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BOX 223 (JALAN SULTAN) 46 20 PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA 603! 6"400#/2 603! 5 6 "

The story of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) begins with the nation's independence. The Institution, born exactly 2 !onths after Merde"a # on May $, $%&% # has had a !ar"ed influence on the engineering profession in the country. 'ac" in $%&$, the 'uilding 'y#laws stated that only those who were registered under the (rchitect)s *rdinance $%&$, could sub!it plans to the +ocal (uthorities, but engineers are not allowed to sub!it building plan. They are only allowed if they registered under ,art II of the (rchitect)s *rdinance, but this created unsatisfactory feeling. There was a strong need for an Institution to cater the interest of engineers. -ro! $%&$#&%, the acti.ities of engineers were organised under the /oint group of I0E1I Mech E1IEE.The Institution of Engineers was for!ed in$%&% with the ob/ecti.e of ad.ancing the engineering profession.In order to unite all engineers in the country, the Institution has been wor"ing towards the registration of engineers since its establish!ent. In $%23, the Engineer)s (ct was passed with the pro.ision that to register as a ,rofessional Engineer, one !ust first be a 0orporate Me!ber of the Institution.

$ISTORY OF IEM $%&'()* (+ ',- I.&'%'/'%(. (t first, to be granted ad!ission to 0orporate Me!bership, one needs only to ha.e fi.e years wor"ing experience as an Engineer regardless of what capacity. +ater, the 0onstitution was a!ended and ,rofessional Inter.iew was introduced. This was to ensure that only engineers the rele.ant experience would be ad!itted to 0orporate Me!bership and could register as a ,rofessional Engineer. It has grown and !atured with the nation and its people. It started out with only 2 !e!bers. *.er the past two and a half decades, its !e!bership has increased !ore than a hundred#fold to al!ost $&, today, !a"ing it one of the largest professional bodies in Malaysia. The close rapport between the IEM and the go.ern!ent has been strengthened the years. The tangible result of the 4o.ern!ent's recognition of IEM was when it accepted 5ualification for certain posts in the'esides gaining 4o.ern!ent bac"ing, IEM also recei.ed its first international recognition when it was ad!itted into the 0o!!onwealth Engineering 0ouncil in $%22.

6o history is co!plete without the people !a"ing it. 7i!ilarly, IEM has had nu!erous dedicated and selfless leaders and !e!bers who !ade !any sacrifices to nurture and build up the Institution to what it is today # a proud sy!bol of all engineers in Malaysia.In its 8 years of existence, IEM has had the ser.ices of 29 ,residents. They represent .arious engineering disciplines.

The founder ,resident was Ir. Tan 7ri :usoff ;a/i Ibrahi! who ser.ed a four#year ter!. ;e was succeeded by another able leader, Ir. <a/a Tan 7ri =ainal bin <a/a 7ulei!an, who was then the 4eneral Manager of ++6. (now "nown as T6'). Twenty#one other ,residents ca!e after hi! and each in his own way left an indelible !ar" on the IEM and shaped its destiny.

The ob/ and purposes of which the Institution is constituted are to pro!ote and ad.ance the theory and practice of engineering in all its disciplines and to> ? raise the character and status and ad.ance the interests of the profession@ ? increase the confidence of the co!!unity in the e!ploy!ent of recognised engineers by ad!itting to the Institution only such persons who ha.e ade5uate "nowledge of both the theory and practice of engineering. ? pro!ote honest practice, pre.ent !alpractice and settle disputed points of practice and ethics@ ? collect and disse!inate engineering infor!ation@ ?arrange lectures, exhibitions and conferences, se!inars, courses@ ? encourage the study of engineering and i!pro.e the general and technical "nowledge of persons engaged in the profession@ ? originate and pro!ote i!pro.e!ents in legislation and its ad!inistration by deputation, sub!issions and representations.


*.er the years, IEM has gained recognition not only locally but also internationally.

IEM is an acti.e !e!ber of se.eral International Engineering *rganisations. They include the Aorld -ederation of Engineering *rganisations (A-E*), 0o!!onwealth Engineers 0ouncil (0E0), -ederation of Engineering Institutions of 7outheast (sia and the ,acific (-EI7E(,), (ssociation of Engineering Education of 7outheast (sia ((EE7E(), (sean -ederation of Engineering *rganisations ((-E*).

