Voltage and Current Division Superposition: Dr. Holbert January 23, 2008
Voltage and Current Division Superposition: Dr. Holbert January 23, 2008
Voltage and Current Division Superposition: Dr. Holbert January 23, 2008
Division; Superposition
Dr. Holbert
January 23, 2008
R +
In terms of I,
what is the
voltage across
each resistor? +
Make sure you N Total R IR
get the polarity Resistors
To solve for I,
apply KVL IR + IR + + IR VS = 0
around the loop I = VS / (N R)
+ +
R1 v1(t) v1 (t ) v(t )
R1 R2
v(t) +
R2 v2(t) v2 (t ) v(t )
R1 R2
I1 I2
I R1 R2 V
I1 I2
I R1 R2 V
1 R1 R2
1 1 R R
1 2
R1 R2
Lect3 EEE 202 8
Equivalent Resistance
If we wish to replace the two parallel
resistors with a single resistor whose
voltage-current relationship is the same, the
equivalent resistor has a value of:
R1 R2
Definition: Parallel - the elements share the
same two end nodes
I1 I2 I3
I R1 R2 R3 V
I1 I2 I3
R1 R2 R3
V I I Req
1 1 1
R1 R2 R3
I1 I2
Is1 Is2 R1 R2 V
R1 R2
V I s1 I s 2
R1 R2
Lect3 EEE 202 16
Multiple Current Sources
We find an equivalent current source by
algebraically summing current sources
As before, we find an equivalent
We find V as equivalent I times equivalent
We then find any necessary currents using
Ohms law
Lect3 EEE 202 17
In General: Current Division
Consider N resistors in parallel:
R par
iR j (t ) iS k (t )
1 1 1 1 1
R par R1 R2 RN Ri
1k 1k 1k 1k
+ +
V1 + + V2
Vout 1k + 1k Vout
Vout = V1/3
Vout = V2/3
Vout = Vout + Vout = V1/3 + V2/3
Lect3 EEE 202 22
Superposition Procedure
1. For each independent voltage and current
source (repeat the following):
a) Replace the other independent voltage sources with
a short circuit (i.e., V = 0).
b) Replace the other independent current sources with
an open circuit (i.e., I = 0).
Note: Dependent sources are not changed!
c) Calculate the contribution of this particular voltage or
current source to the desired output parameter.
2. Algebraically sum the individual contributions
(current and/or voltage) from each independent