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Cell References

Yellow Cell Reference
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

– B2

Green Cell Reference –

Column D3
Reference G

This is a range of cells. More than one

cell has been selected. G6:G11

A range will be typically used when you

From are calculating values from a number of
Row 6 cells.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Named cells >> Right Click on the Cell >> Select Define Name >> Enter New Name for Cell
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Named ranges >> Right Click on the Cell >> Select Define Name >> Enter New Name for Range
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

Adjusting Text formatting including

Column and alignment and wrapping.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Merging Cells

Borders and

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Number Formatting

Tip: Formatting Tip: Currency

Sometimes a 0
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

You can format a will be displayed

number in as a dash when
numerous ways the numbers
including using the have been
methods shown formatted as a
on the left. Currency using
the method
shown on the

You need to
ensure the
formatting of the
cell is set to
Currency and not
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Hide and Show Columns/Rows:

To hide/show Rows or Columns to

you need to right click on either the
column letter or row number. You
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

then need to select hide/show.

If you have hidden the C Column then

you would have to select the B & D
columns to unhide the C column.

Insert and Delete Columns/Rows:

1) First select either the column letter or row

2) Right click your mouse >> select insert
3) This will insert a row before the selected column or
4) If you would like to delete a row or column you
simply highlight the row number or column letter >>
right click >> Select Delete.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Merging Cells:

Tip: Merging Cells

1. Highlight the cells you
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

want to merge
2. Click on the Merge &
Center Icon

Shading and Patterns:

Tip: Shading Cells

You may be asked to
put a specific pattern
into a cell. You can do
this by right clicking
your mouse and
selecting the Fill
Option. You can then
select the pattern and
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Headers & Footers

Header &
Click on Insert for
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

header and footer.

You can switch from
header and footer.
You can also add file
names, paths etc.

Back to Normal
You can go back to the
normal view if you
select any cell and then
click on Normal.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Creating Graphs

• Highlight the cells that will be required

to create the chart.
• Select the correct chart (Bar, Pie, line
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

• You add labels to your axis by using the
select data option.

A graph is used to visual display data

which is easy to read and interpret.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

• Formulas can be typed into the formula to bar to work

out simple calculations.
• A formula will begin with a = (equal sign).
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

• Refer to the cell reference (A4) before you write your

formula .
• You can either type the cell reference or click on the

• You can create simple formulas to:

• ADD (+)
• Multiply (*)
• Subtract (-)
• Divide (/)

• Even if you update the numbers in the cell the formula

will automatically work out the new value.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Simple Functions

Cell Range for Total, Cell Range for Total &

Max &Min (Jan Sales). Average (Monthly Sales).
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

The =Sum Function

will calculate the
total (Sum) of the
numbers in the

The =Average Function

The =Max Function The =Min Function will calculate the average of
will find the highest will find the lowest the numbers within the
number in the range. number in the range. range.

Functions are predefined formulas and are already available in Excel.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Absolute Reference & Relative Reference

When you use AutoFill to duplicate a formula into the

cells below then you must use absolute cell referencing
if you want the cells to be referencing to one particular
Chapter 20: Data Analysis


Absolute cell referencing will lock in a particular cell. To

absolute cell reference you must insert a dollar sign
before Letter and number of the cell.

All the prices will be

multiplied by the % in E3.

The Price is relative

In the example to the left if you do not
referencing. When the
use absolute cell referencing on the
formula is dragged down
25% then the Price will be multiplied
the formula references to
against the content in E4.
the next price.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
=Count and CountA

=Count(Range) =CountA(Range)

This function will This function will

Chapter 20: Data Analysis

count the cells count all the cells

within the range within the range that
that contain only are not empty.

The count function will only Count the cells.

Do not get confused with Sum.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Count IF

=Countif(Range,Criteria) Some times you may

have to count all cells
This function will count the apart from a certain
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

cells which contains a criteria.

specific criteria from the
range In this example you
we want to count all
Example: We need to the brands apart from
count the Prada bags from Marc Jacobs
the range.
“<>Marc Jacobs”)

=Countif(Range,”Prada”) or =Countif(Range,”I19”)
Not: =Countif(Range,“<>criteria”)
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Count Functions with Criteria's

Some times you may have to use the

following to find a specific criteria:
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

< - less than

> - more than
= - equal to

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Count Functions

=Count(Range) - This will count a range of cells which only includes numbers.

=CountA(Range,Criteria) - This will count all the cells which are not empty.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

=Countif(Range,Criteria) - This will count a range of cells which includes a specific


Not =Countif(Range,”<>Criteria”) – This will count everything apart from the specific

=CountA =CountIF(Range,Criteria)

When you reference to a

criteria you can either
write the criteria in
speech marks or
Not reference to a cell that
Count contains the criteria.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Count Function Exam Examples
Chapter 20: Data Analysis
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Sum IF

Range: The criteria is “virgin”.

Look at the table and highlight
the range of cells which
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

includes “Virgin”.

Criteria: You can either

reference to a cell or write the
criteria in quotation marks.