The Institution is also represented on .arious local co!!ittees and organisations li"e 'alai I"tisas Malaysia ('IM), 7tandards B Industrial <esearch Institute of Malaysia (7I<IM), Aorld Energy *rganisation (AE*) and !any others.

5O0E OF ET$I5S In today's specialised technologically based society there is a great dependence on the sound /udg!ent and integrity of the professional engineer. The further de.elop!ent of ci.ilisation, the conser.ation and !anage!ent of natural resources, and the i!pro.e!ent of the standards of of !an"ind are greatly affected by the wor" of the engineer. -or that wor" to be fully effecti.e it is necessary not only that engineers stri.e constantly to widen their "nowledge and i!pro.e their s"ill but also that the co!!unity be willing to recognise the integrity and trust the /udg!ent of !e!bers of the profession of engineering. -or this to happen the profession !ust be recognised in the co!!unity for> its s"ill in using technical expertise for the enhance!ent of hu!an welfare@ its loyalty to the co!!unity, to e!ployers and clients@ its honesty and i!partiality in professional practice. 'ecause of the i!portance on these !atters the Institution has a 0ode of Ethics. The prea!ble to the 0ode states> ... members are required to order their conduct in accordance with the principle that, in any conflict between a member's personal interest and fair and honest dealing with other members of the Community, his duty to the Community must prevail.


The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), pri!ary role is to all !a/or disciplines of engineering practiced in Malaysia. It is go.erned by 0onstitution and by#laws which include the regulation of professional conduct.It is being !anaged by a 0ouncil which consists of elected !e!bers. The 0ouncil will delegate the day to day !anage!ent of the Institution to an Executi.e 0o!!ittee which o.ersees six standing co!!ittees on finance, ad!issions, exa!ination B 5ualification, publication, acti.ities and professional practice. The principal duties of the 7tanding 0o!!ittee on ,rofessional ,ractice are as follows># a) To re.iew, co#ordinate and for!ulate policies on all aspect of professional practice a!ong !e!bers of the Institution including the conduct, ethics, discipline and good technical practice. To liaise with other professional bodies, public and statutory authorities To exa!ine and report to the Executi.e 0o!!ittee on any co!plaint !ade against a !e!ber of the Institution.

b) c)


Cnder the 7ection $& of the Engineers) (ct $%23, the 'oard !ay order the cancellation of the registration of any engineer, if> $. 2. 9. ;e is guilty of fraud, dishonesty or !oral turpitude@ The accepts of illicit co!!ission@ -ailed to disclose to hisDher client any .ested financial interest in dealings with the client. There are other grounds for de#registration but these are not related to ethics. ASSO5IATION OF 5ONSULTING ENGINEERS, MALAYSIA (A5EM ) The (0EM is a non#profit li!ited co!pany, incorporated under the 0o!panies) (ct in $%29. The affairs of the (0EM are go.erned by their !e!orandu! and articles of association. The !ain ob/ecti.e of (0EM is to pro!ote the interests of all 0onsulting Engineers and 0onsulting Engineering as a profession. The philosophy of (0EM is that the !e!bers should uphold high principles and established the! as an elite group of unbiased professional engineers who can be trusted to gi.e independent and unbiased professional which is co!pletely unfettered by the possibility of conflicts of interest arising due to a 0onsulting Engineer)s excessi.e in.ol.e!ent in business or other co!!ercial .entures, especially with hisDher nature of wor".


The three !a/or ,rofessional Engineering bodies to which engineers !ay be affiliated are> #. T,- B(6)7 (+ E.8%.--)& (BEM), which is a statutory body go.erned by the Engineer)s (ct $%23 and with which an Engineer !ust registered before heDshe can be e!ployed or practise as an Engineer. T,- I.&'%'/'%(. (+ E.8%.--)&, M696*&%6 (IEM). which is a learned society registered under the 7ociety)s (ct. Me!bership is .oluntary but the professional standards set by IEM for !e!bership are accepted by 'EM as 5ualifications for registration as a ,rofessional Engineer (,E). Most ,E are IEM !e!bers. T,- A&&(3%6'%(. (+ 5(.&/9'%.8 E.8%.--)&, M696*&%6 (A5EM), is a non# profit organisation co!prising of 0onsulting Engineers. Its ob/ecti.e is to pro!ote the interest of 0onsulting Engineering as a profession. (ll the three bodies ha.e their own 0ode of Ethics designed too suit their specific re5uire!ent according to the ob/ of each body constituted.



