Lab 8-09252024
Lab 8-09252024
Lab 8-09252024
M I C R O A R R A Y,
SCB252 Fundamentals of
1 20xTBE buffer
2 250ml flask
2 SeeGreen agarose tab
L AB EXERCISE I 2 2-20ul micropipette with 1 box of P20-200
GEL 2 100ml graduate cylinder
Why: Low-quality sequences and adapter contamination can introduce bias and inaccuracies
in downstream analysis, such as alignment.
3. Read Alignment
•Purpose: Map the quality-controlled reads to a reference genome or transcriptome.
•Tools: STAR,HISAT2, Bowtie2
Why: Mapping reads to a reference genome is necessary to identify which genes are
being expressed and how abundantly.
Why: Differential expression analysis helps uncover how experimental conditions affect
gene expression.
7. Functional Enrichment Analysis
•Purpose: Determine the biological significance of the differentially expressed genes
•Tools: DAVID, GSEA, ClusterProfiler
•Why: Enrichment analysis reveals pathways or processes that may be regulated
under the experimental conditions.
8. Visualization
•Purpose: Create visual representations of the data, such as heatmaps, volcano plots,
and PCA plots.
•Tools: ggplot2, pheatmap, ComplexHeatmap
•Why: Visualization helps interpret and communicate the results clearly.
9. Validation
•Purpose: Confirm the differential expression results using a complementary method.
•Tools: qPCR, Western blot
•Why: Validation ensures that the RNA-Seq findings are accurate and biologically
Lab Exercise II RNA-seq data analysis - Part one
Dataset :
Assignment part one word file (download from the blackboard)
1.Click on the link Dataset and read the research description and click on the
link paper, to find the diet section in the Methodology, answer the Q1 in
data analysis assignment.
2.Click on the SRA Run Selector, it will jump to the dataset download page,
read the information about dietary condition and answer the Q2 in data
analysis assignment
3. In the SRA Run Selector page, click on Accession list in the
select section, it will download the list of all accession numbers.
10. In the Tool section, search for FASTQC, click on it and under the Tool Parameters, “Raw
read data from your current history” click on Dataset collection and choose: Output of
Flatten collection. Keep the rest setting as dafault and Run Tool. This takes about 10mins.
11. Inspect the webpage output of FastQC tool for the SRR25724539 sample (forward and reverse),
answer the Q3 in the assignment.
12. As it is tedious to inspect all these reports individually, we will combine them with tool MultiQC ,
parameters as follows:
13. Under the History, to inspect the MultiQC webpage
result, click on the eye icon. Inspect the result and answer
the Q4 in the assignment.
14. Use Trim Galore! tool to remove the adaptors, the parameters are
as below picture EXCEPT Adapter sequence to be trimmed choose
the one you answered in Q3. Run tool and it takes about 20 mins.
15. Use Flatten collection to flatten the collocation of Trimmed
reads, then use the FastQC to check the quality for post-trimmed
reads, lastly use MultiQC to inspect the result of the adapter
content again, and answer the Q5 in the assignment.