Grade 4 PPT - Music - Q1 - Lesson 1
Grade 4 PPT - Music - Q1 - Lesson 1
Grade 4 PPT - Music - Q1 - Lesson 1
How to read music?
When you started to learn how to read books, he learned to read one line at a time.
The words are organized so that the story is easy to follow. The same is true for
reading music. Music compositions are written on lines as well, but there is more
than one line per musical phrase because notes go up and down. When you can read
music, you will be able to enjoy playing a lot of old songs alone or with a group.
What is notation?
Notation is how music is written. It is the language of music. Notation is important
so that music can be preserved, and anyone can play the composed music. Notation
is important for it to use to transcribe, preserve, and play composed music.
Music was written a long time ago.
• Ancient music locations were written by carving on clay tablets 4000 years ago.
• The modern way of notation was developed 2000 years later and written using ink
and parchment paper.
• Today music sheets are printed using computers
What are the elements in a notation?
Music is made up of sounds and silence. For notation symbols for sounds and silences have
been established. The note is used to indicate sound in music and the rest represent silence.
Each note has a corresponding rest and number of beats.
Kinds of Notes(This is the way I Brush my Teeth
I have here a hallow head ,hallow head,hallow head