Condensate Induced Water Hammering
Condensate Induced Water Hammering
Condensate Induced Water Hammering
Is water hammer normal ?
• At no time water hammer in
any system a NORMAL or
ACCEPATANCE occurrence
• Water hammer is a sign of
poor system
• Design
• Construction
• Control
• Operation
• Maintenance
• Extended life of High pressure
steam system is possible.
Where Can we find water hammer
• Any fluid system
• Most pronounced in multi phase fluid system
• Most severe on startup and shutdown
• Results of water hammer
• Rupture of pipes.
• Broken pipe support.
• Heat exchanger Tube and Header failure.
• Destroys Valves and Traps, Instrumentation.
Is water Hammer Normal
1. Forming a water hammer. If steam creates ripples on the surface of water in a pipe and the water level is high enough for
the ripples to fill the pipe, the ripples can be transformed into a slug of water that the steam carries downstream at up to 136
mph. Source: Jonas Inc.
water hammer
Hydraulic and thermo-hydraulic shock events and where they occur.
Condensation-induced water hammer
• Condensation-induced water hammer is an even more dramatic event. It may be caused either by steam entering a piping system that contains water (cooled
condensate) or by the injection of water into a piping system containing steam.
• Figure 2 depicts the four-step sequence that causes condensation-induced water hammer. As condensing steam loses its heat to the pipe wall and cooler
condensate (a), it changes phase from a vapor to a liquid. Working together, the condensation and flow of steam produce waves that build until they fill the pipe
cross section, trapping steam between their peaks. The trapped steam then condenses rapidly (b). Because the resulting liquid occupies up to 1,000 times less
space than it did as steam, the pressure in the void falls to a much lower level than that of the steam surrounding it. The void then collapses as the water, under
steam pressure, rushes in (c). The collision of the water and condensate produces a local, pressurized pulse of water that rebounds down the pipe (d).
four-step sequence that causes condensation-induced water hammer
• Water induction
• When a slug, or even a small stream, of water enters a steam turbine, it is referred to as
water induction. Typical locations include the blade rows downstream of extraction
lines and the first stages of the high-, intermediate-, and low-pressure turbines.
• Potential sources of the water include main and reheat steam piping, steam turbine
extraction lines, gland seals, and turbine drains. Any water that is allowed to
accumulate in the extraction steam and drain lines can get re-entrained in flowing
steam. Water induction can also occur in interconnected steam piping systems. Usually,
the phenomenon occurs during transient operation (start-ups, shutdowns, unit trips,
and cycling); the results can be considerable and costly damage plus significant
downtime. Most water induction events can be prevented by proper design and proper
O&M practices.
Be safe, not sorry
• Newly built steam line. Condensation-induced water hammer occurred as workers attempted to drain
condensate from a pressurized steam line as part of a procedure to put it into service. Two of the
workers died and another two were injured. A post-mortem investigation blamed inadequate training,
a poor procedure, and an improperly sized steam trap for the catastrophe. Had the workers drained
the condensate from the line before admitting the pressurized steam, the event never would have
• Expansion joint failure. After a 185-psi steam system had been off-line for about eight hours, workers
were asked to return it to service. But they failed to remove the condensate that had accumulated in
the line before opening a 20-inch valve. The resulting water hammer event was severe enough to kill
two of the workers and cause an explosion that ruptured an expansion joint, killing a pedestrian.
• Deaerator storage tank head separation. Water piston was suspected of playing a role in the
catastrophic failure of a circumferential weld at the head-to-shell joint of a deaerator water storage
vessel at a pulp and paper plant. One head of the vessel (which was 12 inches across and 45 feet long)
was blown off, and the remains of the vessel itself were found lodged in the side of a water tank a
significant distance away. Three people working in the area at the time were killed.
Water piston
• Water piston
• This is the common term for the unstable wave on a
water surface (the formal name for it is Kelvin-
Helmholtz instability) that can form in partially filled
horizontal vessels such as in deaerator storage
• Figure 3 illustrates the complete five-step sequence
of events that create a water piston.
• Briefly, the flow of water into a vessel can cause
standing waves to form and fill its cross section,
creating a piston effect.
• When there is a pressure differential across the
vessel, the piston is propelled toward its end.
• When water piston occurs repeatedly, stresses can
rise and fall and lead to corrosion fatigue of welds.
• The conditions for water piston can be predicted
from the vessel’s design and operating data.
Water Hammer _Water Piston
• Water piston. A series of level oscillations occur at quasi-steady state until they form a water piston. The
piston can repeatedly bounce between the ends of the vessel.
• Most often, water piston-induced cracks in deaerators occur in either the heat-affected zones of its storage
tank or in tank welds.
• The cracks are usually perpendicular to the welds, but parallel cracks, especially at the toe, also are common.
In many vessels, the most serious cracking has been found to be parallel to the head-to-shell circumferential
weld. Deaerators have failed catastrophically, with fatal consequences, due to weld cracking caused by water
• A survey of deaerators examined by wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspection (Table) indicates that the
presence of water hammer (or water piston) is a likely cause of deaerator cracking. Table . Deaerator
cracking. There is a correlation between water hammer and deaerator cracking.
1.1Preventing water hammer and hydraulics shocks
1. A properly designed, operated, and maintained steam system should never, or rarely, suffer a water hammer event or hydraulic shock.
Following are some steps that designers and O&M personnel can take to achieve that goal:
2. Pitch steam pipes away from the boiler toward a drip trap station.
3. Install a drip trap before each steam regulator valve to prevent condensate from accumulating behind the valve while it is closed.
4. Install drip trap stations ahead of any risers, at the end of the steam main, and at every 500 feet along the steam piping.
5. Inspect traps often and replace any found to be defective.
6. Repair damaged pipe insulation and replace any that has been removed.
7. Repair any sagging pipes or install steam traps at the low point.
8. Do not allow steam into any line filled with subcooled condensate or into any cold steam line suspected of containing condensate.
9. Do not "crack open" valves to avoid water hammer. Condensation-induced water hammer can occur at very low condensate flow rates.
10. If steam and condensate are in contact, stop the flow of steam before draining the condensate.
11. Wherever possible, use mechanical extensions or reach rods to operate manual valves.
12. Test deaerators during steam system commissioning and optimize their operation to follow load, temperature, and rate of pressure
change with load.
CRH line at 15 meter outside NE room. The NE room wall got damage
due to the impact.
Hanger support at 17 meter APRDS floor
Hanger support at 21 meter Firing floor (near feed control station) got
water hammer
Inadequate Maintenance
Lack of awareness Unequal focus on all parameter
Inadequate Design
Non Adherence of Check List. Impaired Auto operation of drain valve