Mapeh6 Q3W1

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Musical Form is the structure of musical composition.
There are three simple musical forms of songs of
music from the community:
1. Binary (AB) – is a musical form in two related
sections, both which are usually repeated.
2. Ternary (ABA) – has three sections, the third
section similar to the first.
(ABC) – has three sections
3. Rondo (ABACA) – has contrasting sections in between
repetitions of a section of (ABACA).
Repeat Mark/Sign is a sign that tells the reader
to return and repeat a defined section of the
1. Repeat Sign Dots
2. Da capo ( ) Repeat from the beginning.
D.C. Al Fine or Da Capo Al fine means from the
head (beginning) to the end. Al fine is an indication
to repeat from the beginning of the music and
continue until you reach the final bar line of a
double-bar line marked with the word fine.
Fine – means the end.
Directions: Connect the symbol in column A to its
name in column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer in your notebook.
Directions: Fill out the graphic organizer. Write the
name of the symbols. Do this in your music activity
Direction: Sing this song following the
repeat signs
Directions: Choose the name of the musical repeat
signs. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
Silkscreen Printing. It is a technique that makes use of a
wooden mesh to support an ink blocking stencil to acquire a
desired image.
The process involves using a stencil to apply ink onto another
material, usually fabric, like t-shirts, pouches caps or any material
that can keep the image onto its surface.
Designs are being processed by a computer or hand-drawn
images scanned into a computer and finished using a software
program then printed directly onto the surface of your product
like T-shirt and poster
Easy Steps/ Procedure in Silkscreen Printing
Easy Steps/ Procedure in Silkscreen Printing
These t-shirts are examples of statement
shirts. Both have different designs and
convey different messages.
We commonly see people wearing different
statement shirts to express themselves
through the messages
printed on it.
Directions: Fill in the blanks with your best answer found in the
word pool below. Write the letter of your answer on the space
_______1. If the picture resolution is not high enough ,what will happen to the
image quality?
_______ 2. The process you will use if you are looking to complete a project
within a short span of time.
_______ 3. The advantage of using digital technology in artwork.
_______ 4. A newer process where artwork is being processed by a computer.
_______ 5. Type of problem that may occur in digital printing job.
Directions: Arrange the procedures on how to make silkscreen printing by
using letter A-B. Write it on the space provided.
______ 1. Position the printed film over the screen and expose it to a very
bright light source.
______ 2. Place the screen over T-shirt, apply ink any color of your choice,
using a squeegee.
______ 3. Rinse off the excess emulsion.
______ 4. Prepare the printing screen. Coat it with light sensitive emulsion.
______ 5. Prepare a design and print on transparency.
Directions: Complete the paragraph below. Choose the correct words
inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided.
When a piece of art is created, different __________ of art are
applied. You see different __________ of various tones applied to
make a drawing or painting attractive and beautiful. Different
__________ are used to form an object. __________ several colors
to form a new color makes the artwork more attractive. These
elements are applied even when using new __________.
Let’s make your design for silkscreen printing/statement shirt.
Printing your own design on your t-shirt is one way of communicating
thoughts and views.
Materials Needed:
Activity notebook pencil marker pencil coloring materials ruler
1. Think of a simple design for your statement shirt. Keep in mind to
make it short and catchy. You can make a design on your views of our
current situations.
2. Draw your design using the shirt below.
3. Explain the importance in silkscreen printing
in at least three sentences.
Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid
The PPAP is divided into four (4) levels/types of activities and how
often they should be done.
1. Habitually (Daily)
Taking the stairs instead of elevator, taking longer routes, walking to the
store, church, etc. Parking your car farther away, Adding extra steps to your
daily routes, Taking stretch breaks at home or work,
Doing household chores, Grocery Shopping, Running Errand and the like.
2. Regularly (3-5 times a week)
This includes Aerobic Exercises and recreational activities like Brisk Walking ,
Running/Jogging , Bicycling, Aerobic dancing, Swimming, Badminton,
Basketball, Tennis, Piko, Sipa, Patintero and other street games aid in
Making you fit.
3. Often (2-3 times a week)
Strength and flexibility are being improved in this level.
These activities include stretching, yoga, and calisthenics.
4. Minimally (2-3 times a week)
These are the physical activities you should reduce like
sitting, lie around or be coach potato, watching TV,
playing computer games and doing needle works. They
do not only slow down your metabolism but they can
make you feel weak.
Necessary Precautions in Dancing:
1. You do not have a medical problem.
See your doctor for a check-up if you have a medical condition,
are overweight, are over 40 years of age or have not exercised
regularly for
a long time.
2. You are wearing the proper dance attire. Wear layers of
clothing that you can take off as your body warms up.
3. You are in a spacious area without barriers.
4. You are not carrying sharp objects that could hurt you.
5. You must warm- up before the dance session.
6. Drink plenty of water before, during and after dancing.
There are three skills involved in the Folk Dance “Itik-