'EM 0ode of ,rofessional 0onduct are a!enable and ha.e clear interpretation because of its legal connotations and would be enforceable in law. Issues of !orality and philosophy would be ineffecti.e in law since it is i!possible to legislate !oral or philosophical principles.Therefore, the 'EM code can distinguished between legal and illegal cases. 'EM lays down !ini!u! baseline rules which are enforceable in law and !ust be obser.ed by all engineers registered under the Engineer)s (ct. The IEM <egulations on ,rofessional 0onduct tend to be general because IEM !e!bers co!prise of .arious engineering disciplines, as well as types of professional e!ploy!ent and businesses. IEM 0ode e!braces !any areas !oral and philosophical considerations including public safety B health, conser.ation of resources B en.iron!ent, upgrading of technology, engineers responsibility and the conduct of affairs between Engineer and e!ployees, clients and peers. There is a pro.ision in the IEM by#laws that disciplinary cases are referred to 'EM for appropriate action. The (0EM 0ode is designed to order conduct of 0onsulting Engineers in areas li"e ad.ertising and pro!otion of wor"s, fees and other re!uneration, co!petition with other !e!bers, sub!ission of bids or proposals and related sub/ect. (0EM !e!bers are bound to obser.e the 0odes of both 'EM and IEM (if they are also IEM !e!bers) and details rules to go.ern the conduct of 0onsulting Engineer)s business. The (0EM 0ode is designed to !aintain strict discipline a!ongst their !e!bers to ensure that they !aintain their independent professional status without excessi.e co!!ercial in.ol.e!ent which !ay gi.e rise to conflict of interest.

PURPOSE OF PROFESSIONAL INTER:IE; (P.I) The ,rofessional Inter.iew (,.I) is conducted by inter.iewers on behalf of the IEM 0ouncil. It is intended to test the candidate)s> a) b) c) 4rasp of engineering principles application in proble!s that arise fro! in.estigation, planning, design or construction of engineering wor"s or research 0apability to accept professional responsibility (bility to co!!unicate

T,- P)(+-&&%(.69 I.'-)4%-< E9%8%1%9%'* The ob/ecti.e of the ,.I., is to ensure that a candidate wishing to be elected as a 0orporate Me!ber has a !ini!u! period of engineering experience. Cnder the Engineer)s (ct $%32, stipulated that the candidate !ust> $. 2. 9. 'e a registered graduate engineer with 'EM ;a.e co!pleted 2 years of with the go.ern!ent sector i.e. EIE or FG< (only applicable to Engineers) Cndergo a training stint either through the IEM +og 'oo" 7che!e for a period of 9 years or independently under ,.E super.ision preferably in the sa!e discipline for a period of 8 years.

PREPARATION FOR PROFESSIONAL INTER:IE; ( ,.I candidate !ust sub!it docu!ents showing e.idence of hisDher engineering experience. It can be in for! of drawings with calculation attached. The candidate !ust also sub!it a report in chronological order describing the wor" he has underta"en since graduation. The report !ust indicate clearly the engineering proble!s encountered by the candidate and hisDher solution to o.erco!e this situation. The candidate needs to ha.e an understanding of cost, 5uantities B !agnitude, "nowledge of technical standards and code of practices and the .arious restrictions on their applications in the proble! encountered. The purpose of *<(+ inter.iew is to clarify certain points stated in the report and to ascertain whether the candidate did carry out the /ob. The engineering experience gained should include planning#design, in.estigation#field, wor"# construction, super.ision B !anage!ent and general engineering related acti.ities. (fter the oral session, the candidate is re5uired to write two essays. The reason is to allow the candidate a chance to clarify certain points that were not properly expressed during the inter.iew.The second essay is on the code of ethics.

