AutoSys Training

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AutoSys is an automated job control system for scheduling,

monitoring, and reporting. These jobs can reside on any
AutoSys-configured machine that is attached to a network.

An AutoSys job is any single command, executable, script,or

Windows batch file. Each AutoSys job definition contains a
variety of qualifying attributes,including the conditions
specifying when and where a job should be run.


As with most control systems, there are many ways to correctly

define and implement jobs. It is likely that the way you utilize
AutoSys to address your distributed computing needs will evolve
over time. As you become more familiar with both the features
of AutoSys and the characteristics of your own jobs, you will
also refine your use of AutoSys.
However, before you install and use AutoSys, it is important to
understand the basic AutoSys system, its components, and how
these components work together.


In the AutoSys environment, a job is a single action that can be

performed on a valid AutoSys client machine. On UNIX, this
action can be any single command or shell script, and on
Windows, this action can be any single command,executable, or
batch file. In addition, job definitions include a set of qualifying
•Using the AutoSys Graphical User Interface (GUI).
•Using the AutoSys Job Information Language (JIL) through a
command-line interface.


The following are the main AutoSys system components:

•Event server (AutoSys database)
•Event processor
•Remote agent


The event server or AutoSys database (the RDBMS) is the data
repository for all system information and events as well as all
job, monitor, and report definitions.Event server refers to the
database where all the AutoSys information, events,and job
definitions are stored.AutoSys can be configured to run using
two databases, or dual-event servers.This feature provides
complete redundancy. Therefore, if you lose one event server due
to hardware, software, or network problems, AutoSys operations
can continue on the second event server without loss of
information or functionality.


EVENT PROCESSOR : The event processor is the heart of

AutoSys; it interprets and processes all the events it reads from the
AutoSys database. Sometimes called the event_demon, the event
processor is the program, running either as a UNIX process or as a
Windows service that actually runs AutoSys. It schedules and starts
jobs. After you start it, the event processor continually scans the
database for events to be processed. When it finds one, it checks
whether the event satisfies the starting conditions for any job in the
database. Based on this information, the event processor first
determines what actions are to be taken, then instructs the
appropriate remote agent process to perform the actions.


On a UNIX machine, the remote agent is a temporary process
started by the event processor to perform a specific task on a
remote (client) machine. On a Windows machine, the remote
agent is a Windows service running on a remote (client) machine
that is directed by the event processor to perform specific tasks.
The remote agent starts the command specified for a given job,
sends running and completion information about a task to the
event server, then exits. If the remote agent is unable to transfer
the information, it waits and tries again until it can successfully
communicate with the database.



AutoSys Machines : From a hardware perspective, the AutoSys

architecture is composed of the following two types of machines attached to a
•Server Machine
The AutoSys server is the machine on which the event processor, the event
server (database), or both, reside. In a basic configuration, both the event
processor and the event server reside on the same machine.
•Client Machine
The AutoSys client is the machine on which the remote agent software
resides, and where AutoSys jobs are to be run. A remote agent must be
installed on the server machine, and it can also be installed on separate
physical client machines.


AutoSys Instance
An AutoSys instance is one licensed version of AutoSys software running as
an AutoSys server with one or more clients, on a single machine or on
multiple machines. An AutoSys instance is defined by the instance ID, which
is a capitalized three-letter identifier defined by the $AUTOSERV
environment variable. An instance uses its own event server and event
processor and operates independently of other AutoSys instances.
You may want to install multiple AutoSys instances. For example, you may
want to have one instance for production and another for development.
Multiple instances can run on the same machine, and can schedule jobs on the
same machines without interfering or affecting the other instances.


Job types:
File Watcher Jobs - A file watcher job is similar to a command job. However, instead of
starting a user-specified command on a client machine, it starts a process that monitors for the
existence and size of a specific operating system file. When that file reaches a certain minimum
size, and is no longer growing in size, the file watcher job completes successfully, indicating that
the file has arrived.
Command Jobs – The command can be a shell script or an executable program. When this
type of job is run, the result is the execution of a specified command on a client machine.
Box Jobs - In the Autosys environment, the box job (or box) is a container of other jobs. A box
job can be used to organize and control process flow. The box itself performs no actions,
although it can trigger other jobs to run. An important feature of this type of job is that boxes can
be put inside of other boxes.


Job Attributes:
Command Job Attributes : Job Name, Command, Machine name, Starting Conditions.

