Desert Cooler
Desert Cooler
Desert Cooler
Principle Of Working:
The water is filled in the sump of the cooler from water supply mains , the level of
which is controlled by a float valve. A water pump lifts the water and supplies it at the
top of the cooler to the water distribution system which consists of small branches of
copper pipe or so equipped with orifices which deliver equal amount of water to the
troughs which in turns supply water to the wetted pads. The water which drops back
from the pads is recirculated. The pump may be made of brass , stainless steel or even
plastic. The blower pulls the air through the wetted pads and deliver it to space to be
cooled through an opening in the fourth side of the cabinet of desert cooler. The air
which is sucked through the pads is cooled by the principle of evaporative cooling . The
blower gives adequate velocity to the air before it is delivered to the spaces to be
To have long life of the desert cooler and better performance , pads
should be changed every year and holes for water distribution system should be
cleaned. The tank should be cleaned just after the season and coated with corrosion
resisting paint .
Different parts of desert cooler :
Cooler pump
Float valve-
-Cooler pads
1) Fan in the vertical plane: the arrangement of the components is shown in fig.
there is a separate motor for the pump and fan so they can be used
independently. The arrangement of the components in a box providing 3 pads.
The pump , pumps the water from the bottom tank to the top and water
trinkles through the holes provided on the top of tank and falls passing the pads
to the bottom tank.
a) the coolers consume more electrical energy and hence not economical.
b) the water pumps of the cooler are submerged in water tanks get damaged
frequently .
c)the khus pads need frequent replacement thereby causing inconveinence.
To avoid such problems a new model known as ‘Quality desert cooler’ is developed.
Type and size of fans recommended are:
Area to be
cooled 150ft² 300ft² 600ft² 900ft²
Advantages desert cooler
Less expensive to install because
estimated cost is half that of central
refrigerated air conditioning
Less expensive to operate because
estimated cost of operation is ¼ that of
refrigerated air
Ease of maintanance because only two
main parts fan &water pump which repair
at low cost
Manufacturers of desert coolers are :