Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic Acid
Historical Background
Pantothenic acid.
1st discovered at 1919.
Chemical structure
Formula C9H11O5N. Amide between pantoic acid and B-alanine
pantoic acid
Characterize by:
Water soluble vitamin.
Its small negatively charge alpha helical protein with high degree of structural and amino acid similarity.
Active forms:
Coenzyme A
Active forms:
Acyl carrier protein
VitB5 Sources
means everywhere
In foods, most pantothenic acid is in the form of :
CoA or acyl carrier protein (ACP). For the intestinal cells to absorb this vitamin, it must be converted into free pantothenic acid. Within the lumen of the intestine, CoA and ACP are Hydrolyzed into 4'-phosphopantetheine. This then dephosphorylated into pantetheine Pantetheinase, an intestinal enzyme, then hydrolyzes pantetheine into free pantothenic acid.
The free pantpthenic acid then absorbed
by either: - active transport (Na dependant). - passive transport. According to the concentration.
Carried in the plasma and erythrocyte.
Enter erythrocyte through passive diffusion. Distributed to different tissues(brain, heart,
kidney, liver). Enter the cell through Na co transport. Converted again to the tissue form : CO enzyme A.
The synthesis of CoA from pantothenate is
regulated primarily by pantothenate kinase, an enzyme that is inhibited by the pathway end products, CoA and acyl CoA. Thus CoA production does not reflect the amount of available pantothenate
Coenzyme A synthesis
pantothenate kinase
4-phosphopantothenate Cyestiene ppc synthetase 4-phospho -N-pantothenyl cystiene ppc decarboxylase 4- phosphopantetheine pp Adenyl transferase Desphosho coA
Co A: synthesis
1\ Pantothenate is phosphorylated to 4'phosphopantothenate. 2\ A cysteine is added to 4'-phosphopantothenate to form 4'-phospho-N-pantothenoylcysteine (PPC) . 3\ PPC is decarboxylated to 4phosphopantotheine. 4\ 4'-phosphopantotheine is adenylylated to form dephospho-CoA. 5\ Finally, dephospho-CoA is phosphorylated using ATP to coenzyme A.
ACP synthesis:
Synthesized from Apo ACP protien and Co enzyme A
Excreted in the urine as free pantothenic acid or 4
phosphopantethenate. In the kidney pantothenic acid either: Reabsorped. Tubular secretion. Amount excreted reflect the dietary intake. Biomarkers detected by radioimmunoassay.
Function of Vit B5
Metabolic functions.
Other roles.
Metabolic function:
of acetyl co A.
Co A : Functions
Citric acid cycle: acetyl residues (in the form of
Co A : Functions
Biosynthesis of acetylcholine:
choline + acetyl Co A
Acetylcholine + Co A.
Acetylation reactions: e.g. drugs, post-
ACP: Function
In mammals the fatty acid synthase system is a multienzyme polypeptide complex. ACP is part of that complex.
Other roles:
Pantothenic acid enhance red blood cell
production and maintain normal haemoglobin level Enhance the immune system through regulating stress hormones Maintain the heart healthy through : lower the cholesterol level maintain normal blood pressure Reduce the acne
Recent research:
Diabetic ulceration Diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy Testicular torsion Rheumatoid arthritis Athletes' performance
1.8 mg
2mg 3mg 4mg 5mg 6mg
Breastfeeding women
United Kingdom RDA: 6 mg/day
Pantothenic acid deficiency is
exceptionally rare and has not been thoroughly studied. Patients with digestive problem In starvation ,malnutrition cases and limited volunteer trials.
Clinical manifestations:
Fatigue,irratibilty and apathy, dermatitis, alopecia and ulcer numbness, paresthesia, and muscle cramps HYPOGLYCEMIA Adrenal insufficiency and hepatic encephalopathy
All symptoms corrected and
Pantothenol More stable form of the vitamin and is often found in multivitamin supplements Calcium pantothenate more stable than pantothenic acid in the digestive mentation may improve oxygen utilization efficiency and reduce lactic acid accumulation in athletes.
Methylpantothenic acid.
Desthio-coenzymeA. Hopantenate.
no Tolerable Upper Level Intake
(UL) has been established for the vitamin. Toxicity of pantothenic acid is unlikely massive doses (e.g., 10 g/day) may only yield mild intestinal distress