Fawad Ahmed Nizamani 19PG03
Touseef U Rehman 19PG39
Fawad Ahmed Tago 19PG08
1. LDH: Produced LDH with Calcium and Aluminium in its composition is highly stable at high temperature. An article by
Yunshan et al (2020) found that it LDH can even resists high temperatures flames. It is resistant to temperatures up to 900
degree Celsius according to research done by Elena S. Zhi Tova et al in 2020
2. Wheat Starch nano-powder: Starch based nano-powders are also highly thermally stable. A research conducted by
Vikash Nain in 2017 found it stable up to 1000-degree cesius
3. Composite nano-fluid: As composite nanofluid is made of both primary fluids it is thermally stable as well.
1. LDH: Produced Aluminium and Calcium based LDH produces a basic pH environment. It is chemically stable and
does not react with formation rocks. It was shown by Muhammad Abdideh et al in 2021
2. Wheat Starch nano-powder: Starch based nano-particles are of organic origin and they are less reactive in nature
3. Composite nano-fluid: As being the composed both the previous nanoparticles composite nano-fluid is also non-reactive
in nature.
02 M A Majeed 2023 This paper is a systematic review of the effects of nanoparticles on water-based drilling
et al fluid, especially on shale stability. The paper covers the experimental methods,
rheological properties, filtration properties, thermal stability, and environmental impact
of nanoparticle water-based drilling fluids. The paper also discusses the challenges and
future directions for nanoparticles in water-based drilling fluid research.
03 M A Al-Safran 2023 This paper is a study that proposes a new approach to predict the filtrate invasion of
et al nanoparticle-based drilling mud using artificial neural network (ANN). The paper uses
experimental data from previous studies to train and validate an ANN model that can
estimate the filtrate loss volume and depth for different types and concentrations of
nanoparticles. The paper claims that the ANN model can provide accurate and reliable
predictions of filtrate invasion for nanoparticle-based drilling mud.
Literature review
S.No Researcher Year Summary
04 M A Al 2023 The paper studies the use of nanomaterials such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, and metal oxides as
Sabbagh drilling mud additives for water-based mud. It compares their effects on rheological properties, fluid
loss control, emulsion stability, lubricity, and corrosion inhibition with conventional additives. It
finds that nanomaterials can enhance the performance of water-based mud and make it more
comparable to oil-based mud.
05 Syeda Maryam 2023 This paper evaluates the environmental, health and safety impacts of nanoparticle application in oil
Hosseini et al well drilling fluids. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the current regulations and
standards for nanoparticle exposure and disposal in different countries. It suggests some strategies
for minimizing the potential risks of nanoparticle usage in drilling fluids, such as proper selection,
handling, monitoring and treatment of nanoparticles.
06 M. Zakaria 2023 This paper reviews the application of nanoparticles in drilling fluids, focusing on the types,
et al properties and effects of nanoparticles on the rheology, filtration and shale inhibition of drilling
fluids. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities of using nanoparticles in drilling fluids,
such as the dispersion stability, environmental impact and cost-benefit analysis.
S.No Researcher Year Summary
07 M S Al-Saba 2023 This paper is a laboratory evaluation of the effect of adding different nanoparticles to
et al water-based drilling fluids on their rheological properties and hole cleaning
efficiency. The paper tests four types of nanoparticles: aluminium oxide (Al2O3),
magnesium oxide (MgO), titanium dioxide (Tio 2), and copper oxide (CuO). The paper
also performs a sensitivity analysis of the parameters affecting hole cleaning such as
rheological properties, flow rate, cuttings size, and inclination angle. The paper finds
that adding nanoparticles can improve the viscosity, yield point, gel strength, and
cuttings transport ratio of water-based drilling fluids.
08 M Al-Saba 2023 This paper investigates the impact of different types of nanoparticles, such as silica, alumina, titania
et al and zirconia, on the rheological and filtration characteristics of water-based drilling fluids. It also
evaluates the thermal stability and corrosion resistance of the nanoparticle-enhanced drilling fluids
09 Tio et al 2023 This paper reviews the challenges and solutions of drilling high temperature wells using
V nanoparticles based drilling muds. It explains how nanoparticles can improve the
thermal stability, shale inhibition, lubricity, and rheological properties of drilling muds.