T$E ATTRIBUTES OF A MO0ERN ENGINEER Euring the inter.iew, the candidate is assessed whether heDshe is worthy enough to be accepted as a corporate !e!ber of the Institution. The candidate should be> $. 2. 9. 8. &. 2. Technically co!petent (ble to conceptualise (ble to plan and !odify when situation changes whilst still !aintaining the goal of the plan 0o!petent in design H asse!ble facts, arranging the!, analysing and /udging before drawing a conclusion 0ost conscious and able to !a"e cost co!parisons (ble to co!!unicate H write, s"etch, spea" and respond. (ble to de.elop !anage!ent s"ills especially in hu!an relations, decision !a"ing, to lead and be a tea! ad.isor or coordinator (ble to ad.ocate and to cha!pion the conclusions reached by hisDher professional co!petence and to show by exa!ples that ethics and high integrity are funda!ental in professional


ELE5TRI5AL ENGINEERING The electrical engineer is concerned with the generation, trans!ission and utilisation of electrical energy@ with industrial control and industrial electronics@ and with application electronics to such di.erse fields as co!!unications, co!puters, instru!entation, !edicine and auto!atic control. 'ecause of the di.ersity of electrical engineering, opportunities are a.ailable in .irtually e.ery phase of industrial acti.ity and go.ern!ent Electrical engineers are in de!and in !anufacturing, !ining, transportation, construction, utilities, co!!unications,oil exploration and product de.elop!ent. -or those with an interest in co!puter hardware or software, the increasing use of !inico!puters and !icroprocessors in instru!entation, !edical and diagnostic ser.ices, signal processing and industrial process control has lead to challenging opportunities. (fter extensi.e experience in any of these fields, an electrical engineer !ay offer his ser.ices as a consultant.

ME5$ANI5AL ENGINEERING Mechanical engineers are not li!ited in their e!ploy!ent to only one or two industrial sectors, and /ob openings for !echanical engineers co!prise an unending range of opportunities. The education of a !echanical engineer co.ers a broad range of topics including the !echanics of !aterials, !achine dyna!ics, ther!odyna!ics, fluid !echanics, auto!atic control and co!puter#aided design. In addition to the traditional role of !echanical engineers in the de.elop!ent of !achinery, the graduates are increasingly ta"ing a role in the de.elop!ent of robots for ad.anced !anufacturing syste!s, in auto!ation of industrial processes, in architecture and in bioengineering.

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

T-3,.%369 0%4%&%(.& O%9 6.7 G6& P)(7/3'%(. 6.7 M6./+63'/)%.8 E.8%.--)%.8 T/..-9%.8 6.7 U.7-)8)(/.7 S>63;6'-) R-&(/)3-& E.8%.--)%.8 T,-)- %& 69&( 6 G)67/6'- & S'/7-.' S-3'%(.. E63, 0%4%&%(./S-3'%(. %& )/. 1* 6 0%4%&%(./S-3'%(. 5(==%''-- 6.7 %& )-&>(.&%19- +() 3(.7/3'%.8 %'& 6++6%)& <%',%. 8-.-)69 >(9%3%-& 96%7 7(<. 1* ',- 5(/.3%9. 0%4%&%(.&/S-3'%(.& 6)- &-)4%3-7 ',)(/8, ',- N6'%(.69 $-67@/6)'-)& (+ ',- I.&'%'/'%(..

M-=1-)&,%> G)67-& There are six grades of !e!bers, .iI. ;onorary -ellows, -ellows, Me!bers, 4raduates, 7tudents and (ffiliates, of which the first three are corporate grades, i.e. they ha.e been recognised by the Institution as 5ualified and experienced professional engineers. The ;onorary -ellows are also awarded to non# engineers, who are pro!inent and ha.e contributed to the de.elop!ent of engineering and sciences. :.'. Eatu" 7eri Er Mahathir Moha!ed is one such ;on. -.l.E.M). The re5uire!ents for these grades are> ? ;onorary fellow> ;onorary -ellow shall be a distinguished person of ac"nowledged e!inence who! the Institution desires to honour for ser.ices rendered to the engineering profession. ;onorary -ellowship shall only be conferred by the 0ouncil. ? -ellow> There shall be no direct ad!ission to this grade. (d!ission shall only be by transfer fro! the grade of Me!ber. To be eligible for transfer to the grade of -ellow, a Me!ber shall ha.e satisfied the 0ouncil that he is worthy of transfer to this grade. ? Me!ber> ( Me!ber, at the ti!e of his ad.ance!ent or election to this grade, shall ha.e satisfied the 0ouncil that he has attained such standard as set by the 0ouncil to testify to his proficiency as a professional engineer, and that he is worthy of election as Me!ber.