1. Flexibility- ability to bend and move parts of your body

smoothly and effortlessly.
2. Balance- ability of the dancer to maintain an upright
and controlled position of the body whether in
movement or still.
3. Coordination- ability to combine bodily movements in
unison, in a smooth and efficient manner.
Follow the written instructions of each step pattern
1. Step, ball-close, ball-close. One foot leading forward.
Step L(R) forward (ct 1), raise heel of L (R) foot and slide
R (L) close to L( R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct
2),small step forward on ball of L (R) foot
(ct. and ) and slide R (L) to L (R) in third position in rear
(ct 3) This step is done with one foot leading going
2. Heel, close-ball, close. One foot leading forward.
Step L (R) heel forward (ct 1), slide R (L) close to L(R)
in fifth or third position in rear (ct.2), small step
forward with ball of L (R) foot (ct. and), slide R (L)
close to L (R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct. 3).
This is done with one foot leading, going forward.
3. Step, slide-close, slide-close.
Small step R (L) forward (ct. 1) twist trunk slightly to right
(left) side, bring L (R) foot in fourth in front and slide
backward with ball of same foot and simultaneously with
spring slide R (L) forward to close with L (R) in first position
(ct. 2), repeat ct. 2 (ct 3). The L (R) foot bears no
weight on cts 2, 3. This step is done with alternate foot going
to any direction.
4. Cross-step, slide-close, slide-close.
Alternative foot going to
any direction.
Same as number 3 except that the step on ct.1
is done cross the other foot in front.
5. arms extension/flexion
Extend your arms and bend slightly forward count 1. Then
count 2, 3 as the a arm makes 2 small flaps upward to
shoulder level and as its flapping the wings, the other arm
goes downward.
6. flapping of the arms
Arms are bent forward with elbows are shoulder
level and the fists are slightly closed near each
other. Count 1 for upward flap and count 2,3 for 2
small flaps downward.
There are four skills involved in the Folk Dance “Maglalatik”.

1. Flexibility- ability to bend and move parts of your body smoothly and effortlessly.
2. Balance- ability of the dancer to maintain an upright and
controlled position of the body whether in movement or still.
3. Coordination- ability to combine bodily movements in unison, in a
smooth and efficient manner.
4. Speed- the ability to move all or parts of the body quickly.
Basic Steps Used
1. Step Right foot forward and twist body to left (ct 1 or cts. 1, and ) step Left in place
and face front ( ct. 2 or cts. 1, and ), step R foot backward and twist body to the right
()ct 1 or cts. 1 and )step Left in original place and face fron (ct. 2 or cts. 2, and ).- 2 M
There are four skills involved in the Folk Dance “Maglalatik”.

1. Flexibility- ability to bend and move parts of your body

smoothly and effortlessly.
2. Balance- ability of the dancer to maintain an upright and
controlled position of the body whether in movement or still.
3. Coordination- ability to combine bodily movements in
unison, in a
smooth and efficient manner.
4. Speed- the ability to move all or parts of the body quickly.
Basic Steps Used
1. Step Right foot forward and twist body to left (ct 1 or cts. 1, and )
step Left in place and face front ( ct. 2 or cts. 1, and ), step R foot
backward and twist body to the right ()ct 1 or cts. 1 and )step Left in
original place and face fron (ct. 2 or cts. 2, and ).- 2 M
2. Jump forward with feet together or with the Right foot a little bit
ahead of the Left and twist body to left (ct. 1 or cts. 1, and), step Left
backward and twist body to right (ct1, or cts, 1 and) to original
position and face front (ct. 2 or cts. 2, and), step Left in original place
and face front (ct. 2 or cts. 2, and) ---------------------------------------2M.
Hand movements (tapping of coconut shells)
Note: R (L) hand means the coconut shell held
by the R (L) hand, R, (L) knee means the
coconut shell attached above the knees and
the same on the shoulders and waist.
1. Strike R knee with R hand (ct. 1),
L knee with L hand (ct. and),
2. Strike front of L shoulder with R hand (ct.
2), front of R shoulder
with L hand (ct. and),
3. Strike back of R shoulder with R
hand (ct. 1), back of L shoulder
with L hand (ct. and),
4. Strike back of waist at R side with R
hand (ct. 2), back of waist at L side
with L hand (ct. and)
Directions: The following are the physical
activities you commonly do. Check on the
appropriate column on how often you do
these activities.
Read each statement carefully. Write the word “safe” if the statement observes
safety precautions in dancing and write the word “unsafe” if the statement does
not observe safety precautions in dancing. Do the activity on your activity
__________1. Before dancing, see to it that you are in hazardous area.
__________2. Warm up thoroughly before you start dancing and include
__________3. Proper dance shoes distribute load, absorb impact, and support
your foot. 
__________4. In dancing, see to it you are not carrying sharp objects that could
hurt you.