It also compares the performance of different types of nanoparticles such as metal
oxides, carbon nanotubes, and polymeric nanoparticles.
S.No Researcher Year Summary
10 S Patidar et al 2023 This paper investigates the effects of different types of nanoparticles (NPs) on the rheological
and filtration properties of water-based drilling fluids (WBDFs). The NPs used are titanium
nitride (TiN), silicon oxide (SiO2), iron oxide (Fe3O4), and aluminium oxide (Al2O3). The
paper also compares the performance of polymeric coated SiO2 and TiN NPs with their
uncoated counterparts. The paper reports that NPs can improve the viscosity, yield point, gel
strength, and fluid loss control of WBDFs at high temperatures and pressures. The paper also
suggests that polymeric coated NPs can enhance the stability and compatibility of NPs with
11 M. Rostami 2022 The paper covers various aspects of using nanoparticles in drilling fluids such as Rheology,
et al filtration, thermal conductivity, lubricity, shale inhibition and wellbore stability. The paper
also identifies some challenges such as environmental impact, health and safety issues, cost-
effectiveness and standardization. The paper concludes that nanoparticles have a promising
potential for improving drilling fluids performance but more research is needed to overcome
the challenges.
12 Seyed Ali 2022 The paper focuses on how nanoparticles can be used as additives to enhance oil and gas
Nabavi et al drilling fluids. The paper reviews various applications of nanoparticles such as Silica,
Alumina, Iron Oxide, Carbon nanotubes and Graphene in water-based and oil-based drilling
fluids. The paper also summarizes the benefits and drawbacks of using nanoparticles in
drilling fluids. The paper concludes that nanoparticles have a great potential for improving
drilling fluid performance but more studies are needed to optimize their use.
S.No Researcher Year Summary
13 Mehdri 2022 The article concludes that nanoparticles can improve the rheological properties, thermal
Ghasemi conductivity, filtration control, shale inhibition, lubricity, and corrosion resistance of drilling
fluids. However, there are still some challenges such as cost-effectiveness, health and safety
risks, standardization, and optimization of nanoparticle concentrations.
14 W. Liu et al 2022 This paper reports the development of a low-cost, high-performance and environmentally friendly water-
based drilling mud using sugarcane-bagasse silica nanoparticles (SBSNs). It characterizes the SBSNs by
various techniques and analyses their effects on the performance of drilling fluid. It shows that SBSN-
drilling mud exhibits better rheological properties, reduced fluid loss, high temperature stability and
thinner filter cake than conventional water-based drilling mud.
15 Nurul Ain et al 2022 This paper discusses the role of polymeric nanoparticles in enhancing the properties and performance of
drilling fluids. It describes how polymeric nanoparticles can improve the viscosity, density, filtration, and
shale stability of drilling fluids. It also summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of using polymeric
nanoparticles as compared to other types of nanoparticles
16 M. Al-Batali 2022 This paper examines the effects of different types of nanoparticles, such as silica, alumina and iron oxide,
et al on the rheological properties and shale inhibition characteristics of water-based drilling fluids. It measures
the apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strength of the nanoparticle-enhanced drilling
fluids using a rheometer. It also measures the shale recovery and swelling index of the nanoparticle-
enhanced drilling fluids using a shale dispersion apparatus.
S.No Researcher Year Summary
This paper studies the impact of different types of nanoparticles such as silica, alumina,
N. A. Al-Mansour and titanium dioxide on the rheological and filtration properties of water-based drilling
17 et al 2022
fluids. It shows that adding nanoparticles can enhance the viscosity, gel strength, and
thermal stability of drilling fluids. It also demonstrates that nanoparticles can reduce the
fluid loss and filter cake thickness of drilling fluids.
