Pix4D Training
Pix4D Training
Pix4D Training
July 2013
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: Calibration
Step2: Point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: calibration
Step2: point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
2D Keypoint
2D Keypoint
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: calibration
Step2: point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: calibration
Step2: point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
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Example: 60'000 keypoints Average of 6'000 matches => Average of GPS
per image matches per pair 150'000 3D OR
of images Points for 100 Min 3 GCP
images project
Camera calibration
1. Extract keypoints
a. interesting areas, high contrast
b. create "signature" based on surrounding image content
2. Match keypoints
a. Find neighboring images using GPS
b. Match all keypoints between these images
3. Camera model
a. Fit a camera model to the matched keypoints
b. Triangulate matches to make 3D points
c. Optimize camera model and keypoint matches
d. Add more images (and keypoints), and repeat
4. Geolocation
a. Use GPS tags average for approximate geolocation
b. Use GCP for precise geolocation
Extract Keypoints
Good image:
buildings, urban
more than 10MP
extract > 10'000 keypoints
Difficult images:
sand, snow, fog
blurry, out of focus
Overexposed, underexposed
less than 3MP
extract < 100 keypoints
Match keypoints
Easy to match
images with high # keypoints
images with high overlap
Hard to match
images with low # keypoints
trees at low altitude
extreme angle with no transition
low overlap
Impossible to match
Reflective surface like water
Moving objects
Getting enough matches
Enough matches:
# matches > 1000 per image pair
Depends on overlap, image size and visual content
If small image size => more overlap required
If low visual content => more overlap required
Images of 12 MP => 75% overlap recommended in most cases
If GCP, GPS tags are not used
Minimum 3 GCPs
Results in same coordinate system as GCPs
Geolocation: accuracy
well distributed in dataset, measured below GSD
5-8 usually enough for 1000 images
Quality report shows reprojection error
Verification points
Error is minimized at GCPs: not optimal to assess
global accuracy
Verification points are not used during optimization
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: calibration
Step2: point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
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Trees visual content only at lower resolution
Use "high tolerance" to model trees
Expect lower accuracy at trees
Point densification: filtering
Noise filtering
improves quality
2.5D only
removes redundant points
makes point cloud easier to manage (smaller files generated)
2.5D only
Point densification: accuracy
Point cloud accuracy
Good camera: error at most 1-2 times the GSD
up to 3 times the GSD at areas with low visual content
Global Accuracy
Calibration+Georeference+Point Cloud
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: calibration
Step2: point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
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DSM generation
Global Accuracy
Photo Stitching VS
Glue images together Undistort perspective using the
3D model and blend images
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: calibration
Step2: point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
Stereoscopy/calibration theory
Processing steps
Step1: calibration
Step2: point densification
Step3: DSM and orthomosaic
Software Demo
Software Demo: create project
3 Step wizard
- create project, import images
- is also used to "merge" overlapping
project. Split and merge when computer
resources not sufficient, or when
calibration issues between areas of
geotags and camera model selection
- automatic geotag, or using text file
- automatic camera model selection,
or using database
- at least three valid geotag required
Software Demo: main interface
1) Processing
2) Start button
Steps in red if not yet
processed. Checkbox
allows run of individual
127 images rapid: 3 min, low optimal: 28 min auto will select average
12 MP Canon Ixus accuracy Choose high computed GSD: 15 min
quadcore laptop full: 14 minutes tolerance if forest Can be replaced by any
other number
Software Demo: GCP editor
1) Add GCP/control/verification
using file OR right click
5) If initial processing is
already done, bundle
2) List of images 4) Import/export with GCP allows for
use top icons to sort clicked points without faster re-processing
closest images coordinates
use right click to remove
Software Demo: Scene Editor
4) Change/Add cells using 5) Blend mosaic
polygon/line/points tools
2) Select ortho/planar
to improve visual
3) Choose most
appropriate image in
the list (use keyboard
up/down arrow).
Good to remove
blurry images/ moving
1) Select a cell by
Thank you