Duty Report: Annisa Ayu Rahmawati Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama
Duty Report: Annisa Ayu Rahmawati Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama
Duty Report: Annisa Ayu Rahmawati Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama
25 Oct
Annisa Ayu Rahmawati
Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama
Dokter Jaga Pasien
Trauma = 1 pasien
Non-Trauma = 0 pasien
Rawat inap = 1 pasien
Family History:
Chief complaint:
Other complaints:
Pain on his right toes
Bleeding on his right toes
20:15 pm
16:05 pm IGD
(before RSUD
admitted) IGD Koja
Patient complaints
Patient was cleaning the pain and bleeding
boat while suddenly his at his right toes
toes pinched between 2
Primary Survey
Airway :
Airway obstruction (clear)
Breathing :
Spontaneous breathing (+), retraction (-), RR: 20 x/mins
Circulation :
Pulse (+, regular), cold extremities, BP: 120/70, HR: 112 x/mins, Temp: 36.4 C, CRT <2 sec
Disability :
GCS (E4M6V5) = 15
Secondary Survey
Abdomen :
• Inspection : Flat, mass (-),
• Auscultation : Peristaltic sound (+), normoperistaltic
• Palpation : Soft & non tender, distention (-)
• Percussion : Tymphany
Local state of
right toes
Bed rest
Wound care