RESM7901 Postgraduate Research Methodology: Lecturer: Prof DR Faridah Ibrahim
RESM7901 Postgraduate Research Methodology: Lecturer: Prof DR Faridah Ibrahim
RESM7901 Postgraduate Research Methodology: Lecturer: Prof DR Faridah Ibrahim
Abdulah Said Abdulle 213923050
The purpose of this research is to investigate The Relationships Between Employees' Job
Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and The Intention to Leave Job at Employees in fast-
food industry.
As it is well known, employee satisfaction deemed to be critical issue for the success of any
organization. A large number of academician and managers had underlined that employee
satisfaction and its consequence on the organization performance is a vital key for the any
company to dedicate its resource to achieve its goals. (Arshadi, 2010).
All organizations try their best to retain employees and minimize turnover. However, a large
number of foodservice managers have little comprehension on haw to satisfy their employees in
order to maximize their work performance, or to understand how their satisfaction levels
influence their intention to leave the company.
According to (Allen & Meyer, 1990) organizational commitment could be classified into two
components: affective organizational commitment which means a strong belief in and acceptance
of the organization’s goals and values, a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the
organization, and a strong desire to maintain membership in the organization. The counterpart of
affective organizational commitment is continuance organizational commitment which means
employees will not leave the company for the fear of losing their benefits, taking a pay cut, and
not being able to find another job.
Therefore, this research will determine both positive/negative factors that have an impact on the
coloration between job satisfaction, organizational commitment and the intention to leave lob,
Also, will examine whether there is an empirically testable relationship between these variables
and the direction and the complexity of this enter-relationship.
The researchers on this area have not yielded a final answer to the real nature of the relationships
between employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and the intention to leave job at
employees. infect, some authors have figured out a positive link between job satisfaction and
organizational commitment. (K. Jain , I. Giga , & L. Cooper , 2009)
despite these researchers’ results, this study tries to contribute to the studying of this relationship
with a special focus on fast-food industry. because that fast-food industry outlets are employees-
intensive, which means the nature of job is stressful job that can affect employees’ decision
making. The investigation will use stratified sampling technique by drawing 250 sample size
from the employees’ population of these five fast-food companies; McDonald's, KFC, Burger
King, Texas Chicken, and Subway.
1. Are there particular demographic traits (age, education level, tenure, position, marital
status, years in foodservice, and hours worked per week) of fast-foods employees that
significantly affect their job satisfaction?
2. How does intrinsic benefits (indirect benefits) of the job influence job satisfaction of
3. How does extrinsic benefits (direct benefits) of the job influence job satisfaction of
4. Do fast-foods employees’ levels of job satisfaction significantly affect their
organizational commitment?
1. To investigate the impact of job satisfaction on the employees’ turnover in the fast-food
2. To measure the impact the high & low quality of employees' indirect benefits on their
job decisions.
3. To explore the relationship between fast-food companies work culture and the
employees' decision making when it comes leaving a company.
4. To examine whether employees' organizational commitment reflects on their job
Research Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis (Ha Ho)
Ha1: Job satisfaction have a positive impact on the employees’ turnover in the fast-food
Ho1: There is no impact between job satisfaction and employees’ turnover in the fast-food
Ha2: The high or low quality of employees' indirect benefits has influence on their job decisions.
Ho2: There is no influence of the high or low quality of employees' indirect benefits on their job
Ha3: Fast-food companies culture plays a role on employees' decision making when it comes
leaving a company.
Ho3: Fast-food companies’ culture does not play any role on employees' decision making when
it comes leaving a company.
Ha4: Employees' organizational commitment level will reflect on their job satisfaction.
Ho4: Employees' organizational commitment level will not reflect on their job satisfaction.
Allen & Meyer, 1. (1990). The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative
commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
Arshadi, N. (2010). Basic need satisfaction, work motivation, and job performance in an industrial
company in Iran. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol: 5.
K. Jain , A., I. Giga , S., & L. Cooper , C. (2009). Employee Wellbeing, Control and Organizational
Commitment. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol: 30.