File Watcher Job Attributes : Job Name, File Name to Watch For, Machine Name, Starting

Box Job Attributes: Job name, Starting Conditions



Job States:
Job State Status
INACTIVE The job has not yet been processed. Either the job has never been run, or its
status was intentionally altered to “turn off”its previous completion status
ACTIVATED The top-level box that this job is in is now in the RUNNING state, but the job
itself has not started yet.
STARTING The event processor has initiated the start job procedure with the RA
(Resource Allocation).
RUNNING The job is running. If the job is a box job, this value simply means that the
jobs within the box may be started (other conditions permitting). If it is a
command or file watcher job,the value means that the process is actually running
on the remote machine.
SUCCESS The job exited with an exit code equal to or less than the“maximum exit code
for success.”
FAILURE The job exited with an exit code greater than the “maximum exit code for


Job States:
Job State Status
TERMINATED The job terminated while in the RUNNING state. A job can be terminated if a
user sends a KILLJOB event or if it was defined to terminate if the box it is in
RESTART The job was unable to start due to hardware or application problems, and has
been scheduled to restart.
QUE_WAITThe job can logically run (that is, all the starting conditions have been met), but there
are not enough machine resources available.
ON_HOLD This job is on hold and will not be run until it receives the JOB_OFF_HOLD
ON_ICE This job is removed from all conditions and logic, but is still defined to
Autosys. Operationally, this condition is like deactivating the job. It will remain
on ice until it receives the JOB_OFF_ICE event.



Job A Force Start Job Job A Force Start Job

Job B On Hold Job B On Ice

Job C Will Not Run

Job C Will Run


JIL ( Job Information Language)

Command Job
insert_job: eedhnonemplc job_type: c
command: echo adding jobs into box job
machine: UPCLT2D08
owner: 100790@GECISCGW
description: ‘our first autosys job’
std_out_file: c\:\temp\stdoutfile.txt
std_err_file: c\:\temp\stderrfile.txt
alarm_if_fail: 1

insert_job: training_box_1 job_type: b
Box Jobs
owner: 100790@GECISCGW
description: “our first box job"
alarm_if_fail: 1

insert_job: cmd_job1 job_type: c
box_name: training_box_1
command: echo cmd_job1 inside the box
machine: UPCLT2D08
owner: 100790@GECISCGW
alarm_if_fail: 1

insert_job: cmd_job2 job_type: c

box_name: training_box_1 cmd_job2
command: echo cmd_job2 inside the box
machine: UPCLT2D08
owner: 100790@GECISCGW
condition: success(cmd_job1)
alarm_if_fail: 1


File Watcher Job

insert_job: EOD_watch
job_type: f
machine: tibet
watch_file: /tmp/EOD_trans_file
watch_interval: 60
watch_file_min_size: 50000


JIL Sub-commands

insert_job - Inserting a new job.

update_job - Updating characteristics of existing job.
delete_job - Deleting the job from Autosys.
delete_box - Deleting box job from Autosys along with the
container jobs.
override_job - Doing a one-time override of the job.


Calendars are defined using the Calendar defn
Window from the Unix GUI. It looks something
like shown here.

insert_job: eedhpittoic
type : c
command: /usr/home/something.bat
start_times: ‘10:00, 18:00, 23:00’
run_calendar: ‘working_days’
exclude_calendar: ‘gecis_holidays’
Std_out_file: /usr/home/log/eedhpittoic.out
Std_err_file: /usr/home/log/eedhpittoic.err


Autosys Commands

autocal - Starts the Graphical Calendar Utility

autocons - Starts the Autosys Operator Console

autoflags - Shows information about Autosys and system configuration.

gcoasys01:autocorp:COP $ autoflags -a
_G3 SOLAR ORA 4.0 _0208 831256fa gcoasys01

autoping - Verifies that the various AutoSys communication facilities

are correctly configured and functioning.

AutoPinging Machine [corpp076]


AutoPinging Machine [corpp101]


AutoPinging Machine [corpt067]



Autosys Commands
autorep - One of the most important commands. Reports information about a
job, jobs within boxes, machines, and machine status. Also
reports information about job overrides and global variables.

gcoasys01:autocorp:COP $ autorep -j epy08b444s01 -d

Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit

____________________________ ________________ ________________ __ _______ ___

epy08b444s01 07/16/2004 16:13 07/16/2004 16:13 SU 2186141/1

Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine

-------------- ------------------- -- -- ------------------- -------
[STARTJOB] 07/16/2004 16:12:39 0 PD 07/16/2004 16:12:49
STARTING 07/16/2004 16:12:55 1 PD 07/16/2004 16:13:07 corpgen01
RUNNING 07/16/2004 16:13:00 1 PD 07/16/2004 16:13:13 corpgen01
[COMMENT] 07/16/2004 16:13:08 0 PD 07/16/2004 16:14:51
<ADAPTER: PeopleSoft HOME: PSP2 Job: epy08b444s01/13377 PAY008>
SUCCESS 07/16/2004 16:13:38 1 PD 07/16/2004 16:14:57

autorep –j epy08b444s01 –r –1 –d
autorep –j epy08b444s01 –r –2 –d
autorep –j epy08b444s01


