Policies and Issues in ICT
Policies and Issues in ICT
Policies and Issues in ICT
What is ICT policy
Privacy and Security are hot and complicated topics in the modern society
within which we live.Security ensures protection of data of parties in the eco
system from unauthorised access and privacy lets the information to be
computed and transmitted such that it seems unintelligible to any
unauthorised person.
Privacy policies are an issue. Most commercial sites have a privacy policy.
When someone uses a site and clicks “ I agree” button, it is as if you have
turned over private information to any authority that may access.
Issue No. 1: Freedom of Expression and
1. Guide the teacher on what they should teach that relate to ICT.,
and how to teach it. Since ICT development comes so rapid and
fast., teachers might be overwhelmed by its rapid speed.
Temperance in its use is a caution that should be looked at.
2. Technology should never replace any human teacher. The tools
are support instructural materials for the teacher which are
available for use. The teacher should learn how to appropriately
use them.
3.There are rules and regulation that govern the use of
technology. Cautions should be observed to protect individual
privacy. As teachers, you must be aware that the use of
technology may jeopardize your privacy and security.
4. All the issues and many more shall be part of the teaching
content as each teacher will be encouraged to use technology
in teaching.
For the learners and learning
The learners of the 21st Century are even more advanced than
some of the teachers. However, learners still need guidance on
how to use, regulate technology use. As there are positive and
negative effects of technology use, learners should know the
difference. Learners should not only know the benefits of
technology use, but they should know how they can be protected
from the hazards that technology brings their lives.
a. Telecommunications technologies
b. Information technology
c. Networking technologies
2. It is under international human rights conventions, all people
are guaranteed the right for free expression
a. Global Issue
b. Road Map
c. Technologies