Adobe Flash & Animation Techniques
Adobe Flash & Animation Techniques
Adobe Flash & Animation Techniques
Animation Techniques
Three Types of animation
Motion Tween
Shape Tween
Frame by frame animation
Shape Tween
A shape tween changes the shape of an object over a series of frames.
In Flash, this is used to complete a number of effects.
mainly shape tweens are used to animate opening and closing mouths or
blinking eyes.
Melting ice cream is created using a shape tween, as are expanding liquid
puddles and other similar effects.
As with motion tweens, shape tweens are accomplished by placing one
shape in one animation frame and another shape in a subsequent end frame.
Does not use frame scripts. Applies one color effect per tween.
Applies two different color effects, such as tint and alpha
Stretches and resizes the tween in the
timeline and treats it as a single object.
Cannot animate 3D objects.
Applies eases across the entire length
Can be saved as motion presets.
of a motion tween span.
Cannot be saved as motion presets. Swaps symbols or sets the
Easing specific frames of a motion frame number of a graphic symbol to display in a property key-
tween requires creating a custom ease frame.
Applies one color effect per tween.
Animates 3D objects.
Can be saved as motion presets.
Onion Skinning
Usually, one frame of the animation sequence at a
time appears on the Stage.
To help position and edit a frame-by-frame animation,
view two or more frames on the Stage at once.
The frame under the play head appears in full color,
while surrounding frames are dimmed, making it
appear as if each frame were drawn on a sheet of
translucent/transparent onion-skin paper and the
sheets were stacked on top of each other.
Note-Dimmed frames cannot be edited.
• Inverse Kinematics poses
(deprecated with Flash Professional )
• Inverse kinematic poses allow you to stretch and bend
shape objects and link groups of symbol instances to
make them move together in naturalistic ways.
Once you have added bones to a shape or a group of
symbols, you can change the position of the bones or
symbols in different key frames. Note- Flash
interpolates the positions in the in-between frames.
Classic tweens