HR Way Forward
HR Way Forward
HR Way Forward
Organizational Design: redefining structures to facilitate leaner teams and ways of working Benjamin Felix
that are workspace agnostic Renjith Gopinath
Employee Policies: defining policies & benefits that support alternate employment models, Sameera Shaikh
flexi & short-term work contracts Bindiya Gupta
Goal Setting & Performance Management: adapting to shorter time frames & changing needs Komal Vashist
Lakshmi Toshniwal
Employee Experience: Redefining engagement across levels; keeping employee morale high in Padmaja Saxena
a VUCA environment (with an emphasis on virtual connect) Dhanya K
HR Operations: delivering quick, flexible & timely employee services while limiting the need of Kirti Lal
physical intervention Aparajita Shankar
Employee Development: delivering impactful development experiences for all cross-sections Rachna Kapoor
of employee segments with limited resources and curbs on travel / limited face to face group Sunil Jajit
Retail Capability Building: equipping our retail force to leverage new ways of working to Sohini Sinha
deliver superlative customer experience in wake of new habits arising from social distancing Narayan Sabharatnam
SHORT TERM (Day To start the technology Social distancing will be No of people impacted, It is there in the form of Titan –
0 to Day 60) inclusions during the meetings maintained. Learning will be achievement of learning hours U or some Unit specific
and trainings and create ensured programs should be catered by
platforms where human subject matter experts recording
interface is minimum the transcript and playing it for
all the location for this making
people pro-Technology and
making it interesting to learn in
the form of Audio and Video is a
must. Meetings through video
conferencing should be done.
to 9 months)
(beyond 2020)