Things 19-21
Things 19-21
Things 19-21
Kelly Peak
Alma College EDC 370
19. Digital Storytelling and
A Digital story such as Fast Car Freddy would be a great tool for introducing Language Arts writing unit
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.6-8.4 for a narrative story and connecting it to the Technology Standards Modification and
CCSS CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.6-8.6. Students can choose to use either Google Slides, PowerPoint or Canva to
produce an active story through the use of clipart, animation and finally bring the characters to full life through
voiceover with Screencast. Lastly posting to School
To back what this article has suggested, I would take this topic and use it as an introduction to a science
based lesson. Students will be assigned a task to conduct their own study of which type of devises most
students have with in their classroom.
Once the data is collected the students will be given a 2nd task of coming up with the best app for building
a graph that represents the number of students in the classroom who own an Iphone or a Android phone.
The use of technology will be added to the task as ½ the student will be assigned an iPad to use for
creating the graph while the other ½ of the class will use an Android tablet.
Students will then be asked to determine which product provides the best graphing app for building the
graph and discuss whether the cost of each device is a variable in the quality of the final graph.
The SAMR model that this lesson connects to is the Redefinition because it would be designed to support student
centered learning
20.2 Emerging Technologies
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is topic that has been filtering in an out of the academic setting for a
few years. In my opinion, allowing students to bring their personal device to class is something that a
higher education students can handle most of the time because of their maturity level. Most college
individuals know when to use their device and when it is appropriate to put it to the side during the
instructional time; not allowing the device to distract their learning.
However, in Middle School or even High School, I do not feel it is the best case scenario for the
academic classroom. With the push from the technology companies to convince society, we cant live
without the device at all time including the need to be connected to the world through social media.
As we are well aware social media one of the biggest distractions on one's device. A second reason
why BYOD to the classroom is because not all students have the financial stability to afford
technology devices for every member of the family. Therefore if BYOD were a requirement, then
there would be several students who would seem as disadvantaged compared to their classmates.
Final Relection
Things Completes #19- 21 things