M-=1-)&,%> G)67-& 4raduate> ( 4raduate shall be a person who, with respect to his age, his educational attain!ents, his practical training, his e!ploy!ent and otherwise, co!plies with such of the 'ylaws and <egulations as applied to 4raduates. (ffiliate> (n (ffiliate shall be a person who has had the necessary experience in a responsible position in engineering or a person who, by his connection with engineering science or the arts or otherwise, is 5ualified to concur with professional engineers in the ad.ance!ent of engineering "nowledge. 7tudent> ( 7tudent shall be a person who, with respect of his age, his education attain!ents and otherwise, co!plies with such of the 'ylaws and <egulations as applied to 7tudents. (pplications for ad!ission to all grades of !e!bership should be !ade on for!s a.ailable fro! 6ational ;ead5uarters or any 'ranch *ffice.

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

Entrance and Transfer Fees (n entranceDtransfer fee payable for the grade of !e!bership to which the applicant is ad!itted, elected or transferred shall be due and payable as of the date of ad!ission. Election or transfer to that grade, as follows># (a !ember who has been a graduate !e!ber for at least two years before applying for election. <M $ . 2. who does not fulfil the re5uire!ents in (a)($) abo.e. <M 9& . (b "raduate who has been a student !e!ber for at least one year and who applies for transfer to this grade of !e!bership within ninety days after graduation in engineering fro! a recognised institution. <M & . 2. who does not fulfil the re5uire!ents in (b)($) abo.e. <M J . (c #ffiliate <M 2 (d $tudent 6one 7ub/ect to the abo.e, there shall be no other transfer fee payable on changing fro! one grade of !e!bership to another. .

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

#nnual $ubscription The annual subscription payable by !e!bership resident, shall be as follows># -ellows <M $J&. Me!bers <M $$ . (ffiliates <M $$ . 4raduates, who on the $st Fan. ha.e attained the age of 9 ha.e not attained the age of 9 <M 3 . <M $$ .

7tudents, who on the $st Fan. ha.e attained the age of 28 <M 3 . ha.e not attained the age of 28 <M 2 . 6otwithstanding the abo.e, any student !e!ber who has attained the age of 28 years and can produce e.idence that he is still a bona fide student of an institution of higher learning or that he is registered for the Institution's 4raduate Exa!ination shall pay the sa!e rate as a 7tudent !e!ber below the age of 28.

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

F-99(< Entering this grade shall be only by transfer fro! the grade of !e!ber ( !e!ber for transfer !ust not be less than 9& years of age and #who ha.e ser.ed as 0orporate Me!ber of IEM of not less than & years e!ploy!ent in position of !a/or responsibility in planning, design, execution or !anage!ent of i!portant engineering wor" #Is in a responsible position in his organiIation and has occupied a pro!inent position in the profession of engineering , and has either !ade noteworthy contribution to the science of engineering or !aterially ad.anced the practice of engineering #7ub!its the IEM -or! (-) together with *rganiIation chart #,osition ser.ed to be highlighted #7ignatories of 2 engineers of which 8 are !e!bers and 2 are -ellow !e!bers #'rief tabulation of experience

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

Affiliate -Shall be required to produce evidence to the satisfaction of the IEM Council -That he is connected with the engineering profession, and -That he is a graduate from a university college of recognised standing and has been in the active practice of his special pursuit for not less than five years or -That he has been in active practice of his special pursuit for not less than ten years, and he has had responsible charge in his special pursuit as principal or assistant for not less than three years -Submits application form IEM !I"#$ -%irth certificate -&egree certificate and transcript -Evidence of wor'ing e(perience)

