Health Care Delivery and Nursing Practice
Health Care Delivery and Nursing Practice
Health Care Delivery and Nursing Practice
nursing practice
It is state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being
and not merely the absence of
disease and infirmity.
Scientistscontended that
wellness is indicated by the
capacity of the person to
perform to the best of his or
her ability, the ability to adjust
and adapt to varying situations,
Population demographics:
Population expansion is
attributed in part to improved
public health services and
improved nutrition. Not only is
the population increasing, but
the composition of the
population is also changing.
Aging Population:
Many elderly people suffer
from multiple chronic
conditions that are
exacerbated by acute episodes.
Elderly women, whose
conditions are frequently
underdiagnosed and
undertreated, are of particular
concern. There are
approximately three women for
every two men in the older
population , and elderly women
are expected to continue
Cultural Diversity:
Anappreciation for the diverse
characteristics and needs of
individuals from varied ethnic
and cultural backgrounds is
important in health care and
Patientsfrom diverse
sociocultural groups bring to
the health care setting
different health care beliefs,
values, and practices, as well
as different risk factors for
some disease conditions and
unique reactions to treatment.
ofantibiotics. Therefore,
conditions that were once
easily treated have become
complex and more life-
threatening than ever before.
Nursing,which always
encouraged patients to take
control of their conditions,
plays a prominent role in the
current focus on management
of chronic illness and disability.
Sophisticatedtechniques and
devices have revolutionized
surgery and diagnostic testing,
making it possible to perform
many procedures and tests on
an outpatient basis.
Economic changes:
The philosophy that
comprehensive, quality health
care should be provided for all
citizens prompted
governmental concern about
spiraling health care costs
Theimportance of an effective
discharge planning program,
along with utilization review
and a quality improvement
program, is unquestionable.
Nurses in acute care settings
must assume responsibility with
other health care team
involved in quality
improvement. One such
opportunity is through
facilitation of evidence-based
practice. Evidence-based
practice—identifying and
evaluating current literature and
Evidence-based practice
includes the use of outcome
assessment and standardized
plans of care such as clinical
guidelines, clinical pathways,
or algorithms. Many of these
measures are being
Nursingfocuses on a broad
array of phenomena. There are
three major roles assumed by
the nurse when caring for
patients. These roles are often
used in concert with one
another to provide
comprehensive care.
Practitioner role:
It involves those actions that
the nurse takes when assuming
responsibility for meeting the
health care and nursing needs
of individual patients, their
families, and significant others.
Leadership role:
It involves those actions the
nurse executes when assuming
responsibility for the actions of
others that are directed toward
determining and achieving
patient care goals.
Nursingleadership is a process
involving four components:
decision making, relating,
influencing, and facilitating.
Each of these components
promotes change and the
ultimate outcome of goal
Research role:
The research role of the nurse
was traditionally viewed as one
carried out only by
academicians, nurse scientists,
and graduate nursing students.
Today, participation
Team nursing
Primary nursing
Community-based nursing and
community health– public
health nursing.
Expanded Nursing Roles
Professionalnursing is adapting
to meet changing health needs
and expectations. One such
adaptation is through the
expanded role of the nurse,
which has developed in
response to the need