Concept of Shura in Islam
Concept of Shura in Islam
Concept of Shura in Islam
The concept of Shura was introduced so that everybody could
have a say in their affairs and government could act according to wishes of
the people. Islam has given a method to hold consultation among the Muslims
for administrating their affairs of government. Islam is a religion which
preaches harmony and brotherhood. It protecting the interest of each and
every member of the society concept of shura was introduced so that shura is
an expression of public opinion and is an important institution with a legal
status, in which everybody could have a say in their affairs and government
could act according to people's wishes.
Literal Meaning
In Islamic law shura means "a collective body of wise and learned
men who are consulted regarding matters of the state.”
Shura is a body of representatives of Muslim community who
assemble for consultation with each other to reach decision for running the
business of the government.
In the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the concept of
Shura was developed when the society at large decided to acknowledge the
scarifies and contributions of few people. Who rendered great services to
Islam and the community be electing them as their Shura. The body of people
or Shura was elected perform the following functions.
i) Judicial functions.
ii) Legislative functions
iii) Executive functions
"And consult them in affairs and when you have taken a decision,
put your trust in Allah Almighty”
"The man who gives a counsel to his brother knowing full well
that it is not right does most surely betray his trust."
"I have not seen a person consulting the people more than the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)"
The following are the Qualifications for the members of Shura in Islamic state,
I. Shura Khas
Badar was a war between Muslims and infidels The Holy Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) decided war plan for this battle after consulting the
companions, when they all agreed to meet the enemy at Badar.
After the demise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the first
Caliph of Islam was Hazard Abu Bakr. He while deciding the name of his
successor thought of Hazrat Umar being the most suitable. When the proposed
his name to the members of the Shura they agreed on it, therefore Hazrat
Umar becomes the Second caliph after the demise of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
Appointment of Maaz-bin-Jabal
➢ Subjection to Allah
➢ Requirement of Shariah
The concept of a shura has been laid down in Islamic law. Because
Islam which wants such a system of government to be established where all
peoples the whole community is in agreement regarding the decisions of the
➢ Freedom of Expression
The Holy Quran says, "once you determine, then trust in Allah."
➢ Majority Rules
➢ Eligible qualifications
Every people are not eligible to become member of the shura, only
those peoples are eligible who fit the requisite qualification.
➢ State religion
➢ Sovereignty
Law is the same for every citizen of country even the ruler is subject to
the same laws as that of beggar.
Shura is an important institution in Islam and is subjected to the
will of Allah. It is also a permanent feature of Islamic system and is an extender
of religion. Concept of Parliament has been introduced by Islam to the world at
large. There is no state on the earth without Parliament but everyone has
adopted and designed to it according Its demands and needs American cabinet
of the President is copied of Shura-Khas of Islamic system. Similarly. Every ruler
or Head ne government always keep advisors which is also a true reflection
Shura-Khaas. As far as Shura-Aam is concerned.