Network Topology) Bus & Star
Network Topology) Bus & Star
Network Topology) Bus & Star
5. BSU
10. TASR
Is the arrangement of the
various elements (links, nodes,
etc.) of a computer network
Logical topology
Physical topology
Is the placement of the
various components of a
network, including device
location and cable installation.
Logical topology
Every workstation is
connected to a main cable
called the bus / central
cable .
Therefore, in effect, each
workstation is directly
connected to every other
workstation in the network.
The Small Computer System
Interface, is a set of American
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
standard electronic interfaces that
allow personal computers (PCs) to
communicate with peripheral
hardware such as disk drives
Note: When the electrical signal
reaches the end of the bus, the signal
"echoes" back down the line, causing
unwanted interference. As a solution, the
two endpoints of the bus are normally
terminated with a device called
a terminator that prevents this echo.
1.Ease of installation
2.Less cabling
1.Difficult reconfiguration and
fault isolations
2.Difficult to add new devices
3.Signal reflection at
top can degradation
in quality
4.If any fault in
backbone can stops
all workstation
Star network topology
There is a central computer or
server to which all the workstations
are directly connected
Each device has a dedicated point
to point link to the central
controller called the
(manages and controls all
functions of the network. It also
acts as a repeater for the data flow.
There is no traffic between the
The transmission are occurred only
thru the central HUB
When device 1 wants to send data to
device 2 . First sends data to HUB ,
then relays data to the other devices
InStar topology every node (computer
workstation or any other peripheral) is
connected to a central node called hub or
Easiest to design and implement
Easy to install and expand
Security can be implement in the
hub/ switch
Easy to detect parts @ remove
Requires more cables length
If the hub/ switch connector fails ,
computers are also disable
More expensive than bus topology
Hub/ switch represents a single part
of failure
Direction :Identify the type of
topology if it is BUS or STAR
according to its description.
1.Hub/ switch represents a single part of
2.There is a central computer or server to
which all the workstations are directly
3 .If any fault in backbone
can stops all the workstation.
4. Requires more cables
5. Easy to install and expand
TOPOLOGY, each advantages
and disadvantages .
Write it in your TLE
Ring network topology
The workstations are connected in a
closed loop configuration. Adjacent
pairs of workstations are directly
connected. Other pairs of workstations
are indirectly connected, the data
passing through one or more
intermediate nodes.
Devices act as a receiver for
the incoming signal and
transmitter to send data on the
next device.
There is no server computer
Data is transferred w/out a bottleneck.
BOTTLENECK-can occur in the user
network w/ in server , where there is
an excessive contention for internal
server resources such as CPU
processing, power memory. As a
result data flow slows to speed of
the slowest point in the data pull.
Transmission of data is simple
Possible to create very large network
using this ring topology
If there is a fault in line bet. 2
computers , the whole network is
Each workstation is
connected directly to each
of the others
In the partial mesh topology,
some workstations are connected
to all the others, and some are
connected only to those other
nodes with which they exchange
the most data.
The Solution: Reserved Addresses
Instead of having to manually configure the settings on every
PC we want to give a static IP address to, we will simply
“reserve” the address we want to give them in the router’s
automatic IP address system. By doing this, we ensure our
machines have an IP address that will never change, without
actually assigning a “static” IP address as such, which would
complicate things. To do this, open up your router configuration
page and look for a section on DHCP or LAN IP.
Look at the section labelled Static Leases or Reserved Lease
Info. The
Static IP addressing is for one customer on one IP address and Dynamic IP addressing assigns a different IP address each time the ISP customer logs on to their computer,
but this is dependent upon the Internet Service Provider (ISP) because some ISP's only change the IP address as they deem it necessary.
If you have Dynamic IP Addressing through your Website Host it means that you are sharing an IP Address with several other customers.
If you are a beginner on the internet, an avid internet user, are entertaining the thought of starting your own website business, are a gamer, use VOIP or VPN there are
several things you should know about IP Addressing.
Static IP Addressing
If you feel the need to always know what your IP address is then you need a Static IP address, because it is constant. Static IP addresses are more reliable for Voice over
Internet Protocol (VOIP), more reliable to host a gaming website or to play X-Box, Play Station, use Virtual Private Network for secure access to files from your
company network computer, etc. Static IP addresses are also great if you use your computer as a server, as it should give your file server faster file uploads and
downloads. Another plus with Static IP's, when hosting a website you are not sharing your IP with another company who sends out a lot of E-mail SPAM and not only
has their website been shut down but in turn gets your IP address blacklisted.
In contrast a static IP address can become a security risk, because the address is always the same. Static IP's are easier to track for data mining companies. Static IP
addressing is less cost effective than Dynamic IP Addressing.
Dynamic IP Addressing
The biggest advantages of Dynamic IP Addressing are less security risk as the computer is assigned a new IP address each time the customer logs on, they are cost
effective and there is automatic network configuration (the less human intervention with network configuration the better). Dynamic addressing is usually used by ISP's
so that one IP address can be assigned to several users, however some ISP's use Sticky Dynamic IP Addressing and do not change the IP address very often. Dynamic IP
Addressing can be used by families with several computers or by a small business owner who has a home office. The software that comes with a router allows
for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) setup and assigns each computer attached to the router an IP address automatically.
In contrast, Dynamic IP addressing should not be used for VOIP, VPN, playing online games or game hosting because Dynamic IP addressing is less reliable then Static
IP addressing and could cause the service to disconnect while you are on a VOIP, VPN or gaming.
Related Articles
What is DHCP?
Why Does my IP Address Keep Changing?
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