This paper reviews the recent advances in the synthesis and applications of nanoparticles
18 Gosh asp 2022
in drilling fluid systems. It discusses the effects of various nanoparticles on rheology and
fluid loss control, mud cake thickness, filtration properties, and thermal properties of
drilling fluids. It also highlights the technical and economic benefits of using
nanoparticles as drilling additives
Abdul Hazim 2022 This paper reviews the application of nanoparticles in water-based drilling fluids and
Abdullah wellbore stability, focusing on the types, properties and mechanisms of nanoparticles on
the shale inhibition and filtration characteristics of drilling fluids. It also discusses the
challenges and future prospects of using nanoparticles in water-based drilling fluids, such
as the dispersion stability, environmental impact and cost-benefit analysis.
S.No Researcher Year Summary
20 Gosh asp 2022 This paper reviews the drilling fluids modified by nanoparticles and their effects on rheology, fluid
Cheraghian loss, mud cake thickness, filtration properties, and thermal properties. The paper also discusses the
synthesis and applications of various nanoparticles such as polymeric, ceramic, metal and carbon-
based NPs in drilling fluids system.
21 Gomathi 2022 This paper discusses how the application of various types of nanoparticles/nanocomposites helps to
Rajalakshmi enhance the rheological and filtration properties of the drilling mud. The paper also explains the
et al challenges and opportunities of using nanoparticles in drilling fluids for unconventional reservoirs
such as high temperature high pressure (HTHP) and highly saline reservoirs.
22 A. Al-Yami et al 2022 This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the applications of nanoparticles in
drilling fluids for enhanced drilling operations. It discusses the types and properties of
nanoparticles, such as silica, alumina, iron oxide, copper oxide and carbon nanotubes,
and their effects on the rheological behaviour, filtration control, shale stability, lubricity
and thermal conductivity of drilling fluids. It also reviews the experimental methods and
challenges for evaluating the performance of nanoparticle-based drilling fluids
S.No Researcher Year Summary
23 M.A. Al-Maamari 2021 This paper evaluates the impact of different types of nanoparticles, such as silica,
et al alumina and titania, on the rheological properties and filtration losses control in water-
based drilling fluids. It measures the apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point and
gel strength of the nanoparticle-enhanced drilling fluids using a rheometer. It also
measures the filtration volume and filter cake thickness of the nanoparticle-enhanced
drilling fluids using a high-pressure high-temperature filter press.
24 S. Suriati et al 2021
This paper reviews the application of nanoparticles in enhancing oil recovery, focusing
on the mechanisms, types and effects of nanoparticles on the oil recovery efficiency and
reservoir performance. It also discusses the challenges and future prospects of using
nanoparticles in enhancing oil recovery, such as the nanoparticle transport, retention and
aggregation in porous media.
25 Qiang Wang et 2021 This is a scientific paper that explores the use of clay nanoparticles as additives for
al drilling fluids in deep hydrocarbon wells. The paper tests the performance of Oman
palygorskite (Pal) nanoparticles in improving the rheological properties and stability of
montmorillonite (Mt) based drilling fluids under high temperature and pressure
conditions. The paper concludes that Pal nanoparticles can enhance the drilling fluid
performance and reduce the environmental impact of drilling operations.
● The literature mentioned is about the usefulness of
nanoparticles in drilling fluid rheology, stability, lubricity,
filtration, shale inhibition.
● It also included how modern techniques of imitating human
mind working known as Artificial Neural Networking
(ANN) are used in combination with nanoparticles to drill
deep High Pressure and High Temperature (HPHT) wells.
● Due to nanoparticles being extremely small the study of
nanoparticles comes under the discipline of Quantum
Physics. Where the laws are different compared to our
macro level physical world.
● In order to enhance the properties of drilling mud nanoparticles of
different metals including Zink as well as well as polymers will be
employed. For the preparation of the first nano-particle which is Layered
Double Hydroxide (LDH) Calcium which is divalent and Aluminum
which is trivalent ion and chloride salts are used along with a base which
here was Sodium Hydroxide.