SumRange: This will sum up

only the criteria values from
the sum range.

Range Sum_Range

A sumif will only sum (add) up from a specific criteria

(condition) from the sum_range.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Sum IF with Absolute and Relative Cell Referencing
The Range and
the Sum Range
have absolute
cell referencing.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

When the formula

is replicated the
absolute cell
referenced cells
will stay the same
and will not move

H5 is relative cell
referencing. It
will move down
when the formula
is replicated.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
SumIF Function Exam Examples
Chapter 20: Data Analysis
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
IF Statement

If the units sold is more than or equal to the targets

sales than the target has been met.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

1. Logical Test
Is units sold more than or equal to
the target sales. =IF(C5>=D5,"on target","off target")
2. If the statement is true then the
“true statement” will be printed in 1. Logical 2. True 3. False
the cell. Test
3. If the statement is false then the
“false statement” will be printed in
the cell.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
IF Statement with a Calculation

If student discount has been given (“Yes”) then for the 1. Logical Test
true statement you have to calculate 10% of Price. This Does the Cell in D4 equal “Yes”
will be the value for the student discount. If the student
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

discount does not contain “Yes” than the false value (0) 2. If the Logical Test is true then
will be shown. the calculation (10% of the price)
will be shown.

3. If the statement is false then

the false value (0) will be shown.

1. Logical 2. 3.
Test True False
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Nested IF

A nested if will contain more than one true 1. Logical Test 1

statement. In this example the delivery type will be Does the Cell in C4 equal “A”
either A, B or Free. 2. If the Logical Test 1 is true
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

The Nested if will check the first logical Test. If the first then 3.50 will be printed.
test is false then it will check the next logical test. If 3. Logical Test 2
both tests are false then the false value will be shown. Does the Cell in C4 equal “B”
2. If the Logical Test 2 is true
If value is still false then 4.50 will be printed.
If value is false run the then print the false
next if statement statement
If both logical tests are false the
false value (0) will be printed.

=IF(C4="a" ,3.50,IF( C4="b" ,4.50,0))

1. Logical 2. 1. Logical 2. 3.
Test True Test True False
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Exam Question Example: Nested IF
Chapter 20: Data Analysis


Step 1: Identify the cells which cells will be

used for the formula. Cells are shaded in
B12: Yellow for now. (B12, B15, B16, B17 & F26)
Logical Test
(Number of Units)
Step 2: Identify the cell which will be used for
the logical Test (B12).

Step 3: Identify the Logical Tests and True


Step 4: Identify the False Condition.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Exam Question Example: Nested IF (Working out the True and False Conditions)
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Lowest Highest

If(B12<5, 5 If(B12<20,
Logical Test Discount A Discount B Discount C * F26
(Number of Units) B15, B16, B17))

Remember to close the

Brackets. Always close
with a black bracket.

Sub Total
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
If Statement Exam Example
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Nested IF Exam Examples

=if(Hours Worked > Contract Hours, “Yes”,

If(Hours Worked = Contract Hours, “No”, “Incomplete”))
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Nested IF Exam Examples
Chapter 20: Data Analysis
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

Using VLOOKUP is similar to looking up a person’s name in a telephone book to get a telephone
number. VLOOKUP looks at a value in one column, and finds its corresponding value on the
same row in another column.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Table_Array or
lookup table

We need to use a lookup function to find the corresponding data from the
lookup table for each book title .
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

1. Lookup_Value
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

2. Table_Array 1) Select the lookup value. The lookup

value will appear also in the lookup table

2) Select the lookup table (table_array).

This may be in the same sheet, next tab or
another excel file. Select the lookup value
and then the output value.

Make sure you absolute cell reference the

Lookup_Value Output value table_arrray.

Tip: If the table array is on an external sheet then

it will automatically Absolute Cell Reference the
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

3. col_Index_num
3) Select the column in the
table for the output value.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

In this example the shop is

in the third column of the
selected table so therefore
you would write 3.

Lookup Value Column - 3 4) You need to select false

which is an exact match.
4. Range_Lookup This means the Vlookup will
only find an exact match for
the output value.

Remember to close the

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Look up a Output Value from a Table Arrray

Tip: When you are looking at the table array you must start from the cell you are looking up.
In this Example:
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Lookup Value – Player Name (C5)

Lookup Output – Goals Scored (E5)

The output value will always be right of the lookup value.

Lookup Value

Lookup Output
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Approximate Lookup

Lookup Lookup
Value Value
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Array Table

When the lookup value does not have an exact match in the table
array then you have to use an approximate match. With the
grades example if the percentage (%) is 90 or more than the grade
will be A*.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
HLOOKUP works horizontally. You will
be required to select the row rather
than a column for a VLOOKUP.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

1) Select the lookup value.

2) Select the Table Array

and absolute cell reference
1 if required.

3) Select the Row to find

the output data. In this case
the data is in Row 2.

4) You need to select

Approximate or exact
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

1. Lookup Value

3. [Result_Vector] 2. Lookup_Vector Looks up a value either from a one-row or

one-column range or from an array.

