Shura' - A Vehicle For Mutual Consultation
Shura' - A Vehicle For Mutual Consultation
Shura' - A Vehicle For Mutual Consultation
• Ash-Shura is an Islamic principle, which obtains its
legality from Quran and Prophet Mohammad Peace and
blessing be Upon him authentic Sunnah (Islamic Law). Ash-
Shura is a deep rooted foundation, widely and deeply ingrained
in the individual's spirit and in the structured of Muslim
• Ash-Shura defined as thinking over and exchanging
views on certain issues, which are examined by scholars and
experts seeking the best solutions with preferable opinion to
achieve the best conclusion.
'Shura' – A Vehicle for Mutual Consultation
• Ash-Shura is a combination of views extracted from
thoughts, experience, scholar's diligence, continuous
researches and study, in comfort with Faith, Quran
and authentic Sunnah.
• Shura in Islam is not exclusive to government
system, but deals with all life's aspects, particularly
the social. Therefore; Shura is a highly advanced
system that proceeds in accordance with the nation
interests and the requirement of every era.
The importance of Shura
• The importance of Shura can be realized that the Holy Qur'an
requires that affairs of the Muslim community be run by public
participation. In a chapter entitled Shura (consultation), the
Holy Qur'an says of the Muslims that:
• "...their affairs are run by mutual consultation." (42:38)
• Even the Prophet Muhammad himself, who came in this world
with an authority from God, is commanded in the Qur'an:
• " take counsel with them (i.e. the people) in matters (of
public concern)." (3:159)
The importance of Shura
• The Holy Prophet (saw) consulted many times
with his companions. He consulted on the eve of
the battle of Badr, on the day of Badr, on the day
of Uhud, and on the day of Khandaq. Hence it is
clear that Muslims have been commanded to
undertake consultation i.e. Shura, and Allah has
praised the Muslims for deciding their affairs by
way of consultation.
Shura Process
• The Shura process is a guidance from Allah (swt) and it
will gain the appropriate blessing provided the correct
respect is given to the approach. During the process all
opinions within the context of the discussion must be
thoroughly debated and canvassed.
• The consultative process must ensure that every endeavor
is made to ask all specialists to provide the relevant
information and advice. The process must respect the
professional opinions or advice in the field of expertise
when decisions are made. This process of decision-making
must be followed and adhered to, as all the commands and
injunctions of Allah (swt).
Shura Process
• In issues which directly involve the community, the Prophet
Muhammad (saw) consulted with the majority of the people in
Medina in the question of leaving Medina to fight the enemies
at Uhud. This consultation can be with the masses or the
representatives of the community.
• Tabari comments in his tafseer of the Qur`an that: "It is
the duty of the rulers to consult the
scholars on matters not known to them and
in religious matters not clear to them, to
consult the leaders of the army in matters
related to war, and leaders of the people
in matters related to administration. The
teachers, ministers and governors in
matters related to the welfare of the
country and its development".
Shura Process
• This process must obey Allah (swt) His Rasul (saw) and those in
authority over you and if you cannot reach an agreement then revert
back to Allah (swt) and His Rasul (swt). When the decision has
been taken then place your trust in Allah (swt).
• The ‘political motion’ in the act of ‘Shura’ is when The Ameer
(Leader) makes a decision through the fear of Allah (swt) and
‘Shura’ (mutual consultation) and is an incorrect decision, Allah
(swt) gives him one ‘Thawab’ (blessing), but when he makes the
correct decision, Allah (swt) gives him two ‘Thawabs’ (blessings).
• This is the manner of consultation; this is the manner of ‘ibadah’
(worship) of the Almighty. The latter is when Allah is pleased with
the decision and the act of ‘ibadah (worship) when the Ameer
(leader) through a character of ‘Taqwa’ (Allah's (swt)
consciousness) cannot make a incorrect decision, because Allah
(swt) hand is on the shoulder of Ameer (leader).
The Final Decision
• This process of consultation and the final decision must be
respected and adhered to. During discussions, if the final
decision went against an individual's view, he must now
support the motion and bless the process and do everything in
his power to make the process successful. Allah's (swt) Rahma
(mercy) will be on the process of ‘Shura’ (mutual
consultation) and on the individual who disagreed.
• If the process is disregarded and abused it is a disobedience of
Allah (swt) and His Rasul (saw). The process of ‘Shura’ is an
obligatory consultative engine, which drives the actions and
decisions of the Muslims and the Muslim Leadership and is an
act of ‘Ibadah’.