without being deemed to be substantially different, then the debt terms that existed a year ago should be used to determine whether the current exchange or modification is substantially different. The debtor should include in the analysis changes in the cash flow due to changes in the debt principal, interest rates, and or maturity dates. The analysis should also include fees paid to change debt recourse features, priority of the debt, collateral, covenants, waivers, guarantees, and option features. If the debtor or creditor pays noncash fees for the debt modification in stock, warrants, or other assets, these fees should be included in the analysis at fair value as a day one cash outflow or inflow. If the debt modification includes a change in the principal amount, there are two acceptable methods to perform the 10% test, the gross method and the net method. The gross method is a straightforward comparison of the old and new cash flows. The net method compares the cash flows related to the lowest principal balance common to the old and new debt. If the new debt exceeds the old debt, the amount of new debt that exceeds the old debt is treated as a separate amount of new debt. If the old debt exceeds the new debt, the amount of old debt in excess of the new debt is treated as being extinguished. The debt modification analysis differs for loan participations and loan syndications. In a loan participation, a single lead creditor makes a loan to the debtor and then transfers participation interests in the loan to other creditors. A debtor company need only perform a single cash flow analysis for a loan participation because from the companys perspective there is only one creditor. In a loan syndication, the debtor has a credit relationship with each member of the syndicate. As a result, in the debtor would need to perform a cash flow analysis for each creditor in the loan syndicate in a debt modification analysis. The steps to analyze a change in debt follow: 1. Determine the terms of the original debt (old debt) and the restructured debt (new debt). 2. Calculate the effective interest rate of the old debt, including interest payments at the stated rate of the debt, debt issuance costs, and origination fees paid to (or received from) the lender. 3. Determine the present value of the remaining cash flows of the old debt and the present value of the cash flows of the restructured terms of the new debt using the effective interest rate of the old debt for both calculations. 4. Calculate the percentage difference of the present values of the remaining cash flows of the old debt and the cash flows of the restructured terms of the new debt. 5. Conclude on whether the change in the debt is an extinguishment or a modification. If it is a modification, calculate the effective rate of the new debt. 6. Account for the fees associated with the new debt. If the change in debt is an extinguishment, a. The fees paid to or received from the creditor are included in determining the gain or loss. b. The fees paid to third parties including lawyers and accountants are amortized over the term of the new debt using the effective interest method. If the change in debt is a modification, a. The fees paid to or received from the creditor are amortized as an adjustment of interest expense over the remaining term of the restructured debt along with any existing unamortized premium or discount using the effective interest method. b. The fees paid to third parties are expensed as incurred.

70 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

uanalyze a debt modiFiCation

DeepPockets LLP lends $750,000 to R Company on January 1, 2005. The debt is due on December 31, 2009 it is issued at par, the coupon rate is 8%, the origination fee paid to the lender is 4% of the face amount of the debt or $30,000. Other debt issuance costs for lawyers and accountants amounted to $30,000. Dr Cash Dr Debt Discount Dr Debt Issue Costs Cr Debt Cr Cash Cr Cash $ 750,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 750,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000

On January 1, 2008, R Company borrowed an additional $375,000 from DeepPockets as it needed greater liquidity to finish developing and begin marketing a new product. DeepPockets agreed to extend the due date of the original and new debt by three years to December 31, 2012, and maintain the interest rate. In return, R Company provided warrants to DeepPockets for 20,000 shares of its common stock (with a fair value of $45,790) that expire on December 31, 2017. Dr Cash Dr Debt Discount Cr Debt Cr Warrant liability $ 375,000 $ 45,790 $ 375,000 $ 45,790

Is R Companys change in debt a modification or extinguishment? STEP 1: R Company analyzes the terms of the original (the old) and the restructured (the new) debt.

Principal original $750,000

origination Date 1/1/05

Due Date 12/31/09

Interest 8%

origination Fee $30,000 4%

other Debt Issuance Costs $30,000

As modified $1,125,000 (+375,000) 1/1/08 12/31/12 (+3 years) 8% $45,790 10 year warrant for 20,000 shares

STEP 2: The Company calculates the effective yield on the old debt based on the cash flows associated with the terms of the original debt.

1/1/05 (690,000)*

12/31/05 60,000

12/31/06 60,000

12/31/07 60,000

12/31/08 60,000

12/31/09 810,000

*Original Debt Principal Origination Fees Other Debt Issuance Costs = 1/1/05 amount * 750,000 30,000 30,000 = 690,000 Effective Yield = 10 .12%

Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition 71

STEP 3: R Company calculates the present value of the remaining cash flows of the old debt and the present value of the cash flows of the new debt using the effective interest rate of the original debt.

Present value at 10.12% original Terms 722,449 Restructured Terms 705,656















*Incremental debt fees to lender = amount of new debt at the date it was restructured * 375,000 45,790 = 329,210

STEP 4: R Company calculates the percentage difference of the present values of the remaining cash flows of the old debt and the cash flows of the restructured terms of the new debt.

722,449 Divided by = 102% 705,656

STEP 5: R Company concludes that the new debt represents a modification rather than an extinguishment as the difference is less than 10% (i.e., it is between 110% and 90%).

The new debt represents a modification .

STEP 6: R Company calculates the effective yield of the modified debt.

1/1/08 What is the effective yield? $1,051,778*

12/31/08 $90,000

12/31/09 $90,000

12/31/10 $90,000

12/31/11 $90,000

12/31/12 $1,215,000

*Original Debt Principal Unamortized Fees + New Borrowing Fees on New Borrowings * 750,000 27,432 + 375,000 45,790 = 1,051,778 Effective Yield = 9 .70%

72 Complex Financial Instruments Practice Aid 4th Edition

STEP 7: R Company accounts for the fee paid to the creditor at the time of restructuring of the debt as a modification. Consequently, R Company amortizes the $45,790 together with the existing unamortized discount of $27,432 as an adjustment of interest expense over the remaining term of the new debt using the effective interest method. R Companys annual amortization of the unamortized and new fees is summarized in the table below.

1/1/08 Unamortized fees from old debt Fees from new debt Total Annual amortization $27,432 $45,790 $73,222













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