Communication Engg
Communication Engg
Communication Engg
Group : II
Intersymbol Interference
ISI on Eye Patterns
Combatting ISI
Nyquist’s First Method for zero ISI
Raised Cosine-Rolloff Pulse Shape
Nyquist Filter
Intersymbol Interference
Intersymbol interference (ISI) occurs when a pulse spreads out in such a way
that it interferes with adjacent pulses at the sample instant.
Example: assume polar NRZ line code. The channel outputs are shown as
spreaded (width Tb becomes 2Tb) pulses shown (Spreading due to bandlimited
channel characteristics).
Channel Input Channel Output
Pulse width Tb Pulse width Tb
Data 1
Tb 0 Tb Tb 0 Tb
Data 0
Tb 0 Tb Tb 0 Tb
Intersymbol Interference
For the input data stream:
1 0 1 1 0 1
0 Tb 2Tb 3Tb 4Tb 5Tb
Tb Extension
Beyond Tb is
Time (Tb)
Intersymbol Interference
If the rectangular multilevel pulses are filtered improperly as they pass through a
communications system, they will spread in time, and the pulse for each symbol may be
smeared into adjacent time slots and cause Intersymbol Interference.
How can we restrict BW and at the same time not introduce ISI? 3 Techniques.
Intersymbol Interference
Flat-topped multilevel input signal having pulse shape h(t) and values ak:
w in t an h t nTs an h(t ) * t nTs an t nTs * h t
n n
t 1
Where h t Where D pulses/s
T T s
wout t an t nTs * he t an he t nTs
n n
h t h t * h t * h t * h t
e T C R
Equivalent transfer function:
t sin Ts f
H e f H f H T f H C f H R f Where H f F Ts
T Ts f
Receiving filter can be designed to produce a needed He(f) in terms of HT(f) and HC(f):
He f
HR f
H f HT f H C f
wout t an he t nTs
He(f), chosen such to minimize ISI is called EQUALIZING FILTER)
Combating ISI
Three strategies for eliminating ISI:
Use a line code that is absolutely bandlimited.
Would require Sinc pulse shape.
Can’t actually do this (but can approximate).
This type of pulse will allow signalling at a baud rate of D=1/Ts=2B (for Binary R=1/Ts=2B)
where B is the absolute bandwidth of the system.
-fs/2 0 fs/2
Absolute bandwidth is: B MINIMUM BANDWIDTH
Signalling Rate is: D=1 Ts 2 B Pulses/sec
Nyquist’s First Method for Zero ISI
Nyquist’s First Method for Zero ISI
he(t) 1/fs
Zero crossings at non-zero integer multiples of the bit period -fs/2 0 fs/2
Since pulses are not possible to create due to:
Infinite time duration.
Sharp transition band in the frequency domain.
The Sinc pulse shape can cause significant ISI in the presence of timing errors.
If the received signal is not sampled at exactly the bit instant
(Synchronization Errors), then ISI will occur.
f Rb
Rolloff factor: r Bandwidth: B (1 r )
f0 2
Raised Cosine-Rolloff Nyquist Filtering
Now filtering requirements are relaxed because absolute bandwidth is
Clock timing requirements are also relaxed.
The r=0 case corresponds to the previous Minimum bandwidth case.
1 f f
H f 1 cos
2 f
B fo f
f R D
Rolloff factor: r Bandwidth: B (1 r ) (1 r )
f0 2 2
Raised Cosine-Rolloff Nyquist Filtering
cos 2 f t
Impulse response is given by: he t F He f 2 f0
1 sin 2 f 0 t
1 4 f t
2 f 0 t
Raised Cosine-Rolloff Nyquist Filtering
Illustrating the received bit stream of Raised Cosine pulse shaped
transmission corresponding to the binary stream of 1 0 0 1 0 for 3 different
values of r=0, 0.5, 1.
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
Bandwidth for Raised Cosine Nyquist Filtering
The bandwidth of a Raised-cosine (RC) rolloff pulse shape is a function of
the bit rate and the rolloff factor:
B f o f f o 1 f o 1 r
B 1 r
B 1 r Multilevel Signalling
Or solving for bit rate yields
2 the expression:
1 r bit rate when a RC-rolloff pulse shape
This is the maximum transmitted
with Rolloff factor r is transmitted over a baseband channel with
bandwidth B.
Nyquist Filter
Raised Cosine Filter is also called a NYQUIST FILTER.
NYQUIST FILTERS refer to a general class of filters that satisfy the
NYQUIST’s First Criterion.
D f s 2 f0
Nyquist Filter Characteristics
Y f , f f0
H e f 2 f0
0, f Elsewhere