VOC 137 The Sciology of The Media: Critical Theory (Theories of Frankfurt School)
VOC 137 The Sciology of The Media: Critical Theory (Theories of Frankfurt School)
VOC 137 The Sciology of The Media: Critical Theory (Theories of Frankfurt School)
Lecture 4
Critical theory
(theories of Frankfurt School)
Outline of the lecture
Marxism (briefly)
The working class sells their labor in the factories, but they cannot get a
welfare/good life. (The rulers exploit the working class).
Moreover, the most unequal systems, such as Nazism and Fascism, were
on the rise during World War II.
Neo Marxism
Classical Marxism
(the importance of
culture and ideology
determinism )
idelogy culture
Critical Theory
Critical theory is an approach that focuses
(Neo Marxist Theorists) on society and culture in order to reveal
power structures.
Unlike Marx, they began to consider ideology. (Marx ignored this term)
They claimed that the ideology can prevent people to take action against an unjust
Remember that: power holders don't want change in society, and don't want
rebellious people in society. They just want stability, status-quo (continuaiton of the
current system)
The Frankfurt School (düşünce okulu/tarzı)
The Frankfurt School was a method of social theory. (they investigate society)
The Frankfurt School theorists proposed that the classical Marxism was
inadequate for explaining the turbulent political issues and unprogressive
politics of in 20th century. (Nazism or Fascism)
Marx put forward a theory and pointed a direction for the World, he
made some predictions
However, the world did not develop in the way that Marxism suggested.
They criticize the mass media for providing the ideology of the rulers to
the working class, which keeps it away from the revolution.
Frankfurt School Theorists
They wanted to improve Marx’s theory: Neo-Marxism
They regarded mass media are used to reproduce the status quo, to
legitimize the dominant (unjust) system.
Thus, mass media can transfer the message of power holders (the ideology of
the ruling class) to society.
The media reconstructs the realities ideologically with the routine practices of
the news production process such as choosing, excluding, highlighting certain