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

G)67/6'#( candidate for ad!ission or transfer into this grade shall be not less than 2$ years of age and shall produce e.idence to the satisfaction of the IEM 0ouncil #That he has graduated in engineering fro! a recognised uni.ersity with an accredited engineering degree or has obtained an e5ui.alent 5ualification. #7ub!its application for! IEM(4) #'irth certificate (only ad!ission cases) #<egistration letter as a graduate engineer with the 'oard of Engineers, Malaysia #Eegree and Eiplo!a certificates together with transcripts #E.idence to show disciplineDbranch of engineering if the infor!ation is not in certificate #7T,MD7,MD40EDMatriculation certificate or e5ui.alent #(ll Cnited Gingdo! graduate !ust produce e.idence to show applicant had spent 2 years in the uni.ersity in Cnited Gingdo!.

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

S'/7-.' # ( student shall be a person who is not less than $3 years of age # The student should be studying engineering in a recognised uni.ersity or college of e5ui.alent acade!ic standing or # ( student pursuing a course of engineering appro.ed by the IEM 0ouncil or # 0andidate enrolled for ,art I or ,art II of the IEM D'EM 4raduate Exa!ination or Exa!ination of an o.erseas professional institution recognised by the IEM 0ouncil #7ub!its application for! IEM(7) and #'irth certificate #Eiplo!a 0ertificate and transcripts #7T,MD7,MD40E certificate or e5ui.alent #+etter fro! Kice#0hancellor or ;ead of Eepart!ent (local uni.ersity only) or #( letter to sit for IEMD'EM 4raduate Exa!inationDEngineering 0ouncil Exa!ination

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

M-=1-) #( candidate for election into this grade shall produce e.idence to the satisfaction of the IEM 0ouncil that he is worthy of election and #That he has a graduate 5ualification as appro.ed by the IEM 0ouncil and #Is a graduate engineer for a !ini!u! period of three to four or six years or based on period specified by IEMD'EM. i.e. #Aor"ing experience of 9 years or !ore for those graduating prior to $.$.$%%J #Aor"ing experience of 8#2 years or !ore (depending on period specify by IEMD'EM) for those graduating after $.$.$%%J #,referably the candidate !ust be wor"ing under the guidance of a ,rofessional Engineer. #(Aor"ing experience !eans practical experience in engineering in a !anner satisfactory to the 0ouncil ie in planning, design, executi.e or !anage!ent of such wor"s as are co!prised within the profession of engineering , or in engineering research, or the teaching of engineering in a course leading to a 5ualification). or

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

That he has had a for!al course of education and training to be an engineer, has had at least $& years' e!ploy!ent in positions of full responsibility in the design andDor execution of engineering wor" and fulfil the re5uire!ents as a special candidate as specified in the <egulations go.erning the conduct of the ,rofessional Inter.iew and oral Exa!ination # 7ub!its application for! IEMD,I ($) and IEMD,I (2)#in duplicates # 'irth certificate (only for Election cases) # 'EM <egistration +etter as a 4raduate Engineer (Election cases) #Eegree and Eiplo!a certificates together with transcripts # E.idence to show disciplineDbranch of engineering if the infor!ation is not in certificate # 7T,MD7,MD40EDMatriculation certificate or e5ui.alent # (ll Cnited Gingdo! graduate !ust produce e.idence to show applicant had spent 2 years in the uni.ersity in Cnited Gingdo!.

F--& 6.7 A../69 S/1&3)%>'%(.&

#P6*=-.' (+ PI +--&?! #<M $ #<M 2 . . # for transfer cases # for Election cases

-or! co!pleted with #$ proposer, 9 seconders #Experience clearly tabulated after the date of graduation and brea"down of experience recorded in !onths #7ignatures of 2 engineers to .erify experience on each page of the for! #-or Engineering candidates, at least $ year site and $ year design experience are re5uired #-or! IEMD,I (9) to be sub!itted when called for Inter.iew #6a!e will be circulated in IEM 'ulletin for a !onth #IEM for! will be sub!itted when the Inter.iewers called for inter.iew

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