__________5. Drink plenty of soft drinks before, during and after

Directions: Write check (/) on the space provided if
the given skill is
involved in both dances Itik-Itik and Maglalatik.
Write (X) if it isn’t.
_________ 1. muscular endurance
_________ 2. flexibility
_________ 3.balance
_________ 4. coordination
_________ 5. speed
Directions: Arrange the steps in dancing Itik-
Itik .Use number 1to 6 on the space provided.
The following are the factors that cause poor sanitation and its negative
impact to one’s health:
1. Urbanization – intensive urban growth leads to greater air pollution
with significant impact to human health.
2. Poverty – increases the chances of poor health.
Poor health traps communities in poverty.
3. Inadequate Water Supply – impacts health by causing
acute infectious diarrhoeal diseases.
4. Inadequate Planning – can contribute to chemical safety,
air pollution, climate change, microbial and natural diseases,
lack of access to health care, infrastructure issues, poor water
quality, and global environmental issues.
5. Poor Governance – have a damaging impact on
health outcomes and the quality of health care
services. It also involve various malpractices and
undisciplined actions.
The following are the ways to keep water clean and safe:
Directions: Identify if the statement is True or False. Write your answer
on the blank.
________1. Having an adequate water supply, adequate planning and good
governance will have a good impact on health outcomes to people and the quality of health care
services increase.
________2. Diseases and disorders caused by pests and rodents can be
avoided if there’s always a good practice in sanitation.
________3. The stop of using pesticides and composting of yard waste can be a way to keep air and
water clean and safe.
________4. Working with residential people to stop burning of garbage and
talking to them about on what they can contribute to prevent air pollution.
________5. Cleaning the entire home and making sure that all repairs are
done properly to help eradicate house pests and rodents.
Good environmental sanitation keeps us away from
different kinds of diseases and illnesses. This is the
reason why there are lot of laws that has been
made in order to protect the welfare of our
environment. Simple obedience with the law will
help us save our mother earth from destruction.
Conservation of energy will lessen the risk of fast
extinction of our natural resources.
1. What does 4R’s stand for?
2. What are the best ways to keep our air and
water safe?
Directions: Match the topic in Column A to its
explanations, practices or descriptions in Column B.
The following are the factors that cause poor sanitation and its negative
impact to one’s health:
1. Urbanization – intensive urban growth leads to greater air pollution
with significant impact to human health.
2. Poverty – increases the chances of poor health.
Poor health traps communities in poverty.
3. Inadequate Water Supply – impacts health by causing
acute infectious diarrhoeal diseases.
4. Inadequate Planning – can contribute to chemical safety,
air pollution, climate change, microbial and natural diseases,
lack of access to health care, infrastructure issues, poor water
quality, and global environmental issues.
5. Poor Governance – have a damaging impact on
health outcomes and the quality of health care
services. It also involve various malpractices and
undisciplined actions.
The following are the ways to keep water clean and safe:
While walking on your way home, you saw your classmate
busy sipping his cigarette. When he is done, he threw the
cigarette stub on the water drainage. You know that what he
did is not good to his health and to the environment.
1. What are the bad effects of smoking?
2. What advise can you tell him to stop his bad habits?
Good environmental sanitation keeps us away from different
kinds of diseases and illnesses. This is the reason why there
are lot of laws that has been made in order to protect the
welfare of our environment. Simple obedience with the law
will help us save our mother earth from destruction.
Conservation of energy will lessen the risk of fast extinction of
our natural resources.
1. What does 4R’s stand for?
2. What are the best ways to keep our air and water safe?

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