Provided for backward Compatibility

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

3. [Result_Vector]

1. Lookup Value

2. Lookup_Vector The Lookup_Vector and the Result Vector

needs to be the same length (number of
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Using Extract with LOOKUP Functions

In this example the first character of the Barcode needs

to be used a single lookup value in the Table array shown
below the table. The match will be an exact Match.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Cell Reference for lookup Number of Characters looking up from left

Extract Functions:
Left: Returns the specified number of characters from the start
Table of a text string.
Array Right: Returns the specified number of characters from the end
of a text string.
Mid: Returns the character from the middle of a text string,
given a starting position and length.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Lookup Exam Examples
Chapter 20: Data Analysis
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Lookup Exam Examples
Chapter 20: Data Analysis
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Test the Data Model (Test Table)

Use a nested if statement to work out the Bonus Type

(A,B,C) & Final Bonus
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Add Basic Bonus to (Goals* Bonus Type):

• If goals scored is less than is less than 16 than goal
bonus is type A.

• More than or equal to 16 and less than 30 than goal

bonus is type B.

• More than or equal to 30 than goal bonus is type C.

Input Output
Cell Data chosen Test Data Type Cell reference Expected Actual
B11 1 Extreme C11 Bonus A Bonus A

B12 25 Normal C12 Bonus B Bonus B

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Test the Data Model (2015 Nov Example)
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Tip: You should always expect to see the actual

outcome before you complete the formula.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Test the Data Model
Chapter 20: Data Analysis
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Conditional Formatting

Highlights (Colour scales) cells based on criteria.

1) Highlight the cell range in which you wish to apply Conditional Formatting.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

2) Click On Home >> Conditional Formatting.

3) Click on Highlight Cell Rules
4) Select the Criteria type (Less Than, Between, Equal To, Contains etc)
5) Enter the criteria.

Criteria Colour

A*C – Green
D – Amber
Less than D - Red
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

• Data Validation prevents invalid data from being entered into a cell.
• For example, you could reject invalid dates or numbers greater than a given value.
• You can also force input to be chosen from a dropdown list of values you specify.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

1: Click on Data >> Data Validation

List Source 3. You may enter an

error message.
This example we have to refer
to a list to lookup specific
values which can be entered
into the cell (/,L or A)
2: Select the list and then the source
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

3. You may enter an

1: Click on Data >> Data Validation error message.

This example we have to

only allow marks to be
entered from 0 to 27 for
the Word Processing Exam.
If a mark outside of the
range is entered than an
error message will be

2: Select the Whole Number and then enter the

Min and Max numbers in the range.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

Round to 1DP Round Up Round Down INT

65.69 =ROUND(C3,1) =ROUNDUP(C3,0) =ROUNDDOWN(C3,0) =INT(C3)
75.75 =ROUND(C4,1) =ROUNDUP(C4,0) =ROUNDDOWN(C4,0) =INT(C4)
64.23 =ROUND(C5,1) =ROUNDUP(C5,0) =ROUNDDOWN(C5,0) =INT(C5)
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

87.87 =ROUND(C6,1) =ROUNDUP(C6,0) =ROUNDDOWN(C6,0) =INT(C6)

34.23 =ROUND(C7,1) =ROUNDUP(C7,0) =ROUNDDOWN(C7,0) =INT(C7)
Total =ROUND(SUM(D3:D7),0) =ROUNDUP(SUM(E3:E7),0) =ROUNDDOWN(SUM(F3:F7),0) =INT(SUM(G3:G7))

Round to 1DP Round Up Round Down INT

£65.69 £65.70 £66.00 £65.00 £65.00
£75.75 £75.80 £76.00 £75.00 £75.00
£64.23 £64.20 £65.00 £64.00 £64.00
£87.87 £87.90 £88.00 £87.00 £87.00
£34.23 £34.20 £35.00 £34.00 £34.00
Total £328.00 £330.00 £325.00 £325.00

=ROUND Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.

=ROUNDDOWN Rounds a number down, towards zero

=ROUNDUP Rounds a number up, away from zero

=INT Rounds the number down to the nearest integer

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

Tip: Filtering is used to interrogate the data very similar to how a query works in Access.
Highlight the cells you want to filter and then select the filter icon from the tool bar.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

can be

Tip: You can also do additional filters:

Equals ---- =
Tip: Greater Than --- >
You can tick the Greater Than 0r Equal To --- >=
data you would Less Than ---- <
like to show. Between ---- Data And Data
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Chapter 20: Data Analysis
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Show Formulas
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

Tip: Make you can see the full formula – you may have to adjust the column
widths before you print.
To show formulas click on the formula tab and click on show formulas.
To Return to normal view you have to click the Show Formulas Icon.

You will definitely be asked to print your formulas.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Printing & Saving

Tip: Make sure you select the

appropriate print settings.
Chapter 20: Data Analysis

If you are asked to
show row or Tip: Make sure all the columns
column headings fit to one page if requested.
then select this
1) Click on Custom
scaling options >>

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