● The studies conducted till now have shown great improvement in drilling
properties by using nanoparticles. Primarily the filtrate invasion has been
observed to be very much reduced due to using lower size particles that
stop filtrate from seeping into the formation.
Fig 8 Step by step procedure 28
Fig 9 Ingredients used to make LDH 29
● The prepared solution of
LDH is for reducing j filtrate
invasion thus settles down to
the bottom of the container.
● This way when mud cake is
forming in the wellbore it
goes to the empty spaces in it
and deposits itself there thus
strengthening the cake.
Fig 11 Step wise process of starch mass production (Roy L. Whistler, 2017)
● Initially a dough of wheat flour was prepared mixing
water oil and flour. This prepared dough was then
left in a bucket of water for 3 hours. Subsequently,
dough was removed a white solution was observed.
It was given some time to settle. Afterwards, starch
settled at the bottom of container.
● The time for which dough was left into water matters
a lot. As with time dough stabilizes and starch gets
settled into water. The greater this without
disturbance the pure starch is got at the end. If some
disturbance is caused when dough is settling into the
water, then dough itself may get mixed with starch in
the solution. This stabilization period is the most Fig 12 Starch based nano-powder
critical stage in wheat starch extraction. 32
3) LDH and Wheat Starch nano-powder composite
Fig 16 pH value comparison of prepared nano-fluids to
conventional drilling mud
Conventional 14 3 7.3 5
Drilling mud
From the above results and discussions, it was evaluated that utilizing Layered Double Hydroxide
(LDH), wheat starch nano-powder and the composite of both optimizes filtration and rheological properties of
drilling mud.
1. Composites of different nano-fluids were found to be more effective as they have properties of individual
fluids used. This way any desired result properties of drilling mud can be achieved as desired for the well
bore. As required for
2. Filtration loss was found to be low in drilling mud with nanoparticles. As they consist of smaller
molecules which can block the filtrate from seeping through.
3. pH value was found to be greater with LDH as compared to organic starch-based nano-fluid. As Starch
based nanofluid has no base used in its preparation it had the lowest pH value.
4. Viscosity was found to be greater with LDH nano-fluid as compared to composite fluid and Starch based
5. Starch based nanofluid had the best filtration control.
6. Filter cake thickness was seen to be lowest in Starch based nanofluid while highest with LDH with
composite fluid being in between.
1. The use of LDH in drilling is suggested when a higher pH is required as it is can inhibit metal fittings from
2. Organic wheat starch based nanofluid has high filtrate loss reducing and viscosity optimizing properties. Its
use is suggested where such conditions are required.
3. The composite of both the fluids has optimum viscosity, pH, and filtration control capacities. Properties can
be adjusted by varying the quantity of individual nano-fluids according to available conditions.
4. Starch based nanofluid produces lowest thickness filter cake and lowest filtrate loss. It can be used conditions
as required.
Fig 11 Sustainable Development Goals (Steve Zwick 2016) 41
Goal no 6- Clean water and sanitation
Goal no 13- Climate action
Topic selection ✔
Background Study ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Literature Review ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Proposal Submission ✔ ✔
Thesis (Dissertation)
Progress Report Submission ✔
Thesis (Dissertation)
Final Presentation & Viva ✔
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drilling fluids for tight gas reservoir conditions, Society of Petroleum Engineers conference Muscat,
● Cheraghian G. (2015): Effects of nanoparticles on wettability: a review on applications of
nanotechnology in the enhanced oil recovery, SPE Technical conference Dhahran Saudi Arabia.
● Taha NM, Lee S. (2015): Nano graphene application improving drilling fluids performance, SPE/DOE
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● Cheraghian G. (2016): Application of nano-fumed silica in heavy oil recovery, SPE Middle East
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● A. Bera, H. Belhaj (2016): Application of nanotechnology by means of nanoparticles and nano-
dispersions in oil recovery, SPE Technical conference Dhahran Saudi Arabia.
Your comments and suggestions are
welcome 52