Introduction To The MRA - CBT - CBA - Final
Introduction To The MRA - CBT - CBA - Final
Introduction To The MRA - CBT - CBA - Final
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Section 1
The Context of your ASEAN training
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The Context of your ASEAN training
Please read the ‘Introduction to Trainee Manual’ at the front
of the Trainee Manual
The Introduction will give you a good
understanding of:
What a toolbox is and what it contains
Introduction to competency-based
training and assessment
The various components of the
Any questions?
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The Context of your ASEAN training
Before the toolboxes were written the ASEAN Secretariat:
Had already chosen the competency-based training
and assessment system to train people to work
in the tourism and hospitality industry throughout
all the ASEAN member states
Developed a Common ASEAN Tourism
Curriculum (CATC) - an agreed
242 Competency Standards for the hotel
and tourism industries in Housekeeping,
Front Office, Food & Beverage Services,
Food Production, Tour Operations and
Travel Agencies
Produced a Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills
RTO No. 3045
Recognition System (RQFSRS)
CRICOS No 01505M
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Putting the Toolbox Project in Context
Addressing some of the problems with tourism in the
ASEAN member states
The CATC and the toolbox projects were in response to:
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Putting the Toolbox Project in Context
Purpose of toolbox projects
The CATC and development of 242 toolboxes for training and
assessment were designed to help accelerate the establishment of
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015. The AEC would:
Transform ASEAN into a regional destination
Enable the ASEAN Region to have free
movement of:
Investment and
RTO No. 3045
CRICOS No 01505M
Skilled Labour
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Putting the Toolbox Project in Context
Characteristics of AEC
A single market and production base
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Putting the Toolbox Project in Context
Development of MRA on Tourism Professionals
The MRA was adopted by all ASEAN Tourism Ministers with
the purpose of providing greater integration and a common
approach to Tourism standards in each ASEAN Member State.
Objectives of Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA):
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Putting the Toolbox Project in Context
Benefits of MRA on Tourism Professionals
Facilitate mobility of tourism professionals based on the tourism
competency qualification/ certificate
Skills recognition
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Putting the Toolbox Project in Context
Developing 242 Toolboxes for each Competency
Standard in the 6 Labour Divisions
Key Objective:
Produce 242 Toolboxes for the 6 Labour Divisions of:
Front Office
Food Production
RTO No. 3045 Travel Agencies
CRICOS No 01505M
Tour Operations
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The Toolbox Project
Where can I find the toolboxes?
Your Trainer will give you a soft or
hard copy of the toolbox you are studying
You can also find soft copies of the
toolboxes at
The website above also has:
A list of the 242 competencies
Draft and final toolboxes and associated supplementary materials
available for downloading
Copies of PowerPoint presentations given at previous national
RTO No. 3045
and regional workshops
CRICOS No 01505M
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The Toolbox Project
Using the Website
To access resources on
USER NAME: guest
PASSWORD: guest1
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Section 2
The ASEAN Acronyms – what do they all mean?
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The ASEAN Acronyms
Your Trainer will give you a ‘List of ASEAN Acronyms’
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The ASEAN Acronyms
AADCP ASEAN – Australia Development Cooperation Program.
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The ASEAN Acronyms
Some key ASEAN acronyms are:
ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism
Professionals (ACCSTP): minimum requirements of competency
standards in hotel and travel services aim to upgrade tourism services
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The ASEAN Acronyms
Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CATC): the common
curriculum for ASEAN Tourism Professionals as mutually agreed
upon by the ASEAN Tourism Ministers upon recommendation by
National Tourism Professional Board (NTPB): the Board for
Tourism Professionals composed of representatives from the public
and private sectors including academics and other relevant tourism
stakeholders, to be determined by the respective ASEAN NTOs
Tourism Professional Certification Board (TPCB) refers to the
government board and/or agency authorised by the government of
each ASEAN Member State primarily responsible for the
assessment and certification of Tourism Professionals.
RTO No. 3045
CRICOS No 01505M
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Section 3
What is a CATC Competency Standard?
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Activity 2
Complete the following sentence:
A competency is
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Competency is a combination of the skill, knowledge and
attitude required to perform a task or job to the standard expected
in the work place
Manual Skill
Attitude Knowledge
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What is a Competency Standard?
You can find the Competency Standards at
User name: guest
Password: guest1
Competency standards are descriptions of the skills
and knowledge required to perform a task/activity to
a defined standards
Can be used within different contexts:
By an individual enterprise
By an industry
By government
RTO No. 3045
Competency Based Training and Assessment are processes that focus on the
CRICOS No 01505M
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Activity 3
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Competency Standards can be used for :
Job Design
Job Descriptions
Performance Appraisal
Selection Criteria
Career Path Development
Identification of Training Needs
Development of Training Programs
The above activities in combination aim to increase customer
satisfaction through better employee performance
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What is competency based training and
assessment ?
CBT is an approach to vocational (work) education and training
that places emphasis on what a person can do or is required to do
in the workplace
It is not time based
Participants’ achievements are measured against competency
standards rather than against the achievement of other learners
For a person to be assessed competent they
need to demonstrate the ability to perform
tasks and duties to the standard expected
in employment
CBT focuses on the development of skills,
knowledge and attitudes required to achieve
the competency standard
It is industry relevant
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What is competency based Assessment?
Competency based assessment is a process of systematically
collecting evidence and making a judgement of a person performance
against the prescribed competency standard
Evidence Criteria
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To be assessed as Competent
Trainee is able to:
• Perform at an acceptable level of skill
• Organise the required tasks
• Respond and react appropriately when things go wrong
• Fulfil a role in the scheme of things at
• Transfer skills and knowledge to new
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Assessment Including Recognition of
Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior learning or recognition of current competency is
an assessment method that requires a candidate to provide evidence
that through life, education and/or work experience they can
demonstrate the requirements of the competency
One of the components of the toolboxes is an Assessment Manual
which provides the Assessor with
information regarding the assessment methods
for that particular
competency unit
Using the Assessment Manual and the competency
standards for that toolbox the Assessor may be
able to assess that you already have certain skills,
knowledge and attitudes related to this competency
standard and therefore do not have to study all
or part of this subject
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