Duty Report: Annisa Ayu Rahmawati Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama Martha Simona Nurjannah
Duty Report: Annisa Ayu Rahmawati Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama Martha Simona Nurjannah
Duty Report: Annisa Ayu Rahmawati Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama Martha Simona Nurjannah
Family History:
Chief complaint:
Other complaints:
Pain on his right hand
Swelling on the right hand
20:15 pm
16:45 pm IGD
(before RSUD
admitted) IGD Koja
Patient complaints
Patient was crossing pain at his right
over the street when the hand
motorcycle hit him on
the right hand
History of Present Illness
Airway :
Airway obstruction (clear)
Breathing :
Spontaneous breathing (+), retraction (-), RR: 20 x/mins
Circulation :
Pulse (+, regular), cold extremities, BP: 120/90, HR: 112 x/mins, Temp: 36.0 C, CRT <2 sec
Disability :
GCS (E4M6V5) = 15
Secondary Survey
Abdomen :
• Inspection : Flat, mass (-),
• Auscultation : Peristaltic sound (+), normoperistaltic
• Palpation : Soft & non tender, distention (-)
• Percussion : Tymphany
Local state of right hand
• Look: swelling, vulnus abrasion at
dorsalis manus dextra regio with
irregular shape, regular edge, base
of wound soft tissue layer
• Feel: pain on palpitation (+),
pulsation (+)
• Move: wrist extention, wrist
flexion, abduction and opotition
limited due to pain.
Diagnosis and problem
Working diagnosis:
Closed Fracture Proximal Problems:
Phalanges Digiti 4,5 Manus • Pain
Dextra • Inflammation
• Infection
Bed rest
Wound care