Autosys Commands
autorep - Also used for seeing the JIL of a job.

autorep –j jobname –q

autorep –j ALL –q

autorep –j jobname –q > file1.jil

jil <file1.jil


Autosys Commands
autosyslog -Displays the Event Processor and Remote Agent Log Files
autosyslog -e
tail -f $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV
*** To break out type control-c (^c) ***

[1] [07:36:11.524291] EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: ige2

[3] [07:36:22.829993] EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: ige2
[2] [07:36:23.356991] EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: ige2
[1] [07:36:23.931923] EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: ige2
[3] [e250 connected for ige250-bx27b-sync-ru_busnew]
[2] [e250 connected for ige250-bx11b-sync-cp_images]
[1] [07:36:30.221918] EVENT: SET_GLOBAL GLOBAL: e250-bx04a-method = succe
[2] [07:36:35.148583] EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: ige2


Autosys Commands

chase - Chase checks if the jobs and remote agents are still running.

E.g chase –A –E

chk_auto_up - Checks if the RDBMS and EP are running

gcoasys01:autogep:GEP $ chk_auto_up

[1] Attempting (1) to Connect with Database:

[1] *** Have Connected successfully with Database: ***

Connected with Event Server:

Checking Machine: gcoasys01

Primary Event Processor is RUNNING on machine: gcoasys01

Checking Machine: gcoasys02

No Event Processor is RUNNING on machine: gcoasys02


Autosys Commands

eventor - Starts the Event Processor

eventor –f -q

-f Specifies that the Event Processor should be brought up in

the foreground, and that all of its output should be sent to
the display from which the command was issued.

-q Specifies that eventor should run in quiet mode,

meaning that after the Event Processor has been started, eventor
should not execute the tail –f command on the
event_demon log file.


Autosys Commands

job_depends - Reports information about the dependencies and

conditions of a job.

job_depends –c –d -t –J jobname

-c Current Condition Status. Prints out the current

state of a job and its job dependency
-d Dependencies Only. Prints out the starting
conditions for a job.
-t Time Dependencies. Prints out the starting
conditions for a job.


Autosys Commands

sendevent - Sends events to AutoSys for a variety of purposes,

including starting or stopping AutoSys jobs, stopping
the Event Processor, and putting a job on hold.

sendevent –E JOB_ON_ICE –j eedhnonemplc

sendevent –E JOB_OFF_ICE –j eedhnonemplc
sendevent –E JOB_ON_HOLD –j eedhnonemplc
sendevent –E JOB_OFF_HOLD –j eedhnonemplc
sendevent –E FORCE_STARTJOB –j eedhnonemplc
sendevent –E KILLJOB –j eedhnonempc
sendevent –E CHANGE_STATUS –j eedhnonemplc –s ‘SUCCESS’
sendevent –E CHANGE_STATUS –j eedhnonemplc –s ‘INACTIVE’


JIL Machine Definitions.

insert_machine: vm123
type: n Factor : Indicates the factor to be multiplied by a real machine’s available CPU
machine: UPCLT2D08 cycles in order to determine the “relative available CPU cycles.”
max_load: 50 1 To set the factor for a very high-performance real machine, when a
machine: UPCLT2D05 scale of 0.0-1.0 is in use, you would enter:
max_load: 30 factor: 1.0
machine: getraining1
2 To set the factor for a relatively low-performance real machine, when
max_load: 100
a scale of 0.0-1.0 is in use, you would enter something similar to the
update_job: ak_lb_box1 job_type: b following:
owner: 100790@GECISCGW factor: 0.4
command: echo hello there
description: "ex 3-4" Max_load: Indicates the maximum load (in load units) which a machine
alarm_if_fail: 1 can
reasonably handle. Load units are arbitrary values, the range of which
update_job: ak_lb1 job_type: c
box_name: ak_lb_box1 is
machine: vm123 user-defined;
job_load: 10 1 To set the max_load for a very high-performance real machine, when
priority: 1 a
owner: 100790@GECISCGW scale of 1–100 is in use, you would enter:
command: notepad.exe max_load: 100
permission: 2 To set the max_load for a relatively low-performance real machine,
description: "ex 3-4" when a scale of 1–100 is in use, you would enter something similar to
alarm_if_fail: 1 the following:


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