Guidance and Counseling
Guidance and Counseling
Guidance and Counseling
School years might be the happiest period in
an individuals life.
It is a point in ones life when friends are
made, new experiences are encountered, and
transitions turn up as one grows and builds
character and personality.
The school is a nurturing environment where
a person is cultivated and molded in
preparation for adulthood
But the life of a student is not all that it’s
cracked up to be.
Especially that of a teenager. With raging
hormones matched with a sea of seemingly
grave dilemmas, who else can you turn to
when no one seems to listen?
Guidance is a continuous process of helping the
individuals to understand themselves and their world.
Guidance is an organized set of specialized services
established as an integral part of the school
environment designed to promote the development of
Guidance seeks to help an individual become familiar
with facts about himself – his interests, abilities,
previous development and plans
Guidance involves personal help given by someone
Counseling is a personal relationship between a
professionally trained counselor and someone who aims
to assist him to communicate and meet his immediate
needs and problems
Counseling is a process in which the structure of the self is
relaxed in the safety of the relationship with the counselor
Counseling is an interaction process which facilitates
meaningful understanding of self and environment
Counseling is not giving of information, advise, it is not
brainwashing, it is not forcing beliefs or behavior by
persuasion or coercion. Rather it is providing conditions
which facilitates voluntary change.
The process of helping individuals discover and
develop their educational, vocational, and
psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve
an optimal level of personal happiness and social
Guidance and Counseling plays a vital role in
education settings; identifying potential barriers to
learning, developing and assisting learners to
overcome these barriers, assisting their transition
from education to work, or supporting a transition
into higher education or into further career
The student life is getting complex day by day .
Guidance is needed to help the students for optimum
achievement and adequate adjustment in the varied
life situations.
Need analysis of the students in the schools shows the
need of Guidance and counseling services , in the
education, profession, vocation, social, health, moral,
personal, and marital areas.
1) To help in the total development of the student
2) To help in the proper choices of courses
3) To help in the proper choice of careers
4) To help the students in vocational development
5) To develop readiness for choices and changes to
face new challenges
6) To minimize the mismatching between education
and employment and help in the efficient use of
7. To motivate the youth for self employment
8. To help students establish proper identity
9. To identify and motivate the students from weaker
sections of society.
10. To help the students in their period of turmoil and
11. To help in checking wastage and stagnation
12. To identify and help students in need of special help.
13. To ensure the proper utilization of time spent
outside the classrooms.
14) To help in tackling problems arising out of
students population explosion
15) To check migration to prevent brain drain
16) To make up for the deficiencies of home.
17) To minimize the incidence of indiscipline.
The legal foundation of guidance in the
Philippines has its own beginning in 1951 when the
Joint Congressional Committee on Education, in its
report to Congress stated: